Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
/Seat No_____________
Q.3 (a) How data mining is useful for banking and finance. 03
(b) List and describe methods for handling missing values in data 04
(c) With the help of a neat diagram explain the 3-tier architecture of a 07
data warehouse.
Q.3 (a) How data mining is useful for retail industry. 03
(b) What is noise? Explain data smoothing techniques. 04
(c) Differentiate OLTP and OLAP. 07
Q.4 (a) Briefly explain Linear and Non-linear regression. 03
(b) Explain text mining using example. 04
(c) What is Market Basket Analysis? Explain Association Rules with 07
Confidence & Support.
Q.5 (a) Briefly explain classification and prediction. 03
(b) What is clustering? List out the General applications of Clustering. 04
(c) Explain Hadoop Architecture. 07