Costing Summary Navin Classes
Costing Summary Navin Classes
Costing Summary Navin Classes
c) This module will help you to revise the topics as and when you wish with
minimum efforts and maximum coverage.
B) ABNORMAL COSTS: Any abnormal cost shall not be included in cost sheet
statement. Example of abnormal costs car cost arising out of pandemic or cost
associated with employees due to sudden lockdown,etc.
A) It provides the total cost figure as well as cost per unit of production
Per unit variable cost is Total fixed cost Total semi variable cost
constant And total remains same increases with increase
variable cost increases irrespective of units in units but per unit
proportionately with change hence per unit semi variable cost
increase in units fixed cost decreases decreases
the summary budget, incorporating its component functional budgets,
which is finally approved, adopted and employed.” When all the necessary
functional budgets have been prepared, the budget officer will prepare
the master budget which may consist of budgeted profit and loss account
and budgeted balance sheet. These are in fact the budget summaries.
When the master budget is approved by the board of directors, it
represents a standard for the achievement of which all the departments
will work
Particulars Amount
Sales xxx
Less: COGS (as done in cost sheet) (xxx)
Gross profit xxx
Less: Selling and distribution overheads (xxx)
Less: General and marketing nature
Office and administration overheads (xxx)
Operating profit or EBIT xxx
Less: Interest (xxx)
Net profit before tax or EBT xxx
Less: Tax (xxx)
Net profit after tax or EAT xxx
Short term budgets are generally for one or two years and are in the form of
monetary terms. The consumer’s good industries like Sugar, Cotton, and textile
use short term budgets
Current budget is a budget which is created which is established for use over a
short period of time and is related to current conditions
Budget ratios provide information about the performance level, i.e., the
extent of deviation of actual performance from the budgeted performance
and whether the actual performance is favourable or unfavorable. If the
ratio is 100% or more, the performance is considered as favourable and if
ratio is less than 100% the performance is considered as unfavourable.
The following ratios are usually used by the management to measure
development from budget.
Calendar Ratio: This ratio may be defined as the relationship between the
number of working days in a period and the number of working as in the
relative budget period.
(i) Efficiency Ratio = Standard Hours / Actual Hours
(iv) Standard Capacity Usage Ratio = Budgeted Hours / Max. possible hours
in the budgeted period
(v) Actual Capacity Usage Ratio = Actual Hours worked / Max. possible
working hours in a period
ZBB is suitable for both corporate and non-corporate entities. In case of non-
corporate entities like Government department, local bodies, not for profit
organisations, where these entities need to justify the benefits of
expenditures on social programmes like mid-day meal, installation of street
lights, provision of drinking water etc.
In case of corporate entities, ZBB is best suited for discretionary costs like
research and development cost, training programmes, advertisement etc.
The following steps are necessary for establishing a good budgetary control
5. Ensuring that corrective action will be taken where the plan has not been
achieved and, if that is not possible, for the revision of the plan.
2. Forward the budget to the individual departments’ heads who are re-
sponsible to implement the budget. The Budget Officer should guide them in
overcoming any practical difficulties, in its working;
It is the duty of the Budget Officer to see that the periodical budget
reports are supplied to the recipients at regular intervals so as to enable
them to take remedial action.
The efficiency of the Budget Officer, and through him of the Budget
Committee, will be judged more by the smooth working of the system and
the agreement between the actual figures and the budgeted figures.
CIMA, London, defines budget manual as, “A document which sets out the
responsibilities of the persons engaged in, the routine of, and the forms and
records required for, budgetary control.”
{ }
Sales/Revenue xxx
V.C. (xxx)
Contribution xxx
F.C. (xxx)
Profit xxx
2.Fixed costs are regarded as Fixed costs are charged to the cost
period costs. The Profitability of by production. Each product bears
different products is judged by a reasonable share of fixed cost
their P/V ratio. thus the profitability of a product
is influenced by the apportionment
of fixed costs.
2. When opening stock is equal to closing stock: In this case, profit / loss
under two approaches will be equal provided the fixed cost element in both
the stocks is same amount.
3. When closing stock is more than opening stock: In other words, when
production during a period is more than sales, then profit as per absorption
approach will be more than that by marginal approach. The reason behind
this difference is that a part of fixed overhead included in closing stock
value is carried forward to next accounting period.
4. When opening stock is more than the closing stock: In other words,
when production is less than the sales, profit shown by marginal costing will
be more than that shown by absorption costing. This is because a part of
fixed cost from the preceding period is added to the current year’s cost of
goods sold in the form of opening stock.
Profit Volume Ratio
Assumptions Analysis
1. Selling price per unit is 1. PV ratio does not depends
constant irrespective of upon number of units
number of units
2. PV ratio does not depends
2. Variable cost per unit upon total fixed cost
is constant irrespective
3. PV ratio changes due to
of number of units
change in selling price per
3. Total fixed cost is unit or variable cost per unit
constant irrespective of or any combination of it
number of units
Angle of incidence
Angle Intoiden
BE P units
Angle of incidence = in TR
A) There are two or more products:
Now say if labour hours are limiting factor then we would first calculate
contribution per labour hour for every product and then rank them in
descending order i.e. rank 1 to highest contribution per labour hour.
Allocate the available labour hours to rank one product and then rank two
and so on until the labour hours gets exhausted. Hence we would get the
optimum product mix.
Favourable variances are those which are profitable for the company and
adverse variances are those which causes loss to the company. While
computing cost variances favourable variance means actual cost is less than
standard cost. On the other hand, adverse variance means actual cost is
exceeding standard cost.
NOTE: RSI means Revised Standard Input i.e. Total actual input in the ratio
of Standard input
NOTE: RST means Revised Standard Time i.e. Actual Productive Time in the
ratio of Standard Time
Output Output
Conversion cost Conversion cost
Input Input
Loss Loss
If NL = AL If NL < AL If NL > AL
Input x x x NL xxx Input x x x NL xxx Input x x x NL xxx
CC x Output x x x CC x Output x x x CC x Output x x x
Ab NL x x x Ab Gain x x x
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Ab NL x x x
Ab Gain x x x
Cl WIP Mat
T/f to next
process or F.G
New mat - from Op WIP
or T/f - from Current
from Production
process Cl WIP
T/f to next
process or F.G
New mat - from Op WIP
or T/f - from Current
from Production
process Cl WIP
— Op WIP Value
— Current Cost
Cl WIP Mat
Normal loss:
1) While calculating equivalent units normal loss units must be
considered in output column but not in Equivalent unit column
2) Recovery of normal loss that is realisable value of normal loss must
be reduced from the main input cost
Abnormal loss:
1) While calculating equivalent units abnormal loss units must be
considered in output column as well as in Equivalent unit column
2) DOC(%) of Abnormal loss would be that of unit scrapped (if not
given take 100% in all respect)
3) The recovery of abnormal loss is directly recorded into abnormal
loss account so it will not be included in above calculation
Abnormal Gain:
1) While calculating equivalent units abnormal gain units must be
reduced from output column as well as from Equivalent unit column
2) DOC(%) of Abnormal gain would be always 100% in all respect
Cost Profit Total Cost Profit Total
This product costing system is used when an entity produces more than one
variant of final product using different materials but with similar conversion
activities. Which means conversion activities are similar for all the product
variants but materials differ significantly. Operation Costing method is also
known as Hybrid product costing system as materials costs are accumulated
by job order or batch wise but conversion costs i.e. labour and overheads
costs are accumulated by department, and process costing methods are used
to assign these costs to products. Moreover, under operation costing,
conversion costs are applied to products using a predetermined application
rate. This predetermined rate is based on budgeted conversion costs.
Split off point/Separation point
> CC 7 F.G.1
t p ut1 Inp
t pu
Input t2
(i) Physical Unit Method: This method is based on the assumption that the
joint products are capable of being measured in the same units. Accordingly,
joint costs here are apportioned on the basis of some physical base, such
as weight, numbers etc. In other words, the basis used for apportioning
joint cost over the joint products is the physical volume of material present
in the joint products at the point of separation. Any loss arises during the
joint production process is also apportioned over the products on the same
basis. This method cannot be applied if the physical units of the two joint
products are different. The main defect of this method is that it gives equal
importance and value to all the joint products.
(ii) Average Unit Cost Method: Under this method, total process cost (upto
the point of separation) is divided by total units of joint products produced.
On division average cost per unit of production is obtained.
Average unit cost = Total process cost (upto the point of separation)
Total units of joint product produced.
This is a simple method. The effect of application of this method is that all
joint products will have uniform cost per unit. If this method is used as
the basis for price fixation, then all the products may have more or less
the same price. Under this method customers of high quality items are
benefitted as they have to pay less price on their purchase.
(iii) Contribution Margin Method: According to this method, joint costs are
segregated into two parts - variable and fixed. The variable costs are
apportioned over the joint products on the basis of units produced (average
method) or physical quantities. In case the products are further processed
after the point of separation, then all variable cost incurred be added to the
variable costs determined earlier. In this way total variable cost is arrived
which is deducted from their respective sales values to ascertain their
contribution. The fixed costs are then apportioned over the joint products on
the basis of the contribution ratios.
(iv) Market value at the point of separation: This method is used for the
apportionment of joint costs to joint products upto the split off point. It is
difficult to apply this method if the market value of the products at the
point of separation is not available. It is a useful method where further
processing costs are incurred disproportionately.
To determine the apportionment of joint costs over joint products, a factor
known as multiplying factor is determined. This multiplying factor on
multiplication with the sales values of each joint product gives rise to the
proportion of joint cost.
Joint Cost
Multiplying factor = x 100
Total Sales Revenue
(v) Market value after further processing: Here the basis of apportionment
of joint cost is the total sales value of finished products and involves the
same principle as discussed above.
The use of this method is unfair where further processing costs after the
point of separation are disproportionate or when all the joint products are
not subjected to further processing. The net realisable value method which
is discussed as below overcomes the shortcoming of this method.
(vi) Net Realisable Value at Split-off Point Method: In this method of joint
cost apportionment the followings are deducted from the sales value of joint
products at final stage i.e. after processing:
(a) Estimated profit margins,
(b) Selling and distribution expenses, if any, and
(c) Post split- off costs.
The resultant figure so obtained is known as net realisable value of joint
products. Joint costs are apportioned in the ratio of net realisable value.
The net realisable value at split-off point method is widely used in the
This method is used when the realisable value of joint products at split-off is
not known.
(i) Net Realisable Value method: The realisation on the disposal of the by-
product may be deducted from the total cost of production so as to arrive
at the cost of the main product. For example, the amount realised by the
sale of molasses in a sugar factory goes to reduce the cost of sugar
produced in the factory.
When the by-product requires some additional processing and expenses are
incurred in making it saleable to the best advantage of the concern, the
expenses so incurred should be deducted from the total value realised from
the sale of the by-product and only the net realisations should be deducted
from the total cost of production to arrive at the cost of production of the
main product.
(iii) Comparative price: Under this method, the value of the by-product is
ascertained with reference to the price of a similar or an alternative
Suppose in a large automobile plant, a blast furnace not only produces the
steel required for the car bodies but also produces gas which is utilised in
the factory. This gas can be valued at the price which would have been paid
to a gas company if the factory were to buy it from outside sources.
(iv) Re-use basis: In some cases, the by-product may be of such a nature
that it can be reprocessed in the same process as part of the input of the
process. In that case the value put on the by-product should be same as
that of the materials introduced into the process. If, however, the by-
product can be put into an earlier process only, the value should be the
same as for the materials introduced into the process.
(a) When they are of small total value: When the by-products are of small
total value, the amount realised from their sale may be dealt in any one the
following two ways:
1. The sales value of the by-products may be credited to the Costing Profit
and Loss Account and no credit be given in the Cost Accounts. The credit to
the Costing Profit and Loss Account here is treated either as miscellaneous
income or as additional sales revenue.
2. The sale proceeds of the by-product may be treated as deductions from
the total costs. The sale proceeds in fact should be deducted either from
the production cost or from the cost of sales.
(b) When the by-products are of considerable total value: Where by-
products are of considerable total value, they may be regarded as joint
products rather than as by-products. To determine exact cost of by-products
the costs incurred upto the point of separation, should be apportioned over
by-products and joint products by using a logical basis. In this case, the
joint costs may be divided over joint products and by-products by using
relative market values; physical output method (at the point of split off) or
ultimate selling prices (if sold).
(c) Where they require further processing: In this case, the net realisable
value of the by-product at the split-off point may be arrived at by
subtracting the further processing cost from the realisable value of by-
If total sales value of by-products at split-off point is small, it may be
treated as per the provisions discussed above under (a).
In the contrary case, the amount realised from the sale of by-products will
be considerable and thus it may be treated as discussed under (b).
(ii) Indirect Materials: Those materials which are not directly attributable to
a particular final product.
5. Penalty: Penalty of any type is not included with the cost of purchase.
6. Cost of Returnable Containers: If the containers are returned and their
costs are refunded, then cost of containers should not be considered in the
cost of purchase.
(a) Consumption or usage per time period: How much direct material is required
to produce finished goods in that particular time period
(b) Lead time/Delivery time/Reorder period: Time gap between date of place
of order to supplier and date of receipt of order from supplier
(c) Reorder Quantity(ROQ): How much to order (it would be given in question
if not use Economic Reorder Quantity Theory by Wilson to calculate EOQ and
use EOQ as ROQ)
Assumptions Formula
I) Annual requirement of input(A) is
known in advance and is spread
evenly throughout the year EOQ=
II) Ordering cost per order(o) is
constant irrespective of order size
III) carrying cost per input per
annum(c) is constant
TCC = Average inventory of input x carrying cost per input per annum
ROQ + 0
= xc
- Total Cost = Total Purchase Cost + Total Ordering Cost + Total Carrying Cost
(d) Reorder level(ROL): When to order i.e. at what quantity level we should
ROL = maximum consumption per time period x Maximum lead time period
(e) Maximum Stock level: Highest stock level at a point of time in the year
(f) Minimum Stock level/ Safety Stock: Lowest practical stock level at a
point of time in the year.
Minimum Stock level/ Safety Stock = ROL - (Normal consumption per time
period x Normal lead time period)
(g) Average Stock level: This is the quantity of material that is normally
held in stock over a period. It is also known as normal stock level. It can be
calculated by 2 methods:
2) Minimum stock level +
(h) Danger Stock level: It is the level at which normal issues of the raw
material inventory are stopped and emergency issues are only made.
(i) Buffer Stock: Some quantity of stock may be kept for contingency to be
used in case of sudden order, such stock is known as buffer stock.
This system exercises discriminating control over different items of inventory
on the basis of the investment involved. Usually the items are classified into
three categories according to their relative importance, namely, their value
and frequency of replenishment during a period.
(i) ‘A’ Category: This category of items consists of only a small percentage i.e.,
about 10% of the total items handled by the stores but require heavy
investment about 70% of inventory value, because of their high prices or
heavy requirement or both. Items under this category can be controlled
effectively by using a regular system which ensures neither over-stocking nor
shortage of materials for production. Such a system plans its total material
requirements by making budgets. The stocks of materials are controlled by
fixing certain levels like maximum level, minimum level and re-order level.
(ii) ‘B’ Category: This category of items is relatively less important; they may
be 20% of the total items of material handled by stores. The percentage of
investment required is about 20% of the total investment in inventories. In
the case of these items, as the sum involved is moderate, the same degree of
control as applied in ‘A’ category of items is not warranted. The orders for
the items, belonging to this category may be placed after reviewing their
situation periodically.
(iii) ‘C’ Category: This category of items does not require much investment; it
may be about 10% of total inventory value but they are nearly 70% of the
total items handled by store. For these category of items, there is no need of
exercising con- stant control. Orders for items in this group may be placed
either after six months or once in a year, after ascertaining consumption
requirements. In this case the objective is to economies on ordering and
handling costs.
Inventory Turnover Ratio: Computation of inventory turnover ratios for
different items of material and comparison of the turnover rates provides a
useful guidance for measuring inventory performance. High inventory
turnover ratio indicates that the material in the question is a fast moving
one. A low turnover ratio indicates over-investment and locking up of the
working capital in inventories.
365 days
Average no. of days of Inventory holding =
Inventory Turnover Ratio
t I R <
Return Material I Return Material
Inventory Stock- Out: Stock out is said to be occurred when an inventory item
could not be supplied due to insufficient stock in the store. The stock- out
situation costs to the entity not only in financial terms but in non-financial
terms also. Due to stock out an entity not only loses overheads costs and profit
but reputation (goodwill) also due to non- fulfilment of commitment. Though it
may not be a monetary loss in short term but in long term it could be a
reason for financial loss.
While deciding on the level of inventory, a trade-off between the stock out
cost and carrying cost is made so that overall inventory cost can be minimized.
Employee cost are broadly classified as direct and indirect employee cost.
Bonus xxx
Overtime Premium xxx Net Earnings = Gross Earnings (-)
Other Fringe Benefits xxx Employee’s Contribution to PPF,
Gross Earnings xxx ESIP, etc.
Normal wages paid to employee for actual hours worked. It can be fixed
sum on time basis or fixed rate on per time basis or as per piece basis.
Generally it is as per fixed rate per time (hours) basis.
Extra amount paid over & above basic pay to employee to counter the
effect of inflation. It can be a fixed sum on time basis or a percentage of
basic pay or can be calculated as per cost of living index.
Amount paid for house rent. It can be a fixed sum or a percentage of basic
1)Bonus is given if and only if workers are efficient i.e. TT < TA
2)Time taken(TT): Actual hours worked = Actual hrs/Output x Actual output
3)Time allowed(TA): Standard hours or time to be taken =
Standard or Budgeted hrs/Output x Actual output
4)Time saved(TS): TA (-) TT
NOTE: For sums element (i) is included in Basic pay amount as we calculate
Basic pay for actual total hours worked
Overtime worked = Total time worked (-) Normal Time to be worked as per
the contract
Premium Rate/hour = Basic Rate/hour x Premium
As per the Factories Act 1948 “Where a worker works in a factory for more
than nine hours in any day or for more than fourty eight hours in any week,
he shall, in respect of overtime work, be entitled to wages at the rate of
twice his ordinary rate of wages.”
A) Separation method:
Number of workers separated x 100%
Average number of workers
B) Replacement method:
Number of workers replaced
x 100%
Average number of workers
C) New Recruitment method:
Number of workers newly recruited x 100%
Average number of workers
D) Flux or Summation method:
Addition of all the above possible methods as per question
1) Number of workers separated/discharged/left = Number of workers
retired (+) Number of workers retrenched (+) Number of workers resigned
(+) Number of workers died
Time keeping just records the time spent by an employee in the premises for
production but it does not show how much time a person spent on a
particular job. Time booking refers to a method wherein each activity of an
employee is recorded. This data recorded is further used for measure the
time spent on a particular job for costing, measurement of efficiency, fixation
of responsibility etc.
For the collection of all such data, a separate record, generally known as Time
(or Job) card, is kept.
The time (or job) card can be of two types:
One containing analysis of time with reference to each job and the other with
reference to each employee
Normal idle time: It is the time which cannot be avoided or reduced in the
normal course of business.
Abnormal idle time: Apart from normal idle time, there may be factors which
give rise to abnormal idle time.
1. Idle time may also arise due to abnormal factors like lack of coordination
2. Power failure, Breakdown of machines
3. Non-availability of raw materials, strikes, lockouts, poor supervision, fire,
flood etc.
Abnormal idle time cost is not included as a part of production cost and is
shown as a separate item in the Costing Profit and Loss Account. The cost of
abnormal idle time should be further categorised into controllable and
uncontrollable. For each category, the break-up of cost due to various factors
should be separately shown. This would help the management in fixing
responsibility for controlling idle time. Management should aim at eliminating
controllable idle time and on a long- term basis reducing even the normal idle
time. This would require a detailed analysis of the causes leading to such idle
There are 2 departments:
Production department & Service department
Production departments are those departments which directly take part in
the production of goods or providing services & service departments are
those departments which do not directly take part in the production of goods
or providing services. Such departments provide auxiliary services across the
entity and renders services to other cost centres and in some cases to
outside parties. Examples of service departments are engineering, quality
control and assurance, laboratory, canteen, stores, time office, dispensary etc.
(b) COST ALLOCATION: The term ‘allocation’ refers to the direct assignment
of cost to a cost object which can be traced directly. It implies relating
overheads directly to the various departments. The estimated amount of
various items of manufacturing overheads should be allocated to various cost
centres or departments. For example- if a separate power meter has been
installed for a department, the entire power cost ascertained from the meter
is allocated to that department.
(c) COST APPORTION: There are some items of estimated overheads (like
the salary of the works manager) which cannot be directly allocated to the
various departments and cost centres. Such unallocable expenses are to be
spread over the various departments or cost centres
The cost allocation & cost apportionment is called primary distribution &
re-apportionment of the service department cost to the production
department is known as secondary distribution.
DM DL DE Allocated
Overheads Allocated or
This method recognises the fact that where there are two or more service
departments they may render services to each other and, therefore, these
inter-departmental services are to be given due weight while re- distributing
the expenses of the service departments.
For exam purpose we must carry on the distribution till 3 cycles unless
otherwise stated. Overheads of the last service department of the last cycle
should be reapportioned only among production departments
Step 1: Frame the equations and solve them to get the total cost
Total cost of a service department after reapportionment =
Cost before reapportionment + given % of service received from other service
Step 2: Reapportionment
O/H Absorbed < Actual O/H Incurred O/H Absorbed > Actual O/H Incurred
Actual O/H Incurred - O/H Absorbed O/H Absorbed - Actual O/H Incurred
(a) O/H Absorbed or O/H Recovered or O/H Charged or O/H Applied =
Recovery rate x Actual Base
(b) Actual O/H Incurred is the normal nature actual overhead cost. Abnormal
nature actual overheads are not taken here as it is a costing P/L item.
The general view is that if the balances are small they should be transferred
to the Costing Profit and Loss Account and the cost of individual products
should not be increased or reduced as these would be representing normal
Where, however the difference is large and due to wrong estimation, it would
be desirable to adjust the cost of products manufactured, as otherwise the
cost figures would convey a misleading impression. Such adjustments usually
take the form of supplementary rates. Supplementary rate is calculated as
Under or Over absorbed O/H
Equivalent Units produced
In case of Under-absorption
Budgeted O/H
Effective Machine Hours
The above costs are further divided into fixed cost or standing charges and
variable cost. Costs which remain constant irrespective of operation of machine
are treated as fixed cost or standing charges. Examples of fixed cost include
insurance premium for machine, rent for premises, supervisor’s salary,
depreciation (if relates to effluxion of time) etc.
Costs which vary with the operation of the machine are treated as variable
cost. Examples of variable cost include cost for power, cost for consumables
(lubricants, oils etc.), repairs and maintenance, depreciation (if it relates to
activity) etc.
Some people even prefer to add the wages paid to the machine operator in
order to get a comprehensive rate of working a machine for one hour. Hence
such MHR is called Comprehensive MHR.
Effective Machine Hours = Total MH (-) Unproductive Setup & Maintenance time
(c) Cost Driver–It is a factor that causes a change in the cost of an activity.
(d) Cost Pool-It represents a group of various individual cost items. It consists
of costs that have same cause and effect relationship. Example machine set-up.
Some of the examples of cost drivers for different activity pools in a production
department are stated below:
Activity Cost Pools Related Cost Drivers
Ordering and Receiving Materials cost Number of purchase orders
Setting up machines costs Number of set-ups
Machining costs Machine hours
Assembling costs Number of parts
Inspecting and testing costs Number of tests
Painting costs Number of parts
Supervising Cost Direct labour hours
Job which are of Short Period ie less than or equal to one year are
ascertained through Job Cost Sheet. The basic principles enunciated for the
job costing method are valid essentially for all types of industry. For example,
printing; furniture; hardware; ship-building; heavy machinery; interior
decoration, repairs and other similar work.
A contract takes longer period to complete and the result of the contract
can be known only after the completion of the contract. To have a better
control over the contract and cost, it is necessary to have an idea of
profitability of contracts at regular intervals or atleast in a year. For this
purpose, a contractor needs to calculate expected profit or notional profit for
a contract. It also helps in profit comparison for a period and provide a good
basis for performance measurement and evaluation of those who are engaged
in the contract. The expected or notional profit in respect of each contract in
progress (i.e. incomplete contracts) is transferred to the costing profit and
loss account (consolidated) for the year to determine overall profitability of
the contractor.
To Depreciation on FA
1) WC = Contract Price x % of Work Certified (done by contractee)
2) WUC = x % of WUC
% of Work done (as per contractor)
5) Estimated Profit = Contract Price (-) COWTD (-) Further estimated cost
Unit costing is that method of costing where the output produced is identical
and each unit of output requires identical cost. Unit costing is synonymously
known as single or output costing, but these are sub-division of unit costing
method. This method of costing is followed by industries which produce single
output or few variants of a single output. Under this method costs, are
collected and analysed element wise and then total cost per unit is
ascertained by dividing the total cost with the number of units produced.
This method of costing, therefore finds its application in industries like paper,
cement, steel works, mining, breweries etc. These types of industries produce
identical products and therefore have identical costs.
As the product is produced in batches or lots, the lot size chosen will be
critical in achieving least cost of operation. Primarily, the total production
cost under batch production comprises of two main costs, namely,
1. Machine Set Up Costs and
2. Inventory holding costs.
If the size is higher, the set up cost may decline due to lesser number of set
ups required; but units in inventory will go up leading to higher holding costs.
If the lot size is lower, lower inventory holding costs are accomplished but
only with higher set up costs. Economic batch quantity is the size of a batch
where total cost of set-up and holding costs are at minimum.
In case of goods transportation services there are 2 types of tonne-km —
A) Absolute Tonne-km =
∑(Weight Carried x Distance)1+ (Weight Carried x Distance) +........................
..............+(Weight Carried x Distance) n
B) Commercial Tonne-km =
(W1+ W2 + ........... + Wn )
∑(Distance + Distance + ..................+ Distancen) x
1 2
For preparing a statement of cost or a cost sheet for service sector, costs are
usually collected and accumulated for a specified period viz. A month, quarter
or a year, etc. The cost statement for services may be prepared either on the
basis of functional classification as done for product costing or on the basis
of variability. Cost sheet on the basis of variability is prepared classifying all
the costs into three different heads:
1. Fixed costs or Standing charges
2. Variable costs or Operating expenses
3. Semi-variable costs or Maintenance expenses
1)In the absence of information about semi-variable costs, the costs would be
shown under fixed and variable heads only.
3)Treatment of Interest:
Interest and finance charges shall be presented in the cost statement as a
separate item of cost of sales. In general, interest is treated as fixed cost,
unless otherwise given.
The main accounts which are usually prepared when a separate Cost Ledger
is maintained are as follows:
(1) Cost Ledger Control Account - This account is also known as General
Ledger Adjustment Account. This account is made to complete double entry.
All items of expenditure are credited to this account. Sales are debited to
this account and net profit/loss from Costing Profit & Loss Account is
transferred to this account. The balance in this account at the end of the
particular period represents the net total of all the balances of the
impersonal accounts.
(2) Stores Ledger Control Account – This account is debited for the purchase
of material and credited for issue of materials from the stores. The balance
in this account indicates the total balance of all the individual stores
accounts. Abnormal losses or gains if any in this account are transferred to
Costing Profit & Loss Account. Entries are made on the basis of goods
received notes and stores requisitions etc.
(3) Wages Control Account - This account is debited with total wages paid
(direct and indirect). Direct wages are further transferred to Work-in-
Process Control Account and indirect wages to Production Overhead;
Administration Overhead or Selling & Distribution Overhead Control Accounts,
as the case may be. Wages paid for abnormal idle time are transferred to
Costing Profit & Loss Account either directly or through Abnormal Loss
(5) Work-in-Process Control Account - This account is debited with the total
cost of production, which includes—direct materials, direct employee, direct
expenses, production overhead recovered, and is credited with the amount of
finished goods completed and transferred. The balance in this account
represents total balances of jobs/works-in-process, as shown by several job
(7) Finished Goods Control Accounts - This account is debited with the value
of goods transferred from Work-in-process Control Account and
administration costs recovered (if relates to production activities). This
account is credited with Cost of Sales Account. The balance of this account
represents the value of goods unsold at the end of the period.
(9)Cost of Sales Account - This account is debited with the cost of finished
goods transferred from Finished Goods Control Account for sale, General
Administrative overhead recovered, Selling and distribution overhead
recovered. The balance of this account is ultimately transferred to Sales
Account or Costing Profit & Loss Account.
(10) Costing Profit & Loss Account – This account is debited with cost of
sales, under-absorbed overheads and abnormal losses and is credited with
sales value, over-absorbed overhead and abnormal gains. The net profit or
loss in this account is transferred to Cost Ledger Control Account.
Q 1. Differentiate between "Cost Accounting and Management Accounting".
Q 2. Give any five examples of the impact of use of Information Technology in Cost Accounting.
Example of Impact of Information Technology in cost accounting may include the following:
(i) After the introduction of ERPs, different functional activities get integrated and as a consequence a
single entry into the accounting system provides custom made reports for every purpose and saves an
organisation from preparing different sets of documents. Reconciliation process of results of both cost
and financial accounting systems become simpler and less sophisticated.
(ii) A move towards paperless environment can be seen where documents like Bill of Material, Material
Requisition Note, Goods Received Note, labour
utilisation report etc. are no longer required to be prepared in multiple copies, the related department
can get e-copy from the system.
(iii) Information Technology with the help of internet (including intranet and extranet) helping in
resource procurement and mobilisation. For example, production department can get materials from
the stores without issuing material requisition note physically. Similarly, purchase orders can be
initiated to the suppliers with the help of extranet. This enables an entity to shift towards Just-in-Time
(JIT) approach of inventory management and production.
(iv) Cost information for a cost centre or cost object is ascertained with accuracy in timely manner.
Each cost centre and cost object is codified and all related costs are assigned to the cost objects or cost
centres using assigned codes. This automates the cost accumulation and ascertainment process. The
cost information can be customised as per the requirement. For example, when an entity manufacture
or provide services, are able to know information job-wise, batch-wise, process-wise, cost centre wise
etc. 1
(v) Uniformity in preparation of report, budgets and standards can be achieved with the help of IT. ERP
software plays an important role in bringing uniformity irrespective of location, currency, language and
(vi) Cost and revenue variance reports are generated in real time basis which enables the management
to take control measures immediately.
(vii) IT enables an entity to monitor and analyse each process of manufacturing or service activity
closely to eliminate non value added activities.
Q 3. Why are cost and management accounting information are required by the staff at operational
level? Describe.
Operational level staffs- The operational level staffs like supervisors, foreman, team leaders are
requiring information
(ii) to know product and service specifications like volume, quality and process etc.
(iii) to know the performance parameters against which their performance is measured and evaluated.
Opportunity Cost - This cost refers to the value of sacrifice made or benefit of opportunity foregone
in accepting an alternative course of action. For example, a firm financing its expansion plan by
withdrawing money from its bank deposits. In such a case the loss of interest on the bank deposit is
the opportunity cost for carrying out the expansion plan.
(i) Cost Centres: The responsibility centre which is held accountable for incurrence of costs which are
under its control. The performance of this responsibility centre is measured against pre-determined
standards or budgets. The cost centres are of two types:
(ii) Revenue Centres: The responsibility centres which are accountable for generation of revenue for
the entity. Sales Department for example, is the responsible for achievement of sales target and
revenue generation. Though, revenue centres does not have control on the all expenditures it incurs
but some time expenditures related with selling activities like commission to sales person etc. are
incurred by revenue centres.
(iii) Profit Centres: These are the responsibility centres which have both responsibility of generation
of revenue and incurrence of expenditures. Since, managers of profit centres are accountable for both
costs as well as revenue, profitability is the basis for measurement of performance of these
responsibility centres. Examples of profit centres are decentralised branches of an organisation.
(iv) Investment Centres: These are the responsibility centres which are not only responsible for
profitability but also has the authority to make capital investment decisions. The performance of these
responsibility centres is measured based on Return on Investment (ROI) besides profit. 2
Q 6. Specify the types of Responsibility centres under the following situations:
(iv) Maharana, Navratna and Miniratna public sector undertaking (PSU) of Central Government.
Types of
Particulars Responsibility
(i) Purchase of bonds, stocks, or real estate property. Investment Centre
(ii) Ticket counter in a Railway station Revenue Centre
(iii) Decentralized branches of an organization. Profit Centre
(iv) Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna public sector undertaking (PSU) of Investment Centre
Central Government.
(v) Sales Department of an organization. Revenue Centre
(i) Real Estate (ii) Motor repairing workshop (iii) Chemical Industry 3
Q 8. Identify the methods of costing from the following statements:
(v) Costs are charged to operations and averaged over units produced.
(i) Oil Refinery (ii) Interior Decoration (iii) Airlines Company (iv) Advertising (v) Car Assembly
Job costing: In this method of costing, cost of each job is ascertained separately. It is suitable in all
cases where work is undertaken on receiving a customer’s order like a printing press, motor work shop,
etc. This method of costing is used for non- standard and non- repetitive products produced as per
customer specifications and against specific orders. Jobs are different from each other and
independent of each other. Each Job is unique.
Batch Costing: It is the extension of Job costing. Homogeneous products are produced in a continuous
production flow in lots. A batch may represent a number of small orders passed through the factory in
batch. Each batch here is treated as a unit of cost and thus separately costed. Here cost per unit is
determined by dividing the cost of the batch by number of units produced in the batch. 4
Q 11. Mention the Cost Unit of the following Industries: (i) Electricity (ii) Automobile (iii) Cement (iv)
Steel (v) Gas (vi) Brick Making (vii) Coal Mining (viii) Engineering (ix) Professional Services (x)
Q 12. Mention the cost units (physical measurements) for the following Industry/product:
(i) Automobile (ii) Gas (iii) Brick works (iv) Power (v) Steel
(vi) Transport (by road) (vii) Chemical (viii) Oil (ix) Brewing (x) Cement 5
Q 14. Briefly explain the essential features of a good Cost Accounting System.
The essential features, which a good cost accounting system should possess, are as follows:
(a) Informative and simple: Cost accounting system should be tailor-made, practical, simple and
capable of meeting the requirements of a business concern. The system of costing should not sacrifice
the utility by introducing inaccurate and unnecessary details.
(b) Accurate and authentic: The data to be used by the cost accounting system should be accurate and
authenticated; otherwise it may distort the output of the system and a wrong decision may be taken.
(c) Uniformity and consistency: There should be uniformity and consistency in classification,
treatment and reporting of cost data and related information. This is required for benchmarking and
comparability of the results of the system for both horizontal and vertical analysis.
(d) Integrated and inclusive: The cost accounting system should be integrated with other systems like
financial accounting, taxation, statistics and operational research etc. to have a complete overview and
clarity in results.
(e) Flexible and adaptive: The cost accounting system should be flexible enough to make necessary
amendment and modifications in the system to incorporate changes in technological, reporting,
regulatory and other requirements.
(f) Trust on the system: Management should have trust on the system and its output. For this, an active
role of management is required for the development of such a system that reflects a strong conviction
in using information for decision making.
Q 15. Define cost objects and give examples of any four cost objects.
Cost object is anything for which a separate measurement of cost is required. Cost object may be a
product, a service, a project, a customer, a brand category, an activity, a department or a programme
etc. 6
Q 16. Briefly explain the ‘techniques of costing’.
Techniques Description
Uniform When a number of firms in an industry agree among themselves to follow the same
Costing system of costing in detail, adopting common terminology for various items and
processes they are said to follow a system of uniform costing. Advantages of such a
system are:
i. A comparison of the performance of each of the firms can be made with that of
another, or with the average performance in the industry.
ii. Under such a system, it is also possible to determine the cost of production of
goods which is true for the industry as a whole. It is found useful when tax-relief or
protection is sought from the Government.
Marginal It is defined as the ascertainment of marginal cost by differentiating between fixed
Costing and variable costs. It is used to ascertain effect of changes in volume or type of
output on profit.
Standard It is the name given to the technique whereby standard costs are pre-determined
Costing and and subsequently compared with the recorded actual costs. It is thus a technique
Variance of cost ascertainment and cost control. This technique may be used in conjunction
Analysis with any method of costing. However, it is especially suitable where the
manufacturing method involves production of standardised goods of repetitive
Historical It is the ascertainment of costs after they have been incurred. This type of costing
Costing has limited utility.
• Post Costing: It means ascertainment of cost after production is completed.
• Continuous costing: Cost is ascertained as soon as the job is completed or even
when the job is in progress.
Absorption It is the practice of charging all costs, both variable and fixed to operations,
Costing processes or products. This differs from marginal costing where fixed costs are
Direct Direct costing is a specialized form of cost analysis that only uses variable costs to
costing make decisions. It does not consider fixed costs, which are assumed to be associated
with the time periods in which they are incurred. 7
Q 17. Explain 'Just In Time' (JIT) approach of inventory management.
JIT is a system of inventory management with an approach to have a zero inventories in stores.
According to this approach material should only be purchased when it is actually required for
(ii) the products should be delivered to customers at the time only when they want.
It is also known as ‘Demand pull’ or ‘Pull through’ system of production. In this system, production
process actually starts after the order for the products is received. Based on the demand, production
process starts and the requirement for raw materials is sent to the purchase department for purchase.
This can be understood with the help of the following diagram:
Q 18. Which system of inventory management is known as 'Demand pull' or 'Pull through' system of
production? Explain. Also, specify the two principles on which this system is based.
Just in Time (JIT) Inventory Management is also known as ‘Demand pull’ or ‘Pull through’ system of
production. In this system, production process actually starts after the order for the products is
received. Based on the demand, production process starts and the requirement for raw materials is
sent to the purchase department for purchase.
(ii) the products should be delivered to customers at the time only when they want.
Inventory Control: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) defines Inventory
Control as “The function of ensuring that sufficient goods are retained in stock to meet all
requirements without carrying unnecessarily large stocks.” 8
The objective of inventory control is to make a balance between sufficient stock and over-stock. The
stock maintained should be sufficient to meet the production requirements so that uninterrupted
production flow can be maintained. Insufficient stock not only pause the production but also cause a
loss of revenue and goodwill. On the other hand, Inventory requires some funds for purchase, storage,
maintenance of materials with a risk of obsolescence, pilferage etc. A trade-off between Stock-out and
Over-stocking is required. The management may employ various methods of Inventory control to have
a balance. Management may adopt the following basis for Inventory control:
Vital, Essential and Desirable (VED): Under this system of inventory analysis, inventories are classified
on the basis of its criticality for the production function and final product. Generally, this classification
is done for spare parts which are used for production.
(i) Vital- Items are classified as vital when its unavailability can interrupt the production process and
cause a production loss. Items under this category are strictly controlled by setting re-order level.
(ii) Essential- Items under this category are essential but not vital. The unavailability may cause sub
standardisation and loss of efficiency in production process. Items under this category are reviewed
periodically and get the second priority.
(iii) Desirable- Items under this category are optional in nature; unavailability does not cause any
production or efficiency loss.
First-in First-out (FIFO) method: It is a method of pricing the issues of materials, in the order in which
they are purchased. In other words, the materials are issued in the order in which they arrive in the
store or the items longest in stock are issued first. Thus each issue of material only recovers the
purchase price which does not reflect the current market price. This method is considered suitable in
times of falling price because the material cost charged to production will be high while the
replacement cost of materials will be low.
Last-in-First-out (LIFO) method: It is a method of pricing the issues of materials. This method is based
on the assumption that the items of the last batch (lot) purchased are the first to be issued. Therefore,
under this method the prices of the last batch (lot) are used for pricing the issues, until it is exhausted,
and so on. If however, the quantity of issue is more than the quantity of the latest lot than earlier (lot)
and its price will also be taken into consideration. During inflationary period or period of rising prices,
the use of LIFO would help to ensure that the cost of production determined on the above basis is
approximately the current one. 9
Q 22. State how the following items are treated in arriving at the value of cost of material purchased:
(i) Detention Charges/Fines (ii) Demurrage (iii) Cost of Returnable containers (iv) Central Goods and
Service Tax (CGST) (v) Shortage due to abnormal reasons.
Q 23. Write down the treatment of following items associated with purchase of materials. (i) Cash
discount (ii) IGST (iii) Demurrage (iv) Shortage (v) Basic Custom Duty 10
conditions etc. are the reasons of normal loss.
Shortage due to abnormal reasons: Shortage
arises due to abnormal reasons such as
material mishandling, pilferage, or due to any
avoidable reasons are not absorbed by the
good units. Losses due to abnormal reasons
are debited to costing profit and loss account.
(v) Basic Custom Duty Basic Custom duty is paid on import of goods
from outside India. It is added with the
purchase cost.
Q 24. Explain obsolescence and circumstances under which materials become obsolete. State the
steps to be taken for its treatment.
Obsolescence: Obsolescence is defined as “the loss in the intrinsic value of an asset due to its
(i) where it is a spare part, or a component of a machinery used in manufacture and that machinery
becomes obsolete;
(ii) where it is used in the manufacture of a product which has become obsolete;
(iii) where the material itself is replaced by another material due to either improved quality or fall in
Treatment: In all three cases, the value of the obsolete material held in stock is a total loss and
immediate steps should be taken to dispose it off at the best available price. The loss arising out of
obsolete materials on abnormal loss does not form part of the cost of manufacture.
Q 25. What is Bill of Material? Describe the uses of Bill of Material in following departments: (i)
Purchases Department (ii) Production Department (iii) Stores Department (iv) Cost/Accounting
Bill of Material: It is a detailed list specifying the standard quantities and qualities of materials and
components required for producing a product or carrying out of any job. 11
Q 26. Discuss the steps involved in setting labour time standards.
(a) Standardisation: Products to be produced are decided based on production plan and customer's
(b) Labour specification: Types of labour and labour time is specified. Labour time specification is
based on past records and it takes into account normal wastage of time.
(c) Standardisation of methods: Selection of proper machines to use proper sequence and method of
(d) Manufacturing layout: A plan of operation for each product listing the operations to be performed
is prepared.
(e) Time and motion study: It is conducted for selecting the best way of completing the job or motions
to be performed by workers and the standard time which an average worker will take for each job. This
also takes into account the learning efficiency and learning effect.
(f) Training and trial: Workers are trained to do the work and time spent at the time of trial run is
noted down.
(i) SV & Co. wants to grab some special orders, and overtime is required to meet the same.
(ii) Dept. X has to work overtime to make up a shortfall in production due to some fault of
management in dept. Y.
(iii) S Ltd. has to work overtime regularly throughout the year as a policy due to the workers'
(iv) Due to flood in Odisha, RS Ltd. has to work overtime to complete the job.
(v) A customer requested the company MN Ltd. to expedite the job because of his urgency of work.
Situation Treatment
(i) SV & Co. wants to grab some If overtime is required to cope with general production
special orders, and overtime is programmes or for meeting urgent orders, the overtime
required to meet the same. premium should be treated as overhead cost of the particular
department or cost centre which works overtime.
(ii) Dept. X has to work overtime If overtime is worked in a department due to the fault of another
to make up a shortfall in department, the overtime premium should be charged to the
production due to some fault of latter department (Y).
management in dept. Y.
(iii) S Ltd. has to work overtime The overtime premium is treated as a part of employee cost and
regularly throughout the year as job is charged at an effective average wage rate.
a policy due to the workers’
shortage. 12
(iv) Due to flood in Odisha, RS Overtime worked on account of abnormal conditions such as
Ltd. has to work overtime to flood, earthquake etc., should not be charged to cost, but to
complete the job. Costing Profit and Loss Account.
(v) A customer requested the Where overtime is worked at the request of the customer,
company MN Ltd. to expedite overtime premium is also charged to the job/ customer directly.
the job because of his urgency of
Q 28. Rowan Premium Bonus system does not motivate a highly efficient worker as a less efficient
worker and a highly efficient worker can obtain same bonus under this system. Discuss with an
Rowan Premium Plan: According to this system a standard time allowance is fixed for the performance
of a job and bonus is paid if time is saved.
Under Rowan System, the bonus is that proportion of the time wages as time saved bears to the
standard time.
Bonus = Time Saved /Time Allowed × Time taken × Rate per hour
Example explaining highly efficient worker and less efficient worker obtaining same bonus:
From the above example, it can be concluded that a highly efficient worker may obtain same bonus as
less efficient worker under this system.
Q 29. Discuss any four objectives of 'Time keeping' in relation to attendance and payroll procedures.
The objectives of time-keeping in relation to attendance and payroll procedures are as follows:
(i) For the preparation of payrolls. (ii) For calculating overtime. (iii) For ascertaining and controlling
employee cost. (iv) For ascertaining idle time. (v) For disciplinary purposes. (vi) For overhead
Q 30. How does the high employee turnover increase the cost of production? Explain.
High employee turnover increases the cost of production in the following ways:
(i) Even flow of production is disturbed; (ii) Efficiency of new workers is low; productivity of new but
experienced workers is low in the beginning; (iii) There is increased cost of training and induction; (iv)
New workers cause increased breakage of tools, wastage of materials, etc. (v) Cost of recruitment and
training increases. 13
Q 31. Explain Blanket Overhead Rate and Departmental Overhead Rate. How they are calculated?
State the conditions required for the application of Blanket Overhead Rate.
Blanket Overhead Rate: Blanket overhead rate refers to the computation of one single overhead rate
for the whole factory.
Blanket Rate = Total overheads for the factory/ Total number of units of base for the factory
Departmental Overhead Rate: It refers to the computation of one single overhead rate for a particular
production unit or department.
(b) All products are processed for the same length of time in each department.
Q 32. State the bases of apportionment of following overhead costs: (i) Air-conditioning (ii) Time
keeping (iii) Depreciation of plant and machinery (iv) Power/steam consumption (v) Electric power
(Machine operation)
Q 33. Explain what is meant by Practical capacity and Normal capacity. How is normal capacity
Practical capacity: It is defined as actually utilised capacity of a plant. It is also known as operating
capacity. This capacity takes into account loss of time due to repairs, maintenance, minor breakdown,
idle time, set up time, normal delays, Sundays and holidays, stock taking etc. Generally, practical
capacity is taken between 80 to 90% of the rated capacity. It is also used as a base for determining
overhead rates. Practical capacity is also called net capacity or available capacity. 14
Normal capacity: Normal capacity is the volume of production or services achieved or achievable on
an average over a period under normal circumstances taking into account the reduction in capacity
resulting from planned maintenance.
Q 34. Suggest one basis of re-apportionment of service department overheads over production
departments in the following instances: 15
Q 35. PP Limited is in the process of implementation of Activity Based Costing System in the
organisation. For this purpose, it has identified the following Business Functions in its organisation:
(iv) Marketing
(v) Distribution. You are required to specify two cost drivers for each Business Function Identified
above. 16
Q 37. What is meant by Activity Based Management (ABM) and discuss how Activity Based
Management can be used in the business?
The term Activity based management (ABM) is used to describe the cost management application of
ABC. The use of ABC as a costing tool to manage costs at activity level is known as Activity Based
Cost Management (ABM). ABM is a discipline that focuses on the efficient and effective management
of activities as the route to continuously improving the value received by customers. ABM utilizes cost
information gathered through ABC.
(i) Cost Reduction: ABM helps the organisation to identify costs against activities and to find
opportunities to streamline or reduce the costs or eliminate the entire activity, especially if there is no
value added.
(ii) Business Process Re-engineering: Business process re-engineering involves examining business
processes and making substantial changes to how organisation currently operates. ABM is a powerful
tool for measuring business performance, determining the cost of business output and is used as a
means of identifying opportunities to improve process efficiency and effectiveness.
(iv) Performance Measurement: Many organisations are now focusing on activity performance as a
means of facing competitors and managing costs by monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of
Area Measure
Quality of purchased component Zero defects
Quality of output % yield
Customer awareness Orders; number of complaints 17
Q 38. Explain Direct Expenses and how these are measured and their treatment in cost accounting.
Direct Expense: Expenses other than direct material cost and direct employee cost, which are incurred
to manufacture a product or for provision of service and can be directly traced in an economically
feasible manner to a cost object. The following costs are examples for direct expenses:
(v) Other expenses which are directly related with the production of goods or provision of service.
The above list of expenses is not exhaustive; any other expenses which are directly attributable to the
production or service are also included as direct expenses.
The direct expenses are measured at invoice or agreed price net of rebate or discount but includes
duties and taxes (for which input credit not available), commission and other directly attributable
In case of sub-contracting, where goods are get manufactured by job workers independent of the
principal entity, are measured at agreed price. Where the principal supplies some materials to the job
workers, the value of such materials and other incidental expenses are added with the job charges
paid to the job workers.
Direct Expenses forms part the prime cost for the product or service to which it can be directly
traceable and attributable. In case of lump-sum payment or one time payment, the cost is amortised
over the estimated production volume or benefit derived. If the expenses incurred are of insignificant
amount i.e. not material, it can be treated as part of overheads. 18
Q 39. Explain integrated accounting system and state its advantages.
Integrated Accounting System: Integrated Accounts is the name given to a system of accounting,
whereby cost and financial accounts are kept in the same set of books. Obviously, then there will be
no separate sets of books for Costing and Financial records. Integrated accounts provide or meet out
fully the information requirement for Costing as well as for Financial Accounts. For Costing it provides
information useful for ascertaining the cost of each product, job, and process, operation of any other
identifiable activity and for carrying necessary analysis. Integrated accounts provide relevant
information which is necessary for preparing profit and loss account and the balance sheets as per the
requirement of law and also helps in exercising effective control over the liabilities and assets of its
(i) No need for Reconciliation - The question of reconciling costing profit and financial profit does not
arise, as there is only one figure of profit.
(ii) Less efforts - Due to use of one set of books, there is a significant saving in efforts made.
(iii) Less time consuming - No delay is caused in obtaining information as it is provided from books of
original entry.
The essential pre-requisites for integrated accounts include the following steps:
• The management’s decision about the extent of integration of the two sets of books. Some concerns
find it useful to integrate up to the stage of prime cost or factory cost while other prefer full integration
of the entire accounting records.
• A suitable coding system must be made available so as to serve the accounting purposes of financial
and cost accounts.
• An agreed routine, with regard to the treatment of provision for accruals, prepaid expenses, other
adjustment necessary for preparation of interim accounts.
• Perfect coordination should exist between the staff responsible for the financial and cost aspects of
the accounts and an efficient processing of accounting documents should be ensured.
• Under this system there is no need for a separate cost ledger. Of course, there will be a number of
subsidiary ledgers; in addition to the useful Customers’ Ledger and the Bought Ledger, there will be:
(a) Stores Ledger; (b) Stock Ledger and (c) Job Ledger. 19
Q 41. Indicate, for following items, whether to be shown in the Cost Accounts or Financial Accounts:
(iv) Salary for the proprietor at notional figure though not incurred
(x) Notional Depreciation on the assets fully depreciated for which book value is Nil. 20
Q 42. Distinguish between Job costing and Batch Costing.
S. No. Job Costing Batch Costing
1 Method of costing used for non-standard and Homogeneous products produced in a
non-repetitive products produced as per continuous production flow in lots.
customer specifications and against specific
2 Cost determined for each Job Cost determined in aggregate for the
entire Batch and then arrived at on per
unit basis.
3 Jobs are different from each other and Products produced in a batch are
independent of each other. Each Job is unique. homogeneous and lack of individuality. 21
Q 43. Distinguish between Job costing and Process Costing. 22
Q 44. How will you treat normal loss, abnormal loss and abnormal gain in process costing? Explain.
Normal Loss: It is also known as normal wastage. It is defined as the loss of material which is inherent
in the nature of work. Such a loss can be reasonably anticipated from the nature of the material, nature
of operation, the experience and technical data. It is unavoidable because of nature of the material or
the process. It also includes units withdrawn from the process for test or sampling.
Treatment in Cost Accounts: The cost of normal process loss in practice is absorbed by good units
produced under the process. The amount realised by the sale of normal process loss units should be
credited to the process account.
Abnormal Loss: It is also known as abnormal wastage. It is defined as the loss in excess of the pre-
determined loss (Normal process loss). This type of loss may occur due to the carelessness of workers,
a bad plant design or operation, sabotage etc. Such a loss cannot obviously be estimated in advance.
But it can be kept under control by taking suitable measures.
Treatment in Cost Accounts: The cost of an abnormal process loss unit is equal to the cost of a good
unit. The total cost of abnormal process loss is credited to the process account from which it arises.
Cost of abnormal process loss is not treated as a part of the cost of the product. In fact, the total cost
of abnormal process loss is debited to costing profit and loss account.
Sometimes, loss under a process is less than the anticipated normal figure. In other words, the actual
production exceeds the expected figures. Under such a situation the difference between actual and
expected loss or actual and expected production is known as abnormal gain or yield. So, abnormal gain
may be defined as an unexpected gain in production under the normal conditions. This arises due to
over- estimation of process loss, improvements in work efficiency of workers, use od better technology
in production etc.
Treatment in Cost Accounts: The process account under which abnormal gain arises is debited with
the abnormal gain and credited to abnormal gain account which will be closed by transferring to the
Costing Profit and Loss account. The cost of abnormal gain is computed on the basis of normal
production. 23
Q 45. Narrate the terms ‘Joint Products’ and ‘By-Products’ with an example of each term.
Joint Products - Joint products represent “two or more products separated in the course of the same
processing operation usually requiring further processing, each product being in such proportion that
no single product can be designated as a major product”.
In other words, two or more products of equal importance, produced, simultaneously from the same
process, with each having a significant relative sale value are known as joint products.
For example, in the oil industry, gasoline, fuel oil, lubricants, paraffin, coal tar, asphalt and kerosene
are all produced from crude petroleum. These are known as joint products.
By-Products - These are defined as “products recovered from material discarded in a main process, or
from the production of some major products, where the material value is to be considered at the time
of severance from the main product.” Thus, by - products emerge as a result of processing operation
of another product or they are produced from the scrap or waste of materials of a process. In short, a
by-product is a secondary or subsidiary product which emanates as a result of manufacture of the
main product.
The point at which they are separated from the main product or products is known as split-off point.
The expenses of processing are joint till the split –off point.
Examples of by-products are molasses in the manufacture of sugar, tar, ammonia and benzole obtained
on carbonisation of coal and glycerine obtained in the manufacture of soap.
(a) When they are of small total value: When the by-products are of small total value, the amount
realised from their sale may be dealt in any one the following two ways:
1. The sales value of the by-products may be credited to the Costing Profit and Loss Account and no
credit be given in the Cost Accounts. The credit to the Costing Profit and Loss Account here is treated
either as miscellaneous income or as additional sales revenue.
2. The sale proceeds of the by-product may be treated as deductions from the total costs. The sale
proceeds in fact should be deducted either from the production cost or from the cost of sales.
(b) When the by-products are of considerable total value: Where by-products are of considerable
total value, they may be regarded as joint products rather than as by-products. To determine exact
cost of by-products the costs incurred upto the point of separation, should be apportioned over by-
products and joint products by using a logical basis.
(c) Where they require further processing: In this case, the net realisable value of the by-product at
the split-off point may be arrived at by subtracting the further processing cost from the realisable value
of by-products. 24
Q 47. Describe Composite Cost unit as used in Service Costing and discuss the ways of computing it.
Composite Cost Unit: Sometime two measurement units are combined together to know the cost of
service or operation. These are called composite cost units. For example, a public transportation
undertaking would measure the operating cost per passenger per kilometre.
Examples of Composite units are Ton- km., Quintal- km, Passenger-km., Patient-day etc.
In both bases of computation of service cost unit, weightage is also given to qualitative factors rather
quantitative (which are directly related with variable cost elements) factors alone.
(i) Weighted Average or Absolute basis – It is summation of the products of qualitative and
quantitative factors. For example, to calculate absolute Ton-Km for a goods transport is calculated as
Similarly, in case of Cinema theatres, price for various classes of seats are fixed differently. For
First class seat may be provided with higher quality service and hence charged at a higher rate,
whereas Second Class seat may be priced less. In this case, appropriate weight to be given effect for
First Class seat and Second Class seat – to ensure proper cost per composite unit.
(ii) Simple Average or Commercial basis – It is the product of average qualitative and total quantitative
factors. For example, in case of goods transport, Commercial Ton-Km is arrived at by multiplying total
distance km., by average load quantity.
In both the example, variable cost is dependent of distance and is a quantitative factor. Since, the
weight carried does not affect the variable cost hence and is a qualitative factor. 25
Q 48. What do you understand by Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) approach in Service Costing? How is
the Toll rate computed?
With BOT, the private sector designs, finances, constructs and operate the facility and eventually, after
specified concession period, the ownership is transferred to the Government. Therefore, BOT can be
seen as a developing technique for infrastructure projects by making them amenable to private sector
Toll Rate: In general, the toll rate should have a direct relation with the benefits that the road users
would gain from its improvements. The benefits to road users are likely to be in terms of fuel savings,
improvement in travel time and good riding quality.
Or, to compute the toll rate following formula with rounding off to nearest multiple of five has been
adopted: User fee = Total distance x Toll rate per km. 26
Q 49. Discuss briefly some of the criticism which may be levelled against the Standard Costing
(i) Variation in price: One of the chief problem faced in the operation of the standard costing system
is the precise estimation of likely prices or rate to be paid. The variability of prices is so great that even
actual prices are not necessarily adequately representative of cost. But the use of sophisticated
forecasting techniques should be able to cover the price fluctuation to some extent. Besides this, the
system provides for isolating uncontrollable variances arising from variations to be dealt with
(ii) Varying levels of output: If the standard level of output set for pre-determination of standard costs
is not achieved, the standard costs are said to be not realised. However, the statement that the capacity
utilisation cannot be precisely estimated for absorption of overheads may be true only in some
industries of jobbing type. In vast majority of industries, use of forecasting techniques, market
research, etc., help to estimate the output with reasonable accuracy and thus the variation is unlikely
to be very large. Prime cost will not be affected by such variation and, moreover, variance analysis
helps to measure the effects of idle time.
(iii) Changing standard of technology: In case of industries that have frequent technological changes
affecting the conditions of production, standard costing may not be suitable. This criticism does not
affect the system of standard costing. Cost reduction and cost control is a cardinal feature of standard
costing because standards once set do not always remain stable. They have to be revised.
(iv) Attitude of technical people: Technical people are accustomed to think of standards as physical
standards and, therefore, they will be misled by standard costs. Since technical people can be educated
to adopt themselves to the system through orientation courses, it is not an insurmountable difficulty.
(v) Mix of products: Standard costing presupposes a pre-determined combination of products both in
variety and quantity. The mixture of materials used to manufacture the products may vary in the long
run but since standard costs are set normally for a short period, such changes can be taken care of by
revision of standards.
(vi) Level of Performance: Standards may be either too strict or too liberal because they may be based
on (a) theoretical maximum efficiency, (b) attainable good performance or (c) average past
performance. To overcome this difficulty, the management should give thought to the selection of a
suitable type of standard. The type of standard most effective in the control of costs is one which
represents an attainable level of good performance.
(vii) Standard costs cannot possibly reflect the true value in exchange: If previous historical costs are
amended roughly to arrive at estimates for ad hoc purposes, they are not standard costs in the strict
sense of the term and hence they cannot also reflect true value in exchange. In arriving at standard
costs, however, the economic and technical factors, internal and external, are brought together and
analysed to arrive at quantities and prices which reflect optimum operations. The resulting costs,
therefore, become realistic measures of the sacrifices involved.
(viii) Fixation of standards may be costly: It may require high order of skill and competency. Small
concerns, therefore, feel difficulty in the operation of such system. 27
Q 50. Differentiate between "Marginal and Absorption Costing". 28
Q 51. What are the limitations of Marginal Costing?
(i) Difficulty in classifying fixed and variable elements: It is difficult to classify exactly the expenses
into fixed and variable category. Most of the expenses are neither totally variable nor wholly fixed. For
example, various amenities provided to workers may have no relation either to volume of production
or time factor.
(ii) Dependence on key factors: Contribution of a product itself is not a guide for optimum profitability
unless it is linked with the key factor.
(iii) Scope for Low Profitability: Sales staff may mistake marginal cost for total cost and sell at a price;
which will result in loss or low profits. Hence, sales staff should be cautioned while giving marginal
(iv) Faulty valuation: Overheads of fixed nature cannot altogether be excluded particularly in large
contracts, while valuing the work-in- progress. In order to show the correct position fixed overheads
have to be included in work-in-progress.
(v) Unpredictable nature of Cost: Some of the assumptions regarding the behaviour of various costs
are not necessarily true in a realistic situation. For example, the assumption that fixed cost will remain
static throughout is not correct. Fixed cost may change from one period to another. For example,
salaries bill may go up because of annual increments or due to change in pay rate etc. The variable
costs do not remain constant per unit of output. There may be changes in the prices of raw materials,
wage rates etc. after a certain level of output has been reached due to shortage of material, shortage
of skilled labour, concessions of bulk purchases etc.
(vi) Marginal costing ignores time factor and investment: The marginal cost of two jobs may be the
same but the time taken for their completion and the cost of machines used may differ. The true cost
of a job which takes longer time and uses costlier machine would be higher. This fact is not disclosed
by marginal costing.
(vii) Understating of W-I-P: Under marginal costing stocks and work in progress are understated.
Q 52. What is Margin of Safety? What does a large Margin of Safety indicates? How can you calculate
Margin of Safety?
Margin of Safety: The margin of safety can be defined as the difference between the expected level of
sale and the breakeven sales.
The larger the margin of safety, the higher is the chances of making profits.
The Margin of Safety can be calculated by identifying the difference between the projected sales and
breakeven sales in units multiplied by the contribution per unit. This is possible because, at the
breakeven point all the fixed costs are recovered and any further contribution goes into the making of
Margin of Safety = (Projected sales – Breakeven sales) in units x contribution per unit 29
Q 53. Define Budget Manual. What are the salient features of Budget Manual?
Budget Manual: The budget manual is a booklet specifying the objectives of an organisation in relation
to its strategy. The budget is made to decide how much an organisation would earn and spend and in
what manner. In the budget, the organisation sets its priorities too. Effective budgetary planning relies
on the provision of adequate information to the individuals involved in the planning process. Many of
these information needs are contained in the budget manual. A budget manual is a collection of
documents that contains key information for those involved in the planning process. CIMA London
defines budget manual as, 'A document which sets out the responsibilities of the persons engaged in,
the routines of, and the forms and records required for, budgetary control'.
Contents of a budget manual: Typical budget manual may include the following:
(i) A statement regarding the objectives of the organisation and how they can be achieved through
budgetary control;
(ii) A statement about the functions and responsibilities of each executive, both regarding preparation
and execution of budgets;
(iii) Procedures to be followed for obtaining the necessary approval of budgets. The authority of
granting approval should be stated in explicit terms. Whether, one two or more signatures are required
on each document should be clearly stated;
(iv) A form of organisation chart to show who are responsible for the preparation of each functional
budget and the way in which the budgets are interrelated.
(viii) The accounts classification to be employed. It is necessary that the framework within which the
costs, revenue and other financial accounts are classified must be identical both in the accounts and
budget department.
(x) The manner in which budgets, after acceptance and issuance, are to be revised or amended, these
are included in budgets and on which action can be taken only with the approval of top management
(xi) This will prevent the formation of a ‘bottleneck’ with the late preparation of one budget holding
up the preparation of all others.
(xii) Copies of all forms to be completed by those responsible for preparing budgets, with explanations
concerning their completion.
(xiii) A list of the organization’s account codes, with full explanations of how to use them.
(xiv) Information concerning key assumptions to be made by managers in their budgets, for example
the rate of inflation, key exchange rates, etc. (Any four points) 30
Q 54. Why is 'Zero Base Budgeting' (ZBB) considered superior to 'Traditional Budgeting'? Explain.
Zero based budgeting is superior to traditional budgeting: Zero based budgeting is superior to
traditional budgeting in the following manner:
• It ensures that the function undertaken are critical for the achievement of the objectives.
• It provides an opportunity for management to allocate resources to various activities after a thorough
– cost benefit analysis.
• It helps in the identification of wasteful expenditure and then their elimination. If facilitates the close
linkage of departmental budgets with corporate objectives.
Q 55. Define Zero Base Budgeting and mention its various stages.
Zero-based Budgeting: (ZBB) is an emergent form of budgeting which arises to overcome the
limitations of incremental (traditional) budgeting system. Zero- based Budgeting (ZBB) is defined as ‘a
method of budgeting which requires each cost element to be specifically justified, although the
activities to which the budget relates are being undertaken for the first time, without approval, the
budget allowance is zero’.
ZBB is an activity based budgeting system where budgets are prepared for each activities rather than
functional department. Justification in the form of cost benefits for the activity is required to be given.
The activities are then evaluated and prioritized by the management on the basis of factors like
synchronisation with organisational objectives, availability of funds, regulatory requirement etc.
ZBB is suitable for both corporate and non-corporate entities. In case of non-corporate entities like
Government department, local bodies, not for profit organisations, where these entities need to justify
the benefits of expenditures on social programmes like mid-day meal, installation of street lights,
provision of drinking water etc.
Q 56. What are the important points an organization should consider if it wants to adopt
Performance Budgeting?
For an enterprise that wants to adopt Performance Budgeting, it is thus imperative that:
• the objectives are then translated into specific functions, programmes, activities and tasks for
different levels of management within the realities of fiscal constraints.
• realistic and acceptable norms, yardsticks or standards and performance indicators should be
evolved and expressed in quantifiable physical units. 31
• a style of management based upon decentralised responsibility structure should be adopted, and
• an accounting and reporting system should be developed to facilities monitoring, analysis and review
of actual performance in relation to budgets.
• Activity based budgeting analyse the resource input or cost for each activity.
• It provides a framework for estimating the amount of resources required in accordance with the
budgeted level of activity.
• Actual results can be compared with budgeted results to highlight both in financial and non-financial
terms those activities with major discrepancies from budget for potential reduction in supply of
• It is a planning and control system which seeks to support the objectives of continuous improvement.
• It means planning and controlling the expected activities of the organization to derive a cost-effective
budget that meet forecast workload and agreed strategic goals.
• ABB is the reversing of the ABC process to produce financial plans and budgets.
Q 58. What are the cases when a flexible budget is found suitable?
(i) In the case of new business venture due to its typical nature it may be difficult to forecast the
demand of a product accurately.
(ii) Where the business is dependent upon the mercy of nature e.g., a person dealing in wool trade
may have enough market if temperature goes below the freezing point.
(iii) In the case of labour-intensive industry where the production of the concern is dependent upon
the availability of labour.
1. Seasonal fluctuations in sales and/or production, for example in soft drinks industry;
2. a company which keeps on introducing new products or makes changes in the design of its products
Q 59. What is ‘Budgetary Control System’ and discuss the components of the same.
Budgetary Control System: It is the system of management control and accounting in which all the
operations are forecasted and planned in advance to the extent possible and the actual results
compared with the forecasted and planned results. 32
Components of Budgetary Control System: The policy of a business for a defined period is represented
by the master budget, the detailed components of which are given in a number of individual budgets
called functional budgets. These functional budgets are broadly grouped under the following heads:
1. Physical budgets: Those budgets which contain information in quantitative terms such as the
physical units of sales, production etc. This may include quantity of sales, quantity of production,
inventories, and manpower budgets are physical budgets.
2. Cost budgets: Budgets which provides cost information in respect of manufacturing, administration,
selling and distribution, etc. for example, manufacturing costs, selling costs, administration cost, and
research and development cost budgets are cost budgets
3. Profit budgets: A budget which enables the ascertainment of profit. For example, sales budget,
profit and loss budget, etc.
4. Financial budgets: A budget which facilitates in ascertaining the financial position of a concern, for
example, cash budgets, capital expenditure budget, budgeted balance sheet etc.
Points Description
1. Based on Estimates Budgets are based on a series of estimates, which are based on the
conditions prevalent or expected at the time budget is established. It
requires revision in plan if conditions change.
2. Time factor Budgets cannot be executed automatically. Some preliminary steps are
required to be accomplished before budgets are implemented. It
requires proper attention and time of management. Management
must not expect too much during the initial development period.
3. Co-operation Required Staff co-operation is usually not available during the initial budgetary
control exercise. In a decentralised organisation, each unit has its own
objective and these units enjoy some degree of discretion. In this type
of organisation structure, coordination among different units is
required. The success of the budgetary control depends upon willing
co-operation and teamwork.
4. Expensive The implementation of budget is somewhat expensive. For successful
implementation of the budgetary control, proper organisation
structure with responsibility is prerequisite. Budgeting process start
from the collection of information to for preparing the budget and
performance analysis. It consumes valuable resources (in terms of
qualified manpower, equipment, etc.) for this purpose; hence, it is an
expensive process.
5. Not a substitute for Budget is only a managerial tool and must be intelligently applied for
management management to get benefited. Budgets are not a substitute for good
6. Rigid document Budgets are sometime considered as rigid documents. But in reality, an
organisation is exposed to various uncertain internal and external
factors. Budget should be flexible enough to incorporate ongoing
developments in the internal and external factors affecting the very
purpose of the budget. 33