Urinary Anaphy-Midterm
Urinary Anaphy-Midterm
Urinary Anaphy-Midterm
- Renal corpuscle
- Proximal convoluted
- Loop of Henle,
- Distal convoluted
The renal corpuscle and both of yarn and lies within the The renal corpuscle of the
convoluted tubules are in the indentation of the Bowman nephron consists of the Bowman
renal cortex .The collecting duct capsule. capsule and the glomerulus.
and loop of Henle enter the
medulla. Bowman capsule consists of
the enlarged end of the nephron,
Approximately 15% of the which is indented to form a
nephrons, called double-walled chamber.
juxtamedullary (next to the
medulla) nephrons, have Glomerulus is a tuft of
loops of Henle that extend capillaries that resembles a ball
deep into the medulla of the of yarn and lies within the
kidney. indentation of the Bowman
The other nephrons (85%), called
cortical nephrons, have loops
of Henle that do not extend
deep into the medulla.
When formed:
Micturition Reflex
The kidneys can suffer extensive
The micturition (mik-choo-
damage and still maintain their
rish′ ŭn) reflex is activated by
extremely important role in the
glomerular capillaries stretch of the urinary bladder
maintenance of homeostasis.
and into the Bowma wall. As the urinary bladder fills
capsule, forming a fluid As long as about one-third of one with urine, pressure increases,
called filtrate. kidney remains functional, stimulating stretch receptors in
the wall of the urinary bladder. DISEASES AND DISORDERS:
Action potentials are conducted
from the urinary bladder to the
spinal cord through the pelvic