Urinary Anaphy-Midterm

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URINARY SYSTEM major molecules and ions,

such as glucose, etc.

4. Regulation of
 2 kidneys extracellular fluid pH.
 2 ureters
 1 urinary bladder The kidneys excrete variable
 1 urethra
amounts of H+ to help The hilum opens into a cavity
regulate extracellular fluid filled with fats and connective
pH. tissues called the renal sinus,
5. Regulation of red which contains blood vessels,
blood cell synthesis. part of the system for collecting
urine, and adipose tissue.
The kidneys secrete a
hormone, erythropoietin, RENAL CORTEX: a superficial,
which regulates the light red area
synthesis of red blood cells RENAL MEDULLA: a deep
in bone marrow darker reddish-brown inner
6. Regulation of vitamin region, consists of:
D synthesis. RENAL PYRAMID: The bases of
The kidneys play an several cone-shaped renal
important role in controlling pyramids are located at the
blood levels of Ca2+ by boundary between the
FUNCTIONS: cortex.And the medulla, and the
regulating the synthesis of
vitamin D. tips of the renal pyramids project
The major function of the urinary
system is to control the
composition and volume of body The center of the kidney.
fluids. The kidneys perform this ANATOMY:KIDNEYS
function through multiple RENAL COLUMN: portion of the
processes: KIDNEYS are bean-shaped renal cortex that extend
organs, each about the size of a between the renal pyramids.
1. Excretion. The kidneys tightly clenched fist. They lie on
are the major excretory the posterior abdominal wall,
organs of the body. They behind the peritoneum, with one
remove waste products kidney on each side of the
from the blood. vertebral column. CALYX: CALYCES funnel-shaped
structure surrounds the tip of
The skin, liver, lungs, and RENAL CAPSULE: fibrous each renal pyramid.
intestines eliminate some of connective tissue that surrounds
these waste products, but they the kidney and gives a glistening The calyces from all the renal
cannot compensate if the appearance. pyramids join to form a larger
kidneys fail to function.
It serves as a barrier against Funnel called the RENAL
2. Regulation of blood trauma and helps maintain the PELVIS.
volume and pressure. shape of the kidneys.

The kidneys play a major ADIPOSE CAPSULE: a mass of

role in controlling the fatty tissue surrounding the renal EACH KIDNEY CONTAINS:
extracellular fluid capsule. Protects the kidney - 8-20 minor calyces
volume in the body. They from mechanical shock. - 2 or 3 major calyces
can produce either a
large volume of dilute RENAL HILUM: On the medial RENAL PELVIS: basin; major
urine or a small volume side of each kidney is the hilum calyces converge to form renal
of concentrated urine. where the renal artery and pelvis. The renal pelvis then
Thereby, the kidneys nerves enter and where the narrows to form a small tube, the
regulate blood volume renal vein, ureter, and lymphatic ureter which exits the kidney
and blood pressure. vessels exit the kidney. and connects to the urinary
3. Regulation of the
concentration of Urine formed within the kidney
solutes in the blood. flows from the renal papillae into
the minor calyces, then major
The kidneys help regulate
calyces, collects into the renal
the concentration of the
pelvis and leaves the kidney Glomerulus is a tuft of
through the ureters. capillaries that resembles a ball


The functional unit of the kidney

is the nephron. And there are
approximately 1.3 million of
them in each kidney.

Each nephron consists of :

- Renal corpuscle
- Proximal convoluted
- Loop of Henle,
- Distal convoluted

The renal corpuscle and both of yarn and lies within the The renal corpuscle of the
convoluted tubules are in the indentation of the Bowman nephron consists of the Bowman
renal cortex .The collecting duct capsule. capsule and the glomerulus.
and loop of Henle enter the
medulla. Bowman capsule consists of
the enlarged end of the nephron,
Approximately 15% of the which is indented to form a
nephrons, called double-walled chamber.
juxtamedullary (next to the
medulla) nephrons, have Glomerulus is a tuft of
loops of Henle that extend capillaries that resembles a ball
deep into the medulla of the of yarn and lies within the
kidney. indentation of the Bowman
The other nephrons (85%), called
cortical nephrons, have loops
of Henle that do not extend
deep into the medulla.

The renal corpuscle of the

nephron consists of the Bowman
capsule and the glomerulus.

Bowman capsule consists of

the enlarged end of the nephron,
which is indented to form a
double-walled chamber.
2. Reabsorption is the survival is possible. However, if
movement of substances the functional ability of the
from the filtrate across kidneys fails completely, death
the wall of the nephron will result unless the person
back into the blood of receives medical treatment.
the peritubular
capillaries. Anatomy of the
URINE FORMATION 3. Secretion is the active Ureters,Urinary Bladder, and
transport of solutes Urethra
The primary function of the
kidney is regulation of body fluid across the nephron walls The ureters are small tubes that
composition. The kidney is the into the filtrate. carry urine from the renal pelvis
organ that sorts the substances URINE of the kidney to the posterior
from the blood for either removal inferior portion of the urinary
in the urine or return to the The volume and composition bladder
blood. Substances that are waste of urine therefore change
products, toxins, and excess depending on conditions in The urinary bladder is a
materials are permanently the body. If body fluid hollow, muscular container that
removed from the body, whereas concentration increases lies in the pelvic cavity just
other substances need to be above normal levels, the posterior to the pubic symphysis.
conserved to maintain kidneys produce a small It stores urine; thus, its size
homeostasis. The structural volume of concentrated depends on the quantity of urine
components that perform this urine. present.
sorting are the nephrons, the >can hold from a few
functional units of the kidney.  1.0 TO 1.8 liters of urine
are produced milliliters(mL) to a maximum of
Urine is mostly water and some about 1000 mL of urine.
organic waste products, as well
as excess ions.
When the urinary bladder
Scientists usually categorize reaches a volume of a few
urine formation into hundred mL, its wall is
Three major processes: stretched enough to activate a
CHARACTERISTICS OF reflex that causes the smooth
1. Filtration occurs when URINE: muscle of the urinary bladder to
blood pressure contract, and most of the urine
nonselectively forces - Freshly Voided: clear and flows out of the urinary bladder
water and other small pale to deep yellow through the urethra.
molecules out of
- More solutes: the deeper
yellow color

- Dilute urine: pale, straw

color, may have abnormal

When formed:

Urine is sterile, odor is slightly


Urine pH: slightly acidic (around


Specific Gravity: how much

heavier the urine: 1.001 – 1.035

Specific Gravity of water: 1.0

Micturition Reflex
The kidneys can suffer extensive
The micturition (mik-choo-
damage and still maintain their
rish′ ŭn) reflex is activated by
extremely important role in the
glomerular capillaries stretch of the urinary bladder
maintenance of homeostasis.
and into the Bowma wall. As the urinary bladder fills
capsule, forming a fluid As long as about one-third of one with urine, pressure increases,
called filtrate. kidney remains functional, stimulating stretch receptors in
the wall of the urinary bladder. DISEASES AND DISORDERS:
Action potentials are conducted
from the urinary bladder to the
spinal cord through the pelvic

Integration of the reflex occurs

in the spinal cord, and action
potentials are conducted along
parasympathetic nerve fibers to
the urinary bladder.

The micturition reflex is an

automatic reflex, but it can be
inhibited or stimulated by higher
centers in the brain.

The urethra is the tube that

carries urine from the urinary
bladder to the outside of the
body. The triangle-shaped
portion of the urinary bladder
located between the opening of
the ureters and the opening of
the urethra is called the trigone.

Regular waves of smooth muscle Urinary System

contraction in the ureters
produce the force that causes - Nephrolithiasis:
urine to flow from the kidneys to presence of stones in the
the urinary bladder. Contractions kidney
of smooth muscle in the urinary - Nephritis: inflamatin of
bladder force urine to flow from the kidney
the bladder through the urethra. - Cystitis: inflammation
of the urinary bladder
- Diuresis: increase
excretion of urine
- Dysuria: painful or
difficult urination
- Nocturia: excessive
urination at night
- Urinalysis: physical,
microscopic, chemical
At the junction of the urinary
bladder and the urethra, the
Smooth muscle of the bladder
wall forms the internal urinary
Sphincter in males (Male).

The external urinary

sphincter (M/F) is under
voluntary control, allowing a
person to start or stop the flow
of urine through the urethra.

In males, the urethra extends to

the end of the penis, where it
opens to the outside. The female
urethra is much shorter.

(approximately 4 cm) female

(approximately 20 cm) male

examination of urine

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