ICOB Full Paper Template
ICOB Full Paper Template
ICOB Full Paper Template
Research purpose:
Brief description of research purpose
Research motivation:
Brief description of research motivation
Main findings:
Brief description of main findings.
Practical/managerial implications:
Brief description of practical/managerial implications
Keywords: up to six keywords separated by commas
The main body should ideally be up to 10 pages in length for publication. However, it's acceptable to reduce it to
8 pages if needed, but aim to avoid exceeding 15 pages.
2.1. …..
2.2. …..
2.3. …..
Each paper size should be A4 (21.0cm×29.7cm) and the following margins should be set:
Left margin 30 mm
Right margin 20 mm
Top margin 25 mm
Bottom margin 25 mm
All fonts must be in Times New Roman, and the font size is 11pt.
The second section of the paper, which includes the main body, should be formatted in a single-column layout.
The top-level headings, typically referred to as sections, should be centered and formatted in Times New Roman,
bold, 11-point font. These headings should be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Level-two headings should be left-aligned, also in Times New Roman, bold, 11-point font. The main text should
be set in Times New Roman, 10-point font, with single (1.0) line spacing and justified alignment.
3.1. Equations
Equations should be written in Microsoft Equation and numbered sequentially as they appear inside the ext.
Equations should be centered horizontally and numbered using Arabic numbers enclosed in parenthesis, as
illustrated in the example below. They should be referenced in the text as Eq. (1), or Eqs. (1)-(3) (for plural).
When used in a sentence, equations should be punctuated with commas or periods.
z = Ax + Bu(1)
y = Cx + Du(2)
where x is the state vector.
3.2. Units
In the paper, all authors are required to use SI unit.
3.3. Symbols
Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they appear in the text, even if they have already
been defined in the abstract.
Source: Citation needed (APA 6th standard). TNR format, font size 10
The study results must be clear and concise. Use an appendix or additional documentation if needed.
Acknowledgments should concisely address all the contributions of the organizations and individuals that have
enabled the research to be carried out (with their permission). Any conflict of interest should be mentioned.
References should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(6th edition). They should also be listed at the end of the manuscript (in this section) in Times New Roman 10pt.