Poster Presentation On Heterotic Grouping
Poster Presentation On Heterotic Grouping
Poster Presentation On Heterotic Grouping
Standardized Range
SCH : Two-parents’ cross-derived partial inbred lines 0.6
1. MAI 105 × MAI 194 (SCH 1)
population, TCH : Three-parents’ cross-derived 0.5
2. SKV 50 × MAI 194 (SCH 2)
partial inbred lines, DCH : Four-parents’ cross-
Three parent crosses 0.4
derived partial inbred lines
1. ( MAI 105 × MAI 194) × 40061 (TCH 1)
2. ( SKV 50 × MAI 194) × 40061 (TCH 2) 450
Four parent crosses 0.2
400 Levene’s test statistic : 0.56
1. ( SKV 50 × MAI 349) × ( MAI 105 × MAI Probability : 0.68 0.1
194) (DCH 1)
Genotypic variance
300 0
Lines Tester 250
× Fig 4: Bar diagram indicating standardized range
20 each of the randomly LM 13 200
segregating partial inbred of TC hybrids of two-, three-and four- parents’
lines from five populations crosses- derived partial inbred lines
100 Test cross (TC) hybrids were derived CONCLUSION
during 2023 post rainy season 0
SCH1 SCH2 TCH1 TCH2 DCH1 ➢ Mean grain yield and variance of TC
Fig 2: Bar graph indicating the test cross hybrid hybrids derived from two-, three- and four-
Field evaluation genotypic variance of two-, three- and four- parents’ parents’ crosses were comparable
crosses - derived partial inbred lines ➢ Bi-parental crosses are likely to uncover
Season Design greater frequency of more extreme
α- lattice with Table 1: Estimates of SSR marker- based parental phenotypes as evident from SR
2023 Rainy season
2 replications genetic distance and mean and variance of different ➢ It is not worthwhile to affect either three-
▪ Data was recorded on grain yield per plant types of crosses parents’ or four-parents’ crosses to generate
➢ Statistical analysis variability considering the time resources
SSR marker-based Mean
▪ ANOVA performed to detect genetic differences Crosses Variance
genetic distance grain yield
among TC hybrids
SCH1 0.58 109.28 171.71 REFERENCE
▪ TC hybrid mean and variance were estimated SCH2 0.60 107.59 142.01
➢ Inference Criteria BERNARDO, R., 2021, Predictive breeding in
TCH1 0.53 107.57 213.14
Higher the estimates of mean , standardized range maize during the last 90 years. Crop Sci. 61:
TCH2 0.59 112.73 315.27
(SR) and variance, better is the breeding potential DCH1 0.58 114.46 411.94 2872-2881.