CP778 779
CP778 779
CP778 779
(Appellate Jurisdiction)
Mr. Justice Mohammad Moosa Khan Leghari
Mr. Justice Syed Sakhi Hussain Bukhari
Mr. Justice Sheikh Hakim Ali
For respondent No.1: Sahibzada Ahmed Raza Khan Qasuri, Sr. ASC
Dr. Mohyuddin Qazi, ASC
CP 778/2008 etc
For respondent No.1: Sahibzada Ahmed Raza Khan Qasuri, Sr. ASC
SHEIKH HAKIM ALI, J.- To contest a seat of National
Baig. Noor Ellahi, respondent No.6 and Mian Ikhlaq Ahmed alias
although Noor Ellahi and Mian Ikhlaq Ahmed alias Guddu, the
raised before the Returning Officer. But the Returning Officer had
Returning Officer.
reproduced hereinbelow: -
6. Aggrieved from this order, and all the other orders, Writ
the Lahore High Court, Lahore, the details of which are as under: -
Iqbal had filed Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal No.Nil of 2008 in
not pressed.
10. Before the learned Full Bench which was seized of main writ
petitions and which were still not decided finally, C.M. Nos.1379
impleaded as party to the writ petition was filed. All the CMs
dismissed. Learned Full Bench of the Lahore High Court vide its
their own account, for impleadment before the learned Full Bench
present, they are appearing as counsel for Mehr Zafar Iqbal and
following form: -
(1) Recusal;
(2) PCO Judges;
(3) Bias;
(4) Locus standi of petitioners;
(5) Application under Order I Rule 10 CPC
(6) Constitution of Larger Bench and hearing
from Selective Judges;
Petitions in the High Court and CPLAs, thereafter in this Court has
Nawaz Sharif has either got nothing to say in his defence or is shy
of and nervous to face the case and its consequence or does not
found that Shakeel Baig, the proposer and Mehr Zafar Iqbal, the
Registrar office of this Court has not registered and allocated any
Mehr Zafar Iqbal were not yet registered when two separate
taken oath under the Oath of Office (Judges) Order 2007, while
under the said Order, due to which they had ceased to hold their
Judges, who had taken oath under the PCO. Founding their case,
upon legal Maxim, Nemo debet esse judex in propria sua causa
(no man can be a judge in his own cause) it has been argued that
last, it was prayed that the present sitting Judges might recuse
when all the present sitting Judges of this apex Court have already
so, particularly after the full Court judgment of this Court by seven
review, how then the present Judges can be called PCO Judges?
Mr. A.K. Dogar, learned counsel was also put a query from the
and they were deposed thereafter but had taken oath under the
in the eye of law of the land. The petitioners and their counsel
of this apex Court into two factions of PCO and non-PCO Judges,
although at present, all the sitting Judges are those Judges who
board. This rule of politics, to divide and rule is being played and
which is most harmful and sinful act, plea, stand and stance of
the petitioners. All the Judges sitting in this Court are equal,
Court to be made and raised at this stage and thereafter. All the
petitioners, through any review petition. It does not now lie in their
have attempted to destroy the safe sailing of the ship of this great
this plea because it is their primary and prime duty to uphold the
appreciated. This Court has noticed with dismay the manner and
augmenting the respect of the judges and the institution, and not
the mind of the litigants which would be harmful not for this
institution but for the legal fraternity as well, as a whole and the
rely upon the Quranic Verses. In Surah Al-Ma’idah (6th Para) Verse
No.42, which has very beautifully laid down the rule of recusal.
“Therefore, if they come to you with their cases, you may judge
between them or refuse to do so. Even if you refuse, they will
not be able to harm you the least, but if you do act as a judge,
judge between them with fairness, for Allah loves those who
judge with fairness.”
“Hence, if they come to thee (for judgment), thou mayest
either judge between them or leave them alone; for, if thou
leave them alone, they cannot harm thee in any way. But if
thou dost judge, judge between them with equity: verily, God
knows those who act equitably”.
22. From the above Quranic Verse, it is the will, wish and
litigant does not feel justice to be done from a judge, he must not
place his case before the Judge. When the case is placed before a
present his case for adjudication and then ask the judge to
that event, the right to ask the judge to recuse himself is lost by
prejudices, which may arise and hamper the free and fair delivery
26. Seen from another angle, no prudent man can ask a person
27. From the definition, even taken from the Black’s Law
Judges concerned (and not the rest of the Judges in the Bench) to
Khan’s case. This case has now closed the chapter of this
instead of beating about the bush. But we have taken this aspect
order in the form of the Oath of Office (Judges) Order, 2007, were
not enforced upon the advice of the PCO Judges. No advice was
CP 778/2008 etc
other Judges were not invited and offered the oath. The Judges
institution was to suffer greatest harm and its fabric which was
declined. With this aim and purpose, and to put the derailed
wagons on the track of the rails (as stated by Mr. Ahmed Raza
pointed out by Mr. Ahmed Raza Kasuri, it were the efforts of these
PCO Judges who had tamed the jungle loin by their wisdom. The
judges, who are now being named as PCO Judges are in fact, the
State and the interest of the litigant public at large. The citizen of
these judges had not used their gumption of accepting the offer.
It may be noted that when the guns are roaring, force of pen is
silent, when guns are silent, voice of pen is brightened. The use of
30. Let it be noted that these P.C.O. Judges had never been a
those brother judges who either declined to take oath or were not
31. The example has been set up by these PCO Judges, when
the case on this premises, Mr. A.K. Dogar must have given
thought, time and again to this aspect of the case and should not
CP 778/2008 etc
have been swayed by the street slogans and should have avoided
32. The stand and the plea taken by Mr. A.K. Dogar although
was being raised when the judiciary and its judicial institutions
judiciary was also disturbed by Mr. A.K. Dogar upon raising this
street and mob justice is invited, to become the rule of the day.
that their own respect and reverence is attached with the sanctity
34. With these words and sentences, we desire and expect that
direction in future, because they are officers of the court and are
(3) BIAS
laid by Mr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh and Mr. A.K. Dogar, learned
counsel for Mehr Zafar Iqbal and Shakeel Baig, that as there is
the instant case, therefore, the Judges of this Bench may decline
to hear this case. The main reason which has been argued by the
that the judges of this Bench consist of PCO judges and they had
the case would not be decided fairly and in their favour. According
accept the office of the Judge, therefore, the present judges might
follows: -
EWCA Civ 3004; (iv) Magill v. Porter – [2001] UKHL 67, (v)
[2005] UKPC 12; (vi) AWG Group v. Morrison [2006] 1 All ER 967;
[2006] EWCA Civ 6; and (vii) Gillies (AP) Secretary of State for
and AIR 1987 S.C. 2386 (Ranjit Thakur v. Union of India and
others. In the former judgment, it was held that “no man shall be
a judge in his own cause; justice should not only be done but
CP 778/2008 etc
satisfy himself to this fact that there was a real likelihood of bias.
depended on the impression which the court would get from the
under: -
reproduced as follows: -
“31. Courts are indeed a storm centre facing the panoply of human
problems, crowded dockets and unrelenting work schedules. Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes said: “We are quiet here but it is the quiet of
a storm centre”.
In Justice Benjamin Cardozo’s memorable words, “the great tides
and currents which engulf the rest of men, do not turn aside in their
course, and pass judges by”. We should only add that the judges
must remain unruffled and calm in the midst of contending forces.
To recall the words of Mr. Justice Frankfurter in Public Utilities
Commission of the District of Columbia v. Franklin S. Pollak16; “The
judicial process demands that a judge move within the framework of
relevant legal rules and the covenanted modes of thought for
ascertaining them. He must think dispassionately and submerge
private feeling on every aspect of a case. There is a good deal of
shallow talk that the judicial robe does not change the man within it.
It does. The fact is that on the whole, judges do lay aside private
views in discharging their judicial functions. This is achieved through
training, professional habits, self-discipline and that fortunate
alchemy by which men are loyal to the obligation with which they are
entrusted.” With this we leave. (emphasis supplied by us)”.
Hay v. The Queen – (1994) 181 CLR 41, (1994) 68 ALJR 582 F.C.
CP 778/2008 etc
man can be judge in his own cause” were also noted. In it, rule of
the exception part, it was held that the judge was to decide as to
Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1998 S.C. 161) has also been cited
against some of the judges sitting on the Bench was that they had
held as under: -
in the case of Asif Ali Zardari and another v. The State (PLD 2001
S.C. 568) and has referred to the passage with regard to three
has stated that the present Judges were not privy to the action of
judges are not involved in the present case, so the rule that “no
Article 178 of the Constitution, the crux of the oath is not to allow
the decisions. Judges come from this environmental set up. They
alleged against the present Judges, then the perception can arise
accordance with the facts of the case as well as the case law on
other Court. The judgments of this Court are the final decisions of
the judiciary. If the judges of this Court are imputed bias, there
are assessors of their own conscience, as they knew that they are
favour of any one? When they are not involved in any referred to
they are holding this office of highest reverence under the oath
25.6.2008, when all the Judges at that time were holding the
may be pointed out here that the reference to our four respectful
was alleged by them, that their leader was not acknowledging the
why the petitioners had come to this Court and had filed these
the petitions and the adopted version that the aim and object of
case. Their desire and design was only to malign the character of
CP 778/2008 etc
petitioners, when the case was commenced for hearing, had filed
create fuss, upon the rejection of their petitions. They had not
come to argue the cases to this court for obtaining the decision of
Court, and that he was not acknowledging the status and was not
ready to accept the decision of this Court. In any case, with the
manifested with much clarity. From this narration, one can easily
only to abuse the judges and the court by filing these petitions
cannot yield to any temptation and allurement. They are the final
experience and training does not allow them to decide the case
54. To impute bias is an easy task but to prove its truth is most
favour of the other. The answer in our mind and from our
with the same allegations and situation as they were also sailing
in the same boat and the petitioners and their learned counsel
fashion and no one was left with any exception to it. Therefore, we
laid down upon the decision on the recusal petitions which gave
also adopting and toeing the same line, then what was the fun to
In PLD 2001 S.C. 568 (Asif Ali Zardari and another v. The
dealt with, and with clarity expounded. It has been noted in the
the case.
CP 778/2008 etc
where judge has got fiduciary relationship with any party in the
through this narration which may give rise to bias and be the
hard and real fact that we all the judges of this Bench have got no
got its own stand or stance, it has nothing to do with the working
of this Court and upon its decision. As noted under the heading of
this country.
has been provided by us). In PLD 2001 S.C. 568 (Asif Ali Zardari
prudent man would feel that the “Bias” in the mind of judge was
that all judges of this Court are constitutional judges and the
CP 778/2008 etc
been noted that “justice should not only be done but should
519, it was found that the Magistrates were not biased in their
1 All ER 65) relied upon by both the parties, had laid down the
held that where the objection was wrongly made, the judge was
66. The crux which has been deduced from the above
or of any other kind. But the judge would not recuse himself on
(88 CLR 100 from the High Court of Australia, it was held that
there must be strong grounds for holding bias against the judicial
CP 778/2008 etc
or quasi judicial officer. The bias must be “real” with the result
In this case also, it was held that there must be ‘real bias’.
States, ET. AL. v. United States District Court for the District of
light of the facts as they existed, and not as they were surmised
another judge and the case would proceed normally. But in the
above noted case, where all the judges have been considered by
case, who would then hear and decide the case of the petitioners.
To our mind and from the analysis of the above noted authorities,
exhaustively encompassed.
similar view point, not to get hearing of the case from PCO
75. Mehr Zafar Iqbal, the proposer and Shakeel Baig, the
fact that Noor Ellahi who had filed writ petition No.6468 of 2008
are best known to that person. The keys of gate of this secret
and agents. All these are the personal rights, inherent and
PLD 1970 S.C. 98 at page 113 (Lt. Col. Farzand Ali and others v.
page 62.
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in the case in hand. They had not filed
inherent with that person, how the proposer and seconder can
him. Proposer and Seconder cannot act against the will and wish
contest of the seat of the assembly. If the candidate does not give
would ripen into a tasteful fruit when the candidate gives consent.
event, the proposer and seconder can not force the candidate to
the proposer and seconder, they have got no right to ask the
deseated candidate.
Zafar Iqbal and Shakeel Baig, the proposer and seconder. The
“Every public office is created in the interest and for the benefit of
the people.”
“Every public office is created in the interest and for the benefit of
the people and belongs to them, thus a public office is a public
agency or trust created in the interest and for the benefit of the
people. Such trust extends to all matters within the range of the
duties pertaining to the office.”
(State of Alabama ex rel. W.E. Norrell, Jr. v. Fred KEY. 4 Div. 185
(276 Ala.524, 165 So.2d 76) wherein it was observed that “The
Ahmed Qureshi v. Pakistan (PLD 1991 S.C. 484 from page 501) in
which it was held that “Offices which are regarded as sacred trust
seconder are not bound to prove their locus standi because they
using it as a sword, which does not require the same rights as are
liberty to use the trustee’s name, or for a receiver who will use the
MLD 2509), Qaiser Iqbal v. Ch. Asad Raza (2002 YLR 2401), Asif
reproduce it.
S.C. 65, learned counsel submits that a person can file an appeal
in Writ Petition before the Lahore High Court and Civil Petitions in
this Court.
trustee of a trust does not file a suit with regard to the trust
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and noted that in Pakistan, we have got codified law with the
codified law as are ours. We must divert our attention towards the
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under: -
trust: -
called the beneficiary of the trust and the person (the candidate)
the election, and he must be prepared to give his consent for the
of all other steps for the creation of trust, which is a long process
that the proposer and seconder are not the sole beneficiaries of
the trust but after a candidate occupies the seat in the shape of a
law, then no one including the proposer and the seconder can
not act on their own initiative. They have always reserved the right
to appear before it. With the passage of time, it has now moved
interest litigation.
these words: -
evident that there are three main parts noted in Sub-Article (1) of
Constitution has been invested with the High Court. All these
(a), “on the application of any person” in clause (b) and in case of
clause (c) the words are “on the application of any aggrieved
clauses (a) (b) and (c) of sub-Article (1) of Article 199 of the
CP 778/2008 etc
noted in clauses (a) and (c) in a prefix form to the words “party”
and “person” but in clause (b) word “aggrieved” has been omitted
clause (c) have been differently used. Why these different words
are occurring, in all these (a), (b) and (c) divisions, there is
meanings: -
that person natural or juridical would not fall within the ambit of
“aggrieved party”.
and 3 others), it was held that a person who was not party before
observed as under: -
others v. Reverend Bashir Jiwan and others) and PLD 2008 S.C.
mandamus and certiorari that the party which is seeking the relief
that party would have no right to file the application under clause
the case may be, by any other person, than the person who was
wishes to contest the election and any order, act, by any authority
candidate who can be called the aggrieved party and not any
seconder and all other applicants can not file a petition in the
the above noted purposes, then how they can be allowed and
‘any person’ has been used and condition of “aggrieved” has not
noted above for clauses (a) of sub-Article (1) of Article 199 of the
Constitution but the word “person” with the affixing word “any
Any person who has got complaint with regard to the matters
115. Mehr Zafar Iqbal and Shakeel Baig, the proposer and
proposer and the seconder had not filed any application before
time that they and other applicants had filed applications in both
defend the election petition which was going to result into the
any Court: -
of the Election.
(iii) Noor Ellahi and Khurrum Shah had filed writ petitions
of the Act, after the proposing and seconding is made and the
the Act. The law having restrained the proposer and the seconder
CP 778/2008 etc
Hon’ble Chief Justice has got the prerogative, the status of whom
XXXIII Rule 6 of the Supreme Court Rules, 1980, it was laid down
to ask that his case be heard by a Bench of his choice, for it is the
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Pakistan and another (PLD 1979 S.C. 991) it was held that no
Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1998 S.C. 161) it was held that “the
the latest view has been delivered by five Hon’ble judges of this
Judges. PLD 2004 S.C. 600 (All Pakistan Newspapers Society and
wherein it was held that a Bench of three judges could not take
Judges of the Supreme and of the Hon’ble Chief Justice, then how
they can pray for the constitution of a larger Bench of their own
section 14(5-A) of the Act, Shahid Orakzai, the applicant and the
records are: -
is as under: -
CP 778/2008 etc
“45. The President shall have power to grant pardon, reprieve and
respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by
any court, tribunal or other authority.”
the Constitution had used the word “sentence” only and not the
has got power to grant pardon etc. only with regard to the
sentence but has got no power to set aside the declaration of guilt
132. In PLD 1990 S.C. 823 (Abdul Kabir v. The State) the
“Pendency of the appeal for decision does not ipso facto mean that the
conviction is wiped out. The appellate Court has no authority under section
426 to suspend the conviction. Conviction and sentence connote two
different terms: Conviction means proving or finding guilty. Sentence is
punishment awarded to a person convicted in criminal trial. Conviction is
followed by sentence. It cannot be accepted as principle of law that till
matter is finally disposed of by Supreme Court against convicted person,
the conviction would be considered as held in abeyance. This interpretation
is not in consonance with the spirit of law and against logical coherence.
The suspension of sentence is only a concession to an accused under
section 426, Cr.P.C. but it does not mean that the conviction is erased.”
five years has elapsed from the date on which that order of guilt
above noted cases. The plea being raised is that those convictions
from the release in cases involving moral turpitude and for the
Constitution had erased the time limit from these clauses and
To have the benefit of these provisions, both clauses (h) and (l) in
under: -
Order 2002, clauses (h), (l) and (q) were in the following shape: -
order was never pardoned or got erased from the legal character
of the candidate. It may be pointed out here that it was for the
which has been appended with CPLA No.778 of 2008. It has also
been argued that under section 401(5A) of Cr.P.C. the pardon was
had not paid back the amount since 1994. He has referred to a
these brothers had got different loans for their Foundries, Mills
etc. but had not paid back the amount till today. Learned counsel
has also submitted that suits were filed by the creditors banks
and during the pendency of those suits, in the year 1998, it was
claims of the bank and after the sale of these units amount would
by the Lahore High Court, Lahore and a bid of Rs.2.48 billion was
in breach of the settlement and till today not a single penny was
for the copies of suits, filed by these banks from where it has
142. All these suits have been found pending from 1994,
those suits, it has revealed that the loan facilities were in fact
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obtained from these creditor banks earlier to the year 1994, yet
the amount was not paid even after the passage of more than 15
years from the filing of the suits. It has further revealed from the
we have found its nexus and link with the judgment, reported in
PLD 2000 S.C. 869 (Zafar Ali Shah v. Pervez Musharraf, Chief
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that the candidate who has opted not to defend this case either
had not paid the loan secured by him alongwith his associates. At
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newspapers: -
under: -
above, ex-facie the case would fall under Article 63(g) of the
order: -
(N) and the then Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif had facilitated 100
to 150 persons to attack on this Court and the bill of their meals
of 1999 was still pending on the basis of that report and it was
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Officer who was judicial officer was unaware of the above noted
Nawaz Sharif who could not also give consent for filing the
nomination papers before the Returning Officer for the seat in the
record to prove that this previous order was set aside by any
the by-election.
had any loan written off”. But we are not in agreement with this
“14. Scrutiny- (1) The candidates, their election agents, the proposers
and seconders and one other person authorized in this behalf by each
candidate and an elector who has filed an objection to the nomination
of a candidate, may attend the scrutiny of nomination papers, and the
Returning Officer shall give the reasonable opportunity for examining
all nomination papers delivered to him under Section 12:
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(2) The Returning Officer shall, in the presence of the persons attending
the scrutiny under sub-section (1), examine the nomination papers and
decide any objection raised by any such person to any nomination.
(3) the Returning Officer may, either of his own motion or upon any
objection, either by an elector or by any person referred to in sub-
section (1), conduct such summary enquiry as he may think fit and
may reject nomination paper if he is satisfied that-
Provided that: -
than two nor more than three Judges of the High Court nominated by the
Commissioner, with the approval of the President; and such appeal shall
be summarily decided within such time as may be notified by the
Commission and any order passed thereon shall be final.
(7) Announcement of the day and time appointed for the hearing of
an appeal under sub-section (5) over the radio or television or by
publication in the press shall be deemed to be sufficient notice of the
day and time so appointed.
the Returning Officer shall not reject the papers of the candidate
Seen from this angle, the loan, tax or utility charges were noted in
the Act, at one place the words “or suffers from any other
import that words “any other” has not been used as ‘ejusdem
(5-A) was inserted into section 14 of the Act when sub-section (3-
A) of the Act was also being brought into it. The legislature could
of “ejusdum generis”.
common man/voter, source, etc. who was to wait and see till the
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the word “any other” in the aforesaid subsection. The use of words
para, otherwise there was no fun to use the words “any other”.
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“The word “source” conveys idea of origin, and is that from which
any act, movement, or effect proceeds; a person or thing that
originates, sets in motion, or is a primary agency in producing
any course of action or result; an originator; creator; origin”.
Grosset (New Edition of 2000) it is given at page 557 Col II, which
is as under: -
from doubt that the word “source” includes in it the legal, juridical
the election freely, with all his patent disqualifications which were
Act has not provided any period for the disposal of the petition
which is as under: -
171. Firstly, this Article has used the word “no election”
candidate can file an election petition and not any other person.
Act has not been decided by the Election Tribunal, then what
a legal maxim “Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium” (where there is right, there
are not providing any remedial steps, the High Court has got
modern ideas and concepts, and the disputes coming before the
But the petition could not be thrown away without any order being
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has got power under Article 199 of the Constitution to decide that
errors or apparent defects having been crept into the order of the
Pakistan and all the intervenors have got no right to defend the
179. The above are the detailed reasons for the short order
announced on 25.2.2009.
25th February 2009