Constructing Reality Quantum Theory and Particle Physics 5th Edition John Marburger
Constructing Reality Quantum Theory and Particle Physics 5th Edition John Marburger
Constructing Reality Quantum Theory and Particle Physics 5th Edition John Marburger
Quantum Theory Volume III Radiation and High Energy
Physics D. R. Bates (Editor)
Constructing Reality
Information on this title:
© J. Marburger 2011
A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library
References 275
Index 282
1 The nature of things
I wrote this book for my friends who are not physicists, but who are
curious about the physical world and willing to invest some effort to
understand it. I especially had in mind those who labor to make the
work of physics possible – technical workers in other fields, teachers,
science-minded public officials – who read popular accounts but are
hungry for a “next step” that might give them a firmer grasp of this
puzzling material. Physics gives me great pleasure, more from its
beauty than from its usefulness, and I regret that my enjoyment should
depend on the effort of so many others who do not share it. Here I have
tried to ease my sense of guilt by attempting to disclose in ordinary
language what modern physics really is about. Many similar accounts
exist.1 In this one, I attempt to demystify the deep ideas as much as
possible in a nonmathematical treatment. Some mathematical ideas
are inevitable, and these I try to explain. Physics has entered an excit-
ing phase with talk of new dimensions, exotic matter, and mind-
boggling events of cosmic scale. These dramatic ideas rest on a solid
conceptual framework, a product of the last century that is now old hat
for physicists but remains exotic and impenetrable to most others.
This framework, quantum theory and the Standard Model of matter,
is an intellectual achievement of the highest order and essential for
understanding what comes next. My intention here is to provide a
reference and a guide to this known but still regrettably unfamiliar
Different physicists have different interests, but I think most
would agree that the evolution of our field during the twentieth
century stirs deep aesthetic feelings. I will try to explain why this is
so, but cannot guarantee readers will have the same reaction. My
account is not complete, nor faithful to the complex history of these
2 constructing reality
1. Similar accounts. At the same technical level as this book, the excellent
account by Crease and Mann (Crease and Mann, 1996) follows the
development of modern physics through the contributions of its leading
scientists. A more technical presentation by one such scientist, full of
insights of interest to the nonspecialist, is Abraham Pais’s Inward Bound
(Pais, 1986). Pais has authored important and well-documented biographies
of Einstein, Bohr and others, cited in the References. Helge Kragh’s
Quantum Generations (Kragh, 1999) is a good nontechnical survey that
places the subject in a broader social context. On the interpretation of
quantum mechanics, David Lindley’s Where Does the Weirdness Go?
(Lindley, 1996) is a lucid account for a general audience. Other references are
cited in the notes following each chapter below. The Whole Shebang: A
State-of-the-Universe(s) Report by Timothy Ferris (Ferris, 1998) gives a
snapshot in nontechnical terms of current topics, especially in cosmology,
not covered in this book. All these accounts are broader and more general
than the present work, which focuses narrowly on the Standard Model and
the quantum world view, and not on the sweep of discovery or the state of
8 constructing reality
is but one discursive community among the many that now exist and
that have existed historically. Consequently its truth claims are
irreducibly self-referential, in that they can be upheld only by appeal to
the standards that define the ‘scientific community’ and distinguish it
from other social formations” (Gross and Levitt, 1994). In striving for
clarity, Gross and Levitt have excluded from this statement the
essential socio-political aspects of the postmodernist case that make it
comprehensible. But that is another story.
6. Standard Model wall chart. See the figures in Chapter 7 below. The
Contemporary Physics Education Project website ( has a
popular version that contains more information.
7. The DNA model of Crick and Watson. “The brightly shining metal plates
were . . . immediately used to make a model in which for the first time all the
DNA components were present. In about an hour I had arranged the atoms
in positions which satisfied both the X-ray data and the laws of
stereochemistry. The resulting helix was right-handed with the two chains
running in opposite directions” (Watson, 1968).
8. “Explanation.” What is “evident” may not be familiar. “What scientific
explanation, especially theoretical explanation, aims at is not this intuitive
and highly subjective kind of understanding [reduction to the merely
familiar], but an objective kind of insight that is achieved by a systematic
unification, by exhibiting the phenomena as manifestations of common
underlying structures and processes that conform to specific, testable, basic
principles” (Hempel, 1966).
9. Kepler on the origin of the forces that move the planets. Kepler had inferred
three famous “laws” from careful observations of planetary orbits by his
predecessor Tycho Brahe (1546–1601). I. The planets move in ellipses with
the Sun at one focus. II. A line from the Sun to a planet sweeps out an area as
the planet moves which is proportional to the elapsed time of the
movement. III. The square of the orbital period for any planet is proportional
to the cube of the size of its orbit. Kepler was hard put to explain how the
whole system operated: “. . . I admit a soul in the body of the sun as the
overseer of the rotation of the sun and as the superintendent of the
movement of the whole world.” “. . . the philosophers have commented
upon the intelligences, which draw forth the celestial movements out of
themselves as out of a commentary, which employ consent, will, love, self-
understanding, and lastly command; the soul or motor souls of mine are of a
10 c o n s t r u c t i n g r e a l i t y
Motion linked to forces. The first part tells very generally how material
objects – think particles – move when forced. In the pre-quantum
idea of Nature they move simply: if there is no force, particles move
in straight lines with constant speed (the First Law of Motion);
physicists say constant velocity, a concept that includes both speed
and direction. The effect of a force is to accelerate or to deflect this
steady motion. In particular the acceleration (rate of change of
velocity) is proportional to and in the same direction as the force. For
large objects, force can be measured independently – perhaps by the
stretch of a coiled spring – so the statement of the Law really does
relate two distinct phenomena (force and acceleration). Moreover,
the forced acceleration is inversely proportional to a property of the
particle that is best called inertial mass (this is the Second Law of
Motion, the famous F ¼ ma).
Forces linked to matter. The second part tells how forces are related to
the positions and velocities of objects (or of their component
particles), and to properties of the particles that I will call charges.
Thus the electric force exerted by one particle on another is
proportional to their electric charges, magnetic force is proportional
to magnetic charge (physicists call it magnetic pole strength), and
gravitational force is proportional to gravitational charge.8 Because
gravitational charge seems to be proportional to inertial mass,
physicists call this charge gravitational mass. The second part of
physics is obviously linked to the first part, since the forces depend
on where the particles are, and the particles move in response to the
forces. Since the forces are proportional to the charges, it is efficient
to frame the theory in terms of ratios of force to charge. Thus the
electric field is the electric force per unit of electric charge. The
m a t t e r a n d m o t i o n i n s p a c e a n d t i m e 15
We identified two basic parts of physics work, one for the motion
of particles (Laws of Motion), the other for the forces among them
(Force Laws). Maxwell’s work tended to put the second on par with
the first. For electromagnetic phenomena, the forces result from
dynamic fields that need their own laws of motion. According to this
view, Maxwell’s formulas are not only a description of how electro-
magnetic forces arise from charged particles, but also a sort of Law of
Motion for electromagnetic fields themselves. Physics work still has
two aims: finding laws of motion for every kind of stuff there is, and
then solving them to analyze the motion of the stuff. In the reduction-
ist world of Newtonian/Maxwellian physics, everything that is is
moving stuff.
Physicists use the word field to refer to something that exists at
every point in space, just as a field of grass ideally has a blade at “every
point” of turf. The measure of the “something” – like the height of the
grass blade – is said to be a function of the location in space.20 Before
Maxwell, you could hope that someday a computer could be made
large enough to solve Newton’s equations for every atom in existence
and thereby predict the future from present knowledge. After Maxwell,
the number of equations becomes unmanageably large because the
electromagnetic fields have to be computed from initial conditions at
every point in space. If space is as Euclid imagined, there is an infinity
of points even in the smallest volume. If fields are “stuff,” then pre-
dicting them would seem to require infinite computing power. But
perhaps in real space there is not an infinity of points – that is, of places
where events can be observed – in each small volume. The small-scale
structure of actual space cannot be determined a priori. It is a question
of physics to be answered by Nature herself, and not by the imagina-
tion of mathematicians or philosophers.
V c c V
an effect in this case could be because the speed of waves in the ether is
just so fast that we do not notice the small changes from our own slow
motion. Earth itself, however, moves about its axis and the Sun fast
enough for its effect on light speed to be easily observable with optical
interference techniques. After many careful measurements, no dev-
iation from 186,000 miles per second has ever been detected.23 No
matter how fast either the light emitter or the light observer moves,
the speed of light appears to be the same.
It is impossible to visualize any mechanical setup that is consis-
tent with these observed facts. You can try thinking of light as particles
shot out from the source, or as waves traveling through a fluid. Neither
picture leads to a light speed that remains unchanged when viewed
from moving frames. Maxwell’s formulas accurately describe a Nature
that operates in a nonvisualizable way. This is the first crisis perpe-
trated upon science by Maxwell’s theory.
2.7 a digression on e ¼ mc 2
What I most want to describe in this chapter is how we came to believe
that efforts to explain the simple relations we find in Nature would
bear fruit. The thread of this account is knotted with many apparently
unrelated discoveries that eventually contributed to a remarkable
larger pattern. I vividly recall my first impression of Darwin’s Origin
of Species where descriptions of empirical observations are piled one
upon another to create an overwhelming sense of a powerful under-
lying principle at work. Reading the history of twentieth-century
physics creates a similar impression. The side-effects, as it were, of
the search for meaning in Nature mount up to reinforce a conviction
that we are on the right track. Of all such discoveries, that of Einstein’s
famous formula was among the deepest, and the least expected.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion is about accelerations in
response to forces. Acceleration means changing velocity. If the
26 c o n s t r u c t i n g r e a l i t y
That is, the formulas had to be changed that related one quantity to
another. The whole body of ideas came to be called the special theory
of relativity. Our old notions of what is real were transformed into
weird concepts that do not match the structures of space, time, and
tangibility built into everyday language.
When the mathematician Hermann Minkowski (1864–1909)
contemplated these results shortly after Einstein set them forth in
1905, he saw a familiar pattern. The new concept replacing time played
a role in the formulas very similar to the new concept replacing dis-
tance. Furthermore, the way durations and distances changed in going
from one moving frame to another closely resembled the way horizon-
tal and vertical locations change when the reference frame is rotated.
If a window-washer’s platform tilts, the window near the low end
appears to be higher to a worker on the platform. The platform has
rotated, and the location of the window with respect to it has changed
in a definite way. Minkowski noticed that the relativistic transforma-
tion formulas were like the formulas describing the window from the
tilted perspective of the worker. But in the special theory of relativity,
one dimension of the “space” is time and the others are the usual
dimensions of length, width, and height. This is the origin of the idea
that time is a fourth dimension. The analogy is very close. It makes
itself most evident when the equations are expressed in the language
that Bernhard Riemann had advocated for investigating the empirical
properties of space.28
The four-dimensional language Minkowski advocated for
describing events in space-time gives Maxwell’s formulas their sim-
plest mathematical form. Calculations are easier when expressed in
this language, and results of calculations are easier to interpret. It is as
if before Einstein’s idea, and Minkowski’s language for it, physicists
were writing down the formulas in the wrong framework, using the
wrong variables and getting clumsy looking mathematical expressions
as a result. The new “space” and “time” appear to provide the most
natural framework for the description of evolving fields and particles.
When relative speeds are slow compared to light speed, these new
m a t t e r a n d m o t i o n i n s p a c e a n d t i m e 29
concepts behave like the old familiar space and time of Newton, and in
this regime the new formulas give results that differ negligibly from
the old.
The idea of time as a fourth dimension passed quickly into
popular culture and language, perhaps too quickly. Today we use the
word dimension to speak of the number of quantities required to
specify something. For example, we may need to ask questions in
seven categories to get a good idea of a person’s intelligence, in which
case we might speak of intelligence as having seven dimensions. We
speak of the dimensions of a spreadsheet for accounting, and of the
parameter space of a machine like a robot arm whose actions need to
be programmed. This popular use of the words dimension and space is
somewhat misleading when it comes to the four dimensions of rela-
tivistic space-time. Time behaves much more like a true geometrical
dimension than the dimensions of experimental psychology or com-
plex machinery. Time and space play such similar roles in the formulas
of physics that they mix together when they are transformed to
account for the motion of the observer who measures them.29 That is
not to say, however, that time and space are completely interchange-
able. The geometrical language favored by Minkowski does single out
one among the four dimensions as time-like, the others, of course,
being space-like.
the dance progresses from one frame to the next, but the whole dance
would be contained within the single fabric.
This is how Minkowski envisioned reality: as a pattern of threads –
he called them world-lines – traced by each atom within the four-
dimensional space-time in which the course of all that exists is
manifest. Space is the dance floor, time is the dimension that extends
from one frame to the next. The entire volume of space-time encom-
passes all history as well as all places, so omniscience amounts simply to
knowing this pattern of threads. At least it would if all there was to
know were the positions of atoms. We are aware since Maxwell’s time
that we also have to know the values of the electric and magnetic fields
at each point and each instant, which seems a vast complication. But for
the moment let us focus upon the histories of the atoms.
The first important feature of this picture is that the threads are
not broken. They do not begin or end, because atoms in this view
are the atoms of Democritus, assumed to be immortal. We should
be slightly uncomfortable with this idea, because there is no way
we could tell if atoms flickered in and out of existence very briefly
between frames, for unobservably short times. But even in the more
sophisticated post-quantum view of Nature, what we call atoms today
are remarkably, if not infallibly, permanent. The atomic threads in the
grand tapestry of Existence seem to pass unbroken through countless
incarnations in the course of time.
The second important feature of Minkowski’s vision is that the
dance proceeds according to a remarkably simple set of rules, namely
Newton’s Second Law of Motion (suitably modified à la Einstein to
account for finite light speed). How is the Second Law embedded in the
fabric of world-threads? Look at Figure 2.5. If there were no force on an
atom, its world-line would be straight. Forces cause world-lines to
bend. A world-line pointing straight up along the time dimension
represents an atom standing still. A world-line straight but tilted
represents an atom moving with constant speed in some direction.
But an atom accelerating under forces threads a curved world-line,
and the more the acceleration the greater (sharper) the curvature.
m a t t e r a n d m o t i o n i n s p a c e a n d t i m e 31
(In Figure 2.5 you may choose the planes labeled t1, t2, . . . to be tilted,
warped, or bumpy like rumpled tissues – the world-lines would be
the same.)
This is not so easy to arrange. A surveyor will typically express
distances and times relative to arbitrary points of reference, like
the prime meridian, or Greenwich mean time. These choices clearly
depend upon who draws the maps. Einstein wanted the rules of motion
to depend only upon relative distances, which we might call separa-
tions, and relative times or durations. Similarly, motions are usually
measured with respect to a platform the observer defines to be sta-
tionary, such as the (daily rotating!) surface of the planet Earth. So
Einstein wanted the rules to depend only on relative velocities, as
well as relative distances and times. This is why the whole program
is called the theory of relativity. It is a systematic effort to eliminate
the point of view of the observer completely from the laws of motion.
The special theory of relativity managed to adjust the laws of motion
known at the time – Newton’s and Maxwell’s – to be independent of
the position, orientation, historical moment of time, and any constant
speed, of the observer.
But an observer could be moving with a nonconstant speed,
jumping up and down for example, or accelerating in some other
complicated way like the deck of a tossing ship. And this causes
trouble in the theory. Newton’s Law is a rule specifically about accel-
erations. Unlike uniform motion, which we cannot detect, we can
always “feel” accelerations (except – and this is a clue – when we are
falling). That is the basic experience the Second Law itself summarizes.
How can we separate “real” forces from the merely apparent forces
inflicted by our own personal, arbitrary, motion?
These apparent forces are familiar. As an automobile (frame of
reference) speeds around a curve, the passengers sense a force pulling
them to the outside of the curve. They call it centrifugal force, but
there is nothing there to pull them. They are only feeling the effect of
the First Law of Motion, which declares the tendency of bodies (theirs)
to move in a straight line. As the auto’s path is curving, the passengers’
m a t t e r a n d m o t i o n i n s p a c e a n d t i m e 33
straight trajectories would pass right through its side if they were not
pulled along with the auto by friction against the seat and by the seat
belts. We attribute the sensation of being pulled outward to a fictitious
“centrifugal force.” The real force, pulling us in a curve along with the
car, is the pressure of the seat belts upon our bodies.
Distinguishing real from apparent forces seems hopeless so long
as we express the Rules of the Dance (equations of motion) in terms of
the observed acceleration. According to Einstein’s program, therefore,
some other formulation of the Second Law of Motion must be found
that does not refer to accelerations. This seems an absurdly radical
idea, given that the whole point of Newton’s Law is to relate acceler-
ations to forces. Einstein persisted because he was convinced that the
deep truths of Nature do not depend in any way upon how we choose to
view them. This is the motivation for the general theory of relativity.
magnetic forces. Thus began the quest to reduce all forces to geometry.
The first idea of how to do this came from the mathematician
Hermann Weyl (1885–1955).34
Curvature is not the most fundamental property of, nor the best
way to describe, the geometry of a multi-dimensional space. It can be
derived from a more convenient set of quantities collectively called
the metric of the space, a concept already employed by Riemann.35
The numbers defining the metric are coefficients in the analogue of
Pythagoras’s Theorem that relates the square of a distance traveled to
the squares of projections of the distance along the coordinate axes of a
reference frame. This sounds rather technical, but the fact that it can
be framed in a single sentence suggests that “metric” is not an unduly
exotic concept. It relates the distance traveled in some direction to
corresponding advances along other directions, just as the hypotenuse
of a right triangle can be described as resulting from advances along the
two perpendicular legs (Figure 2.6). Curvature is related not to the
absolute numbers of the metric, but to how the numbers change as
you move about in the space. In Einstein’s theory, these numbers play
the role of (and for weak gravity are actually proportional to) the
Newtonian quantity called gravitational potential.
Weyl pointed out that we are free not only to choose the coor-
dinate axes, but also the measuring scale we use to determine lengths
at each point. Imagine the state of measurement before the nations
agreed on a standard meter. There was, so to speak, a French meter, a
Swiss meter, and an Italian meter. The numerical stature of an interna-
tional traveler would grow or shrink at border crossings – a truly
artificial effect. But suppose there was an effect that really did change
the lengths of things as you moved about (Figure 2.7). Then you would
want to distinguish that real intrinsic effect from the artificial one of a
changing standard – a changing gauge. In any case, you would want the
m a t t e r a n d m o t i o n i n s p a c e a n d t i m e 39
1. The shape of the Earth. Newton’s idea is stated as Theorem 16 “That the
axes of the planets are less than the diameters drawn perpendicular to the
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