Qna Prep
Qna Prep
Qna Prep
life, these skills are equally important, whether at work or in relationships.
Just like in volleyball, where you rely on your teammates to keep the ball in
play, in life you need the support of others to overcome challenges.
Basketball: In basketball, you have to be quick on your feet and think ahead
to make the right play. Similarly, life requires adaptability and foresight to
seize opportunities and handle difficult situations.
Soccer: Soccer is about strategy, collaboration, and individual effort. Just like
in life, achieving success often involves both working within a team and
excelling individually to make progress.
3. Question: How do you think sports can bring about social change?
Answer: Losing is never easy, but I believe it’s an opportunity to learn and
grow. I would reflect on what I could improve, stay positive, and use the
experience as motivation to come back stronger. Success is built on
overcoming failures, and it’s through defeat that we develop resilience
and strength.
20. “What qualities do you think make a good sports leader, and how
can these qualities inspire others?”
21. “In what ways do you think sports help bridge cultural or social
22. “How can sports help individuals build self-confidence, and what
is one example of how you’ve seen this happen?”
23. “If you could change one aspect of how sports are perceived or
organized globally, what would it be and why?”