Project Proposal For Waste Management
Project Proposal For Waste Management
Project Proposal For Waste Management
Graduate School Programs
Master in Public Management
Location of implementation Hda. Cabanbanan Sian, Brgy. Zone 12A, Talisay City, Negros
The area of Hda. Cabanbanan Sian, Brgy 12A. Talisay City is prone to floods and other diseases
due to garbage clogged in most of the creeks that causes contamination of water. The
community don’t have a proper accessibility of potable water or clean water to become there
sources of clean drinkable water and due to have no proper potable water or clean water they
used to buy potable water or clean water from the sari sari store which cost Php 10.00 per gallon
and if there is no available potable water or clean water, the well becomes there source of water
which is very unsafe to drink and it causes
health risks for the community. Another
problem that causes the community to
have a bad sanitation is due to improper
waste disposal in every corner of the street
or even in the side of the street. The
garbage were dump in open area and near
to houses which affect bad sanitation and
health risks. This project can help the
community to clean their surroundings and
minimize pollution by maintaining proper
waste disposal or waste management in
line with segregating the non-biodegradable and biodegradable in the community. The project
will not just for learning proper segregation but to discipline and engaged the community in
proper waste disposal of garbage. This project will not just helping the community but also
upholding the cleanliness of the environment as much will depend on the willingness of the
participants to assume their responsibility for the cleanliness and promote the maintenance of
cleanliness in the community. In fact we are hoping that the youth of this generation is nation to
build a positive leadership to promote cleanliness in all aspect of community development. The
information gathered here is vital as it provides culture of awareness to everyone on how
wastewater is disposed of. Wastewater comes from everywhere; from our residences to our
workplaces, even public places. So this project will really promote a better health, a better
cleanliness, and a better community life society. We will exert our willingness and efforts in
helping the community as well as to preserve and protect our environment.
2 Planned Response
Project goal: To protect health, well-being and the environment by providing reasonable
measures for — minimizing the consumption of natural resources; avoiding and minimizing the
generation of waste; reducing, re-using, recycling and recovering waste; treating and safely
disposing of waste to ensure that people are aware of the impact of waste on their health,
wellbeing and the environment. We want to teach the community on how to protect our
environment and reduces the chances of spending deceases.
Project outcome: The community will gain knowledge and skills in proper disposal of hazardous
waste, including sharp and other infectious waste that might affect health and environment. The
community will have a safer environment and less prone to diseases.
Project outputs:
1. Active cooperation of the citizens of Hda. Cabanbanan Sian together with the point person
and officers.
2. Mitigate Health risks due to improper disposal of waste in Hda. Cabanbanan Sian, Brgy. Zone
3. Provide skills and knowledge of the community regarding waste management.
Output 1: Active cooperation of the citizens of Hda. Cabanbanan Sian together with the point
person and officers.
Activity - Active participation of the community through attendance and involvement of the
activities that were implemented: The project promotes solidarity and cooperation among
Hda. Cabanbanan Sian, Brgy 12A residents for community development. This will include
proper waste handling, through this will Increase the awareness of Hda. Cabanbanan Sian,
Brgy 12A residents regarding proper waste disposal and segregation. Interventions under
this output will focus mainly on the following areas:
Educate the community in a proper waste disposal
Orientation regarding the actual waste disposal which should be collected properly and
transported in such a way that is not hazardous to health and environment.
Verifiable Indicator
The performance of the waste disposal and segregation in the community will be improved
and minimize the littering of garbage.
Output 2: Mitigate Health risks due to improper disposal of waste in Hda. Cabanbanan Sian,
Brgy. Zone 12A.
Activity - Provide guidance in avoiding health issues due to improper disposal of waste: The
project will increase the awareness of Hda. Cabanbanan Sian, Brgy 12A residents regarding
proper waste disposal and segregation of hazardous wastes and other infectious wastes.
This project will include health and safety, this activity promote an awareness of health and
safety in proper waste handling of hazardous waste, including sharps and other infectious
waste which causes serious risk to human health and the general environment.
Verifiable Indicator
The community will have a safer environment which is free from environment pollution that
is extremely harmful to humans especially to the general environment and will have a healthy
living conditions.
Output 3: Provide skills and knowledge of the community regarding waste management.
Verifiable Indicator
The community will have a good sanitation, there will be no stagnant waste that might cause
floods and will have a clean and safer environment.
2.2 Logical Framework
Project Outcome:
The community will
gain knowledge and
skills in proper disposal
of hazardous waste,
including sharp and
other infectious waste
that might affect health
Output 1:
Output 2:
Active cooperation of Output 3:
Mitigate Health risks
the citizens of Hda. Provide skills and
due to improper
Cabanbanan Sian knowledge of the
disposal of waste in
together with the community regarding
Hda. Cabanbanan
point person and waste management
Sian, Brgy. Zone 12A
2.3 Project Beneficiaries
The project is leading the community to cleanliness through proper waste disposal, since the
community`s main problem is there sanitation. Wherein, the waste were not in proper management
and no proper sanitary land fill which causes stagnant wastes and clogged canals. By the support of
the local officials we were able to provide sanitary land fill and trash bins for the community, and for
their health and safety we’ve contacted a specialist for health and safety program, and for the clean
and green program we will provide equipment and tools for proper disposing of wastes.
The project established connections with the IPM construction and Development Corporation for
providing garbage collector vehicle assigned in their area and transport wastes to the proper
sanitary landfill that the local officials had been provided.
The project established connections with the Natural Resources Management to link the community
for their possible existing programs that might help the community with their sanitation problem
and for the conservation, rehabilitation and protection of their environment.
The project will ensure the funds directly to the project implementation and we will avoid
overlapping and double funding in order for the project to be successful and be implemented to the
community. Thanks to the local officials, IPM construction and Development Corporation and
Natural Resources management in lending their hands to support our project to be more possible
and effective.
The Project established connection with the community leader in order to inform the residents of
Brgy. Hda. Sian, Brgy 12A, about our project implementation, and have their awareness about our
program in order to prepare their presence during implementation.
The Project assigned point person for every activity, these appointed person will be contacted by the
responsible officer of the project, the appointed person monitors:
Proper waste handling (At least Households were performing the proper waste disposal in
accordance with reducing and reusing basics.)
(Every streets in the community must be clean and all waste must be in proper waste bins.)
Health and Safety (Maintained the proper ways of segregating hazardous and other
infectious wastes in the community.)
The result and outcome of the project implementation will be monitored through our appointed
persons in line with their observation and performance that were based on the indicator of
every activity.
Proper waste 11/20/18 – 10,000.00 Courtesy of hda.
Handling 1/18/19 Cabanbanan Sian
(venue), Members
Clean and 11/20/18 – 14,000.00 Courtesy of hda.
Green 4/11/19 Cabanbanan Sian
(venue), Members
Health and 11/20/18 – 8,000.00 Courtesy of hda.
Safety 2/14/19 Cabanbanan Sian
(venue), Members
Line Item Budget