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School: Grade and Section: VI -

Teacher: Subject: TLE (AGRI-FISHERY ARTS)



A. Content Standards demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Most Essential Learning Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the following: elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees; market
Competencies (MELCS) demands for fruits; and famous orchard farms in the country (No code)
Write the code for each


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Material
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials Torrecampo, L. (2020) Torrecampo, L. (2020) Torrecampo, L. (2020) Torrecampo, L. (2020)
from Learning Resource Module 2: Trees and Fruit- Module 2: Trees and Fruit- Module 2: Trees and Fruit- Module 2: Trees and Fruit-
(LR) portal/LASs/SLMs) Bearing Trees [Self- Bearing Trees [Self- Bearing Trees [Self- Bearing Trees [Self-
Learning Modules]. Learning Modules]. Learning Modules]. Learning Modules].
Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of
Education. Retrieved Education. Retrieved Education. Retrieved Education. Retrieved
(August 30, 2023) from (August 30, 2023) from (August 30, 2023) from (August 30, 2023) from
https://r7- https://r7- https://r7- https://r7-
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl
e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
id=13094 id=13094 id=13094 id=13094
B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning
Activity Sheets, bolpen, Activity Sheets, bolpen, Activity Sheets, bolpen, Activity Sheets, bolpen,
lapis, kuwaderno lapis, kuwaderno lapis, kuwaderno lapis, kuwaderno
A. Reviewing previous Directions: Write T if the Directions: Write TREE if Directions: Identify if the
lesson or presenting the statement is TRUE and F the statement is correct, statement is TRUE or
new lesson if it is FALSE. Directions: Draw FRUIT-BEARING TREE if FALSE. Encircle your
if the statement is correct, not. answer.
1. Fertilizers are
added to the soil to make if false. 1. Mangoes are harvested
plants healthy and more 1. Direct-
seeding involves planting when fully ripened to
productive. ensure maximum
1. Surveying aims to seeds directly into the
2. Trees planted in collect data to enhance ground, while indirect sweetness and flavor.
small pots can survive and knowledge about tree method involves (True/False)
can bear fruits in season. planting, market demands, transplanting seedlings. 2. Organic fertilizers are
and successful orchard recommended for tree
3. It is important to 2. Seed planting due to their
farming practices.
plant a tree during rainy germination requires effectiveness and
season. 2. Google Forms, water, warmth, oxygen, environmental benefits.
SurveyMonkey, and and sunlight to transform (True/False)
4. Sunlight is the main
Typeform are examples of seeds into young plants. 3.Fruit storage should be
energy provider for plants
online survey tools. done without any
to grow but not to bear
fruits in certain number of 3. Thinning is classification to save time
years. 3. Defining objectives the process of removing and effort. (True/False)
helps identify the crowded seedlings to 4. Nica's Farm is
5. Market demand is renowned for being the
problems to be addressed promote healthier growth.
described as the attitude largest jackfruit plantation
through surveys.
of consumers to buy a in the country.
certain product available 4. Hardening is
a pre-transplanting (True/False)
in the marketplace for a 4. The target audience 5. The primary factor
given period. for surveys should be process that strengthens
seedlings to withstand the influencing market
determined based on demand for fruits is their
existing communities and rigors of planting. appearance and size.
potential markets. (True/False)
5. Survey questions 5. The leading
should be aligned with the fruit species grown in the
goals and objectives of Philippines include
the survey. Mango, Calamansi,
Durian, Jackfruit, and

B. Establishing a purpose Do you know why plants Have a every conduct a Why technology is
for the lesson grow well? survey or an interview? important in conducting a
How do you feel? survey to find out the
elements to be observed
in planting trees and fruit-
bearing trees; market
demands for fruits; and
famous orchard farms in
the country?

C. Presenting Plants thrive when The choice between Technology is vital for Utilizing modern
examples/instances of the provided with optimal conducting a survey or an surveying these aspects technology for conducting
new lesson conditions that interview depends on the as it enables efficient data
surveys is a powerful tool
encompass adequate research objectives and collection, broader to gather essential
sunlight, water, nutrients, the type of data needed. outreach, and streamlined insights. By employing
and suitable Surveys are efficient for analysis. Online tools andtechnology, surveys can
environmental factors. collecting data from a digital platforms expediteefficiently explore crucial
Their growth is also large number of survey distribution, aspects such as the key
influenced by factors like respondents, while reaching a wider elements in planting trees
proper soil composition, interviews provide in- audience, while data and fruit-bearing trees,
air quality, and a balanced depth insights and allow analytics software assessing market
ecosystem. for follow-up questions, simplifies the extraction of
demands for fruits, and
potentially yielding richer meaningful insights, uncovering information
qualitative data. facilitating informed about well-known orchard
decision-making in farms across the nation.
agricultural practices andThis approach enhances
market strategies. data collection, analysis,
and decision-making,
contributing to the overall
success of agricultural
practices and the fruit
D. Discussing new concepts Tree is a woody perennial Tree is a woody perennial Tree is a woody perennial Tree is a woody perennial
and practicing new skills plant, having a single stem plant, having a single stem plant, having a single stem plant, having a single stem
#1 or trunk growing to a or trunk growing to a or trunk growing to a or trunk growing to a
considerable height, considerable height, considerable height, considerable height,
bearing lateral branches of bearing lateral branches of bearing lateral branches of bearing lateral branches of
some distance from the some distance from the some distance from the some distance from the
ground. Examples of ground. Examples of ground. Examples of ground. Examples of
which are Narra, Molave, which are Narra, Molave, which are Narra, Molave, which are Narra, Molave,
Ipil-ipil, Mahogany, Ipil-ipil, Mahogany, Ipil-ipil, Mahogany, Ipil-ipil, Mahogany,
Gemelina, Acacia, etc. Gemelina, Acacia, etc. Gemelina, Acacia, etc. Gemelina, Acacia, etc.
Fruit-bearing trees are Fruit-bearing trees are Fruit-bearing trees are Fruit-bearing trees are
trees which bear fruit, trees which bear fruit, trees which bear fruit, trees which bear fruit,
these products of trees these products of trees these products of trees these products of trees
are used as source of are used as source of are used as source of are used as source of
livelihood for some livelihood for some livelihood for some livelihood for some
people. Furthermore, fruits people. Furthermore, fruits people. Furthermore, fruits people. Furthermore, fruits
are known as regulating are known as regulating are known as regulating are known as regulating
food of the body and a food of the body and a food of the body and a food of the body and a
good source of some good source of some good source of some good source of some
vitamins. vitamins. vitamins. vitamins.
E. Discussing new concepts Farmers should conduct Farmers should conduct Farmers should conduct Farmers should conduct
and practicing new skills survey to have a better survey to have a better survey to have a better survey to have a better
#2 knowledge in planting and knowledge in planting and knowledge in planting and knowledge in planting and
propagating trees, what propagating trees, what propagating trees, what propagating trees, what
the market demands at the market demands at the market demands at the market demands at
the present time, and how the present time, and how the present time, and how the present time, and how
some orchard farmers some orchard farmers some orchard farmers some orchard farmers
become successful in become successful in become successful in become successful in
what they do. Survey is what they do. Survey is what they do. Survey is what they do. Survey is
gathering of data or gathering of data or gathering of data or gathering of data or
information from others information from others information from others information from others
through internet or any through internet or any through internet or any through internet or any
social media; reading social media; reading social media; reading social media; reading
books, magazines or books, magazines or books, magazines or books, magazines or
brochures; interviews to brochures; interviews to brochures; interviews to brochures; interviews to
farmers and listening to farmers and listening to farmers and listening to farmers and listening to
radio broadcast or radio broadcast or radio broadcast or radio broadcast or
watching tv programs. watching tv programs. watching tv programs. watching tv programs.
Data gathered from these Data gathered from these Data gathered from these Data gathered from these
activities can be used to activities can be used to activities can be used to activities can be used to
increase production and increase production and increase production and increase production and
profit. profit. profit. profit.
Conducting Effective Conducting Effective Conducting Effective Conducting Effective
Online Surveys Online Surveys Online Surveys Online Surveys
With the use of the With the use of the With the use of the With the use of the
present technology, present technology, present technology, present technology,
surveys have become fast surveys have become fast surveys have become fast surveys have become fast
to help you quickly reach to help you quickly reach to help you quickly reach to help you quickly reach
your target respondents your target respondents your target respondents your target respondents
and to participate in your and to participate in your and to participate in your and to participate in your
activity at a much lower activity at a much lower activity at a much lower activity at a much lower
cost. Learn from the cost. Learn from the cost. Learn from the cost. Learn from the
suggested ways on how to suggested ways on how to suggested ways on how to suggested ways on how to
do a survey with the aid of do a survey with the aid of do a survey with the aid of do a survey with the aid of
technology given below. technology given below. technology given below. technology given below.
Steps for Conducting Steps for Conducting Steps for Conducting Steps for Conducting
Effective Online Surveys Effective Online Surveys Effective Online Surveys Effective Online Surveys
1. Define Your Survey’s 1. Define Your Survey’s 1. Define Your Survey’s 1. Define Your Survey’s
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
Defining what you really Defining what you really Defining what you really Defining what you really
want to know and stating want to know and stating want to know and stating want to know and stating
the problem/s you need to the problem/s you need to the problem/s you need to the problem/s you need to
solve are important in solve are important in solve are important in solve are important in
identifying your objectives. identifying your objectives. identifying your objectives. identifying your objectives.
Decide what project do Decide what project do Decide what project do Decide what project do
you like to have. Look or you like to have. Look or you like to have. Look or you like to have. Look or
imagine what would be the imagine what would be the imagine what would be the imagine what would be the
result of your project and result of your project and result of your project and result of your project and
keep your objectives keep your objectives keep your objectives keep your objectives
narrow and simple. narrow and simple. narrow and simple. narrow and simple.

2. Identify Your Target 2. Identify Your Target 2. Identify Your Target 2. Identify Your Target
Audience Audience Audience Audience
Who are the participants Who are the participants Who are the participants Who are the participants
in your survey? Start in in your survey? Start in in your survey? Start in in your survey? Start in
your existing community your existing community your existing community your existing community
and consider your present and consider your present and consider your present and consider your present
work and prospects in the work and prospects in the work and prospects in the work and prospects in the
markets. Proper sizes of markets. Proper sizes of markets. Proper sizes of markets. Proper sizes of
survey samples are to be survey samples are to be survey samples are to be survey samples are to be
identified to properly identified to properly identified to properly identified to properly
analyze the results and analyze the results and analyze the results and analyze the results and
how you act on them. how you act on them. how you act on them. how you act on them.
3. Prioritize Your 3. Prioritize Your 3. Prioritize Your 3. Prioritize Your
Questions Questions Questions Questions
Survey questions must be Survey questions must be Survey questions must be Survey questions must be
specific and must be specific and must be specific and must be specific and must be
related to your goals and related to your goals and related to your goals and related to your goals and
objectives set. What objectives set. What objectives set. What objectives set. What
attitudes or insights do attitudes or insights do attitudes or insights do attitudes or insights do
you want to measure from you want to measure from you want to measure from you want to measure from
the participants and what the participants and what the participants and what the participants and what
answers or expected answers or expected answers or expected answers or expected
results will help you make results will help you make results will help you make results will help you make
more informed decisions more informed decisions more informed decisions more informed decisions
are to be considered in are to be considered in are to be considered in are to be considered in
preparing our survey preparing our survey preparing our survey preparing our survey
questionnaires. Always questionnaires. Always questionnaires. Always questionnaires. Always
provide options for provide options for provide options for provide options for
participants to choose participants to choose participants to choose participants to choose
from to facilitate expected from to facilitate expected from to facilitate expected from to facilitate expected
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
4. Test the Survey 4. Test the Survey 4. Test the Survey 4. Test the Survey
Test thoroughly your Test thoroughly your Test thoroughly your Test thoroughly your
survey forms in many PC survey forms in many PC survey forms in many PC survey forms in many PC
platforms, operating platforms, operating platforms, operating platforms, operating
systems, various web systems, various web systems, various web systems, various web
browsers, etc. before you browsers, etc. before you browsers, etc. before you browsers, etc. before you
send it and broadcast the send it and broadcast the send it and broadcast the send it and broadcast the
survey to your chosen survey to your chosen survey to your chosen survey to your chosen
sample participants. At sample participants. At sample participants. At sample participants. At
times, the use of times, the use of times, the use of times, the use of
technology is technology is technology is technology is
unpredictable so think unpredictable so think unpredictable so think unpredictable so think
ahead on how to ahead on how to ahead on how to ahead on how to
troubleshoot the process. troubleshoot the process. troubleshoot the process. troubleshoot the process.
5. Communicate the 5. Communicate the 5. Communicate the 5. Communicate the
Survey’s Survey’s Survey’s Survey’s
Purpose Inform your Purpose Inform your Purpose Inform your Purpose Inform your
survey participants about survey participants about survey participants about survey participants about
its purpose and how these its purpose and how these its purpose and how these its purpose and how these
data become useful in data become useful in data become useful in data become useful in
improving the activities, improving the activities, improving the activities, improving the activities,
products or services you products or services you products or services you products or services you
have. This can be done by have. This can be done by have. This can be done by have. This can be done by
sending email to sending email to sending email to sending email to
announce the survey to announce the survey to announce the survey to announce the survey to
your expected your expected your expected your expected
respondents. respondents. respondents. respondents.
6. Analyze and Act Upon 6. Analyze and Act Upon 6. Analyze and Act Upon 6. Analyze and Act Upon
the Results the Results the Results the Results
As soon as your survey As soon as your survey As soon as your survey As soon as your survey
forms have been forms have been forms have been forms have been
published online, results published online, results published online, results published online, results
will begin to drop. Gather will begin to drop. Gather will begin to drop. Gather will begin to drop. Gather
these results and begin these results and begin these results and begin these results and begin
analyzing the data as analyzing the data as analyzing the data as analyzing the data as
needed in spreadsheets, needed in spreadsheets, needed in spreadsheets, needed in spreadsheets,
presentation programs presentation programs presentation programs presentation programs
and statistical software. and statistical software. and statistical software. and statistical software.
When survey results When survey results When survey results When survey results
analysis is done, compare analysis is done, compare analysis is done, compare analysis is done, compare
it with your objectives to it with your objectives to it with your objectives to it with your objectives to
come up a final, specific, come up a final, specific, come up a final, specific, come up a final, specific,
and attainable action to and attainable action to and attainable action to and attainable action to
realize your goals. realize your goals. realize your goals. realize your goals.
The following online The following online The following online The following online
survey tools are free of survey tools are free of survey tools are free of survey tools are free of
use: Google Forms, use: Google Forms, use: Google Forms, use: Google Forms,
SurveyMonkey, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, Typeform,
SurveyLegend, Polldaddy, SurveyLegend, Polldaddy, SurveyLegend, Polldaddy, SurveyLegend, Polldaddy,
Survey Planet, etc. These Survey Planet, etc. These Survey Planet, etc. These Survey Planet, etc. These
will assist you in your will assist you in your will assist you in your will assist you in your
journey in gathering data. journey in gathering data. journey in gathering data. journey in gathering data.
A. Elements to be A. Elements to be A. Elements to be A. Elements to be
observed in planting observed in planting observed in planting observed in planting
trees and fruit-bearing trees and fruit-bearing trees and fruit-bearing trees and fruit-bearing
trees trees trees trees
1. Proper care of the 1. Proper care of the 1. Proper care of the 1. Proper care of the
plants and soil Trees and plants and soil Trees and plants and soil Trees and plants and soil Trees and
fruit-bearing trees need a fruit-bearing trees need a fruit-bearing trees need a fruit-bearing trees need a
wider space for planting to wider space for planting to wider space for planting to wider space for planting to
grow and be productive grow and be productive grow and be productive grow and be productive
than ornamental plants than ornamental plants than ornamental plants than ornamental plants
and vegetables because and vegetables because and vegetables because and vegetables because
the roots of the trees the roots of the trees the roots of the trees the roots of the trees
expand sideward and expand sideward and expand sideward and expand sideward and
move downward. Here are move downward. Here are move downward. Here are move downward. Here are
some ways of caring some ways of caring some ways of caring some ways of caring
plants and soil: plants and soil: plants and soil: plants and soil:
1.1 Choose the right place 1.1 Choose the right place 1.1 Choose the right place 1.1 Choose the right place
for planting. Farmers for planting. Farmers for planting. Farmers for planting. Farmers
should select a place should select a place should select a place should select a place
away from thickly away from thickly away from thickly away from thickly
populated areas, roots of populated areas, roots of populated areas, roots of populated areas, roots of
the plants have enough the plants have enough the plants have enough the plants have enough
space to spread out, and space to spread out, and space to spread out, and space to spread out, and
near to different bodies of near to different bodies of near to different bodies of near to different bodies of
water like lakes, swamps water like lakes, swamps water like lakes, swamps water like lakes, swamps
and rivers. The kind of soil and rivers. The kind of soil and rivers. The kind of soil and rivers. The kind of soil
as well as the amount of as well as the amount of as well as the amount of as well as the amount of
sunlight that the trees can sunlight that the trees can sunlight that the trees can sunlight that the trees can
have should also be have should also be have should also be have should also be
considered. considered. considered. considered.
1.2. Select seeds that best 1.2. Select seeds that best 1.2. Select seeds that best 1.2. Select seeds that best
suited for both soil and the suited for both soil and the suited for both soil and the suited for both soil and the
season. Good quality season. Good quality season. Good quality season. Good quality
seeds came from high seeds came from high seeds came from high seeds came from high
yielding mother trees, so yielding mother trees, so yielding mother trees, so yielding mother trees, so
farmers should be skilled farmers should be skilled farmers should be skilled farmers should be skilled
in choosing the right in choosing the right in choosing the right in choosing the right
seeds in order to gain seeds in order to gain seeds in order to gain seeds in order to gain
more products. Plant trees more products. Plant trees more products. Plant trees more products. Plant trees
according to their season according to their season according to their season according to their season
of planting. A good of planting. A good of planting. A good of planting. A good season
season in planting is the season in planting is the season in planting is the in planting is the rainy
rainy season where there rainy season where there rainy season where there season where there is
is abundance of water. A is abundance of water. A is abundance of water. A abundance of water. A
farmer should prepare the farmer should prepare the farmer should prepare the farmer should prepare the
soil and seeds before soil and seeds before soil and seeds before soil and seeds before
planting. planting. planting. planting.
1.3. Add enough fertilizer 1.3. Add enough fertilizer 1.3. Add enough fertilizer 1.3. Add enough fertilizer
into the soil. Trees and into the soil. Trees and into the soil. Trees and into the soil. Trees and
fruit-bearing trees need fruit-bearing trees need fruit-bearing trees need fruit-bearing trees need
vitamins and minerals for vitamins and minerals for vitamins and minerals for vitamins and minerals for
their growth. These their growth. These their growth. These their growth. These
elements are found in the elements are found in the elements are found in the elements are found in the
soil but are improved soil but are improved soil but are improved soil but are improved
when mixed with either when mixed with either when mixed with either when mixed with either
organic or inorganic organic or inorganic organic or inorganic organic or inorganic
fertilizers. Organic fertilizer fertilizers. Organic fertilizer fertilizers. Organic fertilizer fertilizers. Organic fertilizer
is safer and more is safer and more is safer and more is safer and more
economical to use while economical to use while economical to use while economical to use while
using inorganic fertilizer or using inorganic fertilizer or using inorganic fertilizer or using inorganic fertilizer or
commercial fertilizer commercial fertilizer commercial fertilizer commercial fertilizer
should be regulated should be regulated should be regulated should be regulated
because overuse of it can because overuse of it can because overuse of it can because overuse of it can
damage the soil. damage the soil. damage the soil. damage the soil.
1.4. Take care of the soil 1.4. Take care of the soil 1.4. Take care of the soil 1.4. Take care of the soil
and the plants regularly. and the plants regularly. and the plants regularly. and the plants regularly.
Proper care of soil and Proper care of soil and Proper care of soil and Proper care of soil and
young trees or fruit- young trees or fruit- young trees or fruit- young trees or fruit-
bearing trees is another bearing trees is another bearing trees is another bearing trees is another
element in planting tree. element in planting tree. element in planting tree. element in planting tree.
This can be done by This can be done by This can be done by This can be done by
removing the grasses or removing the grasses or removing the grasses or removing the grasses or
weeds around each tree, weeds around each tree, weeds around each tree, weeds around each tree,
so it cannot compete in so it cannot compete in so it cannot compete in so it cannot compete in
getting the nutrients from getting the nutrients from getting the nutrients from getting the nutrients from
the soil. Use organic the soil. Use organic the soil. Use organic the soil. Use organic
pesticides or apply pesticides or apply pesticides or apply pesticides or apply
appropriate fungicide or appropriate fungicide or appropriate fungicide or appropriate fungicide or
insecticide to properly insecticide to properly insecticide to properly insecticide to properly
manage and control the manage and control the manage and control the manage and control the
pest, if possible. pest, if possible. pest, if possible. pest, if possible.
2. Methods of Planting 2. Methods of Planting 2. Methods of Planting 2. Methods of Planting
There are two methods in There are two methods in There are two methods in There are two methods in
planting trees. Direct- planting trees. Direct- planting trees. Direct- planting trees. Direct-
seeding is a method of seeding is a method of seeding is a method of seeding is a method of
planting seeds directly into planting seeds directly into planting seeds directly into planting seeds directly into
the ground or plot. Indirect the ground or plot. Indirect the ground or plot. Indirect the ground or plot. Indirect
or Transplanting Method is or Transplanting Method is or Transplanting Method is or Transplanting Method is
planting seeds in a seed planting seeds in a seed planting seeds in a seed planting seeds in a seed
box or plastic container, box or plastic container, box or plastic container, box or plastic container,
fully grown seedlings are fully grown seedlings are fully grown seedlings are fully grown seedlings are
transplanted to the ground transplanted to the ground transplanted to the ground transplanted to the ground
or plot. Seeds to be or plot. Seeds to be or plot. Seeds to be or plot. Seeds to be
planted are seeds with planted are seeds with planted are seeds with planted are seeds with
high percentage of high percentage of high percentage of high percentage of
germination, correct germination, correct germination, correct germination, correct
moisture content, and free moisture content, and free moisture content, and free moisture content, and free
from seed pest, diseases, from seed pest, diseases, from seed pest, diseases, from seed pest, diseases,
and other impurities. and other impurities. and other impurities. and other impurities.
When planting seedlings, When planting seedlings, When planting seedlings, When planting seedlings,
select those that have select those that have select those that have select those that have
uniform height and having uniform height and having uniform height and having uniform height and having
varietal purity. varietal purity. varietal purity. varietal purity.

3. The Seed Germination 3. The Seed Germination 3. The Seed Germination 3. The Seed Germination
Seed germination is the Seed germination is the Seed germination is the Seed germination is the
development or growth of development or growth of development or growth of development or growth of
a seed into a young plant a seed into a young plant a seed into a young plant a seed into a young plant
that influence harvest and that influence harvest and that influence harvest and that influence harvest and
the quality of tree the quality of tree the quality of tree the quality of tree
products. This process products. This process products. This process products. This process
needs water or moisture, needs water or moisture, needs water or moisture, needs water or moisture,
warmth or temperature, warmth or temperature, warmth or temperature, warmth or temperature,
oxygen, and sunlight for oxygen, and sunlight for oxygen, and sunlight for oxygen, and sunlight for
seeds to grow in either a seeds to grow in either a seeds to grow in either a seeds to grow in either a
seed box, plastic container seed box, plastic container seed box, plastic container seed box, plastic container
or other wrappers. or other wrappers. or other wrappers. or other wrappers.

4. Preparation of 4. Preparation of 4. Preparation of 4. Preparation of

seedlings before seedlings before seedlings before seedlings before
transplanting transplanting transplanting transplanting
Transplanting is the Transplanting is the Transplanting is the Transplanting is the
process where seedling is process where seedling is process where seedling is process where seedling is
transferred from the seed transferred from the seed transferred from the seed transferred from the seed
box or other containers to box or other containers to box or other containers to box or other containers to
the ground or plot for the ground or plot for the ground or plot for the ground or plot for
growth, development, and growth, development, and growth, development, and growth, development, and
production. production. production. production.

To avoid mortality in To avoid mortality in To avoid mortality in To avoid mortality in

transplanting seedlings transplanting seedlings transplanting seedlings transplanting seedlings
and to attain a higher rate and to attain a higher rate and to attain a higher rate and to attain a higher rate
of survival, the following of survival, the following of survival, the following of survival, the following
processes are to be kept processes are to be kept processes are to be kept processes are to be kept
in mind: in mind: in mind: in mind:
1. Thinning- This process 1. Thinning- This process 1. Thinning- This process 1. Thinning- This process
accelerates the circulation accelerates the circulation accelerates the circulation accelerates the circulation
of air and provide greater of air and provide greater of air and provide greater of air and provide greater
area for seedlings to make area for seedlings to make area for seedlings to make area for seedlings to make
them stronger and them stronger and them stronger and them stronger and
healthier. This is done by healthier. This is done by healthier. This is done by healthier. This is done by
removing the crowded removing the crowded removing the crowded removing the crowded
seedling in the seed box. seedling in the seed box. seedling in the seed box. seedling in the seed box.

2. Pricking- These refers 2. Pricking- These refers 2. Pricking- These refers 2. Pricking- These refers
to transferring of seedlings to transferring of seedlings to transferring of seedlings to transferring of seedlings
from one seedbox to from one seedbox to from one seedbox to from one seedbox to
another to provide more another to provide more another to provide more another to provide more
space for proper space for proper space for proper space for proper
development of seedling. development of seedling. development of seedling. development of seedling.
Water the seedling before Water the seedling before Water the seedling before Water the seedling before
pricking to make the soil pricking to make the soil pricking to make the soil pricking to make the soil
smooth. smooth. smooth. smooth.

3. Hardening- The 3. Hardening- The 3. Hardening- The 3. Hardening- The

process can be done in 7 process can be done in 7 process can be done in 7 process can be done in 7
to 15 days before to 15 days before to 15 days before to 15 days before
transplanting, to make the transplanting, to make the transplanting, to make the transplanting, to make the
tissue of the plants harder tissue of the plants harder tissue of the plants harder tissue of the plants harder
to survive the rigors of to survive the rigors of to survive the rigors of to survive the rigors of
transplanting. transplanting. transplanting. transplanting.

B. Market Demands for B. Market Demands for B. Market Demands for B. Market Demands for
Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits
The Philippine fruit The Philippine fruit The Philippine fruit The Philippine fruit
industry contributes much industry contributes much industry contributes much industry contributes much
in the growth of its in the growth of its in the growth of its in the growth of its
economy. The leading economy. The leading economy. The leading economy. The leading
species grown in the species grown in the species grown in the species grown in the
country are Mango, country are Mango, country are Mango, country are Mango,
Calamansi, Durian, Calamansi, Durian, Calamansi, Durian, Calamansi, Durian,
Jackfruit, and Lanzones, Jackfruit, and Lanzones, Jackfruit, and Lanzones, Jackfruit, and Lanzones,
based on volume of based on volume of based on volume of based on volume of
production which are production which are production which are production which are
available all year round in available all year round in available all year round in available all year round in
the market. In line with the market. In line with the market. In line with the market. In line with
growing health awareness growing health awareness growing health awareness growing health awareness
and changing lifestyles, and changing lifestyles, and changing lifestyles, and changing lifestyles,
demand for the demand for the demand for the demand for the
consumption of fruits is consumption of fruits is consumption of fruits is consumption of fruits is
increasing. Market increasing. Market increasing. Market increasing. Market
demands for trees are demands for trees are demands for trees are demands for trees are
created not only by their created not only by their created not only by their created not only by their
fruits but also by the fruits but also by the fruits but also by the fruits but also by the
seeds and seedlings seeds and seedlings seeds and seedlings seeds and seedlings
farmers need in planting. farmers need in planting. farmers need in planting. farmers need in planting.
Before deciding to market Before deciding to market Before deciding to market Before deciding to market
fresh fruits, growers fresh fruits, growers fresh fruits, growers fresh fruits, growers
should determine the time should determine the time should determine the time should determine the time
of harvesting, tips for of harvesting, tips for of harvesting, tips for of harvesting, tips for
storing, and the kind of storing, and the kind of storing, and the kind of storing, and the kind of
marketing to do. The place marketing to do. The place marketing to do. The place marketing to do. The place
where to market the fruits where to market the fruits where to market the fruits where to market the fruits
should be clear, and should be clear, and should be clear, and should be clear, and
potential customers are to potential customers are to potential customers are to potential customers are to
be identified in order to be identified in order to be identified in order to be identified in order to
know how big the market know how big the market know how big the market know how big the market
demand is. demand is. demand is. demand is.

Harvesting, Storing and Harvesting, Storing and Harvesting, Storing and Harvesting, Storing and
Marketing Fruits: Marketing Fruits: Marketing Fruits: Marketing Fruits:
Harvesting fruits are Harvesting fruits are Harvesting fruits are Harvesting fruits are
usually done through usually done through usually done through usually done through
picking when it is mature picking when it is mature picking when it is mature picking when it is mature
enough and ready to be enough and ready to be enough and ready to be enough and ready to be
sold to the market fresh sold to the market fresh sold to the market fresh sold to the market fresh
and in good condition. and in good condition. and in good condition. and in good condition.
Mangoes are harvested Mangoes are harvested Mangoes are harvested Mangoes are harvested
before it ripens; Pomelos before it ripens; Pomelos before it ripens; Pomelos before it ripens; Pomelos
and Chicos should be and Chicos should be and Chicos should be and Chicos should be
harvested at the right size harvested at the right size harvested at the right size harvested at the right size
and mature enough while and mature enough while and mature enough while and mature enough while
Dalandan are harvested Dalandan are harvested Dalandan are harvested Dalandan are harvested
when they are still green. when they are still green. when they are still green. when they are still green.
In determining the exact In determining the exact In determining the exact In determining the exact
time of harvesting, time of harvesting, time of harvesting, time of harvesting,
consider the price of fruits consider the price of fruits consider the price of fruits consider the price of fruits
in the market. When there in the market. When there in the market. When there in the market. When there
is plenty of fruits available, is plenty of fruits available, is plenty of fruits available, is plenty of fruits available,
the price is low while the price is low while the price is low while the price is low while
harvest quantity is limited, harvest quantity is limited, harvest quantity is limited, harvest quantity is limited,
the price is high. Correct the price is high. Correct the price is high. Correct the price is high. Correct
storing of fruits must be storing of fruits must be storing of fruits must be storing of fruits must be
observed to maintain its observed to maintain its observed to maintain its observed to maintain its
good condition. There are good condition. There are good condition. There are good condition. There are
perishable fruits like perishable fruits like perishable fruits like perishable fruits like
Avocado, Chico, Mango Avocado, Chico, Mango Avocado, Chico, Mango Avocado, Chico, Mango
etc. These fruits should be etc. These fruits should be etc. These fruits should be etc. These fruits should be
sold while they are slightly sold while they are slightly sold while they are slightly sold while they are slightly
ripened to avoid losses ripened to avoid losses ripened to avoid losses ripened to avoid losses
due to decay. Length of due to decay. Length of due to decay. Length of due to decay. Length of
storage of fruits before storage of fruits before storage of fruits before storage of fruits before
bringing to the market bringing to the market bringing to the market bringing to the market
matters to make it taste matters to make it taste matters to make it taste matters to make it taste
better like Pomelo, but better like Pomelo, but better like Pomelo, but better like Pomelo, but
there are also fruits that there are also fruits that there are also fruits that there are also fruits that
need to be marketed need to be marketed need to be marketed need to be marketed
immediately after the immediately after the immediately after the immediately after the
harvest. Here are some harvest. Here are some harvest. Here are some harvest. Here are some
tips in storing fruits: Do not tips in storing fruits: Do not tips in storing fruits: Do not tips in storing fruits: Do not
mix the fruits, classify mix the fruits, classify mix the fruits, classify mix the fruits, classify
them according to them according to them according to them according to
ripeness, size, and shape. ripeness, size, and shape. ripeness, size, and shape. ripeness, size, and shape.
Use clean and durable Use clean and durable Use clean and durable Use clean and durable
wicker basket to store wicker basket to store wicker basket to store wicker basket to store
fruits in a clean, cool, and fruits in a clean, cool, and fruits in a clean, cool, and fruits in a clean, cool, and
dry place away from ants, dry place away from ants, dry place away from ants, dry place away from ants,
cockroach, and other cockroach, and other cockroach, and other cockroach, and other
harmful insects. Handle harmful insects. Handle harmful insects. Handle harmful insects. Handle
the fruits carefully the fruits carefully the fruits carefully the fruits carefully
especially when placing especially when placing especially when placing especially when placing
them in a box. Remember them in a box. Remember them in a box. Remember them in a box. Remember
that, better products have that, better products have that, better products have that, better products have
higher price! Think of a higher price! Think of a higher price! Think of a higher price! Think of a
place where fruits are to place where fruits are to place where fruits are to place where fruits are to
be marketed. Transport be marketed. Transport be marketed. Transport be marketed. Transport
fruits to reach the market fruits to reach the market fruits to reach the market fruits to reach the market
before it deteriorates to before it deteriorates to before it deteriorates to before it deteriorates to
have better profit. have better profit. have better profit. have better profit.

C. Famous Orchard C. Famous Orchard C. Famous Orchard C. Famous Orchard

Farm in the Country Farm in the Country Farm in the Country Farm in the Country
To be more encouraged in To be more encouraged in To be more encouraged in To be more encouraged in
planting fruit–bearing planting fruit–bearing planting fruit–bearing planting fruit–bearing
trees, read the following trees, read the following trees, read the following trees, read the following
information on some information on some information on some information on some
orchard growers in our orchard growers in our orchard growers in our orchard growers in our
country: country: country: country:

Rosa Magsaysay owns a Rosa Magsaysay owns a Rosa Magsaysay owns a Rosa Magsaysay owns a
12.5-hectare mango- 12.5-hectare mango- 12.5-hectare mango- 12.5-hectare mango-
orchard in the coastal orchard in the coastal orchard in the coastal orchard in the coastal
province of Zambales, province of Zambales, province of Zambales, province of Zambales,
home to the Philippine home to the Philippine home to the Philippine home to the Philippine
Carabao Mango. The farm Carabao Mango. The farm Carabao Mango. The farm Carabao Mango. The farm
is an agritourism is an agritourism is an agritourism is an agritourism
destination and is open to destination and is open to destination and is open to destination and is open to
walk-in guests who want walk-in guests who want walk-in guests who want walk-in guests who want
to experience the to experience the to experience the to experience the
ambiance of a real ambiance of a real ambiance of a real ambiance of a real
functional farm. David and functional farm. David and functional farm. David and functional farm. David and
Rosa taught the values of Rosa taught the values of Rosa taught the values of Rosa taught the values of
hardwork and hardwork and hardwork and hardwork and
perseverance to their perseverance to their perseverance to their perseverance to their
children and the younger children and the younger children and the younger children and the younger
generations. These generations. These generations. These generations. These
values, coupled with a values, coupled with a values, coupled with a values, coupled with a
strong sense of social strong sense of social strong sense of social strong sense of social
responsibility and integrity, responsibility and integrity, responsibility and integrity, responsibility and integrity,
became the foundation of became the foundation of became the foundation of became the foundation of
the family, with the farm the family, with the farm the family, with the farm the family, with the farm
being a constant reminder being a constant reminder being a constant reminder being a constant reminder
of these important lessons of these important lessons of these important lessons of these important lessons
throughout the years. throughout the years. throughout the years. throughout the years.
Today, Rosa’s Farm is Today, Rosa’s Farm is Today, Rosa’s Farm is Today, Rosa’s Farm is
more than just a venue more than just a venue more than just a venue more than just a venue
which provides you with which provides you with which provides you with which provides you with
the sweetest mangoes the sweetest mangoes the sweetest mangoes the sweetest mangoes
nurtured with patience, nurtured with patience, nurtured with patience, nurtured with patience,
care, and true love. care, and true love. care, and true love. care, and true love.

Jose Mercado is the Jose Mercado is the Jose Mercado is the Jose Mercado is the
Chairman of Merlo Chairman of Merlo Chairman of Merlo Chairman of Merlo
Agricultural Corp. He grew Agricultural Corp. He grew Agricultural Corp. He grew Agricultural Corp. He grew
up in a coffee farm in Lipa, up in a coffee farm in Lipa, up in a coffee farm in Lipa, up in a coffee farm in Lipa,
Batangas owned by his Batangas owned by his Batangas owned by his Batangas owned by his
father and spent his father and spent his father and spent his father and spent his
childhood years helping childhood years helping childhood years helping childhood years helping
him run the farm. He was him run the farm. He was him run the farm. He was him run the farm. He was
inspired to continue this inspired to continue this inspired to continue this inspired to continue this
kind of business for this is kind of business for this is kind of business for this is kind of business for this is
something that he knew something that he knew something that he knew something that he knew
by heart. He put up his by heart. He put up his by heart. He put up his by heart. He put up his
own coffee business and own coffee business and own coffee business and own coffee business and
realized his dream to have realized his dream to have realized his dream to have realized his dream to have
a better life. Jose did not a better life. Jose did not a better life. Jose did not a better life. Jose did not
go to college but took up go to college but took up go to college but took up go to college but took up
courses in accounting and courses in accounting and courses in accounting and courses in accounting and
taxation for he knew by taxation for he knew by taxation for he knew by taxation for he knew by
then what he wanted to then what he wanted to then what he wanted to then what he wanted to
do. MERLO is a do. MERLO is a do. MERLO is a do. MERLO is a
combination of his and his combination of his and his combination of his and his combination of his and his
wife’s last name – wife’s last name – wife’s last name – wife’s last name –
Mercado and Lopez. He is Mercado and Lopez. He is Mercado and Lopez. He is Mercado and Lopez. He is
proud to say that his proud to say that his proud to say that his proud to say that his
family is one of the family is one of the family is one of the family is one of the
pioneers in Batangas pioneers in Batangas pioneers in Batangas pioneers in Batangas
coffee industry. They bank coffee industry. They bank coffee industry. They bank coffee industry. They bank
on the quality of their on the quality of their on the quality of their on the quality of their
coffee beans and roasting coffee beans and roasting coffee beans and roasting coffee beans and roasting
technique. In 1990, Jose technique. In 1990, Jose technique. In 1990, Jose technique. In 1990, Jose
developed his own blend developed his own blend developed his own blend developed his own blend
which became a hit which became a hit which became a hit which became a hit
because of its flavor, and because of its flavor, and because of its flavor, and because of its flavor, and
called it Cafe de Lipa, called it Cafe de Lipa, called it Cafe de Lipa, called it Cafe de Lipa,
named after his named after his named after his named after his
hometown. He sells three hometown. He sells three hometown. He sells three hometown. He sells three
brands of coffee – brands of coffee – brands of coffee – brands of coffee –
Batangas Brew, Cafe de Batangas Brew, Cafe de Batangas Brew, Cafe de Batangas Brew, Cafe de
Lipa, and Kapeng Barako Lipa, and Kapeng Barako Lipa, and Kapeng Barako Lipa, and Kapeng Barako
which are all proven to be which are all proven to be which are all proven to be which are all proven to be
popular in the market until popular in the market until popular in the market until popular in the market until
today. today. today. today.
JKN Fruit Farm JKN Fruit Farm JKN Fruit Farm JKN Fruit Farm
JKN fruit farm is located at JKN fruit farm is located at JKN fruit farm is located at JKN fruit farm is located at
Zone 3, Brgy. Concepcion, Zone 3, Brgy. Concepcion, Zone 3, Brgy. Concepcion, Zone 3, Brgy. Concepcion,
Talisay City, Granada Talisay City, Granada Talisay City, Granada Talisay City, Granada
Concepcion Road, Concepcion Road, Concepcion Road, Concepcion Road,
Talisay, Negros Talisay, Negros Talisay, Negros Talisay, Negros
Occidental. It is owned by Occidental. It is owned by Occidental. It is owned by Occidental. It is owned by
Boy Trecho. Different fruit Boy Trecho. Different fruit Boy Trecho. Different fruit Boy Trecho. Different fruit
trees were planted in JKN trees were planted in JKN trees were planted in JKN trees were planted in JKN
fruit farm, like durian, fruit farm, like durian, fruit farm, like durian, fruit farm, like durian,
lanzones, rambutan. The lanzones, rambutan. The lanzones, rambutan. The lanzones, rambutan. The
JKN fruit farm is a source JKN fruit farm is a source JKN fruit farm is a source JKN fruit farm is a source
of fruits during of fruits during of fruits during of fruits during
MARADULA Festival in MARADULA Festival in MARADULA Festival in MARADULA Festival in
Talisay City Negros Talisay City Negros Talisay City Negros Talisay City Negros
Occidental. MARADULA Occidental. MARADULA Occidental. MARADULA Occidental. MARADULA
Festival is named from the Festival is named from the Festival is named from the Festival is named from the
four fruits they had planted four fruits they had planted four fruits they had planted four fruits they had planted
in JKN fruit farm. Marang in JKN fruit farm. Marang in JKN fruit farm. Marang in JKN fruit farm. Marang
and Mango, Rambutan, and Mango, Rambutan, and Mango, Rambutan, and Mango, Rambutan,
Durian and Lanzones. The Durian and Lanzones. The Durian and Lanzones. The Durian and Lanzones. The
festival is celebrated every festival is celebrated every festival is celebrated every festival is celebrated every
1st week of October, 1st week of October, 1st week of October, 1st week of October,
people who visited the people who visited the people who visited the people who visited the
farm may eat fruits as they farm may eat fruits as they farm may eat fruits as they farm may eat fruits as they
can. can. can. can.

Gil T. David Mango Farm Gil T. David Mango Farm Gil T. David Mango Farm Gil T. David Mango Farm
- Gil T. David is the owner - Gil T. David is the owner - Gil T. David is the owner - Gil T. David is the owner
of 10-hectare GIL T. of 10-hectare GIL T. of 10-hectare GIL T. of 10-hectare GIL T.
in the barrio of San Jose in the barrio of San Jose in the barrio of San Jose in the barrio of San Jose
Isidro, Bacolor, Isidro, Bacolor, Isidro, Bacolor, Isidro, Bacolor,
Pampanga. Pampanga. Pampanga. Pampanga.
Davao Golden Pomelo Davao Golden Pomelo Davao Golden Pomelo Davao Golden Pomelo
Farm, Davao City - This Farm, Davao City - This Farm, Davao City - This Farm, Davao City - This
farm is owned by farm is owned by farm is owned by farm is owned by
Carmelito Mercado, a top Carmelito Mercado, a top Carmelito Mercado, a top Carmelito Mercado, a top
pomelo producer and pomelo producer and pomelo producer and pomelo producer and
distributor in the distributor in the distributor in the distributor in the
Philippines. The farm has Philippines. The farm has Philippines. The farm has Philippines. The farm has
350 hectares of sweet, 350 hectares of sweet, 350 hectares of sweet, 350 hectares of sweet,
pink, fresh pomelo. pink, fresh pomelo. pink, fresh pomelo. pink, fresh pomelo.

Ben M. Santos Jackfruit Ben M. Santos Jackfruit Ben M. Santos Jackfruit Ben M. Santos Jackfruit
Orchard Orchard Orchard Orchard
This farm is a 5-hectare This farm is a 5-hectare This farm is a 5-hectare This farm is a 5-hectare
jackfruit farm located in jackfruit farm located in jackfruit farm located in jackfruit farm located in
Bataan owned by Ben Bataan owned by Ben Bataan owned by Ben Bataan owned by Ben
himself. himself. himself. himself.

NICA’S Farm - Nica’s NICA’S Farm - Nica’s NICA’S Farm - Nica’s NICA’S Farm - Nica’s
farm is the biggest green farm is the biggest green farm is the biggest green farm is the biggest green
rambutan plantation rambutan plantation rambutan plantation rambutan plantation
located in Barangay located in Barangay located in Barangay located in Barangay
Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique. Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique. Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique. Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique.
She has also red She has also red She has also red She has also red
rambutan, bananas, rambutan, bananas, rambutan, bananas, rambutan, bananas,
durian, lanzones, pomelo durian, lanzones, pomelo durian, lanzones, pomelo durian, lanzones, pomelo
and other fruits. and other fruits. and other fruits. and other fruits.

Orchard growers in the Orchard growers in the Orchard growers in the Orchard growers in the
community or adjacent community or adjacent community or adjacent community or adjacent
communities: After communities: After communities: After communities: After
learning about some learning about some learning about some learning about some
famous orchard farm in famous orchard farm in famous orchard farm in famous orchard farm in
the country, you are now the country, you are now the country, you are now the country, you are now
going to familiarize going to familiarize going to familiarize going to familiarize
yourself with locally grown yourself with locally grown yourself with locally grown yourself with locally grown
fruit – bearing trees: fruit – bearing trees: fruit – bearing trees: fruit – bearing trees:
1. Villafranca Fruit Farm 1. Villafranca Fruit Farm 1. Villafranca Fruit Farm 1. Villafranca Fruit Farm
One of the products of One of the products of One of the products of One of the products of
Himamaylan City is from Himamaylan City is from Himamaylan City is from Himamaylan City is from
the Villafranca Fruit farm. the Villafranca Fruit farm. the Villafranca Fruit farm. the Villafranca Fruit farm.
This farm was owned by This farm was owned by This farm was owned by This farm was owned by
Martin “Mavie” Villafranca Martin “Mavie” Villafranca Martin “Mavie” Villafranca Martin “Mavie” Villafranca
located in Sitio Tongo located in Sitio Tongo located in Sitio Tongo located in Sitio Tongo
Barangay Cabadiangan, Barangay Cabadiangan, Barangay Cabadiangan, Barangay Cabadiangan,
Himamaylan City, Negros Himamaylan City, Negros Himamaylan City, Negros Himamaylan City, Negros
Occidental. They plant Occidental. They plant Occidental. They plant Occidental. They plant
fruits like rambutan, fruits like rambutan, fruits like rambutan, fruits like rambutan,
lanzones, marang, and lanzones, marang, and lanzones, marang, and lanzones, marang, and
mango and they mango and they mango and they mango and they harvested
harvested abundance of harvested abundance of harvested abundance of abundance of fruits every
fruits every year. fruits every year. fruits every year. year.

2. Rambutan Farm in Sitio 2. Rambutan Farm in Sitio 2. Rambutan Farm in Sitio 2. Rambutan Farm in Sitio
Paloypoy, Brgy. Paloypoy, Brgy. Paloypoy, Brgy. Paloypoy, Brgy.
Buenavista, Himamaylan Buenavista, Himamaylan Buenavista, Himamaylan Buenavista, Himamaylan
City Negros Occidental City Negros Occidental City Negros Occidental City Negros Occidental
owned by Priscilo Pajarillo owned by Priscilo Pajarillo owned by Priscilo Pajarillo owned by Priscilo Pajarillo
Cardinez. Cardinez. Cardinez. Cardinez.
3. Kamunsil Integrated 3. Kamunsil Integrated 3. Kamunsil Integrated 3. Kamunsil Integrated
Farm in San Enrique, Farm in San Enrique, Farm in San Enrique, Farm in San Enrique,
Negros Occidental. It is a Negros Occidental. It is a Negros Occidental. It is a Negros Occidental. It is a
sprawling 1.3-hectare sprawling 1.3-hectare sprawling 1.3-hectare sprawling 1.3-hectare
plantation of fruit trees and plantation of fruit trees and plantation of fruit trees and plantation of fruit trees and
vegetables organically vegetables organically vegetables organically vegetables organically
grown by owner Abner grown by owner Abner grown by owner Abner grown by owner Abner
Jardinico. Jardinico. Jardinico. Jardinico.
4. Mango Plantation in 4. Mango Plantation in 4. Mango Plantation in 4. Mango Plantation in
Hda. Monteverde Brgy. Hda. Monteverde Brgy. Hda. Monteverde Brgy. Hda. Monteverde Brgy.
Purisima owned by Dr. Purisima owned by Dr. Purisima owned by Dr. Purisima owned by Dr.
Ramon B. Gustilo. in Ramon B. Gustilo. in Ramon B. Gustilo. in Ramon B. Gustilo. in
Manapla, Negros Manapla, Negros Manapla, Negros Manapla, Negros
Occidental. Occidental. Occidental. Occidental.
5. Mango Plantation in 5. Mango Plantation in 5. Mango Plantation in 5. Mango Plantation in
Hda. Gaston, Brgy. Punta Hda. Gaston, Brgy. Punta Hda. Gaston, Brgy. Punta Hda. Gaston, Brgy. Punta
Mesa owned by Joey Mesa owned by Joey Mesa owned by Joey Mesa owned by Joey
Gaston in Manapla, Gaston in Manapla, Gaston in Manapla, Gaston in Manapla,
Negros Occidental. Negros Occidental. Negros Occidental. Negros Occidental.
6. Lansones and 6. Lansones and 6. Lansones and 6. Lansones and
Rambutan Plantation in Rambutan Plantation in Rambutan Plantation in Rambutan Plantation in
Murcia, Negros Occidental Murcia, Negros Occidental Murcia, Negros Occidental Murcia, Negros Occidental
Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Seva. Seva. Seva. Seva.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Write TRUE if Directions: Write TREE if
(Leads to Formative the statement is correct, the statement is correct, Directions: Draw if
Assessment ) FALSE if not. SEED if not. the statement is correct, Directions: Draw
if the statement is correct
1. Farmers
should conduct surveys to 1. Test the if not.
gather data for improving survey forms across 1. Hardening of , if not.
their planting and different platforms and seedlings is done after
propagating techniques. web browsers to ensure transplanting to make 1. Jose
compatibility. them more resilient. Mercado, owner of Merlo
2. Online
surveys can be conducted 2. 2. The leading Agricultural Corp., grew up
using various tools such Communicating the fruit species grown in the in a coffee farm.
as Google Forms, survey's purpose is not Philippines include
SurveyMonkey, and important as long as Banana, Orange, and 2. Rosa
Typeform. participants fill out the Pineapple. Magsaysay's farm is
survey. located in the urban area
3. The first step 3.Market
in conducting effective 3. Analyzing demand for fruits is of Zambales.
online surveys is to survey results helps in influenced solely by the
identify the target making informed decisions type of fruit and its taste. 3. JKN Fruit
audience. and setting achievable Farm is located in Negros
goals. 4.Fruits should
4. Survey be harvested when they Occidental and is known
questions should be broad 4. Direct-seeding are fully ripened to for its pineapple
and cover a wide range of is a method of planting maximize their shelf life. production.
topics to gather seeds in a seed box or 4. Nica's Farm is
comprehensive data. container before 5. Storing fruits
together without famous for being the
transferring them to the largest jackfruit plantation
5. Test the ground. classifying them is
survey forms across recommended to save in the Philippines.
different platforms and 5. Seed space. 5. Priscilo
web browsers to ensure germination requires Pajarillo Cardinez owns a
compatibility. water, warmth, oxygen, rambutan farm in Sitio
and sunlight. Paloypoy, Himamaylan
Thinning is a process that City.
involves removing weeds
around each tree to
facilitate nutrient
G. Finding practical How does the use of How has technology- Share a story about how In what ways have
applications of concepts technology in surveying enabled surveys helped insights gained from technology-facilitated
and skills in daily living elements of planting and you gain a deeper surveys conducted via surveys about market
market demands understanding of the technology inspired you to trends and orchard
contribute to sustainable essential elements become more involved in practices impacted your
practices and informed required for successful community initiatives role as a consumer and
decision-making in the tree planting? supporting tree planting your interactions with
agricultural sector? and sustainable nature?

H. Making generalizations How does technology In what ways does utilizing What role does technology Can technology assist in
and abstractions about enhance the efficiency of technology in surveys play in ensuring data tracking and analyzing
the lesson gathering information contribute to a more accuracy and minimizing trends in consumer
about the elements crucial comprehensive errors when conducting preferences, contributing
for planting trees and fruit- understanding of market surveys about planting to informed decisions
bearing trees? demands for various trees? regarding fruit market
fruits? demands?
I. Evaluating learning Directions: For this Directions: On this Directions: Answer the Directions: Conduct a
activity, please get your activity, you are given the following. survey on orchard growers
answers from words or steps in conducting online in your community. Ask
group of words that are survey with its description. 1. The 4 elements to be them how their farm
found inside the box: Answer the questions ask observed in planting trees production has contributed
as you prepare to do an and fruit-bearing trees to to their family’s financial
online survey regarding gain more products are needs based on what you
the market demand of _____________________ have learned in this
fruits in your locality. ____________________. module. Publish your
2. ______________ is survey results using
the process that electronic presentation.
_________________ 1. accelerates the circulation
The process can be done of air and provide greater
in 7 to 15 days before area for seedlings to make
transplanting, to make the them stronger and
tissue of the plants harder healthier? This is done by
to survive the rigors of removing the crowded
transplanting. 1. Write the LETTER seedling in the seed box.
__________________ 2. corresponding to the 3. ___________is to be
It is the process where correct steps in considered in determining
seedling is transferred conducting an online the exact time of
from one seed box to survey in Table 2. Get harvesting.
other containers to provide your answer from the 4. The correct time of
more space for proper given information in Table harvest depends on the
development of seedling. 1. _____________________
__________________ 3. 2. Give the description of , the place to market and
It is one of the steps in each step from Table 1 to _____________________
online survey that requires guide you in preparing 5. _______________ is
you to define what you your online survey. an area to consider in
really want to know and 3. What is/are the planting fruit-bearing trees
state the problem/s you objective/s of your survey in line with growing health
need to solve. to be conducted? awareness and changing
__________________ 4. 4. List down all your lifestyles.
A step in conducting proposed target 6. There are two methods
online survey where data participants in this online in planting trees.
are gathered to be survey. _______________ is a
presented in 5. Fill-in sample activity method of planting seeds
spreadsheets, column with data required directly into the ground or
presentation programs by each step based from plot.
and statistical software. description. ____________________
___________________ 5. is planting seeds in a seed
When planting trees and box or plastic container,
fruit-bearing trees, farmers fully grown seedlings are
need a wider space for transplanted to the ground
plants to grow and be or plot.
productive. The kind of 7. Give two situations that
soil as well as the amount affect the market demand
of sunlight that the trees of fruits in the marketplace
can have should also be _____________________
considered. _____________________
8. In what way are you
encouraged by the stories
of orchard growers in the
country and nearby
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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