How To Build Nickel Cadmium Reconditioning Device
How To Build Nickel Cadmium Reconditioning Device
How To Build Nickel Cadmium Reconditioning Device
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Copyright ...........................................................................................................2 Terms & Legal Disclaimer ..............................3
Introduction .......................................................................................................6
Parts You’ll Need ..............................................................................................9
Where To Find The Parts On Amazon: ..........................................................10
Notes About Parts: ..........................................................................................15
Safety Precautions: ..........................................................................................17
NiCd Battery Reconditioning Device Diagram ..............................................18
Exemplary Schematic:.....................................................................................19
Notes About Schematic: ..................................................................................20
Additional Instructions: ...................................................................................22
Conclusion .......................................................................................................24
* Please Remember *
And even though NiCd battery technology is behind other batteries, they
have made big improvements since the 70's and 80's, when they were
crippled by a notorious memory effect. In fact, modern NiCd batteries have
nearly eliminated their cyclic memory issues.
That is not to say NiCd batteries don't run into any problems. Without
proper maintenance, NiCd batteries will still end up having a significantly
shorter lifespan than originally intended.
And while NiCd batteries aren’t as popular as they used to be, they are still
great in a number of applications. They’re also still widely used in a few
types of tools and devices.
One of the most common reasons for a NiCd breaking down before its time
is a failed cell. In cases where there is an internal short, the battery won't be
able to produce enough current to work, even if all of the other cells are
perfectly fine.
The good news is… there is a way to bring these "dead" batteries back to life
again. If you shock the bad cell with just enough current, it will often be
enough to burn the short away. Once that happens, you'll be able to use
your battery and charge it normally.
So in this guide we’re going to show you how to build a NiCd reconditioning
device that has the ability to help burn the short away and fix bad cells in
NiCd batteries.
In the next section, we’ll show you were to find each part on Amazon.
1. Utility Box
2. TM Resistor
3. AC Line Cord
4. 47k Resistor
5. Alligator Clips
6. Push-button Switch
7. Neon Lamp
9. 1n4003 Diode
For your convenience, we listed the exact parts we used to build this device
You will notice that there are a couple of the same components with slightly
different specs. This is because you should change out a few parts
depending on what voltage you are using (120V AC lines (USA) or 230/240V
AC lines (Europe, Australia)). So, please see the next section titled “Notes
About Parts” for an explanation and details about which parts you should
actually get.
Also, the 3d diagram and exemplary schematic we included in this guide are
based on 120V AC lines (USA); however, the details in the “Notes About
Parts” section explain the modifications you should make to this device if
you are using 230V or 240V AC Lines (Europe or Australia).
• 2 Pin DIP White Cap Momentary Push Button Tact Tactile Switch:
• When building this NiCd reconditioning device, don’t worry about the
direction of the resistors because resistors are "unpolarized" passive
components that are mainly used to resist the flow of current. They do
not act as diodes so it doesn't matter how you connect them or which
side is connected to the positive terminal.
• In the scheme, a neon lamp and electrolytic capacitors are used. The
lamp provides the function of voltage limiting, which goes to the
capacitors. BUT the maximum (or “working”, “rated”) voltage of the
lamp must be NO MORE than 50-60 volts. If you use a standard 110v
rated lamp the capacitors can explode.
• If this device will be used with 120V AC lines (USA), the power rating
for the resistors will be fine (1/2 W). But you can also use resistors
with greater power ratings (1W, 2W, 5W).
In the diagram below, you’ll see the NiCd Battery Reconditioning Device
we’re about to build.
The illustration shows the finished product with the parts that you need.
Please see “Notes About Schematic” on the next page for more details.
To start, make two holes in the plastic cover for the ready lamp and restore
Next mount the switch and the neon lamp in the holes that you just made.
Once this is done, you can start soldering the components together.
It's also a good idea to tie knots in the wires of the AC line cord and the
leads on the inside of the plastic casing. This will prevent the uninsulated
leads from coming out of the case. You want to shock the dead cells, not
Before plugging in the line cord, connect the red and black leads to the
positive and negative terminals respectively, of the NiCd battery that you
Plug in the device and wait for the ready lamp to light. Be patient as this
usually takes about 90 or so seconds. Once the ready lamp lights up,
press/flick the restore switch/button. At this point, the ready lamp should
turn off.
Don't worry if this doesn't work on the first try. It may take several tries
before the battery starts charging normally again. When going for a second
try, make sure that you completely repeat the procedure, including the
waiting time, before flicking the restore switch again.
It goes without saying that you should observe best practices when handling
electricity. Make sure to unplug the device before disconnecting the leads
and make sure to unplug the device when you aren't using it.
You won’t have to purchase as many overpriced new NiCd batteries and
your batteries will last longer and perform much better!