Bovine Dermatophyilosis
Bovine Dermatophyilosis
Bovine Dermatophyilosis
A cross sectional study was conducted at Holeta agricultural research center to determine the
prevalence of dermatophytosis. The overall prevalence of dermatophytosis in a total of 384 animals was
167 (43.49%), as determined by using direct microscopic examination and culture isolation. There was
difference in dermatophytosis infection rates among the cattle breeds examined, the highest being
86.49% in 25% Boran (BO) X 75% Holstein Frisian (HF) followed by 56.95% in 50% BO X 50% HF and
25% in 100% Jersey animals. The study also revealed a significant difference (χ = 24.7359, P = 0.001) in
infection rates among different age groups, the highest being in calves (62.28%) and lowest in old
animals (25%). A significant difference was also observed between the season of the year and infection
rates, the highest being in the wet (64.12%) season, when compared with the dry season (27.10%).
However there was no significant difference in dermatophytosis infection rates in the different
categories of body condition scores and with sex of the animals. The study presents the highest
prevalence of dermatophytosis in the study area and warrants immediate action accordingly.
Dermatophyte are pathogenic fungi that have a high Epidermophyton, approximately 18 species of
affinity for keratinized structures like nails, skin or hair, Microsporum and 25 species of Trichophyton, are
causing superficial infections known as dermatophytosis considered valid members of these genera (Mucoma,
in both humans and animals (Luciene et al., 2008). The 2000).
Etiologic agents of the dermatophytosis are classified in Trichophyton verucosum is usually the cause of ring
three anamorphic (asexual or imperfect) genera, worm in cattle, but Trichophyton metagrophytes,
Epidermophyton, Microsporum, and Trichophyton, of Trichophyton equinum, Microsporum gypsum,
anamorphic class Hyphomycetes of the Deuteromycota Microsporum nanum, Microsporum canise, and other
(Fungi imperfecti) (Irene and Richard, 1995). On the have been isolated too ( Mcgavin and Zarchary, 2007).
basis of anamorph morphology, two species of Animals can acquire infection with geophilic dermatophite
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Terefe et al. 93
from soil or from contact with infected animals. Zoophilic disinfectant, 5% lime sulfur, 5% formalin, 3% captan or
and anthrophilic dermatophite are obligate pathogens 5% sodium hypochlorite is advisable where practicable.
which are unable to replicate in the soil. Good results are also claimed for the disinfection of
Dermatophite growing on keratinized structures rarely buildings with a spray containing 2.0% formaldehyde and
produce macrocondia and consequently rely on the 1.0% caustic soda (Radostitis et al., 2007). Therefore, the
production of arthrospores for transmission. Each objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of
zoophilic species tends to parasitize a particular animal dermatophytosis in Holeta agricultural research center
species (Weitzman and Summerbel, 1995) and dairy farm.
disseminated by direct contact including fomite and
premises (Hirsh et al., 2004).
T. verrucosum is the usual cause of ringworm in cattle.
Calves are most commonly affected and often develop Study area
characteristic lesions on the face and around the eyes. In
This study was conducted in Holeta agricultural research center
heifers, cows’ lesions occur on the neck and limbs. Oval (HARC - Holeta and Adaberga dairy farm), Oromia Region, in
areas of affected skin are alopecic with grayish white Central Ethiopia, from November 2010 to April 2011. The HARC
crust. Infection is most common in winter months (Quinn has two farms in Holeta and Adaberga (around Enchine). 50%
et al., 2002). Ringworm fungi chiefly attack keratinized Boran cross with 50% Holstein Frisian breed and 25% Boran cross
tissues, particularly the stratum corneum and hair fibers, with 75% Holstein Frisian breed live in Holeta and 100% Jersey
which result in autolysis of the fiber structure, breaking off breed, live in Adaberga.
Geographically the area is located 32 km North West of Addis
the hair, and alopecia. Exudation from invaded epithelial Ababa with 09°02 N latitude and 38°03 E longitudes. The climatic
layers, epithelial debris and fungal hyphae produce the condition of the area is predominantly temperate and receives a
dry crusts which are characteristic of the disease. mean annual rain fall ranging from 84.5 to 89.7 mm. The altitude is
The lesions progress if suitable environmental 2400 meter above sea level.
conditions for mycelial growth exist, including a warm According to the data documented by Holeta agriculture resource
center Metrology’s (1999), the minimum and maximum temperature
humid atmosphere, and a slightly alkaline pH of the skin.
of the district is 4.8 to 22.4°C, respectively. The farm system of
Ringworm fungi are all strict aerobes and the fungi die production is semi intensive. The farm had calving pens and
out under the crust in the center of most lesions, leaving individual calf pens form 0 to 6 months old animals and other
only the periphery active. It is in this mode of growth it animals, which had their own houses according to their breed.
produces the centrifugal progression and the Calves were isolated from their dams’ immediately after birth, taken
characteristic ring form of the lesions (Radostitis et al., to calf hatch for some time and then to calf pen, where they were
housed and managed for about six months.
2007). Diagnosis of dermatophytosis is based on
demonstration of consistent clinical sign, examination of
affected hair with a wood lamp, microscopic examination Study design and population
of hair or skin spacemen, and fungal culture (Songer and
A cross sectional study design was used to determine the
Post, 2005). prevalence of dermatophytosis in Holeta agricultural center by
Animal in many cases, dermatophytosis is theorized simple random sampling method. The study population consist of
with self limiting disease, with the duration of infection both cross breed of 50% Holstein Frisian × 50% Boran and 75%
ranging from one to four month. The spontaneous Holstein Frisian × 25% Boran, of 100% Jersey.
regression is partly related to the development of a strong
cell mediated response, correlates with the onset of a Sample size determination
delayed type hyper sensitivity, which usually result in
elimination of the dermatophite, resolution of the lesion The sample size was calculated based on the formula given below
and local resistance to re-infection. Immunity to as described by Thrusfield, 2005.
dermatophytosis is transient and re-infection may occur
(Moriello and Deboer, 1995; Smith, 2009). Other (1.96)2 × P exp (1-Pexp)
mechanism which is associated with the elimination of n=
infection includes an increased rate of desquamation d2
from the stratum corneum and an increase in the Where n= number of sample size
permeability of the epidermis allowing penetration of P exp= expected prevalence (50%)
inflammatory fluids (Wagner and Sohnle, 1995). d2= absolute precision (5%)
Isolation and treatment of infected animals, the CI= confidence interval (95%)
Therefore the total sample size is = 384
provision of separate grooming tools, blankets and
feeding utensils and disinfection of these items after use
on affected animals, are necessary to controlled disease. Sample collection
Cleaning and disinfection of stables with a commercial For the prevalence study of dermatophytosis, skin scabs were
detergent or a strong solution (2.5 to 5%) of phenolic collected directly into petridish plates from the clinical lesions of the
94 J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
Table 2. Comparison of direct microscopic examination (KOH) with fungal culture identification.
animals by using gloves and scalpel blade. After sampling, the highest being in 25BO X 75HF (86.49%) followed by
plates were labeled and transported to the laboratory immediately. 50BO X 50 HF and 25BO X 75HF were 56.95 and 25%,
respectively (Table 1).
Microscopic examination and fungal culture The study revealed differences in the prevalence of
dermatophytosis infection rates among different age
Direct microscopic examination was undertaken by placing the groups, the highest being in calves (62.28%) and lowest
scrapings directly onto a microscope slide and covering them with in old animals (25%) (Table 3). No significant difference
10% potassium hydroxide (KOH). The KOH positive cases were between the two sexes was found even though the
subjected to culture study, cleaned aseptically with 70% ethanol
and the scabs were collected in a sterile slide with the help of sterile
proportion is relatively higher in males (46.75%) than in
scalpel blades. females (42.67%), as described in Table 4.
The cultures were performed in Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) The study also revealed a significant difference (χ
media, and the mycological identifications were based on =52.8165, P = 0.001) in infection rates between the wet
macroscopic and microscopic examination of the culture isolates. (64.12%) and the dry season (27.10%), where wet
The macroscopic examinations of dermatophytes were
environment cause higher prevalence of dermatophytosis
characterized by duration of growth, surface morphology and
pigment. as described in Table 5. Different in dermatophytosis
infection rates were recorded among the three body
condition categories of the animals, higher in the medium
Data analysis body condition animals (56%) and lowest in the poor
body condition animals, as described in Table 6.
The collected sample was entered into Microsoft excel and was
analyzed using statistical software packages for social science
(SPSS). Descriptive statistic like percentage can be used to
determine prevalence and chi- square (χ2) used to look the DISCUSSION
association of between prevalence of dermatophytosis and risk
factors. In the analysis, confidence level was held at 95% and From the total of 384 animals selected randomly, 167
p<0.05 was set for significance. (43.39%) (Table 1) animals were positive for
dermatophytosis. The present study is consistence with
the study conducted outside of Ethiopia in Central
RESULTS Anatolia, Kirikkale province, Turkey, in which 38%
prevalence of dermatophytosis in cattle was reported by
The overall prevalence of bovine dermatophytosis in Yildirim et al. (2010), and lower than other two studies;
Holeta Agricultural Research Center during the study one reported by Ghafarokhis, (2009) in Iran showing a
period was 43.5%. All samples were positive to direct prevalence of 99% of T. verrucosum and another by
microscopic examination using KOH, which were also kojovoii et al. (2011) showing a prevalence of 62.3% in
positive to culture determination (Table 2). There was Iran. Few studies in Ethiopia report dermatophytosis for
difference in the prevalence of dermatophytosis infection example 1.89% by Regasa (2003) western Ethiopia
rates between the different cattle breeds examined. The (Nekemt) and 0.7% prevalence for Almata Wereda by
Terefe et al. 95
Aklilu (2008). These differences observed between the In this study there is higher prevalence of
present and previous studies, may be due to the dermatophytosis in winter season (Table 5) which
difference breed of animal and agro ecological zones. conceded with finings of others (Quinn et al., 2002;
Statically significant difference was not observed Songer and Post, 2005), who reported the incidence of
between the disease prevalence and sex of animals dermatophylosis which is higher in winter, possibly
because dermatophytosis affects both sexes, even because of crowding and increased with carrier animal or
though the proportion of infection was relatively higher in contaminated debris in barns. This shows that season is
males than in females (Table 4). The highest proportion a significant factor affecting the disease prevalence. The
in males may be due to fact that male animals lack main transmission of dermatophytosis is through close
proper caring since the farm purpose is dairy and thus contact between an infected animal and a healthy one
attention is only given to female animals. Differences in (Hirsh et al., 2004). High dermatophytosis in winter time
prevalence rates of the disease were observed in the due to the short rainy season, favors aggravation of the
different breeds of cattle studied. This is due to disease disease due to the ecology of dermatophytosis which are
resistance influenced by diversity and type of genetic zoophilic in cold climates, where animals are stabled over
resistance (Fries and Ruvinsky, 2006). long period of time that favor close contact (Radostitis
96 J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health