Instructor’s Manual
prepared by
John N. Boyd
Internet: www.ablongman.com
All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may be reproduced for use
with Psychology and Life, Sixteenth Edition, by Richard Gerrig and Philip
Zimbardo, provided such reproductions bear copyright notice, but may not be
reproduced in any form for any other purpose without written permission from
the copyright owner.
ISBN 0-205-34454-2
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 05 04 03 02
Open-Book Testing i
Teaching the Introductory Course ii
Why Read This Instructor’s Manual? xxv
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology in Your Life 1
Chapter 2: Research Methods in Psychology 19
Chapter 3: The Biological Bases of Behavior 33
Chapter 4: Sensation 51
Chapter 5: Perception 71
Chapter 6: Mind, Consciousness, and Alternate States 85
Chapter 7: Learning and Behavior Analysis 105
Chapter 8: Memory 125
Chapter 9: Cognitive Processes 143
Chapter 10: Intelligence and Intelligence Assessment 163
Chapter 11: Human Development across the Life Span 181
Chapter 12: Motivation 217
Experiments and Demonstrations (By Philip Zimbardo) 377
By Kay Burke, Ph.D.
The greatest benefit from open-book testing may be that it encourages the type of
thinking that will benefit students in the real world.
• Open-book tests encourage students to highlight the text and organize their notes so
they can find the information they need.
• Open-book tests encourage students to apply the information they have learned and
transfer it to new situations, rather than just repeat the facts.
Burke, K. B. The Mindful School: How to Assess Authentic Learning. Arlington Heights, IL.
Skylight Professional Development
Stiggins, R. J. (1985, October). Improving Assessment where it Means the Most: In the
Classroom. Educational Leadership, pp. 69-74.
Wiggins, G. (1989, April). Creating tests worth taking. Educational Leadership, pp. 121-127
q Guest speakers you hope to schedule, with alternates in case your first choices are unavailable
q Films and other audiovisual aids, with their intended use (e.g., films will be scheduled for class
time, while some audio and video tapes may be put on reserve in the library and recommended
in conjunction with appropriate topics)
The major virtue of a demonstration or class experiment lies in making one point, or a few points, in a vivid,
memorable form. Other virtues are generating greater class interest with a more varied format, seeing
psychology in action, and building up a reserve of “can’t miss” demonstrations you can rely on term after
term. Nevertheless, the first time out, demonstrations take lots of planning and time. All demonstrations
should be tried at least once before you attempt them in class; if possible, they should be practiced several
times. This is the only way to accurately gauge the time you need, anticipate operational difficulties, and get
the feel of introducing the demonstration, making transitions, and concluding it. For demonstrations that
are time-consuming or demanding, videotape them so next time you are set to go through with the show if
something goes amiss in the live act.
Lectures should be drafted in final form several days before they are to be delivered so that you can revise
them as the ideas revolve in your mind. Lectures read verbatim are almost inevitably deadly boring. Never
read a lecture, unless you can read like Dylan Thomas.
Draw up an outline on the evening or morning before the lecture date and speak from that outline, carrying
the full notes in your briefcase for reference and a sense of security. If duplicating facilities are adequate, it is
helpful to distribute copies of your outline to the students as they enter the room. Otherwise, you may want
to write the outline on the board or display it by overhead projection. Teachers who use an overhead
projector regularly during their lectures may keep their outline visible throughout, projecting it via a second
overhead projector on one side of the screen. Speaking from your outline encourages spontaneity of
expression and natural nonverbal interaction with your students, while making the outline available to
students in advance allows them to attend to the content of your presentation without simultaneously
attempting to tease out its structure. It is also a helpful gift to students who must miss a class or leave early
and so is appreciated by all. Writing the outline in advance also forces you to be organized and to avoid
last-minute rushes. When you cannot prepare an outline in advance, distribute one the next session.
psychology teachers about their experiences. Your interest will be highly rewarding to your colleagues, and
the advice you receive may be invaluable to you. Find out from students or colleagues who are the “star”
teachers in your department. Visit some of their classes to perform your own analysis of what they are doing
that works so well. Consider what you might adopt or adapt from their general style or specific performance
The key to effective delivery of your message is variation. Although lecturing continues to be the most
common teaching method, it is most effective in small doses, particularly if you are not an outstanding
performer. Other methods include discussion, demonstration, films and other audiovisual resources, group
projects, experiments, and written or oral exercises. Keep in mind that any of these approaches can be
combined. For example, team teaching certain lectures with a colleague from your department or another
department, or giving a mini-lecture in a discussion section.
Pair up with a colleague whose interests and strengths complement yours and teach the course in tandem.
This is especially advisable for new teachers because the day-to-day workload is shared, it can be exciting
to brainstorm about teaching, and you can arrange for feedback.
In lecture settings, the lecturer takes control and usually runs with the ball most of the period. In small
discussion sections (from 10 to 30 students), the instructor willingly surrenders much of the control. The
discussion section is a means of providing information, usually in an informal manner, with ample time
allowed for questions, answers, demonstrations, and role-playing. The discussion leader involves the
students in decisions about the direction of the course and how they can help to implement course
objectives. Discussion sections can be valuable sources of intellectual, effective stimulation for both teacher
and student when they are well designed. One variation is to combine the lecture format with a once-weekly
class session devoted to student-led discussion about the current topic.
Hobbs, S. H. (1987). PSI: Use, misuse, and abuse. Teaching of psychology, 14, 106-107.
Keller, Fred A., & Sherman, J. Gilmour. (1974). The Keller plan handbook: Essays on a personalized
system of instruction. Menlo Park, CA: W. A. Benjamin.
q Encourage student questions. Even in large sections, a good way to start discussion—a nice
break from straight lecturing—is to allow time for questions. When it comes to students’
questions, keep in mind three points. First, repeat the question for the benefit of students sitting
in the back of the room who may not have been able to hear the question. Second, show genuine
interest in the question either by considerately answering it yourself, or by throwing it out to the
class for their response. Third, let the student who asked the question know that you appreciate
his or her participation.
q If you do not know the answer to a question, say so. If the question is an interesting one, tell
your students that you will find the answer for them.
q Pace your lectures. Make time in your lectures to explain your points in their entirety. If you
have prepared too much material for the class period, DO NOT rush to get through it. Slow
down, develop your points carefully and thoughtfully. One sure way to ruin an otherwise good
course is to force students to cram. Let them have the time to think about the material you are
presenting to them. You will be able to tell when you are lecturing too fast, confusing, or boring
your students. The puzzled look on a student’s face is a sure sign that he or she is not following
you. Respond by saying, “Would anybody like me to repeat that?” or “Let me say that another
q General information. The name and number of the course including section number, the time
and location, the academic term, your name, your office location and phone number, office
hours, names of Teaching Assistants (TA’s), their office locations and hours.
q The name of the text and student resource manual, as well as any other supplies required for
the course, such as answer sheets.
q Goals or objectives.
q Course requirements explaining the format of and points for exams, quizzes, and papers.
q Class calendar. Reading assignments, dates of tests, due dates for papers and/or activities.
q Testing format and procedures.
q Class policies. Attendance, missed tests, grading, extra credit work.
q Expanded class calendar, including lecture topics, films, and activities.
q Detailed description of testing procedure.
q Autobiographical information about yourself.
q Where to get help, including the student health center, the learning resources center, and/or the
counseling office.
q Effective study habits and efficient use of study time.
q Guidelines and topics for papers.
q Learning objectives for each chapter.
q Essay questions for each chapter or exam.
q Discussion of section meetings and activities.
q Research participation requirements.
[Sample Syllabus]
Psychology and Life, Sixteenth Edition, by Richard Gerrig and Philip Zimbardo.
The Student Study Guide is strongly recommended.
The primary objective of all introductory psychology courses is to explore the subject matter of the field and
to become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the field and with some of the research findings
upon which our knowledge of human thought and behavior is based.
A goal of this class is to emphasize development of critical thinking skills and to prepare you to be a
cautious and analytical consumer of information that is proclaimed scientific or based on research.
I also hope that you will derive personal benefits from the class; that at the end of the term you will have
increased your understanding and acceptance of yourself and others; and that you will gain something
from this class that will enrich your personal relationships and add to your success in your chosen
There are four regularly scheduled tests and a comprehensive final examination. Students are also expected
to write four short papers during the term.
There will be 50 multiple-choice items on each of the four midterms and 100 multiple-choice items on the
comprehensive final examination. The test items will be taken primarily from the reading assignments, but
you can expect some test questions based on lectures, films, or any class activity.
If you feel that the answer you chose for a test question is better than the answer keyed as correct, submit
your case in writing to the instructor.
Four short (three-page) papers are to be written and submitted during the term. Guidelines and topics for
the papers are discussed in a handout that will be distributed at the second class meeting. Generally, the
topics for the papers require you to think critically about some issue in psychology or to apply
psychological knowledge to practical situations.
Grades will be assigned based on the number of points accumulated during the semester. The maximum
number of points for each midterm is 100. From the four midterms, your three highest grades will be used in
calculating your final grade. If you miss a midterm, your scores on the other three will be used. If you miss
more than one midterm, you may want to drop the course because midterms cannot be made up. The
maximum total points for midterms is 300. The final examination will have 100 questions and contribute a
maximum of 200 points toward your final grade.
The maximum number of points for papers is 100, 25 points per paper. If you get a low score on a paper, you
may rewrite it—see the handout on papers for more information on this.
A maximum of 50 points will be given for participation in class activities.
The maximum number of points is 650, and grades will be assigned as follows: If you get 600 to 650 points,
you will earn an A. If you get 540 to 599 points, you will earn a B. If you get 460 to 539 points, you will earn
a C. If you get 400 to 459 points, you will earn a D. If you get less than 400 points, you will earn an F.
preview, in which the central points of the lecture are briefly indicated and reference is made to important
issues or types of evidence related to each; move into main points, each of which is stated and explored by
giving relevant evidence and explaining current controversies; conclude with a summary in which the
central points are again stated and supporting information briefly reviewed. In effect, as a friend of ours is
fond of saying, “You tell ’em what you’re going to tell ’em, you tell ’em, and then you tell ’em what you told
q Statement of thesis to be argued: “Today I would like to try to convince you that the greatest feat of
human intelligence occurs when a two-year-old child learns its native language.”
q Question: “Research in the area of attitude change shows that a credible communicator has
more persuasive impact than a noncredible one. Can you think of any conditions when a
disliked communicator can be more effective than a liked one in changing your attitudes?”
q Paradox: “You see me as an upright, stationary three-dimensional figure, yet my image on your
retina is upside down, jiggling around, with only two flat dimensions. How do you see the real
me, given your deceiving retina?”
q Personal anecdote: “Have you ever known someone who suddenly and without any warning lost
his or her memory [became a different person]? Several years ago a cousin of mine. . .”
q Argument: “Freud has done more than any other person to promote the psychological study and
treatment of mental illness by replacing the demons of exorcism with the respectability of
medical science and the reasoned analysis of psychoanalysis. Nevertheless, as far as I am
concerned, his contribution is now backfiring. The long-term consequences of the medical
model and of using unconscious dynamic explanations to explain a basically ordinary process
of maladaptive learning are nothing less than fraud.”
q Relevant media: Start your lecture by reading all or part of an article in the school or local
newspaper that highlights a major point to be made in the lecture.
q Relevant student material: “A student from my other class came to ask me yesterday whether I
might refer him to a psychiatrist. After a long discussion, it seemed evident that his problem
was loneliness, and I do not know a therapist who treats that. How unusual and bizarre a
problem is loneliness? Are any of you afflicted by it? Let us discuss that topic today.”
q Concrete instances (people rather than abstract variables): “It’s hard to imagine that we would ever
be blindly obedient to authority as participants in Milgram’s experiments were. ‘Not me, I’m
different,’ you say. ‘I’d be independent.’ What do you think the people in Nixon’s presidential
cabinet said before the Watergate scandal? Moreover, what about the 900 people who took part
in the mass suicide pact in Guyana? Were they being loyal to their leader, the Reverend Jim
Jones? Dedicated to their cause? Faithful to their religious beliefs? Alternatively, were they
blindly obedient fanatics who were brainwashed by a dictator? Who is absolutely certain they
would not have drunk the poison at Jonestown if they had been members of the People’s
q Shared experiences: “We all know people who. . .” or “I’m sure that you, like me, have been in
love and maybe we have even experienced similar emotions when that union was at its height
and [pause] when the relationship somehow went wrong, failed, died. Let’s examine the nature
of emotions . . .”
q Challenge: “My daughter asked me if blind people ever dream in colors. Who has an answer I
can give her?”
q Turn of phrase: “What’s the difference between a psychologist who studies animal learning and
a magician who uses animals in his act? The psychologist pulls habits out of his rats.”
q Individualize prior student input: “You recall that in our last lecture a student challenged the
view that pain is a sensation comparable to other senses. Ms. Jones’ pain-as-unique sensation
theory, in fact, fits some new evidence.”
Arrange lecture ideas chronologically. For example, you can explain how information moves from one
memory system to another through a series of steps. Information is encoded into sensory memory, the
important information moves on to short-term memory (where it is rehearsed or lost), and so on.
Focus on parallel elements of different discussion topics. For example, when teaching the major
psychological disorders, you can discuss their similarities.
Follow the statement of a problem with alternative solutions. For example, you might pose the problem:
What are the consequences of frustration? You could then go on to discuss the responses, such as,
frustration may lead to aggression.
Present a two-sided discussion of a value-laden topic. When using this method, be certain to give each side
equal weight. Let the students decide for themselves which side they want to take. For example, the topic of
deinstitutionalization has an inherent adversarial challenge. On the one hand, research shows that many
institutionalized patients can exist and improve in a “least restrictive environment.” Letting them out of
institutions, moreover, is economically beneficial to the various state and local governments and thus to the
taxpayer. On the other hand, if the patients are deinstitutionalized in communities lacking sufficient
services, the former patients will be forced out onto the streets to fend for themselves. Such a situation can be
dangerous both to them and to the communities in which they reside.
Arrange lecture topics according to their importance, familiarity, or complexity. For example, arrange the
major psychological disorders from most debilitating to least debilitating, or from hardest to easiest to
the preceding class period, sexual daydreams whose fantasy is much more stimulating than any lecture).
This fierce competition means that at any given time many students are unaware of the important things
you have said. (Try collecting a sample of your students’ notes from time to time to see how much of your
output was never received or was grossly distorted.)
Audience distractions may be minimized in several ways:
q Timing: Hold your main points to about 5 minutes each (never more than 10 minutes) and
insert a bit of humor, an anecdote, or an opportunity for a few questions into the transition
period preceding the next main point. An outline on the board or a mimeographed outline is
beneficial in keeping the students–and yourself–on track.
q Variety: Use catchy stylistic devices (stories, clever brief demonstrations) and change your
expressive style (volume, pacing, pregnant pauses) to add variety to the rather narrow band of
stimuli involved in straight talk. Although you have written out your lecture, do not read it!
q Mini-climaxes: Draw your information together at several points throughout the lecture,
reemphasizing relevant ideas and conceptual ties and providing those students who may have
“zoned out” earlier with the means to reenter the flow of information.
q Value the ending: The conclusion of the lecture is vital to its total impact; often, due to the recency
effect, the conclusion will be remembered best. Use it well. Never rush in the last quarter of the
class to say quickly all of the essential points. It is better to reserve the time needed to effectively
summarize, even if students are left to expand a few of the main points on their own.
Discussions have limited value in introductory courses for several reasons. Classes are frequently too large
for their effective use; extroverts in the front rows may carry on a lively dialogue while their peers at the rear
call up their favorite daydreams. In addition, discussions can be a “pooling of ignorance” because students
may not have read the assigned material in the text and may lack the background necessary to contribute to
a meaningful discussion. Despite these considerations, students benefit from, and enjoy, sharing their ideas
and experiences. The goal is to make that sharing educationally beneficial. Here are some suggestions:
q Make your intention clear to the students by saying “Let’s talk about how you feel when you’ve
been punished—when your parents criticize you or you get a ticket for a traffic violation,” or
“What do you think influences our self-esteem? How do we form our opinions about
q Plan topics for discussion around experiences students have had, a film that has been shown,
or a situation that you have described.
q Pause after introducing the topic or asking the question to give students time to consider a
q Tactfully summarize or repeat the point made by a student if the student has expressed himself
or herself poorly or did not speak loudly enough to be heard by class members.
q Be receptive to students’ contributions to the discussion and reinforce them for participating.
Reward them with verbal commendations for comments and questions, and if the point they
have made is particularly relevant or insightful, let the class know. When students’ comments
are erroneous or irrelevant, or when students have difficulty expressing themselves, still
respond in a positive tone, and try to salvage some part of their comments to move the
discussion along.
q Try breaking the class into small groups for discussion. Prepare explicit directions for the
groups, and require each group to make a report to you or to the class.
Preparation is the key to the successful use of demonstrations. If equipment or props are required, they
should be assembled and set up before class. If something goes wrong, it is better to abandon or postpone
the demonstration than to fiddle with the equipment or send a student for a missing ingredient. Remember
that competent people are more lovable if they make an occasional blunder, particularly if they can handle
the situation with humor.
Relate demonstrations to everyday experiences. For example, if you demonstrate how additive mixtures of
blue and green produce yellow, suggest that students look at their color-television screen with a magnifying
Although students enjoy evaluation of their personality traits, copies of standardized tests are not included
in this manual because of copyright laws. However, most psychology departments have a test file you could
examine for appropriate tests. If you do use a test or tests, you should carefully explain to students that
these tests have limited validity and reliability, and that any single test is a small element in the evaluation
of an individual’s personality.
Technological innovations rarely have universal appeal when they first appear on the market. However,
over time, the innovative often becomes the commonplace. The once-daring use of slides, transparencies,
and films is now expected in introductory psychology classes. An increasing number of elementary and
high school students are learning to use the computer and enter college with a degree of computer literacy
unknown to past generations. As hardware prices fall, computers become more attractive as cost-effective
tools for classroom use. The use of computers in the classroom for instruction and in learning resource
centers for tutorial review is still new, but holds great promise.
areas covered in the course are reduced, the course becomes less and less the broad survey it is intended to
At the introductory level, most professors assign all or most of the chapters in the text and little or no
outside reading. Because of their familiarity with the material covered in the introductory course, instructors
can underestimate the difficulty of the text for students. Students who do well in the introductory course
study, rather than just read, the text. If you do want to assign some additional readings, be sure that your
campus library can supply enough copies of the assigned material.
No matter how much time is allowed for a test, some students will not be ready to hand in their paper when
the allotted time is up. Tell them you are leaving, and that if they want to receive credit for the test, they must
hand in their papers immediately.
anything they want written on it. This legitimate pony has value in that preparing it is a type of
active study and because clutching their pony tends to reduce anxiety for students who panic
on test day.
In normative-based grading it is predetermined that you will, for example, give an A to the top 10 percent of
students, a B to students in the next 20 percent, and so forth. This method has the advantage of not
requiring you to commit yourself to absolute criteria, but it has the disadvantage of causing some students
to be uncertain about where they stand during the term. Also, normative-based grading assumes that your
class is a random sample of students who take introductory courses at your school and does not take into
account that some classes as a whole are better than others. Identical student performance could earn an A
in one class and a B in another when the normative-based system is used.
instructors in disciplines other than English must assume some of the responsibility for providing writing
experiences for students.
q General discussion of written assignments: In this section inform students how many papers are
required, how long they are to be, how topics are to be selected, and whether papers that receive
a low score can be rewritten. Students should not be allowed to write more than one paper
related to a chapter. Assign specific due dates for the papers throughout the term to prevent
students from handing in all their papers on the last day of the term.
q Specific guidelines for preparation of papers: In this section tell students such things as: use 8½ by
11 paper; write on one side only; put the title, assignment number and your name at the top of
the first page; type using double-spacing and one-inch margins; don’t use plastic covers or
binders. It is a good idea to discuss plagiarism in this section and to indicate how students
should handle quoted material.
q Evaluation criteria: The three traditional criteria for evaluation of papers are content or ideas,
organization, and mechanics. You may want to assign weights to each of these criteria. For
example, if the maximum number of points for a paper is 25, you might assign 12 for content, 8
for organization, and 5 for mechanics.
q Topics: Provide a chapter-by-chapter list of the topics from which students can choose. Having
this list at the beginning of the term gives students a chance to make tentative choices of topics
that interest them.
When the class is disrupted by deliberate rebellion—individual or collective—or when someone is violating
some implicit rule of yours, handle the problem directly and immediately. Do not ignore it. Do not try to
continue with planned material. Determine first what the nature of the disruption is, how representative it
is of the whole class, and whether the apparent explanation is a valid one (e.g., students who are leaving
early are on their way to some required athletic activity or students are inattentive due to a hearing
difficulty). Assume it is a valid protest until proved otherwise. If, for example, you are distressed by a
student reading the newspaper right in front of you, stop and say so. Say it is upsetting, ask the student to
put it away, or alternately, ask the student to leave and read it outside. It is not necessary to embarrass the
student, but you can set a firm but gentle example of the classroom decorum you expect. It is always
advisable to speak personally to any such disrupting student afterward to explain your action in a
nonthreatening manner. Many potential sources of trouble are won over with such demonstrations of
personal attention and caring.
There is simply no substitute for knowing your subject matter. Contrary to popular opinion, introductory
students are very perceptive. A teacher who is ill prepared to discuss the subject material or to field
students’ questions will soon be discovered, resulting in large-scale student apathy. Beyond knowledge of
the subject matter, it is also important to schedule enough time for adequate preparation. A teacher
cramming for a presentation is likely to meet with the same result as a student cramming for an
examination—failure. If you plan to use audiovisual aids, get to class a few minutes early to ensure the
equipment is working properly, the slides are right side up, the microphone is working properly, etc.
Students resent your taking class time for such preparation; their time is as valuable as yours—make sure it
is used for teaching purposes and not your last-minute preparation. Similarly, it is unwise to use class time
for a bull session because you are not adequately prepared to lecture. Your presentations should always be
substantive and informative.
Students appreciate instructors who keep their word with respect to course policies and class assignments.
If your office hours are from 10 to 12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, be there. If an emergency arises, leave a
note to that effect on the door. Follow through on your promises to bring in outside material. Your credibility
as a teacher will be enhanced.
Each time a new teaching term begins, you acquire a new set of critics. Students may evaluate your style of
dress, your manner of speaking, your sense of humor, and a variety of other elements that may or may not
relate to your ability to convey information about introductory psychology. If only one or two students make
similar criticisms, you may or may not want to take the criticism seriously. If, however, several students
have similar criticisms, you should heed their advice and address their criticisms.
Students like everyone else appreciate being treated with common courtesy and respect. Say “hello” when
you pass students in the hall, and respond to in-class questions with openness and respect. Disrespect is a
sure way to put cool distance between you and your students.
Your level of enthusiasm for the subject matter will be obvious on the first day of class and will determine
the tone for the entire term. More important, your attitude will have a strong influence on your students’
attitudes about the course. Your enthusiasm for psychology can make even the driest topic palatable.
As teachers, we have neither the time nor the energy to do everything for our students. We must place the
responsibility for their understanding of introductory psychology squarely on their shoulders–after we
have done our part to expose them to the knowledge we possess. Some students will catch on quickly,
others more slowly, and still others, perhaps never. In any case, patience is a virtue; students must be given
the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own.
Students appreciate an instructor who is approachable. Let your students know that you are genuinely
interested in seeing them succeed and that you welcome their questions and comments. However, be
forewarned: Becoming too “chummy” with your students may create special problems (e.g., students may
develop inaccurate expectations of the difficulty of the course or the quality of their course performance).
Some students may bring personal or family problems to you and expect your help. If the situation warrants
more than a friendly ear, refer the student to an appropriate clinician or counselor.
Learning Objectives: Provides clear, consistent goals and guides for both teaching and learning.
Chapter Outline: Arranges material in a concise, organized format that can be used “out of the box” as
lectures or that can serve as the basis for the development of more personalized lectures.
Discussion Questions: Suggests provocative questions to pose to your students, which can be used as
the basis of classroom discussion, written assignments, and essay questions.
Supplemental Lecture Material: Contains additional material designed to add depth and richness to
Biographical Profiles: Provides biographical sketches of prominent psychologists, briefly tracing their
life and contributions to the field.
Timeline: Presents a chronological overview of important events and people from the history of
psychology and related historical events.
Suggestions for Further Readings: Suggests references for both you and your students for finding more
information on each chapter topic.
Discovering Psychology: Lists volumes of a video telecourse, Discovering Psychology, keyed to chapter
content. Philip Zimbardo designed, wrote, and narrated the 26 programs in this PBS TV series.
Films and Videos: Lists current media appropriate for the chapter.
Case Study Lecture Launcher: Includes vignettes that originally appeared in an earlier edition of
Psychology and Life. We continue to include them this Instructor’s Manual due to their demonstrated
appeal to both students and instructors. The current edition of Psychology and Life employs new,
provocative first-person quotes to introduce each chapter.
Psychology and Life, 16th Edition is accompanied by an extensive test bank. Expertly authored,
completely revised, and reviewed by Richard Gerrig and Philip Zimbardo, this bank contains more
than 2,000 multiple-choice and essay items. These questions are page referenced, are of balanced but
varied difficulty, and are identified by chapter, question type (factual, applied, or conceptual), question
topic, and skill level.
This completely revised set of color transparencies includes the best illustrations from the publisher’s
current introductory psychology textbooks, designed to be accurate, brilliant, and interesting
Chapter 1 At-a-Glance
The Science of Psychology in Your Life
What Makes Psychology Teaching the Introductory Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Unique? (p. 3) Course: Questions 1.1- Video:
Definitions Laying the Foundation 1.150 Program 1: Past,
The Goals of Psychology for a Well Organized Present, and Promise
Course Practice Tests:
Chapter 1 Mind Matters:
Learning Objectives: Unit 1: History and
Why the study of Study Guide: Methods
psychology is important Chapter 1
Digital Media Archive
Discussion Questions: Transparencies: v2.0:
What do students hope to Intro 01 Methods
get from your class? Intro 02
Class Exercise:
Psychology’s Goals
Applied to Matchmaking
Chapter 2 At-a-Glance
Research Methods in Psychology
The Context of Discovery (p. Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
19) Describe the theory Questions Video:
behind and the benefits of 2.1-2.159 Program 2:
the scientific method Understanding
Practice Tests: Research
Chapter 2
Study Guide:
Chapter 2
Res 01
The Context of Justification: Discussion Questions: Transparencies: Video: The Human Quest:
Safeguards for Objectivity Determinism vs. Freewill? Res 02 The Way of Science
(p. 21) Res 03
Observer Biases and Res 04 Video: Flatland
Operational Definitions
Experimental Methods:
Alternative Explanations
and the Need for Controls
Correlational Methods
Subliminal Influence?
Ethical Issues in Human and Supplemental Lecture Study Guide: Mind Matters:
Animal Research (p. 32) Material: Chapter 2 Unit 1: History and
Informed Consent The Ethics of Animal Methods
Risk/Gain Assessment Research
Intentional Deception Digital Media Archive
Debriefing v2.0
Issues in Animal Research: Topic 1: Methods
Science, Ethics, and
Chapter 3 At-a-Glance
The Biological Bases of Behavior
Heredity and Behavior (p. Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
49) Appreciate the complex Questions 3.1- Video:
Evolution and Natural interplay among the 3.163 Program 3: The
Selection brain, mind, behavior, Behaving Brain
Variation in the Human and environment that Practice Tests: Program 4: The
Genotype creates the experience of Chapter 3 Responsive Brain
being human
Study Guide:
Supplemental Lecture Chapter 3 The Mind Video Series:
Material: The Brain and the Mind
Charles Darwin and Transparencies: Unraveling the
Natural Selection: A Bio 01 Mysteries of the Mind
Taproot of Contemporary
Discussion Questions:
Do Humans Continue to
Biology and Behavior (p. 55) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: The Human Brain Video
Eavesdropping on the Material: Bio 06 Series:
Brain Protecting the Brain Bio 07 Anatomy of the
The Nervous System Bio 08 Human Brain
Brain Structures and Their Bio 09 The Human Brain in
Functions Bio 10 Situ
Hemispheric Bio 11 Pathology Example in
Lateralization Bio 12 the Human Brain
The Endocrine System Bio 13
Bio 14 Journey to the Center of
Bio 15 the Brain Video Series
Bio 16
Chapter 4 At-a-Glance
Sensory Knowledge of the Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
World (p. 84) Understand the basic Questions: Video:
Psychophysics processes through which 4.1-160 Program 7: Sensation
From Physical Events to sensory stimuli are and Perception
Mental Events converted into neural Practice Tests:
events Chapter 4 Mind Matters:
Unit 3: Sensation
Supplemental Lecture Study Guide:
Material: Chapter 4 Digital Media Archive
Sensation and Perception v2.0
Topic 3: Sensation and
The Visual System (p. 89) Experiments & Transparencies: The Brain: Vision and
The Human Eye Demonstrations: S&P 01 Movement Videos:
The Pupil and the Lens Coping with Being S&P 02 Visual Information
The Retina Temporarily Blind S&P 03 Processing; Elementary
Pathways to the Brain S&P 04 Concepts
Seeing Color S&P 05 Sensory Motor
Complex Visual Analysis S&P 06 Integration
S&P 07
Your Other Senses (p. 106) Discussion Questions: Transparencies: The Mind Video:
Smell What senses might other S&P 11 Pain and Healing
Taste animals possess that S&P 12
Touch and the Skin Senses humans lack? S&P 13 Video: Pain Management
The Vestibular and
Kinesthetic Senses Video: The Psychology of
Pain Pain
Chapter 5 At-a-Glance
Sensing, Organizing, Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Identifying, and Understand the Questions 5.1- Videos:
Recognizing (p. 117) relationship between 5.160 Program 3: The
The Proximal and Distal sensation and perception Behaving Brain
Stimuli Practice Tests: Program 7: Sensation
Reality, Ambiguity, and Discussion Questions: Chapter 5 and Perception
Illusions Why are there separate
Approaches to the Study chapters on sensation and Study Guide:
of Perception perception? What are the Chapter 5
differences between the
two? Transparencies:
S&P 14
S&P 15
S&P 16
Chapter 6 At-a-Glance
Mind, Consciousness, and Alternate States
The Contents of Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Consciousness (p. 154) Explain the philosophical Questions 6.1- Video:
Awareness and and theoretical 6.156 Program 14: The Mind
Consciousness differences between Hidden and Divided
Accessibility to dualism and monism Practice Tests:
Consciousness Chapter 6
Studying the Contents of
Consciousness Study Guide:
Chapter 6
Sleep and Dreams (p. 161) Discussion Questions: Transparencies: Discovering Psychology
Circadian Rhythms How much sleep do your Consc 01 Video:
The Sleep Cycle students need? Consc 02 Program 13: The Mind
Why Sleep? Awake and Asleep
Sleep Disorders Supplemental Lecture
Dreams: Theatre of the Material: Video: Understanding the
Mind Circadian Rhythms Dream World: Moving
The Stuff of which Beyond Freud
Dreams are Made
The Paradoxical Nature Video: Wake up, America:
of REM A Sleep Alert
Chapter 7 At-a-Glance
Learning and Behavior Analysis
The Study Of Learning (p. Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
181) Describe the process of Questions 7.1- Video:
What is Learning? classical conditioning 7.159 Program 8: Learning
Behaviorism and Behavior And Conditioning
Analysis Practice Tests:
Chapter 7
Study Guide:
Chapter 7
Learn 13
Chapter 8 At-a-Glance
What is Memory? (p. 217) Discussion Questions: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Ebbinghaus Quantifies What would be like if Questions 8.1- Video:
Memory humans did not have 8.161 Program 9:
Types of Memory memory? Remembering and
An Overview of Memory Practice Tests: Forgetting
Processes Chapter 8
Study Guide:
Chapter 8
Mem 03
Sensory Memory (p. 221) Supplemental Lecture Study Guide: Digital Media Archive
Iconic Memory Material: Chapter 8 v2.0
Echoic Memory Reasons For Memory Topic 5: Memory
Loss With Age
Chapter 9 At-a-Glance
Cognitive Processes
Studying Cognition (p. 254) Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Discovering the Processes Describe the differences Questions 9.1- Video:
of Mind and similarities between 9.159 Program 10: Cognitive
Mental Processes and automatic and controlled Processes
Mental Resources processes Practice Tests: Program 25: Cognitive
Chapter 9 Neuroscience
Study Guide:
Chapter 9
Language Use (p. 258) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Language Production Material: Lang 01 v2.0
Language Understanding Fallacies in the Use of Lang 02 Topic 15: Cognition
Language, Thought, And Language
Culture The Structure, Hierarchy,
and Criterion of
Language and the
Human Child
Visual Cognition (p. 267) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Using Visual Representations Material: Cog 01 v2.0
Combing Verbal and Visual Functional Fixedness Topic 15: Cognition
Judging And Deciding (p. 280) Experiments & Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Heuristics and Judgment Demonstrations: Cog 04 v2.0
The Psychology of Decision Detecting Guilt and Cog 05 Topic 15: Cognition
Making Deception
Chapter 10 At-a-Glance
Intelligence and Intelligence Assessment
What Is Assessment? Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
(p. 290) Describe both the original Questions 10.1- Video:
History of Assessment purposes of psychological 10.149 Program 16: Testing
Basic Features of Formal assessment and the and Intelligence
Assessment purposes for which it is Practice Tests:
commonly used today Chapter 10
Study Guide:
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 At-a-Glance
Human Development across the Life Span
Studying And Explaining Supplemental Lecture Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Development (p. 319) Material: Questions 11.1- Videos:
Documenting Critical Periods: The 11.177 Program 4: The
Development Story of Genie Responsive brain
Explaining Development Practice Tests: Program 5: The
Chapter 11 Developing Child
Program 6: Language
Transparencies: Development
Devel 02 Program 18: Maturing
Devel 04 And Aging
Acquiring Language (p. 336) Supplemental Lecture Study Guide: Digital Media Archive
Perceiving Speech and Material: Chapter 11 v2.0
Perceiving Words Stage Theory: What is a Topic 6: Development
Learning Word Meanings “Stage Theory?”
Acquire Grammar
Chapter 12 At-a-Glance
Understanding Motivation Discussion Questions: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
(p.364) What is significant Questions 12.1- Videos:
Functions of Motivational about the difference in 12.167 Program 12:
Concepts perspectives of William Motivation and
Sources of Motivation James and Sigmund Practice Tests: Emotion
Freud regarding human Chapter 12
Study Guide:
Experiments & Chapter 12
Detecting Guilt and Transparencies:
Deception Mot 01
Mot 04
Mot 05
Eating (p. 369) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Video: When Food is the
The Physiology of Eating Material: Mot 06 Enemy: Eating Disorders
The Psychology of Eating Psychological Factors and Mot 07
Sexual Behaviors (p. 375) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Nonhuman Sexual Material: Mot 08 v2.0
Behaviors The Biological Approach Topic 7: Motivation
Human Sexual Arousal to Motivation
and Response
The Evolution of Sexual
Sexual Norms
Chapter 13 At-a-Glance
Emotion, Stress, and Health
Emotions (p. 394) Supplemental Lecture Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Basic Emotions and Material: Questions 13.1- Videos:
Culture Theories of Emotion 13.164 Program 12:
Theories of Emotion The James-Lange Theory Motivation and
Functions of Emotion The Cannon-Bard Theory Practice Tests: Emotion
The Survival Value of Chapter 13 Program 23: Health,
Emotions Mind, and Behavior
Gender Differences in Study Guide:
Expressed Emotion Chapter 13 Video: Emotional
Intelligence: The Key to
Transparencies: Social Skills
Learning Objective: Em 01
Define emotion in term of Em 02
its psychological, Em 03
physiological, and Em 04
cultural constraints Em 05
Em 06
Discussion Questions: Em 07
What seems to be the Em 08
primary difference
between the concepts of
motivation and emotion,
and why it is significant?
Stress of Living (p. 405) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Video: Stress, Trauma and
Physiological Stress Material: Stress 01 the Brain
Reactions Stress, Causes and Stress 02
Psychological Stress Coping Stress 03 Video: Wired for Speed:
Reactions Stress 04 Technology and the
Coping with Stress Stress 05 Accelerating Pace of Life
Stress 06
Stress 07
Stress 08
Health Psychology (p. 419) Discussion Questions: Study Guide: Digital Media Archive
The Biopsychosocial Discuss coping styles in Chapter 13 v2.0
Model of Health terms of Type A, B, & C Topic 9: Health, Stress,
Health Promotion personalities and Coping
Job Burnout and the
Health-Care system
A Toast to your Health
Chapter 14 At-a-Glance
Understanding Human Personality
Type and Trait Personality Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Theories (p. 432) Describe the major Questions 14.1- Video:
Categorizing by Types theories of personality, 14.177 Program 15: The Self
Describing with Traits and identify important
Traits and Heritability differences between them Practice Tests:
Do Traits Predict Chapter 14
Behaviors? Discussion Questions:
Evaluation of Type and Describe the five-factor Study Guide:
Trait Theories model of personality Chapter 14
Humanistic Theories (p. 446) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Features of Humanistic Material: Per 05 v2.0
Theories Nature Versus Nurture Per 06 Topic 10: Personality
Evaluation of Humanistic
Chapter 15 At-a-Glance
Psychological Disorders
The Nature of Psychological Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Disorders (p. 467) Identify distinguishing Questions 15.1- Videos:
Deciding What Is differences between 15.164 Program 21:
Abnormal normal and abnormal Psychopathology
The Problem of Objectivity individuals Practice Tests: Program 22:
Historical Perspectives Chapter 15 Psychotherapy
The Etiology of Discussion Questions:
Psychopathology What if a well-controlled Study Guide: Video: The World of
DSM-IV-TR study showed that Chapter 15 Abnormal Psychology
“crazy” people were
more creative, happier, Transparencies:
and lived much longer Dis 02
than “normal” or ”sane” Dis 03
The Stigma of Mental Experiments & Study Guide: Digital Media Archive
Illness (p. 498) Demonstrations: Chapter 15 v2.0
Suicide: Intentions and Topic 11: Abnormal
Acts Psychology
Supplemental Lecture
Is Mental Illness a Myth?
Chapter 16 At-a-Glance
Therapies for Personal Change
The Therapeutic Context Supplemental Lecture Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
(p. 503) Material: Questions 16.1- Video:
Goals and Major Therapies Prefrontal Lobotomies 16.168 Program 22:
Therapists and Psychotherapy
Therapeutic Settings Practice Tests:
Historical and Cultural Chapter 16
Study Guide:
Chapter 16
Behavior Therapies (p. 512) Discussion Questions: Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Counterconditioning Is aversion therapy worth Ther 04 v2.0
Contingency Management the “price,” in terms of Topic 12: Therapy
Social-Learning Therapy the physical and
Generalization Techniques emotional stress that it
may cause?
Cognitive Therapies (p. 517) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Cognitive Behavior Material: Ther 03 v2.0
Modification The Role of Critical Topic 12: Therapy
Changing False Beliefs Thinking in Emotional
Group Therapies (p. 523) Experiments & Study Guide: Digital Media Archive
Marital and Family Demonstrations: Chapter 16 v2.0
Therapy Clinical Interventions Topic 12: Therapy
Community Support
Chapter 17 At-a-Glance
Social Processes and Relationships
The Power of the Situation Learning Objectives: Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
(p. 536) Explain how Questions 17.1- Video:
Roles and Rules environment and social 17.154 Program 17: Sex and
Social Norms factors help determine Gender
Conformity how individuals think, Practice Tests: Program 19: The Power
Situational Power feel, and behave Chapter 17 of the Situation
Social Relationships (p. 558) Supplemental Lecture Transparencies: Digital Media Archive
Liking Material: Soc 13 v2.0
Loving Establishing Trust Topic 13: Social
You Only Get One Psychology
Chance to Make a First
Chapter 18 At-a-Glance
Social Psychology, Society, and Culture
Altruism and Prosocial Supplemental Lecture Test Bank: Discovering Psychology
Behavior (p. 566) Material: Questions 18.1- Video:
The Roots of Altruism In-Groups, Out-Groups, 18.154 Program 26: Cultural
Motives for Prosocial and Group-Think Psychology
Behavior Practice Tests:
The Effects of the Situation Chapter 18 Digital Media Archive
on Prosocial Behavior v2.0
Study Guide: Topic 13: Social
Chapter 18 Psychology
Soc 11
Soc 12
The Science of Psychology in Your Life
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Explain why the study of psychology is important
2. Define what Psychology is and identify what topics psychologists address
3. Define Behavior and the methods psychologists use to study it
4. Explain psychology’s relationship to sociology and social, biological, cognitive, and health
5. Identify the goals of psychology (To Describe, Explain, Predict, and Control behavior. And, for the
applied psychologist, to use this knowledge to improve the quality of human life)
6. Briefly explicate the historical development of modern psychology
7. Define structuralism and functionalism, and the conflict between these competing views
8. Describe the conceptual approaches that dominate contemporary psychology (Biological,
Psychodynamic, Behavioristic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Evolutionary, and Cultural)
9. Understand how social and technological changes influence the questions asked and research
methods used by psychologists
I. The Main Purposes of Psychology and Life, 16th Edition
A. To guide you on an empirically rigorous journey through the intricacies of your human experience;
to give you greater control over the forces that shape your life
1. Psychology: The scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental
2. The Scientific Method: The scientific method consists of a set of orderly steps
used to analyze and solve problems
3. Behavior: The means and actions by which organisms, including both animals
and humans, adjust to their environment
C. Explaining Behavior requires that explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed.
Psychological explanations for behavior often recognize that organismic, dispositional, and
situational (or environmental) variables each play a role in determining behavior.
D. Predicting Behavior involves statements about the likelihood that a certain behavior will occur or
that a given relationship will be found
E. Controlling behavior is the central, most powerful goal of many psychologists. Controlling
behavior means causing a behavior to happen or not to happen and influencing the nature of the
behavior as it is being performed.
F. Improving the Quality of Life is the result of the first four goals of psychology. All therapeutic
programs and interventions, such as those designed to help individuals stop smoking, stop doing
drugs, or lose weight, are attempts to use psychological principles to control behavior. Psychological
principles can be used not only to help individuals live more successfully, but also to improve the
functioning of groups of people and societies.
2. In 1883, the first experimental psychology laboratory in the United States was
founded at Johns Hopkins University by G. Stanley Hall
3. Edward Titchener, a student of Wundt, became an influential early
psychologist with his laboratory at Cornell University
4. In 1890, William James, brother of novelist Henry James, wrote the two-volume
work, The Principles of Psychology, which many experts consider the most
important psychology text ever written
5. In 1892, G. Stanley Hall founded the American Psychological Association
6. With the emergence of the field of experimental psychology, debate began over
the proper methods and subject matter of the new field. Two important
opposing ideas were structuralism and functionalism.
with clients with psychological problems and with problems of living. Clinical psychologists, in
turn, are often confused with psychiatrists, who are medical doctors that have specialized in the
treatment of mental illness.
B. Early in its history, research and practice in psychology was dominated by men. In the last decade,
however, women have received the majority of Ph.D.’s awarded in psychology.
C. Even when women were few in number, they still made substantial contributions to the field of
1. Margaret Washburn graduated from Cornell University in 1894 to become the
first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology.
2. Mary Calkins completed all the requirements for a Harvard Ph.D., but Harvard
refused to grant her a Ph.D. because she was a woman. She later became the
first woman president of the American Psychological Association.
3. Anna Freud, the daughter of Sigmund Freud, developed important advances in
the practice of psychoanalysis.
1. What do students hope to get from your class? “Why are you here, today, in this course?” This is a
great way to start class, because it gets students involved in issues and ideas that interest them.
2. What role does the scientific method play in contemporary psychology? What are the limitations of
the scientific method, and are there any better alternatives available? Students are often skeptical of
the scientific method and are eager to point out its flaws, such as the slow incremental progress it
generates, its reliance on measurable phenomena, its susceptibility to experimenter biases, and its
sterile methodology. Students often fail to realize, however, that, although flawed, the scientific
method is the best tool we have to generate valid, reliable knowledge and that it has provided us
with a wealth of discoveries.
3. Is the importance of psychological knowledge likely to increase or decrease in our postmodern
world? Experimental psychology is still a baby, only a little over 100 years old. As such, there is
incredible room for psychology to grow in terms of both sophistication and diversification. As the
speed at which the world changes continues to increase, humans will be forced to respond to these
changes not through slow evolutionary changes, but through rapid psychological adjustments.
Evolution via natural selection may no longer operate fast enough to allow us to adapt to the
rapidly changing world that we have created. Within this context, psychology, and psychological
adaptation, is certain to play a more prominent role.
4. What psychological principles have become part of the larger culture, have penetrated our thinking
and language? Psychological principles permeate advertising, marketing, television, movies, sales,
self-help books, fashion, politics, and folk wisdom, to name a few, but students are often unaware of
this influence. Pointing out this influence is a good way to keep your students’ interest. For
example, the concept of “psychological stress,” so prevalent in our cultural landscape, was rarely
mentioned 50 years ago.
5. Ask your students how many of them believe in determinism. Then ask them how many of them
believe in free will. Insist that they cannot have it both ways. You will be surprised to find that
many, if not most, students believe in free will. This is a terrific discussion starter, because it
conflicts with one of the fundamental assumptions of science and psychology, determinism. You
might ask your students what science can hope to reveal if the world is not determined. You might
also suggest that what feels like free will to us may be thinly disguised determinism. This simple
discussion is often enough to change the manner in which students view themselves and the
manner in which they view those around them.
Based only on the descriptions provided below, ask your class to guess which pairs of the people listed
below belong together. There are no right or wrong answers—tell them to go with their instincts.
David Dana
Age: 21 Age: 23
Job: Car mechanic Job: Advertising executive
Enjoys: Gourmet food Enjoys: Movies
Chris Anita
Age: 29 Age: 35
Job: Dog groomer Job: Lawyer
Enjoys: Gardening Enjoys: Roller coasters
Sandy Karen
Age: 54 Age: 18
Job: Flight attendant Job: Sales clerk
Enjoys: Hang gliding Enjoys: Art museums
Jamie Pat
Age: 20 Age: 56
Job: Secretary Job: Pediatrician
Enjoys: Football Enjoys: Opera
Tony Rahul
Age: 37 Age: 22
Job: College professor Job: Store manager
Enjoys: Comic books Enjoys: Scuba diving
Now lead your class in a discussion of their matchmaking decisions with respect to the goals of
• How would they describe the behaviors they engaged in while trying to settle on appropriate
Did they read all the descriptions before they began? Did they find the decisions easy to make? Did they
change their mind several times?
• How might their explanation allow them to predict which real-world relationships would succeed?
Suppose that based on their day-to-day observations of relationships, they focused on occupations
while doing their matchmaking. Are they willing to generalize from the predictions they made on
this task to predictions in the real world? Can they begin to imagine the types of research they
might carry out to test those predictions?
• Does their explanation allow them to control or improve their own relationship-seeking behavior or
to give better advice to others?
Have they learned from this exercise what matters most to them in a relationship? What more
would they like to learn from research?
• Could they learn something that would allow them to improve the quality of their own or other
people’s lives?
If their research reveals the factors that help determine which relationships, in general, will endure,
they should be able to improve the quality of people’s lives.
Although the technique of psychoanalysis is perhaps Freud’s most important legacy, he made many other
substantial contributions to psychology. These include the recognition of the importance of sexuality and
unconscious processes, a fully developed system of personality, and an appreciation for the conflict
between individual desires and the constraints of society. His work has influenced so many aspects of our
thinking that he is often not given full credit for the development of his ideas. Freud’s many detractors are
quick to point out that his theories are not based on empirical research. While this is true, just because they
lack empirical evidence does not mean that they are wrong, only that they are less likely to be right. Because
of the breadth of his intellectual contributions, he remains the most cited psychologist in Psychology and
Life, 16th Edition, and most comparable texts.
Yea Event
1781 Immanuel Kant published Critique of Pure Reason.
1811 Charles Bell and Francois Magendie discovered that there are two types of nerves: sensory and
motor nerves.
1827 Ludwig von Beethoven died.
1838 Johannes Müller articulated his “Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies.”
1846 Ernst Weber derived the quantitative relationships between subjective experience and physical
stimulation, known as Weber’s Law.
1848 Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto.
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, a culmination of his
research and thinking about evolution via natural selection.
1860 Gustav Fechner published Elements of Psychophysics, which outlined the experimental study of the
relationship between subjective experience and physical stimulation.
1861 Paul Broca discovered that damage to a specific area of the left hemisphere of the brain impairs
language abilities.
1861- The American Civil War was fought.
1872 Claude Monet painted Impression—Sunrise, Le Havre, the painting that lent its name to the
Impressionist movement.
1879 Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
1883 The first psychology laboratory in the United States was established at Johns Hopkins University
by G. Stanley Hall.
1885 Hermann Ebbinghaus published his empirical research on memory.
1890 William James published the Principles of Psychology, a two-volume text that became the standard
reference for psychology students.
1892 The American Psychological Association was founded by G. Stanley Hall, who subsequently
became its first president.
1896 Thomas Edison invented the motion picture.
1898 Edward Thorndike conducted the first systematic experiments on animal learning.
1905 Alfred Binèt and Theodore Simon developed the first useful intelligence test.
1906 Charles Sherrington published Integrative Actions of the Nervous System, which set forth the basic
principles and terminology used today, to describe the structure and function of the nervous
1913 John Watson published “Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It,” sometimes referred to as the
Behaviorist Manifesto, an influential paper asserting that psychology should restrict its subject
Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B. B. (1988). Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach. Mountain View, CA:
Mayfield. Applies the research process to both theoretical and practical problems.
Evans, R. I. (1980). The Making of Social Psychology. New York: Gardner Press. Interviews with some of the
more influential figures in social psychology, including Philip Zimbardo, Albert Bandura, Stanley
Milgram, and Gordon Allport.
Hergenhahn, B. R. (1997). An Introduction to the History of Psychology, 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing. A very thorough undergraduate text on the history of psychology, including its roots in
classical thought and philosophy.
Psychological Review, 101 (2), Special Issue: The Centennial Issue of the Psychological Review. American
Psychological Association, 1994. Contains reprints of the most influential articles ever to appear in
Psychological Review. It is an invaluable archival document for all psychologists.
Scarborough, E., & Forumoto, L. (1987). Untold Lives: The First Generation of Women Psychologists. New York:
Columbia University Press. A compelling portrayal of the lives and contributions of early women
Schwartz, S. (1986). Classic Studies in Psychology. Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield. Presentation of fifteen of the most
significant studies in psychology in condensed but clear summaries.
Van Doren, C. (1991). A History of Knowledge. The Pivotal Events, People, and Achievements of World History.
New York: Ballantine Books. An excellent review of the important ideas, events, and people throughout
history, written by an ex-editor of Encyclopedia Britannica.
An introduction to and an overview of psychology, touching on a range of issues from the origins of
psychology as a science to psychopathology; from the biochemistry of the brain to applied research.
Key Issues
Public versus private behavior, the nature of prejudice, the P300 brain wave, the biology of racism,
molecular versus molar levels of analysis, and the origins of psychology.
Archival Demonstrations
Demonstration of a client with Multiple Personality Disorder.
Candid Camera clip demonstrating the difference between public and private behavior.
Archival Interviews
Emanuel Donchin examines the relationship between P300 brain waves and surprise.
Robert Rosenthal discusses body language.
New Interviews
Landmarks in Psychology
Highlights the contributions of Freud, Jung, Adler, Pavlov, Sullivan, Homey, Maslow, Watson, and
Skinner. Using historical narrative and case study dramatizations, the interpersonal, behavioral,
humanistic, and existential approaches to psychology are explored.
As the runners lined up to start the 1986 NCAA 10,000-meter championship, Kathy O. was the odds-on
favorite. She had broken high school track records in three distances and recently set a new American
collegiate record for the 10,000-meter race. Her parents, who were always supportive fans, watched from the
sidelines. Kathy got off to a slow start, but was only a few paces behind the leaders. Her fans knew she
could soon catch up. However, this time Kathy did not bolt to the lead as she had done before. Instead, she
veered away from the other runners. Without breaking her stride, she ran off the track, scaled a 7-foot fence,
raced down a side street, and jumped off a 50-foot bridge. Ten minutes later, her coach found her on the
concrete flood plain of the White River. She had two broken ribs, a punctured lung, and was paralyzed from
the waist down. Not only would she never run again, she might never walk again.
What happened to Kathy? Why did she quit the race and nearly self-destruct? As a star athlete and
premedical student on the Dean’s list, she had everything going for her. She had been valedictorian of her
high school class. Teachers and coaches described her as sweet, sensible, diligent, courteous, and religious.
Nobody understood her behavior. It did not make sense. Kathy’s father thought the tragedy “had something
to do with the pressure that is put on young people to succeed.” Teammates felt the pressure may have come
from within Kathy herself “She was a perfectionist,” said one of them. Determined to excel at everything,
Kathy had studied relentlessly, even during team workouts.
How did Kathy explain her actions? She told an interviewer that she was overcome by the terrifying fear of
failure as she began falling behind in the race. “All of a sudden ... I just felt like something snapped inside of
me.” She felt angry and persecuted. These negative reactions were new to Kathy, and made her feel as if she
were someone else. “I just wanted to run away,” she recalled. “I don’t see how I climbed that fence.... I just
don’t feel like that person was me. I know that sounds strange, but I was just out of control.... I was
watching everything that was happening and I couldn’t stop” (UPI, 12/22/86).
The case of Kathy O. raises fascinating questions for psychology. Personality, social, and developmental
psychologists might ask how athletic ability, intelligence, parental support, competition, motivation to
achieve, and personality traits combined to make Kathy a superstar in the first place. Clinical psychologists
would want to know why something snapped in Kathy at this race, why feelings of anger were so foreign to
her, and why she felt persecuted. Those who study the nature of consciousness would try to understand
Kathy’s perception that she was outside of herself, unable to stop her flight toward death. Health
psychologists and those who work in the area of sports psychology might try to identify signs of stress and
clues in earlier behaviors that could have signaled an impending breakdown. Psychologists who
emphasize the biological basis of behavior might consider the role of brain and hormonal factors in her
sudden, abnormal reaction. Are there any circumstances under which you might quit as Kathy O. did?
We may never completely understand what motivated Kathy’s behavior, but psychology provides the
tools—research methods—and the scaffolding—theories about the causes of behavior—for exploring basic
questions about who we are and why we think, feel, and act as we do. Psychologists are challenged to make
sense of cases such as this one that violate ordinary conceptions about human nature. Their motivation is
not only intellectual curiosity, but also a desire to discover how to help people in ways that might prevent
such tragedies in the future.
Research Methods in Psychology
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Explain why the empirical study of psychology is important
2. Describe the theory behind and the benefits of the scientific method
3. Understand the importance of the scientific method to psychology
4. Elaborate on the role of control and bias in psychological research
5. Understand the importance of determinism to psychology in particular and science in general
6. Explain how psychologists attempt to eliminate alternative explanations through the use of control
7. Understand the concept of correlation and its use in psychology
8. Explain why correlation does not imply causation
9. Appreciate how the approach taken by psychologists can be applied to aspects of students’ lives
outside the classroom
I. The Context of Discovery
A. The goal of this chapter is to improve students’ critical thinking skills by teaching them how to ask
the right questions and how to evaluate answers about causes, consequences, and correlates of
psychological phenomena. Ultimately, this chapter should make your students wiser, more skeptical
consumers of psychological information specifically and all information generally.
1. The initial phase of research is observation, during which beliefs, information,
and general knowledge suggest a new way of thinking about a phenomenon
2. Some research questions originate from direct observation, while others stem
from “great unanswered questions” that have been passed down through
3. A theory is an organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of
4. Determinism rests at the core of psychology. Determinism is the belief that all
events, whether physical, mental, or behavioral, are the result of, or determined
by, specific causal factors. Because of determinism, all behavior and mental
processes must follow lawful patterns. Psychologists attempt to reveal these
lawful patterns in psychological principles.
5. A hypothesis is a tentative, testable prediction about the relationship between
causes and consequences, or about how two or more variables are related.
Research psychologists test hypotheses.
B. Psychology is considered a science to the extent that it follows the scientific method
C. Observer bias is an error due to the personal motives and expectations of the viewer. Personal
biases of observers act as filters through which some things are noticed as relevant and significant,
while others are ignored as irrelevant and unimportant.
1. Control procedures are methods that attempt to hold constant all variables and
conditions other than those related to the hypothesis under investigation
which the sample was drawn, the sample should be representative of the
population, or a representative sample
F. Correlational methods are used to determine to what extent two variables, traits, or attitudes are
2. A positive correlation means that as one set of two scores increases, so does the
other set. For example, as height increases, weight also tends to increase.
3. A negative correlation means that as one set of scores increases, the other set
decreases. For example, as physical exercise increases, weight tends to
4. A critical caveat to the correlational method is that correlation does not imply
causation. Simply because a researcher finds that two variables are related
does not mean that one variable necessarily causes the change in the other
variable. This warning is important because it is difficult, if not impossible, to
know which variable is causing the change in the other, and there is always
the possibility that a third, unknown, variable is causing the change in both or
is the key mediating variable between them.
a) Psychological researchers have used the experimental method to
demonstrate that subliminal self-help tapes offer nothing more than
placebo effects.
B. Self-Report Measures
1. Behavioral measures and observations are ways to study overt actions and
observable, recordable reactions
B. Informed Consent
1. Whenever possible, participants must be informed about the nature of the
experiment in which they may participate and, after being informed, must
consent to participate. They are also informed that their consent is conditional
and that they can withdraw it at any time without penalty.
D. Intentional Deception: APA guidelines make it clear that intentional deception is justified only if:
1. The study has sufficient scientific and educational importance to warrant
2. There is no equally effective alternative to deception
3. Participants are not deceived concerning aspects of the experiment that would
affect their willingness to participate
4. The deception, and the reasons for it, is fully explained to the participants at
the conclusion of the research
E. Debriefing
1. At the conclusion of participation in an experiment, each participant must be
told the rationale for the experiment. This debriefing gives the participant an
opportunity to learn about psychology and themselves, and allows them to
appreciate more fully their experience in the experiment.
b) Because of the sensitive nature of the debate and the fact that animals
cannot give informed consent, reasoned proponents of animal rights
create a moral context in which individual researchers must judge
their research under the highest level of compassion and scrutiny
c) Just as it has for human participants, the APA has set strict guidelines
for the treatment of nonhuman participants. These guidelines state
(i) Facilities for nonhuman participants must be adequate in
size, be well maintained, and have qualified staff
(ii) The health of the animals and their general well-being must
be monitored
(iii) Every effort must be made to minimize pain and discomfort
for the animals
(iv) Alternative, less stressful procedures, such as computer
modeling, must be used whenever possible
1. What role does the scientific method play in contemporary psychology? What are the limitations of
the scientific method, and are there any better alternatives available? Students are often skeptical of
the scientific method and are eager to point out its flaws, such as the slow incremental progress it
generates, its reliance on measurable phenomena, its susceptibility to experimenter biases, and its
sterile methodology. Students often fail to realize, however, that, although it may be flawed, the
scientific method is the best tool we have to generate valid, reliable knowledge and that it has
provided us with a wealth of discoveries.
2. What psychological principles have become part of the larger culture, have penetrated our thinking
and language? Psychological principles permeate advertising, marketing, television, movies, sales,
self-help books, fashion, politics, and folk wisdom, to name a few, but students are often unaware of
this influence. Pointing out this influence is a good way to keep your students’ interest. For
example, the concept of “psychological stress,” so prevalent in our cultural landscape, was rarely
mentioned 50 years ago.
3. Ask your students how many of them believe in determinism. Then ask them many of them believe
in free will. Insist that they cannot have it both ways. You will be surprised to find that many, if not
most, students believe in free will. This is a terrific discussion starter, because it conflicts with one
of the fundamental assumptions of science and psychology–determinism. You might ask your
students what science can hope to reveal if the world is not determined. You might also suggest
that what feels like free will to us may be thinly disguised determinism. This simple discussion is
often enough to change the manner in which students view themselves and the manner in which
they view those around them.
and how much like humans animals should be treated. What do your students think about this line of
Experimental Design
The overarching goals of the following exercise are to demonstrate how psychology and the scientific
method can be used to address issues that interest your students, to teach them how them how the concepts
they are learning influence experimental design, and to impress on them an appreciation for the challenges
faced by experimental psychologists. Lead your class through the process of designing an experiment. Start
with a hypothesis generated through brainstorming by the class. Allowing your students to provide the
hypothesis ensures that it will interest them and that they will stay engaged. Students may start with topics
such as alien abduction, crop circles, and the Loch Ness monster. Welcome this, as it gives you a terrific
opportunity to talk about alternative explanations, existence proofs, and the fact that some topics, such as
the proof of the existence of God, remain firmly outside the boundaries of science. The scientific method is
not a panacea; it is a highly structured method for testing measurable factors and relationships. After your
class has agreed on an issue to test, lead them toward a consensus, testable hypothesis about the issue.
Once your class has clearly defined a hypothesis, lead them through a discussion of possible alternative
explanations. Challenge their hypothesis and their beliefs. Are there other possible explanations that are
more simple and more likely? What assumptions and possible biases underlie their hypothesis? How
would the hypothesis (and their assumptions and biases) generated by your class be different than
explanations put forward by people from different cultures and different times? You might want to mention
that spirit possession was a widely held explanation for mental illness until relatively recently. After listing
a number of possible alternative explanations, allow your class to suggest a very basic methodology for
testing the hypothesis and eliminating the alternative explanations. You might want to give them a head
start by suggesting the kind of data that they would need to collect to measure the variables of interest.
Depending on the hypothesis chosen and the sophistication of your class, outlining a reasonable
experiment may be a difficult process. If the class begins to show signs of overload, you can quickly switch
gears and use the exercise to demonstrate the difficulty in designing and executing well-controlled
Year Event
1811 Charles Bell and Francois Magendie discovered that there are two types of nerves: sensory and
motor nerves.
1827 Ludwig von Beethoven died.
1838 Johannes Müller articulated his “Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies.”
1846 Ernst Weber derived the quantitative relationships between subjective experience and physical
stimulation, known as Weber’s Law.
1848 Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto.
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, a culmination of his
research and thinking about evolution via natural selection.
1860 Gustav Fechner published Elements of Psychophysics, which outlined the experimental study of
the relationship between subjective experience and physical stimulation.
1861- The American Civil War was fought.
1872 Claude Monet painted Impression—Sunrise, Le Havre, the painting that lent its name to the
Impressionist movement.
1885 Hermann Ebbinghaus published his empirical research on memory.
1890 William James published the Principles of Psychology, a two-volume text that became the
standard reference for psychology students.
1896 Thomas Edison invented the motion picture.
1898 Edward Thorndike conducted the first systematic experiments on animal learning.
1905 Alfred Binèt and Theodore Simon developed the first useful intelligence test.
1906 Charles Sherrington published Integrative Actions of the Nervous System, which set forth the basic
principles and terminology used today to describe the structure and function of the nervous
1913 John Watson published “Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It,” sometimes referred to as the
Behaviorist Manifesto, an influential paper asserting that psychology should restrict its subject
matter to observable behavior.
1914- World War I was fought.
1928 Ivan Pavlov published Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes, a survey of his research on classical
1938 B. F. Skinner published Behavior of Organism: An Experimental Analysis, which outlined the basic
principles of operant conditioning.
1939- World War II was fought.
1946 The American Psychological Association was reorganized to include practitioner psychologists,
1950 William Estes published “Toward a Statistical Theory of Learning,” a classic paper outlining a
mathematical approach to learning.
1957 Noam Chomsky published Syntactic Structures, inaugurating an era of productive collaboration
between psychologists and linguists. Psycholinguistics soon became a flourishing field of
1957 Herbert Simon published Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in
Administrative Organizations, detailing the dynamics of decision making under conditions of
1962 David Hubel and Thorston Weisel published their research on how specific features of visual
stimuli excite specific neurons in the visual cortex.
1981 Roger Sperry received the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work on the split-brain phenomenon.
Graziano, A. M., & Raulin, M. L. (1989). Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry. New York: Harper Collins
Keppel, G. (1991). Design and Analysis: A Researcher’s Handbook, 3rd Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Stanovich, K. E. (1996). How to Think Straight about Psychology, 4th Edition. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. A
scholarly yet entertaining account of the necessity of using the scientific method in psychology and of its
application to everyday life, filled with great examples to use in lectures.
An examination of the scientific method and the ways in which data are collected and applied– in the lab and in the field –
with an emphasis on sharpening critical thinking regarding research findings.
Key Issues
The power of belief, the placebo effect, the double blind procedure, the scientific method and
psychology, and lie detection.
New Interviews
Christina Maslach takes an in-depth look at applied research.
The Biological Bases of Behavior
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Understand how biology contributes to the creation of unique individuals
2. Appreciate the complex interplay among the brain, mind, behavior, and environment that creates
the unique experience of being human
3. Understand the nature versus nurture and the heredity versus environment controversies
4. Explain Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and its relevance and importance to the field of
5. Offer examples when given the statement, “Genes do not code for destinies; they code for potential”
6. Describe the various methods for exploring the functions of the nervous system
7. Identify the structures and functions of the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system,
and the autonomic nervous system
8. Describe the major structures of the brain, and identify their function
9. Explicate the basic functions of the glands in the endocrine system, and explain the role of
I. Heredity and Behavior
A. End points of Causal Explanation
1. Nature versus Nurture
2. Heredity versus Environment
C. Human Evolution
1. Human evolution favored two adaptations: Bipedalism and Encephalization
a) Genes: Organized packets of DNA that contain the instructions for the
production of proteins
b) Genes are found on rod like structures known as chromosomes. Humans
contain 46 chromosomes, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father.
c) Estimates of the number of genes in the human genome range from 30,000
to 150,000
d) The X and Y sex chromosomes determine sex. One X comes from the
mother, and either an X or a Y comes from the father. XX = female. XY =
2. Genes and Behavior: the interaction of psychology and genetics
a) Biology (genes) is (are) not destiny
b) Genes only determine the range of effects that the environment can have in
shaping phenotype and behavior
c) The person that you become is jointly determined by genes and the
environment, by nature and nurture
1. Rene Descartes argued that human physiology could be studied empirically, that
humans are just an animal machine, and that human action is a mechanical
response to the environment
2. Sir Charles Sherrington provided evidence for Descartes’ ideas and suggested that
the human nervous system involves both excitatory and inhibitory processes
3. Santiago Ramón y Cajal detected the physical gaps between adjacent neurons
4. Donald Hebb proposed that the brain is not merely a mass of tissue but a highly
integrated series of structures, or cell assemblies, that perform specific functions
1. Broca’s Area: The region of the brain that translates thoughts into speech
(1) The Somatic Nervous System (SNS), which regulates the actions
of skeletal muscles
(2) The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which sustains basic life
processes, further divided into two subdivisions:
(i) The Sympathetic Division governs response to
(ii) The Parasympathetic Division governs routine operation
of internal bodily functions
D. Brain Structures and Their Functions
1. The brain is the most important component of the CNS and is composed of three
layers: the brain stem, the limbic system, and the cerebrum
a) The Medulla, located at the top of the spinal cord, controls breathing, blood
pressure, and the heart
b) The Pons, located directly above the Medulla, provides inputs to other
structures of the brain stem and to the cerebellum
c) The Reticular Formation, located between the Medulla and Pons, arouses
the cerebral cortex to new stimulation and keeps the brain alert even
during sleep
d) The Thalamus, located above the Pons, receives input from the reticular
formation and channels incoming sensory information to the appropriate
area of the cerebral cortex
e) The Cerebellum, located attached to the brain stem at the base of the skull,
coordinates bodily movements and plays a role in some types of learning
3. The Limbic System mediates motivated behaviors, emotional states, and memory
processes and is composed of three structures:
b) The cerebrum is also divided into two symmetrical halves, the cerebral
c) The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by a thick mass of nerve fibers
called the corpus callosum, which relays messages between hemispheres
d) Grooves in the cerebrum, called the Central Sulcus and the Lateral Fissure,
help divide each cerebral hemisphere into four lobes
e) The Frontal lobe is located at the front of the cerebrum and is involved in
motor control and cognitive activities such as planning, decision making,
and goal setting
f) The Parietal lobe is located at the top of the cerebrum and is responsible for
the sensations of touch, pain, and temperature
g) The Occipital lobe is located at the back of the cerebrum and is responsible
for visual processing
h) The Temporal lobe is located at the side of the cerebrum and is responsible
for auditory processing
i) The hemispheres and lobes of the brain do not function independently,
rather they work as an integrated unit similar to an orchestra
j) The Motor Cortex, located in front of the central sulcus, controls movement
of the body’s voluntary muscles
k) The Somatosensory Cortex, located behind the central sulcus in the parietal
lobes, processes information about temperature, touch, body position, and
n) The Association Cortex, which includes all of the cortex that is unlabeled,
works to interpret and integrate information from many parts of the brain
5. Hemispheric Lateralization
a) Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga devised situations that could allow
visual information to be presented separately to each hemisphere.
b) Information from the right visual field goes to the left hemisphere, and
information from the left visual field goes to the right hemisphere
c) Speech may be the most highly lateralized of all brain functions. For most
people, speech is a left hemisphere function.
d) The left hemisphere tends to be more analytical, processing information bit
by bit
e) The right hemisphere tends to be more holistic, processing information in
global patterns
f) There may be gender differences in lateralization. When making
judgments, the left hemispheres of males showed more activity, while both
hemispheres of females showed activity
2. The Hypothalamus serves as an intermediary between the endocrine system and the
nervous system. Messages from the brain cause the hypothalamus to release
hormones to the pituitary gland.
3. The Pituitary Gland, the “master gland,” secretes about ten different types of
hormones, which influence the functioning of all other endocrine system glands, and
influences growth
a) Dendrites are branched fibers that extend outward from the body of the
neuron and that receive messages from other neurons
a) Sensory neurons carry messages from sense receptors toward the CNS
b) Motor neurons carry messages from the CNS to the muscles and glands
c) Interneurons carry messages between different neurons
3. Glia cells, derived from the Greek word for “glue,” outnumber neurons in the brain by
about five or ten to one and perform three primary functions: housekeeping,
insulation, and protection of the brain
b) Housekeeping: Glia cells clean up after neurons die and absorb excess
c) Insulation: Glia cells form a myelin sheath around the axon of some types
of neurons, greatly increasing the conduction speed of the axon
d) Protection: Glia cells form a blood-brain barrier that prevents toxins from
reaching the brain
B. Action Potentials
1. Neurons send messages in an all-or-none fashion through action potentials traveling
down the axon, and they receive messages in the form of graded potentials through
the dendrites
f) Action potentials obey the All-or-None Law. The size of the action potential
is not influenced by the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level.
g) After firing, neurons enter a Refractory Period, a period during which they
cannot fire or will only fire with more intense stimulation dm normal
C. Synaptic Transmission
1. Transmission of neural impulses between neurons involves the movement of
neurotransmitters across the synaptic cleft
1. A fundamental, yet often overlooked, assumption of this chapter is that Darwin’s Theory of Natural
Selection accurately explains how humans reached our current stage of development. Indeed, it has
become so well accepted that few students will stop to wonder how this chapter would be different
if it were incorrect. But what if it was wrong? What other possible explanations could be put
forward to explain how we are and how we got this way? Such questions lie at the heart of
religion, psychology, and what it means to be human. Just over 100 years ago, Lamark’s theory of
acquired characteristics was relatively well accepted. Five hundred years ago asking such
questions was blasphemous. How may we look at human evolution, creation, or development
differently 100 years in the future?
2. A second important question relating to natural selection is whether humans continue to evolve.
Fewer and fewer genes are being removed from the gene pool as environmental threats are
identified and eliminated. Because fewer individuals succumb to environmental threats, most
humans are able to survive to reproductive maturity and perpetuate their genes. What does this
successful elimination of environmental threats portend for the long-term survivability of our
3. A third related question is what comes after natural selection after environmental threats are
eliminated and everyone reproduces? What forces will shape the development of humans in the
absence of environmental threats? Social Darwinism? Cultural evolution? Technological forces?
4. To what extent can individuals be held accountable for their biology? Should an individual with a
tumor that causes extraordinarily high levels of testosterone to be released receive the same
sentence for a violent crime as someone without such a tumor? What if the tumor caused a mental
disorder such as schizophrenia? Could the insanity defense be used?
5. Parents want what is best for their children. They often go to such lengths as choosing homes near
good schools and sending their children to all sorts of musical, athletic, and academic lessons.
What if the need for all of these expensive lessons would be eliminated if the parents chose their
children’s genes wisely before the children were born? What if your parents had selected your
genes so that you were better looking, smarter, more athletic, or more artistically inclined? Would
such decisions be ethical? Would you want to make them for your children? Would you have
wanted your parents to make them for you? Why or why not?
6. With the advent of modern brain imaging and scanning technologies, the way in which “death” is
often determined has also changed. Where as years ago death was determined by the cessation of
breathing and the lack of a pulse, now it is additionally determined by the lack of brain activity.
This has made the determination of when someone has actually died much more complicated in
many cases. Cases are commonly reported of people who have drowned or have been frozen, who
have not breathed for dozens of minutes and who have had no heartbeat when found, who were
revived, and sometimes have made complete recoveries. On the other hand there are also tragic
cases of people who have been injured in accidents who are breathing and have a pulse, but are
labeled “brain dead.” You might discuss what “brain death” means and explore both the medical
and moral issues related to these situations.
7. Have students pick at least one task that they would normally do with their dominant hand, and
have them do it with the other hand. Writing a short in-class assignment can be fun. But you can
brainstorm and see what ideas they come up with. Ask students to discuss what problems they
encountered while trying to do things with the opposite hand.
all neurons, sealing them together. Glial cells outnumber neurons ten to one, and, though tiny in size, make
up half of the bulk of the brain. Unlike neurons, glia do not possess excitable membranes and so cannot
transmit information. Glia can take up, manufacture, and release chemical transmitters, and in so doing
may help to maintain or regulate synaptic transmission. Another hypothesis is that glia can manufacture
and possibly transmit other kinds of molecules, such as proteins. The anatomy of some glial cells is striking
in this regard, for they seem to form a conduit between blood vessels and neurons, and may bring
nourishment to the neurons. It is thought that these cells may have important functions during prenatal
development and recovery from brain injury. One role of glia is known definitely: Certain kinds of glia,
called by the tongue-twisting name of oligodendroglia, form the myelin sheath that insulates axons and
speeds conduction of the nerve impulse. A counterpart called a schwann cell performs the same role for the
peripheral nerves.
The study of glia is difficult because these tiny cells are inextricably entwined with neurons. As the most
numerous type of cell in the brain, their potential importance is vast, and investigation of their function
seems likely to yield exciting results in the near future.
and reproduce. According to Freud, people have no inherently higher nature than do animals, and
whatever in humans may be higher (sympathy, altruism, unselfishness) is a product of the processes of
repression and reasoning. In Freud’s perspective, the dominant force in the structure of personality is the id
(the representation of the instincts for survival and reproduction), but humans develop other aspects of
personality to control these instincts in order to adapt to communal lifestyles. Communal living is
important in terms of adaptive behavior for humans because humans are rather weak creatures compared to
the large predators.
The idea of continuity between animals and humans also influenced the behaviorist theories of Watson and
Skinner. Watson began his career as an animal psychologist believing, as later did Skinner, that the basic
principles of behavior can be discovered by studying the behavior of animals. Though behaviorists do not
deny individual differences in genetic endowment, they do tend to place greater emphasis on
environmental determinants of behavior. Skinner emphasized learning rather than innate factors as being
the antecedent of behavior, believing that through a process of trial and error, organisms learn which
behaviors lead to reinforcement-things that ensure survival and reproduction-and which behaviors are
futile, and are followed by loss or punishment. Thus, according to behaviorists, learning is our primary tool
for adaptation, and it is the environment that shapes behavior, rather than “mind” or “consciousness”
within the organism.
Behaviorism also emphasizes change. Both Watson and Skinner suggested that a utopian society could be
built by imposing proper control on environmental conditions. Emphasis on change is one of the hallmarks
of our society; we are convinced that we can be better, thinner, smarter, richer, and happier. Psychologists
have been in the forefront in convincing us that change is possible, though not necessarily easy.
The idea of adaptation to the environment was the central Darwinian theme in the functionalism of William
James and the originators of the functionalist approach. Human behavior (James used the term “habits”)
was considered in terms of how it served the goal of adaptation. Like the behaviorists, the functionalists
saw learning as the primary mechanism for human adaptation and survival.
A precursor of functionalism was the British intellectual giant, Sir Francis Galton. Using Darwin’s theory,
Galton developed a keen interest in individual differences and strived to devise ways to measure these
differences. American psychologists eagerly adopted his ideas, with their emphasis on individualism.
Psychological testing developed from this facet of functionalism and continues to be an active area in
American psychology. We have developed psychological tests to measure almost any trait you can imagine.
Ironically, the founder of psychology as a science, Wilhelm Wundt, was not significantly influenced by
Darwin’s theory, and when Wundt’s branch of psychology, structuralism, migrated to America, it was
unable to adapt and survive.
their ability to move and worked mechanically, like hydraulics. Although his notion of animal spirits has
been shown incorrect, his study of both animals and humans paved the way for future discoveries.
Descartes also addressed the mind—body problem. He thought that there was a physical body that could be
studied scientifically and that there was a mind that was not physical and that could not be studied
scientifically. He felt that the mind and body interacted in the pineal gland, which sits at the center of the
base of the brain. His position was thus dualistic and interactionist.
Because of interference by the Catholic Church and increased demands on his time because of his growing
fame, Descartes moved to Sweden in 1650 to tutor Queen Christina. Unfortunately for humanity, Queen
Christina insisted on being tutored at 5 A .M., well before Descartes’ 11 A .M. wake-up time. Within six
months of his arrival in Sweden, Descartes contracted pneumonia and died.
Yea Event
1662 Rene Descartes, a French philosopher—mathematician, published Trait de L’homme, introducing
the idea of reflexive behavior.
1687 Isaac Newton published Principia.
1739 David Hume published Treatise on Human Nature.
1831 Charles Darwin set sail on the five-year voyage of the HMS Beagle
1861- The American Civil War was fought.
1865 Gergor Mendel reported his findings on genetic transmission of traits in garden peas.
1870 Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig used electrical stimulation to study the cerebral cortex.
1875 Walther Flemming, Strasburger, and others discovered chromosomes.
1884 Oscar Hertwig suggested that nucleic acid was the material responsible for the transmission of
hereditary traits.
1914- World War I was fought.
1929 Karl Lashley published Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence, a monograph outlining his ideas on the
relation between the brain mechanisms and learning.
1933 Ramón y Cajal published Neuron Theory or Reticular Theory?: Objective Evidence for the Anatomical
Unity of Nerve Cells, arguing that the nervous system is comprised of neurons. Twenty-one years
later, scientists using the electron microscope show Ramón y Cajal’s arguments are correct.
1944 Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Maelyn McCarty discovered that DNA (Deoxyribonucleic
Acid) was the material of which genes are made.
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA.
1957 The Russian satellite Sputnik was launched.
1960– The Leakeys, Louis and Mary, and their sons Richard, Jonathon, and Philip discovered the
1980 fossilized remains of prehumans and the earliest humans near Lake Turkana in Kenya.
1978 Louise Brown, the world’s first “test-tube baby” is born in England.
Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes’ Error. Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Putnam.
Edwards, A. J. (1994). When Memory Fails: Helping the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patient. New York: Plenum Press.
Offers an excellent overview of the disease processes involved in these illnesses and of how to care for both the
patient and the caregiver in easily comprehensible terms.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1998). The Mind’s Past. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Helfer, M. E., & Kempe, R. S. (1997). The Battered Child. (5th ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Plomin, R., & McClearn, G. E. (Eds.). (1993). Nature—Nurture and Psychology. Hyattsville, MD: APA Press. Leading
environmentalists and geneticists explore the gap between nature and nurture and contend that the concept may
indeed be linked.
Sacks, O. W. (1985). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales. New York: Harper & Row.
Offers fascinating accounts of work with individuals with various neurological and neuropsychological
Sacks, O. W. (1995). An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales. New York: Knopf
Sapolsky, R. M. (1994). Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: A Guide to Stress, Stress Related Diseases, and Coping. New
York: Freeman.
Sapolsky, R. M. (1997). The Trouble with Testosterone: And Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament.
New York: Scribner.
The structure and composition of the brain: how neurons function, how information is collected and transmitted,
and how chemical reactions determine every thought, feeling, and action.
Key Issues
The biology of the brain, how the brain processes information, the electroencephalogram (EEG), neurometric
evaluation, the effects of drugs on the functions of the brain, the brain’s own manufactured chemicals, and
Multiple brain wave recording to reveal various types of brain malfunction.
Effects of chemicals on learning and memory in rats.
New Interviews
John Gabrieli illustrates how the brain stores and retrieves information.
Key Issues
The effect of human touch on the growth of premature babies, the effect of the mother’s touch on the growth of
rats, psychosocial dwarfism, the effect of stress on memory and learning in rats, how behavior modifies the
physiology of the African Cichlid fish, and the effects of social status on the health of baboons
Archival Demonstrations
Effects of change in social status on sexual reactions and growth of fish.
Effects of social status on hormones and behavior in wild baboons.
Effects of physical stimulation on growth of brain, body and health of rats.
Relationship between early stimulation and adult resistance to stress-induced decline in memory of
Tiffany Field explains the benefits of touch on the cognitive and motor development of premature babies.
Saul Shanberg underscores the importance of contact by the mother in the process of growth and development
in rats.
Michael Meaney examines the effects of stress on memory and learning in rats.
R. Fernald examines the effects of behavior on the physiology of the brain and the effects of the brain on
behavior in African Cichlid fish.
Robert Salopsky discusses the direct effects of social status on the health of wild baboons.
The Infinite Voyage: Fires of the Mind (1988). WQED and the National Academy of Sciences, 58 minutes
Covers the development of human intelligence, and how cells, electric signals, and chemicals make up the
creative mind of man. Features a study of the cells of Einstein’s brain.
The Nervous System: Nerves at Work (1982). Salubris Productions (PBS), 26 minutes
The electrochemical nature of neural transmission and neural action in reflexive behaviors is examined in
this film.
actually breast feed them. Wearing diapers barely the size of cocktail napkins, the twins looked fragile and
unfinished. With no layers of baby fat, every little rib showed.
Had Nicole and Alexis been born 20 years earlier, their first few weeks of life would have been quite
different. Until the late 1970s, premature infants were touched as little as possible. Parents and medical
personnel feared that any unnecessary contact with the outside world might harm the babies. Fortunately
for Nicole and Alexis, we now know better.
Research with infant rats and humans has led scientists to conclude that brain functioning can be altered
by touch, and that, for newborns, touch is essential for normal growth and development. Biologist Saul
Schanberg found that when rat pups were removed from their mothers, the levels of an enzyme important
for growth decreased dramatically. The longer they were deprived of maternal contact, the less responsive
the pups became. The effects of maternal deprivation could be reversed in only two ways: by returning them
to their mother, who immediately started to lick them, or by having a researcher vigorously stroke them with
a small paintbrush. Shanberg concluded that, “the need for a mother’s touch is really brain based. It is not
just nice to have it. It’s a requirement for the normal development and growth of the baby.”
Psychologist Tiffany Field, who had collaborated with Schanberg, conducted similar stimulation studies of
premature human infants. Her research team randomly selected 20 preemies to receive periodic massages
throughout the day, while 20 others received normal hospital treatment in the intensive care unit, treatment
that did not include massage. According to Field, “The premature babies who were massaged for 45
minutes a day for ten days before they were discharged gained 47 percent more weight than the babies who
did not get massaged. They were more active. They were more alert.” Eight months later, the massaged
babies had maintained their weight advantage and were more advanced in motor, cognitive, and emotional
development. This research is being extended and replicated in larger samples of preemies in order to
establish the power of human touch on biological and psychological health.
In the United States, more than 0.25 million infants are born prematurely each year. Those who are touched
and cuddled leave the hospital several days sooner than usual, reducing care costs by about $3,000 per
child. Unfortunately, not all hospitals apply what scientists have learned about the positive effects of early
touch on development. If they did, the lives of thousands of children would be improved, saving billions of
dollars each year—both practical benefits of this basic research.
When Nicole and Alexis left the hospital, they were still small, but were developing so well that doctors felt
confident they would be all right. At home, the babies shared a crib in the living room, where relatives and
friends who remarked on their tiny size were encouraged to pick up the babies gently and cuddle them.
Christine and her husband were acutely aware of the important role played by human touch in the optimal
development of the brain and the mental and psychical processes that it controls.
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic processes through which sensory stimuli are converted into neural
2. Describe Müller’s doctrine of specific nerve energies
3. Relate the differences in thresholds (absolute and difference) and know why these concepts
are relevant
4. Discuss the concepts of response bias and signal detection theory
5. Identify the parts and functions of the human visual system
6. Understand the basic processes involved in color vision, and the theories supporting those
7. Describe the physiological components of the auditory system
8. Explain the two theories of pitch perception
9. Define pheromones and describe their role in olfaction
I. Sensory Knowledge of the World
A. Sensation is the process by which stimulation of sensory receptors produces neural
impulses that represent experiences inside or outside the body
B. This chapter deals with sensory processes, with the sense organs and peripheral aspects of
the nervous system that put you in contact with the world around you
D. While some animals specialize in one sensory medium, such as the sight of hawks, humans
are equipped with a variety of sensory mechanisms
E. Psychophysics
1. The study of the relationship between physical stimuli and the
behavior or mental experiences the stimuli evoke. The oldest field in
2. Gustav Fechner (1801–1887)
a) The most significant figure in psychophysics
1. Light enters the eye through the cornea, a transparent bulge on the front
of the eye
2. Light then passes through the anterior chamber, which is filled with a
clear liquid called aqueous humor
6. And then finally strikes the retina, a thin sheet of neuron that lines the
rear wall of the eyeball
D. The Retina
4. Bipolar cells are nerve cells that combine information from many receptor
cells and send the results to ganglion cells
5. Ganglion cells then integrate the information from bipolar cells into a
single firing rate
6. The axons of the ganglion cells comprise the optic nerve, which carries
visual information to the brain
7. Horizontal and Amacrine cells do not send information to the brain but
rather integrate information across the retina
8. The optic disk or blind spot is the area where the optic nerve exits the
retina. It contains no receptor cells. Blindness is not experienced at this
spot because the blind spots for each eye are different areas of the visual
field and because the brain automatically fills in the blind spot.
4. Much visual information then flows to the primary visual cortex, where
roughly 30 anatomical subdivisions of the primary visual cortex process
information concerning form, color, position, and depth
F. Seeing Color
1. Visible light (wave length of 400–700 manometers) is just a small portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes X rays, microwaves, and
radio waves
2. Hubel and Wiesel found there are several types of receptive cells
III. Hearing
A. Hearing is the Principle Sensory Modality for Human Communication
2. The Volley Principle suggests that several neurons could work together
and could fire in a volley to match higher cycles per second
3. Frequency and Place Theories are not mutually exclusive. Place theory
accounts well for pitch perception of frequencies above 1,000 Hz, while
frequency theory accounts well for pitch perception of frequencies below
5,000 Hz.
F. Sound Localization
4. Olfactory neurons, unlike most neurons, are constantly dying and being
5. Although it is thought that smell developed primarily as a means of
detecting food, it can also be used for active communication by the
secretion of pheromones
B. Taste
1. Many tastes are really smells, as the two work closely together when we
3. Many papillae contain clusters of taste receptor cells called taste buds
4. Taste buds respond best to one of four primary taste qualities: sweet,
sour, bitter, and saline
5. Taste buds may be damaged by alcohol, smoke, and acids, but the taste
system is the most resistant to damage of all sensory systems, as taste
receptors are replaced every few days, even more often than smell
5. Erogenous zones are areas of the skin that give rise to erotic, sexual
1. Vestibular sense tells how the body is oriented in the world with respect to
gravity through tiny hairs in fluid-filled sacs and canals in the inner ear
b) The semicircular canals are at right angles to each other and can
thus detect movement in any direction
2. The kinesthetic sense provides constant sensory feedback about what the
body is doing during motor activities. There are two sources of
kinesthetic information: receptors in the joints and receptors in muscles
and tendons
a) Receptors in the joints respond to pressures that accompany
different positions of the limbs and to pressure changes that
accompany movements
b) Receptors in the muscles and tendons respond to changes in
tension that accompany muscle shortening and lengthening
E. Pain
1. Pain is the body’s response to noxious stimuli that are intense enough to
cause damage or threaten to do so. Pain is critical to survival. People
with insensitivity to pain often become scarred and their limbs deformed
from injuries that could have been prevented had they been sensitive to
2. Pain mechanisms
c) The network of pain receptors is a fine mesh that covers the entire
body. Some receptors respond only to temperature, while others
respond to chemical or mechanical stimuli.
d) Peripheral nerve fibers transmit signals to the central nervous
system in two ways:
i) Fast-conducting, myelinated nerves
ii) Slower, smaller, nonmyelinated nerves
e) Pain impulses start at the spinal cord, are relayed to the thalamus,
and then to the cerebral cortex
3. The Psychology of Pain
a) Emotional responses, context factors, and subjective interpretation
can be as important as actual physical stimuli in determining how
much pain is experienced
1. What other senses might there be that humans lack? How would we know that they
existed? How might humans develop devices, such as binoculars, night-vision scopes, and
hearing aids, which allow us to experience these senses?
2. How similar are sensory experiences between people? Do all individuals experience the
color “blue” the same? How would we know if we did not, and would it matter?
3. Have the class think of real-life examples of dichotic listening. Is this a phenomenon with
which they are familiar and of which they have a basic understanding?
4. Discuss attention from the perspectives of its being goal-directed or stimulus-driven
perception. Generally speaking, do more students seem to be goal-directed attendees or
8. Many people believe the myth that when people lose one of their physical senses, their
other senses become more sensitive to compensate for the missing sense. The idea that
blind people have hearing that is more acute than others has been around for ages. Ask
students if they have heard this and if they believe it. This myth is technically wrong in that
there is no actual increase in physical ability to detect sound when someone goes blind. But
blind people may learn to pay more attention to subtle differences in sound than do sighted
people, therefore making it seem as if their hearing has increased in its sensitivity.
Similarly, losing one’s hearing does not increase one’s visual acuity, but deaf people often
pay more attention to certain visual cues than do those who can hear, allowing them to
learn more from those cues.
9. Usually these myths focus around hearing and sight. If the myths were true, what sense
might become more acute if the sense of taste is lost? Smell? Taste?
10. What sense would become more acute if the sense of touch was lost? Again, people can
sometimes compensate for the loss of a sense in a variety of ways, but there is no
compensatory increase in physical ability in the remaining senses.
1. For purposes of communication to and from the brain, between our internal and external
2. For organizational and functional principles that are applicable across the various sensory
and perceptual systems.
3. For comprehension of anatomical structure at a physiological level.
4. For assistance with deficits in the various systems, such as abnormalities, deficiencies,
prosthetics, and so on. This is especially important in vision and audition, in that
“normal” individuals get 80 percent of their sensory input through vision and 15—18
percent through audition. The remaining 2—5 percent is distributed across the other
various systems.
5. Finally, for philosophical reasons, to what extent is our world experience predicated on
sensation and perception? On what else could it be predicated?
Other principles and properties that are characteristic of all sensory systems include the following:
1. Limited Receptivity. Human senses are structurally designed to respond to a certain type of
energy, and, within that type of energy, to a limited range of output. All senses respond to
some form of energy. Human vision responds to electromagnetic radiation (light), from just
above the ultraviolet to just below the infrared portions of the spectrum. This is known as
the visible range of light. Audition responds to pressure, from about 50 Hz to about 15,000
Hz in humans. The range for dogs is much higher, up to about 100,000 Hz. The individual
ranges for all types of receptivity are species-specific.
2. Specific Irritability. Within a given system, there are subsystems with specialized functions.
In the visual system, rods are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light; cones are more
sensitive to longer wavelengths. Gustation, the sense of taste, relies on chemical energy.
The tongue has four basic types of taste receptors: sweet, salty, bitter, sour. Each of these
subsystems is sensitive to different chemicals.
3. Adaptation. Sensory systems are designed such that they will not respond to steady,
repetitive, nonchanging stimuli, which carry no further information. This permits our
senses to respond over a wide range of energy potential, such as from dark to bright light.
Adaptation permits resetting of the system threshold, over a vast range of energy and
intensity, as needed.
4. Contrast. Sensory systems are designed to respond to change relative to a mean level.
5. Threshold, Saturation, and Dynamic Range. The threshold is the minimum amount of energy
required for the system to respond. Once above a threshold level, as intensity increases, so
does the subjective sensation of that intensity, across the specific range to which the system
responds. Beyond a certain level, further increase in physical intensity no longer produces
a subjective change in intensity, because the system is saturated.
6. Response Latency. Every system is a transducer, in that it converts energy from one medium
to another so that it can be processed. This transduction process takes about 20—30
milliseconds, and about 200—500 milliseconds following the stimulus, you become aware
of the sensation. Thus, we live 200 milliseconds in the past.
1. Exteroceptors. These sensory receptors take data from the external world. Types of
exteroceptors include distal and proximal receptors. Distal receptors include those
associated with vision. Objects rarely make direct contact with the eye, rather they are
discerned at a distance, with no need for contact in order to experience the sensation.
Proximal receptors are associated with touch, taste, and possibly olfaction. Thermal
radiation does not always require proximity; you can tell that the sun is warm via your
distal receptors–you do not have to touch it. In most instances, proximal systems require
direct contact with the stimulus.
2. Interoceptors. These are internal system monitors; they work to keep you aware of the
internal working of your body, such as letting you know when you are hungry, thirsty, in
pain, nauseated, fatigued, and so on.
3. Proprioceptors. These receptors monitor the position of the body or limbs relative to some
reference point. They let you know where you are physically located in space.
Proprioceptors are found in the vestibular system, where they permit maintenance of your
physical position, in the pressure receptors of the skin, in the muscle stretch receptors of
your muscles, and in the joint movement receptors of your limbs.
Auditory Localization
We use our ears to point our eyes in the direction of sound-producing events. For this to happen,
the auditory system must be able to perceive the direction from which a sound is originating, and
the system’s perception of space must be integrated with the visual system’s perception of space.
Unlike the eye, the ear has no direct coding of spatial direction. Information about the sound’s
direction is perceived by comparing the stimulation in one ear with that in the other. In this respect,
sound localization is much like the visual-depth cue of binocular disparity.
There are two basic sources of information about sound coming from the left or right; the sound
entering one ear differs from that entering the other in both intensity and time. When a sound comes
from directly in front of your head, its intensity is equal at your two ears. In the case of high-
frequency sounds coming from the side, your head creates a sound shadow, making the sound less
intense at the ear farthest away from the sound than at the ear closest to the sound. It is only for
high frequencies that there is information about how far to one side or another a sound is located.
The other major source of information about the horizontal direction of a sound is the time at which
it arrives at your two ears. When a sound comes from directly in front of your head, the arrival times
are the same because your two ears are the same distance away from the sound. However, when the
sound comes from the side, the sound wave must travel farther to reach the ear on the far side. Even
though this extra distance takes only a little extra time—less than one-thousandth of a second—it is
enough to tell us which side sound is coming from.
The direction of sounds from left to right, or right to left, is probably the most important part of
spatial hearing, but it is not the only part. You can also tell whether a sound is coming from above
or below—the sound of a jet streaking overhead or of an object dropped at your feet. You are not
able to perceive vertical direction from simple arrival times or intensities, however. It is the shape of
the external ear that allows you to perceive the vertical dimension of space. Notice that your ear is
asymmetrical. There are many complex, sound-reflecting folds in the pinna above the ear canal, and
few below it. These differences in the shape of the external ear make subtle changes in the sound
wave that enters your ears, depending on the vertical direction of the sound source. Somewhere in
the auditory centers of the brain, these differences are detected and decoded, allowing you to
perceive upward and downward directions of environmental sounds.
We are left with the problem of perceiving the third dimension of depth—how far away the source
of a sound is from us. A sound that is near is louder than one that is far away, so you might think
that intensity would provide all the information you need about the distance (or depth) of the
source of a sound. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. A low-intensity sound at the ear might have
come from either a loud sound far away or a soft one nearby. This situation is analogous to the
relations among retinal size, object distance, and object size in visual perception. If the sound is one
whose usual intensity you know, such as someone speaking in a normal voice or the sound of an
average car engine, you can perceive its approximate distance by sound using intensity
information. If the sound is one whose usual intensity you do not know, you cannot tell how far
away it is by hearing it; you have to look. Because you can locate the direction that the sound is
coming from using your ears, you can use them to point your eyes in the correct direction, which
can then do the job of judging distance.
Year Event
1838 Johannes Müller formulated his doctrine of specific nerve energies, which states that
sensory experience depends not on the stimulus, but on the part of the nervous system
that is activated.
1839 M. E. Chevreul published On the Law of simultaneous Contrast of Colors.
1843 Søren Kierkegaard published Either/Or.
1846 Ernst Weber postulated that the difference threshold is a constant proportion of the initial
stimulus intensity, a notion later formalized as Weber’s Law.
1855 Walt Whitman published Leaves of Grass.
1857 Based on the earlier work of Thomas Young, Hermann von Helmholtz proposed that color
vision is due to three different types of color receptors (cones), each of which is sensitive to
a specific range of wavelengths of light.
1860 Gustav Fechner published Elemente der Psychophysik, marking the founding of
psychophysics, the study of the relationship between subjective experience and physical
1898 The Spanish-American War was fought.
1929 The Great Depression began with the stock market crash.
1938 H. Keffer Hartline discovered that optic nerve fibers respond to stimulation from different
receptive fields.
1950- The Korean War was fought.
1954 Tanner and Swets proposed the application of signal detection theory to the study of
1954 The first hydrogen bomb was exploded.
1957 S. S. Stevens demonstrated that changes in one’s subjective impression of stimulus
magnitude are a power function of the actual stimulus magnitude.
1957 Leo Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson, building on the work of Ewald Hering, postulated
the theory that color vision is based on opposing neural processes, the opponent-process
theory of color vision.
1959 David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel discovered that cells in the visual cortex of cats (and, in
1968, of monkeys) respond differentially to form and movement.
Kosslyn, S., & Koenig, O. (1992). Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience. New York: Free Press. A
comprehensive, integrated, and accessible overview of recent insights into how the brain gives
rise to mental activity. Examines a large number of syndromes that occur following brain
damage, and accounts for them according to an analysis of the operation of a normal brain. The
authors also present an interesting theory of consciousness.
Link, S. (1994). Rediscovering the Past: Gustav Fechner and Signal Detection Theory. Psychological
Science, 5(6), 335-340. Suggests that the origins of experimental psychology are found in the
theoretical works of Gustav Fechner and that Fechner is not given the credit that he is due for
his contributions. Argues that his works spawned many new ideas and theories, including the
response bias found in signal detection theory.
Matlin, M. W., & Foley, H. J. (1992). Sensation and Perception. (3rd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
A well-written introduction to the fields of sensation and perception.
Sekuler, R. (1995). Motion Perception as a Partnership: Exogenous and Endogenous Contributions. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 4(2), 43–47. Describes the process of motion detection as a
result of the interaction of exogenous and endogenous influences.
Explores how we make contact with the world outside our brain and body. See how biological,
cognitive, social, and environmental influences shape our personal sense of reality, and gain an
understanding of how psychologists use perceptual errors to study how the constructive process of
perception works.
Key Issues
Visual illusions, the biology of perception, the visual pathway, how the brain processes information
during perception, sensory feedback in visual perception, and perceptual constancy.
Sensory feedback in visual perception. A Stanford student demonstrates the problems that football
quarterbacks face in the adjustment to special kinesthetic cues with distortion goggles that displace
feedback from the perceived visual field.
Perceptual constancy. Philip Zimbardo demonstrates visual misperception in the Ames distorted room
in the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
Nobel Prize winner David Hubel (Harvard University) explains the mapping of the reaction of receptor
cells along the visual pathway of primates. Hubel’s award-winning experiment of the response of
neurons to electrical activity in the visual cortex of a cat illustrates his point.
Misha Pavel uses computer graphics to demonstrate how the visual system of the brain breaks down
and recombines visual stimulation into recognizable, coherent images.
near my nostrils dilate, the better to receive the flood of earth odors, which seem to multiply and
extend, until I feel the splash of rain against my cheek. As the tempest departs, receding farther and
farther, the odors fade, become fainter and fainter and die away beyond the bar of space.” (Keller,
Ackerman, 1990, p. 44).
Annie Sullivan reported that Helen’s “whole body is so finely organized that she seems to use it as
a medium for bringing herself into closer relations with her fellow creatures.” Annie was puzzled
at first by Helen’s “inexplicable mental faculty” for picking up emotions and physical sensations.
She soon realized, though, that Helen had developed an exquisite sensitivity to the muscular
variations of those around her. “One day, while she was out walking with her mother, . . . a boy
threw a torpedo, which startled Mrs. Keller. Helen felt the change in her mother’s movements
instantly, and asked, ‘What are we afraid of?”’ (Sullivan, 1908, p. 295). During a hearing test, Helen
astonished a roomful of people when “she would turn her head, smile, and act as though she had
heard what was said.” However, when Annie let go of Helen’s hand and moved to the opposite
side of the room, Helen remained motionless for the rest of the test. Although she could neither see
nor hear, Helen Keller extracted a great deal of sensory information from the world. She did not
perceive color, light, and sound through ordinary channels. Instead, she “heard” symphonies by
placing her hands on a radio to feel the vibrations, and she “saw” where a person had been by
picking up the scent of his or her clothes. Her ability to compensate for her sensory disabilities hints
at the intricate coordination within human sensory systems and the interaction of sensory and
brain processes. It also makes us aware of the extent to which our senses work in unison to weave
experience of the world around us into the fabric of our very being.
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Understand the relationship between sensation and perception
2. Explain the perceptual concepts of reality, ambiguity, and illusion
3. Describe the roles(s) played by attention in the processes of perception
4. Define the concepts of preattentive processing and guided search
5. Explicate the Gestalt principles of figure, ground, and closure, and be able to give examples
of each
6. Describe the principles of perceptual grouping
7. Define the concepts of motion and depth perception
8. Explain the importance of perceptual constancy in perceptual processes
9. Describe the significance of identification and recognition in the overall process of
I. Sensing, Organizing, Identifying, and Recognizing
A. The Proximal and Distal Stimulus
1. The Law of Proximity states that all else being equal, the nearest
elements are grouped together
2. The Law of Similarity states that all else being equal, the most similar
elements are grouped together
3. The Law of Common Fate states that all else being equal, elements
moving in the same direction and at the same rate of speed are
grouped together
E. Motion Perception
1. Motion perception requires comparison across different fixations of
the world and is dependent on reference frame
2. Induced motion occurs when a stationary object appears to be moving
because a reference frame to which it is being compared is moving.
There is a tendency for the visual system to take a larger, surrounding
figure as the reference frame for a smaller figure inside it.
F. Depth Perception
H. Perceptual Constancies
B. Object Recognition
1. Irving Biederman has proposed that all objects can be assembled from
a set of geometrical ions, or geons. From a set of 36 geons, Biederman
believes that perception can make a strong guess at the nature of an
E. Final Lessons
1. A perceptual experience in response to a stimulus event is determined
not only by the stimulus but also by the person experiencing it. In
addition to sensation, final perception depends on past experience,
expectations, wants, goals, values, and imagination.
2. A proper balance of top-down and bottom-up processing achieves the
basic goal of perception: to experience what is out there in a way that
maximally serves your needs as a biological and social being, moving
about and adapting to your physical and social environment.
1. Why are there separate chapters on sensation and perception? What are the differences
between the two?
2. Which is more susceptible to cultural or contextual influence, sensation or perception?
3. How are individuals able to tell when their perceptions have been influenced by cultural or
contextual factors? Is there a way to eliminate these biases from perception? These factors
probably always influence perception, but knowing that they do gives the perceiver
knowledge that may help minimize its negative impact.
4. Are the differences in perception among humans likely to be larger or smaller than the
differences in perception among ants? Assuming that human cultures are more diverse
than ant cultures, the differences in perception should be greater for humans. Larger
cultural differences would produce larger variations in perception.
5. You might ask students if they believe that advertisers put hidden messages in their
advertisements. Follow up by asking if they believe those messages work. You can use this
to lead into a discussion of subliminal perception and its supposed effects. Stories of
subliminal visual messages go back to claims of their inclusion in movies in the 1950s.
Subliminal verbal messages have been discussed at least since the controversy about the
Beatles supposedly putting hidden messages in their albums in the late 1960s. However,
the evidence that these messages have any real effect on behavior is currently lacking.
Stories about subliminal messages continue to regularly appear in the media, and it is
surprising how many people believe that the messages work.
6. As an example of motion parallax, you might ask students if they have ever traveled with
young children on a clear night with the moon near the horizon to one side of the road on
which you are traveling. Whereas the trees, houses, and hills seem to move steadily by, the
moon appears to be traveling along with you. Many times young children will exclaim that
the “moon is following us.” There have even been UFO reports generated by this
phenomenon on cloudy nights when adults have mistaken the moonlight for a flying object
darting in and out of the clouds and following them along the horizon.
7. To illustrate the fact that the brain interprets messages from the skin’s hot and cold
receptors relative to previous and surrounding stimuli, set up three small basins in the
front of the class. Fill one with hot water (but not so hot that it will burn someone’s skin),
one with cold water, and one with luke-warm water. Have students put one hand in the
basin of hot water and the other hand in the basin of cold water. Then have them place
both hands in the basin of warm water. They should notice that in the warm water, one
hand (the one that was in the cold water) will sense it as being hot, while the other hand
(the one that was in the hot water) will sense it as being cold.
Yea Event
1815 Napoleon was defeated at the battle of Waterloo and banished to St. Helena.
1838 Johannes Müller formulated his doctrine of specific nerve energies, which states
that sensory experience depends not on the stimulus, but on the part of the
nervous system that is activated.
1846 Ernst Weber postulated that the difference threshold is a constant proportion of
the initial stimulus intensity, a notion later formalized as Weber’s Law.
1857 Based on the earlier work of Thomas Young, Hermann von Helmholtz proposed
that color vision is due to three different types of color receptors (cones), each of
which is sensitive to a specific range of wavelengths of light.
1860 Gustav Fechner published Elemente der Psychophysik, marking the founding of
psychophysics, the study of the relationship between subjective experience and
physical stimulation.
1861- The American Civil War was fought.
1881 Pasteur and Koch discovered the germ theory of disease.
1917 The Bolshevik Revolution was fought in Russia.
1938 H. Keffer Hartline discovered that optic nerve fibers respond to stimulation from
different receptive fields.
1948 Israel became an independent nation.
1953 The genetic code was broken.
1954 Tanner and Swets proposed the application of signal detection theory to the study
of thresholds.
1957 S. S. Stevens demonstrated that changes in one’s subjective impression of stimulus
magnitude are a power function of the actual stimulus magnitude.
1957 Leo Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson, building on the earlier work of Ewald
Hering, postulated the theory that color vision is based on opposing neural
processes, the opponent-process theory of color vision.
1959 David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel discovered that cells in the visual cortex of cats
(and, in 1968, of monkeys) respond differentially to form and movement.
Kosslyn, S. M. (1995). Visual Cognition: An Invitation to Cognitive Science, Vol. 2 (2nd ed.). Cambridge:
MIT Press. Explores the mental aspects of visual processing. Discusses the important research,
discoveries, and insights in various areas of research on visual cognition and attempts to
integrate work from related fields.
Kosslyn, S. M., & Koenig, O. (1992). Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience. An excellent volume
that introduces the field of cognitive neuroscience to the uninitiated. This volume covers a range
of cognitive and neurological issues, to include sensation and perception. Well written and easy
for even the lay person to understand.
Link, S. (1994). Rediscovering the Past: Gustav Fechner and Signal Detection Theory. Psychological Science,
5(6), 335–340. Suggests that the origins of experimental psychology are found in the theoretical
works of Gustav Fechner and that Fechner is not given the credit that he is due for his
contributions. Argues that his works spawned many new ideas and theories, including the
response bias found in signal detection theory.
Matlin, M. W., & Foley, H. J. (1992). Sensation and Perception (3rd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
A well-written introduction to the fields of sensation and perception.
Meyering, T. (1989). Historical Roots of Cognitive Science: The Rise of a Cognitive Theory of Perception
from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Begins with the
Aristotelian theory of perception and then works its way to nineteenth century theories of
perception. A very thorough review of the history of perceptual theories.
Sabourin, M., Craik, F., & Robert, M. (1998). Advances in Psychological Science, Vol. 2: Biological and
Cognitive Aspects. Hove: Psychology Press/Eribaum (UK) Taylor & Francis. Covers a wide range
of topics in human and animal experimental psychobiology. Provides an excellent review of
current research in many areas of psychology including perception.
Sekuler, R. (1995). Motion Perception as a Partnership: Exogenous and Endogenous Contributions. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 4(2), 43—47. Describes the process of motion detection as a
result of the interaction of exogenous and endogenous influences.
The structure and composition of the brain: how neurons function, how information is collected and
transmitted, and how chemical reactions determine every thought, feeling, and action.
Key Issues
The biology of the brain, how the brain processes information, the electroencephalogram (EEG),
neurometric evaluation, the effects of drugs on the functions of the brain, the brain’s own manufactured
chemicals, and neurotransplantation.
Multiple brain wave recording to reveal various types of brain malfunction.
Effects of chemicals on learning and memory in rats.
New Interviews
John Gabrieli illustrates how the brain stores and retrieves information.
Key Issues
Visual illusions, the biology of perception, the visual pathway, how the brain processes
information during perception, sensory feedback in visual perception, and perceptual
Sensory feedback in visual perception. A Stanford student demonstrates the problems football
quarterbacks face in the adjustment to special kinesthetic cues with distortion goggles that
displace feedback from the perceived visual field.
Perceptual constancy. Philip Zimbardo demonstrates visual misperception in the Ames
distorted room in the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
Nobel Prize winner David Hubel explains the mapping of the reaction of receptor cells along
the visual pathway of primates. Hubel’s award-winning experiment of the response of neurons
to electrical activity in the visual cortex of a cat illustrates his point.
Misha Pavel uses computer graphics to demonstrate how the visual system of the brain breaks
down and recombines visual stimulation into recognizable, coherent images.
This NOVA presentation discusses the importance of touch and the effects of touch deprivation.
This film examines the importance of touch for development at various age levels. Many interesting
areas of research are cited.
the distant light patterns in determining their altitudes. If they were approaching flat terrain, their
altitude estimates were generally correct, but if the terrain sloped upward, with the farthest lights
higher than the closer ones, even the most experienced pilots descended to dangerously low
altitudes. With no visual information from the “black hole” below them, the pilots overestimated
their distance from the ground and inappropriately adjusted their descent angles.
Why didn’t the pilots also use their altimeters, which indicated altitude accurately? When landing
an airplane, a pilot must monitor several functions at once–such as air speed, engine settings,
altitude, glide slope, angle of attack, and heading–while also responding to air traffic controller
directions and watching for other aircraft. With all of these responsibilities, especially when
visibility is good, pilots may fail to check their altimeters and instead rely on visual cues from the
cockpit. After Dr. Kraft solved the mystery of the accidents, commercial airlines around the world
informed pilots of the conditions under which they might misjudge altitude on approach to
landing. Psychologists such as Dr. Kraft study perception in order to learn how the major sensory
systems of the body help (and sometimes trick) us in gathering information about the environments
in which we live, work, and play.
Mind, Consciousness, and Alternate States
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Identify and provide examples of the three levels of consciousness
2. Describe the origins of the mind—body problem, and Descartes’ mechanistic approach to it
via his theory of the animal machine
3 Explain the philosophical and theoretical differences between dualism and monism
4. Define the concepts of the personal construction of reality, the cultural construction of
reality, and the significance of consensual validation of both
5. Define and give examples of circadian rhythms
6. Identify the five stages of sleep, as well as the functions of REM sleep
7. Explain the four major types of sleep disorders
8. Describe both the basic premises of Freudian dream analysis and the activation synthesis
hypothesis of dreaming
9. Explain extended states of consciousness, such as hypnosis, meditation, and hallucination
10. Describe the effects of psychoactive substances
I. The Contents of Consciousness
A. This chapter discusses ordinary states of consciousness and the mind–body problem, as
well as the more unusual experiences that are part of the human potential, such as
hallucinations, hypnosis, and dreams
C. Consciousness is an ambiguous term that can refer to a general state of mind or to its
specific contents
1. The contents of consciousness refers to the information at the
intersection of these two types of consciousness
D. Consciousness has long been a topic of psychological inquiry. In the late 1800s, Wundt and
Titchener used introspection to explore the contents of the conscious mind and James made
observations of his own “stream of consciousness.”
F. Accessibility to Consciousness
B. Aiding Survival
1. Consciousness probably evolved because it helped individuals make
sense of and navigate in the environment. Consciousness aids
adaptation to the environment in three ways:
8. The first four stages of sleep require about 90 minutes. REM sleep
about 10 minutes. During the course of a night, this 100-minute cycle
is repeated four to six times.
C. Why Sleep?
1. The two most general functions of NREM sleep are conservation and
a) Sleep helps conserve energy because it often occurs when
foraging for food, searching for mates, or moving about is
unnecessary or dangerous
b) Sleep serves a restorative function because neurotransmitters
and neuromodulators may be synthesized and their balance
restored during sleep
2. The function of REM sleep appears to be related to the maintenance of
mood and emotion, storing memories, and fitting recent experiences
into existing memories. REM sleep may also restore the balance of the
brain after NREM sleep.
D. Sleep Disorders
3. Most cultures instill the belief that dreams have meaning, but they do
so in diverse ways
a) The most prominent Western theory of dreams was proposed
by Sigmund Freud
b) Freud believed dreams to be “the royal road to the
G. Nightmares
1. Nightmares are dreams that make the dreamer feel helpless or out of
B. Hypnosis
C. Meditation
D. Hallucinations
E. Religious Ecstasy
F. Mind-Altering Drugs
1. Although mind-altering drugs have been used for centuries during
religious ceremonies, today they are associated more often with
recreational usage
2. Dependence and Addition
1. The class should now be familiar with dualism and monism, through both the text and
lectures. Ask them which of these they think best describes the relationship between the
brain and the mind. Why? Can anyone think of personal experiences or observations to
support their beliefs? What about empirical data that might support a given hypothesis?
2. Zimbardo and Gerrig propose that sleep may have evolved because it gave animals an
opportunity to conserve energy at those times when they did not need to be searching for
food or a mate. Given that we as humans no longer engage in these activities under the
same constraints as animals, ask the class if they think it possible that we may eventually
evolve out of the need for sleep.
3. According to Zimbardo and Gerrig, there appears to be a developmental timetable for
dreams that parallels our cognitive developmental pathway, with children being the
example given. If this premise is valid, what sort of dreams might we expect to see at the
opposite end of the spectrum, during old age?
4. Ask your students if they have ever had a lucid dream. Have students share their lucid
experiences. Students find this subject fascinating, and the topic often leads to lively
discussion concerning the nature of consciousness and the nature of reality. How would
students use the extra time of consciousness while they are lucid in their dreams? Would
they use it differently than they would normal consciousness? Why or why not?
5. Most sleep researchers argue that people need an average of 8 hours of sleep per day to be
fully rested and alert. First, you might ask students why they think this is, as most people
today do not physically exert themselves enough to require 8 hours of sleep to physically
recharge themselves. Second, you might ask students how much sleep they are getting each
night. My guess is most of them are not getting the recommended 8 hours per night. But
many of them are probably not feeling overtired or sleep deprived. While the average
amount of required sleep is 8 hours, many people function quite well on 6 or 7 hours per
night, while others need 9 or 10 hours per night. I had a professor in graduate school who
functioned quite effectively for years on only 3 or 4 hours per night! The important thing for
students to know is that not everyone needs the average, but knowing how much sleep
your body needs and adjusting your schedule so that you are getting what you need is
crucial to feeling rested.
6. Many people sleep somewhat more when they are mildly depressed or experience mild to
moderate stress. Some students who are juggling school, work, and family/social life find
that they are nodding off every time they sit down or relax, but are still consistently
exhausted. If they add up all the hours they are “napping,” it can add up to 11 or 12 hours
a day. Of course, it is not good quality sleep, which means it doesn’t help them feel
“recharged” or well rested. When I was a psychology intern at a university counseling
center, it was such a common phenomenon we began calling it “student sleep syndrome.”
Often, students feel even worse when this occurs because they begin to wonder what’s
wrong with them, which compounds their stress. Most students are relieved to know that
this condition is common and often disappears when stress levels are reduced. Usually,
when a student takes a term off or cuts back on his or her schedule, the condition
disappears. However, as with any dramatic or prolonged change in energy level or
physical condition, students should get a complete physical examination from their
physician before assuming it is just a symptom of stress.
7. Ask students to describe what they do to fall asleep and how long it usually takes them.
You will usually find that those students who get a reasonable amount of physical exercise
during the day, allow themselves at least an hour of “winding down time” before they go to
bed, and go to bed at similar times each night will tend to go to sleep faster than those who
do not exercise, have erratic schedules, and too many presleep activities. Often, insomnia
can be managed just by changing their daily schedules and presleep routines.
8. Ask students what they do when they have bouts of insomnia. I've heard everything from
counting sheep to having sex. Clearly there is no one technique that works for everyone.
But there are many techniques that work well for at least some people. You can discuss
how many techniques, such as progressive relaxation, deep breathing, and fantasy, can be
used to induce a relaxed state compatible with sleep induction. Some insomnia is caused
because people, go to bed hungry or “wired” from drinking beverages loaded with caffeine.
Eating a snack so that you are not experiencing hunger pains, and making sure what you
eat is not loaded with caffeine and sugar, can also induce drowsiness and relaxation.
While sleeping pills are an option, as the text suggests, they are usually not an ideal option
because of side effects and people’s tendency to become dependent on them.
you. You know you were not deliberately eavesdropping on this conversation, but you know that
you heard your name. Is it possible that you were unconsciously eavesdropping?
You have just experienced what Broadbent and Cherry referred to as the “Cocktail Party
Phenomenon”. Part of consciousness is attention. We must attend to incoming stimuli in order to
process it and act on it in an appropriate manner. Does that imply that in the case presented above,
the listener was attending to the conversation behind her? Possibly, although the attention being
paid to that conversation was not intentional. The listener in this conversation was engaged in
what is known as dichotic listening, which refers to hearing two channels of sound, one in each
ear, at the same time. In dichotic listening, we listen, or shadow, the message to which we are
attending, and tune out the second, unattended message. Nonetheless, some characteristics of that
unshadowed message still get through. The individual above was shadowing the message in
which she was engaged and, until hearing her name, could not have told us the content or
characteristics of the unshadowed (unattended) message of conversation. How then, did she
manage to hear her name, if she was not attending to the message?
Triesman offers as an explanation the fact that in dichotic listening, attention acts as an attenuator,
in that it turns down the volume on unattended channels, but does not completely block them out.
Moray took this notion a bit further, observing that it is very difficult to ignore the sounds of our
own names, even if that sound comes in on an unattended channel. Deutsch and Deutsch, followed
by Norman, proposed that all channels that reach the system get some degree of attention and
analysis. Specifically, the channels get attended to enough to be represented in long-term memory.
While none of these models completely explains the attentional aspect of consciousness, they do at
least give us some insights as to why we suddenly find ourselves “eavesdropping” on the
conversations of others, once we have heard them mention our names.
Circadian Rhythms
There is a daily cycle in addition to sleep cycles that helps regulate our functioning. People and
other mammals have a biological clock that controls their daily rhythm, known as the circadian
rhythm. Bodily temperatures, endocrine secretions, metabolism, and other bodily functions follow
similar circadian rhythms. Both internal controls, from the hypothalamus in the brain, and external
controls such as clocks, meal times, light and dark, and the seasonal changes direct us to 24-hour
circadian rhythms. If individuals live in caves with artificial light, but no clock, eating and sleeping
whenever they want, circadian rhythms tend to occur in 25-hour cycles.
People usually fall into a rhythm between 24 and 28 hours long, although sleep—wake cycles of up
to 50 hours have been observed. Excessively long circadian rhythms can play havoc with one’s life,
causing one to be unable to sleep at an appropriate hour or to feel sleepy part of the normal working
day. The results can be job loss and interpersonal conflict. Such afflictions can be interpreted as
sleep-onset insomnia and/or excessive sleepiness. Treatment of such sleep disorders centers on
enforcing wakefulness at certain times.
Along with “autonomic” storms of REM sleep that are most intense in the morning hours, changes
in circadian rhythms result in a lowering of body temperature. One medical consequence of this
“vulnerable” state is the reported high incidence of cardiac failures and heart attacks in early
morning hours. “Jet lag” is also an effect of biological circadian rhythms falling out of synchrony
with local time as we travel east or west across time zones. The traveler develops a double circadian
rhythm, the new one added to the old. This leads to double peaks and valleys of energy. Over a few
days, the new circadian rhythm takes over as the body and brain reset their biological clock to local
unsuccessfully to do something, finding yourself nude in public places, arriving late to catch a
plane or to take an exam, and losing important papers or treasured objects. Sex is not among the
more common dream themes. The occurrence of penile and clitoral erections during dreams is a
concomitant of the REM state, and is apparently unrelated to the content of the dream.
4. Make a questionnaire or checklist to remind you of the information you want to record.
This might include such things as the setting, actors, activities, outcomes, and, perhaps
most important, the emotional tone of the dream.
During REM sleep, we experience atonia—we lose muscle tone, our muscles become flaccid, and we
are virtually paralyzed. This manifestation disappears within a fraction of a second following
waking, but can be a bit scary if we try to get out of bed immediately on waking, only to find that we
cannot do so, at least instantaneously. The reason for atonia is that neural messages from the brain
stem going to the major muscle groups are inhibited during REM. These messages originate in the
pons, a structure that sits just at the top of the brain stem, and the inhibition of these neural
impulses has probably kept many of us from injuring ourselves if we were to wander around in a
not quite conscious state.
Both males and females experience sexual arousal—evinced by tumescence in males and
lubrication and engorgement of genital tissues in females—during REM sleep.
Thought and memory organization also occur during REM, as housekeeping type of functions.
Most of us have awakened to discover that a problem that was vexing us the night before suddenly
seems to have “solved itself” over the course of the night, and we wonder why we did not see the
solution yesterday. Perhaps this aspect of REM explains why our mothers told us not to worry
because “everything will be better in the morning.”
Year Event
1637 Rene Descartes published Discourse on Method.
1815 Napoleon was defeated at the battle of Waterloo and banished to St. Helena.
1861- The American Civil War was fought.
1881 Pasteur and Koch discovered the germ theory of disease.
1902 William James published The Varieties of Religious Experience.
1917 The Bolshevik Revolution was fought in Russia.
1932 Carl Jung published Modern Man in Search of a Soul.
1938 d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25 (LSD) was discovered by Dr. Albert Hoffman.
1948 Israel became an independent nation.
1953 The genetic code was broken.
1954 Aldous Huxley published The Doors of Perception.
1985 Stephen LaBerge published Lucid Dreaming.
Donald, M. (1991). Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. A fascinating perspective on modern man,
incorporating data from the field of cultural anthropology, linguistics, comparative anatomy,
comparative neuroanatomy, and cognition to offer an explanation of how we got “here” from
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1988). Mind Matters: How Mind and Brain Interact to Create Our Conscious Lives.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Discusses mental disorders, psychopathology, and the role of
neuropsychology in these issues.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1992). Nature’s Mind: The Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotions, Sexuality,
Language, and Intelligence. New York: Basic Books. Shows how natural selection influences
everything from depression, to language development, to substance abuse. Presents the nature
versus nurture controversy in a new light. An excellent book by an eminent scientist.
Goleman, D., Wilber, K., Tart, C., & Walsh, R. (1993). The Riddle of Consciousness. Los Angeles:
Perigee Books. Provides four different views on consciousness by four leading thinkers in the
Herzog, P. S. (1991). Conscious and Unconscious: Freud’s Dynamic Distinction Reconsidered. Madison,
CT: International Universities Press. A new perspective on consciousness and unconsciousness,
from the psychoanalytic position.
Horowitz, M. J. (ed.). (1988). Psychodynamics and Cognition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Based on papers presented at a workshop held at the Center for Advanced Study in the
Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, and sponsored by the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation.
Huxley, A. (1954). The Doors of Perception. New York: Harper. A classic text on the experience of
psychedelic drugs. The rock band “The Doors” was named after this book.
LaBerge, S. (1985). Lucid Dreaming. New York: St. Martin’s Press. The seminal work on lucid
dreaming. Introduces the phenomenon of lucid dreaming and presents the original research on
the topic. A classic in the field.
Palfai, T. (1997). Drugs and Human Behavior. (2nd ed.). Dubuque: Brown & Benchmark Publishers.
An interesting introduction to drugs and their influence on human behavior. Reviews the
history of drug use, surveys recent research, and describes the effects of drugs on normal and
abnormal functioning.
Penfield, W. (1992). The Mind and the Brain. Boston: Birkhaeuser. Describes the conclusions derived
by a leading researcher on neuropsychology from observations of thousands of patients. An
interesting book written by one of the founders of the discipline.
Penrose, R. (1994). Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness. New York:
Oxford University Press. An examination of consciousness by a leading cognitive scientist. He
Ward, C. A. (ed.). (1989). Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Cross-cultural research and methodology series, vol. 12.
The nature of sleeping, dreaming, and altered states of consciousness, and how consciousness
empowers us to interpret, analyze, and direct our behavior in adaptive, flexible ways.
Key Issues
Biological rhythms, how attention works, daydreams, the restorative functions of sleep,
procedures for the study of sleep and dreams, the physiological origins of dreams, and lucid
The activation–synthesis explanation of dreams.
Lucid dreaming.
Ernest Harman examines the restorative functions of sleep and the procedures for the study of
sleep and dreams.
Robert McCarley examines the physiological origins of dreaming.
Steven LaBerge examines the ability of some dreamers to take conscious control of their dreams.
Key Issues
The effects of subconscious knowledge on emotional states, consciousness altering drugs,
multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder), Freud’s concept of repression,
hypnotic control of pain and perception, split brain research, and testing.
Archival Demonstrations
Demonstration of a client with dissociative identity disorder.
Candid Camera clip demonstrating the difference between public and private behavior.
F. W. Putnam discusses the common experiences of people with dissociative identity disorder.
Hypnosis on Trial
In this film, witnesses are hypnotized to recall details of crimes.
Walking Through the Fear: Women and Substance Abuse (1992). FFHS, 28 minutes
Drug and alcohol abuses continue to increase among women, and women often do not seek
appropriate help. This program addresses the many reasons why.
Learning and Behavior Analysis
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the process of classical conditioning
2. Explain the significance of temporal contiguity to the processes of conditioning and
3. Detail the phenomena associated with conditioning, including extinction, stimulus
generalization, discrimination, and spontaneous recovery
4. Describe the process of operant conditioning
5. Identify the significance of reinforcement contingency to behavioral response and the
resulting environmental changes
6. Understand the distinction between the concepts of reinforcement and punishment
7. Explain the differences in primary reinforcers and conditional reinforcers
8. Describe the importance of reinforcement schedules, including characteristics of available
9. Communicate significance of shaping and chaining to the process of operant conditioning
I. The Study of Learning
A. What Is Learning?
B. Processes of Conditioning
C. Focus on Acquisition
C. Reinforcement Contingencies
D. Properties of Reinforcers
1. Primary reinforcers, such as food and water, are reinforcers that are
biologically determined
E. Schedules of Reinforcement
F. Shaping
B. Instinctual Drift is the process by which learned behavior drifts toward instinctual
behavior. Instinctual Drift is understandable considering the species-specific tendencies
imposed by an inherited genotype.
C. Taste-Aversion Learning is a powerful type of teaming that is learned through only one
pairing of a CS (the flavor) and its consequences (the illness). Although the flavor did not
cause the illness, the flavor is associated with the UCS, perhaps a virus, which did cause
the illness.
1. Once taste-aversion learning has occurred, the organism will never
consume the flavor again
2. The time between the presentation of the CS and when the organism
becomes ill can be very long, 12 hours or more
3. Certain types of animals are biologically predisposed to learn certain
4. Taste-aversion learning has practical aspects. For example, coyotes
can be taught through taste-aversion learning to despise sheep meat.
B. Animal Cognition
C. Observational Learning
television viewing.
1. Discuss how radical behaviorism, as proposed by Skinner, might be used to explain
cognitive development, because cognition is not an observable process and behaviorists
only studied observable processes.
2. What if a child’s behavior was followed by random events, instead of predictable
consequences? What behavioral outcomes might we expect to see with children in such a
3. Given that “little Albert” was removed from Watson’s experiment before his having been
desensitized, how might his conditioned fear manifest itself in “big Albert”?
4. Discuss with the class instances in which secondary gains can provide reinforcement for
behaviors that may be irrational and self-defeating.
5. Discuss examples of the principle of observational learning in the animal kingdom.
a penalty for doing something that is disapproved of by the punisher. This includes confinement in
an uncomfortable space, forced eating of noxious substances, and standing for long periods. The
four most common justifications for using corporal punishment are the following:
1. It is a proven and effective method for changing undesirable behavior
2. It develops a sense of personal responsibility
3. It teaches self-discipline
4. It instills moral character
Punishment, however, does not accomplish any of these goals. Target behaviors are suppressed
only when the punishment is severe and repeated, and only then in the presence of the person that
delivers the punishment. Further, the “side effects” of aversive control include such issues as the
development of a generally negative attitude toward school or learning, avoidance of the teacher,
truancy, blind obedience to authority, vandalism, and learning to use violence against younger or
weaker students.
In addition, punishment may be counterproductive. In a study of the spontaneous use of
punishment by teachers, two children from each of five classes were observed for a four-month
period. These children had a high frequency of classroom behavior for which their teachers
reprimanded them loudly in the presence of the class. The reprimands were not effective in
reducing the frequency of the disruptive behavior. During phase 2 of the study, teachers were asked
to switch to “soft” reprimands, audible only to the child being reprimanded. In almost all cases,
disruptive behavior decreased when soft reprimands were used.
In phase 3 of the above study, when loud reprimands were reinstated, there was an increase in
frequency of disruptive behavior. In phase 4, to demonstrate convincingly the counter productivity
of loud, public reprimands and the effectiveness of soft ones, soft personal ones were again used by
the teachers. Disruptive behavior declined in virtually all cases where the teacher used a soft,
personal reprimand intended only for the ears of the relevant student, rather than a public
pronouncement to the student’s peers (O’Leary, Kaufman, Kass, & Drabran, 1970).
There are many alternatives to the use of physical punishment in the classroom. “Time-out rooms”
and denial of class privileges can be effective aversive control tactics. Private conferences with
“disruptive” students can also be used effectively. Class discussion of acceptable and unacceptable
behaviors and shared responsibility for discipline help create a democratic class atmosphere. In
addition, more interesting curricula and better preparation for teachers in managing children with
the use of positive incentives and reinforcements can be used to reduce the need for punishment.
2. Negative Punishment, cell (2), refers to weakening of a response by the omission, or removal
of a favorable stimulus, such as removal of something the organism perceives as favorable,
in order to decrease probability of response. This can be removing food if the organism does
not give the desired response when stimulated. This does not do anything to the organism
directly, it just takes away something it happens to like. Students can think of this as
passive punishment, if that makes the concept clearer.
3. Positive Punishment, cell (3), is the opposite of positive reinforcement, in that this is
presentation of a stimulus event that the organism perceives as unpleasant, and this
presentation decreases the probability that a behavior will be repeated. Examples of
positive punishment include such stimulus events as giving the organism electric shock if
it engages in a behavior that the experimenter considers undesirable.
4. Negative Reinforcement, cell (4), consists of removing a stimulus event that the organism
perceives as unpleasant. This condition permits the organism to escape from an
unfavorable event.
Skinner used the Law of Effect to derive the cornerstone of Behaviorism, which states that any
behavior can result in reinforcement or punishment. Behavior resulting in reinforcement is more
likely to recur; behavior resulting in punishment is less likely to recur. Skinner’s methods are a
specialized case of operant conditioning and his method is simpler than that used by Thorndike.
Additionally, Skinner made a distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning
that clarifies the difference between the two for many students. Skinner said that classical
conditioning dealt with behavior which was elicited by an external stimulus, and that the elicited
behavior was an involuntary response (e.g., salivation). He defined operant conditioning as
behavior emitted from within the participant, in response to external stimulus, but with the criteria
that the response was voluntary (cat pressing lever to get food). Skinner also developed a process
known as shaping, which he defined as the establishment of a new response by rewarding
successive approximations to the desired response. He went on to define chaining, which is part of
the process of shaping, as being the reinforcement of each response by giving the animal an
opportunity to make the next response. Skinner also defined what is known as the ABC’s of
Behavior, as follows:
ABC’s of Behavior
being repeated in the future. Given this model, operant conditioning is as easy as your A-B-C’s!
Extinction: Less serious forms of undesirable behavior were ignored so that they would
have no reinforcing consequences.
In Walden Two, B. F. Skinner presented a hypothetical community based on behavioral principles.
Given what we know today about behaviorism, and cognitive theory, is such a community feasible?
You might discuss with students some of the ideas presented in Walden Two and ask for their
opinions about these ideas. Are they outdated? Are they workable? Have recent gains in knowledge
in cognitive theory and information processing made some of Skinner’s ideas obsolete? Do students
even believe that such a community is possible? If so, how might they organize it differently than
Skinner’s community? (From Koss)
Bandura synthesized these and other research results in Principles of Behavior Modification,
published in 1969. An important and precisely written book, it challenged Skinner’s contention
that mental processes should not be considered in a science of behavior. Bandura’s work won him
a Guggenheim Fellowship and election as president of the American Psychological Association in
1974. A significant product of his fellowship was his classic text, Aggression: A Social Learning
One of those individuals who is truly happy only when engaged in a number of projects
simultaneously, Bandura is currently conducting research at several different levels. On a broad
theoretical level, he is studying the development of self-efficacy and the relationship between
people’s moral codes and principles and conduct. On a more practical level, he is developing the
use of modeling as an essential ingredient of psychotherapy. Bandura published a compendium of
his research and thinking, Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory, in
Thorndike was among psychology’s most prolific and versatile scientists, publishing more than
500 monographs, books, and articles during his career. He applied his considerable intellect to a
wide range of topics, including individual differences, attitudes, vocabulary, intelligence, learning,
and memory. His many writings include the influential book, Animal Intelligence.
Yea Event
1898 Edward L. Thorndike proposed that learning was controlled by its consequences,
an idea that he termed the ”Law of Effect.”
1904 Ivan P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, discovered classical conditioning.
1905 Albert Einstein developed his theory of relativity.
1909 Henry Ford began the mass production of the Model T, and auto travel became a
democratic experience.
1913 John B. Watson published Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It, establishing his
brand of behaviorism as an approach to studying learning and behavior.
1914- World War I was fought.
1927 Wolfgang Köhler coined the term “insight” to describe a kind of learning in which
the organism suddenly arrived at a solution to a problem.
1932 Edward C. Tolman published Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men, a book
outlining one of the earlier cognitive theories of learning.
1938 B. F. Skinner published The Behavior of Organisms, a book describing the basic
principles of operant conditioning.
1943 Penicillin was discovered.
1953 B. F . Skinner published Science and Human Behavior, a book that applied the basic
principles of operant conditioning to understanding human learning and
1959 David Premack discovered that preferred activities can be used to reinforce less
preferred activities, an idea soon to become known as the Premack Principle.
1961 Richard J. Herrnstein proposed the matching law, the notion that behavior in a
choice situation matches the frequency of reinforcement associated with each of
the choice alternatives.
1962 Albert Bandura proposed his model of social learning theory, a cognitive account
of how imitation and modeling influence learning.
1966 John Garcia and Robert A. Koelling discovered that animals learn to associate
some stimuli with the consequences of their behavior more quickly than other
stimuli, reflecting natural biases in how animals adapt to their environment.
1969 The first man landed on the moon.
1972 Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner proposed that in classical conditioning,
Anderson, J. R. (1995). Learning and Memory: An Integrated Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
An excellent text on learning and memory. Includes a through review of both historical and
contemporary research. Emphasizes two themes, the neural basis of learning and memory and
the adaptive nature of learning and memory, throughout.
Carey, S., & Gelman, R. (eds.) (1991). The Epigenisis of Mind: Essays on Biology and Cognition.
Hillsdale, NJ: L. Eribaum & Associates. The Jean Piaget Symposium series. Consists of papers
presented at the symposium.
Klein, S. B. (1987). Learning: Principles and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. A well-written text
that presents material on both animal and human learning and memory processes.
Rescorla, R. (1966). Predictability and Number of Pairings in Pavlovian Fear Conditioning. Psychonomic
Science, 4(11), 383–384. Describes Rescorla’s classic experiment on the importance of contingency
to classical conditioning.
Smith, R. M., et al. (1990). Learning to Learn across the Life Span. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Compilation of papers from conferences held at Northern Illinois University.
Tighe, T. J. (1982). Modern Learning Theory: Foundations and Fundamental Issues. Includes many
examples of shaping, including a baby’s first words, a child’s first attempts to print letters, and
the attempts of a person to remain upright while learning to skate.
Wilkie, D. M. (1995). Time–Place Learning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4(3), 85–89. An
overview of time–place learning in animals and its relevance to their natural foraging habits, as
well as offering insights into a new framework for studying animals’ memory.
Learning is the process that enables humans and other animals to profit from experience,
anticipate events, and adapt to changing conditions. Explains the basic learning principles
and the methods psychologists use to study and modify behavior. Also demonstrates how
cognitive processes such as insight and observation influence learning.
Key Issues
Pavlov’s discovery of classical conditioning, how classical conditioning can suppress the
immune system of rats, an instrumental and classical conditioning experiment by John Watson,
operant behavior and conditioning by B. F. Skinner, and conditioned therapy for agoraphobia.
Archival Demonstrations
Nobel Prize winner Ivan Pavlov discovers the concept of classical conditioning in an
experiment originally intended to study digestion and the action of the salivary glands.
Dr. Robert Ader and colleague Nicholas Cohen condition rats to suppress their immune
systems in an experiment involving an artificial sweetener.
In the controversial experiment on classical and instrumental conditioning, John Watson
conditions a “little Albert” to fear a rat that he had once liked.
Psychologist B. F. Skinner examines the effects of positive and negative reinforcement on the
behavior of people and animals.
New Interview
Howard Rachlin looks at what developments have occurred in the field of operant condition
since the time of B. F. Skinner
Explains the fundamental processes of classical and operant conditioning and includes
information on taste aversion. Includes an interview with B. F. Skinner and a segment on the use of
behavior modification with hyperactive children.
Skinner and Behavior Change: Research, Practice and Promise (1979). REPR, 45 minutes
The development of modern behaviorism is examined. Skinner is interviewed on theory, uses, and
ethical issues. Examples of the uses of behavior modification are shown.
A World of Difference: B. F. Skinner and the Good Life, Parts 1 and 2 (1979). TLF, 53 minutes
Traces the development of behaviorism and B. F. Skinner’s application of the theory in raising his
infant daughter in an environmentally controlled box, as well as his early experiments with
pigeons. Includes a visit by Skinner and his family to Twin Oaks, the rural Virginia commune that
attempts to live according to the principles in Walden Two. Commune members describe their
successes, failures, and modifications of Skinner’s model, emphasizing their difficulties with sex
and economic roles. Produced for the NOVA series.
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Identify and describe the different types of memory, such as implicit, explicit, declarative,
and procedural
2. Understand the sensory memory systems
3. Describe the nature and functions of short-term and working memory
4. Describe the nature and functions of long-term memory
5. Demonstrate knowledge of interference theory
6. Explain the significance of encoding specificity to the retrieval process
7. Describe the nature and implications of the serial position curve
8. Demonstrate an understanding of levels of processing theory
9. Define the nature and function of metamemory
10. Identify the importance of reconstructive processes to memory
I. What is Memory?
A. The goal of the chapter is to explain how you usually remember so much, and why you
forget some of what you have known
C. Types of Memory
1. Implicit and Explicit Memory
B. Iconic Memory
C. Echoic Memory
2. Rehearsal and chunking both relate to the way in which you encode
information to enhance the probability that it will remain or fit in
short-term memory
D. Working Memory
2. The Serial Position Effect suggests that the first and last items in a series
will be remembered better than items in the middle and is comprised
of two separate effects:
C. Retrieval Cues
3. Retrieval cues are the stimuli available as you search for a particular
a) Retrieval cues can be provided externally by the environment,
or generated internally by associations and physical states
b) Retrieval cues are more straightforward and more useful for
recognition dm for recall
F. Metamemory
B. Amnesia
C. Brain Imaging
1. Research shows disproportionately high brain activity in the left
prefrontal cortex for encoding of episodic information and in the right
prefrontal cortex for retrieval of episodic information
2. Functional MRI scans reveal that the more strongly areas in the
prefrontal cortex and parahippocampal cortex light up during scans,
the better participants are later able to recognize scenes or words
1. Ask the class to assume that they have short-term memory that lasts only a minute. What
would a day in their life be like? Why might they become paranoid in their suspicions
about other people? Now have students think about what it would be like if they had only
long-term memory? Have students consider this latter problem in terms of Alzheimer’s
2. Have students consider that only half of what they learned could be stored in long-term
memory. What general classes of information would various individuals select? Are there
some basic categories of knowledge that are selected to ensure minimal disruption of
ongoing daily behavior? How did students determine these particular classes of
Theory 1: Repression
Freud thought that forgetting is essential to getting safely through the Oedipal years with their
violent and incestuous impulses. In Freud’s theory, childhood amnesia results from repression of
these impulses, and he thought memories from these years can be retrieved in psychoanalysis by
the use of methods such as free association and dream analysis. There is some evidence that people
tend to have a cluster of childhood memories from about the time Freud thought the Oedipus
complex is resolved. However, like many aspects of Freud’s Theory, his ideas about childhood
amnesia cannot be confirmed or rejected by research.
Processes like Piaget’s assimilation and accommodation proceed to alter these schemas as the
child’s organization of reality comes to be more like that of the adults of his or her society. Memories
of early childhood may be altered and revised until they are adult memories rather than actually
early childhood memories. The early memories are altered to “fit” into schemas that the child
develops with age. This theory is similar to interference in that as the child matures, new memories
interfere with or replace older memories. This theory seems reasonably credible because it can be
applied to both episodic and semantic memories. Children do not remember the
overgeneralizations they made of words or the restricted context in which they used early
vocabulary. They also do not remember the grammatical structures they used as they began to
combine words into sentences.
might expect that people would repress their memory of things left unfinished, particularly if the
lack of completion was viewed as a failure. Later research has suggested a resolution of this
inconsistency by showing that the Zeigamik effect only holds for tasks performed under
nonstressful conditions. When noncompletion is ego involving and threatens the individual’s self-
esteem, there is a tendency for the Zeigamik effect to be reversed, for completed tasks to be
remembered better than uncompleted ones.
Proactive interference (a.k.a. inhibition) deals with forward (pro) acting interference, the
detrimental impact that having learned List A has on your ability to remember a subsequently
learned List B. An experimental group tested on List B, the second list, after a retention interval,
did worse on recall of List B than did a control group who did not learn List A. (What else
might explain this? Serial position curves and the primacy effect).
Retroactive interference refers to the detrimental impact that learning List B has on previously
learned List A. This is backward-acting interference and occurs when something that you have
learned recently interferes with something that you learned in the past. For example, when an
experimental group learns List A, then List B, followed by a retention period and is asked to
recall List A ten minutes later, performance is poor. Learning List B interferes with memory for
List A.
Year Event
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species.
1885 Ebbinghaus published the first psychological study of memory.
1914- World War I was fought.
1932 Frederic Bartlett published his findings on reconstructive memory, demonstrating
that memory is influenced by multiple subjective factors such as emotions and the
consistency of information.
1939- World War II was fought.
1956 George Miller published “The Magic Number Seven Plus Or Minus Two: Some
Limits On Our Capacity For Processing Information,” outlining his work on short-
term memory.
1959 Donald Broadbent published Perception and Communication, outlining a new and
Bruce, D. (1994). Lashley and the Problem of Serial Order. American Psychologist, 49(2), 93–103. An
overview of Lashley’s classic 1951 paper on serial order, with its foreshadowing of the coming
changes in linguistic and cognitive approaches to learning, memory, perception, and action.
Egeth, H. E. (1993). What Do We Not Know about Eyewitness Identification? American Psychologist,
48(5), 577–580. Can the psychologists logically explain the research on eyewitness testimony to a
Loftus, E., & Ketcham, K. (1991). Witness for the Defense: The Accused, the Eyewitness, and the Expert
Who Puts Memory on Trial. New York: St Martin’s Press. A collection of true stories based on Dr.
Loftus’ experience as an expert witness. Real-life courtroom dramas are used to illustrate
principles of memory and general psychology.
Loftus, E. (1993). Psychologists in the Eyewitness World. American Psychologist, 48(5), 550–552.
Discussion of accurate identification of perpetrators and efforts to minimize false identifications.
Neath, I. (1998). Human Memory: An Introduction to Research, Data, and Theory. Pacific Grove:
Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. An introduction to the field of human memory. Strikes a balance
among history, theory, and current empirical research. Imparts an appreciation for experimental
Pressley, M. (1997). Introduction to Memory: Development During Childhood and Adolescence. Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Summarizes theory and research on memory development in
children and adolescents from a broad perspective. Includes European, Soviet, and American
A look at the complex process called memory: how images, ideas, language, physical actions,
sounds, and smells are translated into codes, represented in the memory, and retrieved when
Key Issues
Long-term versus short-term memory, the chunking process, the peg-word mnemonic, painting
from memory, memory engrams, and organic amnesia.
Gordon Bower demonstrates the peg-word mnemonic, a memory enhancing technique.
San Francisco artist Franco Magnani’s painting from childhood memories of Italy illustrates
the artist’s remarkable memory and his significant boyhood distortions.
Gordon Bower explains mnemonic techniques.
Richard Thompson discovers one memory engram in his investigation of the neural circuits
involved in the memory of rabbits.
New Interview
Diana Woodruff-Pak experiments with “eyeblink classical conditioning.”
The Life of the Mind: Cognitive Processes and Memory (1991). The Teaching Company, in
collaboration with the Smithsonian.
One of eight lectures with Richard Gerrig from an award-winning teacher series. This volume
explores cognitive processes and memory.
Cognitive Processes
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the differences and similarities between automatic and controlled processes
2. Define Grice’s maxims for language production
3. Describe the various forms of ambiguity in language comprehension
4. Explain the significance of inference in the cognitive processing of language
5. Demonstrate understanding of the significance of Paivio’s dual-coding theory
6. Define “problem space,” and its relationship to problemsolving
7. Suggests techniques to improve problem solving skills
8. Elaborate on the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning
9. Understand the heuristics and biases involved in judgments and decision making
10. Articulate the significance of framing and reference points relative to decision making
I. Studying Cognition
A. Definitions
serial or parallel
D. The goal of much cognitive psychological research is to invent experiments that confirm
each of the components of models that combine serial and parallel, and controlled and
automatic processes
B. Language Understanding
1. Spatial mental models are often formed to capture properties of real and
imagined spatial experiences
2. In reading descriptive passages, people often form a spatial mental
model to keep track of the whereabouts of characters
3. When people think about the world around them, they almost always
combine visual and verbal representations of information
B. Problem solving
2. Well-defined problems have the initial state, the goal state, and the
operations all clearly specified
3. An ill-defined problem exists when the initial state, the goal state,
and/or the operations may be unclear and vaguely specified
C. Deductive Reasoning
D. Inductive Reasoning
decisions when:
(i) Memory processes give rise to a biased sample or
(ii) Information stored in memory is inaccurate
1. The “Turing Test” is used to determine whether a computer possesses artificial intelligence.
In the test, a participant sits at a computer in one room and has a conversation with a
computer set up in another room. If the participant cannot tell whether he or she is having
a conversation with a real person or with a computer, then the computer passes the test.
The participant can ask anything that he or she wants; there are no restrictions on
questions. Have the class discuss what questions they would ask if they were participating
in a Turing test. What responses would lead them to believe that they were having a
conversation with a computer or with a human?
2. Almost everyone has experienced a “flash of insight” when the solution to a problem
seemed to appear suddenly in one’s mind. Using personal experience as “data,” have the
class indicate how they would characterize the nature of insight? What sort of process
seems to occur? What triggers it?
3. What is the motivation for engaging in reasoning for its own sake, as in solving crossword
4. Have the class make simple judgments about the length of two lines drawn on the
chalkboard or the weight of typical classroom objects. After the students make their
decision, ask them how they arrived at it. Simple, straightforward decisions are often made
without conscious reflection or deliberation. People simply “know” the correct answer.
What does this say about cognitive processes?
5. Have the class consider the cognitive processes involved in reasoning. What sort of
differences might you expect to see in these processes between a child of 4 and a child of
16? What about those between a child of 16 and an adult of 45? What about those between
an adult of 60 and an adult of 85?
6. An interesting offshoot of this topic is the question of where is this taking us. While for
now, AI is typically used in game and simulation programs and to help operate simple
logic functions of some mechanical devices, as it gets more sophisticated its applications
will continue to expand. This raises the question of whether we will ever develop an AI
program as sophisticated as the human brain. Some researchers believe this is just a matter
of time, others are not so sure. But should we ever succeed at this, it raises some interesting
moral and spiritual questions. Would such a machine be “conscious” and self-aware?
Would such a “self-aware” machine have “personality” or a “soul?” If we succeeded in
creating a machine with full self-awareness, would it be entitled to legal rights? What
ethical considerations would come into play in regard to reprogramming this machine or
shutting it down? While right now this is a question that lies in the realm of science fiction,
it may someday become science reality. How do students feel about this? Do they believe
that we should even be trying to create such a machine? What pros and cons do they see to
these efforts?
Is there anything wrong with this statement? If so, what is wrong with it? It is an example of the
false alternative fallacy. It is also called dualistic or black-and-white thinking, or bifurcation. This
fallacy occurs when it is presumed that a classification is exclusive or exhaustive. It often takes the
form of overlooking alternatives that exist between two polar opposites. One example of false
alternatives was written by an educator, suggesting that children should begin public school at the
age of four and that high school should end after the eleventh year. “Twelfth grade has become a
bore for able students and a holding tank for the rest.” Given your own abilities for critical thinking,
what are your thoughts on that statement?
• “I asked my doctor why my mouth was so dry, and he told me that it was because my
saliva glands are not producing enough saliva.”
What do you think of the doctor’s diagnosis? This is an example of the fallacy of begging the question,
or circularity. This fallacy occurs when the solution to a problem is a restatement of the problem, or
when the argument for a proposition is equivalent to the proposition. Diagnosis of mental disorders
is sometimes considered to beg the question. Consider the following exchange.
• “He is an innocent man. He was tried before a jury of his peers and the prosecution was
unable to prove him guilty.”
Is the assumption of innocence justified? This is an example of the fallacy called appeal to ignorance.
This fallacy occurs when it is argued that because we cannot prove a proposition true, it must be
false; or if we cannot prove a proposition false, it must be true. As an example, think about this
statement: “There has never been any scandal about this candidate for President. Therefore, he
must be an honest, moral person.” Is that really true?
• “If you don’t pick up your clothes before you go to bed at night, pretty soon you’ll be knee
deep in dirty clothes.”
Is that the way it is? This is an example of the slippery slope fallacy; certain applications of it have
been called the domino theory. The argument is that if the first in a possible series of steps or events
occurs, the other steps or events are inevitable. Here is an example from a letter to the editor of a
metropolitan newspaper, in which the writer was responding to an article discussing the morality
of euthanasia in the case of a person with advanced multiple sclerosis. “If we allow this to happen,
where do we stop? Who would decide at what point someone should die? Do we give them poison
the moment they know they have multiple sclerosis or cancer, before they have any suffering?”
• “TV can’t be harmful for children because it occupies their attention for hours and keeps
them off the streets.”
Is this argument against the idea that TV can be harmful for children convincing? It is an example
of the fallacy called irrelevant reason. This fallacy occurs when the argument given to support a
proposition has little or no relevance to the original proposition. Let us look at one more example.
“Conservationists have suggested that we could conserve fuel by increasing the tax on gasoline.
But more taxes, whether they’re paid by the oil companies or passed on to the consumer at the
pump, will not produce one more barrel of oil.”
• “I don’t see how he can get elected. No one I know is going to vote for him.”
What’s wrong with this argument? This is the hasty generalization fallacy. It occurs when an
isolated or exceptional case is used as the basis for making a general conclusion. In statistical
terms, it is making a conclusion about a population based on information obtained from a sample
that is biased or too small to be representative. It is an error of inductive reasoning, going from the
particular to the general when it is not justified by the evidence.
• “If socialized medicine will result in better and lower-cost health care, shouldn’t the same
logic be applied to automobiles? Wouldn’t nationalization of the auto industry produce
better and lower-cost cars? And if we nationalize auto mechanics, wouldn’t we get better
and less expensive repairs?”
These words were spoken in rebuttal after Senator Kennedy had called for national health
insurance in a speech at a meeting of the United Auto Workers. Does the speaker’s argument make
sense? It represents the questionable-analogy fallacy. In a questionable analogy, an attempt is made to
make two situations seem more similar than they actually are. A state senator, using the Crucifixion
as a rationale for capital punishment, gives another example, “Where would Christianity be if Jesus
got 8 to 15 years, with time off for good behavior?”
The underlying issue in the fallacies detailed above is the need for critical thinking on the part of
the listener. Think about what was said. This is one of the most important lessons of this course.
Does it make sense, or does it just sound impressive? What motivation could the speaker or writer
have? What would the writer or speaker like you to do based on their message? Fallacies are not
necessarily bad, but they require far greater scrutiny than they generally receive. Again, think
critically and use your abilities for processing information.
Criterion 1: Phonemes
Phonemes are the perceptual units of which speech events are composed. These basic sounds are
used to create words. There are few of them, about 100 altogether, and they form the basis of all
human spoken language. No single language uses all 100 phonemes. For instance, English uses
about 40. We combine these units of sounds to make units of meaning.
Criterion 2: Morphemes
Morphemes are the smallest units of language that have meaning. Morphemes consist of what we
recognize as root words, stem words, prefixes, and suffixes. Words that we recognize as meaningful
are made up of combinations of morphemes. We use rules to combine groupings of morphemes into
coherent sentences.
Criterion 3: Syntax
Syntax is a system of rules that specify how we combine words into phrases and sentences.
Looking back at the basics of spoken language, what inferences might we be able to make about the
controversy of whether the higher primates are capable of speech? They seem able to meet the first
two criteria of language, the symbolic and generative requisites, but do they follow the structure of
language, according to the rules of syntax? Not yet, at least so far as we have been able to
Developmental Milestones
People learn to speak and use language in highly predictable ways. Certain skills are required for
learning to speak, such as babies crying before coherent vocalization can occur. Following crying,
babies babble at age 4 to 6 months, begin using phonemes at 7 to 11 months, and usually speak
their first real word at about 1 year of age. Nouns such as “banana” or “bar” or “mom” get used a
lot at first to indicate the child’s wants.
Between 2 and 2½ years, sentences begin to appear and increase in complexity up to about age 5, at
which time the child has good syntactical capability and can even tell short stories (like the cat
drew the picture on my bedroom wall). One interesting aspect of language acquisition is that the
phonemes used during the first year by babies are cross-cultural. The early sounds of all babies are
the same, regardless of the language spoken around the child or the language(s) he or she will
eventually learn to speak. Why? Because the first few sounds are easy to make, there are words and
sounds that are common in a cross-cultural sense, such as “mama” and “pappa.” However, what
is the process once babies do begin to speak?
When learning to speak formally, children are limited by vocabulary size, so they generalize one
concept to include many others. For example, if a child had learned to say “banana”, she may refer
to all fruit, generically, as “banana”, at least for a short time. “Ball” is another frequently
generalized word, and is often applied to anything that is round. This process exemplifies the
child’s use of one concept to include others beyond its original meaning.
Holophrases are single-word utterances that represent the meanings of several words. This is due
to the child’s lack of ability to form more complex word patterns at an early age. “Car” is an
example of a holophrase. Many children simply say, “car” to indicate that they want to ride in a car
or to tell a parent to look at a car. Before syntax, children express themselves by naming the most
critical aspects of a thought process.
Telegraphic Speech
Telegraphic Speech uses content words and leaves out prepositions, articles, and anything else that
is not critical to expression of the thought. At this time, you get comments such as, “car fast.” As the
child’s vocabulary expands, sentences increase in length and their specific meaning becomes easier
to discern.
Metalinguistic Awareness
Metalinguistic Awareness is the ability to think about using language. Sentences get longer, more
complex, and you see the emergence of puns and jokes, such as play-on-word games, begin to
appear in the vocabulary of the school-aged child.
Learning Theories
B. F. Skinner proposed that children learn language by imitation and reinforcement. This idea
would hold that children learn to speak by imitating older children and adults. Specifically,
Skinner proposed that children learn by association of words within sentences, with each word
being a stimulus for the one following it.
Nativist Theories
This perspective was proposed by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s and 60s as a rebuttal to Skinner’s
theory, a theory Chomsky regarded as flawed. Chomsky felt that the flaw was in the association of
ideas, stating that if that was a valid premise, the same stimulus word would always lead to the
same response. He proposed that humans are born with a “native” ability to learn language, that
we have a built-in or hardwired capability for language acquisition. Part of Chomsky’s logic for his
theory is that the language acquisition process is the same, cross-culturally. No matter where you
are or what language you learn to speak, the process is the same. He felt that as children learn to
speak, they mastered two basic sets of rules about language and its use. These are:
• Phrase–structure rules that tell us how to combine words and phrases into sentences
• Transformational rules that tell us how to make questions, negations, and other sentences
from declarative statements.
Cognitive Theories posit that language and thought are intermixed, throughout the cognitive
developmental process, and that language is reflective of the changing thought of the child, as he or
she matures. This implies that in order to understand a child’s progress through the process of
language development, you must first understand the course of a child’s cognitive developmental
process. This construct was advocated by Piaget, in his position that language development is
dependent on cognitive development. Central to the cognitive theories of language acquisition are
the premises that:
• Humans are born with limited capacity for information processing
• Language acquisition places high demand on that capacity
• Children learn and acquire language by listening, associating, attending, and remembering
word orders and meanings of words in conversations
An example you might use is the “two-strings” problem. In this problem, a person is placed in a
room. There are two strings hanging from the ceiling. The strings are far enough apart that you
cannot hold onto one string and reach the other one while it is hanging straight down. Even if you
grab one string and pull it toward the other string as far as you can, the other string is just barely
out of reach. In the corner of the room is a table with a screwdriver on it. Your task is to hold onto
both strings at the same time. To solve the problem, you must recognize that the screwdriver can be
tied to the bottom of the other string and used as a pendulum weight. Then you can swing that
string back and forth. While it is swinging, you can now grab the other string, pull it toward the
swinging string and grab it when it swings toward you. Functional fixedness often prevents people
from seeing how to properly use the screwdriver. (Note: Some problems are much easier to solve if
you can visually represent the problem. This is one of those problems. Students tend to have a much
easier time of it if they can see the situations represented in a drawing or photograph.)
His major professional life divides into two periods. In the first, from 1947 to 1958, he focused on
decisions, particularly in organizations. This is Simon’s work that is best known in economics,
political science, and sociology. Since 1958, Simon’s major interest shifted to human problem
solving and artificial intelligence. Much of his work, done in collaboration with Allen Newell, is
best known in psychology and computer science. Simon demonstrated how psychological
phenomena such as intelligent decision making could be simulated by modem high-speed
computers. These mechanical information processors could be programmed to play a winning
game of chess or to produce their own programs to solve a problem.
One of the programs he developed, now known as the General Problem Solver (GPS), involves a
strategy that many expert human problem solvers use. Called subgoal analysis, this strategy
involves two processes that follow each other in repeated cycles. The first is to determine
appropriate subgoals and select a promising one for further exploration. An example of a subgoal
in this course is to earn a desirable midterm grade. The second GPS process is to identify any
difference between a subgoal and the current situation and then eliminate or reduce this difference.
If you are not currently headed toward the grade you want, your computer—mental or
mechanical—runs through strategies for changing conditions to achieve that subgoal. If the initial
subgoal cannot be achieved, the cycle continues with different, perhaps initially smaller, subgoals.
Setting subgoals and reducing discrepancies is the heuristic by which GPS approximates the
systematic progress of efficient human problem solving.
Year Event
1925 Wolfgang Köhler published The Mentality of Apes, documenting his studies of
insight learning principles.
1939- World War II was fought.
1945 Karl Duncker published On Problem Solving, a summary of his research and
thinking on problem solving and impediments to effective problem solving.
1950- The Korean War was fought.
1956 Allen Newell and Herbert Simon published The Logic Theory Machine: A Complex
Information, Processing System.
1959 Donald Broadbent published Perception and Communication, outlining a new and
important theory of attention.
1963 John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
1972 J. Bransford and J. Franks published the results of an experiment showing that
people use schemas in recalling information.
1972 Allen Newell and Herbert Simon published Human Problem Solving, summarizing
the cognitive model of problem solving in humans.
1973 Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman published “On the Psychology of
Prediction”, a paper outlining the means by which people make decisions and
describing some of the notable errors in decision making.
1973 W. Chase and Herbert Simon published The Mind’s Eye in Chess, stimulating
interest in understanding expert systems.
1974 The Vietnam War ended.
1976 U. Neisser published Cognition and Reality, one of the earlier texts to set forth
clearly the principles of cognitive psychology.
1978 E. Rosch published Principles of Categorization, a summary of her work on concept
formation showing that people base some forms of psychological inferences on
naturally occurring concepts.
1980 Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States of America.
1982 R. Shepherd and L. Cooper published Mental Images and Their Transformations, a
summary of the kinds of mental manipulations involved in imagining.
Gabrieti, J. D. E. (1998). Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 49,
87–115. Summarizes current knowledge on long-term memory processes and discusses memory
in terms of neural networks that support specific mnemonic processes. Research from
neurophysiological studies is used to explain the memory functioning in normal individuals
and in individuals with several forms of memory impairment.
Gazzaniga, M. (1995). The Cognitive Neurosciences. Cambridge: MIT Press. An important work that
helps define the rapidly emerging field of cognitive neuroscience. Contains the views and ideas
of many leaders in the field.
Kosslyn, S. M., & Koenig, O. (1992). Chapter 2: Computation in the Brain. In Wet Mind: The New
Cognitive Neuroscience, pp. 17–51. A wonderful volume that marries the fields of cognitive and
neuropsychology in a concise and readable format.
McLeod, P., Plunkett, K., & Rolls, E. (1998). Introduction to Connectionist Modeling of Cognitive
Processes. New York: Oxford University Press. Introduces students to the connectionist model of
cognitive processes. Provides custom software, “Learn,” that allows students to create their own
models. (“Learn” runs on both PC and Mac systems.)
McNeil, D. (1987). Psycholinguistics: A New Approach. New York: Harper & Row. A short but
complete look at the relationship between linguistics and psychology. Extended coverage of
linguistic relativity as well as gesture and sign language.
Posner, M. (1989). Foundations of Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT Press. A thorough reference on
the field of cognitive science, with contributions from leading researchers.
Premack, D. (1986). Gavagai! The Future History of the Ape Language Controversy. Cambridge: MIT
Press. A personal look by one of the leading figures in primate communication into the major
issues surrounding the ape language controversy.
Reed, S. (1997). Cognition: Theory and Applications (4th ed.). Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing.
Provides an overview of the major theories and experimental findings in the field of cognitive
An exploration into the higher mental processes—reasoning, planning, and problem solving—
and why the cognitive revolution is attracting such diverse investigators, from philosophers to
computer scientists.
Key Issues
The impact of the computer on the study of cognitive psychology, computers that think like
human beings, the parts of the brain used in reading, how human beings organize and
categorize concepts, and how the human mind and computers think alike.
Analysis of cerebral blood flow during cognitive tasks.
Leading cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner discusses the impact of the computer on the
study of cognitive psychology.
Nobel Prize winner Herbert Simon discusses his work on producing a computer that thinks
and solves problems like a human.
Michael Posner uses brain-imaging techniques to explore what parts of the brain are used
during reading.
Robert Glaser examines why some individuals have not developed basic skills in various types
of learning while others have developed high levels of comprehension.
A look at the process of making judgments and decisions, how and why people make good and
bad judgments, and the psychology of risk taking.
Key Issues
The relationship between judgment and decision making, groupthink exhibited in The Bay of
Pigs cabinet meetings, Cognitive Dissonance theory and experiments, and good versus poor
negotiating techniques
Archival Demonstrations
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman use “person in the street” respondents to illustrate
fallacies of human intuition.
Training program to improve decision making.
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman examine the relationship between decision making and
the principles of availability, reasoning by similarity, anchoring effect, and risk aversion.
Psychologist Irving Janis discusses his study on the impact of groupthink on the Kennedy
administration’s decision to implement The Bay of Pigs operation.
Max Bazerman examines good and bad negotiating techniques.
Psychologist Leon Festinger examines how people come to love the things for which they suffer.
Edith was a fortunate survivor. She later married, immigrated to the United States, and became a
clinical psychologist. Recently, at the age of 61, Dr. Eger’s need to understand the twisted reality of
the camps motivated her to return to Auschwitz. “I came to mourn the dead and celebrate the living,
I also needed to formally put an end to the denial that I had been a victim and to assign guilt to the
oppressor.” For many years, she had denied the horrible truths of her camp experiences, but
eventually denial was unacceptable to her. By reliving the events of her incarceration and forcing
herself to think about the meaning of that horror, Dr. Eger believes she has become better able to
help others understand events that seem inexplicable in the context of their everyday lives.
The fundamental human desire to comprehend the nature of one’s existence that motivated Dr. Eger
was eloquently described by another survivor of Auschwitz, Italian writer Primo Levi. He reports,
“It might be surprising that in the camps one of the most frequent states of mind was curiosity. And
yet, besides being frightened, humiliated, and desperate, we were curious: hungry for bread and
also to understand. The world around us was upside down and somebody must have turned it
upside down . . . to twist that which was straight, to befoul that which was clean” (Levi, 1985, p.
Edith took her mother’s last words to heart. No one can take away what she has put in her brain.
No one can take away what you have put in your brain. By becoming a psychotherapist, Dr. Eger
chose a career in which she helps others cope with personal realities that defy rational explanation.
Noting that today’s college students have little knowledge of the Holocaust, she hopes “that some
day, when they are ready, my grandchildren will have the curiosity to ask their grandmother
questions about the time when the world was turned upside down. So that if it starts tilting again,
they and million of others can redress it before it is too late” (p. 9).
Intelligence and Intelligence Assessment
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe both the original purposes of psychological assessment and the purposes for
which it is commonly used today
2. Identify the methods used to assess individual differences in practice
3. Define reliability and validity
4. Compare and contrast the major theories of individual differences
5. Define the construct of intelligence
6. Describe Binet’s approach to intelligence testing
7. Communicate what is meant by the “politics of intelligence”
8. Identify objective and projective intelligence tests
9. Explain the differences between intelligence tests that are theory based and those that are
empirically based
I. What Is Assessment?
A. Psychological Assessment is the use of specified testing procedures to evaluate the abilities,
behaviors, and personal qualities of people
B. History of Assessment
1. Methods used in China in the 1800s were observed by missionaries
and later brought to England
2. Sir Francis Galton was a central figure in the development Western
intelligence testing
a) Tried to apply Darwinian evolutionary theory to the study of
human abilities
b) Postulated four ideas regarding intelligence assessment
(i) Differences in intelligence were quantifiable
(ii) Differences between individuals formed a normal
(iii) Intelligence could be measured objectively
(iv) The extent to which two sets of test scores were
related could be statistically determined by a
procedure he called co-relation, later to become
C. IQ Tests
1. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
a) Adapted for American schoolchildren by Lewis Terman of
Stanford University.
b) Provided a base for the concept of intelligence quotient (IQ),
with “IQ being the ratio of mental age (MA) to chronological
age (CA), multiplied by 100” (in order to eliminate decimals)
c) IQ = MA ÷ CA × 100
d) Revised in 1937, 1960, 1972, and 1986
2. The Wechsler Intelligence Scales
a) Wechsler—Bellevue Intelligence Scale developed by David
Wechsler and first published in 1939
b) Renamed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) in
1955 and revised and re-released in 1981 (WAIS-R)
c) WAIS-R is designed for individuals 18 years of age and older,
and has six verbal and five performance subtests:
(i) Verbal
(a) Information
(b) Vocabulary
(e) Comprehension
(d) Arithmetic
(e) Similarities
(f) Digit span
(ii) Performance
(a) Block design
(b) Digit symbol
(c) Picture arrangement
(d) Picture completion
(e) Object assembly
d) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd Ed. (WISC-III) (1991)
designed for children ages 6 to 17 years
B. Heredity and IQ
C. Environments and IQ
1. Research has most often focused on global measures of environment,
such as the influence of socioeconomic status on IQ
V. Creativity
A. Creativity is the individual’s ability to generate ideas of products that are both novel and
appropriate to the circumstances in which they were generated
B. Assessing Creativity
1. Many approaches to rating individuals as creative or uncreative focus
on divergent thinking, the ability to generate a variety of unusual but
appropriate solutions to a problem.
2. Exceptional Creativity and Madness
1. Western culture places high value on intelligence, so much so that we begin intelligence
testing of our children as soon as they enter the public school system. Children are
routinely tested, using a variety of assessment instruments. Testing is followed by school
counselors meeting parents to provide feedback regarding the child’s performance.
Inevitably, the child’s scores become “cocktail party conversation,” with parents
comparing their children’s scores, even though their children may not have been assessed
using the same instruments, or under the same circumstances. Discuss with the class the
range of potential problems that can result from such activities.
2. Given the current three-part definition of intelligence as proposed by Sternberg, ask if
members of the class feel that any one aspect of intelligence is more important than the
others? If so, have them defend their perspectives.
3. Discuss Gardner’s multiple intelligences. How does the class perceive these multiple areas
of intelligence interacting with each other? In which area do various class members feel
they are most intelligent?
4. What is meant by “the politicization of intelligence”? What is the significance of this
activity, and what is the impact of it on us as individuals?
5. Suppose intelligence and creativity were negatively correlated, and you could be trained to
increase one of them. Which would you choose? Ask the class their opinions and discuss
choices with them. Why did they select the one that they did?
6. Does the class perceive “street smarts” as a special kind of intelligence? Why or why not?
Aspects of Intelligence
Psychometric psychology represents the quantitative approach to the measurement of intelligence,
specifically, to the measurement of mental functioning. Unlike Piaget, whose approach was
qualitative in nature, psychometricians are more concerned with what people know and how they
perform, compared to others, than how they came to know something.
What is intelligence? For starters, it is an elusive concept and, as the term is used today, usually
refers to thinking and acting in ways that are goal-directed and adaptive (Siegler, 1991, p. 200). In
practice, we usually think of intelligence as involving three main sets of ideas:
Practical problem-solving ability: The ability to get to the heart of a problem, accurately
interpreting relevant information, seeing all aspects of the problem, and reasoning through the
problem in a logical manner.
Verbal ability: Speaking and writing clearly and articulately, having detailed knowledge about
a specific field, reading widely and with good comprehension, having a good vocabulary, and
dealing effectively with other people.
Social competence: Skills include displaying curiosity, being sensitive to the needs and desires
of others, being on time, having a “social conscience,” and making carefully considered fair
How do we study intelligence? There are multiple ways:
The Psychometric approach: Posits that intelligence can be described in terms of mental factors
and that tests can be constructed to reveal individual differences in those factors that underlie
mental performance. These factors include:
• Verbal factors: Includes vocabulary, reading comprehension, story completion, and verbal
• Spatial factors: Such as 3-dimensional rotation abilities, maze learning, and form-board
We use standardized intelligence quotient (IQ) tests to measure intelligence, so IQ tests are the
instruments that ultimately provide the data for theory construction. Developed around 1900 by
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, the first IQ tests were used to assess school-related abilities and
to differentiate among children who could benefit from standard school instruction and those
requiring “special” education.
Information processing approaches to intelligence testing look at individual differences in how
information is encoded, the speed of processing that information, ease of categorization, and
metacognition (which coordinates the first three). Although the differences measured between and
within individuals change across the life span, there is nothing “inherently developmental” about
the information-processing approach. Information processing is part of cognitive psychology, some
aspects of which are applicable to developmental psychology.
Piagetian approaches look at individual differences in the rate of development. This approach is
developmental in nature. Children progress through the various developmental tasks at different
rates and ages, from sensorimotor on through the various tasks of formal operations. Now, let us
discuss some of the actual instruments utilized to measure intelligence, and what they tell us or fail
to tell us.
Some of the instruments commonly used to assess intelligence quotient (IQ) in children are the
• Stanford-Binet
• The WAIS and WISC
• The Bayley Scales of Infant Development
The Stanford-Binet for children consists of “games” and identification problems. The WAIS is
primarily pen and paper, and the WISC is both pen and paper and practical ability. The Bayley
consists of trying to get the child to play the same game that you are playing.
“IQ Tests” are one of the more commonly used and abused psychological instruments ever devised.
Always be aware that IQ tests measure one and only one type of intelligence: that which is required
to succeed in formal educational institutions. Realistically speaking, the IQ score is the best single
predictor we have of academic achievement ability, but IQ tests are objective rather than projective
measures. Examples of IQ tests with which you, as students, are most familiar are the SAT or ACT.
If you go past a baccalaureate degree in your educational process, you will have the traumatizing
experience of becoming acquainted with the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, DCAT, or whatever applies to your
area of graduate interest.
IQ scores can only be interpreted in a relative sense. Your score is based on standardized norms
and indicates how well you, as an individual, performed on a given test instrument relative to other
individuals of the same age and background, when tested under the same constraints. The normal
curve, or normal distribution, is used to define the distribution of IQ scores.
Once more, relativity is the essential concept. Whether or not your child is “gifted” in a positive or
negative manner is relative to where he/she scored in comparison to other children who took the
same instrument, at the same time, under the same conditions. When looking at IQ scores and
interpreting them, you will frequently hear the following terms. They are key to understanding
relativity and IQ measurement.
Change refers to the change in a given individual’s absolute scores over time.
In summing up, IQ scores are useful to us in determining the individual’s potential for success in
an academic environment but beyond that function their applicability fades rapidly. As students
and as future parents, you need to be aware of the applications in which the IQ test is relevant, and
in which it is not.
• What is a “blood”?
• “Bird or yardbird” was the jacket jazz lovers from coast to coast hung on _____?
• Do you know the difference between a “gray” and a “spook”?
• A “blood” refers to someone of African American descent.
• Charlie Parker, who spent time in prison, was nicknamed “Bird.”
• “Grays” are pale-faced whites and “spooks” are African Americans.
Based on just this minimal information, it would seem that American “whites” and American
“blacks” are people separated by a common language! Psychologist Robert L. Williams feels that
the differences in language can be much subtler than the Black English used on test items on the
chitling test. He and L. Wendell Rivers designed a study to measure the actual effect of this
language gap on IQ scores (1972). They enlisted the aid of African American teachers and graduate
students to translate the instructions of an IQ test into nonstandard English. The test they used was
the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (BTBC), an IQ test that asks children to mark the picture that
matches a concept of time, space, or quantity. Their participants were 890 African American
children attending either kindergarten or first or second grade. The children were divided into two
groups, and the psychologists controlled for the variables of the scores received on other IQ tests,
age, sex, and grade level. One half was given the standard version of the Boehm and one half was
given the nonstandard version. Results were stated as follows.
“The children who took the nonstandard version scored significantly higher than those who
took the test with the standard instructions. What is surprising is that the nonstandard
instructions seem to differ little from the standard version. For example, the instructions on the
standard version read “behind the sofa,” while the nonstandard version asked the child to
mark a picture of something that was “in back of the couch.”
The Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity (the BITCH test) was Williams’ next
experiment in designing a culture-specific test for African Americans. Williams administered 100
vocabulary items, selected from a slang dictionary and his personal experiences, to a group of 200
sixteen- to eighteen-year-old participants, half of whom were African American and half of whom
were white. On this IQ test, the whites got lower scores, an average score of 51, compared to an
average of 87 for the African Americans.
As Williams demonstrated, psychologists can develop a test that favors a particular group rather
easily. However, the problem that has confronted the designers of tests is how to design a test that
will apply to all groups fairly. Moreover, after the test is designed, how do we best use the data it
provides? Williams (1974) stresses that we must remember that:
• An IQ is only a score on a test that measures specific skills.
• An IQ should not be used to label children (as it often is).
• Illiteracy, or a different type of literacy, should not be confused with intellectual ability. An
IQ score should be used to measure an individual’s ability to adapt to and function
effectively in society.
Should IQ tests have color and culture? Is separate but equal the best alternative when it comes to
IQ tests, or should we just be more careful in using IQ scores? What do you think? Think carefully,
because you could be the next group to use a “nonstandard” form of language.
Severe Mental Retardation. Severely delayed/disabled children have an IQ of 20 to 35. They can
learn some language and self-help skills. Most of these children are institutionalized. About 8
percent of people with an IQ below 70 are severely delayed/disabled.
Profound Mental Retardation. These children have an IQ of less than 20, and require supervision
and nursing care all their lives. About 1 percent of delayed/disabled children are profoundly
It is probably more meaningful to classify the developmentally delayed or disabled individual
according to the cause of their retardation.
Genetic causes. Down syndrome is the result of a genetic aberration (it is not a hereditary problem)
that results in three chromosomes at the 21st position rather than two. It is the most common
genetic cause of retardation, and occurs in approximately one of every 1,000 live births. The
incidence of this disorder has decreased as a function of the ability to detect it through
amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling. The next most common genetic cause of retardation is
phenylketonuria (PKU), a metabolic disease carried by a recessive gene. It can be detected shortly
after birth and controlled. There are a number of other relatively rare genetic causes of mental
retardation, including Tay-Sachs disease, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and Niemann-Pick disease.
Intrauterine infection or trauma. Infections contracted by the mother can cause mental retardation.
These causes include encephalitis, rubella, and syphilis. Brain damage to the fetus can also result
from malnutrition and dietary deficiencies, poisoning by lead or carbon monoxide, or drug use by
the mother, especially alcohol, during the mother’s pregnancy. Recent evidence supports a
correlation between use of crack cocaine and fetal injury.
The birth process. Premature children sometimes have an immature nervous system, and anoxia
(oxygen deprivation) or head injury during birth can damage the brain and cause mental
retardation. All of these causes together probably account for no more than 30 percent of all cases of
developmental delay/disability, and all have identifiable physical causes. In many cases, these
children have physical deficiencies and deformities in addition to their retardation. It is striking to
note how many of such cases could be prevented or avoided, given appropriate prenatal care of the
mother, and the mother’s knowledge and acceptance of her responsibility to protect her unborn
Cultural—familial causes. The majority of cases of retardation fall into this category. Children in
this category are usually mildly delayed or disabled. Usually, they do not have other physical
handicaps and generally do not look any different from normal children.
Cultural—familial retardation is most likely to occur among the children of the poor, often in
families that have struggled against poverty for several generations. There are often several
developmentally delayed or disabled individuals among the relatives, and sometimes one or both of
the parents is or are delayed or disabled. In cultural—familial retardation, it is difficult to separate
the effects of heredity and environment, because neither is favorable. Many psychologists currently
think that heredity sets an upper limit, and that environment determines how closely an individual
will approach his or her maximum intellectual capacity. For example, in the case of a child with
cultural-familial retardation, the genes may set a limit of 80 or 90, or higher, but because of lack of
language and cognitive stimulation, his or her test score could be 60 or 65.
The study of the Hollow Children is highly instructive. There was a group of people of English and
Scots-Irish descent who settled and lived as a little subculture near the Atlantic coast in Virginia for
many years. The land they lived on was subsequently granted to German immigrants and the Scots-
Irish were forced to move into hollows in the Blue Ridge Mountains. They formed a number of small
communities that varied in degree of isolation from civilization. In 1932, an investigator named
Sherman studied these people, reasoning that the citizens of the various Hollows communities had
a common gene pool, and he was interested in whether isolation from civilization had affected the
intellectual ability of the children. Isolation meant things like no road in and out, no post office, no
newspapers or magazines, and, of course, since the study was done in the early 1930s, there was no
radio or TV. In Colvin Hollow, the most isolated of the communities, school had been in session for
a total of 16 months during the years between 1918 and 1930, and there were only three literate
adults in the community. To test the children’s intelligence, Sherman used the Stanford-Binet and
other tests that are not so language dependent.
The results showed that the more isolated the community, the lower the IQ scores of the children.
The average of the test scores in the least isolated community was close to the population mean,
while the average of the scores of the children in the most isolated communities was below 70.
Sherman tested children from 6 to 16 years of age, and one of his notable findings was that IQ
scores declined with age. In the more isolated communities, the IQs of the 6- to 8-year-olds averaged
about 80. The scores of the 14- to 16-year-olds averaged about 50.
There are a number of other studies that confirm the negative effect an impoverished environment
can have on intellectual development. It is a challenge to a society to dedicate resources for the
prevention of cultural—familial retardation. Because of President Johnson’s “war on poverty,”
funds for Operation Head Start were made available in the mid-1960s. A problem arose because
although money was available, the educators lacked the background research to develop a clear
idea concerning how one goes about giving a child a “head start.” Some years later, the program
was pronounced a failure and used as a rationale for reducing funds for early childhood education.
In reality, the program was not an unqualified failure. In some places, it was quite successful, and
provided a wealth of data concerning methods and techniques. If we made another concentrated
effort, maybe it would be very successful. We are often very shortsighted, unwilling to spend a
dollar today to save hundreds of dollars in the future. Perhaps we would serve ourselves and our
children better, if we realized that no amount of money saved in the future can obviate the fact that
our children are our future.
people believe that labeling can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
study, discussed in the text, found evidence of a positive self-fulfilling prophecy when teachers
were led to believe that certain students were “smart.” A reverse negative self-fulfilling prophecy
seems just as possible when students are labeled “stupid” or “not smart.” The text also discusses
this issue in regard to the larger effect of stereotypes and the poorer performance of African
Americans on tests when they believe the tests measure intelligence than when they are just lab
experiments. The results of the Steele and Aronson (1995) study indicate that just being a member of
a group that has been stereotyped as not being smart can lower individual performance. How much
more does believing that you, as an individual, are not smart, affect performance? Given how many
areas of practical intelligence that IQ does not seem to measure or predict, we need to be very careful
about negatively labeling children on the basis of IQ alone. This means doing a better job of
educating people on the limitations of what intelligence tests tell us about children’s abilities.
Yea Event
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species by a Means of Natural
1869 Sir Francis Galton published Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws and
Consequences, in which he attempted to show that intelligence is an inherited
1904 Charles Spearman published General Intelligence Objectively Determined and
Measured, offering his view on general intelligence, or “g”.
1905 Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed the first useful intelligence test.
1917 The Bolshevik revolution occurred in Russia.
1914- World War I was fought.
1916 Lewis Terman, though not the first to do so, published an English translation of
Binet’s test; Terman’s translation had the advantage of using the concept of the
intelligence quotient (IQ).
1929 The Great Depression began in America.
1938 Louis Thurstone published his monograph on the seven primary mental abilities.
1939 David Wechsler published The Measurement of Adult Intelligence, introducing his
family of intelligence tests. Unlike the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler’s tests
emphasized both verbal intelligence and performance.
1939- World War II was fought.
1969 Arthur Jensen published How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?,
which argued that racial differences were inherited. The article soon met with a
barrage of criticisms charging that Jensen was a racist.
1973 Richard Herrnstein published IQ in the Meritocracy, a controversial book stressing
the societal consequences of differences in intelligence.
1983 Howard Gardner published Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,
outlining a new theory of intelligence that emphasized athletic, musical, and
interpersonal skills, as well as mental skills, in defining intelligence.
1984 Robert Sternberg published Toward a Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, outlining a
new theory of intelligence that stressed the multi-faceted nature of intelligence.
Hallahan, D. P., & Kauffman, J. M. (1982). Exceptional Children: Introduction to Special Education, (2nd
Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Among topics covered are definitions and
classifications of mental retardation, causes of retardation, methods of measurement, and
educational considerations.
Herrnstein, R., & Murray, C. (1994). The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life.
New York: Free Press. A controversial text that suggests that differences in cognitive ability are
polarizing America into a cognitive elite and a cognitive underclass. Suggests that differences in
IQ score among ethnic groups are partially genetic.
Neisser, U., Boodoo, G., Bouchard, T., Boykin, A., Brody, N., Ceci, S., Halpern, D., Loehlin, J., Perloff,
R., Sternberg, R., & Urbina, S. (1996). Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns. American Psychologist,
51(2), 77–101. An excellent resource on the concept of intelligence. Presents findings of a task
force established by the American Psychological Association to report on the issues of what is
known and unknown about intelligence. Significant conceptualizations of intelligence are
reviewed, including the psychometric approach, theories of multiple forms of intelligence,
cultural variations, theories of developmental progressions, and biological approaches.
Plomin, R., & Rende, R. (1991). Human Behavioral Genetics. Annual Review of Psychology, 42, 161–190.
An excellent review and introduction to the field of human behavioral genetics.
Rose, S. A., & Feldman, J. F. (1995). Prediction of IQ and Specific Cognitive Abilities at 11 Years from
Infancy Measures. Developmental Psychology, 31(4), 685–696. Assessments at seven months and 1
year may predict some cognitive abilities at ages 7 and 11.
Rowe, D. C., Vazsonyi, A. T., & Flannery, D. J. (1995). Ethnic and Racial Similarity in Development
Process: A Study of Academic Achievement. Psychological Science, 6(1), 33–38. Interesting research on
the impact of family environment on results of academic achievement measures.
Rushton, J. P. (1997). Race, IQ, and the APA Report on the Bell Curve. American Psychologist, 52(l), 69–
70. Comments on the APA Task Force findings about what is known and unknown about
intelligence. The author argues that the findings on the issue of race were in error. The origins of
racial differences in IQ need to be considered as fairly from the hereditarian perspective as from
the environmentalist perspective. Areas of omitted evidence are discussed, which, had they been
added, would have bolstered the consistency of the East Asian-European-African IQ gradient.
Sternberg, R. J. (1994). 468 Factor-Analyzed Data Sets: What They Tell Us and Don’t Tell Us About
Human Intelligence. Psychological Science, 5(2), 63–65. Presents a meta-analysis of 468 data sets,
which had used a variety of analytic models and assessment instruments.
Sternberg, R., & Wagner, R. (1989). Individual Differences in Practical Knowledge and Its Acquisitions. In
Learning and Individual Differences: Advances in Theory and Research. New York: W. H. Freeman &
Co, Publishers, 255–278. Examines the distinctions between academic knowledge and practical
knowledge, and discusses the nature and acquisition of practical knowledge, which is defined
as knowledge, and demonstrates the importance of such knowledge for both academic and
everyday life situations.
The field of psychological assessment and the efforts of psychologists and other professionals
to assign values to different abilities, behaviors, and personalities.
Key Issues
Psychometrics, racial and cultural bias, intelligence and aptitude tests, the problems with IQ
testing, seven kinds of intelligence, and limitations in testing practical intelligence.
Racial bias in intelligence and aptitude tests.
Philip Zimbardo examines new tests that propose multiple factors and aspects of intelligence.
Archival Interview
Psychologist William Curtis Banks examines the misuse of intelligence and aptitude testing.
about nature versus nurture. Illustrates that knowing what is genetic, chemical, or voluntary in
behavior helps people adapt the environment to themselves and themselves to the environment.
From the Human Animal series, hosted by Phil Donahue.
Human Development across the Life Span
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the significance and characteristics of the pubescent growth spurt
2. Explain the physical and psychological changes that occur during the adult years
3. Describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and discuss their significance
4. Define the concept of critical periods and explain its significance to development
5. Describe Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
6. Comment on the importance and influence of culture to development
7. Identify Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning
8. Describe the importance of attachment styles and the problems experienced by those
without secure attachments
9. Describe the influence of gender roles and gender identity on development
10. Describe the developmental tasks and challenges of adulthood
I. Studying and Explaining Development
A. Developmental psychology is the area of psychology that is concerned with changes in
physical and psychological functioning that occur from conception across the entire life
B. Documenting Development
1. Documenting development requires learning to differentiate between
research that documents age changes and research that documents
age differences
C. Explaining Development
1. Explaining shared aspects of development requires consideration of
both universal aspects of change and the unique aspects of change
that characterize each individual
A. Cognitive development is the study of the processes and products of the mind, as they
emerge and change over time
result in
C. Acquiring Grammar
1. Grammar is the rules by which units of meaning are combined into
larger units
2. Chomsky argued that children are born with mental structures that
facilitate the comprehension and production of language, thus
removing some parental pressures to teach grammar explicitly
a) Referential children’s vocabularies consist largely of nouns
b) Expressive children’s vocabularies consist largely of
formulaic expressions
c) Referential and expressive children appear to believe, at an
early age, in different functions for language, and follow
different paths to acquisition of grammar
D. Language-Making Capacity
1. Aspects of acquisition are believed to be biologically predetermined
2. Children bring innate guidelines to the task of learning a particular
in different ways
(ii) Arrival of children may push parents into more
traditional sex-role behaviors
(iii) For some couples, marital satisfaction erodes due to
conflicts as children pass through their own
adolescent years
(iv) Parents may enjoy their children most when the
children no longer live at home
e) Research indicates that approximately two out of three
couples now married will divorce, but consequences of
remaining in an unsatisfying marriage are more unfortunate
for females than males
(i) Marital dissatisfaction for women often results in
impairment of both physical and mental health
(ii) Men almost always benefit from marriage, even a bad
marriage, while women suffer in bad marriages
(iii) Women are more likely to care for an unhealthy,
elderly husband—and go on to a period of mourning
his death and of financial insecurity
f) In later life, the balance of social interactions shifts somewhat,
from family to friends
(i) The elderly interact with fewer people, but the nature
of the interactions change in order for intimacy needs
to be met
(ii) Selective social interaction theory proposes that as we
age, we become more selective in choosing social
partners who satisfy our emotional needs
2. Generativity
a) Generativity refers to commitment beyond oneself to family,
work, society, or future generations
1. In several well-publicized cases, judges have returned custody of children to the biological
parents, removing the child from his or her adoptive parents or foster parents. This would
seem to indicate that there is still a sense of ownership of children in the eyes of the law.
What do such decisions indicate about the status of the rights of the individual child in
such cases? Whose “best interests” and rights are the courts protecting?
2. Does the class consider adolescence a concept created by developmental psychologists and
socioeconomic conditions, rather than an actual stage of development? What overall
societal impact might we see if children today went to work at age 10 or 12, rather than
remaining in school until they reach 17 or 18 years of age? What was the societal impact of
work rather than education in years past? What other developmental categories could be
reframed today, or may need to be reframed in the future?
3. Many elderly individuals develop paranoid beliefs. Some lay persons as well as
professionals assume this to be a function of the physical deterioration of the brain due to
encroaching senility. What alternative psychological explanation could explain why some
elderly individuals develop beliefs that others are keeping them ignorant of the actual
condition of their health, plotting against them, etc.? What myths or fallacies appear
prevalent in your classes?
4. Psychologists and sociologists have observed that certain homeless children have the
ability to “survive” their homeless experience in better psychological health than do some
others. Have the class speculate what conditions might predispose a given child to
survive,” to suffer minimal negative impact from the experience of homelessness. What
makes some children resilient, and not others?
5. What perceptions does the class have regarding day care? Is day care seen as an option for
child care, or a necessity? What about employer-sponsored day care centers. What
considerations are important to your students regarding this issue?
6. Discuss with the class the impact an individual’s gender identity might have on his or her
sexual orientation. Have them consider how gender role behaviors and gender role
stereotypes fit into this discussion.
7. Discuss rites of passage, nebulous though they may be, in our Western culture. What
occasions mark our transition from one developmental stage of life to the next? How does
our culture accommodate and acknowledge these transitions? What impact do various
rites have on us as individuals? Do students feel our culture should have more concrete
rites of passage, remain as is, or have less?
8. What does the class think about “peer pressure”? Is it a viable phenomenon, or a catchall
invented by parents and behavioral scientists in their attempts to “explain” the sometimes-
annoying behaviors displayed by adolescents? When during development do individuals
feel it, and when during development does it cease to influence thoughts, feelings, and
Alzheimer’s Disease
A man in his late 60’s enters a hardware store, and, for a moment, becomes disoriented. He then
remembers that yesterday he was looking for the car keys that he already had in his hand. A
dreadful thought comes to mind: “Could I have Alzheimer’s disease?”
Alzheimer’s disease is named after the German psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, who first described it
in 1907. The characteristic signs of Alzheimer’s are abnormalities in and loss of neurons in the
areas of the brain known as the hippocampus and the cortex. As the disease advances,
abnormalities of the brain can be identified with imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), but a definite diagnosis cannot be made until the brain tissue is examined after
A book on dementias (dementia is Latin for madness) published in 1945, claimed that to date only 150
cases of Alzheimer’s disease had been reported and that the disease was considered to be very rare.
At the time, Alzheimer’s was classified as pre-senile dementia because the onset was thought to
occur before the age of 65. For people over 65, virtually the same pattern of signs and symptoms was
diagnosed as senile dementia. The cause of Alzheimer’s was unknown, but senile dementia was
attributed to age. As a result of the similarity of most cases of senile dementia to Alzheimer’s, it
came to be known as senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. In recent years, the distinction based
on age of onset has gradually been dropped. Presently, dementia is medically defined as a loss of
mental competence with significant decline from the person’s former mental capability.
Approximately 5% of people over 65 develop Alzheimer’s, with the incidence rising to about 20% in
those past the age of 80. It is a degenerative disorder, progressive in its destruction of functional
abilities, is irreversible, and terminal. At the present, there is no known cure, although some
medication has been approved for its treatment. Diminution and loss of short-term memory is
generally the first indication of Alzheimer’s. A set of questions designed to test the reality
orientation of the individual includes such questions as “Where do you live?” and “What day of
the week is it?” The individual’s responses are one aspect of making tentative diagnosis in the early
stages of the disorder. Arriving at a tentative diagnosis of Alzheimer’s also involves a process of
elimination. Organic brain disorders such as schizophrenia, tumors, and strokes must be ruled out
as potential causes of the symptoms being displayed by the patient before hazarding a tentative
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.
Following the initial loss of memory, deterioration of cognitive functioning is noted and, as the
disease progresses, the individual gradually loses the ability to walk, to feed him- or herself, and to
control the bladder and bowels. In the terminal stage of the disease, the individual is reduced to a
vegetative state, unaware of the presence of friends and family, the surrounding environment, and
even his or her own identity. Death usually occurs four to five years after onset, but the range is two
to ten years.
The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not known. The disease, or some form of it, may be genetically
transmitted. There are similarities between Alzheimer’s disease and Down syndrome. Down
syndrome is sometimes called Trisomy 21 to indicate the presence of three, rather than two,
chromosomes at the 21st position. A gene on the same chromosome has been tentatively linked to
Alzheimer’s. Other hypotheses about the causal agent for Alzheimer’s include a slow-acting virus
and toxic substances such as aluminum. Whatever the primary causal agent, its presence is
believed to result in biochemical changes in the brain. These changes have been posited to include
reduction in the availability of one or more of the following substances: acetylcholine, a
neurotransmitter; corticotropin-releasing factor, a hormone; and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Another
change noted in brain tissue is the appearance of fibers in the cytoplasm of neurons. Dr. Alois
Alzheimer called these fibers neurofibrillary tangles. He also observed that some neurons appeared
to have shriveled, with their dendrites deteriorating to the degree that the cell could no longer
function, causing the neurons to collapse. Alzheimer referred to sections of the brain where clusters
of the collapsed neurons were found as neuritic plaques.
In spite of scientific advances in knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease, for the patient and the
patient’s family, the disease remains irreversible, incurable, and virtually untreatable. Custodial
care by a family member at home or in an institution is generally required as the disorder
progresses, in order to prevent the patient from hurting him- or herself or wandering off and getting
lost. The nature of the disease is best described as regressive in that a once-competent adult loses
the ability to think rationally, language deteriorates, temper tantrums like those of early childhood
may occur, motor skills are lost, and finally, with loss of the ability to feed oneself and to control the
bladder and bowels, the regression to an infant-like state is complete.
Craig, G. J., & Kermis, M. D. (1995). Children Today. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
• A stage theory must assume invariance of the sequence of stages
• A stage theory assumes structural cohesiveness of a stage; the behaviors within a stage
must share a common conceptual base
• There must be a hierarchical integration of structures from stage to stage, so that later
stages incorporate and expand on the structures from earlier stages
Now, back to our question, what does the term stage theory imply and subsequently mean to our
students? First, it means that a stage theory is presumed to be universal—which is what “over both
time and experience means. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development offers an easy example. Piaget
proposed that children, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or sociocultural background, all
experience their intellectual development in the same way. The same sequence of events unfolds,
regardless of where the child lives and under what conditions. Further, Piaget proposed that the
changes were not only predictable and universal, but that the changes were qualitatively different
as the child moved from one stage to the next. For example, a 7-year-old child can conserve liquid,
but a 4-year-old cannot. That is a qualitative difference in the thought process, and it is a function of
the developmental process.
Second, stage theories and stage theorists believe that there can be no latitude in the progression of
the stages of development. In Eriksonian terms, a child must resolve the trust/mistrust conflict and
learn to trust before he or she can move onto the stage of autonomy versus self-doubt, because
unless the trust/mistrust conflict has been resolved, the child has no possibility of resolving the
autonomy issue. Stage 1 must precede stages 2, 3, 4, and so on.
Third, cohesiveness of a stage and a common conceptual base indicate that the stage itself must fit
within the overall theoretical construct, as implied by the underlying conceptual basis of the
theoretical position. Finally, stage theories represent a series of building blocks, in that one builds
on the other in a hierarchical fashion. Each stage must progress logically from the one preceding it,
and lead logically to the one following. If a given theory satisfies these four requirements, we can
properly refer to it as a stage theory.
One aspect of temporal perspective is to have a clear conception of past and future, and to have the
confidence to plan. Another aspect of temporal perspective is the ability to regulate one’s own time.
Freshman entering the university environment and who are living away from home for the first time
often have difficulty regulating their own time. With no parent present to say “go to bed,” they will
solve the world’s problems all night and be unable to get up for class the next morning. There are
people in middle age who lose jobs, miss airplanes, and alienate friends because of their lack of
ability to regulate their time.
Acquiring Self-Certainty
Self-certainty is equivalent to what is also referred to as self-confidence or self-esteem. Erikson
thought that efforts to begin to “sever the apron strings” and to become an autonomous or
independent person begin early in life, about the time we begin to walk. If the child sees herself
being able to do for herself and accomplish little things independently, then she has the basis to
develop confidence in herself. In adolescence, there are new threats to self-confidence, such as the
prospect of having to be financially independent and to find a desirable partner. Another aspect of
self-certainty is that it must be accompanied by a self-image that is compatible with reality. Self-
esteem that is unrealistic is a defense, a fantasy that prevents self-fulfillment.
Role Experimentation
During childhood, we usually look to parents or teacher for role models. In adolescence, young
people are likely to reject earlier models and to go through a series of “trying on” different roles. The
movies and television provide a smorgasbord of roles and role models. Role models can be real
people, characters from fiction, historical personages, or creations of our own imagination. Erikson
thought that role experimentation is a healthy manifestation of the search for identity, but at some
time we have to take the pieces we like from our role experimentation and put them together into a
consistent identity. The opposite of role experimentation is role fixation. Sometimes one encounters
a young person who has had an identity laid on him so heavily by parents that attempts at role
experimentation produce too much guilt to be pursued.
Theorists are often reluctant to talk about anything as mundane as a getting a job and earning a
living, but Erikson recognized that the prospect of having to be self-supporting is a real concern of
adolescents. This does not mean that an adolescent has to choose his or her life’s work in junior
high school, but it does mean making general preparation for independence. The university student
may not have chosen a career or even have decided on a major, but the fact that he or she is in a
college class suggests that the individual does not suffer from what Erikson called “work
Sexual Polarization
The obvious meaning of this aspect of identity is that adolescents must come to grips with whether
they are heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. It must be difficult for the young person who has a
homosexual orientation to establish a positive identity during adolescence. There are great
pressures for denial and for conformity to sexual roles that parents and most peers consider
“normal.” Erikson wrote about the aspect of sexual polarization that can be described as “comfort
and confidence in the role of male or female.” In early adolescence, young people often feel sexually
inadequate because their bodies are less than perfect, or because they feel inferior to peers who tell
tall tales of sexual adventures and prowess. Sexual roles are not as clearly delineated as they
formerly were, particularly in the case of the female role, and young females may feel less than
feminine if they have ambitious career aspirations and inadequate as humans if they don’t.
Ideological Commitment
As the identity is formed, young people must select a basic philosophy, a set of values, and an
orientation toward religion and politics. Excessive zeal for a cause, dramatic religious conversion,
and allegiance to a cult are some of the extreme symptoms of young people searching for something
to believe in. The task the adolescent faces is to adopt an ideology that is internally consistent and
compatible with the self and the self-image.
It may seem as though identity formation requires that one lay down plans for the remainder of
one’s life and adopt beliefs that will guide one’s behavior for all time. Of course, this is not the
situation. Identity formation is bringing together various aspects of the self into a coherent whole
and establishing a psychic “core” that defines the self. It is probably not a coincidence that
Erikson’s identity crisis begins concurrently with Piaget’s stage of formal operations. Some of the
cognitive skills of the mature intellect represented by this stage of cognitive development are
instrumental in bringing together the threads of the self.
also observed that if you are likely to complain about physical symptoms when you are 80, you
were probably a complainer when you were 20.
Based on research in the 1950s, it was concluded that there is an age-related decrease in cardiac
output, the amount of blood the heart pumps per unit of time. Thirty years later, using the same
treadmill test, the results were different. Many of the older participants showed no decrease in
cardiac output, and among those who showed a decrease, the problem was associated with lack of
exercise. During the 30 years, a great deal was learned about heart disease. Many of the
participants in the earlier study were not the healthy-hearted specimens they were believed to be.
The conclusions from the recent research are that decrease in cardiac output is probably secondary
aging, and not an inevitable consequence of growing older.
Growing old is something we do not like to think about. When you consider the alternative,
growing old is not bad. Many young people do not like to face the fact that habits and lifestyles they
adopt today are likely to have a profound effect at the other end of life. Some young people say they
don’t want to live that long, but there is never a good day to die, and most young people of today
are likely to grow old, to live to be at least 75 or 80. When you get there, you may not consider
yourself old, like the 83-years-old woman that refused to shop in a certain store because she
considered the clothes they carried only appropriate for old ladies.
An Aging Society
With the emphasis on “saving social security” that everyone saw in the 2000 presidential election,
we have just begun to see the coming impact of the aging of American society. As the population
continues to age, and there are relatively fewer young people to physically and economically care
for older people, there will clearly have to be some major changes in many social programs and
how some elements in our society function. For example, social security will have to be changed to
keep it from becoming insolvent when the “baby boom” generation reaches its peak retirement
years. Programs like Medicare will also have to be revamped. Retirement ages may be moved farther
back, so that the standard retirement age in the not-too-distant future may be 70 instead of 65. While
today’s elderly are generally healthier than the elderly of previous generations, as they reach their
80s and 90s (and even 100s) many will need extensive health care and nursing home care. This will
require record numbers of health-care workers to help care for the elderly. In what other ways might
an aging population impact society? This can be a thought-provoking discussion for students.
One of the more controversial issues related to aging and the health problems that often accompany
it is the issue of euthanasia. Dr. Jack Kervorkian’s active euthanasia efforts eventually resulted in
his being jailed, but brought a lot of controversy, and publicity to this issue. You might ask students
how they feel about this issue. Is active euthanasia ever justified? If so, under what circumstances?
What moral issues does active euthanasia raise? What potential abuses could result from legalized
active euthanasia? What about the “slippery slope” argument that once we begin allowing active
euthanasia in some cases, it becomes easier to begin allowing it for less severe cases, and eventually
becomes just an easy way of getting rid of “inconvenient” elderly people who are a “nuisance”
because of their ill health and discomfort?
While most Americans oppose active euthanasia, because of these potential abuses, the picture is
not as clear when it comes to the issue of passive euthanasia, in which no active steps are taken to
shorten the person’s life, but no efforts are made to keep them alive when the person could be kept
alive with outside help. Some researchers claim that well over 50% of physicians have occasionally
engaged in passive euthanasia. How do students feel about this? How do their feelings about
passive euthanasia differ from their feelings about active euthanasia?
natural history museum in Geneva, but declined in favor of continuing his education. He studied
natural science at the University of Neuchatel, obtaining his doctorate at the age of 21. His readings
in philosophy stimulated an intense interest in epistemology, the study of how humans acquire
knowledge. Convinced that cognitive development had a genetic basis, Piaget decided that the best
approach to studying it would be through its behavioral and biological components. Psychology
appeared, to Piaget, to be the discipline that best incorporated this approach.
Piaget sought training in several distinguished European psychology laboratories and universities,
gaining his first major breakthrough into the understanding of chronological stages of growth
while working at Alfred Binet’s laboratory school in Paris. While designing and administering
intelligence tests to French children, he became intrigued with the characteristic wrong answers
that many of the children gave to his questions. In pursuing these wrong answers, he came to the
realization that the children were employing a process of thought and interpretation that was
decidedly different in nature from that employed by adults. Mindful of the concept of evolution
from his training as a biologist, Piaget proposed that mental development also evolves and that the
intellect passes through several stages of growth.
The theory of cognitive development Piaget was formulating centered on the stages of growth in
early childhood, thus it seemed natural to him to observe his own three children, as they grew from
infancy to preadolescence. His careful experiments and conclusions based on these observations,
published in journal articles and then in book form, brought him immediate recognition in Europe.
While Piaget then expanded his experiments to encompass a much larger group of subjects, his
approach to research was not altered. He observed, asked questions, uncovered new and sometimes
puzzling facts, and attempted to integrate his findings with what was presently known.
Eventually, he formed a theory from the whole enterprise of explaining his observations. Piaget has
been criticized for disregarding the traditional methods of scientific inquiry. He almost never
designed experiments to support preliminary hypotheses, and did not rely heavily on hard
statistical data for the conclusions he reached. To his credit, Piaget responded with good humor to
scholarly attacks on his work, claiming that if he were to begin with a rigid plan and hypothesis, he
would be forced to ignore the fascinating phenomena falling outside of such narrow constraints.
He insisted on his freedom to look for the new and the unexpected. Even in his eighties, he
continued to ask questions, to probe, and to integrate. The disciplines of both cognitive and
developmental psychology benefited enormously from Piaget’s curiosity about how the child comes
to understand the world and his or her place in it.
Yea Event
1883 G. Stanley Hall published The Contents of Children’s Minds, one of the earlier
American studies on child development.
1893 Hall founded the National Association for the Study of Childhood, one year after
founding the American Psychological Association.
1895 James Baldwin, whose views influenced those of Piaget, published Mental
Development in the Child and the Race.
1914– World War I was fought.
1920 James Watson and Rosilie Raynor published the results of their “Little Albert”
1921 Lewis Terman initiated the first large-scale longitudinal study of child
development, focusing on the gifted child.
1925 Arnold Gesell began publishing his studies on normal growth in preschool
children. A few years later, Gesell began using motion pictures to analyze child
1929 The Great Depression began in America.
1950 Erik Erikson published Childhood and Society, highlighting the importance of
cultural considerations in child rearing.
1950 Jean Piaget published The Psychology of Intelligence, one of his many books on
cognitive development of children.
1950- The Korean War was fought.
1957 Sidney Bijou published the first research concerning the application of behavioral
1958 Harry Harlow published his first research on social attachment in infant rhesus
1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
1969 Lawrence Kohlberg published Stages in the Development of Moral Thought and
Action, outlining his theory of moral development.
1969 Humans first landed on the moon.
1969 K. Warner Scliaie, among others, organized the first major American conference
on life span developmental psychology. Nine years later in 1978, the first journal
of the topic, Lifespan Development and Behavior, was published.
Bee, H. (1994). Lifespan Development. New York: Harper Collins. Presents a comprehensive overview
of research and theory on development across the life span.
Carstensen, L., & Turk-Charles, S. (1994). The Salience of Emotion across the Adult Life Span. Psychology
& Aging, 9(2), 259–264. Presents research that shows emotionality does not diminish as one ages,
and, in fact, may increase as we grow older.
Cox, M. V. (1991). The Child’s Point of View, 2nd Edition. New York: Narvester Heartsheaf. An
investigation of development of awareness in children, challenging notions that they are
“inferior adults,” and demonstrating their sophisticated level of awareness of others’ beliefs and
Csikszentimihalyi, M., & Larson, R. (1984). Being Adolescent: Conflict and Growth in the Teenage Years.
New York: Basic Books. Although an older text, this volume provides an excellent report of day
to day adolescent life, complete with research that records adolescent thoughts and activities at
all hours of the day and night.
Cutler, N., Gottfries, C., & Siegfried, K. (Eds.). (1995). Alzheimer’s Disease: Clinical and Treatment
Perspectives. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
Flavell, J. (1963). The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget. Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand. Includes
a presentation of Piaget’s theoretical systems, such as the concepts of assimilation and
accommodation, grouping, equilibrium and their various roles within Ws schema of
developmental stages. Offers a critical evaluation, both methodologically and in the light of
related research by others, of Piaget’s system and work.
Flavell, J. (1996). Piaget’s Legacy. Psychological Science, 7(4), 200–203. Presents 11 contributions by
Piaget to the field of cognitive development to explain what is known and thought about
concerning his theories of cognitive development.
Flavell, J., Miller, P., & Miller, S. (1993). Cognitive Development (3rd ed). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall, Inc. An interesting introduction to human cognitive development. Appeals to
individuals from diverse backgrounds, and, in keeping with trends in the field, devotes much
attention to current theories and research.
Fried, S. B. (1988). Learning Activities for Understanding Aging. Teaching of Psychology, 15, 160–162.
Detailed instructions on 5 activities usable in conjunction with lectures on aging.
Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The Theory In Practice. New York: Basic Books. Provides an
excellent overview of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Brings together work on the
subject in one convenient book.
Gilligan, C. (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press. A classic exploring the differences in the way that men and women
think. An alternative to Kohlberg and seminal in its own right as the first true criticism of
Ginsburg, H., & Opper, S. (1998). Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development. 3rd Edition. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Provides examples of Piagetian cognitive tasks that are easily adapted to
lectures on cognitive development.
Hanin, I., Mitsuo, Y., & Fisher, A. (Eds.). (1995). Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: Recent
Developments. New York: Plenum Press.
Henry, C., & Ulijaszek, S. (Eds.). (1996). Long-Term Consequences of Early Environment: Growth,
Development, and the Lifespan Developmental Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lawton, M., & Salthouse, T. (Eds.). (1998). Essential Papers on the Psychology of Aging. New York:
New York University Press.
Lerner, R., & Galambos, N. (1998). Adolescent Development. Challenges and Opportunities for Research,
Programs, and Policies. Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 413–446. Discusses the basic challenges
and opportunities facing both adolescents and the psychologists who study them.
Levine, M., & Levine, A. (1992). Helping Children: A Social History. New York: Oxford University
Press. A narrative of how our American society addresses children’s issues, from the formation
of the foster care system to the Gary Schools Project and Ben Lindsey’s formation of the juvenile
courts system. An excellent resource for the history of children’s issues.
Muuss, R. E. (1990). Adolescent Behavior and Society: A Book of Readings. New York: McGraw-Hill. A
collection of essays addressing the various cognitive, behavioral, and sexual aspects of
adolescent development.
Parke, R., Ornstein, P., Rieser, J., & Zahn-Waxier, C. (1994). A Century of Developmental Psychology.
Washington: American Psychological Association. Highlights the contributions of the most
important developmental psychologists in the field. Traces the theoretical and empirical changes
in developmental psychology over the past 100 years.
Pinker, S. (1989). Learnability and Cognition: The Acquisition of Argument Structure. Cambridge: MIT
Turner, J., & Helms, D. (1995). Lifespan Development (5th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College
Publishers. An introduction to life span development that focuses on seven essential themes.
These themes are the interrelatedness of aging processes, theoretical perspectives on life span
development, the interaction of heredity and environment, epigenetics, continuity and
discontinuity, active and reactive models of development, and gender issues.
Van Hasselt, V., & Hersen, M. (1992). Handbook of Social Development. A Lifespan Perspective. New
York, Plenum Press. Investigates the process of social development from a life span perspective.
Covers all stages of life from the crib to old age. An excellent reference.
Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and Language. Revised and edited by A. Kozulin. Cambridge: MIT
Press. A 1986 revision of the original volume, this text helps balance the various trends of
thought on the connections between psychology and language.
How the brain controls behavior and, conversely, how behavior and environment influence the
brain’s structure and functioning.
Key Issues
The effect of human touch on the growth of premature babies, the effect of the mother’s touch on
the growth of rats, psychosocial Dwarfism, the effect of stress on memory and learning in rats,
how behavior modifies the physiology of the African Cichlid fish, and the effects of social
status on the health of baboons
Tiffany Field explains the benefits of touch on the cognitive and motor development of
premature babies.
Saul Shanberg underscores the importance of contact by the mother in the process of growth
and development in rats.
Michael Meaney examines the effects of stress on memory and learning in rats.
Russ Fernald examines the effects of behavior on the physiology of the brain and the effects of
the brain on behavior in African Cichlid fish.
Robert Salopsky discusses the direct effects of social status on the health of wild baboons.
Archival Demonstrations
Effects of change in social status on sexual reactions and growth of fish. (18:09)
Effects of social status on hormones and behavior in wild baboons. (21:56)
Effects of physical stimulation on growth of brain, body, and health of rats. (6:27)
Relationship between early stimulation and adult resistance to stress-induced decline in
memory of rats. (12:52)
The nature versus nurture debate, and how developmental psychologists study the
contributions of both heredity and environment to the development of children.
Key Issues
Nature versus nurture debate, volume perception in children, infant’s understanding of object
permanence, symbol understanding of young children, depth perception in babies on the
“visual cliff,” inherited behavioral differences among preschool children, and genetically shy
Steve Suomi examines how overly nurturing foster mothers may alter the introverted behavior
of individual monkeys.
Archival Demonstrations
Richard Walk and Eleanor Gibson developed the visual cliff in 1960 to study the development
of depth perception and the emotion of fear in children.
Dr. Baillargeon observes the infant’s understanding of physical and spatial qualities, such as
object permanence.
Dr. Judy DeLoache studies how children understand symbols.
Steven Suomi studies the upbringing and behavior of genetically shy monkeys.
Psychologist Jean Piaget asks children of varying ages to assess the volume of liquid in a short,
wide glass after it is poured into a taller, thinner glass. Responses vary with the age of the
Psychologist Jerome Kagan observes inherited behavioral differences between timid and bold
children. (21:37).
Experimental Re-Creation
Development of the principle of object permanence at a very young age.
The development of language and how psychologists hope to discover truths about the human
mind, society, and culture by studying how children use language in social communication.
Key Issues
Biological basis of language acquisition and development, the role of social interaction in
language development, universal adaptability in language development, grammar acquisition,
and the rules of conversation.
The role of parent–child interaction in language development.
Psychologist Jean Berko-Gleason explains the role of social interaction in language
Anne Fernald examines how pre-verbal children interpret the melodies, intonations, and tones
of mothers of various languages.
Psychologist Dan Slobin discusses how children invent their own system of grammar and
syntax regardless of the adult grammatical patterns that they hear around them.
Linguist Noam Chomsky examines how a child acquires the ability to produce sophisticated
sentence structures.
What really happens, physically and psychologically, as we age, and how society reacts to the
last stages of life.
Key Issues
Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development, societal treatment of the elderly, mid-life
crisis, modifying biological and psychological effects of aging, the elderly and sexuality, the
effects of media on the perception of the elderly, and the elderly’s ability to learn.
Similarities among aged rabbits and human beings in the classic conditioning of the eyelid
Archival Demonstrations
Journalist Pat Moore dresses as an elderly woman and walks the streets to demonstrate
prejudice against the aged.
Dr. Daniel Levinson examines the life cycle as divided into four eras of development:
childhood, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood.
Diane Woodruf-Pak examines parallels between aged rabbits and aged human beings in their
underlying brain circuits.
Sherry Willis examines new educational training methods that help the elderly function more
B. F. Skinner discusses how he has remained active and able in his field.
Werner Schaie examines the physical and psychological qualities the aged share.
Erik Erikson examines the identity crisis he experienced as a newcomer to the United States.
Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development are examined.
Episode 2: Finance
Examines ways of coping with the financial aspects of being seriously ill. Lawyers and
consumer advocates discuss patients’ rights and legal issues.
Episode 3: Pain
Shows approaches to coping with both pain and the fear of pain. Explains the effects of
suffering on the personality, the differences between types of pain, and methods available for
treating pain.
Episode 5: Sexuality
Deals with the difficult issue of sexuality and the need for loving at critical times as well as
during times of little stress. Interviews with the Robinsons and testimony from other men and
women illustrate the difficulties married couples face dealing with this issue. Experts discuss
ways of showing and receiving physical expressions of love while coping with illness.
The Seven Ages of the Brain (1995). Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 58 minutes
Focuses on how a brain grows from a fertilized egg and how our brains change, even after birth,
right up to old age. The establishment of connections between brain cells occurs not only in the
womb, but also after birth. These connections can be modified, or even abolished, in accordance
with certain changes in the environment. Part of the British Royal Institute Lecture series.
Aging Successfully: Psychological Aspects of Growing Old (1998). Davidson Films, 30 minutes
Discusses the concepts developed by the Baltes for assessing the means by which some people cope
better psychologically with old age. Selection, optimization, and compensation are three important
coping strategies to deal with the decline in physical and some mental functions, while developing
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the five functions of motivational concepts
2. Explain the various sources of motivation, including instinctual, emotional, and cognitive
3. Communicate the difference between William James’ and Sigmund Freud’s conception on
instinctual behaviors
4. Describe social learning theory and its relationship to internal and external sources of
5. Identify the two major eating disorders
6. Explain the different reproductive strategies that may be employed by males and females
7. Describe the four phases of human sexual response for males and females
8. Show an understanding of the concept of need for achievement and discuss how it relates
to motivation
9. Describe the concept of locus of control and its relationship to motivation
10. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
I. Understanding Motivation
A. Motivation is the general term for all the processes involved in starting, directing, and
maintaining physical and psychological activities
C. Sources of Motivation
1. Drives and Incentives
(ii) Personal value of that goal to the individual
D. Sexual Norms
6. Esthetic: Need for creativity, and the human desire for beauty and
B. Maslow’s hierarchy presents an upbeat view of human motivation, with the core of the
theory being the need for each individual to grow and actualize his/her highest potential
1. William James proposed that humans rely on instinctual behaviors even more than other
animals. Twenty-five years later, Sigmund Freud posited that humans experience drive
states that arise from life instincts and death instincts. What is significant about the
difference in these two perspectives?
2. How could the educational system be changed so that children have greater feelings of
choice, responsibility, and hope? What effect might such changes have on learning and
3. Suppose that public displays of eating were considered socially inappropriate and that one
could eat only at home with one’s family or alone. How would the following behaviors be
• Typical topics of conversation
• Popularity of magazines
• Priorities of morality
In contrast, what would happen if society deemed it appropriate to engage in sex, a basic
biological drive, whenever and wherever one wished?
4. How can we make a tedious job more enjoyable, satisfying, or rewarding? Ask students to
apply the principles of learning and motivation to transform their most dreaded task into a
more rewarding one.
5 . Ask students for personal examples of momentary actualization or peak experiences.
Include times when they felt they found the truth, were filled with energy, or volunteered to
work for a cause. What was it that motivated them?
The Audience
In marketing the audience is called the “target market.” These people are the actual or potential
buyers of the product. They can be either the decision makers or people who influence the person
who makes the actual buying decision. For example, parents purchase goods for their children, but
children often have a significant influence on the products their parents buy. Sometimes
advertising is aimed at trying to change or enlarge the market, such as the makers of a certain
automobile finding that most of their buyers are older. Because of that finding, the manufacturers
may change their advertising strategy to target a younger population. The “baby boom” generation
is currently between the ages of about 40 to 50 years old, and provides a very lucrative market
because of its large numbers and relative affluence.
The Message
There are two components of any motivational message. There is the verbal (or written) message
and the nonverbal message. The nonverbal message is subtler, not directly stated, but nonetheless
implied by the contents of the message. The nonverbal message may be transmitted by the
background against which the product is displayed, such as the American flag, the shelves of
impressive books, the beautiful home, the spacious office, or the cozy bar. All of these project a
desirable image. The nonverbal message can also include clothes, facial expressions, and body
language of the actors or models involved in producing the message. In the U.S., this might include
the presence of the “family dog.”
The Communicator
The communicator is the person who delivers the message or who is the central figure in print
advertising. One characteristic of persuasive communicators is their credibility—the reputation of
the individual as believable, as an expert or authority in his or her field. Attractiveness is another
characteristic that advertisers exploit. This may mean that the person is admired as an actor,
athlete, or musician, or as a person who has been outstandingly successful in whatever he or she is
known for. Sometimes the communicator is an individual that potential buyers can identify with,
“a person just like me!”
Recognizing these three components of advertisements can help us better understand why
individual advertisements are constructed the way that they are and help us be more critical of, and
less susceptible to, their message. Now let us look at a few specific examples.
The Audience
Every car has its own intended market. How many 70-year-olds do you see driving Corvettes? Who
is the market for a Cadillac? For BMWs? For pickup trucks? Car makers are sophisticated in
targeting sexes, ages, and income groups in their advertisements.
The Message
The verbal message may involve such issues as value, gas mileage, dependability, safety,
performance, and prestige. The nonverbal messages may be far more potent and persuasive,
exploiting such motives as sex appeal, social status, power, envy, success, and confidence.
Backdrops of polo matches and mansions imply wealth; steelyards and factories imply durability;
and bright lights and tall buildings imply success. For Americans, especially males, the automobile
is almost an extension of one’s self. Cars convey an image of ourselves, as we would like others to
perceive us.
The Communicator
Individuals in automobile advertisements are usually very attractive, modeling the sort of person
the buyer would want to be. Occasionally, the communicator is someone expected to know a lot
about cars, such as a famous racecar driver or greasy mechanic.
The Audience
The audience for beer is middle- and working-class males, “good ol’ boys” who like to get together
to go fishing, watch football games, or play pool. Females appear in beer commercials, but often
only as props. Beer is a man’s drink, and women are often targeted with other beverages such as
wine coolers.
The Message
Beer is associated with good times. Young, attractive, healthy people are often seen running around
beaches, attending terrific parties, and engaging in thrill-seeking sports. People who drink beer can
also be portrayed as “down to earth” folk, just like you. These “normal” people are more likely to sit
in the kitchen or the backyard than in a formal setting, and they eat hamburgers and apple pie. The
motivation for drinking beer is to have good friends and to have good times with them, to reward
yourself at the end of the day with a beer or two while watching ball games.
The Communicator
Most often, a male without a necktie, or at least a loosened tie, possibly in a flannel work shirt, touts
the beer. He is a good “All-American” man’s man. He knows how to hunt and fish, is a skilled
athlete, can fix cars, and is not afraid of an honest day’s work.
You might have your class discuss other products such as pain relievers, colas, and clothes. Have
your class use their critical thinking skills to figure out the advertiser’s motivation the next time that
they see an advertisement. They might want to ask themselves:
• Am I a member of the target audience?
• Is the product really special and different, or just trying to be?
• What claims does the advertisement make of the product? How are the claims
• If statistics are used, are they used fairly?
• If the product is compared to another, is it compared to a relevant product in a reasonable
• What are the nonverbal messages that the advertisement tries to impart?
• How were the communicators chosen to maximize impact and believability?
• What need does the product fill? Is the need real, or created by the advertisement?
Finally, advertising is not all bad. If it was, it might not be allowed. Ask your class why
advertisements are legal, although their only purpose is to influence people to do things that they
might not do without advertisements. One positive aspect of advertisements is their informational
value. They alert consumers to the presence of new products, and to legitimate differences among
exiting products. Are there others? In closing, remember what the Romans said, “Caveat emptor!”
(Let the buyer beware).
Although motivation is often viewed as being behaviorally activating, the resulting behavior
activated may not always be overt and observable. For example, a rabbit freezes when a hawk flies
overhead. The rabbit’s motivation for survival results in an “activity” of immobilization, although
the rabbit’s heart rate is high because of the activation of its peripheral nervous system. Therefore,
motivation is not necessarily overt, physically observable activation. It may be, but it also may not
Persistence appears to be one of several possible indices of motivation. That is, the level of
persistence appears to be an indicator of the level of motivation. If your cat is just a little hungry, or
maybe just bored, it may follow you to the kitchen and meow around its bowl in a half-hearted
attempt to be fed. If your cat is starving, however, it may meow vociferously while pacing back and
forth near the kitchen door. It may try to get your attention by sinking its claws deep into your leg or
by licking your face. If you still refuse to feed it, your cat may rummage for food on its own,
knocking jars over, opening cabinets, and eating through wrappers.
The intensity of the response may be associated with motivation level, but it may also be a learned
factor. For example, if a rat learned that it had to really bang on a lever to get the food pellet to fall
because the lever had a stiff spring, the rat will bang the stuffing out of any other response level that
you put in its path. If you are a casual observer, you might assume the rat is highly motivated due to
the vigor with which it bangs the lever when, in fact, that is the only way he knows how to press a
lever. It is what it has learned to do.
As with most issues in psychology, there are various approaches to studying motivation, three of
which are the biological, the drive or learning, and the cognitive. Let us look at each of them.
Drive Theories
The concept of drive assumed that the motivation of behavior depends on a physiological need,
such as hunger, thirst, or sex. This perspective posits that the organism becomes motivated to
reduce the need or drive in any way that it can. As a motivational construct, drive is usually
associated with maintenance of homeostasis, a process in which bodily mechanisms attempt to
keep the body’s systems functioning at their optimal levels.
One significant theory in this grouping was proposed by Clark Hull (1943). Hull’s theory was
motivated by both learning theory and motivational thought, and his model for behavior was one of
survival. Hull assumed that motivation developed to meet the organic needs of the organism,
because such a system gives the animal an advantage in the struggle to survive. This is based on
the various theories of evolution. Hull proposed that behavior resulted from three factors:
• What has been learned
• The current level of drive
• The characteristics of the goal
Cognitive Theories
This group of theories involves an expectancy-value construct. Edward Tolman (1934) proposed
that theories of behavior should be studied as a whole, proposing that behavior is molar, rather
than studying it as a function of its component parts (as in a reductionist model). Tolman posited
three defining properties for molar behavior.
1. Behavior is always directed toward or away from some specific goal; behavior that is
directed toward a goal is persistent.
2. Behaviors leading toward a goal form a consistent pattern of responses. Behavior is not
random, but represents the way in which the organism attempts to reach the goal.
3. There is selectivity to molar behavior. The shortest or easiest path to the goal will be taken.
These three characteristics imply that the organism has some understanding of the goal toward
which its behavior is leading. In a word, Tolman saw behavior as being “purposive.” Further, he
posited cognitive expectancy, suggesting that organisms learn that particular behaviors lead to
particular goals. Organisms develop an expectancy that a specific set of behaviors will lead to a
specific goal.
These are all examples of achievements, but where or how does achievement become relevant to us?
First, it is important for all of us in terms of the need for achievement (n Ach), the degree to which
the individual strives for success. The Need for Achievement is based on expectancy theory.
McClelland explained achievement motivation as the need to perform the difficult as well and as
quickly as possible. In 1983, Spence and Helmreich identified three factors as contributing to
achievement tendencies: work, mastery, and competition. Spence and Helmreich found that females
scored higher on work and males scored higher on both mastery and competition. Have your class
try to determine why. One reason is that they were well socialized into traditional gender roles.
Do males and females have any tendency to adhere to specific patterns of motivation? Research by
Dweck (1986) found the girls’ pattern of motivation differed from that of boys and that very bright
females showed greater debilitation after failure; that is, they displayed greater decrements in
motivation and performance than did other females or any males. Conversely, the brightest males
showed facilitation following failure. Dweck posits that lower math achievement for females may
be at least partially attributable to this difference in motivational patterns because sex/gender
differences in both math and motivation are greatest among the brightest students. Dweck also
found that females show a lower preference for novel or challenging tasks than do males and that
females are more likely to attribute their failure to lack of ability than are males.
In addition to the determinants of achievement behavior already mentioned, let us look at the
cognitive determinants of this construct. Two factors that strongly impact what an individual is
likely to achieve are the:
• Value placed on achievement of the goal. An individual’s willingness to set high standards
and work to attain them will fluctuate in accordance with how valuable the achievement is
to them personally. Obviously, value then becomes a significant predictor of achievement
• Expectation of achieving the goal. When dealing with children and adolescents, those who
expect to succeed usually do and those who do not expect to succeed usually do not.
Some kids are mastery oriented. They attribute failures to unstable causes, such as insufficient effort,
and will increase their effort on the next occasion. Conversely, those children who perceive failure
as deriving from stable causes often show little expenditure of effort and subsequent deterioration
of performance on future tasks. These children seem to give up when they fail and often will not
attempt a task that they mastered earlier. Dweck felt this to be a variation of learned helplessness. If
failure is attributed to a cause over which the child exercises little control, they see little reason to
keep trying. They give up before they even begin. So convinced that they will fail yet again, they
save themselves the effort and do not even begin to try. They learn to be helpless. Dweck also noted
these helpless children were often at the top of their class in earlier achievement. So what
happened? Sadly, the culprit is often the evaluations of the child’s work by a teacher. If a teacher
praises luck or other unstable factors on success and emphasizes lack of ability on failure, children
will attribute success to luck and failure to a lack of ability. This is the pattern seen in learned
helplessness. If, however, teachers praise ability on success and emphasize unstable factors on
failure, children will learn mastery orientation.
Yea Event
1914- World War I was fought.
1929 The Great Depression in America began.
1938 Henry Murray postulated that many human behaviors are motivated by
the “need to achieve,” an internal tendency to strive for success.
1939- World War II was fought.
1943 Clark Hull, a psychologist at Yale, proposed that behavior is motivated
primarily through drive reduction, through reinforcement that decreases
biological tension within an organism.
1950- The Korean War was fought.
1953 David McClelland developed the first research methods for studying
achievement motivation.
1955 Physiologist Donald Hebb proposed that motivation to obtain or
maintain an optimal level of arousal is the force that directs and
organizes behavior.
1969 The first human moon landing occurred.
1970 Abraham Maslow proposed that all people are motivated by deficiency
and growth needs to achieve their innate potential as human beings.
1974 Richard Solomon and J. D. Corbit published their opponent-process
model of motivation, the notion that a strong emotional state stimulates
organisms to seek the opposite emotional state.
Festinger, L. (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson. A classic text in
motivation and social psychology. Demonstrates how thoughts, specifically inconsistent
thoughts, can motivate changes in belief and behavior.
Geen, R. (1995). Human Motivation: A Social Psychological Approach. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole. An
introduction to motivation that approaches the topic from a social perspective and relates it to
everyday life.
Lepper, M., Sethi, S., Dialdin, D., & Drake, M. (1997). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: A
Developmental Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. Explores the influence of both
intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on motivation and behavior. Discusses the situations in which
extrinsic reward can decrease intrinsic motivation.
Maslow, A. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370–396. Details
Maslow’s theory of motivation, including his hierarchy of needs. According to Maslow, humans
are, “a perpetually wanting animal.” A classic paper.
Weiner, B. (1989). Human Motivation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Provides an
extensive review of four theories of motivation: drive, field, achievement, and attribution.
Weiner, B. (1998). Discovering General Laws of Social Motivation. Hove, Psychology Press/Erlbaum
(UK) Taylor & Francis. Advances in Psychological Science, Vol 1: Social, Personal, and Cultural
Aspects, 93–109. Proposes a general theory of motivation based on attribution theory.
Zimbardo, P. (1966). The Cognitive Control of Motivation. Transactions of the New York Academy of
Sciences, 28(7), 902–921. Series of studies shows that both biological drives and emotional
behavior are controlled by cognitive, psychological, and social variables. These data accord with
predictions from cognitive dissonance theory. The experiments involve both behavioral and
physiological responses to shock, cognitive control of conditioned eye blink, hypnosis, and
A review of what researchers are discovering about why we act and feel as we do, from the
exhilaration of love to the agony of failure.
Key Issues
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, biological motivation for sexual behavior, reproductive behavior
of rats and the physiological effects, physiological and psychological motivation for romantic
love, the universality of emotions, and the effects of optimism and pessimism on physiology.
Rat sexual behavior.
Psychologist Norman Adler studies reproductive behavior and its physiological consequence
in rats.
Martin Seligman studies the effects of optimism and pessimism on physiology and behavior.
Abraham Maslow examines the effects of the interplay between human nature and society on
Emotion, Stress, and Health
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Define emotion in term of its psychological, physiological, and cultural constraints
2. Explain Darwin’s perspective of the adaptive function of emotional response
3. Discuss the universality of emotional response relative to cultural constraints
4. Discuss the physiological aspects of emotion
5. Explain the impact of emotion on cognitive functioning
6. Describe the physiological responses to both acute and chronic stress
7. Define and describe the field of psychoneuroimmunology
8. Describe the biopsychosocial model of health and the field of health psychology
9. Identify relationships between personality type and health
I. Emotions
A. Basic Emotions and Culture
1. Are Some Emotional Responses Innate?
a) Tompkins observed that infants respond with immediate, unlearned
affective reactions to certain stimuli, such as loud sounds
b) Research confirms that some emotional responses are universal
c) Emotional responses are less well differentiated in infants than in
older individuals
2. Are Emotional Expressions Universal?
a) Ekman posits that all people share an overlap in facial language
b) Seven facial expressions are recognized and produced cross-culturally
in response to the emotions of happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear,
sadness, and contempt
c) Ekman used a neuro-cultural position to reflect the joint contributions
of the brain and culture in emotional expression
3. How does Culture Constrain Emotional Expression?
a) Different cultures have varying standards for management of emotion
b) Cultures establish social rules or norms regarding when and where
certain emotions should be displayed
B. Theories of Emotion
1. Theories of emotion attempt to explain the relationship between physiological
and psychological aspects of the experience of emotion
a) The autonomic nervous system (ANS) prepares the body for emotional
responses through action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems
C. Functions of Emotion
1. Motivation and Arousal
a) Emotions serve a motivational function by arousing the individual to
take action with regard to an experienced or imagined event
b) Emotions direct and sustain behaviors toward specific goals
c) Emotions provide feedback by amplifying or intensifying selected life
experiences, by signaling that a response is significant or has self-
d) Emotions give an awareness of inner conflicts
e) Yerkes-Dodson law: Performance of difficult tasks decreases, as
arousal increases, whereas performance of easy tasks increases as
arousal increases
(i) Relationship between arousal and performance has a U-
shaped function, predicting that too little or too much arousal
impairs performance
(ii) Explores possibility that optimal arousal level produces peak
(iii) Key to level of arousal is task difficulty
2. Social Functions of Emotion
a) Emotions serve the function of regulating social interactions
(i) Stimulation of prosocial behaviors
(ii) Aid in social communication
3. Emotional Effects on Cognitive Functioning
1. Acute stress refers to transient states of arousal, with typically clear onset and
offset patterns
4. Daily Hassles
a) Daily hassles are recurring day-to-day stressors that confront most
people much of the time
b) Relationship between hassles and health problems indicates that the
more frequent and intense the hassles, the poorer the health of the
individual, both physically and mentally
c) Stressors that occur on a daily basis may have a negative impact on
cognitive functioning, including memory impairment
2. Health refers to the general condition of the body and mind in terms of
soundness and vigor.
C. Health Promotion
1. Motivation and emotion are constructs that have much in common, though each has significant
aspects that distinguish it from the other. Discuss with the class what seems to be the primary
difference between the two concepts? Why is it significant?
2. Have the class think of times when they felt strongly motivated but not “emotional.” Is it also
possible to feel strong emotion, without simultaneously feeling motivated to act in some way on
those feelings? If either case is possible, is something “missing” when motivation lacks emotion?
What is missing, and does it matter?
3. Think about emotion in an evolutionary sense. What functions does it serve? What functions has it
served in the past? Is emotion still a necessary phenomenon for us, living as we do, in our locked
homes and automobiles?
4. Living with stress on a long-term basis is a part of the lives of many people, and that stress can be
acute (Honey, I just wrecked the car!) or chronic (if one more fool cuts in front of me on the freeway
... ). Consider the physiological and psychological impacts of having severe, chronic respiratory
allergies; what issues would this bring to mind in terms of coping and attempting to live an
unencumbered lifestyle?
5. Discuss coping styles in terms of Type A, Type B, and Type C personalities. Which personality type
is most likely to use which coping style? Have students determine why a particular personality
type responds with a given coping style.
6. Discuss learned helplessness from the perspective of controllable versus uncontrollable stressors.
7. Can students give any examples of how one person’s eustress might be another person’s distress?
(What about the obvious examples of watching horror movies, riding on roller coasters, being in
certain occupations, or even studying for a final exam?)
8. Have the class name some ways in which they could reduce the stress in their lives. As they listen
to others name their stress-reducing strategies, do they (or do you) hear any that could reduce
yours? Do you also hear some ideas that would only make your stress worse?
Theories of Emotion
Emotion, as a concept, seems to imply that a person is “changed” or “moved” from one state to another, as
from happy to sad or angry. Emotion consists of several components. They are:
1. The affective component is observed in the reaction of the body. Reactions may take the form of
sweating, trembling, and turning white. This component is a function of the activity of the
autonomic nervous system, preparing your body for action, if action becomes necessary.
2. The cognitive component consists of the thoughts and beliefs that accompany any given emotion.
This component provides a label for what your body is expressing.
3. The facial expression is the look on your face.
4. The reactions to the emotion, such as running from a menacing bear.
These varied components imply that emotion is a multifaceted construct. There are three dominant
traditions or perspectives from which to study emotion. They are, in order of historical appearance:
biological, learning, and cognitive.
Biological/Psychophysical Tradition
This approach is based on Darwin’s theory of evolution, and proposes that the ways in which organisms
express emotion have had survival value in the past. This would imply that dogs snarl when they feel
threatened because snarling itself has been interpreted by other dogs and animals as threatening behavior.
Snarling helped drive off threats and avoid fights. As Darwin proposed, this form of emotional response
has (or had) survival value.
Learning Tradition
This approach is a drive theory perspective. Kenneth Spence divided the study of emotion into motivational
events, and proposed two categories of events. They are:
• Appetitive states, such as hunger and thirst, involve situations that lead to approach behavior
• Aversive states involve situations that lead the organism to withdraw or flee the situation. Pain is the
most well known aversive stimuli, and the most frequently studied.
Spence argued that the drive that activates aversive states was a result of the development of an internal,
emotional response in the organism, that the organism’s emotionality was aroused by an aversive stimulus
(pain, fear, and electric shock). Spence’s basic premise was that organisms learn from experience which
situations have aversive potential, and then strive to avoid those situations.
Cognitive Tradition
This approach stresses the importance of cognitive appraisal of a situation. Richard Lazarus felt that bodily
(affective) changes were not sufficient for the experience of a true emotional feeling, that we must assess a
situation as emotion producing before we can experience emotion. The first model to posit this idea was that
proposed by the Lazarus–Schachter theory of appraisal.
We now have a foundation for the study of emotion, so let us discuss theories that have been popular at
different times throughout the years.
As an example of how this might look in real life, imagine meeting an angry bear in the woods:
James and Lange felt that the perception of a stimulus, such as a snarling bear, led to changes in the body.
These changes are then fed back to the brain, indicating a “changed state” and prompting a change in the
subjective experience of emotion. James and Lange felt that the perception of changes in bodily sensations
led to emotional experience. James and Lange would argue that you do not run because you are afraid of the
bear, but rather you are afraid because you run.
As an example of how this might look in real life, imagine meeting an angry bear in the woods:
physiological arousal and a cognitive label are necessary for the full experience of emotion. If either
component is missing, the subjective state experienced would be incomplete. In some ways, this model
combines and modifies the James–Lange and Cannon–Bard theories. Like James and Lange, this theory
proposed that bodily changes are a part of the emotional experience, and, like Cannon and Bard, it posits
that interpretation of the event is important for full experience. However, this model goes beyond previous
theories in the position that both physiological and cognitive labeling are required for the full experience of
emotion. This theory has been quite popular since its introduction in 1963. Support for the theory, however,
has been modest; it has been criticized on both methodological and empirical grounds. Attempts to replicate
Schachter’s work have been unsuccessful. In diagram form, this theory would look like this:
As an example of how this might look in real life, imagine meeting an angry bear in the woods:
Since this model first appeared, some psychologists have suggested that the cognitive component alone may
be both a necessary and sufficient component for the generation of emotion.
Stress is a potential causal factor in illness, in that it can open the door for both physical and psychological
problems. Some of the earlier work in this area looked at the role played in illness by Major Stressful Life
Events (MSLE). This research showed the impact of MSLEs using a questionnaire entitled the Social
Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). Each item on the scale has been given a certain number of points, with
higher numbers corresponding to more stressful events. Once a respondent has completed the scale, the
points for each item are totaled. The higher the score on the scale, the higher the stress level.
In addition to large stressful events, psychologists have recently come to believe that daily hassles may have
a larger detrimental impact on us than previously thought. Research suggests that these chronic stressors
are more predictive of physical and psychological illness than are the more acute stressors found on the
Coping style is an internal coping resource, consisting of a general tendency for a person to deal with a
stressful event in a particular way. Examples of coping styles include:
Type A Behavior
There are coping styles that successfully deal with stress, but that also have an adverse impact on
health. One of them, Type A Behavior, has been associated with heart disease for several years. The
Type A individual was first identified in 1978 and is characterized by aggression, competition,
achievement, time urgency, and hostility. Type A individuals lead fast-track lives. Many of your
students are probably junior Type A’s. They work long hours, are impatient with what they perceive as
slow behavior in others, and often finish other people’s sentences for them. The Type A behavior
syndrome is important because it has been reliably related to the development of coronary artery
disease, as a function of excessive physiological arousal in response to stressful events. Recently,
researchers have identified the hostility component of Type A behavior as more damaging than time
urgency or competitiveness to the circulatory system.
We have a great deal of data to indicate that social support during times of stress can effectively reduce
psychological distress. People who had families who stayed in the Middle East with them during the Gulf
War did much better psychologically than those who had no family there and those whose families
returned to their native country. Social support also seems both to decrease the likelihood of physical illness
and to speed recovery. Research has been attempting to identify precisely how social support mitigates
stress and has arrived at two hypotheses:
• The Direct Effects Hypothesis suggests that social support is always beneficial, during both stressful
and nonstressful times.
• The Buffering Hypothesis suggests that the physical and mental health benefits of social support occur
mainly during periods of high stress and not during periods of low stress.
Extensive research suggests that both hypotheses are at least partially correct.
Some of us have a tough time managing and coping with stress on our own. In such cases, stress
management programs are helpful. As an example, college can be an appallingly stressful experience for
students. Being away from home, living with strangers, sharing living space, taking demanding courses,
and increased competition for grades can be very stressful. Many colleges offer programs to help students
adjust to and cope with the stresses of university life by teaching them stress management techniques. One
important lesson of these courses is that stress is subjective and self-reinforcing. The more stressful you
perceive an event to be, the more stressful it will become. These programs also teach students to recognize
and record things that stress them out and to write down their reactions to these events. Sharing
experiences and learning relaxation techniques are also useful components of many courses. The goal of
these courses is not to eliminate stress, but rather to recognize its causes, to cope with them effectively, and
to keep stress to a manageable level.
males. How much of that may be due to excess rumination about feelings of sadness based on “getting in
touch” with those feelings? Also, females have historically been chastised for openly expressing anger in
public, as it was not considered “ladylike.” But society put females in a somewhat impossible situation, by
encouraging them to cry and express sadness, but not show anger, and then labeling them as “weak” when
they did. Other than increased risk of depression (mentioned above), in what ways have these social norms
and expectations affected females?
Yea Event
1914- World War I was fought.
1920 Physiologist Walter Cannon confirmed that the stress response is part of a unified mind–
body system.
1929 The Great Depression began in America.
1939- World War II was fought.
1956 Hans Selye published his theory of chronic stress, known today as the General
Adaptation Syndrome.
1960’s Neal Miller found that rats can modify their heart rates if given pleasure through brain
stimulation when their heart rate increases or decreases.
1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
1967 Holmes and Rahe published the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.
1968 Kenneth Cooper extolled the virtues of aerobic exercising, spawning the fitness movement.
1969 The first human moon landing occurred.
1974 Friedman, Meyer, and Rosenhan published Type A Behavior and Your Heart.
1975 Herbert Benson popularized the notion of the relaxation response and its role in dealing
successfully with stress.
1979 Albert Ellis and Robert Harper published A New Guide to Rational Living, emphasizing the
role of self talk in stress.
1980 Ronald Reagan was elected President.
1980’s Psychoneuroimmunology emerged as a discipline as researchers explored the relationship
between psychological processes, the nervous system, endocrine system, and the immune
Gross, J. (1998). The Emerging Field of Emotion Regulation: An Integrative Review. Special Issue: New Directions in
Research on Emotion. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 271–299. A comprehensive review of the field of
emotional regulation, an up-and-coming area of emotional research.
Kaniasty, K. & Norris, F. H. (1995). Mobilization and Deterioration of Social Support Following Natural Disasters.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4(3), 94–98. Discusses responses to natural disasters, in terms of
individual coping resources, and the mobilization of social support within communities. Most
interesting in view of the recent natural disasters visited on the United States.
Lazarus, R. (1993). From Psychological Stress to the Emotions: A History of Changing Outlooks. Annual Review of
Psychology, 44, 1–21. A review of changes in theory of stress and emotion over the last several hundred
years. Also presents a cognitive-motivational-relational theory of emotion.
Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. New York: Springer. Presents an overview
of Lazarus’ cognitive approach to the study of stress and emotion. Includes coverage of how to assess
Maier, S. F., Watkins, L. R., & Fleshner, M. (1994). Psychoneuroimmunology: The Interface between Behavior,
Brain, and Immunity. American Psychologist, 49(12), 1004–1017. An overview of this emergent field for the
general psychologist, with implications that behavioral-psychological processes may be capable of
altering immune functioning.
Pennebaker, J. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions (Rev. Ed.). New York: The
Guilford Press. Investigates the influence of emotional expression on the course of disease within the
body. Emotional expression is found to be positively related to physical health.
Sapolsky, R. (1996). Why Stress Is Bad for Your Brain. Science, 273(5276), 749–750. Reviews research that
suggests that stress can cause areas of the brain to shrink. Also looks at other negative influences of
stress on physiological and psychological functioning.
Taylor, S. E. (1991). Health Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Taylor is a pioneer in the migration of
psychologists to the field of health and stress, and her text reflects a broad familiarity with all aspects of
this rapidly growing area.
Taylor, S., Repetti, R., & Seeman, T. (1997). Health Psychology: What Is an Unhealthy Environment and How Does
It Get Under the Skin? Annual Review of Psychology, 48, 411–447. Examines the role of environments in
creating chronic and acute health disorders. An excellent introduction and review of the field of health
Zajonc, R. (1998). Emotions: The Handbook Of Social Psychology, Vol. 2 (4th Ed.), 591–632. A very through
review of the research and theory of emotions from antiquity to the present by a leading researcher in the
A review of what researchers are discovering about why we act and feel as we do, from the exhilaration
of love to the agony of failure.
Key Issues
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, biological motivation for sexual behavior, reproductive behavior of rats
and the physiological effects, physiological and psychological motivation for romantic love, the
universality of emotions, and the effects of optimism and pessimism on physiology.
Rat sexual behavior.
Psychologist Norman Adler studies reproductive behavior and its physiological consequence in rats.
Martin Seligman studies the effects of optimism and pessimism on physiology and behavior.
Abraham Maslow examines the effects of the interplay between human nature and society on
How research is forcing a profound rethinking of the relationship between mind and body. A new
biopsychosocial model is replacing the traditional biomedical model.
Key Issues
How psychological factors affect the physical health and immune systems of the aged, how
psychological factors affect the outcome of in-vitro fertilization, the psychology of biofeedback, the
sources and consequences of stress, behavioral modification and AIDS, and the General Adaptation
Philip Zimbardo demonstrates the process of biofeedback by consciously lowering his pulse rate
through relaxation and concentration.
The three stages of Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome theory.
Anti-drinking Public Service Announcement.
Judith Rodin explains how an increased sense of control and empowerment can have positive effects on
the physiology of the aged. Rodin also discusses how the stress of in-vitro fertilization procedure may
account for its 80% failure rate.
Neal Miller discusses how individuals can change the functioning of their own internal organs
through biofeedback.
Thomas Coates discusses how the combination of medical and psychological research can improve the
understanding of the AIDS virus.
Canadian physician Hans Selye studies how stress can affect physical functioning.
Learning to Live with Stress: Programming the Body for Health (1976). DOCA, 20 minutes
Doctors Hans Selye and Herbert Benson discuss the study of stress and its effects on the human brain and
body. Describes how stress contributes to psychosomatic illnesses, such as heart problems, hypertension,
high blood pressure, and ulcers.
Understanding Human Personality
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the constructs of personality and self
2. Identify the various sources of data on personality
3. Differentiate between type and trait theories of personality
4. Define traits, as operationalized by Allport
5. Explain the five-factor model of personality
6. Understand the significance of the consistency paradox
7. Describe the major theories of personality and identify important differences between them
8. Explain the criticism of each theory of personality
9. Explain the significance of the reciprocal relationship between self-esteem and self-
I. Definitions
A. Personality is the complex set of unique psychological qualities that influence an
individual’s characteristic patterns of behavior, across different situations and over time.
B. Core aspect of the self is the subjective, private aspect of personality that gives coherence
and order to behavior.
B. Freudian Psychoanalysis
1. Freud’s theory attempts to explain:
a) Origins and course of personality development
b) Nature of mind
c) Aspects of abnormal personality
d) Ways personality can be changed by therapy
2. Presumes the core of personality to be the events within a person’s
mind (intrapsychic events) that motivate behavior
3. Freud presumed all behavior was motivated, that so-called chance or
accidents did not cause behavior, but were determined by motives
4. Drives and Psychosexual Development
a) Postulating a common biological basis for behavioral patterns
observed in his patients, Freud ascribed motivational source
to psychic energy within each individual
b) Individuals presumed to have inborn instincts or drives that
were tension systems
c) Freud originally postulated two basic drives:
D. Post-Freudian Theories
1. Intellectual descendants of Freud made several changes in the
psychoanalytic view of personality
a) More emphasis on ego functions
b) Social variables viewed as playing a more significant role in
shaping of personality
c) Less emphasis on importance of libidinal energy
d) Extension of personality development beyond childhood,
including the entire life span
2. Alfred Adler
about a task
1. Material me: the bodily self, along with surrounding physical objects
2. Social me: the individual’s awareness of how others view him or her
3. Spiritual me: the self that monitors private thoughts and feelings
4. Possible selves are “the ideal selves that we would very much like to
become,” and are also “the selves we could become and the selves we
are afraid of becoming”
E. Evaluation of Self-Theories
1. Self theories succeed at capturing the individual’s concept of their
5. Cognitive theories add reminders that the way the trip is planned,
organized, and remembered will be affected by the mental map the
driver selects for the journey
6. Self theories remind the driver to consider the image his or her driving
ability projects to back-seat drivers and pedestrians
B. Projective Tests
1. Basics
1. Have the class suppose that there was no continuity in behavior or personality and that we
faced each situation anew, without reference to prior experiences and reactions. Discuss
with the class the changes this scenario might evoke in one’s self-concept.
2. What might be the advantage or disadvantage to describing the personality of a
developmentally delayed child using the trait orientation? What about use of the type
orientation? Ask the class for a show of hands indicating how many prefer each
perspective. Have individual class members indicate why they prefer one perspective to the
3. In what sense does our personality limit our freedom to act? In what sense does our
personality give us greater freedom to act than a cat or dog enjoys?
4. Discuss the five-factor model of personality. Aside from the obvious applications in the
mental health industry, ask the class what other applications they see for this model. Have
students expand on their perspective.
5. Of the various approaches to personality detailed in this chapter, which do students find to
be most satisfying in a personal sense? Is this an emotional or an intellectual choice?
Discuss the implications.
6. We all assume somewhat different roles and personalities in different social situations. If
you could be only one of these “people,” which would you choose? How would other
people’s reactions to you be changed in those situations where you now displayed a new
set of characteristics?
7. A surprisingly large percentage of college students (about 50 percent) describe themselves
as “shy.” Can such a self-imposed label be changed by the time one reaches college age? If
so, how? How does someone come to be “shy”? What is the difference between being a
“shy person” and being “situationally shy”?
8. You might want to discuss Judith Rich Harris’s book, The Nurture Assumption: Why Children
Turn Out the Way They Do; Parents Matter Less than You Think and Peers Matter More, in which
she argues that peers, not parents, play the most important role in shaping a child’s
personality. As the text explains, there is abundant research that consistently indicates that
parents play a large, if not critical, role in shaping a child’s personality. As the text
suggests, if parents had little or no impact, then there would be no observable birth order
effects. Additionally, Harris ignores the fact that since children tend to grow up in
neighborhoods where many families have similar values and behavior standards, they are
surrounded by other children with fairly similar values to their own. Children may also
self-select friends based on how similar their attitudes and interests are to their own. While
peers clearly have some effect, especially during the middle school and high school years,
there is no evidence that the effects of peer influence override parental influences in the
long run to the degree argued by Harris. How do students feel about this? Do their own
experiences confirm or deny Harris’s theories? Why or why not?
Epoch 1: Infancy. Infancy begins at birth and continues until the appearance of articulate speech.
This time is highlighted by the influence of maternal tenderness and anxiety. The oral zone is
important here, as it brings food and sustenance, as well as breathing, crying, and thumb-sucking.
Nursing provides the infant with its first prototaxic mode or experience in interpersonal
relationships. This is a primitive mode of experiencing internal and external stimuli, is prominent
in early infancy, consists of successive momentary discrete states, and cannot be communicated to
others or formulated into symbols (i.e., language).
Around 12 to 18 months of life, trial-and-error language begins to appear, with early sounds being
imitations of those in the environment This represents the parataxic mode, and it ushers in the
second stage of personality development. The parataxic mode is a way of experiencing internal and
external stimuli that is characterized by use of private symbols and a lack of the conventional
concepts of cause and effect.
Past infancy and moving into childhood, we see the development of the self-system, the organized
perception of one’s self. The self-system includes the desirable “good-me” and the undesirable
“bad-me.” The system is a result of experiences with one’s own body and the reflected opinions of
significant others, and has anxiety reduction as its primary goal.
Epoch 2: Childhood. Children now begin to develop use of language and to acquire responses for
averting anxiety and parental punishment. These responses include deception, rationalization,
behaving in the way parents expect in order to please them, and increasing the use of sublimation.
Of course, some punishment does inevitably occur, and this results in growth of the “bad-me” part
of the self-system. As long as parents continue to reinforce the “good-me” part of the child’s self-
system, the child will adjust normally.
Epoch 3: The Juvenile Era. This epoch begins with the emergence of the need for playmates, which
is about the time the child enters school. The syntaxic mode becomes prominent now, and is the most
highly developed mode of experiencing internal and external stimuli. This mode is characterized by
use of socially understood symbols (i.e., words and numbers), and by the understanding of
conventional ideas of cause and effect. According to Sullivan, the ability to live with and among
other people will have developed by the end of this epoch.
Epoch 4: Preadolescence. This stage begins with the emergence of the need for a more intimate
relationship with a specific member of the same sex; Sullivan called this individual the chum. The
need for the chum appears around ages 8 to 10 years, and Sullivan considered this relationship
critical to the child’s future ability to form intimate relationships of both a sexual and nonsexual
nature during the adult years. Sullivan felt that an effective chumship could be instrumental in
altering excessive egocentricity (such as tendencies to pout when things go wrong), over
dependence and irresponsibility, and the misguided belief that we should be liked by everyone. He
saw the chum as a sort of reality check between childhood and adolescence. In addition, during
this period, we see the formation of the first structured social groups, such as scout troops.
Epoch 5: Early Adolescence. This epoch begins with puberty and the appearance of the lust
dynamism that leads to the desire for a close relationship with a member of the opposite sex.
Sullivan felt this period to be a great one for maladjustment, due to the societal restrictions on the
adolescent’s ability to satisfy the lust dynamism. He also noted that the adolescent’s early attempts
at heterosexual relationships can (and often do) lead to embarrassing outcomes, such as impotence,
frigidity, premature ejaculation, any and all of which can lead to serious damage to one’s self-
esteem. He felt that parental support during this time was critical to the successful transition of this
period. If the attempts at heterosexual relationships are successful, and they usually are, then the
child has taken another positive step up the ladder of interpersonal relations.
Epoch 6: Late Adolescence. Late adolescence originates with the achievement of satisfying sexual
activity. Of course, the adolescent is now functioning (at least part of the time) in the realm of
reality, such as working and paying taxes, and having increased social responsibilities (helping
care for an elderly grandparent or a younger sibling, moving away from home and accepting the
concurrent adult life-roles). Sullivan feels that those adolescents having the experience of attending
college have an advantage. They have an extra few years to make this transition beyond their high-
school graduation.
Epoch 7: Adulthood. Harry Stack Sullivan did not say a great deal about adulthood, except that it
represented the completion of personality development. The reason Sullivan did not say much
about adulthood is that he was a psychiatrist, and psychiatrists do not get many opportunities to
observe normally functioning adults. Sullivan was smart enough to know that what he observed in
the pathological adult population was not applicable to the rest of the nonpathological population.
controversy. This issue is directly related to any discussion of personality as well. You might ask
students how much of personality they believe is genetically inherited (nature) and how much is
learned from the environment (nurture). While generally, researchers argue that both appear to play
a role in personality, you might point out that how much of a role each plays may depend on what
part of personality you are discussing. For example, genetics clearly plays an important role in
nervous system development, which can affect traits such as introversion. On the other hand, the
environment (nurture) plays an important role in emotional maturation, as evidenced by Harlow
and Spitz’s studies on the effects of early isolation. Ultimately, one of the best ways to sum up the
research on this controversy is to say that nature sets a potential range of development, and nurture
determines where, within that range, a person will end up. With some aspects of personality,
nature sets a wide range of development, giving the environment plenty of room to have an impact.
With other aspects of personality, nature sets a narrow range of development, leaving the
environment room for only a minor impact. With most aspects of personality, nature appears to set
a moderate range of potential development.
Phase 2: Adding Women to Psychology. In this phase, women’s work is included in the field of
psychology, but usually within the overall male-oriented paradigm. Karen Horney’s
contributions within the psychoanalytic field would represent this phase.
Phase 3: Women as Inherently Different and Deviant. Viewing men as the norm and women
as special exceptions occurs in Phase 3. Freud’s view of mature female sexuality is used to
illustrate the point. Although aware of the sexual role of the clitoris, Freud insisted that mature
sexuality is located in the vagina. Regarding research, Torrey notes that when differences did
appear, psychologists have usually interpreted them as showing female inferiority. Witkin, for
example, described the holistic style of perception he found in his female participants as a
liability to thinking analytically, rather than as a capacity for global synthesis (Torrey, 1987, p.
Phase 4: Taking the Psychology of Women Seriously. This phase involves the feminist study
of women, their development and social rules. Gilligan’s challenge to Kohlberg’s theory
represents this stage, as does Homer’s extension of achievement motivation (McClelland).
Phase 5: All the Human Experience, Psychology Redefined. A paradigmatic shift would be
necessary within psychology to describe the human experience as a discipline. Until extensive
work concerning women is accomplished, it will be difficult to envision the changes within the
field. Do different theories represent different phases? Are men and women really so different?
If so, what are the social, political, and economic implications of personality differences? Since
women are becoming the majority in the field of psychology, what impact do you think this will
have on the psychology of the 21st century?
Allport’s most significant book, Personality: A Psychological Interpretation, was published in 1937
and enjoyed a great reception. (The book was thoroughly revised 24 years later under the title
Pattern and Growth in Personality.) His approach to understanding human personality as a growing,
changing system of traits, attitudes, and habits became well known. Allport is responsible for
emphasizing the importance of both the concept of attitudes in social psychology and the concept
of personality traits.
From 1939 to 1949, he was the Harvard University editor of the Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology and was elected president of the American Psychological Association in 1939. He co-
founded the Department of Social Relations at Harvard in 1946 and, thereafter, was closely
identified with the “third force” in psychology, the humanistic psychologists. Allport received the
Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award in 1964 and continued to pursue his research and
writing until his death in 1967.
and practice. Perhaps his participation at the Institute of Human Relations at Yale, where he was in
contact with anthropologists and sociologists primarily concerned with the influence of the social
milieu on the individual, impressed him with the limitations of analysis.
With the publication of two landmark books, Social Learning and Imitation in 1941 and Personality
and Psychotherapy in 1950, he and his colleague, John Dollard, created a sensation. These works
demonstrated that social learning, psychoanalytic treatment, and the origins of neurosis could be
understood in terms of classical learning theory. The intelligent, innovative nature of Miller’s
accomplishment brought him a Newcomb-Cleveland Prize in 1951 and a Warren Medal in 1954.
In the same year that Personality and Psychotherapy was published, Miller applied his theories of
behavior modification to victims of combat neurosis with a high degree of success, essentially
abandoning the psychoanalytic approach to therapy. True to his self-portrait as a “bridge-builder,”
he translated the implications of his research and therapeutic techniques to a more physiologically
based line of inquiry, investigation into the physiology of learned responses. He used electrical
stimulation of parts of the brains of animal participants to elicit motivational sensations such as
fear, pain, and pleasure, and demonstrated that an electrical or chemical stimulation of the brain
may bring about sensations of hunger. Following the example of Pavlov, he continues to explore a
wide range of learned visceral responses. In accord with what he has already discovered about
learned visceral responses, he designed a lightweight electromechanical instrument that alerts
children with scoliosis whenever they lapse into incorrect posture. The results of this treatment
have been encouraging.
Although he is now an emeritus professor, Miller remains active in his research and conceptual
contributions to the field of behavioral medicine. Miller served as president of the American
Psychological Association in 1961, was awarded the National Medal of Science, and has been
elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
client in realizing his or her potential, and he conducted some of the first empirical studies of the
process and effectiveness of psychotherapy. He was instrumental in elevating humanistic
psychology to its stature as a “Third Force” in psychology, and was elected president of the
American Psychological Association in 1947.
In spite of all his successes, Rogers continued to be criticized from many sides. Even friends and
colleagues described his views as overly optimistic—particularly his faith that tense situations
such as racial confrontations can be resolved by person-centered therapy techniques. Nevertheless,
Rogers, if anything, grew more optimistic. During the last few years of his life, in response to the
growing popularity of his client-centered therapy, he trained facilitators (therapists) in Germany,
Japan, and Brazil. His notable works include Client-Centered Therapy (1951) and On Becoming a
Person (1961).
Yea Event
1900 Freud published what many believe was his greatest work, The Interpretation of
1913 Carl Jung broke ranks with Freud and soon became a major figure in the
development of an alternative psychoanalytic theory, analytic psychology.
1914- World War I was fought.
1920 Alfred Adler published the Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology, outlining
his views on the social ramifications of psychoanalysis.
1921 Hermann Rorschach developed his famous projective test, composed of a series of
symmetrical inkblots.
1929 The Great Depression began in America.
1937 Gordon Allport published Personality: A Psychological Interpretation, outlining his
trait theory of personality.
1937 Karen Horney published The Neurotic Personality of Our Time, describing her
theory of personality.
1938 Henry Murray published Explorations in Personality and developed a projective
test called the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), a series of black-and-white
drawings of a person or persons in ambiguous situations.
1939- World War II was fought.
1940s Carl Rogers developed his ideas on the humanistic view of personality
1943 Starke Hathaway and J. C. McKinley published the first edition of the MMPI,
which soon became the most widely used personality test ever.
1950 Raymond Cattell developed the 16 PF, which later became a widely used
personality inventory.
1951 Carl Rogers published Client-Centered Therapy, explaining how his ideas could be
applied to therapy.
1954 Abraham Maslow published Motivation and Personality, explaining the
relationship of his hierarchy of needs to both motivation and personality
1957 Sputnik, the first satellite, was launched.
1963 Albert Bandura, with R. H. Walters, published Social Learning Personality and
Development, explaining the influences of social learning on personality growth.
1973 Walter Mischel challenged the basic idea that personality traits have cross-
situational consistency, and proposed a cognitive-social learning theory of
1980 Ronald Reagan was elected President.
1986 Albert Bandura published Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social
Cognitive Theory, presenting his influential self-efficacy theory.
1989 The University of Minnesota published the second edition of the MMPI, which
was standardized on a larger, more heterogeneous group of people than the first
Cantor, N. & Harlow, R. E. (1994). Personality, Strategic Behavior, and Daily-Life Problem Solving.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 3 (6), 169–172. A look at the problem-solving efforts
used by individuals as they work toward solving the “life tasks” in their daily lives.
Carver, C. S., & Scheier, M. F. (1992). Perspectives on Personality, 2nd Ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Presents very readable and current coverage of personality psychology by two of the better-
known researchers in the area; includes much of their own research.
Costa, P., & McCrae, R. (1998). Trait Theories of Personality. New York: Plenum Press. The fathers of
the Big Five personality theory make an argument for their system of personality.
Evans, R. (1981). Dialogue with C. G. Jung. New York: Praeger Special Studies/Praeger Scientific. Dr.
Richard Evans conducts a one-on-one interview with Carl Jung, exploring Jung’s relationship
with Freud, and his reactions to various psychological issues and concepts.
Ewen, R. (1998). An Introduction to Theories of Personality (5th Ed.). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. An excellent introduction to the field of personality. Presents the theories of eleven
major figures in personality psychology.
Freud, S. (1961). The Ego and the Id. New York: Norton. Original work published in 1923. Translated
by James Strachey.
Freud, S. (1963). An Outline of Psychoanalysis. New York: W. W. Norton. Original work published
1940. Translated by James Strachey.
Gay, P. (1988). Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: W.W. Norton. The definitive biography on
Freud. Provides rich details about his life, and presents his ideas in easily accessible form.
Hall, C., & Lindzey, G. (1978). Theories of Personality, (3rd Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. A
classic text on personality theory.
Hogan, R. (1986). What Every Student Should Know About Personality. In V. P. Makosky (Ed.), The G.
Stanley Hall Lectures Vol. 6. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. A brief,
entertaining summary of some of the most important research and theoretical issues in
personality psychology. As with Hall’s other works, this is worth the read.
Jung, C. (1990). The Basic Writings of C. G. Jung. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Translated by
Richard Carrington. Presents Jung’s most important writings on the nature of human
Rogers, C. (1961). On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy. An older work, but
certainly worth the time. It provides the foundation for understanding Rogers’ client-centered
How psychologists systematically study the origins of self-identity and self-esteem, social
determinants of self-conceptions, and the emotional and motivational consequences of beliefs
about oneself
Key Issues
The process of individualization in children, Freud’s Ego, Id, and Superego, the theory of self-
efficacy, the relationship between nonverbal communication and status, the effects of self-
presentation on the reaction of others, and the effects of reward and competition on creativity.
Status differences in nonverbal behavior on communication.
New Interviews
Hazel Markus looks at the relationship between the self and culture and examines the mutual
constitution of the two.
full-time to him, taking him to the doctor at the slightest provocation. At 14, his parents sent him to
a boarding school in Massachusetts. A developing hearing loss isolated him from friendships. The
highlight of his stay in the East was a ride with his father in a seaplane that “fired his fascination
with airplanes and marked the beginning of a lifelong love affair with aviation, his most enduring
Later, when he went to a California school, Hughes spent much of his time alone, riding his horse
in the hills and visiting his Hollywood screenwriter uncle. At his uncle’s Sunday brunches,
Hughes met many stars and movie moguls, as did his father, who had an eye for beautiful women.
Hughes began to perceive people as objects to be avoided or collected. He would bring teenaged
aspiring starlets to Hollywood, put them up in apartments, and, as they waited for stardom, forget
all about them (Fowler, 1986).
A few years before Hughes’s death, his former barber reflected on the eccentric billionaire’s
personality, “I know he has his problems: don’t we all? He just operates a little different from the
rest of us. Who’s to say who’s wrong?” (Keats, 1966).
Psychological Disorders
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Define “normal” and “abnormal”
2. Identify distinguishing differences between normal and abnormal behavior
3. Explain current methods of studying and assessing abnormal behavior
4. Describe the goals of psychological assessment and classification of disorders
5. Explain the use of each axis of DSM-IV-TR
6. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the major types of psychological disorders
7. Explain the theoretical positions from which abnormal behavior is studied
8. Describe the evidence that some abnormal behaviors have a genetic component
9. Name and discuss the types of schizophrenic disorders
10. Suggest some factors that may play causal roles in the development of mental illness
I. The Nature of Psychological Disorders
A. Definitions
1. Psychopathological functioning involves disruptions in emotional,
behavioral, or thought processes that lead to personal distress or that
block one’s ability to achieve important goals
2. Abnormal psychology is the area of psychological investigation most
directly concerned with understanding the nature of individual
pathologies of mind, mood, and behavior
B. Deciding What Is Abnormal
1. DSM-IV-TR provides seven criteria for determining behavior as
a) Distress or disability: An individual experiences personal
distress of disabled functioning, producing risk of physical
and/or psychological deterioration or loss of freedom of
b) Maladaptiveness: An individual behaves in a fashion that
hinders goal attainment, does not contribute to personal
well-being, or often interferes significantly with the goals of
others and needs of society
c) Irrationality: An individual acts or speaks in ways that are
1. The 4th revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) classifies, defines, and describes more than 200
mental disorders
2. DSM-IV-TR emphasizes the description of patterns of symptoms and
courses of disorders, rather than etiological theories or treatment
3. DSM-IV-TR uses dimensions or axes that portray information about
the psychological, social, and physical factors that may be associated
with a psychological disorder
4. Current DSM-IV-TR categories or axes are:
categories of phobias.
a) Social phobia is a persistent, irrational fear, arising in
anticipation of a public situation in which an individual can
be observed by others
b) Specific phobias occur in response to several different types of
objects or situations
1. What if a well-controlled study showed that “crazy” people were more creative, happier,
and lived longer than “normal” or “sane” people? Ask the class how this knowledge
might change their individual therapies of abnormal or pathological behavior.
2. What if someone were to give each member of your class a psychiatric diagnostic label
and offer each of them $100,000 if they would go into a mental hospital ward and live up
to their label for a month without being discharged as either cured or normal? How well
do class members think they would do? What specific acts would they engage in? Have
a student randomly select a diagnostic label from the chapter and then have the class list
the specific actions they would perform to demonstrate the accuracy of the diagnosis.
3 What does “abnormal” actually mean? Ask the class to give you an operating definition.
Does it mean “crazy”? “Different”? “Nuts”? See how many “definitions” of the term
you can get and be ready for responses you would never have imagined!
4. Because of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill that occurred in the 1960s and the
ensuing lack of community health support for that population, we are confronted with
the probability that many of the “homeless” may actually be schizophrenics who are no
longer on medication. Does this seem to be a plausible explanation for the increase in
homeless individuals?
5. Should the mentally ill be forced to take medication if medication exists that will
ameliorate their symptoms? Schizophrenics often consider the voices that they hear gifts
from God. Should we deprive them of this gift? Should they be “locked up” in an
institution where they could receive sound nutrition and protection from the elements?
Are they “better off’ on the streets? What are the ethical issues involved in each of the
above situations?
6. How valid does the class think the “preparedness hypothesis” is as an explanation for
phobic disorders? If we “carry around” an evolutionary tendency to jump when startled
(i.e., “to respond quickly and ‘thoughtlessly’ to once-feared stimuli”), how did that
tendency actually get to us? Think about phobias in terms of the collective unconscious,
as espoused by Carl Jung. What sort of justification might we offer for applying Jung’s
hypothesis to the preparedness hypothesis?
• Family Factors (children and adolescents): in addition to the above, for children and
adolescents, the following stressors may be considered: cold, hostile, intrusive, abusive,
conflictual, or confusingly inconsistent relationships between parents or toward child;
physical or mental illness of a family member; lack of parental guidance or excessively
harsh or inconsistent parental control; insufficient, excessive, or confusing social
cognitive stimulation; anomalous family situation, complex or inconsistent parental
custody and visitation arrangements; foster family; institutional rearing; loss of nuclear
family members.
Interestingly, the personality that presents for treatment often has little-if any-knowledge of the
multiples-they just are aware that something is a little unusual.
Onset of dissociative identity disorder is usually during childhood, but may not be diagnosed
until adulthood. The disorder is chronic, and the degree of impairment varies from mild to
severe. In nearly all cases, the disorder is preceded by abuse, often sexual in nature, or from some
other form of severe emotional trauma during the childhood years. The disorder is seen three to
nine times more frequently in females than in males.
There is some indication that the incidence in first-degree biological relatives of dissociative
identity disorder is higher than that in the general population. Interestingly, a child is often the
first to notice the presence of multiples (e.g., “I have 2 mommies, but it’s okay because they both
love me.”)
This dramatic form of reaction is well illustrated by the widely publicized case of Eve White. Eve,
25 years old and separated from her husband, had sought therapy because of severe, blinding
headaches, frequently followed by “blackouts.” During one of her early therapy sessions, Eve
was greatly agitated. She reported that she had recently been hearing voices. Suddenly she put
both hands to her temples, then looked up at the doctor with a provocative smile and introduced
herself as “Eve Black.”
It was obvious from the voice, gestures, and mannerisms of this second Eve that she was a
separate personality. She was fully aware of Eve White’s doings, but Eve White was unaware of
Eve Black’s existence. Eve White’s “blackouts” were actually the periods when Eve Black was in
control, and the “voices” marked unsuccessful attempts of Eve Black to “come out.” With
extended therapy, it became evident that Eve Black had existed since Eve White’s early
childhood, when she occasionally took over and indulged in forbidden pleasures, leaving the
other Eve to face the consequences. This habit had persisted, and Eve White frequently suffered
Eve Black’s hangovers. After about eight months of therapy, a third personality appeared. This
one, Jane, was more mature, capable, and forceful than the retiring Eve White. She gradually
came to be in control most of the time.
As the therapist probed the memories of the two Eves, he felt sure that some shocking event must
have hastened the development of these distinct alternate personalities in the disturbed child. In
a dramatic moment, the climax of therapy, the missing incident became known. Jane suddenly
stiffened and in a terrified voice began to scream, “Mother … Don’t make me … I can’t do it! I
can’t!” When the screams subsided, a new personality took over. She was able to recall the
shocking event that lay at the bottom of the personality dissociation. At the age of six, Eve White
had been led by her mother to her grandmother’s coffin and been forced to place a goodbye kiss
on the dead face (Thigpen & Cleckley, 1954, 1957; Thigpen, 1961).
“Eve” has since revealed herself to be Chris Sizemore, a Fairfax, Virginia, homemaker. She has
manifested twenty-one different personalities over the past two decades. As new personalities
manifested, they did so in sets of three, each very different. Eve’s/Chris’s last split selves “died”
in 1974, leaving Chris ready to make it on her own (Sizemore & Pitillo, 1977).
The appearance of additional personalities after the “cure” of re-experiencing the event that
supposedly hastened the neurosis calls into question the claim of a cure. Some clinicians believe
that all cases of dissociative personality reflect the efforts of highly suggestible patients to please
their therapists. To develop a dissociative personality requires imaginative involvement with
fantasy, and such imagination is a good predictor of hypnotic suggestibility. These patients are
invariably responsive to hypnotherapy. The concern is that they may also be so suggestible as to
reconstruct their scripts to fit what they believe the therapist would like to hear.
neurotransmitter dopamine. The original form of the dopamine hypothesis was that
schizophrenia, or at least one form of it, was the result of excessive dopamine activity in the
brain. It was soon realized that this hypothesis is an oversimplification, and as other
neurotransmitters became involved, the hypotheses became more complex.
Other explanations have been suggested. In 1977, hemodialysis was reported to lead to dramatic
improvement in a significant number of schizophrenics. Studies sponsored by the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) failed to support the idea that schizophrenia is related to
contaminated blood. It has also been suggested that viral infection plays a role in schizophrenia.
Perhaps the cause is a slow-acting virus that takes years to flare into an active infection that
produces schizophrenic symptoms.
Fetal brain damage during the first trimester of pregnancy has been suggested as a factor that
predisposes people to schizophrenia. A study of 50 male schizophrenics showed that they were
much more likely than non-schizophrenics to have minor physical abnormalities that presumably
resulted from the same interruption of fetal development Additionally, there is a great deal of
evidence from family and twin studies to support the idea of a genetic component in
schizophrenia, although a genetic marker has not been identified.
Research on psychosocial causes also continues. Many mental health professionals take an
interactionist view, the position that schizophrenia results when biological vulnerability is
combined with adverse environmental circumstances. Some psychologists have pointed to
intrafamily problems, and some parents have been labeled “schizophrenogenic” because they
presumably increase the probability of schizophrenia in their children. Stress has also been
suggested as a causal factor in schizophrenia. Research has led scientists to the conclusion that
schizophrenia is probably not a single, unitary disorder, but that there are schizophrenias, which
have several or many causes.
Narcissistic Personality
Some people have argued in recent years that narcissistic personality disorder has become the
characteristic disorder of our time. They have argued that the “baby boom” generation, in
particular is the most self-centered and “spoiled” generation in American history. Some have
even used this idea of generational narcissism to explain some of Bill Clinton’s problems with his
sexual behavior. Do students agree with this idea? Why or why not? What influences have
fostered this belief? At what point does normal self-interest become narcissistic and self-
defeating? How does intrusive press coverage into the personal lives of public figures and
constant hyping of celebrities, athletes, and even criminals by the media contribute to this?
Year Event
1793 Philippe Pinel was appointed head of the Asylum of Bicetre, France. He
immediately sought to improve living conditions and treatment of patients.
1796 William Turk opened the York Retreat in England, a country asylum without
bars or manacles.
1824 Eli Todd founded the Hartford Retreat in the U.S., an institution that sought
to provide proper medical, as well as psychological, treatment for patients.
1841 Dorothea Dix began her campaign for proper care and housing of the
mentally ill.
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species by a Means of Natural
1900 Sigmund Freud wrote what many considered to be his best book, The
Interpretation of Dreams.
1908 Clifford Beers, a former mental patient, founded the National Committee for
Mental Hygiene in Connecticut. Among the Committee’s charter members
was William James. The committee later became known as the National
Association for Mental Health.
1961 Thomas Szasz published The Myth of Mental Illness, suggesting that
psychological disorders have been conceptualized incorrectly.
The major types of mental illness, including schizophrenia, anxiety, and affective and bipolar
disorders, and the major factors that influence them, both biological and psychological.
Key Issues
Mistreatment of mentally ill patients in psychiatric hospitals, biological versus psychological
study of schizophrenia, the role of genetics in mental disorders, genetic study of
schizophrenic and healthy twins, SPECT analysis, and cultural factors in psychopathology.
David Rosenhan details his dehumanizing treatment at a psychiatric hospital after he was
admitted as a patient during an experiment on the perception of mental illness.
Fuller Torrey compares schizophrenia to other biological diseases.
Psychologist Hans Strupp examines the role of early childhood behavior in the development
of schizophrenia.
Irving Gottesman and Torrey Fuller examine the biological and genetic basis of
schizophrenia though NM and SPECT analysis.
Native American psychologist Teresa LaFramboise examines the psychological consequences
of the clash between Native American and generic American cultures.
The relationship among theory, research, and practice, and how treatment of psychological
disorders has been influenced by historical, cultural, and social forces.
Key Issues
Psychosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy, drug therapy, genetic counseling, psychodynamic
therapy, rational emotive therapy, behavioral modification therapy, humanistic therapy.
Archival Demonstrations
A therapist uses fear reduction strategy to help a young boy overcome his fear of dentists.
Another therapist trains a young girl to control her epileptic seizures.
Actual therapy session with a girl who fears dating.
Hans Strupp explains the kinds of patients most suited for psychodynamic therapy. (10:30)
Enrico Jones explains his problems in selecting the most effective therapy for various people
and their various disorders.
Cognitive therapist Albert Ellis explains how to treat patients’ irrational attributes, false
beliefs, and expectations of failure through rational emotive therapy.
Humanistic therapist Rollo May discusses therapy for “normal” people seeking greater
Therapies for Personal Change
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Identify the overall goals of therapeutic interventions
2. Explain how modern forms of therapy developed
3. Discuss the differences in types of therapists
4. Describe the historical and cultural aspects of treatment of the mentally ill
5. Discuss the differences in the major theoretical models of mental illness
6. Explain what happens when an individual receives therapy
7. Describe the differences and advantages in drug and psychotherapy treatments
8. Comment on the general effectiveness of the different types of treatment for mental
I. The Therapeutic Context
A. Goals and Major Therapies
1. The Therapeutic Process Involves Four Primary Goals:
a) Reaching a diagnosis and classifying the disorder
b) Proposing a probable etiology
c) Making a prognosis
d) Prescribing and carrying out some mode of treatment
2. Major Therapeutic Models
a) Biomedical therapies attempt alteration of brain functioning
through chemical or physical interventions
b) Psychotherapy focuses on changing learned, maladaptive
behaviors. There are four major types of psychotherapy
(i) Psychodynamic approach views neurotic suffering as
the outer symptom of inner, unresolved trauma and
(ii) Behavior therapy treats the behaviors themselves as
disturbances that must be modified
(iii) Cognitive therapy attempts restructuring of the
individual’s thoughts away from distorted self-
C. Contingency Management
1. Relies on operant conditioning principles pioneered by B. F. Skinner
2. Refers to the general treatment strategy of changing behavior by
modifying its consequences. Major techniques are:
a) Positive reinforcement strategies
(i) Token economies
(ii) Shaping
(iii) Behavioral contracts
b) Extinction strategies are useful when dysfunctional
behaviors have been maintained by unrecognized
reinforcing circumstances
D. Social-Learning Therapy
1. Social-learning therapy is designed to modify problematic behavior
patterns by arranging conditions in which the client will observe
models being reinforced for a desirable form of responding.
2. Two aspects of this approach include imitation of models and social
skills training
a) Imitation of models: Individuals acquire responses through
observation of others (models)
b) Social-skills training: Training individuals with inadequate
social skills to be more effective using behavioral rehearsal
E. Generalization Techniques
1. Do clients use new behavior patterns generated in the therapeutic
setting in everyday situations?
2. Generalization techniques attempt to increase similarity of target
behaviors, reinforcers, models, and stimulus demands between
therapy and real-life settings
V. Existential-Humanistic Therapies
A. Background
1. Existential crises include problems in everyday living, lack of
meaningful human relationships, and absence of goals or purpose
2. Existential-humanistic philosophy gave rise to the human-potential
movement, which encompassed practices and methods enhancing the
potential of the average human being toward greater levels of
performance and greater richness of experience
B. Client-Centered Therapy
1. Primary goal is to promote healthy psychological growth of the
2. Assumption: All people share the tendency to self-actualize, to reach
their potential
1. Does your university have a psychological counseling center for students? The years one
spends in college are often some of the more trying years of one’s entire life. If your
school is one that does provide counseling services for its students, check it out, in terms
of cost, usual duration of therapeutic intervention, treatment modality, and any
underlying philosophies. You may wish to prepare a summary of this information for the
2. Ask the class what would be most frightening to them if it was learned that tomorrow all
the mental hospitals were to close, and all patients were to be released without
supervision, medications, or treatment. Elaborate on and discuss your class’s concerns.
and failure and negative events to his or her own lack of initiative or ability. In one case, the
maladjusted person is protecting a fragile self-esteem, and in the other, the person is
confirming low self-esteem.
Personalization of events. This is a mild form of delusions of reference, a condition in which
there is a tendency to see personal significance in the behavior of others. A person goes to a
party at which the host serves Mexican food. The person does not like Mexican food and
thinks that the host served it to spite him or her. The professor scolds the class for poor
performance on a test. A student feels that the message is intended for him or her personally.
You may have noticed that the types of faulty thinking described by cognitive psychologists as
roots of emotional disorders are similar to uncritical, rigid thinking in general. Faulty thinking
can distort our interpretation of events, and it can cause us to make unfortunate decisions.
Prefrontal Lobotomies
The doctor who developed the prefrontal lobotomy was given the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Ask
students if they have seen movies such as “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and what their
perception is of the procedure. Do they consider it barbaric, without any possible redeeming
value? If the answer to that question is “yes,” then you can play devil’s advocate by presenting
the following scenario.
Imagine that you are a doctor on staff in a mental hospital in the late 1940s. Your mental hospital,
constructed to hold 700 patients, now has over 1,300. Many of these are violent and need to be
tied to their beds or kept in locked cells. Antipsychotic drugs will not be invented for another five
to ten years. Patients regularly attack one another, as well as the attendants. Other patients run
through the hallways, screaming and yelling. You have one patient who has been in the hospital
for 25 years and has essentially been kept in confinement. You hold no hope of recovery.
However, you know that there is a therapeutic technique that will take only a half-hour, and if
successful, will result in a significant decrease in episodes of violent behavior in this patient.
Again, if the procedure is successful, the patient will appear to be much happier and more
content with life. You also know that for most patients receiving this procedure there will be little
difference in measurable IQ. You know of no behavioral test that routinely shows any mental
deficit from the procedure. Would you, as this patient’s doctor, use this procedure?
When put into this context, most students begin to understand why prefrontal lobotomies were
used as frequently as they were in the 1940s and 1950s. Most college students find it difficult to
imagine a world in which there were no drugs that could be effectively used in place of
procedures such as prefrontal lobotomy. Visiting a mental hospital today, it is difficult for most
of us to imagine the general level of uproar and violence in the hospitals as recently as the 1940s.
The 1948 movie “Snake Pit,” starring Olivia DeHavilland, portrayed the horrors of life as a
patient (and staff member) in state mental hospitals during that “pre-chemotherapy” era.
Identifying Therapists
Ask students to compile a list of therapists in your area. They should gather information about
the therapists’ professional degrees, fees, areas of specialization, forms of treatment, and other
factors. You might divide them into groups and have each group attempt to locate therapists
from a particular theoretical orientation (i.e., psychodynamic, etc.). They might call some
therapists for such information, consult a local mental health association, check the web pages of
professional organizations such as the APA, and consult phone book listings as ways of gathering
this information.
Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (1979). Great Cases in Psychotherapy. Itasca, IL: Peacock. A
collection of case histories drawn from cases treated by great psychotherapists and theorists.
Contributions are drawn from a variety of contemporary modes of therapy.
Whitaker, C. A. (1989). Midnight Musings of a Family Therapist. Edited by M. R. Ryan. New York:
W. W. Norton. Family therapist Whitaker addresses the integrity of the family system, the
marital partnership, and dialectics of the “happy” family.
Wolpe, J. (1990). The Practice of Behavior Therapy, 4th Ed. New York: Pergamon. Deals with the
history and research foundations of behavior therapy, as well as the practice of behavior
analysis, specific techniques, case studies, and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of
behavior therapy.
The relationship among theory, research, and practice, and how treatment of psychological
disorders has been influenced by historical, cultural, and social forces.
Key Issues
Psychosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy, drug therapy, genetic counseling, psychodynamic
therapy, rational emotive therapy, behavioral modification therapy, humanistic therapy.
Archival Demonstrations
A therapist uses fear reduction strategy to help a young boy overcome his fear of dentists.
Another therapist trains a young girl to control her epileptic seizures.
Actual therapy session with a girl who fears dating.
Hans Strupp explains the kinds of patients most suited for psychodynamic therapy.
Enrico Jones explains his problems in selecting the most effective therapy for various people
and their various disorders.
Cognitive therapist Albert Ellis explains how to treat patients’ irrational attributes, false
beliefs, and expectations of failure through rational emotive therapy.
Humanistic therapist Rollo May discusses therapy for “normal” people seeking greater
Social Processes and Relationships
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Explain how the environment or social factors help determine how individuals think,
feel, and behave
2. Discuss the important lessons learned from the Stanford Prison Experiment
3. Describe and discuss the processes of conformity
4. Describe the concepts and processes involved with persuasion and attitude change
5. Explain the concept of the social construction of reality
6. Discuss the importance of attributions and the significance of the fundamental
attributional error
7. Describe theories of social expectancy and self-fulfilling prophecy
8. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of cognitive dissonance
9. Explain how interpersonal attraction relates to prejudice
I. The Power of the Situation
A. Definitions
1. Social psychology is the study of the ways in which thoughts, feelings,
perceptions, motives, and behavior are influenced by interactions
and transactions between people
2. Social context includes the real, imagined, or symbolic presence of
other people; the activities and interactions that take place between
people; the features of the settings in which behavior occurs; and the
expectations and norms that govern behavior in a given setting
1. While colleges have historically been thought of as centers of divergent thought and
intellectual freedom, many political conservatives feel that in recent years many colleges and
universities have become centers of “political correctness” and liberal intellectual rigidity.
While these people may be overstating the case somewhat, certainly there are many
pressures on college students to conform to certain “norms” that exist on every college
campus. These norms may be more social than political, but they still exist. You might
explore with your students what pressures they have felt to conform while in college, in
terms of political thought, dress norms, social mores, and social attitudes. Depending on
where your class is taught, this could turn into a very interesting discussion. (From Koss)
2. In discussing Milgram’s studies with your class, you might want to discuss the sociological
implications. Do students believe that people’s willingness to obey an authority figure in
Milgram’s studies is linked to why national populations will sometimes willingly follow
tyrants like Adolf Hitler? Are the factors that led to Milgram’s results the same ones that lead
to phenomena such as groupthink and risky shift? Does the fact that most Americans believe
an Adolf Hitler could never do here what he did in Germany actually make us more
vulnerable to a Hitler-type if he should ever come along? What are some ways that people
might inoculate themselves from these effects?
3 An elderly man suffered a severe viral infection. Manifestations of the infection included
large blisters on his back, severe muscle and joint pain, and a concomitant depressive
episode. After three months, the man recovered completely. During his final visit to his
physician, as he was being given a clean bill of health, the physician remarked that his
recovery was “remarkable for a man your age.” The physician went on to say that because of
the severity of the virus, “some people just never get over the symptoms.” Before this visit,
the man had been free of pain, his depression was lifting, and he was gradually resuming his
usual level of activity. Within two weeks, the man slipped back into his sick-role behavior of
sitting in his chair all day in front of the television. He began telling everyone he met how ill
he was, and became convinced that he would “never get any better.” Discuss with the class
the psychological mechanisms at work with this man’s “illness” and the comments made by
his physician on that last visit.
4. What would be the consequences of a race of people who were not “social animals,” who
were shy and fearful of all people and preferred to be in isolation?
5. Should parents of seventh and eighth graders try to help their children resist the norms of a
peer-group drug culture? If so, how? What other adolescent, and adult, behaviors are
subject to peer influence? Is this influence harmful or not? 6. What activities would
you arrange for your children if you wanted them to be very social, outgoing extroverts, or
the opposite, social introverts?
6. Ask the class how they might use the cognitive dissonance principle that “changing behavior
changes attitudes” to design programs for:
Cognitive Dissonance
A high school girl believed the use of drugs to be physically harmful and morally wrong. She
was invited to a party given by a group from her class that she admired. Other people at the
party were using cocaine and drinking wine and, because she wanted to be accepted by the
group, she decided she should do what the others were doing. The next day she was tense and
uncomfortable because she had done something that she believed to be wrong. She was suffering
from cognitive dissonance.
The theory of cognitive dissonance was proposed in the 1950s by psychologist Leon Festinger. It
is a very simple theory, but one applicable to an enormous range of situations. Cognitive
dissonance is defined as a state of tension that exists when two (or more) cognitions are
psychologically inconsistent, with that inconsistency creating tension. Festinger considered
tension motivating because when tension occurs, there is a motive to reduce or eliminate it.
“Cognition” is a broad term that includes perception, reasoning, beliefs, values, and attitudes-any
form of knowledge or knowing. “Psychologically inconsistent” means that the individual
possessing the cognitions perceives them to be incompatible or in conflict. This is the Achilles
heel of the theory, because psychological inconsistency is subjective; it cannot be directly
observed and measured.
Dissonance sometimes occurs after making a decision that is irrevocable, or that would be very
difficult to reverse. Suppose a high school senior has narrowed his choice of colleges to two, both
equally attractive. He has to make a decision and choose one of the schools. When he chooses
one, he has to give up the things he likes about the other. What are the dissonant cognitions? I
chose school A, therefore I have to give up all things I liked about school B. What does he do to
reduce the dissonance? He accentuates the positive aspects of school A and the negative aspects
of school B. He may decide that the things he liked about school B are not really important.
Two students have identical new cars. One student’s car was a gift from her parents while the
other student had saved for several years to buy her car, doing without things she would like to
have in order to accumulate the money for the car. A well-known automotive magazine assigns
the car its “lemon of the year award,” claiming that the car is unsafe and undependable, and that
it is poorly engineered and designed. Which student is likely to feel more uncomfortable about
the magazine’s negative evaluation of the car? Obviously, the student who had to save money to
buy it. What are her dissonant cognitions? “I spent my savings for this car. The car is a lemon.”
What can she do to reduce the dissonance? She can discredit the magazine and the database that
was used for the evaluation. She can also remind herself of the things she likes about the car.
For most of us, there are things we would like to have that we cannot. When the desire for
something” is very important to us, we may have dissonant cognitions that make us tense and
unhappy. For example, suppose you are in love with a person who does not love you. What are
the dissonant cognitions? I would like to have a serious relationship with Lucy. Lucy doesn’t
love me.” What do people do to reduce the dissonance in this type of situation? One method is
the “sour grapes” approach. “Lucy isn’t so great after all. She is bowlegged and chews with her
mouth open.” The expensive sweater is not practical and the sports car that is so appealing is the
type of car driven by people who are too status-conscious. The group that did not ask you to join
is composed of snobs that you would not want to associate with anyway.
Jenny and Jack are both in danger of failing a course. The instructor gives a take-home exam that
students must sign, declaring that they did not receive help from another person. Both Jenny and
Jack have friends who took the course and made good grades, and who could help them, and
both feel that cheating is wrong. Jenny gives in to temptation and gets help from her friend, gets a
good grade on the final, passes the course, but now she suffers from cognitive dissonance. What
are Jenny’s dissonant cognitions? “I think it is wrong to cheat. I cheated.” How will she reduce
the dissonance? She will probably not feel as strongly about cheating. She may also belittle the
amount of help she got from the friend, telling herself that she did most of the work, and that she
would have passed the course without the help of the friend.
Jack did not succumb to the temptation of getting his friend to help him. He made a poor grade
on the final and failed the course. He may have some dissonance, too. What are Jack’s dissonant
cognitions? “If I had cheated I would have passed the course. I didn’t cheat.” What will he do to
reduce his dissonance? Jack is likely to become more strongly opposed to cheating than before.
He may feel badly about failing, but will feel good about his integrity and strength of his
These next applications are similar to dissonance due to the investment of time, money, or effort,
but in these cases, the person gets little or nothing in exchange for the investment. If we give
money to a charity, we convince ourselves that it is a worthy cause. If we work for a political
candidate, we convince ourselves that the candidate is a good and competent person. If we paint
our room, we convince ourselves that we have made a big improvement. If we gave money to a
charity we didn’t trust, worked for a candidate who is a scoundrel, or made the room dingy by
painting it, our time, money, or effort would have been wasted, and our self-esteem would suffer
because we did something stupid, so we seek to justify our behavior by convincing ourselves that
our time, money, or effort served a good cause.
In 1978, nine hundred members of the People’s Temple in Guyana fed a poisonous drink to their
children, drank it themselves, and lay down on the ground to die. People were attracted to the
Temple’s charismatic leader, Jun Jones, and were initially drawn to his meetings in San Francisco
by Jones’ emotional message of love and hope. Small demands were made on new members, like
giving one percent of their incomes and giving one night a week to a cause. At this point,
dissonance due to inadequate justification could occur. The dissonant cognitions were, “I’m
giving of my time and money. Why am I doing this?” Was giving time and money justified based
on belief in the cause? As the commitment to the cause increased, Jones began to ask for more
money and more time, until the members had given all they owned to the Temple and were
neglecting family and other responsibilities to serve the Temple.
Once individuals were thoroughly committed to Jones and the People’s Temple, another aspect
of cognitive dissonance was likely to become evident, that due to inconsistency between
commitment and information. Before the People’s Temple moved from San Francisco to an
isolated area in Guyana, criticism of Jones and his group began to appear in the media. Suppose
you were a committed member of his group, and you heard criticism of the group or its leader.
You may have had the dissonant cognitions: “I have given all I have to the Temple. The media
claim that our leader is an insincere, evil person.” The first cognition is irrevocable, and leaving
the group would be economically and psychologically difficult. The easiest way to reduce the
dissonance would be to deny the adverse information and to denigrate the source. Little by little
the people of the People’s Temple were firmly entrapped.
The account of the recruitment, commitment, and death of the followers of the People’s Temple
provides a powerful example of some of the concepts of social psychology, such as persuasion,
conformity, and obedience, as well as cognitive dissonance. The account could also be analyzed
in terms of the failure in critical thinking made by the people whose faulty reasoning paved the
way for their death in the jungles of Guyana.
Establishing Trust
One of the essential elements in a long-term relationship is the development of a sense of trust
between partners. This confident belief in the integrity and reliability of the other person is often
achieved through a process of reciprocal self-disclosure of personal information. At the beginning
of any relationship, there is little self-revelation and, thus, no basis for trust. The term social
penetration refers to “overt interpersonal behaviors that occur in social interaction, as well as
internal subjective processes that precede, accompany, and follow overt exchange” (Shaw &
Costanzo, 1982, p. 153). Social penetration theory consists of three basic divisions of analysis.
• Altman and Taylor (1973) outlined their assumptions about the structure of
personality, deeming it necessary to describe their assumptions because the process
of social penetration involves an overlap in exploration of the personalities involved
in social relationships. This overlap is the beginning of trust.
• The second category of the theory details how costs and rewards influence the
process of social penetration, and specifies the forces that underlie the growth of
interpersonal relationships.
• The last category describes the particular aspects of the social penetration process.
This may be the most significant part of the theory, as it deals with such factors as
movement into the intimate regions of a relationship, involving the blending of
interactions in both established and new areas of exploration.
The theory of social penetration proposes that trust begins when one person initiates self-
disclosure. If the other person responds in kind, it indicates that trust has been accepted, and the
basis for a closer relationship has been established. The partners continue to trade self-
disclosures, gradually moving through deeper levels of intimacy, so long as each level is
mutually satisfying. The final level of intimacy that is achieved will depend on the needs and
interpersonal skills of the two people involved. In some cases, the relationship will stop at a more
superficial level. In others, it will continue to grow and deepen.
According to Jourard (1964), there is an optimal level of self-disclosure for any healthy, well-
adjusted individual. A person who never discloses will not be able to have close, meaningful
relationships with other individuals. Conversely, a person who goes too far by disclosing
everything to anyone who will listen is viewed as maladjusted and excessively self-centered.
Ideally (according to Jourard), one should disclose a moderate amount of personal information to
most acquaintances and reveal a lot about oneself to a very few close friends.
Trust, as displayed through disclosure, is a major dimension in human fears of rejection, ridicule,
and betrayal that haunt relationships. Trust washes away the fears of rejection, ridicule, and
betrayal that haunt the existence of many. Trust paves the road to friendship and intimacy; it is at
the core of love for another person and the acceptance of oneself
A climate of trust can be established by doing the following:
Year Event
1908 William McDougall published An Introduction to Social Psychology, one of the
earliest books on the subject.
1924 Floyd Allport published Social Psychology, the first college text for this area of
1936 Muzafer Sherif conducted his important autokinetic studies involving social
1944 Kurt Lewin established the Research Center for Group Dynamics at MIT.
1950- The Korean War was fought.
The ways in which males and females are similar and different, and how sex roles reflect
social values and psychological knowledge.
Key Issues
How sex hormones affect gender behavior in rats, how the environment affects gender roles,
reasons for self-segregation by gender among preschool children, artificial limits imposed on
female gender roles, relationship between gender roles and depression, and how gender
stereotypes in advertisements affect behavior.
Sex differences in the play behavior of baby rats.
Self-segregation by gender in a preschool.
Archival Demonstrations
Socialization differences in gender appropriate behavior and dress.
Developmental neuroscientist Michael Meaney studies why male rats are more apt to engage
in rough-and-tumble play, while female rats are consistently less aggressive and less
Eleanor Maccoby examines why children tend to socialize with other children of the same
Jean Block examines the differences in the socialization of male and female children and its
effects on their relationships with other children of the same and opposite sex.
The factors that contribute to our interpretation of reality and how understanding the
psychological processes that govern our behavior may help us to become more empathetic
and independent members of society.
Key Issues
Power of cognitive control, the Pygmalion effect, how teachers’ expectations affect children’s
test scores, the development of prejudice in a grammar school classroom, and the principle of
compliance as illustrated in television ads.
The self-fulfilling prophecy study, or the Pygmalion effect.
The principles of compliance illustrated with actual television advertisements.
Jane Elliot’s blue-eyed versus brown-eyed case study.
Students’ enhanced self-esteem and performance due to the jigsaw classroom.
New Interview
Steven Hassan looks at the ways cults use mind control methods to reshape people’s identity
and reconstruct the way they perceive reality.
Grammar school teacher Jane Elliot divides her classroom into a superior blue-eyed group
and an inferior brown-eyed group to study the development and nature of prejudice.
Robert Rosenthal studies how teachers’ expectations can affect children’s test scores.
Elliot Aronson and Alex Gonzalez examine how cooperation rather than competition changes
the way students see themselves and their peers.
Robert Cialdini examines the principles of reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment,
liking, and consensus in marketing and advertising.
Flashback techniques and an original music score add to the impact of this AV supplement for
teaching social psychology. It can be ordered by writing to P.O. Box 2996, Stanford, CA 94305-
2996, or by calling (415) 725-2417. If not entirely satisfied, a full refund is guaranteed.
prejudice, attribution theory, and the power of social roles. Philip G. Zimbardo’s prison
experiments are described and analyzed.
Social Psychology, Society, and Culture
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Display knowledge of the social determinants of behavior
2. Describe Milgram’s obedience to authority experiments and comment on their
3. Explain the significance of Sherif’s Robber’s Cave experiment in terms of competition,
group dynamics, and motives for prosocial behavior
4. Identify the significance of social psychological work on group dynamics and leadership
5. Describe “the bystander effect” and suggest some ways to counteract it
6. Discuss how interpersonal attraction relates to prejudice
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the tenets of environmental psychology
8. Discuss the concept of “stereotype threat” and explain how it relates to both prejudice
and performance by minority group members
9. Suggest several measures that could be implemented to reduce prejudice
I. Altruism and Prosocial Behavior
A. The Roots of Altruism
1. Prosocial behaviors are behaviors that are carried out with the goal of
helping other people
2. Altruism: refers to the prosocial behaviors a person carries out
without considering his or her own safety or interests
3. Reciprocal altruism suggests that people perform altruistic behaviors
because they, in some sense, expect that others will perform altruistic
behaviors for them
B. Motives for Prosocial Behavior
1. Research suggests that there are four forces that prompt people to
act for the public good:
a) Altruism: Acting in response to a motive to benefit others, as
in the case of the driver who saved another person’s life
b) Egoism: Performing prosocial behaviors ultimately in one’s
own self-interest; someone might perform a helping
behavior to receive a similar favor in return or a reward
II. Aggression
A. Evolutionary Perspectives
1. Aggression is behavior that causes psychological or physical harm to
another individual
2. Animals may commit aggressive behaviors to ensure themselves
access to desired mates and to protect the resources that allow
themselves and their offspring to survive
3. Lorenz argued that, unlike most other species, humans did not have
appropriately evolved mechanisms to inhibit their aggressive
impulses. Because of this, Lorenz declared humans to be at the
pinnacle of aggression
4. Research has contradicted Lorenz’s contention in two ways
a) Field research with a variety of animal species suggests that
many other species commit the same range of aggressive
acts as do humans
b) Humans have more inhibitory control over their use of
III. Prejudice
A. Definition
1. No human weakness is more destructive of the dignity of the
individual and the social bonds of humanity than prejudice
(ii) Results
(a) Autocratic leaders group members were
characterized by high levels of aggression and
greater hostility, were more demanding of
attention, were more likely to destroy their own
property, and displayed more scapegoating
(b) Democratic leaders group members worked the
most steadily and were most efficient, showed
highest levels of interest, motivation, and
originality; discontent was likely to be expressed
openly; and group loyalty increased
(c) Laissez-faire leaders group members were the
least efficient, did the least amount of work of
poorest quality, and goofed off
3. Fostering Contact to Facilitate Conflict Resolution
a) The main approach of resolving conflict is the same one
described for healing other types of prejudices. People must
be brought together in cooperative settings that can foster
mutual trust and shared goals
b) Interactive problem solving promises privacy and
confidentiality, as well as open analytic discussions. It also
encourages appropriate expectations
1. Ask your class how they think that they would have behaved if they were participants in
the Milgram studies. Most students will respond that there is no way that they would
have shocked the helpless learner. Explain to them that if they persist in believing this,
they have missed a crucial lesson of social psychology: that “good” people are often no
different from “bad” people. The people are the same; it is the situation that is different.
Destructive behavior often results when normal people find themselves in powerful
situations. The situation causes behavior, not the internal characteristics of the
individual. The good members of your class cannot realistically expect that they would
behave differently in bad situations.
2. Have members of your class give examples of situations in which they felt pressure to
behave in ways that they felt inappropriate. How did they resolve the situation? What
can be done to make nonconformity and disobedience a viable behavioral option? Are
answers to this question likely to involve situational or dispositional changes? Why?
3. Discuss how aggression on television, in movies, and in other media influences
aggression in real life. What should, or could, be done about this well-established
relationship? Is censorship a viable response? Why or why not? What about self-
censorship? Discuss how students can use this knowledge to reduce the likelihood that
they themselves will be aggressive.
4. Discuss manipulation that might lead to increased altruism in society as a whole. Simply,
what could be done to make our world more helpful? Are dispositional or situational
manipulates likely to produce more significant change? Why? Which type of
manipulation would be easier to implement?
5. Discuss the promise that social psychology and psychology in general hold for
improving our world. One tremendous contribution of social psychology has been to
demonstrate that we do not need to change every single individual person. Situational
changes can be made that affect all of the people that enter them. This offers society a
cost-effective tool for addressing social problems. To what problems does the class feel
that social psychology has the most to offer? Why?
6. You might ask students to voluntarily discuss if they have ever been discriminated
against or treated in some other prejudiced manner. Often, those who engage in
discrimination do not care to think through the effects their behaviors have on the
individuals against whom they are discriminating. By having students talk about their
first-hand experiences of receiving such treatment, it can often help sensitize other
students to the impact of prejudice and discrimination. Racial, ethnic, and sexual
discrimination all take a heavy toll on their victims. As part of this discussion, you might
ask those who are sharing their experiences to discuss the emotional impact and the
effects on their self-image that resulted from their experiences.
Prejudice between people is often one consequence of normative processes occurring within
groups. Many groups exhibit an ethnocentric attitude that postulates: “My group, right or wrong;
your group, rarely right and probably wrong until proven otherwise.” Group membership gives
us security, status, a basis for reality testing, and much more that we need for both survival and
the flowering of the human spirit. Alternatively, being identified as a member of a certain group
can also bring us insecurity, loss of self-esteem, and a precarious existence if others with power
choose to label our group as inferior. The consequences of prejudice take many forms, but
common to all of them is a less humane reaction to other people and a diversion of psychological
energy from creative to destructive directions.
Prejudice may be defined as a cluster of learned beliefs, attitudes, and values held by one person
about others that:
• The individual’s appraisal of personal worth derived from social and physical
feedback about his or her competency
• Cultural feedback about the legitimacy of the person’s primary reference groups
To the extent one accepts and is dependent on the values of the reward structure of a cultural
group that denies the legitimacy of one’s own subgroup, one’s self-esteem is likely to suffer.
Legitimacy is often denied not through hostile, obvious acts of discrimination, but in subtle
patterns of prejudice that simply ignore one’s existence.
Once you adopt the derogatory stereotype about yourself as a valid indicator of your lack of
worth, you may want to dissociate yourself from the despised group, to “pass” on your own via a
name change, nose job, hair straightening, or other alteration of your appearance, as well as by
changing your friends and maybe even rejecting your family. Such a prejudice-induced reaction
is one of the most insidious effects of prejudice. It turns the individual not only against his or her
own group, but against the “self’ as well.
A Demonstration of Prejudice
One of the most effective demonstrations of how easily prejudiced attitudes may be formed,
and how arbitrary and illogical they can be, came from a third-grade class in Riceville, Iowa.
The teacher, Jane Elliott, wanted to provide her students from this all-white, rural community
with the experience of prejudice and discrimination in order to draw from it the implications
of its seductive appeal and devastating consequences. She devised a remarkable experiment,
more compelling than many done by professional psychologists.
One day, blue-eyed Ms. Elliott announced to her class of 9-year-olds that brown-eyed people
were more intelligent and better people than those with blue eyes. The blue-eyed children,
although the majority, were simply told that they were inferior and that the brown-eyed
children should therefore be the “ruling class.” Guidelines were laid down so the inferior
group would “keep their place” in the new social order. They were to sit at the back of the
room, stay at the end of the line, use paper cups (instead of the drinking fountains), and so
on. The “superior” students received extra privileges, such as extra recess time for work well
Within minutes the blue-eyed children began to do more poorly on their lessons and became
depressed, sullen, and angry. They described themselves as “sad,” “bad,” “stupid,” “dull,”
“awful,” “hard,” “mean.” One boy said he felt like a “vegetable.” Of the brown-eyed
superiors, the teacher reported, “What had been marvelously cooperative, thoughtful
children became nasty, vicious, discriminating little third-graders . . . it was ghastly.”
To show how arbitrary and irrational prejudice and its rationalizations are, on the next school
day the teacher told the class that she had erred, that it was really the blue-eyed children who
were superior and the brown-eyed ones who were inferior. The brown-eyed children now
switched from their previously “happy,” “good,” “sweet,” “nice” self-labels to derogatory
ones similar to those used the day before by the blue-eyed. Their academic performance
deteriorated, while that of the new ruling class improved. Old friendship patterns between
children dissolved and were replaced with hostility. The children reacted with relief and
delight at the end, when they were “debriefed” and learned that none of them was “inferior”
to others (Elliott, 1977).
This experiment, recorded in the film Eye of the Storm, has been repeated with other classes and
even adult groups with the same results. In each case the assumption of power by one group over
another based on supposed superiority has led to discriminatory behavior, disruption in the
social structure, loss of self-esteem, change in performance by the “inferior” members in
accordance with their ascribed status, and justification by the superiors for the pattern of
discrimination sanctioned by the “system.”
Overt Racism
Under the banner of the “white man’s burden,” colonialists exploited the resources of black
Africa. Native Americans were deprived of their land, liberty, and ecological niche in the United
States by newly arrived European immigrants whose desires for wealth, homesteads, and new
frontiers were in conflict with the “menace of the red savages.” The “yellow peril” was another
journalistic fiction, used to set people’s thinking against Americans of Asian ancestry. After their
usefulness was over as laborers on the railroads, in the mines, and other manual jobs, the press
and labor groups mounted campaigns to deport the Chinese, and to deprive both Chinese and
Japanese immigrants of the rights and privileges of American citizenship. Over 100,000 Japanese
Americans were put into concentration camps in the Western states during World War II. Their
property was sold at small return, and millions of dollars were held by the government and used
by American bankers for 30 years without interest. Nothing comparable was done to those of
German or Italian ancestry, America’s other two enemies during that same war.
When a group becomes the target of prejudice and discrimination, it is socially segregated,
preventing normal interchange and blocking or destroying channels of communication. This
isolation, in turn, allows rumors and stereotypes to go unchecked, fantasies to surface and grow,
and the “strangeness” of the group, real and fancied, to increase over time. The isolation of
Native Americans on reservations and the racially segregated housing patterns in our cities
increase the alienation between groups and prevent both reality checks and causal interaction.
Covert Racism
The public opinion poll is one way of assessing the extent of racism in a society. If you can
believe what people say, there is a decreasing amount of negative stereotyping and adverse
attitudes of whites toward African Americans in the United States. Americans seem to be
changing their attitudes about racial integration.
Are overt expressions of prejudice diminishing or merely being suppressed? Measures of covert
racial prejudice use content analysis of public media to discern if the same old attitudes are still
there, but under wraps. One study deserves to be highlighted for the subtle form of covert racism
it reveals, so subtle that you have probably been exposed to it and never realized its impact on
your thinking.
A blind psychology professor, Raymond Rainville, found that while listening to live broadcasts
of professional football games he was able to identify the race of the players although it was
never mentioned. Rainville reasoned that the white announcers were communicating messages
about basic racial differences, perhaps at an unconscious level. Transcripts of the televised
commentaries of sixteen NFL games were analyzed according to a variety of content categories.
The researchers compared descriptions of an African American and a white player of the same
position who had comparable performance statistics, such as running backs O. J. Simpson and
Larry Csonka. Players were designated as “Smith” or “Jones,” and names of teams, teammates,
and cities were disguised. Three independent raters were able to identify each player correctly as
African American or white on 1 of 25 rating categories,
All differences found were favorable to whites and unfavorable to African Americans. Whites
were significantly more often:
Reducing Racism
Once established, prejudice and racism are relatively resistant to extinction because of the several
needs they may serve for the individuals and the group, and the many conditions that may
encourage and maintain existing attitudes. Although progress has been made in reducing
prejudice and racism, a tremendous amount of progress remains to be accomplished.
Here are some techniques we can use to reduce racism:
• Change actions: Research has shown that contact between antagonistic groups can
promote better intergroup relations and lessen existing hostilities. Mere exposure,
however, does not help and is more likely to intensify existing attitudes. Changes as a
result of contact are most likely to occur when the contact is rewarding rather than
thwarting, when a mutual interest or goal is served, when status is equal, and when the
participants perceive that the contact was the result of their own choice.
• Change the rules and the reinforcements: Although “righteousness cannot be legislated,” a
new law or regulation provides a new system of rewards and punishments and can
thereby create a new social norm that then becomes a powerful influence on individuals
to conform to the new pattern. The same results may be achieved by more informal
agreements to change “ground rules.”
• Change the self-image of victims of prejudice: Young people who are targets of prejudice may
be “inoculated” against its crippling psychological effects and thus be helped to develop
and demonstrate their real potentials if they establish a sense of pride in their origins,
history, and group identity. The “Black is beautiful” slogan represents an effective
instance of this approach, as do “Gray Power” and “Gay Pride.”
By creating conditions in which students must depend on one another for learning
required material, teachers can help overcome some interracial conflicts that exist in
traditional classrooms. When every member’s contribution is equally valuable, students
feel like partners rather than competitors, and those in desegregated settings can discover
the advantages of sharing knowledge and friendship with “equal and interdependent”
peers-regardless of race, creed, or sex.
In expanding the text’s discussion of cults, you might review the types of people who are most
commonly recruited by cults. They are often adolescents and young adults who are somewhat
idealistic, so that they are more susceptible to the cult’s utopian message. They are likely to be
people who are psychologically vulnerable in that they are lonely, depressed, feeling rejected,
lost, hopeless, or desperate in some way. They may have had long-term problems or may have
suffered a temporary setback in their life, but they are vulnerable at that moment and the cult
promises a new direction or hope that will make them feel loved, appreciated, and special again.
They may be searching for some sense of direction in their lives or someone to blame for their
problems, and often cults seemingly provide them with both. No matter what the specific
circumstances, as the text points out, once someone is under the control of a cult, the techniques
they use to manipulate the person’s attitudes and behaviors can be extremely powerful. Which is
why it is so important for students to be aware of how cults operate before they are ever tempted
to join one.
The ways in which males and females are similar and different, and how sex roles reflect
social values and psychological knowledge.
Key Issues
How sex hormones affect gender behavior in rats, how the environment affects gender roles,
reasons for self-segregation by gender among preschool children, artificial limits imposed on
female gender roles, relationship between gender roles and depression, and how gender
stereotypes in advertisements affect behavior.
Sex differences in the play behavior of baby rats.
Self-segregation by gender in a preschool.
Socialization differences in gender-appropriate behavior and dress.
Developmental neuroscientist Michael Meaney studies why male rats are more apt to engage
in rough-and-tumble play, while female rats are consistently less aggressive and less
Eleanor Maccoby examines why children tend to socialize with other children of the same
Jean Block examines the differences in the socialization of male and female children and the
effects on their relationships with other children of the same and opposite sex.
The factors that contribute to our interpretation of reality and how understanding the
psychological processes that govern our behavior may help us to become more empathetic
and independent members of society.
Key Issues
Power of cognitive control, the Pygmalion effect, how teachers’ expectations affect children’s
test scores, the development of prejudice in a grammar school classroom, and the principle of
compliance as illustrated in television ads.
The self-fulfilling prophecy study, or the Pygmalion effect.
The principles of compliance illustrated with actual television advertisements.
Jane Elliot’s blue-eyed versus brown-eyed case study.
Students’ enhanced self-esteem and performance due to the jigsaw classroom.
New Interview
Steven Hassan looks at the ways cults use mind control methods to reshape people’s identity
and reconstruct the way they perceive reality.
Grammar school teacher Jane Elliot divides her classroom into a superior blue-eyed group
and an inferior brown-eyed group to study the development and nature of prejudice.
Robert Rosenthal studies how teachers’ expectations can affect children’s test scores.
Elliot Aronson and Alex Gonzalez examine how cooperation rather than competition changes
the way students see themselves and their peers.
Robert Cialdini examines the principles of reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment,
liking, and consensus in marketing and advertising.
The two paragraphs above also appear in the student’s Study Guide for Psychology and Life, as does the
highlighted paragraph below. The rest of this introduction and detailed descriptions of each project are
given only in this instructor’s manual. It includes all the material necessary for each project. This saves you
the time, effort, and expense involved in reproducing them. In addition, it allows you to have better control
over how the material will be introduced and developed.
In the lecture that precedes the first demonstration, students should be alerted to the necessity of bringing
their Study Guide to class. Nevertheless, not all students will have purchased the Study Guide by then, so
you may wish to reproduce some of the materials for that demonstration. It will also be important to make
explicit how you will deal with the problem of students who fail to bring the required materials to sections.
Some introductory psychology courses include a laboratory or discussion section component that
supplements the basic lecture class. We have designed a set of research projects that accompany this edition
of Psychology and Life for use in those courses. If you are in such a course and your teacher plans to use some
or all of our research projects, then you should bring this Study Guide to class meetings. It contains the
materials necessary for carrying out the research projects, such as instructions, stimulus materials, tables
and charts for tabulating your data, and so forth.
Although any of these projects may be worked into an existing course syllabus for a small class, they were
designed to be the core exercises in separate discussion sections led by instructors or teaching assistants.
Each of them has been class-tested and refined over a number of years of use in the Introductory Psychology
discussion sections at Stanford University and in other colleges as well. They have been evaluated as
informative and enjoyable by both teachers and students. We hope you will also find them a valuable
Social Perception (First class “icebreaker”) Impression Management and Formation
Sensory Perception Coping with Being Temporarily Blind
Methodology Reaction Times Can Be Revealing
Conditioning Salivating for Pavlov
Memory and Cognition Strategies for Enhancing Memory
Motivation and Assessment Detecting Guilt and Deception
Psychopathology Suicide: Intentions and Acts
Ethics and Research Evaluation and Research Ethics
Psychotherapy Clinical Interventions
Both graduate and undergraduate student TAs report that being able to use this set of materials had many
benefits. Among them they noted: lessening of anxiety at the start of their teaching experience, increased
confidence in presenting a variety of topics and approaches, and saved preparation time. Use of these
materials enabled TAs to perform different functions across a set of activities and generally created a
positive feeling among their students that something worthwhile was happening in the discussion sections.
In the short time that the class has assembled, it is likely that two processes have been going on: impression
management and impression formation. Impression management is a complex set of verbal and nonverbal
behaviors that a person engages in with the intent to appear in a desired way. Impression formation is the
process of making judgments about the attributes of other people. In this section, we will do the following:
1. Begin by going around the room and having the students introduce themselves by answering the
question, “Who Am I?” The “Who Am I?” test is an old projective test that repeatedly asks
respondents to answer the question “Who are you?” Answering this question gets students to self-
disclose quickly. After you have gone completely around the room once, go around the room again,
having the students answer the same question. You will find that each time you go around the
room, students self-disclose more. This process is very sensitive to your initial remarks, and you can
easily direct the tone of students’ replies. Go around the room as many times as practical. This
simple activity will pay-off by creating a supportive, friendly, and humane environment that will
last for the entire term.
2. As each student speaks, all others will list up to five adjectives that they think are probably
characteristic of this person.
3. For three students chosen arbitrarily, list on the chalkboard the adjectives that class members chose
as descriptive of each person in question.
4. Ask the people who were selected whether the adjectives that the class members chose are the ones
that they intended to generate.
5 . Ask students to list the three traits they each think are most characteristic of the course instructor.
Pool their impressions to determine the frequency of each trait and where there is consensus or
disagreement. Ask students for behavioral or perceptual evidence they used to infer each of the
traits they listed. Ask them to use the Impression Formation Tally Forms to outline their
6. Analyze five different styles of self-presentation.
In social encounters, we are selective in what we tell other people about ourselves and in what we look for
in them. We engage in impression management by giving others information that will lead them to form
certain conclusions about us. We also engage in impression formation by seeking out information about
others in ways that may confirm our initial impressions about them. This demonstration examines how
people manage their impressions of others by selectively presenting information that is relevant to some
goal-in this case, getting a job. It also explores how people recruit information about others as they form
impressions about them. In doing this, the demonstration provides a relatively nonthreatening means for
Robert Arkin (Ohio State University) improved on this demonstration by adding the following unit on
individual styles of self-presentation. See the taxonomy chart (from a research article by Jones and Pittman,
1982) in which, for each of four types of self-presentation styles, there are four columns of information: a) the
emotion that the actor wants to arouse (the goal of the interaction); b) the attributions the actor seeks to elicit
from others about himself or herself; c) the prototypical actions used to achieve those objectives; and d) the
risks of negative attributions being made instead of the intended one. Read the chart carefully to get a sense
of these styles, strategies, and consequences.
1. Begin by asking the class, “Suppose you wanted to arouse respect in someone for one of your recent
accomplishments, what would be the impression you would want to create?” (Refer the students to
their charts.)
2. Then, for each of the four styles, mention the emotion to be elicited and have the students infer the
appropriate style.
3. Get the students to generate the attribution sought in order to arouse each emotion.
4. Next, have the students give specific actions that would produce the desired emotion (e.g.,
“Casually mention to your date that, when you were chatting at dinner the other evening at your
parents’ home in Monaco, she/he told you that”). This is, naturally, the fun part. The examples can
be wacky. At some point, work in the name of the style (in this case, self-promotion). In addition, the
fact that one risks making a poor impression (negative attributions risked) can also be fun. In the
example above, one could be accused of being a name-dropper or a place-dropper.
5. For a lively discussion, ask if there are any sex differences in the use of these styles. You should,
however, be aware of sexist stereotypes and use them to advantage as part of the psychology of
false impression formation.
Because this is the first research section, you will have to strike a difficult balance between encouraging
students to self-disclose and keeping a lively pace so that there is time to complete the demonstration.
Note: Student Study guide omits terms within each cell so that students can figure them out.
From Jones & Pittman, 1982
But the three groups differed in one crucial way. One group learned of someone (whom they watched on
videotape) who did well on the first half of the items (say, about 10 of 15 correct), but then did poorly on the
second half (say, only 5 of 15 correct). The second group learned of someone who did about equally well
through the test (say, about 7 or 8 of the first 15 items correct and about 7 or 8 of the next 15 correct). Finally,
the third group learned about someone who did poorly on the first half of the items (say, about 5 of 15
correct), but then improved considerably on the second half (say, about 10 of 15 correct).
One group judged the performer much brighter than the other groups. Which one?
This demonstration raises a number of questions and issues of social perception, but the main point
illustrated is the power of first impressions. The group that judged the performer brightest was the
“descending performance” group. That is, those who saw a brilliant performance to begin with and then
saw it deteriorate as time went by. Why?
Seemingly, perceivers make snap judgments. They had decided how smart the guy was by the fifth, eighth,
or tenth trial. And, even when they saw the guy’s performance deteriorate, they were unwilling to give up
their original attribution. “Well, he’s bright, so he must have gotten bored, or stopped trying this silly, easy
task, or something . . .“ For the person who began doing poorly, and improved: “He is clearly a bozo. But he
must have gotten the message and really started trying. Finally, he caught on. Clearly, he’s slow.”
Again, the perceivers were unwilling to give up their first impression. They were reduced to explaining
away the contradictory evidence by coming up with ad hoc motivational explanations to account for the
change in performance.
In short, it seems that all the adages about “putting your best foot forward” are right. Repairing the
damages of a first impression gone awry is one tough assignment. (See Jones et al., 1972, and Jellison &
Blanche, 1976.)
You might discuss research that shows how people who are randomly assigned to ask tough questions are
automatically perceived as more knowledgeable than those randomly assigned to answer them. This
research suggests that people fail to discount adequately for the constraints that roles impose on behavior.
(See Ross, Amabile & Steinmetz, 1977.)
Jellison, J. M., & Blanche, J. G. (1976). The Effects of Pattern of Performance and Order of Presentation on Recall
and Attribution of Ability. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2, 47-50.
Jones, E. E., & Pittman, L. (1982). Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Self-Presentation. In J. Suls (Ed.), The Self in
Social Interaction (Vol. 1). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Ross, L., Amabile, T., & Steinmetz, J. (1977). Social Rules, Social Control and Biases in the Social Perception
Process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 485-494.
Schlenker, B. R. (1980). Impression Management. The Self-Concept Social Identity and Interpersonal Relations.
Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Snyder, M., & Swann, W. B., Jr., (1978). When Actions Reflect Attitudes: The Politics of Impression Management.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 1202-1212.
1. To give students the opportunity of having the unique sensory-perceptual experience of not being
sighted for some period of time (several hours to one day).
2. To compare anticipated reactions of students with their actual experiences.
3. To demonstrate the value of experiential learning.
We all wonder from time to time what life would be like or how we might be different if some sensory
attribute we value and rely on were suddenly changed: such as our hearing; sense of smell, taste, or feel; or
vision. Here is a way for students to test the consequences of one such loss-temporary blindness.
One of the primary research strategies for studying the operation of psychological and physiological
processes involved in well-learned, highly practiced, or apparently inborn behaviors is to disrupt them.
Such behaviors, precisely because they usually function so well, are taken for granted and are therefore not
subjected to the scientific scrutiny and analysis they may deserve. Investigation of the variables and
processes responsible for maintaining normal functioning often proceeds by creating conditions that
prevent, block, or modify the occurrence of the behavior pattern, subject it to unusual stress, or cause it to be
manifested in a deviant or abnormal form.
Sometimes such “experimental manipulations” are produced by naturally existing conditions-as with
genetic mutations, birth defects, accidents, marked environmental changes, or being reared in a situation
that is atypical for other members of a given, comparable species or culture. For example, brain functioning
was initially studied through observation of what specific behavioral functions were lost (temporarily or
permanently) when tumors were removed from the brains of epileptics or when people suffered destruction
of brain tissue from poisons, diseases, or physical damage in accidents or warfare. To study the relative
effects of heredity and environment on behavior, psychologists originally resorted to intensive analysis of
feral children who were found abandoned in the wilderness, allegedly reared by animals.
On a more personal level, you may have become aware of the phenomenon of sleep only when you had
insomnia; or you may have become sensitized to the normally effortless process of inhaling oxygen and
exhaling carbon dioxide when you had asthma, worked at high altitudes, or lived in a smog-filled city.
While psychologists do study the consequences of natural disturbance of normal functions, they prefer to
discover techniques by which such disturbances can be experimentally induced under controlled
observational conditions-and then reversed. Thus, the individual’s behavior can be studied before the
intervention, while the disruption is occurring, and then again after the original conditions are restored. For
example, to study brain functions, physiologists can apply small amounts of electric current to brain sites
and record temporary alterations in functions that persist only as long as the stimulation is continued.
Similarly, it has been shown, by delaying auditory feedback with special apparatus, how much we depend
on receiving immediate auditory feedback for talking in a coherent, integrated fashion.
Perhaps the most important sense you possess is one you take most for granted because of the usually
reliable and efficient way in which it operates. For sighted people, vision is not a gift but a given. We are
rarely aware of the complex set of visual cues we depend on in virtually every activity we carry out.
Moreover, reliance on visual cues makes us less dependent upon the cues provided by our other senses.
Finally, with vision comes a measure of independence–we can get where we want, when we want, without
help from others. But suppose you suddenly lost the use of your eyesight? What changes would occur?
What things would you become aware of that are normally irrelevant or not consciously attended to? How
would you feel about having to depend on others for help in dressing (or selecting your wardrobe), reading,
and even just moving about?
Subjects: You will serve as your own subject. Ideally, you should perform this research with a partner from your class
or a close friend. It would increase the value of the experience for you to serve both as subject and as guide to
another person. You can compare notes as to the similarities in your experiences as well as discover differences.
Apparatus: Gauze pads and bandage, an Ace elastic bandage, sunglasses, long stick or cane, and a tape recorder, if
Procedure: The research task presented to you is to be blind for a day. Blindfold yourself when you go to sleep so
you will awaken without the use of your sight and do not remove the blindfold until the following evening. It is
advisable to put gauze pads over your eyes, then gauze bandage or some similar material to hold the pads in place,
and perhaps an Ace elastic bandage on top. Sunglasses might help you look less conspicuous. Be sure to make the
necessary arrangements in advance for how you will carry out the “normal” day’s activities. Also, do not take any
chances in crossing streets or other danger spots without prearranged assistance. The use of a long stick (or cane)
will be necessary to detect obstacles in your path.
If you cannot set aside an entire day for this research, it would still be valuable to do so for even part of a day, during
your morning or afternoon classes, or in the evening from dinner until bedtime.
1. How do you imagine you will react to this experience of perceiving your world without being able
to rely on your visual sense? Before you begin, think about those aspects of the situation that will
be difficult or easy to adjust to. In what areas of functioning do you anticipate the experience will
have its biggest impact on you? Indicate these predictions on the table provided. When you have
completed the exercise, compare your actual and anticipated experiences.
2. Keep a mental record of your thoughts and feelings and the reactions of others to your “handicap.”
At several times throughout the study, write out your experiences (without removing your blinders),
or dictate them to your partner or into a portable tape recorder.
3 . While doing your research, also note the following:
• Do you have any unexpected difficulties in understanding other people or in expressing
your thoughts to them?
• Does your food taste any different?
• Is it difficult to eat?
• Do right angles become important to you as navigation signs? Why? Why do curved
sidewalks and other curves pose a special problem?
• How do you utilize and integrate sound, touch, smell, and other sensory feedback to
compensate for your visual loss?
• Are you more or less sensitive to interpersonal relations?
• What have you learned about yourself that you did not know or fully appreciate before?
4. When it is all over, how does it feel to know you have the power to regain your sight at will?
Imagine what it would be like if you could not reverse the effect—if you were blind not merely for a
day! Now consider whether the environment you operate in regularly has made any design
concessions to accommodate students who are blind or handicapped in some other way. Can you
identify specific features of environmental design that might be changed to make the life space more
livable for those who cannot rely on all their senses or normal motor ability? Would it be possible
to introduce your suggestions for such change to the administration of your school or to those in
charge of the life-space unit in which you conducted your personal experiments?
5. Compare your reactions to those of other students who have done this exercise. What is the value of
experiential learning?
6. What are the psychological differences between being without sight versus being without hearing?
5. Sources of anxiety
6. Sources of gratification
The “experiment” is the most powerful analytical tool used in science. Cause-effect relationships can be
established only using well-controlled experiments. Psychologists employ this tool in the investigation of
virtually all aspects of behavior, including perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation,
physiological processes, sensory processes, social behavior, development, and therapeutic procedures.
While the specific details of the methodology vary within each of these areas of investigation, the logic of
experimentation is essentially the same.
The following classroom demonstration and discussion should help elucidate the need for, and logic of,
experimental methods in the study of behavior.
You (the instructor) are to role-play as seriously as you can a biased-sexist orientation in the attempt to
confirm “what you already believe is true”; namely, that members of your sex are faster reactors than those
of the opposite sex. You will violate a series of experimental controls to prove your point. The class has to
catch you in the act.
Reaction-time device constructed from light cardboard (see template).
1. Propose a hypothesis: “Males react faster than females” (if you are male), or “Females react faster
than males” (if you are female). This will usually draw protests from the hypothesized “slower”
2. Define reaction time: the time interval between stimulus presentation and a subject’s reaction.
Using our reaction time meter, it is converted into centimeters of distance between the signal
“Drop” and the subject’s reaction of stopping the falling reaction time meter.
3 . Select a student of the sex hypothesized as slower. Ask the student to come to the front of the room
and stand with his or her hand about even with the tip of the meter, with the thumb and forefinger
about two inches apart. Then, without explanation or warning, drop the meter between the
subject’s fingers. The subject will probably catch it. Record the reading, measuring from the top of
the thumb. Reaction time is measured in centimeters here rather than in seconds. Give only one
trial. Write the subject’s score on the board.
4. Then, ask for a volunteer of the opposite sex. Have this student come to the front of the room, sit
down, relax, and tell you his or her preferred hand. Then define the task: to stop the meter as soon
as possible when it is dropped after the signal “Drop” is given. Hold the meter so that the point is
two inches above the student’s fingers (instead of even with them). Give the subject two practice
trials and a verbal warning signal of “Ready. ” Then give two test trials and record only the fastest
one. Then announce that the “obvious” conclusion has been confirmed.
5. At this point, the “losing sex” will protest, pointing out some of the biases you introduced. List
• The first student was selected, while the other volunteered.
• The first student had to use cognitive processes (since the task wasn’t explained before the
trial); the second student used simple reaction time.
• The first student started with the point at fingertip level; the second started with it two
inches above the fingertips (leads to a discussion of accuracy of measurement).
• The first student had no “ready” signal; the second did.
• The first student was standing; the second was sitting.
• The first student had no practice; the second had practice trials.
6. Now pretend to run an unbiased test following the class suggestions. Eliminating all of the
previous biases (by essentially following the procedure for the second subject), you can still easily
bias the results:
• By having a fixed foreperiod (warning signal to stimulus onset) for one subject versus a
widely variable one for the other.
• By using different motivating instructions or feedback (“that wasn’t very good now, was
• By giving one a motor set (to respond-“get ready to grab it”), which is faster than a sensory
set (to observe-“watch for it to drop”).
• By letting one subject but not the other, see you “prepare” to release the stimulus.
7. Using any of the above (or in combination), your hypothesis will again be “proven”. Have the
students list the biases in this test. Repeat, using more subtle differences each time.
The discussion should lead to the notion of relevant versus irrelevant variables in an experimental
situation. Relevant variables are those likely to affect the dependent measure (reaction time), such as those
used to bias this experiment. Irrelevant variables are those unlikely to affect the results, such as, in this case,
barometric pressure, hair color, socioeconomic level, etc. This should lead to discussion of the need for
experimental control procedures in order to identify and control relevant variables so that both
experimental conditions are the same in every regard except the independent variable. Then, any differences
in results can be attributed to the independent variable.
Stanovich, K.E. (1992). How to Think Straight About Psychology. 3rd Ed. New York: Harper Collins.
Place Thumb
He re
Many students find the usual discussion of Pavlov’s discovery of the principles of conditioning
uninteresting and without any personal relevance. Having them salivate–as did Pavlov’s experimental
dogs–may ring a bell for them!
1. Do not begin by stating the principles of conditioning, but request that the students read Psychology
and Life, chapter 9 before this demonstration.
2. Do assess the students’ knowledge of the meaning of US-UR, CS-CR; acquisition and extinction.
3. Perform the following demonstration, which was developed by Dennis and Rosemary Cogan
(Texas Tech University) and described in detail in their article in Teaching of Psychology, 1984, Vol.
11, pp. 170-171.
Although conditioning represents one of the most important discoveries in psychology, students fail to
appreciate its significance. In part, this is due to the description in terms of dogs salivating to bells, hardly
of apparent personal relevance to students. By making the students salivate to an arbitrary signal (CS) –the
name “Pavlov” –they will be in a better position to appreciate how virtually any neutral stimulus can come
to have the power to elicit powerful biological responses.
Following the demonstration, you should be sure that the class understands the significance of the research
on conditioning of drug responses–and lethal overdoses–as one “real-world” consequence.
• One can of sweetened lemonade powder (such as Minute Maid).
• Small paper cups, one per student, of the kind used for ketchup and mustard in some cafeterias.
• Pour enough of the lemonade powder in each cup so that a student can taste some on each of about
70 conditioning trials. (Try it first yourself to determine the approximate amount.)
1. Tell students to moisten the tip of the index finger of their preferred hand and watch for the
instructor to signal them to “Dip.”
2. At the visual cue of the instructor pointing down, students dip their moistened fingers in the
lemonade powder and put a small amount of it on their tongues.
3. The CS is the spoken name “Pavlov” said between (0.5 and 1.5 seconds) prior to the “Dip” signal.
4. These conditioning trials are spaced at intervals of 10 to 15 seconds.
5. Test trials are given after 8 to 12 conditioning trials. In a test trial, instead of the “Dip” signal, the
instructor holds up a card with the word “Experience?” Students are not to taste the lemonade
powder (US) but are to experience if they salivated after “Pavlov” and without the US. Get a show
of hands of those who did salivate and record it as a percentage of the class giving a conditioned
6. The same results are obtained with eyes opened or closed during test trials.
7. After most of the class shows acquisition (80 to 100 percent of the class), start extinction training by
withholding the “Dip” lemonade tasting procedure; instead, all trials are test trials “Pavlov”—
8. Have each student write down how strong the salivary response he or she experienced on the
conditioning trials was compared to the lemonade trials. Also, inquire about the taste sensation,
physical response (“puckering”), and any cognitive responses (e.g., actively trying not to be
conditioned by thinking of something else).
1. Plot the acquisition and extinction data.
2. Add water and ice to remaining crystals and pause for refreshment.
Gibbs, G. D. (1983). Making Classical Conditioning Understandable through Demonstration Technique. Teaching of
Psychology, 10, 112-113.
Pavlov, I. P. (1928). Conditioned Reflexes (W. H. Grant, Trans.). New York: International.
The issue of memory and memory enhancement is inherently interesting. To what extent are differences in
test performance between students a function of difference in their memory capacity? To what extent can
this capacity be expanded? In this section we will:
1. Begin by going around the room and sharing (a) our earliest memories and (b) the most important
thing we have ever forgotten.
2. Discuss how it is that we know those events actually took place. What are validity checks on
3 . Determine which students remembered to bring in a previously suggested item (e.g., idea cards, if
they are being used). Ask those students who remembered to bring in the item what devices they
used to facilitate their recall, and ask those students who forgot the item why they believe their
memory failed.
4. Review a variety of strategies for improving memory.
5. Conduct one or both of the demonstrations on memory enhancement.
Memory has long been of interest to psychologists and philosophers. William James said the only thing that
distinguishes memory from other mental processes (perception, imagination, reasoning, etc.) is the belief
that the given event actually occurred in the past. In his novel, 1984, George Orwell described techniques to
destroy this set of beliefs by rewriting the past to make it congruent with the present situation. Perhaps the
most famous injunction about memory is philosopher George Santayana’s reminder that “Those who forget
the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is possible at this point to mention some instances of “social
amnesia,” such as the holocaust in Germany, the internment of Japanese American citizens in U.S.
concentration camps during World War II, or, more recently, the Jonestown massacre. More typical
examples of memory distortion from psychological literature comes from Bartlett’s classic study of “The
War of the Ghosts,” Allport and Postman’s study of rumor transmission, and Loftus’ recent demonstrations
of the unreliability of eyewitness testimony.
Common to all these examples is the susceptibility of memory to distortion. However, the emphasis in this
demonstration will be on ways to improve the accuracy of memory. The earliest known account of memory
enhancement comes from the Latin writer Cicero, who tells a story of how Simonides was able to recall the
identities of a large number of banquet guests who were accidentally killed and mutilated beyond
recognition. He did so by associating each guest with the place, or locus, at which he or she had been
sitting. This mnemonic device later became known as the method of loci. Other memory enhancement
strategies, many of which have been popularized by Lorayne and Lucas in The Memory Book include:
1. Associating what is to be remembered with what is already known–in some ridiculous way. In
using this technique to remember who wrote “The War of the Ghosts,” for example, one might
1. Ask students to estimate how long it would take them to memorize the first 10 states in alphabetical
and reverse alphabetical order. Also, ask how long it would take the entire class to do so. Ask
students to raise their hands if they believe the instructor can teach the first 10 states to everyone
within 5 minutes (most should raise their hands). Ask how many believe the same can be
accomplished in under 60 seconds (most should lower their hands).
2. Read the story contained in Materials, using dramatic emphases wherever possible. (It helps to
have practiced this with a stopwatch before class, to ensure that the reading will be less than 60
3. On completion, ask the students to list the states in alphabetical order, turn the page over, and do so
in reverse alphabetical order. Three minutes should be sufficient time.
4. Go through the list aloud with the class and have students score how many states they
remembered. Summarize the scores by drawing frequency distributions on the chalkboard. Ideally,
the majority of students will recall most or all of the items correctly.
“Let’s start the top of our chart with an album (Alabama), and on that album see a bunch of baked Alaskas
(Alaska). Now envision this album with all these baked Alaskas floating through an air zone (Arizona), but
a voice from the air zone says enough of all these sinful baked Alaskas, there will be rain for forty days and
forty nights so next you see yourself sawing an ark (Arkansas). You need animals for your ark, so the first
one you call is a fawn (California). You notice it’s a strange fawn, though, because it has colored toes
(Colorado). You can’t have that, so you cut them off, but then the fawn can’t walk into the ark, so you
connect the cuts (Connecticut). The fawn climbs aboard, and your next animal is a woman. Of course, her
name is Della (Delaware). Della’s wearing flowers (Florida), so she looks very nice for the manimal on the
ark–George (Georgia).”
1. Be sure to have students’ undivided attention before reading.
2. Avoid reading the story in a monotone voice.
Mnemonics is the general name for techniques designed to improve recall by associating the new material
with familiar material, by using vivid images evoked by the material, or by abstracting some elements and
recombining them into a more easily remembered form. For example:
Question: Can you give the colors of the spectrum in their correct sequence?
Answer: Mr. Roy G. Biv is a mnemonic to remember Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-
The order of the planets from the sun: “Meek Violet Extraterrestrial Make Just Such
Unusual New Pets.” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto)
The most common elements in the human body: “P. COHN’S CaFe” (Phosphorus,
Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron (Fe))
The order of taxonomic classification of plants and animals: “Kings Prefer Crowns Or
Fairly Grand, Similar Vanities.” (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family,
Genus, Species, Variety)
The best metric system prefixes, in descending order: “Kangaroos Hop, Dancing
Despite Coming Motherhood.” (Kilo (thousandfold), Hecto (hundredfold), Deka
(tenth part), Centi (hundredth part), Milli (thousandth part))
The order of operations in algebra: “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.” (Parenthesis,
Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction)
Pi to fourteen decimal places (the number of letters in each word of the mnemonic):
“Now, Dot, I find I still determine to suffer fools who laugh whenever grandpa
insults grandma.” 3.14159265358979
In this experiment, students will test the validity of the assertion that memory can be enhanced through
learning with the narrative chaining mnemonic method supplemented by a procedure that involves greater
depth of processing to overcome a distractor. In addition, there will be a delayed recognition test (as in
multiple-choice exams) to examine the effects of the independent variables on each of three dependent
1. Word lists are composed of simple nouns high in imagery and concreteness. There are two practice
lists and 10 experimental lists, each containing five words.
2. Timing:
• 10 seconds for presentation of list
• 15-second wait before writing remembered words–this time is filled with either repetition of
words or “distraction” task of saying “Hello.”
• 15 seconds time to write remembered words
• 5–10–minute delay between completion of the last immediate recall list and the start of the first
delayed recall
• 5–minute wait for the delayed recall (or less if students raise their hands when they cannot
recall any more words); fill time with information about memory processes
• 2-4 minutes for recognition test.
3. Presentation of word lists ideally should be tape-recorded by the instructor with the appropriate
timing sequences of presentation–wait/ filler tasks–recall units. In addition to hearing the words
read aloud, students should see them as each list of five words (written large in magic marker on a
file folder) is held up by the instructor.
4. Wait/filler tasks consist either of mere repetition of the five words in a list recited quietly but
publicly or also reciting aloud the word “Hello” for the 15-second wait interval. “Hello” should be
a distractor that interferes with rehearsal and leads to poorer performance on immediate recall.
However, for delayed recall, the effect may be very different and contrary to the simple prediction
that repetition leads to better recall.
5. Depth-of-processing comes into play when, along with the distracting “Hello,” students are asked
to integrate the five words on a given list into a story. They are to perform “narrative chaining” of
the individual words. For example, flower-queen-army-kiss-street becomes, “The flower queen’s army
kissed the street.”
The meaning value of the words is increased by this mnemonic device (the more vivid and bizarre is the
story), and the distracting task requires greater effort to think about the story chain and retain its meaning
while simultaneously uttering “Hello.” This should result in superior delayed recall relative to rehearsal
via repetition. This is the interesting feature of this demonstration. If found, does the effect extend to
recognition as well as recall?
1. Instructions.
2. Word lists: 2 practice, 10 experimental. Instructors should tape-record the lists and write each list (
5 words each) on file folders; also write REPEAT and HELLO on file folders.
3. Immediate and delayed recall test forms for students, along with recognition test.
4. Answer keys for immediate and delayed recall, and recognition test (also in student Study Guide).
Warn against looking ahead.
5. Data tabulation sheet.
Ten or more subjects would be ideal, but the demonstration is possible with as few as six students. Each
student can participate as a subject, so the entire class is involved.
1. In this memory task you will listen and see lists of words that you are to remember. Each list will
have five words; there will be two practice trials and 10 test trials.
2. The word lists will be read aloud (on tape) slowly, and I will hold them up for you to see. You will
wait 15 seconds until writing down as many as you can remember from each list. You will have to
hold those five words in memory for 15 seconds before writing them down on the Recall Test
Answer sheets.
3. During the 15-second interval, there will be an experimental variation that takes place, not between
subjects but within subjects. Each of you will be his or her own control as we take repeated
measures on you across both conditions. In the repeat condition, you are to repeat over and over the 5
words in a soft, but audible, voice and to think of nothing else but the individual words. In the Hello
condition, you are to say “Hello” over and over in the same soft, but audible, voice during the 15
seconds. The Hello condition poses a distraction to rehearsal. To give it a little boost so it will not be
at a total disadvantage to the Repeat condition, make up a story that links the five words in a list.
This is called “narrative chaining,” in which unrelated words are chained to form a narration.
Make the story vivid and bizarre if you can. You can form your narrative as soon as the list is
presented and/or silently to yourself while you are saying “Hello” aloud.
4. Now let us have two practice trials. I will hold up the condition cue first, then present the five
words. After the last word, you repeat the five words aloud. Now start. (Word list read/shown; 15
seconds for rehearsal.) Stop! Write on your Recall Test Answer sheet the words you recall. (Be sure
each student is reciting aloud.) Now, the Hello practice trial (as before).
5. We are ready for the test trials. The Repeat and Hello trials will be alternated, with Repeat coming
on trials 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, and Hello on trials 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Before each list I will hold up either
the Repeat or Hello card and you recite the 5 words or say Hello as often as you can during the 15
seconds before writing down as many words as you can remember on the form in your workbook.
6. (After the last list, have students turn their tally sheet over while you fill the 5-10 minute delay
interval with talk about mnemonics, memory enhancements, or information processing models of
7. OK, now let us assess your delayed recall. How many of the 50 words on both Repeat and Hello
lists do you recall? Use the Delayed Recall sheet in your workbook to write down all the words you
recall now, in any order. When you cannot recall any more, raise your hand to signal that you are
ready for the next task. (Give 5 minutes maximum for delayed recall.)
8. Please turn that tally sheet over. Now you will take a recognition test of the words to which you
were exposed. In your workbook is a Recognition Test that includes the 50 original words plus 50
others not in the original lists. Circle each one you think was on one of the original lists you heard
and saw. Do it as quickly as you can.
9. It’s time for you to calculate the results for each of the three measures of memory separately, using
the answer keys in your workbook. When you have done so, fill in the Data Tabulation Sheet in
your workbook, state your conclusion, and draw the graph requested.
10. The individual data should be tallied for the class on the chalkboard or on an overhead projector. If
there is time, a class graph and within-subjects t-test can be computed.
Bower, G., & Clark, M. C. (1969). Narrative stories as mediators for serial learning. Psychonomic Science, 14,
Craik, F. I. M., & Watkins, M. J. (1973). The role of rehearsal in short-term memory. Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behavior, 12, 599-607.
Lorayne, H., & Lucas, J. (I 975). The Memory Book. New York: Ballantine Books.
Modigliani, V, & Searnon, J. G. (1974). Transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory. Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 102, 768-772.
Shimamura, A.Y. (1984). A guide for teaching mnemonic skills. Teaching of Psychology, 11, 162-166.
Thieman, T. J. (1984). A classroom demonstration of encoding specificity. Teaching of Psychology, 11, 101-
A. Practice B. Practice
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
Do not turn to the next page until you are instructed to do so.
Do not turn to the next page until you are instructed to do so.
A. Practice B. Practice
apple flower
fire queen
storm army
ship kiss
king street
1. river 2. body
garden letter
lake girl
sugar rock
bird tree
3. lip 4. shoes
book machine
seat boy
gold village
valley green
5. water 6. weapon
hall home
market skin
camp moat
shore car
7. cat 8. soil
sky city
horse mountain
vehicle house
money prison
Correct R: Correct H:
1. river 2. body
garden letter
lake girl
sugar rock
bird tree
3. lip 4. shoes
book machine
seat boy
gold village
valley green
5. water 6. weapon
hall home
market skin
camp moat
shore car
7. cat 8. soil
sky city
horse mountain
vehicle house
money prison
Correct R: Correct H:
4. — — — +6 moat +6 car
9. — — — — +2 rock
17. — +1 bird — — —
Circled numbers are the list numbers of “Hello” words (even-numbered lists)
Uncircled numbers are the list numbers of “Repeat” words (odd-numbered lists)
—are false positives, words you thought were on a list but were not
Total Correct R:
Total Correct H:
Memory Measure
Plot these data on a bar graph. Use different shaded bars for the two experimental conditions.
Memory Measure
“Detecting Guilt” is designed to involve the whole class in psychological detective work on a problem with
both practical implications and broad conceptual significance. The demonstration casts students in the role
of jurors who must decide the guilt or innocence of two criminal suspects. To do so, they must utilize a
variety of behavioral indicators of emotional disturbance, including word associations, reaction times, and
expressive behavior.
1. Begin by asking students to mention something that made them feel very guilty in the past (in
elementary, junior high, or high school).
2. Have them try to come up with a definition of guilt.
3. Ask them what are the negative consequences and positive effects of guilt, analyze the common
elements, and list their answers to the questions.
4. Briefly contrast the conscious and unconscious forms that guilt may take (the student examples are
likely to be conscious instances).
5. Relate the discussion back to the memory analysis of the previous week (if you did that
demonstration) by having students consider the effects of guilt on memory.
6. Ask the students if they were ever in a situation in which they felt guilty over some misdeed but
were able to conceal their guilt from the critical appraisal of some “judge.” How did they mask their
7. Conduct the demonstration in which one subject role-plays feeling guilty about a crime while
another subject is an innocent person who is also a criminal suspect; the rest of the class engages in
the task of “psychodetection.”
Our working definition of guilt is a (1) negative (2) emotional and/or cognitive condition based on the (3)
belief that one (4) could have emitted a response that would have led to (5) significantly better consequences
for some (6) social agent than the response actually performed.
1. This excludes emotions based on power or revenge.
2. Guilt may be associated with anything from extreme arousal to minimal arousal but is always
based on one’s interpretation of a social situation that involves the individual.
3. This excludes most nonhumans from feeling guilt.
4. “Could have” behaviorally as well as physically, which excludes those who tried their best and
5. This excludes cases in which the differences in consequence between two responses are minor and
stresses that guilt is based on a personal judgment.
6. This means that if the social agent discovered what was done or withheld, he or she would be
In attempting to determine whether a suspect is guilty or innocent, police interrogators often rely on
emotional indicators of self-betrayal. One manual, written by Inbau and Reid (1962) and used to train
detectives, proposes the following symptoms as signs of guilt:
1. Pulsation of carotid artery in the neck.
2. Excessive activity of the Adam’s apple.
3. Looking at floor or ceiling rather than looking the interrogator “straight in the eye.”
4. Swinging one leg over the other, foot-wiggling, wringing of the hands, tapping with the fingers, picking
fingernails, etc.
5. Dryness of the mouth.
6. Swearing to the truthfulness of assertions.
7. Saying “I have a spotless past record” or “I’m a religious man.”
8. Saying “Not that I remember.”
(See Inbau, F. E., & Reid (1962). Criminal Interrogation and Confessions. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.)
The dynamic role that emotion plays in influencing human behavior is often obvious from changes in the
individual’s behavior such as those suggested above, but perhaps the most characteristic indicator of
emotion is widespread visceral activity within the person. Several such visceral changes can be monitored;
the well-known lie detector (polygraph) takes measures of electrical skin conductance (GSR), heart rate,
respiration, and sometimes other changes such as indices of the emotional effects of “neutral” stimuli
versus “critical” stimuli associated with the crime. As Inbau and Reid have said, “An offender who is led to
believe that his appearance and demeanor are betraying him is thereby placed in a much more vulnerable
position. His belief that he is exhibiting symptoms of guilt has the effect of destroying or diminishing his
confidence in his ability to deceive and tends to convince him of the futility of further resistance. This
attitude, of course, places him much nearer the confession stage” (p. 29).
The polygraph technique assumes that liars are aware of their lying and will experience measurable
emotional reactions as a consequence. Polygraph lie detection is a psychological test of questionable
psychometric merit.
A laboratory study (comparable to the one you will conduct here) showed polygraph examiners quite
fallible. Fifteen students individually participated in a theft of money from an office, while 15 were innocent
of this staged “crime.” Six polygraph examiners knew that half the suspects had stolen something and half
had not, but they were not able to determine accurately which ones were guilty. The false alarm rate ranged
from 18 to 55 percent. That is, even the best interpreter judged 18 percent of the truthful innocent subjects to
be lying, guilty suspects! (See Kleinmutz, B., & Szucko, J. J. (1984). Lie detection in ancient and modern
times: A call for contemporary scientific study. American Psychologist, 39, 766776.)
The results of this study (and others mentioned in the article) might be contrasted with the conclusion
promoted on the TV program “Lie Detector,” hosted by lawyer F. Lee Bailey (1983-84 season). The promo for
the show said it “gets to the truth . . . The path of justice can make a bizarre turn, a path that perhaps can be
straightened out on . . .”
Two male students will engage in a role-playing task designed to make one of them feel guilty about having
murdered a woman who was blackmailing him. The guilty student destroys the evidence, including her
photo, by burning it, and then tries to conceal his guilt from everyone. (Students often feel guilty about the
act of burning the letter and photo; some keep the photo, especially if you previously have had it
autographed with the name of the person you selected—then they really feel guilty.) The innocent student
receives instructions to get a drink of water to relieve the thirst he is supposed to be experiencing.
The class is cast in the role of “psychodetectives” trying to uncover the truth. They might be psychologists
hired by the court, experimenters, or jury members. The final decision centers on determining which of the
two students is guilty and on what evidence that inference rests. It is interesting to look at “false
negatives”—believing the guilty subject to be innocent, and “false positives”—believing the innocent one to
be guilty.
You need to provide a stopwatch, two envelopes, three matches, and a metal pan. You are given two letters,
a woman’s photo, a word list, data sheet, Expressive Behavior Encoding Guide and Tally Table, work
association norms, reaction time table, and verdict slips.
Having several stopwatches and calculators would be helpful.
Three (or four) for pretesting, two to participate; rest of class to be given research tasks.
1. Before class, prepare two envelopes. One should contain the instructions designed to introduce
guilt; the other contains innocuous instructions (see letters at the end of this section). The envelopes
should be identical. In the guilty letter, you must indicate a safe place where the subject must go in
order to perform the guilty act; you must also make the necessary preparations of having at that
place: (a) Three matches, (b) a “blood-stained” (red inked) envelope containing the victim’s photo
(any photo of a woman will do), (c) a metal pan in which the envelope can be burned. (Find a
relatively secluded spot for the guilty suspect to burn the note and picture. One of our section
leaders found to his dismay that a janitor had thrown the envelope away shortly before the section
meeting; another suspect was interrupted by the sound of the fire alarm, set off by a very sensitive
smoke detector. These problems can be avoided by careful planning.)
3. Bring a stopwatch to class.
4. Select two male subjects at the beginning of the class (it is possible to use two women as suspects;
you might then want to make some changes in the content of the letter the guilty one gets).
Premeasure the RTs of three early-arriving students on each of five premeasured words (see Word
List). Select the two with most similar Reaction Times (RTs) in order to minimize individual
differences in speed of reaction to neutral words. If all three vary considerably, test a fourth and use
the two who are most comparable. It is crucial that the suspect try to conceal his guilt; pick students
you believe will play the part well and remind them to carefully follow all the directions they will
receive. Give one unmarked envelope to each of them and send them out of the room in opposite
directions. Do not inform the “suspects” about what will happen when they return to the class; this
would give the guilty person time to prepare himself, nor should they talk to each other at any time.
They are to knock on the door when ready to return.
5. While the suspects are out of the room, tell the class the circumstances of the crime. Explain their
task and the scoring procedure they will use. You will need to assign to students three roles:
• One or more students to note the suspect’s verbal response.
• One or more students to note the suspect’s reaction time.
• Two or more students to note significant signs of expressive behavior accompanying each
verbal response (see Expressive Behavior Encoding Guide and tally table). Does the suspect
stutter, answer in an especially low or loud voice, clear throat, cough, sigh, etc.? Jot down
any such behaviors and code them as “S” for a speech disturbance. Does the suspect shift
in his seat, cross his legs, twist, wring his hands or put them in his pockets, fidget with
cigarettes, paper clips, etc.? Note these behaviors and code them as “P”, for a physical
movement. Finally, focusing on the suspect’s face, does he smile, frown, wet his lips, close
his eyes, etc? These behaviors can be noted and coded in a general facial expression
category as “F”. Code behaviors not fitting these categories as “O”. If time allows, give
students a chance to practice their scoring, using a volunteer “suspect” from the class.
Have your reaction-timer write the times on the data sheet.
6. When the first suspect returns and knocks on the door, bring him in and seat him in front of the
class with his back to the timekeeper (on a high, backless stool if you have one) and have a student
experimenter give him the following instructions: “I will call out a word and you are to reply
quickly with the first word that comes to mind. We will repeat this for each of 30 words. That is all
there is to it. Is that clear?” (Minimize questions.)
7. If time is a problem, 20 of the 30 words should suffice, but pick half neutral and half critical ones.
Have your timekeeper erase the times before the second suspect comes in.
8. If the first subject is allowed to remain in class while the second is being tested, he should sit
behind the class so as not to give any telling reactions.
9. An excellent extension of this demonstration, proposed by Mikkel Hansen of Stanford University, is
to have students (or associates) film the two suspects completing their tasks. At the end of the class,
after votes have been cast, the videos can be played to the section to dramatically reveal who is
Do not get too involved in the initial discussion; this demonstration requires a lot of time, so hold all but the
necessary setting of the context for afterward. Pick a safe place for the burning to take place. Do not select
subjects who are very expressive–the guilty one might give it all away with the first blush.
4. What role does self-monitoring play in being able to infer internal states from external behavior?
5. What does it mean to be “poker faced” or to have a face “like an open book”?
6. What kinds of external behavior are the best indicators of internal states? How can we train
ourselves to monitor and control such sources of channel leakage?
7. What circumstances and variables lead to errors and misinterpretations of the “inner person” from
outer appearances? Also consider the conditions under which we judge a nonparticipant as “shy”
or “bored,” “unmotivated,” or “aloof, “not prepared” or “reserved.”
8. How can we distinguish between generalized arousal (anxiety from being put into a novel situation
or from being tested) and the specific motivation stemming from guilt?
9. Sigmund Freud used word association as a clue to detect secrets the person concealed even from
him- or herself. The idea that repressed thoughts will be revealed in overt behavior (slips of the
tongue, strange associations, etc.) is basic to Freudian psychodynamic notions of the functioning of
10. Contrast the methodologies of using qualitative content analysis of word associations to that of
quantitative reaction time measures to get at the “deeper” structure of functioning. Personality
psychologists and lay people more often use the former, while cognitive psychologists tend to use
the latter. Beyond the methods of obtaining data, are there differences in how one goes about
making inferences from these two sources of data?
11. Jury Decisions. If there is time, an interesting variation is to divide the class into juries with the
mandate of coming to a unanimous decision in x-minutes’ time. Ask a spokesperson for each jury to
call out its verdict. Be sure to have jury members indicate the confidence level of their personal
verdict and the jury’s final decision. Analyze any changes in confidence or personal decisions due
to the social influence of other jurors. How are explanations for erroneous inferences handled after
the class learns the “truth”? An analysis of the psychology of the jury process would fit here or
could be saved for the “social” part of your course. The “Detecting Guilt” demonstration has many
interesting implications for discussing the decision-making process of real juries, judges, and
police. Section leaders should try to use current examples and events, if available. Local jury trials,
college disciplinary hearings, and police investigations can all be used to begin a discussion of the
judicial determination of guilt.
12. Free Association. In psychotherapy, free association, recall, and self-revelation all are contingent on
the patient’s trust of the therapist. Genuine free association, affective recall, and the ability to reveal
oneself indicate that the basic premise of “be on guard” in relation to others and in relation to
oneself has been loosened, has less potency as a maxim in living. This represents a momentous
advance in the individual’s life (an insight sought as a primary goal of Freudian analysis). (See
Singer, E. (1965). Key concepts in psychotherapy.)
13. An interesting variation to get at expectancy effects is to have half the judges be aware of the critical
words before the testing begins and half unaware and see if this condition influences their data and
The following resources contain much to stimulate discussion of the psychological issues underlying
various types of legal evidence, police confessions, eyewitness accounts, lie-detector test, etc.
1. Zimbardo, P. (1971). The psychology of police confessions. In R. Perrucci & M. Pilisuk, The triple
revolution emerging. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
2. Barland, G.H., & Raskin, D.C. (1973). Detection of deception. In Electrodermal activity in psychological
research (pp. 417-477). New York: Academic Press.
• Data tally sheet of reactions to each of 30 stimulus words
• Expressive Behavior Encoding Guide and table for summarizing data for each of two subjects.
• Table of word association norms
• Reaction Time summary table
• Verdict slip
• Stopwatch, if you have one
• Letters in unmarked envelopes
• Materials in “crime room”: 3 matches; bloodstained envelope to “Miss Chris” with woman’s photo in it,
signed “All my love”; a metal pan.
a bat flew overhead you would not stop. Your hands are somewhat dirty and you notice you have left some
fingerprints on the water fountain; you erase these fingerprints with a handkerchief or this letter.
You don’t want to miss the next part of the demonstration, so wait about five minutes from the time you left
the classroom, put this letter out of sight, return, knock on the door to indicate you are back, but wait for
further instructions. Do not talk to anyone or tell anyone about how you spent this time. No one must know
what you did!
Suspect 1 Suspect 2
Response Reaction Expressive Response Reaction Expressive
Stimulus Word
Word Time Behavior Word Time Behavior
1. school
2. music
3. orange
4. black
5. buy
6. country
7. letter
8. tree
9. boy
10. bat
11. lake
12. crushed
13. street
14. pay
15. heaven
16. spot
17. miss
18. smooth
19. finger
20. water
21. whistle
22. red
23. light
24. dream
25. work
26. burn
27. three
28. tattoo
29. ashes
30. trash
Expressive Behavior. Tally the instances of expressive behavior in the following table.
Suspect 1 Suspect 2
Categories S P F O S P F O
Is there a difference in frequency of expressive behavior for critical and neutral words for the two suspects?
Verbal Responses: Some word association norms for a selected set of words are given below for
comparative purposes. They were collected from a sample of 1000 respondents. 1
Judged by these norms, how common or unusual and idiosyncratic were the word associations given by the
suspects? Is there a difference in the quality of their responses to the critical versus neutral words? Do the
Kent, G. H., & Rosanoff, A. J. (1910). A study of association in insanity. American Journal of Insanity, 67, 37-96,
317-390. For a more recent discussion of these norms, see Woodworth, R. S., & Schlosberg, H. (1954). Experimental
psychology (rev. ed.). New York. Holt.
Do the suspects’ mean reaction times give you clues as to which one is guilty? Are there any extreme RTs
for individual words? Do you see any differences on particular critical words that might indicate guilt?
The age group that has recently shown the sharpest increase in attempted suicide is 18- and 24-years-old
college-aged people. Suicide now ranks second in leading causes of death for this age group, right behind
automobile accidents. Because of the high incidence of suicide among college students, this section typically
elicits great interest from many of the students, and sometimes powerful emotions (see Pitfalls to Avoid). In
this section, we will:
1. Begin by going around the room and sharing any close brushes students have had with suicide,
either personally or with another person who was experiencing difficulties.
2. Discuss definitions students have for suicide and the discrepancies between these definitions and
some of the other factors that can complicate judgments of suicide.
3. Take the Suicide Quiz (provided at the end of this section).
4. Read the 10 items and take a “hand count” of how many students believe each item is true or false.
5. Discuss statistics on suicide rates, including differences according to gender, age, race,
socioeconomic status, and other variables. At a minimum, this discussion will include the 10 items
that comprise the Suicide Quiz.
Throughout the ages, people have held very different views of suicide. The early Greeks often considered
suicide to be a natural solution to unhappy situations. The Romans took a conditional position; suicide
induced by pain, sickness or grief was exempt from punishment, whereas suicide “without cause” was
unpardonable, especially when interests of the state were involved. The advent of Christianity signaled a
departure from past laws concerning suicide. In the fourth century, St. Augustine placed suicide in a moral
framework and condemned it as a grievous sin. Consequently, suicide became rare in the Middle Ages.
The Renaissance brought a reconsideration of suicide as a solution to life’s hardships. Indeed,
Shakespeare’s eight tragedies contain fourteen suicides! Gradually suicide became a topic of debate, and in
1777 the philosopher David Hume stated that suicide does not do society any harm—the individual merely
ceases to do good. Still, it took until 1961 for England to repeal its law making attempted suicide a crime,
and until June 1972 for Canada. The United States inherited its law from England, and to this day it is
illegal to attempt suicide in seven states, while in eighteen states, aiding and abetting suicide is a crime.
The Suicide Quiz.
Optional: Calculator for computing percentage of students who get each item correct.
Any number, but optimal with 10—25 students.
1. This section begins with students sharing and experiences they have had with suicide, personally
or with another person who was having trouble. We strongly recommend excusing any students
who feel that the topic of suicide is too emotional for them to discuss. Few students will leave, but it
is important that they have that option available.
2. Discuss differing definitions students have for suicide. What are the discrepancies between these
definitions? It should become apparent that suicide is more than intentionally taking one’s life.
Nero, for example, ordered an attendant to kill him. Seneca was ordered by Nero to kill himself. A
more modern example of Seneca’s plight is found in the Jonestown massacre which hundreds of
Jim Jones’ devotees were instructed to take their own lives. Seppuku, or hara-kiri, was practically
obligatory for Japanese nobility and samurai when their failure caused loss or defeat for their
emperor or lord. Are these all cases of suicide? What about borderline cases of self-destruction,
such as neglecting medical advice or excessive risk-taking (e.g., driving at high speeds,
volunteering for dangerous military missions, or excessive overeating)? Even more complicated
than the definition of a committed suicide is the definition of an attempted suicide.
3. Students should take the Suicide Quiz.
4. Next, the instructor should read through the 10 items and take a “hand count” of how many
students believe each item is true or false. In actuality, all of the items are false and constitute
common myths about suicide.
5. Next, the instructor should review statistics on suicide rates, including differences according to
gender, age, race, socioeconomic status, and other variables. Minimally, this discussion must
include the 10 items that compose the Suicide Quiz. For example, the instructor might challenge the
class to explain why men are more likely to commit suicide than women (Question 2), even though
women attempt suicide two or three times more often than men (Question 1). The answer lies in the
choice of method (Question 3); men choose guns whereas women choose pills. Alternatively, the
instructor might spend time countering the myth that people who periodically mention suicide are
not likely to commit it (Question 10). This could prove to be a transition for discussion of what to do
if a friend or family member has been talking about suicide.
6. Students should take the Suicide Quiz once more, this time read aloud by the instructor with a
show of hands whether each item is true or false. It should then become apparent that all of the
items were myths, and the class has learned much about suicide since the beginning of the section.
1. Suicide is an intensely emotional subject; the greatest pitfall any discussion leader will face is
underestimating the impact this topic may have on certain students. It may be appropriate to give
students advance warning of the topic and the option to excuse themselves.
2. In order for the opening discussion to work well, a supportive tone must be set so that students feel
comfortable sharing personal accounts. The instructor may also want to make clear that this
information should not be shared with friends outside of the discussion group.
3. The instructor might mention this topic the week before and invite students who want to discuss
any personal experiences regarding suicide among family or friends to meet with him or her.
4. It is important that there is no communication while students take the Suicide Quiz.
Alverez, A. (1971). The savage God. New York: Random House.
Barrington, M. R., & Hendin, H. (1984). Can suicide be rational? In J. Rubinstein & B. D. Slife (Eds.), Taking
sides: Clashing views on controversial social issues. (3rd ed.). Guilford, CT Dushkin Publishing Group.
Phillips, D. P. (1986). Natural experiments on the effects of mass media violence on fatal aggression: Strengths and
weaknesses of a new approach. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 19, pp.
207-250). Orlando, FL: Academic Press
Schneidman, E. (1987, March). At the point of no return. Psychology Today pp. 54-58
The same research procedures that can lead to helpful gains in knowledge may also represent a source of
danger to the individuals who serve as subjects. The power of the researcher and of the scientific
establishment relative to that of their subjects has been balanced in recent years by the creation of
institutional review boards (IRBs). These peer review committees have established evaluation procedures
that protect the welfare of human and animal subjects. How does evaluation of the ethics of research
operate? What is the process by which an individual investigator submits a research proposal to a
university IRB for its evaluation? In this section we will:
1. Begin by discussing instances of research with unacceptable risks and questionable ethics (see
Additional Resources).
2. Discuss the essential concepts of “at risk,” “invasion of privacy,” “deception,” “informed consent,”
“the gain/loss notion of relative ethics,” and the raising of consciousness about ethical
3. Briefly describe the review-evaluation procedure now required of prospective researchers in an
academic setting.
4. Briefly describe the importance to society of promoting scientific progress and the career of the
individual researcher (in order to establish social and personal values that oppose “undesirable”
5. Conduct the demonstrations on role-playing in which students take both sides in the institutional
evaluation of psychological research proposed by independent investigators.
Ethical questions often arise about the conduct of scientific research because it may intervene in the lives of
participants who are subject to its procedures-even if only for a short time. Decisions made by investigators
solely based on scientific or pragmatic considerations may be harmful to research subjects. The subjects are
usually not in a position to have advance knowledge of what will be done to them or to refuse exposure to
procedures unacceptable to them. Much research takes place in institutional settings where there are strong
pressures on potential subjects to comply with authorities, such as in prisons, the military, factories,
summer camps, schools, and colleges.
Research involving human subjects raises ethical and legal issues of sufficiently serious and widespread
concern that a comprehensive mechanism has been developed through which the judgments of researchers
are reviewed. Under the National Research Act of 1974, institutions applying for funds must establish an
IRB to review research conducted by that institution. Of course, many institutions and departments already
had established IRBs prior to this act, including most psychology departments, which supported “Human
Subject Committees,” to review psychological research. The IRB’s goals, then, are to determine whether
subjects will be placed at risk, and, if so, whether the risks are outweighed by the benefits to the subject and
the importance of the knowledge being sought. In addition, it is necessary to determine if the rights and
welfare of the subjects are protected and if “legally effective informed consent” will be obtained by adequate
and appropriate means.
The purpose of the evaluation procedure is to protect the welfare of human subjects. This includes
protection against undue or unnecessary invasion of privacy, disrespect for human dignity, and physical,
physiological, or social harm.
In this demonstration we want students to discuss research ethics by having them participate in several
role-playing scenarios in which experimenters defend their proposals before an IRB. To give them good
material to work with, we have prepared proposals modified from several experiments that have proven
over the years to generate a fair amount of controversy.
Four research proposal summaries of relevant parts of psychological experiments. Each of them includes
procedures that raise questions about its ethics. The proposals are based on research by:
1. Sherif and associates on intergroup conflict among children in a summer camp (not usually
described in the literature as ethically questionable).
2. Freedman and Fraser’s foot-in-the-door compliance field experiment.
3. Sheridan and King’s modification of Milgram’s obedience study
4. Zimbardo’s prison simulation.
15-25 students are ideal. Four are selected to act as university research professors, each advocating
approval of his or her proposal. The rest of the class serves as the IRB (see variations for a possible third role
for 2 impression management observers).
1. Decide which of the research proposals will be presented to the class IRB, depending on your time
schedule. You may want to add one or more of your own choosing or use only a few of ours.
2. Preselect the research investigators who will argue for their proposals, either assigning them the
previous week to become familiarized with the specific proposals or choosing students who arrive
early to the section. In a large class, you may want to have pairs of students be a research team.
3. Explain the role-playing scenario. The researchers, eager to begin their research as soon as possible
with minimal modifications, have submitted a proposal for the experiment to the human subjects
committee for review. They have received a reply from the committee stating that there are some
ethical (and possibly other) questions about the study, and that they have been requested to appear
before the committee to defend their proposal and presentation strategy. They should attempt to
defend it as best they can, given the material. You might even inform them that their entire career
and everything they’ve worked for depends on getting this study through the committee (with
reasonable modifications).
4. The IRB should read the study, each member listing questions to raise. You may want to alert them
to some specific concerns they might miss. Appoint a chairperson to coordinate the session. With a
large class you might save time with two IRBs, the second one preparing the materials for Proposals
1. Be sure to create a present-time perspective of this event unfolding now in order to maximize
personal involvement.
2. Set time limits for review of each proposal; if heated discussion arises, it is easy to run overtime.
3. Establish the important role of the IRB and possible student representation on it, in order for the
class members to take their roles seriously.
in this matter? What are the limits and safeguards on what can be done under the name of
“education” or “therapy” that is not “research”?
• Relate this section to the one on impression management by analyzing how the
experimenters tried to manage favorable impressions. Have two student observers code the
researchers’ behavior and the confirmatory or disconfirmatory questions of the committee.
8. Discuss the issue of living in an “experimenting society,” in which we assume that adequate
research will be conducted before new drugs are put on the market or we are exposed to certain
products. Somewhere in that process, humans or animals were subjects in that research related to
pain, disease, stress, and other noxious experiences.
9. Raise the problems with “debriefing” subjects after an allowable deception has been conducted in
an experiment. Can people really be returned to the condition they were in before experiencing an
experimental treatment, given that it was intense enough to influence their behavior?
10. Consider the public’s positive reaction to “Candid Camera” deception episodes. What does that
say about us?
Baumrind, D. (1964). Some thoughts on ethical issues in psychology. American Psychologist, 19, 421-423.
Kom J. H. (1984). Coverage of research ethics in introductory and social psychology tests. Teaching of
Psychology, 11, 146-149.
Steininger, M., Newell, J. D., & Garcia, L. (1984). Ethical issues in psychology. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
Zimbardo, P. G. (1973). On the ethics of intervention in human psychological research: With special
reference to the Stanford prison experiment. Cognition, 2, 243-256.
One survey of IRB actions presents the following data, which the class might find useful. The data are
for all types of institutions—universities, medical school, hospitals and others (2389 were surveyed).
Board modified 33
Modified after an informal discussion with IRB members 7
More information requested 10
No change 44
No data available 6
Total: 100
Here is a description of the infamous U.S. Public Health Service study of syphilis, in which the control
group received a placebo—and most died. It supports arguments for strong IRBs.
The study was started in 1932 by the service’s venereal disease section. It involved 625 black men, mostly
poor and uneducated, from the county surrounding Tuskegee, Alabama, which then had the highest
syphilis rate in the nation. Two hundred of the men did not have syphilis and served as a control group for
comparison purposes; 425 had latent (and therefore noncommunicable) syphilis and received little if any
treatment for it. As an incentive to participate in the study, they were offered free treatment for any other
illnesses, free hot lunches, and free burial after autopsies were performed.
At the time the test began, treatment for syphilis was uncertain at best and involved a lifelong series of risky
injections of such toxic substances as bismuth, arsenic, and mercury. However, in the years following
World War II, the PHS’s test became a matter of medical morality. Penicillin had been found almost totally
effective against syphilis, and by war’s end it had become generally available. Nevertheless, the PHS did
not use the drug on those participating in the study unless the patient asked for it.
Recent reviews of 125 cases by the PHS’s Center for Disease Control in Atlanta found that half had
syphilitic heart valve damage. Twenty-eight had died of cardiovascular or central nervous system problems
that were complications of syphilis.
The study’s findings on the effects of untreated syphilis have been reported periodically in medical journals
for years. It was not until 1972, however, that an Associated Press correspondent noticed and reported that
the lack of treatment was intentional. Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin, a member of the
subcommittee that oversees PHS’s budget, called the study “a moral and ethical nightmare” and an
investigation soon followed.
The probe did not help much, for the damage had already been done. The officials responsible for the study
have long since retired. Present CDC officials agree that such a study could not be conducted today.
Unfortunately, their solicitude is small consolation for the 74 of the original 425 syphilitics still surviving.
The agency is treating them for whatever other diseases or physical problems they might have, but it can do
little for their syphilis. The average age of the survivors is 74, and the massive penicillin therapy necessary
to arrest their long-ignored affliction could do more harm than good.
For them, the PHS reversal has come too late. But the notoriety of this study has done much to raise the
consciousness of researchers and research service administrators and legislators.
Title: Resolution of Social Conflicts
Proposal: Many groups face social conflicts that, without adequate means of resolution, erupt into group
hostility and destructive behavior. On the basis of previous research by M. Sherif, we believe that the critical
variable in the conflict resolution process is the availability of superordinate goals, that is, common goals or
objectives that can be fulfilled only via cooperative rather than competitive strategies.
Subjects will be housed in an environment that is new to them (a summer camp) with others who are
strangers. This is to control for extraneous influences and prior group formation. The subjects will be
divided into two groups, each of which will be housed separately, and led by a team of adult supervisor-
observers. There will be four phases to our study: (1) development of strong within-group cohesion and
solidarity in each of the two camp groups; (2) creation of the opportunity for conflict between the two
groups; (3) introduction of a common problem (e.g., breakdown in water supply to the camp) facing both
groups; and (4) observation of strategies of resolution.
The duration of each phase will be: Phase 1-five days; Phase 2-three days; Phrase 3-one day; Phase 4-five
days—a total of two weeks.
Trained observers will record all interactions that occur during meals, sports, recreation, and at other times.
Subjects: 60 lower-socioeconomic status children whose parents agree to send them to this experimental
summer camp for two weeks. There will be no fees at all for transportation, food, tuition, etc., in return for
the use of the children as subjects. The children will not be informed of the experimental nature of the camp,
but parents will sign an informal consent form (submitted to this committee separately). All parents will
receive a report of the study in which children’s identity will be confidential. There will be adequate
medical and health supervision at all times during this study.
Remarks: It is expected that we will learn some important principles to help in the design of environments to
promote cooperation and minimize competition. Such “social engineering” may remove conflicts not only
in gangs but also between ethnic and racial groups and be of value even at the political-international level
(witness cooperation among oil-deprived nations).
Title: Low-Pressure Determinants of Compliance
Department: Psychology
Proposal: Research done in the mid-1960s by Freedman and Fraser demonstrated that compliance with a
small request greatly increased the probability of future compliance with a large request, even when the
large request was made two weeks after the small request. The large request made in this research required
the subjects to allow their home property to be used in specific ways. It was thus a request for acquiescence.
Our study will replicate the Freedman and Fraser investigation, except that the large request will call on
subjects to actively carry out a rather time-consuming task.
Subjects: The subjects will be householders in a suburban middle-class community. They will be contacted
in their homes, in person, and treated in one of three ways: (a) informed about a new effort to persuade the
city council to enact an ordinance prohibiting research and development of antipersonnel weapons in the
city limits (FAMILIARIZATION CONDITION); (b) asked to sign a petition to the city council advocating
such an ordinance (SMALL REQUEST CONDITION); (c) agree to sign a petition when approached to do so
later (AGREEMENT CONDITION)—Half the subjects in each of these three conditions will later be
approached and asked to invite their neighbors to a coffee meeting in their homes to generate support and
raise funds for this effort. The other half will be approached and asked to hold a similar meeting to generate
support and raise funds for an effort to enact new pollution control ordinances.
The study therefore includes a control group that is merely contacted, a group that agrees to a small request,
and a group that actually carries out the small request. Subjects from all three groups are then asked to carry
out major requests that are either related or unrelated to their previous experience.
Remarks: Events of the past few years have caused great concern among Americans about political
manipulation and commercial exploitation of the public. In politics, “dirty tricks” has become a household
phrase. Advertising through the media is widely believed to influence consumer preferences. We believe
that understanding of the subtle tactics political organizers and salespeople attempt to use can enable
private individuals to behave in a more independent fashion. Our interest focuses on low-pressure
techniques precisely because many people are sensitized to high-pressure tactics and can presumably
defend themselves against those tactics to some extent. Low-pressure tactics, on the other hand, may go
unrecognized by the target population and thus render them more susceptible to insidious influence
Title: Obedience in Response to Authority
Proposal: This study will replicate and extend research by Milgram and by Sheridan and King on the
conditions under which adults will administer painful or potentially lethal punishment to a victim in
obedience to the instructions of an authority figure. Male and female subjects will be asked to serve as the
“teacher” in a study of the effects of punishment on learning. A fluffy, attractive puppy in a cage with an
electrifiable grid floor will be presented as the learner attempting to learn to discriminate steady lights from
lights flickering at rates near the critical fusion frequency for dogs. The subject’s task is to administer a series
of increasingly intense shocks to the puppy, increasing the shock level after each error. The panel of
switches on the shock generator will be marked to indicate a range of 15 to 450 volts, increasing in 15-volt
In fact, the shocks the puppy experiences will be restricted to levels insufficiently intense to produce tissue
damage. For half the subjects of each sex, a small amount of anesthetic gas will be introduced into the dog’s
cage so that the animal appears to slump into unresponsiveness because of the shocks.
Dependent measures in this study will include: (a) the maximum shock administered by the subject; (b) the
duration of shocks administered; (c) subject’s verbal and expressive behavior during the experiment.
Remarks: History is tragically rich in examples of atrocities carried out by people whose principal
motivation is responsiveness to instructions issued by an authority figure. Thus, ordinary German citizens
participated in the torture and massacre of Jews, American aviators dropped atomic bombs on Japanese
cities, and flesh-shredding antipersonnel weapons are currently being used in Indochina by technicians
whose remote control devices prevent them from even seeing the results of their actions.
It is vital that we understand the conditions under which people will and will not carry out instructions
leading to inhumane acts so that adequate legal and social safeguards against the abuse of authority may
be instituted without delay. The subversion of the American political process revealed through the
Watergate investigations only highlights the urgency of research in this area.
The puppy victims will experience some distress in the course of each session. While the investigators do
not consider an animal’s suffering something to be treated casually, it is felt that this research design is
compatible with the traditional requirement that animal suffering be justified by the human benefits of the
resulting knowledge. Variations on the design will include creating a “compliance hierarchy,” with a series
of subjects passing orders down the line to the final executor.
Title: Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison
Department: Sociology
Proposal: The institution of prison is of special interest for social scientists because of the unique character of
the social relations and interactions that occur there. Several years ago, research by Zimbardo and his
colleagues demonstrated that prison behavior could be scientifically studied under the control conditions of
a “simulated” laboratory environment. They found that behavioral syndromes associated with prison life
(for example, guard brutality, prisoner disintegration) could be reliably elicited in an experimental milieu,
with little loss in the authenticity of reactions and within a relatively convenient time.
In our modest proposal, we will attempt to extend this early research in several crucial directions.
Generalization from the Zimbardo study to social behavior in real prisons is limited by the fact that it
employed normal, healthy, middle-class college students—precisely the kind of people least likely to enter a
real prison. In our study we propose to utilize a subject population of lower class, preferably minority,
persons as prisoners, and a group of working-class white males as guard personnel. In this way we will be
better able to draw inferences about the parameters which control the behavior in actual prison
populations. In addition, our study will employ much larger groups of prisoners and guards than the 20
used in the original study, since it is only in this way that statistically reliable results may be obtained and
valid conclusions drawn about prison behavior. Finally, we propose increasing the length of the study to
several months (depending on budgetary constraints) in order to investigate the more important effects of
long-term imprisonment, rather than simply short-term adjustment. We will also study, in a second phase of
the research, whether female guards and prisoners act as the males do, and whether different types of
training of the guards yield more “positive” outcomes.
Because our simulated prison environment will be designed to maximize experimenter surveillance and
data collection, we are confident that all deleterious effects will be carefully monitored and recorded.
Circle one:
New Competing Project is under For Unsponsored Projects:
Proposal Continuation Renewal an existing grant New Renewal
Grant/Contract No._____________________________________
(Include P.I. name if other than one given above)
Proposed Start Date_______________________
Approval certification (HHS Form 596) to be sent
to: _____________________________________
(Name & Agency if available)
A short (1—3 pages) summary of the project is needed for review by the Human Subjects Panel; this should
include a description of the purpose of the study, the procedures which will involve human subjects, the
length of their involvement, and the means for ensuring confidentiality of data regarding the subjects.
Please avoid any technical terms not readily understood by individuals outside your discipline. You do not
need to include a copy of your complete proposal, but please do include copies of any questionnaire or
structured interviews (if any).
Some specific points to be included in the summary are the following:
Please answer the questions, identifying each by number. Please type all responses.
1. Describe the purpose of your study and the procedures that human subjects will undergo in your
research design. What are the risks and possible consequences of these procedures?
2. Please write, using nonprofessional terms, a description of what is disclosed to a subject
concerning the purpose of the research and its possible risks.
3. Describe your subject population and your method for obtaining the subjects’ informed consent.
Please attach a sample of a written consent. Also indicate briefly where and how these consent
forms will be filed. University policy dictates that they be retained for a period of three years after
the conclusion of the project.
4. If personality tests, questionnaires, or inventories are to be administered, describe the reason for
their use, the manner in which they will be given, and the information to be given to the subjects
about obtained scores. How will you ensure confidentiality of the findings from this research?
5. If your response to any of the following is affirmative, please explain.
• Will deception be used in any aspect of the subject’s relation to the research? YES___
• Will any stimulus or other conditions be imposed on subjects, or any response be required
of them, that could possibly pose a physical risk? YES___ NO___
• Will any personality tests, questionnaires, or inventories be administered? YES___ NO___
Note: The proposals already submitted for student reviewers to evaluate are not in that format but will be
accepted for review here because they were prepared prior to this memo.
1. To illustrate some of the differences and similarities between alternative approaches to
2. To encourage thinking about the forms of therapy that are most appropriate for different types of
mental disorders.
3. To demonstrate the kind of information-gathering process that is involved in a clinical interview of
a prospective client by a therapist.
Individuals who seek help for the problems caused by their mental disorders or behavioral malfunctioning
may be treated differently depending on the type of therapeutic approach practiced by their therapist. The
same therapist may proceed differently depending on the presenting symptoms or behavioral problems of
the client/patient. How different are the approaches of therapists who have different psychological
orientations? How are therapeutic strategies varied according to the nature of the problem to be treated or
modified? In this section we will:
1. Begin by discussing the goals of psychotherapy in general and some of the specific objectives of the
major psychological approaches to therapy.
2. Discuss the goals that a person with psychological problems might have in seeking therapy; ask
students what they would expect from therapy.
3. Mention issues of the high cost of therapy, the time required, problems of therapist—client “fit,”
definitions of the client’s “problem,” and determination of when therapy has succeeded or failed.
4. Review basic aspects of therapy based on behavioristic, psychodynamic, and humanistic
5. Conduct the demonstration on role-playing a clinical interaction.
The decision a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist must make in prescribing the kind of therapy a patient
should receive, or even whether he or she should be given any at all, is a complex one. We tend to think of it
as following in a rather straightforward way from analysis of the “facts”, or the patient’s problems. This is
rarely, if ever, true.
The decision regarding the tactics of therapeutic intervention depends on:
1. The therapist’s interpretation of the facts.
2. The therapist’s type of training and orientation. This, in turn, influences his or her definition of
what constitutes behavior pathology and also determines what behavior and casual relations he or
she will focus on (or even notice). Moreover, the therapist is usually trained to administer only a
limited brand of therapy. The therapist’s values about who should be helped (the young or the old,
men or women, influential people or ordinary ones, those with mild problems or those with severe
ones, rich people or poor ones, attractive people or unattractive ones, interesting people or
uninteresting ones, etc.).
3. The therapist’s attitudes about what behavior is desirable. Should homosexuals be turned into
heterosexuals? Should pacifists be made more aggressive so people won’t “step on them”? Should
patients be calm and manageable or allowed to be active and self-directing? These questions
involve judgments that are not scientific.
4. The available resources and the competition for them. For example, with a large patient population
and a small staff, intensive psychoanalysis may not be possible.
5. The patient’s apparent level of motivation, past history or therapy, and other attributes. In addition,
the environment in which the patient lives or to which he or she will return may also play a role in
the type of treatment instituted.
6. Whether the therapy takes place on an “outpatient” basis, an “inpatient’ basis, within a clinical or
mental hospital institution, or a “halfway-patient” basis in a halfway house setting.
Therapeutic Intervention Coding Form
Students selected to act as therapists read the chapter of Psychology and Life relevant to their “specialty.”
10—20 students are ideal; 1 or 2 students to enact each of the two or three different therapist roles, 2
students to enact the client roles, and the rest of the class to act as observers and recorders of the interaction.
1. Select three students a week in advance of the class meeting and assign the following therapist
roles: behavioral, psychoanalytic, and humanist. (You may assign more than one student to each
approach if you would like them to work in teams.) Have them study the relevant material in the
text and give them some supplementary material on the three types of therapy. Have them prepare
their strategy for interviewing the “clients” they will see in class meetings.
2. To facilitate the interviews, you may wish to have the therapists prepare questions they will ask
their clients.
3. Select two or more students prior to the beginning of the class meeting and ask them to play the role
of client. We suggest that you use DSM-IV case summaries, but other descriptions of patients could
also be used. Have these students study their case histories and prepare themselves to play the role
of a client who is seeking professional help. Obviously, they may be asked for information that is
not actually given in the summary. Explain to the students that they should feel free to fabricate
details that are consistent with the role they will be playing. Alternatively, you may play the client
4. Each therapist or therapist team may interview one or both clients.
5. Clients are instructed to role-play being phobic or depressed.
6. To ensure that the therapists will be maximally different in style and content, it is helpful to ask
them to wait outside of the classroom until they have conducted an interview. After conducting an
interview, the therapist could then remain in the class and observe his or her colleagues.
7. Each therapist should also prepare a brief assessment of the patient and recommendations for
treatment. These could be read to the class after everyone has been interviewed.
8. Be sure all parties are aware of the time constraints of this brief “initial” interview.
9. Have the other class members actively participate as observers by coding the therapist’s questions
(to be described in Data Analysis). Instruct them in the coding when therapists are out of the room.
10. Summarize the conclusions to be drawn from this mock clinical interaction.
1. Remind students of the seriousness of the clinical encounter and the need to appreciate the
difficulties involved for both therapist and client to create a professional atmosphere for the role-
playing. Try to get students who seem to be good actors to play the client role and those who are
most responsible to play the therapist role. Assigning the roles the previous week gives them more
preparation time but requires “back-up” precautions if any students fail to come to this section. You
might also want to assign “understudies.”
2. Remember to keep an eye on the elapsed time or even set an alarm because the role-playing can get
involved and 5—10 minutes goes by quickly.
10. Raise the issue that any of the students might be solicited at some time for help with someone’s
psychological problem. How will they approach the problem of offering support and advice to
someone in need? (However, caution them against acting like therapists on the basis of their limited
experiences in this course.)
Prochaska, J. 0. (1984). Systems of psychotherapy: A transtheoretical analysis. Homewood, IL,: Dorsey Press.
Traux, C.B., & Carkhuff, R-R. (1965). Experimental manipulation of therapeutic conditions. Journal of
Consulting Psychology, 29, 119-1924.
Disorder:________________ Disorder:________________
Behavioristic Present
Psychodynamic Present
Humanistic Present