(ii) EXECUTIVE FUNCTION/POWER - Parliaments all over the world exercise some control over those
who run the government. Those who run the government can take decisions only so long as they
enjoy support of the Parliament.
(iii) FINANCIAL FUNCTION/POWER- Parliament control all the money that governments have. Any
the public money can be spent only when the Parliament approves the budget.
(iv) IMPEACHMENT POWER- The Parliament can remove the President, the Vice-President, judges of
Supreme Court and High courts by passing a resolution of impeachment against them.
(v)DEBATING FUNCTION- Parliament is the highest forum of discussion and debate on public issues
and national policy in any country.
Members are free to speak on any matter without fear.
This makesit possible for the Parliament to analyse any or every issue that faces the nation.
These discussions constitute the heart of democratic decision making.
(vi) CONSTITUENT FUNCTION- The Parliament has the power of discussing and enacting changes to
the Constitution.
The constituent powers of both the houses are similar.
All constitutional amendments have to be approved by a special majority of both Houses.
(vii)ELECTORAL FUNCTIONS-The Parliament also performs some electoral functions. It elects the
President and Vice President of India.
(viii) JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS- The judicial functions of the Parliament include considering the
proposals for removal of President, Vice-President and Judges of High Courts and Supreme Court.
1) MAXIMUM 550 members can be the maximum 250 members can be the maximum
STRENGTH strength. strength.
5) PRESIDING Speaker- elected by the members of the Chairman- Vice President of India is
OFFICER House. the ex-officio chairman of
Q.What is the mechanism for resolving the deadlock between the two Houses?
A. A joint sitting of the Houses is convened for this purpose. In the case of Money Bills, there is no
question of a deadlock as the RajyaSabha has a limited say in such matters. There is no provision for
a joint sitting in case of a deadlock over a Constitution Amendment Bill. It cannot be passed if other
House does not pass it.
Q. Differentiate between
A) The money bill and non-money bill.
1. Money bill can be introduced in LokSabha 1. Non- money can be introduced in any of
the two houses.
2. Prior permission of the President is needed for 2. No such condition is needed in case of
presentation of the money bill non-money bill.
3. After being passed from the LokSabha, the money 3. Both the houses enjoy the same power if
bill is sent to the RajyaSabha. It may return the bill the bill is not passed by any one house, the
with certain suggestions. However after 14 days, the bill cannot become a law. In case of
bill will be considered as passed by RajyaSabha disagreement between the two houses, a
automatically. joint sitting can be called by the President,
which is presided over by the speaker in
order to remove deadlock.
4. In case of money bill, there is only one bill. 4. Non- money bill are of two types-
2. Generally, does not turn into a law because it 2. Generally becomes a law because it gets the
lacks support in the house support of the majority of the house.
b) Zero hour- The time which begins soon after the question hour, i.e. 12 pm is known as Zero Hour,
where members are free to raise any matter that they think is important, without any permission or
prior notice (though the ministers are not bound to reply). Sometimes, they raise questions for
publicity. Hence, it leads to obstruction of regular proceeding and business of the house.
d) Adjournment motion- adjournment motion proposes that the house should lay aside all other
business and take up the matter of urgent public importance. Thus it interrupts the regular business
of the house.
2. Approval and ratification of laws: Parliamentary control is also exercised through its power of
A bill can become a law only with the approval of the Parliament. Many bills, such as the Lok Pal Bill
have failed enactment, Prevention of Terrorism bill (2002) was rejected by the RajyaSabha.
4. No-confident motion- If the majority of the LokSabha members say they have ‘no confidence’ in
the Council of Ministers, all ministers including the Prime Minister, have to quit. After 1989, several
governments have been forced to resign due to lack of confidence of the house. Each of these
governments lost the confidence of the LokSabha because they failed to retain the support of their
coalition partners.
Thus, the Parliament can effectively control the executive and ensure a more responsive