department of chemistry
student seminar
UG 5th semester
Trinalee Talukdar(CHM2132005)
Debaprotim Kalita (CHM2132032)
Tinku Talukdar(CHM213243)
Chanjyoti Kalita(CHM2132064)
• Introduction
• What is CFT ?
• Assumptions of CFT
• Shape of d-orbital
• Non axial and axial orbital
• Energy of d orbital
• Splitting of d-orbitals in Octahedral Ligand Field
• Pairing energy
• Factors affecting CFSE value
• Jahn-Teller Effect
• Applications of CFT
• Limitations of CFT
• For weak ligand field: crystal field splitting low; Δ(oct) < Pairing Energy (P); results
high spin metal complexes
High spin and low spin situations for a d6 metal
Pairing Energy
[Fe(H20)6]3 [Fe(CN)6]3-
Strong field
Weak field
High spin Low spin
Distribution of
electrons and
CFSE for d1-d3
Factors Affecting the Magnitude of
1- Oxidation state of the metal ion : The magnitude of Δ
increases with increasing ionic charge on the central metal ion. The
cations from atoms of the same transition series and having the same
oxidation state have almost the same value of Δ but the cation with a
higher oxidation state has a larger value of Δ than that with lower
oxidation state
Δo for [Fe(H2O)6]2+ = 10,400 cm-1 ………3d6
Δo for [Fe(H2O)6]3+ = 13,700 cm-1 ………3d5
Δo for [Co(H2O)6]2+ = 9,300 cm-1 ……….3d7
Δo for [Co(H2O)6]3+ = 18,200 cm-1 ………3d6
This effect is probably due to the fact that the central ion with higher
oxidation state (higher charge) will polarize the ligands more effectively
and thus the ligands would approach such a cation more closely than
they can do the cation of lower oxidation state, resulting in larger
2- Nature of the metal ion : Significant differences in Δ also occur for
analogous complexes within a given group,
the trend being 3d < 4d < 5d.
In progressing from Cr to Mo or Co to Rh, the value of Δ increases by as
much as 50%. Likewise, the values for Ir complexes are some 25% greater
than for Rh complexes.
An important result of this trend is that complexes of the second and third
transition series have a much greater tendency to be low spin than do
complexes of the first transition series.
Geometry of the complex : The splitting in an octahedral field is about
twice as strong as for a tetrahedral field for the same metal ion and the
same ligands . In tetrahedral complex the ligands are directed much less
efficiently than in octahedral complex
This series shows that the value of Δ in the series also increases from
left to right. The order of field strength of the common ligands shown
above is independent of the nature of the central metal ion and the
geometry of the complex.
In 1937, Jahn and Teller put forward a remarkable theorem to explain why
some 6-coordinated complexes (octahedral complexes) undergo distortion
and distorted octahedral geometry.
Theorem: In a nonlinear molecule, if degenerate orbitals are
asymmetrically occupied, a distortion will occur to remove the degeneracy
by lowering the symmetry and thus by lowering the energy.
❖ The theorem can not predict the type of distortion occurs (z-out vs.
z-in). However, because axial elongation weakens two bonds but
equatorial elongation weakens four, axial elongation (z-out) is more
common than axial compression (z-in).
Applications of Crystal Field Theory: Lattice Energy
○ high spin
● low spin
Ionic radii of M2+in MCl2
For a given oxidation state, the ionic radius is expected to decrease continuously
across a transition series. Deviations from the expected line can be attributed to
different electronic configurations (resulting from crystal field splitting).
For weak field case, ionic radius starts to increase with t2g 3eg 1 configuration as the
electron in the eg level experience repulsion with the ligands. For strong field case,
ionic radius starts to increase with t2g 6eg 1 configuration.
Applications of Crystal Field Theory : Enthalpy of
❖ Stronger electrostatic attraction energy between ions and water dipoles increases
hydration enthalpy (ΔH). ΔH is proportional to the charge but inversely proportional to
the radius of the ion. ΔH should increase (become more negative) continuously across
transition series due to decrease in ionic radii. But, experimental ΔH values show
characteristic double-humped shape.
The Color of Coordination Compound
A substance exhibits color because it has the
property to absorb certain radiations from the
visible region of spectrum.
The wavelength of the visible spectrum is in
the range of 400 to 700 nm.
Condition of absorption
The energy gap between the eg
and t2g orbitals, ,(the
crystal field splitting ) equals
the energy of a photon :