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Innershell xray line spectra of highly ionized titanium, chromium, iron, and nickel and

their application to laboratory plasmas

J. R. Lemen, K. J. H. Phillips, G. A. Doschek, and R. D. Cowan

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 60, 1960 (1986); doi: 10.1063/1.337197

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Inner-shen x-ray Une spectra of highly ionized titanium, chromium, iron,
and nickel and their application to laboratory pfasmas
J. R. Lemen
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, England
K. J. H. Phillips
Space and Astrophysics Division, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, England
G. A. Doschek
E. o. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375
R. D. Cowan
Los Alamos National Laboratory, p.o. Box 1663, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

(Received 12 November 1985; accepted for publication 15 May J.986)

The intensities of x-ray lines due to inner-shell ls-2p transitions in 0 I-, N 1-, and C I-like ions
ofTi XV-XVII, Cr XVII-XIX, Fe XIX-XXI, and Ni XXI-XXIII seen in tokamak plasmas are
calculated. The Hnes are assumed to be formed by dielectronic recombination and inner-shell
excitation. The present calculations are an extension of previous work for iron alone. The
dielectronic contribution for iron was found to be more important, and this is true for the ions
of titanium, chromium, and nickel considered here. The dielectronic rates were calculated
using a suite of computer programs developed by one of us. The inner-shell contribution was
estimated by van Regemorter's formula. The considered ion stages have two or more fine-
structure levels in the ground configuration, which gives rise to a density dependence of both
die1ectronic and collision excitation mechanisms at densities between 1011 and 10 16 cm- 3 , a
range suitable for tokamak plasmas. A means for determining the density of high-temperature
plasmas is presented for when no other density diagnostics are available. Finally, the present
calculations were applied to the problem of radial ion diffusion in tokamaks. Spectra were
calculated by integrating along various lines of sight to simulate what might be observed by an
actual spectrometer viewing a tokamak plasma. The assumed temperature and density profiles
and two diffusion models were taken from a recent calculation. A method for determining the
diffusion coefficient from tokamak observations is discussed.

I. INTRODUCTION agree with observed, high-resolution tokamak spectra for

Soft-x-ray line spectra from impurity elements in toka- titanium 3 for an electron temperature near to that measured
maks have been widely used to diagnose the hot plasma pro- by independent means. Calculations and comparison with
duced in discharges. Calculations of iron line intensities and observed spectra also exist for chromium. 4
wavelengths, particularly the heliumlike ion lines and satel- In an extension to the work that has been done by var-
lites due to the lithiumlike stage, present at about 1.9 A, have ious authors on Iithiumlike iron satellites, Phillips et aJ. sand
been applied to hot astrophysical, especially solar, plasmas Lemen et al. 6 (hereafter paper I and paper II, respectively)
in attempts to derive electron temperatures (e.g., Dubau and calculated Fe XIX-XXIII (0 I-like to Be I-like Fe) spectra
Volonte, I Be1y-Dubau et al., 2 and references cited therein). using a Hartree-Fock atomic code including statistical ex-
The intensity ratio of those satellites to the heliumlike ion change written by Cowan 7 : We shan refer to this as the RCN/
resonance line predominantly formed by dielectronic recom- RCG programs. These calculations were for the ls-2p transi-
bination depends only on dectron temperature, whereas tions of the type ls22s2 2p" -1s~2pn + \ , n = 0--4, formed by
others, predominantly formed by collisional inner-shell exci- both die1ectronic recombination and collisional inner-shell
tation, are related to the abundance ratio of the lithiumlike excitation. There is generally a large number of lines in each
to the heliumlike stages. Thus. a useful. temperature diagnos- array, but the most intense lines of each stage form groups
tic of hot plasmas is available if line intensities can be mea- that are almost distinct in wavelength from other stages.
sured. In addition, comparison of the lithiumlike to helium- (For stages less ionized than the 0 I-like stage, the spectra
like ion abundance ratio with the value in coronal ionization take on the characteristic Ka doublet structure, converging
equilibrium, to which such low-density plasmas generally in wavelength on the Fe II Ka I and Ka2 lines.) With dielec-
approximate. enables one to deduce whether the plasma is at tronic excitation of Fe XIX-XXI lines, the recombining ion
steady state, ionizing, or recombining. Calculations have has two or more fine-structure levels in the ground configur-
been done for titanium and other elements which are not aton, which may aU have substantial populations at electron
abundant astrophysicany but which are important in toka- densities of more than 3 X lOll cm -3. Thus, Fe xx lines
mak plasmas as a resul.t of either the eroding of the tokamak might result from the dielectronic recombination of Fe+ 20
limiter and walls or deliberately injecting material using, ions in anyone of its ground configuration levels
e.g., laser-vaporization techniques. The calculated spectra (ls22r2p2 3po, 3p\, 3P2 , \D2 , ISO). With recombination pos-

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sible from excited levels as wen as the ground level, the die-
lectronic line intensities have a dependence on electron den-
sity. Generally, for any particular line, there will also be a
smaller contribution due to inner-shell excitation by electron
i -------- ~
If j(1s2s22 p n+2)

collisions. Again, the incident ion may have more than one m' -------- Ejm
level in its ground configuration, each with substantial popu-
lation. Lines of Fe xx, then, as well as being dielectronically
excited from Fe+ 20 ions, may also result from the collisional
excitation ofFe+ 19 in any of its ground configuration levels
(1 s~s~pn) ====-T-LEa----J'~:-.t~~~
(ls22s 2 2p 3 4S3/2 , 2P 1/2 , 2P3/2 , 2D3/2 , 2D5/2 ). Lines of an ion
with comparable die1ectronic and collisional contributions
to their excitation have intensities that are temperature de-
pendent in the following manner: The dielectronic excitation +---+--k'
depends on the number density of ions in the stage immedi-
ately above (e.g., in the case of Fe xx lines, of Fe + 20 ions),
whereas collisional excitation depends on the number den-
sity of the ion itself (Fe + 19 ions).
In papers I and II, we presented synthetic Fe XIX-XXIII
spectra, including dielectronic and collisional excitation
processes and using Voigt profiles for the line shapes describ- FIG. I. Energy-level diagram illustrating the excitation of a Is-2p emission
ing the thermal Doppler and instrumental broadening. At- line in a general ion X + '. The doubly excited level j may be formed by
tention was drawn to the strong electron density dependence dielectronic recombination of ion X .. , + 1 in one of its ground configuration
levels (e.g., m) or by collisional excitation of ion X +, in one of its ground
of Fe xx lines in particular. This is also true for Fe XXI lines, configuration levels (e.g., k).
but two lithiumlike iron (Fe XXIV) satellites with transi-
tions ls22p-ls2s2occur at these wavelengths; Fe XXI is thus a hot enough to excite them.
less useful density diagnostic unless the temperature is too
When radial profiles of electron temperature and den-
small for excitation of the Fe XXIV lines. The relative contri-
sity in tokamak or similar plasmas are available from Thom-
bution made by collisional excitation to individual lines is
son-scattered laser radiation, line spectra can be computed
approximately constant with temperature in the small tem- from the same ions that a spectrometer would record view-
perature range over which two adjacent ions (e.g., Fe + 19
ing the plasma in a given direction: for such a calculation, ion
and Fe+ 20 in the case of Fe xx lines) are formed (coronal
radial distributions must be assumed or taken from some
ionization equilibrium being assumed in these calculations) .
model. A computer program was written to do this for arbi-
Comparison of the calculated results (paper I) with solar-
trary lines of sight through a model tokamak plasma, taking
flare spectra showed excellent agreement with calculated Fe published calculations of radial iron ion densities II for
xx and XXI spectra in the low-density limit, indicating densi- steady-state coronal diffusive equilibria. This is also done for
ties Jess than 10 12 cm- 3 , which is supported by other mea-
a time-dependent case in which iron is injected into this same
surements. The calculated density dependence was con-
plasma. The calculated spectral show small but measurable
firmed by a spectrum of this region from the PLT tokamak, 8
differences, offering a "synthetic" means of spectroscopical-
showing Fe xx lines with the same appearance as the synthe-
ly determining the diffusion transport coefficients of similar
sized spectrum for an electron density of2 X 10 14 cm- 3 , near
plasmas. Generally, transport coefficients are determined by
that measured by Thomson-scattered laser radiation.
"analytic" means, in which radial ion densities are deduced
In this paper, further calculations are presented for ti- from the radial dependence of total ion radiances. 9. 1 I It is
tanium, chromium, and nickel as well as iron, these elements
shown that this technique. applied to the line spectra consid-
being frequently observed in laboratory plasmas-in the
ered here, must allow for the density effects we calculate for
case of tokamaks, either because of wall erosion or deliberate
a proper determination of radial ion densities.
injection. We shan consider the carbon, nitrogen, and oxy-
gen isoelectronic sequences, these stages showing the great- II. LINE EXCITATION
est density dependence in their x-ray spectra. We find that
the density dependence observed in Fe XX, for example, also A. Theory
occurs in N I-like titanium, chromium, and nickel at a wide The theory presented here follows papers I and II and
variety of electron densities: roughly 10)] to 10 15 cm -3. In the papers of Merts, Cowan, and Magee l2 and Doschek,
principle, then, a spectroscopic density diagnostic technique Feldman, and Cowan. 13 We shall consider ls-2p linesofC 1-,
is available for laboratory plasmas ranging from tokamaks N 1-, and 0 I-like ions; the transitions are 1s22s22p"-
(Ne_10 13_10 14 cm- 3 : e.g., de Michelis and Mattioli9 ) to ls2s22p" + I with n = 2, 3, and 4, respectively. This is illus-
theta pinches (Ne_10 16 cm- 3 : e.g., Lang 1o ), which could trated by the energy-level diagram of Fig. 1, showing the
have application if laser-scattering techniques were unavail- excitation of such a line by dielectronic and collisional exci-
able. There is a similar density dependence in the C I-like tation in a general ion X + Excitation by collisional ioniza-
Z •

lines but, as with Fe XXI, this is confused by the presence of tion of a Is electron is unimportant (see paper I and Merts;
the 1s22p-ls2s2 lines of the lithiurnlike stage if the plasma is Cowan, and Magee 12). The excitation of an autoionizing lev-

1961 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60. No.6. 15 September 1986 Lemen etal. 1961
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elj in ion X + Z occurs by the dielectronic recombination of combination and of ion X + for collisional excitation.

ion X + Z + I in one of the fine-structure levels of its ground Transitions having nonparticipating electrons with
configuration; the energy Ejm is the kinetic energy of the n> 2 (e.g., 1?'l?-2pnl-ls'l?-2p 2nl, n > 2, in the case of C 1-
electron being captured. With inner-shell collisional excita- like ion lines) were considered unimportant, as was found
tion, levelj is excited by electron collisions from one of the for Fe XX-XXIII lines by Doschek, Feldman, and Cowan. 13
fine-structure levels (say k ") of the ground configuration of We shall not consider any collisional effects on autoionizing
ion X+ z. In each case, the ion in level j may radiatively states, such as collisional redistribution of I states (see paper
deexcite to any level k ' or autoionize to form the ion X + + I Z II) which are important for laser-produced plasmas: thus
in any level m' (below j) plus a free electron. Radiative deex- our results are applicable for electron densities of up to a few
citation to a level k in the ground configuration of X + re- Z times 10 16 cm- 3 •
sults in emission in one of the lines considered here. The The equations for line emission by dielectronic recom-
density dependence of the line emission arises through the bination and collisional excitation are given in paper I, so we
density-dependent populations in the fine-structure levels of shall only briefly outline them here. For dielectronic excita-
the ground configuration of ion X + + I for dielectronic re-
Z tion, the emission rate of photons in aline j-+k is given by


" N z + l.rn A 1m (3)
D=~ .
(2) J m Nz+ Igm
A convenient way of expressing relative line intensities is the
product gjB JkDj' which contains only atomic factors. Val-
ues of this product are tabulated below for all transitions
and the summation over m includes the levels in the ground
considered, as was done in paper I for the most intense lines.
configuration of the ion X + z + I. In Eq. (2), AQ and A rare
For excitation of this same line (j-+k) by electron colli-
autoionizing and radiative transition probabilities between
sions, we consider the target ion X + z to be in level k " , one of
the denoted levels. In Eq. (1), gj is the statistical weight of
the ground configuration levels. As in paper I, we use van
the autoionizing levelj, Ejm the excitation energy of the level
Regemorter's approximation for the collisional rate coeffi-
j relative to the level in the X + z + I ion, and Te the electron
cient for excitation from level k " to j, which is taken to be
temperature; N z + I.m is the number density (cm - 3) of ions
proportional to the oscillator strength ik"j and a tempera-
X + z + I in level m and N z + I the number density (cm - 3) of
ture-averaged Gaunt factor P. More precise calculations of
all ions X + z + I.
the excitation rates are not available for the transitions and
The density dependence of the hne j-+k excited by this ions involved. Use of van Regemorter's approximation is,
process, which occurs because of the density-dependent po- however, justifiable in view of the generally smaller impor-
pulation Nz+ '.m/Nz+ I in Eq. (1), may be expressed by the tance of collisional excitation. The emission rate ofj-+k pho-
factor tons in this case is then given by

-1704Xl0- 3NN" N z. k" Ji

'k"·Pexp( - Ek"/kT )
R X('}-+k) - . • z ~ J J
jk Ph0 t ons cm -3 s - I ,
e Br (4)
k" NzEjk " T!/2
with N z•k " the number density (cm - 3) of ion X + z in level functions were calculated from the code RCN, based on a
k Nand Ejk" is in eV. For all lines considered here, P was Hartree-Fock scheme with statistical exchange. These were
taken to be 0.12. As with dielectronic recombination, the combined with Slater-Condon theory in the code RCG to give
density dependence of the line emission, due to the density- energy levels and transition probabilities in intermediate
dependent population N z•k " / N z , may be expressed by the coupling. Autoionization rates were obtained from standard
factor perturbation theory. (For further details, see Cowan,'

H·=I NNzEik"j .
k "
Chaps. 8 and 16, and paper n.) A non relativistic version of
(5) the RCN/RCG programs was used, the relativistic corrections
J k" jk "
primarily affecting the wavelengths rather than the rates
The relative strengths oflines excited by electron collisions is (and thus line intensities). These, together with Breit inter-
conveniently expressed by HjB Jk (units of eV- I ), contain- action and QED corrections, affect the wavelengths to a
ing only atomic factors. comparable degree to the ls-2p iron lines, being in the same
wavelength region. For Fe XXIII-XXV Hnes, we found in pa-
B. Procedure per II that the nonrelativistic RCN/RCG wavelengths were 2-
The RCN/RCG computer programs were used for wave- 3 rnA smaller than those calculated from a multiconfigura-
lengths, excitation energies, and autoionization and radia- tion Dirac-Fock (MCDF) code 14 in which Breit interaction
tive rates needed in Eqs. (1 )-( 5). Single-electron radial and QED corrections are included. A similar difference ex-

1962 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No.6, 15 September 1966 Lemenetal. 1962
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TABLE 1. Values of wavelength and gjBI.D) (5-') for principal" lines at the stated N, (cm -3).

TRANSITIONb A(A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1.00(15) A(A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1.00(15)

2.7265 1.17(11) 5.58(11) 8.75(11) 2.2724 2.24(11) 8.03(11) 1.63(12)

2.7237 3.13(11) 1.85(12) 3.22(12) 2.2700 2.76(11) 1.47 (12) 3.88(12)
2.7219 7.22(11) 3.44(12) 5.40(12) 2.2690 9.45(11) 3.40(12) 6.90(12)
2.7199 4.42(11) 2.40(12) 4.03(12) 2.2667 5.43(11) 2.24(12) 5.10(12)
2.7198 3.09(11) 1. 68 (12) 2.82(12) 2.2669 3.62(11) 1.49(12) 3.40(12)
2.7192 2.05 (12) 9.75(12) 1.53(13) 2.2661 2.62(12) 9.40(12) 1.91(13)
2.7179 2.63(11) 2.00(12) 3.79(12) 2.2649 1.68(11) 1.53 (12) 4.87(12)
2.7171 6.25(11) 3.40(12) 5.69(12) 2.2641 8.20(11) 3.39(12) 7.70(12)
2.7169 1.50(12) 8.90(12) 1.55(lJ) 2.2643 1.27(12) 6.78(12) 1. 79(13)

2.7125 1. 54 (12) 9.55(11) 1.39(11) 2.2614 3.11(12) 2.05(12) 1.47 (12)

2.7114 5.82(11) 3.61(11) 2.79(11) 2.2602 1.13(12) 1.14(12) 8.23(11)
2.7091 8.02(11) 9.29(11) 1.12 (12) 2.2593 1.01(12) 1.09(12) 1.18(12)
2.7077 4.47(11) 4.41(12) 8.64(12) 2.2577 1. 02 (12) 4.83(12) 1.18(13)
2.7054 4.49(12) 4.45(12) 4.89(12) 2.2558 3.69(12) 4.08 (12) 5.69(12)
2.7048 1.35(12) 2.25(12) 1.94(12) 2.2556 1.45(12) 2.44(12) 1.99(12)
2.7039 3.59(13) 2.23(13) 1.73(13) 2.2545 4.65(13) 3.07(13) 2.20(13)
2.7039 4.19(12) 4.15(12) 4.57(12) 2.2540 3.83(12) 4.23(12) 5.90(12)
2.7033 4.02 (12) 6.66(12) 5.75(12) 2.2538 5.08 (12) 8.56(12) 6.97(12)
2.7022 1.56(12) 1.81(12) 2.17(12) 2.2533 3.15(12) 3.40(12) 3.68(12)
2.7015 1.07 (13) 1.41(13) 1.15(13) 2.2521 1.52 (13) 1.93 (13) 1.52(13)
2.7012 1.43(13) 1~66 (13) 1.99(13) 2.2521 2.16(13) 2.33(13) 2.52(13)
2.7009 1.01(12) 9.95(12) 1.95(13) 2.2518 2.25(12) 1.07(13) 2.61(13)
2.7005 5.33(12) 6.18(12) 5.71(12) 2.2512 8.27(12) 1.01(13) 7.34 (12)
2.6986 1.52 (13) 1.50(13) 1.65(13) 2.2499 1.28(13) 1.41(13) 1.97(13)
2.6982 2.23(11) 3.65(12) 8.07(12) 2.2497 2.84(11) 3.18(12) 1.12(13)
2.6970 4.42(12) 7.33(12) 6.33(12) 2.2485 5.08(12) 8.56(12) 6.97(12)

2.6942 4.78(11) 6.95(11) 7.33(11) 2.2468 1. 06(12) 1.35(12) 1.60(12)

2.6937 8.46(11) 4.89(11) 4.20(11) 2.2473 1.12(12) 8.07(11) 5.31(11)
2.6935 1.93 (12) 1.25(12) 1.11(12) 2.2469 3.84(12) 2.91(12) 2.09 (12)
2.6926 3.71(12) 5.09(12) 5.33(12) 2.2458 1.59(12) 9.47(12) 1.11 (13)
2.6883 3.75(12) 2.16(12) 1.86(12) 2.2427 8.15(12) 5.86(12) 3.85(12)
2.6871 2.78(13) 3.81(13) 3.99(13) 2.2412 3.29(13) 4.10(13) 4.81(13)
2.6870 1.26(13) 1.16(13) 1.14(13) 2.2415 1.58(13) 1.55(13) 1.53(13)
2.6864 1.88(12) 1.09 (12) 9.35(11) 2.2411 3.37(11) 2.43(11) 1.60(11)
2.6862 5.52(13) 3.51(lJ) 3.19(13) 2.2406 7.16(13) 5.88(13) 4.23(13)
2.6861 8.19(12) 1.25(13) 1.33(13) 2.2402 7.33(12) 1.12(13) 1.46(13)
2.6844 3.89(13) 2.25(13) 1. 93 (13) 2. 2388 5.62(13) 4.04(13) 2.66(13)
2.6842 8.04 (11) 2.81(12) 3.11(12) 2.2391 1.53(12) 2.89(12) 4.08(12)
2.6831 1. 75(13) 4.76(13) 5.30(13) 2.2378 1.29(13) 3.74(13) 5.89(13)
2.6824 1. 45 (12) 5.04(12) 5.69 (12) 2.2374 3.22(12) 6.08(12) 8.58(12)
2.6816 3.45(13) 3.19(13) 3.13(13) 2.2369 4.43(13) 4.34(13) 4.27(13)
2.6805 1.14 ClJ) 1.61(13) 1. 76(13) 2.2358 1.401 (13) 1.82(13) 2.16(13)
2.6797 4.07(12) 5.12(12) 5.30(12) 2.2352 5.22(12) 6.10(12) 6.86(12)
2.6779 1.09 (13) 1.67 (13) 1.77(13) 2.2340 1.02(13) 1.56(13) 2.03(13)


2.6771 1.32(12) 1. 32 (12) 1.32 (12) 2.2337 5.10(12) 5.10(12) 5.10(12)

2.6691 7.55(12) 7.55(12) 1.55(12) 2.2266 1.45(13) 1. 45 (13) 1.45(13)
2.6678 1.96(14) 1.96(14) 1.96(14) 2.2263 2.37(14) 2.37(14) 2.37(14)
2.6652 1.44(14) 1.44(14) 1.44(14) 2.2239 1. 71(14) 1.71(14) 1. 71 (14)
2.6642 3.05(12) 3.05(12) 3.05(12) 2.2234 4.00(12) 4.00(12) 4.00(12)
2.6637 4.79(13) 4.79(13) 4.79(13) 2.2215 6.36(13) 6.36(13) 6.36(13)
2.6598 1.52(12) 1.52(12) 1. 52 (12) 2.2189 1.40(12) 1.40(12) 1.40(12)
2.6588 3.42(13) 3.42(13) 3.42(13) 2.:192 4.21(13) 4.21(13) 4.21(13)
2.6549 1.26(12) 1. 26 (12) 1.26(12) 2.2153 1.75(11) 7.75(11) 7.710(11)

NOTE: Powers of 10 are indicated in parentheses .

• Lines with gjB I.Dj>)012 s - '.
• Principal LS level contributors given.
<Tabulated Ti wavelengths are calculated values increased by 0.0029 A.
d Tabulated Cr wavelengths are calculated values increased by 0.0026 A.

1963 J. Appl. Phys.• Vol. 60, No.6, 15 September 1986 Lemen etal. 1963
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ists between the Cowan wavelengths of the lower ions die1ectronic factors gjB JkDj and wavelengths derived from
Fe XIX-XXII and those calculated by Grineva, Safronova, the MCDF code of Rata and Grant. 14.16 The values of B lk
and Urnov l5 using a relativistic Z-expansion technique. The were taken from the RCN/RCG programs for Ti, Cr, and Ni.
MCDF wavelengths have greater absolute accuracy, so we
present RCN/RCG wavelengths with a constant shift for each
element determined from comparison with MCDF wave-
lengths l6 for the two strongest Is-2p lines of Be-like Ti, Cr, A. Spectra from an Isothermal, single-density plasma
Fe, and Ni. Spectra for the C 1-, N 1- and 0 I-like ions of each de-
The density-dependent populations of the ground con- ment were synthesized using a single value for the electron
figuration levels of B 1-, C 1-, N 1-, and 0 I-like ions of the and the ion temperature and for electron density. We display
elements considered here are needed in the calculation of Dj them to illustrate their variation with electron density.
[Eq. (3)] and Hj [Eq. (6)]. For chromium and nickel, we Fractional ion abundances at the chosen electron tem-
used the values of Feldman et al. 17 and for titanium those of peratures were calculated from published coronal equilibri-
Bhatia et al. 18 For the case of iron, we used the calculations um values with modified ionization rates. The radiative and
discussed in paper I. Excitation by both protons and elec- dielectronic recombination rate coefficients were obtained
trons is included in these calculations. As well as being den- from the fitting parameters tabulated by Shull and van
sity dependent, the level populations are slightly tempera- Steenberg,19.20 correcting for some erroneous values. They
ture dependent, e.g., being less than 10% over a wide range also list parameters for ionization rate coefficients, but we
for C I-like iron (see paper J). This dependence was ignored chose to use values given by Burgess and Chidichimo,21 their
here, the temperature being taken as that of maximum con- procedure making a more elaborate allowance for coupling
centration of the relevant ion in coronal equilibrium. The between final states like those considered here. The energy-
dielectronic recombination and collisional excitation pro- level data necessary in this calculation were taken from the
cesses considered here do not themselves alter the popula- papers of Corliss and Sugar22- 24 and Sugar and Corliss,25 as
tions of the ground configuration levels. were the ionization energies.
Table I gives wavelengths and values of the dielectronic Account has not been taken of high-density effects in the
excitation factors gjB lkDj for all transitions calculated by calculation of ion fractions, in particular the decrease of the
the RCN/RCG program in the ls22s22p· -ls2s2p· + I (n = 1- dielectronic recombination coefficient at high electron den-
4) arrays of 0 1-, N 1-, C 1-, and B I-like Ti and Cr. Dielec- sities. No specific calculations exist for the ions of interest
tronic excitation factors are given for Ne = 1011, 1013, and here. However, Summers 26.27 has calculated density-depen-
1015 cm- 3 . Table n gives corresponding values for Fe and dent ionization equilibria for elements up to sulfur and for
Ni. The tabulated wavelengths are calculated values in- electron densities up to 10 16 cm -3, much more than typical
creased by 0.0029 A for Ti, 0.0026 A for Cr, 0.0023 A for Fe, tokamak values. In the case of the N-like ion, for instance,
and 0.0021 A for Ni, determined as mentioned above by the temperature dependence of the low-density fractional
comparison with MCDF wavelengths. Table HI gives wave- ion abundance is very little different from that of the frac-
lengths and collisional excitation factors HjB Jk for aU transi- tional abundance at 10 16 cm -3 for the elements Summers
tions in which the collisional excitation transition corre- considers. There is no obvious trend of this difference with
sponds to an optically allowed transition in the same ions of atomic number, but it is probably safe to conclude that it
Ti and Cr; Table IV gives this information for Fe and Ni does not increase appreciably for the elements of interest to
ions. Values are given for the same densities as in Tables I us.
and II. With the wavelengths and intensity factors for each line
The calculated spectra presented below include the one- (Tables I-IV) and ion fractions, spectra could now be syn-
photon, two-electron satellites of the lithiumlike stage. The thesized. This was done by giving each line a wavelength
two lines, with transition Ir2p-ls~, are labeled 0 and p by profile such as is obtained with a typical crystal spectrom-
Bely-Dubau et al. 2 and in previous papers by these authors. eter. Observed line shapes are a convolution of profiles de-
They are excited both dielectronically and collisionany. The scribing instrumental broadening and those intrinsic to the
dielectronic intensity may be expressed by the factor emission source such as thermal Doppler broadening. We
gJBJkDj . [In Bely-Dubau et al.'s notations, this equals took as an example of an instrumental profile that for the
F2 (s).] Effective collisional rate coefficients for the two bent-crystal spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission
Fe XXIV lines were taken from Bely-Dubau et ai., but ex- spacecraft,28 which employs a germanium crystal, observa-
pressed in tabular form by the HjB lk factor used for the tions of which were compared with theory in papers I and H.
lower ions here. Thus, the rate coefficients were expressed in This function is made up of a Gaussian to describe electron-
terms ofvan Regemorter's approximation for collisional ex- ics noise broadening [full width at half maximum (FWHM)
citation. The effective rate coefficients have the form of 4 X 10- 4 A, independent of wavelength] and a Lorentzian
/3 exp( - W /kT. )/Te 112, wherep is almost constant. Val- profile for the crystal rocking curve (FWHM of7 X 10- 5 A
ues of P for Fe XXIV were derived from Bely-Dubau et al.'s at 1.85 A, taken to scale with wavelength). The spectral
excitation rate coefficient. For other ions, values of Pmay be resolving power then corresponds to A. / aA. - 4000. The final
derived from a Z scaling of the rate coefficients. For a parti- line shape is a Voigt profile, being a convolution of the in-
cular value of "reduced temperature," T./Z 2, the rate coef- strumental profile and the thermal Doppler broadening, de-
ficients scale as Z -3. Table V gives these together with the fined by the ion temperature. Drayson's29 routine was used

1965 J. Appf. Phys., Vol. 60, No.6, 15 September 1986 Lemen eta!. 1965
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 02:46:25
TABLE Ill. Values of wavelength and HjBj. (eV-I) for principal" lines at the stated N. (em -3).

TRANSITION A (A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1.00(15) A(A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1.00(15)

ls22S22p4 - lS2s 2 2p 5 Array

C d
1S 1 2.7237
3 0 - 3 P1 4.72(-8) 5.95(-7) 1.28 (-6) 2.2700 5.35(-8) 3.45(-7) 1.28(-6)
3P1 - P
3 2
2.7219 2.28(-6) 1.72(-6) 1. 34 (-6) 2.2690 2.53(-6) 1.92(-6) 1.20(-6)
3PO - P
3 1
2.7199 1.64(-6) 1.35(-6) 1.08(-6) 2.2667 1.45(-6) 1.88(-6) 1.70(-6)
3P1 - P
3 1
2.7198 1.14 (-6) 9.45(-7) 7.58(-7) 2.2669 9.64 (-7) 1.25(-6) 1. 13 (-6)
P - 3P2 2.7192 6.44(-6) 4.86(-6) 3.79(-6) 2.2661 7.01(-6) 5.34(-6) 3.32(-6)
3P2 2.7179
3 1 - 3 PO 1.15(-7) 1.17(-6) 9.88(-7) 2.2649 6.11(-7) 5.23 (-7) 3.62(-7)
IP 2 - P 2.7171 2.31(-6) 1. 91(-6) 1.53(-6) 2.2641 2.19(-6) 2.85(-6) 2.57(-6)
1 1 2.7169
O - PI 2.26(-7) 2.86(-6) 6.12(-6) 2.2643 2.47(-7) 1.59(-6) 5.88(-6)

lS 2 2S 2 2p3 - lS2S 2 2p 4 Array


2 2
2~3/2 : 2~5/2 2.7054
1. 43 (-6)
1. 58 (-6)
4 3/2 _ 4 p 3/2
S _ 2 p 5/2 2.7039 7.87(-6) 4.94(-6) 2.45(-6) 2.2545 8.40(-6) 6.41(-6) 2.75(-6)
2 p 3/2
_ 2 p 3/2 2.7039 1.68(-7) 8.53(-7) 1. 47(-6) 2.2540 7.44(-8) 5.65(-7) 1. 37 (-6)
2p1/2 2.7033
4 S 1/2 _ 4 p 1/2 2.79(-8) 1.04(-6) 1.85(-6) 2.2538 7.81(-9) 5.75(-7) 1.88(-6)
2.7015 5.77(-6) 3.61(-6) 1. 77 (-6) 2.2521 6.79(-6) 5.15(-6) 2.17(-6)
20 3/ 2 _ 203/ 2 2.7012 1.85(-7) 2.78(-6) 4.22(-6) 2.2521 1.49(-7) 1.97(-6) 4.65(-6)
203 / 2 _ 2 3/2
4 5/2 _ 4Dp 5/2
2.7009 3.84(-7) 1.86(-6) 3.23(-6) 2.2518 1.57 (-7) 1.29(-6) 3.09(-6)
S 2.7005 2.83(-6) 1.76(-6) 8.58(-7) 2.2512 3.19(-6) 2.42(-6) 1.01(-6)
20 3/ 2 _ 2pl/2
2.6986 6.09(-7) 3.10(-6) 5.36(-6) 2.2499 2.49(-7) 1.90(-6) 4.59(-6)
2 p 5/2 _ 2 3/2
S 2.6982 6.04(-9) 5.17(-7) 1.50(-6) 2.2497 4.21(-9) 2.07(-7) 1.76(-6)
2 D3/2 2p1/2 2.6970 3.07(-8) 1.14(-6) 2.04(-6) 2.2485 7.81(-9) 5.75(-7) 1.88(-6)
3/2 1/2

ls22S22p2 - lS2S 2 2p 3 Array

C d
3 3
3P2 2.6883 2.2427 7.33(-7)
- 30 1 1.45(-6) 2.77(-7) 2.01(-7) 3.01(-6) 3.86(-7)
P - 30 3 2.6871 1.18 (-6) 3.37(-6) 3.04(-6) 2.2412 1.49(-6) 3.60(-6) 2.90(-6)
1 2
30 2 - 3P2 5.39(-7) 1.64 (-6) 1.61(-6) 2.2415 8.75(-7) 2.16(-6) 1.86(-6)
1 P1 - 0
1 2
2.6862 1.50(-6) 3.48(-6) 2.58(-6) 2.2406 3.22(-7) 2.98(-6) 2.78(-6)
3 0 3 P1 2.6861 2.14 (-8) 1.14(-6) 3.05(-6) 2.2402 8.00(-9) 5.90(-7) 2.98 (-6)
3 PO - 0
3 1
2.6844 1. 50 (-5) 2.87(-6) 2.08(-6) 2.2388 2.08(-5) 5.06(-6) 2.66(-6)
1 P2 - lSI 2.6842 6.31(-6) 6.14(-6) 4.70(-6) 2.2391 3.26(-6) 4.46(-6) 3.60(-6)
0 - 30 2 2.6831 1.18(-7) 3.83(-6) 8.15(-6) 2.2378 2.41(-8) 2.00(-6) 7.50(-6)
3 2
3P1 - 3S 1 2.6824 1.13 (-5) 1.10(-5) 8.45(-6) 2.2374 6.86(-6) 9.38(-6) 7.56(-6)
3P2 - 3P2
2.6816 1. 48 (-6) 4.50(-6) 4.41(-6) 2.2369 2.46(-6) 6.06(-6) 5.22(-6)
3 P2 - P
3 1
2.6805 1.45(-6) 3.58(-6) 3.14(-6) 2.2358 1.81(-6) 4.19(-6) 3.13(-6)
P - lSI 2.6804 1.85(-6) 1.80(-6) 1.38(-6) 2.2352 7.28(-7) 9.96(-7) 8.03(-7)
1 O
o2 - PI 2.6779 2.86(-8) 1.53(-6) 4.08(-6) 2.2340 1.11(-8) 8.19(-7) 4.14(-6)

2 2
IS 2 2S 2p - lS2S 2p 2 Array
Ti XVIn Cr Xxd
2 2
2~3/2 : 2~3/2
2 p 3/2 _ 201/ 2 2.6678 4.22(-7) 6.75(-6) 7.90(-6) 2.2263 8.87(-8) 4.19(-6) 7.76(-6)
2 p 3/2 _ 205/ 2 2.6652
_ 2 p 3/2 2.64(-5) 1. 30 (-5) 1.04(-5) 2.2239 2.84 (-5) 1.95(-5) 1.16(-5)
2p1/2 2.6642 3.69(-5) 2.2234 3.41(-5) 2.43(-5)
_ 2p1/2 2.02(-5) 1.70(-5) 1.56(-5)
2p1/2 2.6637 2.2215 2.28(-6) 1. 64 (-5)
2 p 3/2 _ 2 p 3/2 4.80(-6) 2.88(-5) 3.31(-5) 2.87(-5)
_ 2 3/2 2.6598 1. 52 (-7) 9.11(-7) 1.05(-6) 2.2189 5.03(-8) 3.61(-7) 6.32(-7)
2p1/2 S 2.6588 6.39(-7) 2.2192 2.91(-7) 2.40(-6)
3/2 1/2 3.51(-6) 4.03 (-6) 4.25(-6)

NOTE: Powers of LO are indicated in parentheses.

• Lines with ~B;.;;. 10- 6 eV- 1. C Ti wavelengths have been shifted 0.0029 A.
b Principal LS level contributors given. d Cr wavelengths have been shifted 0.0026 A.

[This article isJ.copyrighted
Appl. Phys.,as
Vol. 60, No. in
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theSeptember 1986
article. Reuse Lemen etal.
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TABLE IV. Values of wavelength and HjD}. (eV--') for principal" lines at the stated N, (cm- J ).

TRAN5ITIO~ )..(A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1. 00 (15) >,,(A) 1.00(11) 1.00(13) 1.00(15)

ls22S22p4 _ lS2s 2 2p5 Array

Ni XXl d
1 3
10 2 - P
1 2
1.9225 7.85(-7) 7.39(-7) 5.11(-7) 1.6470 1.06(-6) 9.92(-7) 5.80(-7)
5 - 3P1 1.9214 3.94(-8) 1.99(-7) 1.17(-6) 1.6453 3.37 (-8) 9.43(-8) 9.02(-7)
3 0
P - 3P2 1.9199 2.34(-6) 2.20(-6) 1.52(-6) 1.6449 2.65(-6) 2.48(-6) 1.45(-6)
3 l
3P1 - 3P l 1.9180 1.26(-6) 1.19(-6) 8.12(-7) 1.6432 9.55(-7) 9.41(-7) 1. 09 (-6)
P - 3 P1 1.9175 2.05(-6) 1.93(-6) 1.32(-6) 1.6422 1.67(-6) 1.65(-6) 1.91(-6)
3 O
P - 3P2 1.9167 6.24(-6) 5.87(-6) 4.06(-6) 1.6417 6.92(-6) 6.47(-6) 3.78(-6)
3 2
l 0l - l PO 1.9157 4.17(-9) 3.28(-7) 1.10(-6) 1.6407 2.17 (-8) 3.77(-7) 3.73(-7)
3 2 - 3P 1 1.9154 1.70(-7) 8.60(-7) 5.06(-6) 1.6406 1.41(-7) 3.93(-7) 3.76(-6)
P2 - P 1.9148 3.36(-6) 3.15(-6) 2.16(-6) 1.6400 2.89(-6) 2.85(-6) 3.31(-6)

lS 2 2S 2 2p 3 _ lS2s 2 2p 4 Array

Ni XXll d
2 4
2~5/2 : 4:5/2
1. 6399
1. 02 (-6)
20 3 / 2 _ 4 p 5/2
1.9112 5.74(-7) 4.80(-7) 2.02(-7) 1. 6375 1.02(-6) 9.37(-7) 4.20(-7)
2 p 5/2 _ 203/ 2
_ 2 p 5/2 1.9110 3.32(-8) 4.66(-7) 1. 37 (-6) 1.6375 2.38(-8) 2.88(-7) 1.26(-6)
2 p 3/2
_ 4 p 3/2 1.9093 4.35(-8) 3.79(-7) 1.12(-6) 1.6362 3.27(-8) 2.18 (-7) 9.93(-7)
4 S 3/2
_ 2 p 5/2 1.9079 7.90(-6) 6.63(-6) 2.88(-6) 1.6348 7.16(-6) 6.56(-6) 3.08 (-6)
2 p 3/2
_ 2p1/2 1.9072 6.99(-9) 2.93(-7) 1. 73 (-6) 1. 6341 6.60(-9) 1.00(-7) 1.49(-6)
2p1/2 1.9070 4.87(-8) 4.25(-7) 1. 26 (-6) 1. 6338 3.81(-8) 2.54(-7) 1.16(-6)
20 1 / 2 _ 203/ 2
1. 9057 2.53(-7) 1.36(-6) 4.56(-6) 1.6329 2.30(-7) 6.61(-7) 4.01(-6)
4 S 3/2 _ 4 p 3/2
1.9054 7.84(-6) 6.55(-6) 2.75(-6) 1.6324 8.66(-6) 7.92(-6) 3.55(-6)
20 3 / 2 _ 203/ 2
1.9054 7.09(-8) 9.96(-7) 2.93(-6) 1.6326 4.96(-8) 6.01(-7) 2.62 (-6)
45 5 / 2 _ 4 p 5/2
1.9046 3.34(-6) 2.77(-6) 1.15(-6) 1.6317 3.34(-6) 3.03 (-6) 1.33(-6)
2 p 3/2 _ 25 1/ 2 1.9039 5.21(-9) 6.97(-8) 1.62(-6) 1. 6312 1.94(-9) 1.56(-8) 1.21(-6)
20 3 / 2 - 2p1/2 1.9037 1.50(-7) 1.31(-6) 3.89(-6) 1.6312 1.13 (-7) 7.55(-7) 3.44(-6)
20 5 / 2 _ 2 p 3/2
1.9026 6.68(-9) 2.80(-7) 1.66(-6) 1.6303 6.40(-9) 9.71(-8) 1.45(-6)
3/2 1/2

ls22S22p2 - lS2S 2 2p 3 Array

10 3
- 30 3 1.9014 5.74(-8) 8.55(-7) 1. 04 (-6) 1.6299 3.26(-8) 8.22(-7) 1.22(-6)
3 2 1. 6281 7.85(-6) 4.31(-6) 6.97(-7)
P - 30 1 1.8990 6.22(-6) 2.52(-6) 7.37(-7)
10 2 1.6236 8.30(-10) 1.78(-7) 4.48(-6)
3 2 - 3 P2 [e]1.8943 6.56(-9) 1.22(-6) 1.08(-5)
P - 30 3 1.8970 1.46(-7) 2.17(-6) 2.65(-6) 1.6259 6.41(-8) 1.61(-6) 2.40(-6)
3 2
P - lD2 1.8968 8.84(-8) 2.68(-6) 3.10(-6) 1. 6259 3.49(-8) 1. 70 (-6) 3.61(-6)
1 1 1.8963 1.6251 5.34(-10) 5.71(-8) 1.75(-6)
5 - 3P 1 1. 82 (-9) 2.01(-7) 2.20(-6)
3 0 1. 6247 8.04(-7) 1. 82 (-6)
P - 35 1 1.8954 1.52(-6) 3.03(-6) 2.92(-6) 2.66 (-6)
3 2 1.8948
1 PO - 101
2.98(-5) 1.21(-5) 3.53(-6) 1.6241 3.10(-5) 1.70(-5) 2.75(-6)
0 - 30 2 1.8980 1.10(-7) 1. 63 (-6) 1.91(-6) 1.6272 5.53(-8) 1. 39 (-6) 1.89(-6)
3 2 1.8939 3.77(-6) 1. 6233 2.20(-6)
3Pl - 35 1 7.53(-6) 7.25(-6) 4.99(-6) 7.28(-6)
P - 1P1 1.8926 2.05(-7) 2.87(-6) 3.08(-6) 1. 6223 9.04(-8) 2.24(-6) 2.81(-6)
1 2 1.8913 2.72(-9) 1.6212 8.48(-10) 2.78(-6)
0 - 1P1 3.00(-7) 3.28(-6) 9.07(-8)
3 2 1.8937 6.20(-6)
P2 - °2 3.49(-7) 5.18(-6) 6.09(-6) 1. 6231 1.81(-7) 4.57(-6)

2 2 2 2
1S 2S 2p - lS2s 2p Array

Fe xxn c Ni XXIVd
2 2
1.8874 3.41(-6) 2.97(-6) 1.48(-6) 1.6188 3.97(-6) 3.78(-6) 1.86(-6)
2:3/2 : 2g3/2 1.8873 7.08(-6) 6.21(-6) 3.32(-6) 1.6188 6.14 (-6) 5.87(-6)
2 p 3/2 _ 201./2 3.03(-6)
1.8855 2.12(-8) 1.65(-6) 7.08(-6) 1.6166 5.94(-9) 5.48 (-7) 6.22(-6)
2 p 3/2 _ 205 / 2 1.8831 2.83(-5) 2.46(-5) 1.23 (-5) 1.6147 2.72(-5) 2.60(-5)
_ 2 p 3/2 1.27(-5)
2p1/2 1.8830 3.03(-5) 2.66(-5) 1.42(-5) 1. 6148 2.64(-5)
2p1/2 _ 2.52(-5) 1.30(-5)
2p1/2 1.8824 1.22(-6) 6.57(-6) 2.44(-5) 1.6140 7.57(-7)
2 p 3/2 _ 2 3/2 2.48(-6) 2.05(-5)
S 1.8797 1.21(-7) 1.07(-6) 4.21(-6) 1. 6120 5.43(-8) 3.90(-7) 3.91(-6)
3/2 1/2

NOTE: Powers of 10 are indicated in parentheses.

"Lines with ~B;. > 10- 6 eV-'.
b Principal LS level contributors given.
cTabulated Fe wavelengths are calculated values increased 0.0023 A.
d Tabulated Ni wavelengths are calculated values increased 0.0021 A.
<Upper level is strictly 'D2 for the Fe XXI line.

1967 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No.6, 15 September 1986 Lemen etal. 1967
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TABLE V. Li-Iike lines of Ti, Cr, Fe, and Ni. Note: Powers of 10 are indi- for computing the Voigt profile.
cated in parentheses.
Figures 2 and 3 depict the synthetic spectra of C 1-, N 1-,
and 0 I-like ions ofTi, Cr, Fe, and Ni for the three densities
Ion T ransi tion· Ne = 1011, 1.0 13 , and 10 15 cm- 3 . Intensities ofIines excited
both dielectronically and coHisionaUy are shown, together
Tixx 1.r2p 2Pl/2-lsY 2S I /2d 2.6737 6.64(12) 5.44( - 10) with the coHisionaI part alone. The ion temperature is as-
Tixx 2P3/ T"" 2S1/2' 2.6779 8.75( 12) 5.39( - 10)
CrxxlI 1.r2p 2P 112-lsY 2S112d 2.2313 9.35(12) 5.29( - 10) sumed equal to the electron temperature. The spectra were
CrxxlJ 'P"2- 2S112 ' 2.2355 1.10(13 ) 5.24( - 10) calculated for temperatures corresponding to the maximum
Fe XXIV 1.r2p 2P1/2-lsY 2S Il2 d 1.8932 1.69( 13) 2.08( - 10) fractional abundance of the C I-like ionization stage. As a
Fe XXIV 2P3I2- 2S
112' 1.8978 1.67( 13) 2.06( - 10)
1.r2p 2P112-lsY 2S 112 d
result, the strongest line intensities of the C I-like ion are
Nixxvi 1.6205 1.68(13) 4.65( - 10)
Nixxvi 2P"2- 2S
' 1.6249 1.52(13 ) 4.61( - 10) comparable to those of the N I-like ions_ These temperatures
are too small for appreciabJ.e excitation of the one-photon
• Principal LS level contributors given. two-electron transition ls22p-ls2s2 in the lithiumlike stage
b Wavelengths from Hata and Grant (see Ref. 16). (lines 0 and p), whose wavelengths for all four elements are
"Collisional excitation rate coefficient (em) S-I): = /3exp( - EjklkT.)1
T!12 (/3-oon5t; see Sec. II B). The excitation energies, Ejk (eV), forthe
near to those of the C I-like ion lines.
IsY 2S 112 levels are 4683 (Ti), 5609 (Cr), 6604 (Fe), 7719 (Nil. For the 1~2?2p2_1s2s22p3 lines of the C I-like ion, the
d Satellite line p in Gabriel's 1972 notation. two lines IDI-ID2 (A = 2.6831 A in the case ofTi XVII) and
e Satellite line o.

Ne = 10 cm- 3 Ne = 10"cm- 3
T.= 5.1 x 106 K To = 7.3 x 106K



2260 2.270


FIG. 2. Calculated (a) Ti XV-XVII and (b) Cr XVII-XIX line spectra for electron densities 10", 10", and 10 15 cm- l and forthe indicated electron tempera-
tures. The ion temperature is set equal to the electron temperature. The calculated line wavelengths include a small shift (see Sec. II B). The solid curves
represent intensities of lines both dielectronically and oollisionally excited, while the dashed curves are for collisional excitation alone.

[This J. Appl. Phys.,
article is copyrighted asVol. 50, No.6,
indicated 15article.
in the September 1986
Reuse Lemen etal.
of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. 1966
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Ne = 10 cm- 3
Ne == 1011 cm- 3
Te == 9.5 x 106K Te == 11.7 x 106 K


o o

FIG. 3. Calculated (a) Fe XIX-XXI and (b) Ni XXI-xxlIIline spectra. See Fig. 2 for details.

3p2 _3D 3(2.6871 A) are stronger relative to nearby lines for crease in the 2P3/2 leve:! of the B I-like ion.
increasing density, as can be seen from Table 1. For these two Corresponding changes occur in the N I-like ions. in
lines, as with most, dielectronic excitation predominates which the 2Ds/2-2Ds/21ine (at 2.7009 A in Ti XVI) increases
over collisional excitation. Dielectronic excitation of C I-like strongly with density. For N I-like ion lines. dielectronic ex-
ion lines proceeds from the ground configuration ( 1~2s22p) citation proceeds from the ground configuration ( ls2~2p2)
ofthe B I-like ion, which has levels 2P 1/ 2 (ground) and 2P3/2 of the C I-like ion. which has levels (in increasing order of
(excited). For the two lines mentioned, the dielectronic cap- excitation energy) 3PO' 3P1• 3P2 • ID2 • and ISO' The dielec-
turerate is much higher when the B I-like ion is in the excited tronic capture rate of the upper level of the 2DS/2-2DS/2line is
level 2P3/2' which is populated at larger densities (~10 12 very small from the C I-lik.e ground level 3po• and is only
cm- J for Ti). Referring to Eq. (2), this is equivalent to appreciable for the ID2 level. the population of which is only
saying that the value of A 1m' is much higher for the second significant at higher densities (N. > 1013 cm- 3 for Ti).
term (m' = 2) of the two-term summation, corresponding Considerable changes in the spectra of each ion with
to the B I-like 2P312 level, than the first (m' = 1). corre- electron density are indicated in Figs. 2 and 3. Such spectra
sponding to the ground level 2PI / 2 • Thus. these lines are would be useful for application to high-temperature plasmas
more intense at higher densities through the population in- for which there are no other density diagnostics.

1969 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 60. No.6. 15 September 1986 Lemenetal. 1969
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Cross section FIG. 4. Geometry of a spectrometer (S)
of Plasma Torus viewing plasma torus for deriving Eqs. (8)
and (9).

B. Spectra from an Idealized tokamak corresponding quantity for the collisional excitation of ion
The theoretical spectra of Figs. 2 and 3 would result X + Z • Both are specifiable functions of r.
from the idealized case of a very hot plasma with constant The r dependence of quantities in Eq. (7) may be ex-
density and temperature. In the case of a tokamak, the plas- pressed in terms of the distance I, measured along the
ma is in the form of a torus with some spatial distribution of spectrometerline of sight (see Fig. 4):
temperature and density, the line emission arising from ei- r(l) = [/2 - 2(R + L)l cos (J + (R + L)2] 1/2, (8)
ther a background impurity element, i.e., one that is a con-
in which (J is the angle between the spectrometer line of sight
stituent of the tokamak device, or one that is injected by
and the line through the torus center, R the radius of the
some technique. We now discuss line emission that would be
plasma, and L the spectrometer distance from the nearest
observed by a spectrometer from a model tokamak plasma.
edge of the plasma. Taking A V = AA1, where A is the
We shall assume symmetry in the poloidal and toroidal di-
spectrometer aperture area, considered small compared
rections of the tokamak, this being justified by the fact that
with the torus dimension, the flux of the line j-k along a line
particle motion in these directions is along field lines and
of sight is given by
consequently fast compared with the radial, cross-field di-
rection. Spectra are synthesized which the spectrometer
would observe in the geometry indicated in Fig. 4: the plas-
F(j_k) = 2 J:"'" Ne(r(l»)[ Nz+ dr(l)k6~+ dr(l»)
ma is viewed along a path across the torus, not necessarily + Nz(r(/)}t/>;(r(/»JA dl photons S-I, (9)
through its center. The plasma torus is assumed to have a
circular cross section, and an electron temperature and den- where Lo is the value of L where the line of sight is closest to
sity to be known functions of radius r, which, in the real case, the torus center and Lmax is the maximum value of L, given
may be experimentally determined by Thomson-scattered by Lo = (R + L)cos (J and Lmax = (R + L)cos 0
laser radiation. + [R 2 _ (R + L)2 sin 2(J] '/2. Knowing radial distribu-
The emission of one of the lines )-k considered here, tions of the ion densities N z and of Te and N e , and with the
emitted as described in Sec. n, from a volume element AVin atomic data of Tables I-IV, one can calculate the complete
the plasma is spectrum of C 1-, N 1-, and 0 I-like Ti, Cr, Fe, or Ni. In the
calculation below, we take the case L = R and (J = 0 and 15°.
AF(j-k) = [Rd(j_k) +Rx(j_k)]AV photons s-', For the latter case, the spectrometer line of sight passes to
(6) within O.S2R of the torus center.
where Rd (j_k) and R X (j_k) are given in Eqs. (1) and We numerically evaluated the integral in Eq. (9) to give
(4). In Eqs. (1) and (4), the density (N. ) of, e.g., ion X +. iron line spectra from three one-dimensional model calcula-
tions discussed by Hulse. 11 These calculations, performed by
in general depends on position in the torus, i.e., with poloidaI
the so-call.ed MIST computer code, use radial profiles of T.
and toroidal symmetry, on r. With Te and Ne functions of r,
and N e , ioni.zation and recombination rates (not quite the
Eq. (6) may be rewritten as
same as those used in Sec. HI A), and adjustable radial
AF(j-k) = N.(r)AV [Nz+ 1 (r)t/J:+ 1 (r) transport coefficients to derive radial distributions of impu-
+ N z (r)t/>;(r)] photons s-', (7) rity ion densities. In calculating the spectra, we used the
model radial profiles of T. and N. from one of Hulse's fig-
t/>: + 1 containing the temperature-dependent and atomic fac- ures which apply to all three of the calculations. They are
tors for the dielectronic excitation of ion X + z + I , 'f'z
,/,.x the representative of large tokamaks (peak T. = 2 keY,

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being connected to a divertor: the so-called recycling coeffi-
1.0 Steady-state coronal equilibrium a) cient is 100% for this case. In model III, impurity ions are

introduced with a zero recycling coefficient, so that the im-
purity content decreases with time. Hulse's figures give ion
density radial distributions at three times subsequent to the
injection of the impurity at the outer edge of the plasma; in
his model some of the ions diffuse inwards towards the cen-
0.5 ter of the torus, where they become highly ionized, some to
the stages of interest here.
In Hulse's diffusive calculations (models II and III).
the number density of ions Fe + z were solved from
dNz 1 d
- = ---d (rr z ) +Iz_INz _ 1 - (lz +R.)Nz
dt r r

+ Rz+ \Nz+ 1 - Nz + S. cm- 3 S-I, (10)

1.0 Steady-state diffusive equilibrium b)
with dNz/dt = 0 for the diffusive equilibrium case (model
II). In Eq. (10), I. and R z are ionization and recombination
FeXXI rates. the term NJrz and Sz express impurity ion loss, recy-
cling and deposition in a scrape-off region, and r z the radial
particle flux density given by
0.5 dNz 2 \
I'z= -Dz(r)--+vz(r)N. cm- s-. (11)
where D z (r) is the particle diffusion coefficient (cm 2 s - I)
and v. (r) their convective velocity [positive vz (r) corre-
sponding to an outward drift of ions]. Generally, the diffu-
sion is determined by anomalous processes and the transport
coefficients are noncalculable. Model II has D z = 10"
1.890 1.895 1.900 1.905 1.910 1.915 1.920 cm 2 s - I , constant with r, and Vz = 0, giving a radially con-
WAVELENGTH (.R) stant total density of iron ions. Model III is a time-dependent
calculation, also withDz = 104 cm 2 S-I independent ofrbut
FIG. 5. Calculated Fe XIX-XXI line spectra, simulating the results ofa crys- with nonzero Vz (r).
tal spectrometer viewing an idealized tokamak plasma. The solid and
dashed curves are as for Fig. 2. The spectra were calculated assuming a
Figure 5 shows calculated spectra for the steady-state
viewing angle of 0 = IS' (see Fig. 4). Models I and II (described in Sec. coronal equilibrium (model I) and diffusive equilibrium
III B) are represented by parts 5(a) and (b), respectively. The radial distri- (model II) cases that a spectrometer would record viewing
bution of ion densities was calculated (Ref. 11) for a steady-state coronal
equilibrium model in part (a) and a steady-state diffusive equilibrium mod-
at = 15°. We note two things: (a) the significant differ-
el in part (b). The intensity scale is arbitrary but relatively correct for the ences between the two spectra, in particular the intensity
two cases shown. ratio of the lines between 1.90 and 1.91 A (mostly Fe xx) to
those between 1.89 and 1.90 A (mostly Fe XXI); (b) the
difference between either the Fe xx or Fe XXI spectra from
Ne = 3X 1013 cm- 3 ). The radial distributions of ion densi- those calculated in the low-density (Ne = 1011 cm -3) case
ties N •• derived from the MIST code. were also taken from of Fig. 3. With (a). the differences between the two spectra
Hulse's figures. The plasma dimensions are defined by a li- of Fig. 5 arise from the fact that the density of a particular
miter at radius 40 cm [ = R in Eq. (8) ] constraining the hot ion peaks at different radial distances in the two models, i.e.,
plasma from the tokamak waH, at radius 50 cm. We should the ion is formed at different values of Te and N e . In Eq. (9).
note in passing that in the cases considered. anyone of the the terms most affected are N; and the temperature factors
ions of interest is present over a sizable fraction of the toka- involved in ¢>z+ 1 • There are minor differences in individual
mak diameter, not in anyone location which might (as was lines of an ion through the differing contributions made by
speculated in paper I) be spectroscopically determined. collisional excitation, the ratio of ¢>. + \ to ¢>z depending on
In a first calculation (which we shaH call model I), the Te. There is no significant variation of individual line inten-
tokamak plasma is taken to be in steady-state coronal equi- sities because of the emitting ion's being located in regions of
librium, i.e., with the transport coefficients of the impurity different densities in the two models; the Ne (r) profile is too
ions set to zero, so that the impurity element abundance flat for this to occur. Similar differences would of course be
across the plasma is constant. In model n, a steady state is obtained for higher ions such as those in the helium, lithium.
assumed but with transport introduced, the diffusion coeffi- and beryllium isoelectronic sequences, but lines of the ions
cient [see Eq. ( 10) below] being constant with radius. Injec- considered here are emitted by comparatively low-tempera-
tion of impurity particles is assumed to be exactly balanced ture plasmas, the Fe XX lines being emitted at -0.9 keY,
by the loss of particles through their striking the limiter or Ti XVI at -0.5 keY.

1971 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No.6, 15 September 1986 Lemen etal. 1971
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TABLE VI. The effect of density on total flux. Relative fluxes in the indicat- 0.003 F"""'1r--...--r---,---r--....,..--r-~
ed wavelength ranges are given normalized toa density of N, = 10" cm- 3 •
Note: An electron temperature of9.5X 10" K was assumed. t-3.2ms a)

N, (cm- 3 )
Element A range (A) 10" IOJ) lO'S

"Fe XXI" 1. 8 860--1. 9000 1.00 1.03 1.11

"Fe XX" I. 9000-1. 91 00 1.00 1.13 1.32
"Fe XIX" 1. 9100--1. 9200 1.00 1.40 2.58

What is proposed, then, is a spectroscopic means of de- O~------------------ ____~~

termining the transport coefficient D z from steady-state
plasmas. The procedure is to calculate spectra for a variety of t-16.6ms b)
model plasmas with the observed T. and N. radial profiles 2.5
using ion densities from, e.g., the MIST code, and then select-
ing the calculated spectrum which is closest to the observed.
Point (b) should be noted. for application of density-
sensitive inner-shell lines to derive impurity ion densities as a
function of r. This is currently done 10 by observing the total
radiance of all lines due to an ion along various lines of sight
across the plasma, Abel-inverting this to derive volume
emissivity E z (r) (photons cm- 3 S-I), which in tum leads
to ion density N z (r) by assuming coronal excitation (i.e.,
collisional excitation from the ground state balanced by ra-
diative decay). For a plasma electron density typical oftoka- o
maks (N. = 10 13_10 14 cm- 3 ), the spectra of the ions con-
sidered here are significantly different from the low-density t-60.9ms
case: see Figs. 2 and 3. To illustrate the difference, we show
in Table VI the amount of line emission in various wave- 0.8
length ranges for three electron densities. The wavelength
ranges are chosen to include most of the line emission due to 0.6
a particular ion; thus the region 1.886--1.900, labeled
"Fe XXI," includes most of the strong Fe XXI lines (it also
includes some Fe XX and Fe XXII lines). The intention is to 0.4
show how a low-resolution spectrometer would determine
the radiance of an ion by observing the emission in a particu- 0.2
lar wavelength range. Setting the line emission in each range,
calculated in a low-density (N. = 10" cm -3) limit, to uni-
ty, the tabulated line emission at Ne = 10\3 and 10 15 cm- 3 o
results. These are as high as 2.6, although in practice, the \.890 1.895 \.900 1.905 \.9\ 0
exact value would depend on the wavelength resolution of WAVELENGTH (~)
the spectrometer. Thus, the currently employed techniques
FIG. 6. Calculated Fe XIX-XXI line spectra, simulating the results ofa crys-
ought to take account of the density-dependent spectrum for tal spectrometer viewing an idealized tokamak plasma. The solid and
a proper analysis of line radiances. dashed curves are as for Fig. 2. The spectra were calculated assuming a
Finally, we consider the time-dependent calculation viewing angle of e = IS' (see Fig. 4). The results are shown for Model III.
(model III), in which iron is injected into the same plasma of The radial distribution of ion densities N z (r) was taken from a fully time-
dependent model (Ref. II) involving an injection of impurity ions and non-
models I and n. Again, radial ion densities from Hulse's zero transport coefficients. The intensity scale is arbitrary but relatively cor-
figures were used. We can only illustrate the principle of rect for the three times (3.2, 16.6, and 60.9 ms) shown.
spectroscopically determining impurity transport coeffi-
cients for this calculation, not the sensitivity of spectral
changes to the transport coefficients, as only a single case is value indicating an inward d.rift. Figure 6 shows the Fe XIX-
given by Hulse. This is for Dr = 104 cm 2 s - I and a value for XXI spectra for three times (3.2,16.6, and 60.8 ms) after the
Uz not specified by Hulse [see Eq. (11) J. A rough guide for injection of iron. The vertical scales of the three spectra are
the velocity may be provided by a similar calculation using correct relative to each other. Note that the spectral intensi-
the same code to match observed scandium and molyb- ties decrease rapidly with time, reflecting the loss of impurity
denum ion data 30 where it was found to be of the order of ions to the tokamak wall. As in the steady-state case, then,
- 103 (r I R) cm s - 1 (R is the limiter radius), the negative the transport coefficients of impurity ions may be measured

1972 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60. No.6, 15 September 1986 Lemenetal. 1972
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spectroscopically, but in this case time-resolved spectra We kindly thank Dr. J. Hata and Dr.:L P. Grant for supply-
must be available for comparison with spectra calculated for ing wavelengths of several Be-like ions in advance of publica-
a variety of D z and vz • The MIST or similar code is first ap- tion. The Mullard Space Science Laboratory and Ruther-
plied to find ion densities from which spectra can be calculat- ford Appleton Laboratory are supported by the U.K.
ed. Science and Engineering Research Council.

We have presented calculations of Ti XV-XVII,
Cr XVII-XIX, Fe XIX-XXI, and Ni XXI-XXIII x-ray line spec-
tra which are observed from high-temperature tokamak
plasmas. These lines arise from inner-shell ls-2p transitions.
The calculations include aU allowed lines excited by elec-
II. Dubau and S. Volonte. Rep. Prog. Phys. 43.199 (1980).
trons which are dielectronically captured into an n = 2 level. 2F. Bely-Dubau, 1. Dubau, P. Faucher, and A. H. Gabriel. Mon. Not. R.
The relatively less significant contribution by collisional ex- Astron. Soc. 198.239 (1982).
citations has also been included. IF. Bely-Dubau, P. Faucher. L. Steenman-Clark. M. Bitter, S. von Goeler.
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pending on the ion stage. In particular, a line ratio is ob- Leibacher. Astrophys. J. 265. 1120 (1983) (papecI).
served in the N I-like stage for the elements considered here 6J. R. Lemen. K. J. H. Phillips. R. D. Cowan. J. Hata. and I. P. Grant.
which is sensitive to density and could be used as a diagnostic Astron. Astrophys. 135. 313 (1984) (paper II).
'R. D. Cowan. The Theory ofAtomic Structure and Spectra (University of
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niques. "K. W. Hill. S. von Goeler. M. Bitter. L. Campbell. R. D. Cowan. B. Fraen-
The potential use of spectroscopic techniques has been kel. A. Greenberger. R. Horton. J. Hovey. W. Roney. N. R. Sauthoff, and
investigated with regard to the study ofion diffusion in toka- W. Stodiek. Phys. Rev. A 19.1770 (1979).
9C. de Michelis and M. Mattioli. Rep. Prog. Phys. 47, 1233 (1984).
mak plasmas. We have integrated the flux which would be 10J. Lang. J. Phys. B 16. 3907 (1983).
observed by a spectrometer which viewed the plasma along "R. A. Hulse. Nucl. Technol.lFusion 3. 259 (1982).
different lines of sight. The spectra have been synthesized 12A. L. Merts. R. D. Cowan, and N. H. Magee. Jr.• Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory Report No. LA-6220-MS (1976).
including line broadening due to ion motion and assuming a IJG. A. Doschek. U. Feldman. and R. D. Cowan. Astrophys. J. 245.315
typical spectrometer resolution function. We have assumed (1981 ).
representative radial temperature and density profiles and 14J. Hata and I. P. Grant. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 198, 1081 (1982).
ISyU. I. Grineva, V. I. Safronova, and A. H. Urnov. Lebedev Institute. Mos-
for the radial distribution of ion densities we have compared
cow. Report No. 58 (1975).
three models calculated by Hulse ll : (i) steady-state coronal 16J. Hata and I. P. Grant (private communication).
equilibrium, (ii) steady-state conditions but with a diffusion "u. Feldman. G. A. Doschek. Chung-Chieh Cheng. and A. K. Bhatia.
coefficient which is constant with radius, and (iii) a fully Appl. Phys. 51.190 (1980).
time-dependent model involving an injection of impurity '"A. K. Bhatia. U. Feldman. and G. A. Doschek, J. Appl. Phys. 51. 1464
ions. Noticeable differences are observed in the calculated 19J. M. Shull and M. van Steen berg, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 48. 95 (1982).
spectra for the different models. 20J. M. Shull and M. van Steenberg. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 49. 351
We suggest that such modeling may yield further inter- (1982).
esting results and we emphasize two points: (a) The com- 21A. Burgess and M. C. Chidichimo. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 203. 1269
parison of synthesized and observed spectra in principle 22C. Corliss and 1. Sugar. J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 8. 1 (1979).
should enable the determination of the plasma transport co- nc. Corliss and J. Sugar. J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 10. 197 (1981).
efficients, although in practice this may prove somewhat l4C. Corliss and J. Sugar. 1. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 11, 135 (1982).
1. Sugar and C. Corliss. 1. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 6.317 (1977).
troublesome because of the large number of computer com-
26H. P. Summers. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 169.663 (1974).
putations necessary. (b) The failure to take into account the 27H. P. Summers. Appleton Laboratory Internal Memo No. 367 (1974).
density dependence of these transitions will lead to inaccura- 28L. W. Acton. 1. L. Culhane. A. H. Gabriel. R. D. Bentley, 1. A. Bowles, J.
cies in determining the ion densities N z (r) for the ions con- G. Firth. M. L. Finch. C. W. Gilbreth, P. Guttridge. R. W. Hayes, E. G.
sidered here. loki. B. B. Jones, B. J. Kent. J. w. Leibacher. R. A. Nobles. T. J. Patrick,
K. J. H. Phillips. C. G. Rapley. P. H. Sheather. 1. C. Shennan. J. P. Stark,
L. A. Springer. R. F. Turner. and C. J. Wolfson, Sol. Phys. 65, 53 (1980).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2"S. R. Drayson. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 16, 6\1 (1976).
ems. Suckewer. A. Cavallo. S. Cohen. C. Daughney, B. Denne. E. Hinnov. 1.
We would like to thank Professor J. L. Culhane (Mul- Hosea, R. Hulse, D. Hwang. G. Schilling. B. Stratton, and R. Wilson.
lard Space Science Laboratory) for his support of this work. Nucl. Fusion 24, 815 (1984).

1973 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 60. No.6. 15 September 1966 Lemen etal. 1973
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