Unit No. 4
Unit No. 4
Unit No. 4
3. Which is the colorless, odorless and toxic gas which produced when organic materials incompletely
a) Sulphur oxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Oxygen
d) Particulates
Answer: b
Explanation: Vehicular exhausts are the largest single source of carbon monoxide. It is a colorless,
odorless and toxic gas produced when organic materials like natural gas or wood are incompletely burnt.
5. What is aerosol?
a) General term for particles in air
b) General term for particles in soil
c) General term for particles in water
d) General term for particles inside humans
Answer: a
Explanation: Aerosol is a general term which is used to express the meaning for the particles which are
suspended in air. This aerosol contributes to air pollutants as they join other materials in the atmosphere.
Sprays from pressurized cans are an example of aerosol.
6. What is smog?
a) Mixture of smoke and particulates
b) Mixture of smoke and oxygen
c) Mixture of smoke and fog
d) Mixture of soot and fog
Answer: c
Explanation: Aerosol is a general term for particles suspended in air. Those aerosols when came into
contact with water droplets they constitute fog. So smog is a term used to describe a mixture of smoke and
8. Which is responsible for the greatest exposure to carbon dioxide for living organisms?
a) Hurricanes
b) Soil erosion
c) Vehicles emission
d) Cigarette smoking
Answer: d
Explanation: Cigarette smoking is responsible for the greatest exposure to carbon monoxide. Exposure to
air containing even 0.001% of carbon monoxide for few hours can cause collapse, coma and even death in
the worst case.
18. What is called for the matured soils which are arranged in a series of zones?
a) Soil zones
b) Soil layers
c) Soil horizons
d) Soil benches
Answer: c
Explanation: Mature soils are arranged in a series of zones called soil horizons. Each horizon has a distinct
texture and composition that varies with the different types of soil. This soil horizon helps to discriminate
different types of soils.
20. What is called for the mixture of all the contents of soil?
a) Erosion
b) Sublimation
c) Degradation
d) Loams
Answer: d
Explanation: Soil varies in their content of clay, silt, sand and gravel. The relative amounts of the different
sizes and types of mineral particles determine the soil texture. Soils with an approximately equal mixture of
clay, sand, slit and humus are called loams.
29. Which is the best way to control noise pollution among the four fundamental ways?
a) Reduce noise at the source
b) Block the path of noise
c) Increase the path length
d) Protect the recipient
Answer: a
Explanation: The best control method for noise pollution is to reduce the noise levels at the source. We a
noise is reduced at the source tan pollution won‟t occurrence in the proceeding steps and thus it won‟t
affect any organisms.
32. Which of the following is a way to reduce the traffic noise in the highway?
a) Constructing the vertical barriers
b) Increase the speed of the vehicles
c) Using old engine vehicles
d) Horning in unnecessary time
Answer: a
Explanation: The path of traffic noise can be locked by constructing vertical barriers along the highways.
Proper highway planning and design are essential for controlling traffic noise. Establishing lower speed
limits for highways also reduced the noise.
33.What is called when an industry removes water from a source and then returns the heated water to its
a) Water pollution
b) Soil pollution
c) Air pollution
d) Thermal pollution
Answer: d
Explanation: Thermal pollution occurs when an industry removes water from a source, uses the water for
cooling purposes, and then returns the heated water to its source such as lakes, rivers and even oceans.
36. Why burning waste is not an acceptable practice of solid waste management?
a) Because it is very costly
b) Because it requires modern technologies
c) Because it cause several environmental issues
d) Because it requires lot of space
Answer: c
Explanation: Burning waste is not an acceptable practice, because if we look into environmental or health
prospective burning waste creates lots of pollution and it is harmful to both environment and as well as
38. How many main components are there in integrated waste management?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: c
Explanation: An integrated waste management strategy includes three main components they are source
reduction, recycling and disposal. All these three types plays an important role in the solid waste
42. Under ideal climatic conditions how many cms of soil is developed?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: a
Explanation: Under ideal climatic conditions, soft parent material may develop into 1 cm of soil within 15
years. Under poor climatic conditions, hard parent material may require hundreds of years to develop into
the soil.
43. What is called for the matured soils which are arranged in a series of zones?
a) Soil zones
b) Soil layers
c) Soil horizons
d) Soil benches
Answer: c
Explanation: Mature soils are arranged in a series of zones called soil horizons. Each horizon has a distinct
texture and composition that varies with the different types of soil. This soil horizon helps to discriminate
different types of soils.
47. What is called for the mixture of all the contents of soil?
a) Erosion
b) Sublimation
c) Degradation
d) Loams
Answer: d
Explanation: Soil varies in their content of clay, silt, sand and gravel. The relative amounts of the different
sizes and types of mineral particles determine the soil texture. Soils with an approximately equal mixture of
clay, sand, slit and humus are called loams.
49. What is called for the movement of surface litter and topsoil from one place to another?
a) Soil submerge
b) Soil degradation
c) Soil erosion
d) Soil pollution
Answer: c
Explanation: Soil erosion is a natural process, it is often caused by wind and flowing water. It is greatly
accelerated by human activities such as farming, construction, over grazing by livestock and burning of
grass cover and deforestation.
53. What is the disadvantage of control measures of thermal pollution by passing the heated water?
a) Water is lost due to leakage
b) Water is lost due to absorption
c) Water is lost due to dilution
d) Water is lost due to evaporation
Answer: d
Explanation: Thermal pollution can be controlled by passing the heated water through a large shallow
cooling pond into which hot water is pumped and a cooling tower after it leaves the condenser. In both the
cases large amounts of water are lost to evaporation.
57. What is the main effect of thermal pollution to the oxygen solubility in water bodies?
a) They increase the solubility of oxygen in water bodies
b) They maintain the solubility of oxygen in water bodies
c) They reduce the solubility of oxygen in water bodies
d) They don‟t cause any affect in solubility of oxygen to the water bodies
Answer: c
Explanation: One of the main effects of thermal pollution is they reduced the solubility of oxygen in water
bodies. This less solubility of oxygen in water mainly affects the metabolism of water animals and thus it
leads to death of aquatic animals.
58. Which of the following is the main reason for thermal pollution?
a) Bio fuels
b) Organic farming
c) Eco friendly vehicles
d) Power plants
Answer: d
Explanation: Power plants are the main reasons behind growing thermal pollution. Because power plants
use water as a cooling agent for cooling down their machines. This used water is in high temperature and it
is released back to the water bodies and cause thermal pollution.
60. What is called for the useless heat from hot water recycled by industries?
a) Cooling towers
b) Recycling
c) Heat pump
d) Co-generation
Answer: d
Explanation: Co-generation can be helpful to combat thermal pollution. In the process of co-generation, the
useless heat from hot water can be recycled and used smartly in many tasks by industries. Thus this
process prevents thermal pollution.
62. When did the air pollution on earth happened first time?
a) When humans started using tools
b) When humans started using firewood
c) When humans started using clothes
d) When humans started using wheels
Answer: b
Explanation: The origin of air pollution on earth can be traced when humans started using firewood as a
means of cooking and heating food items. Back in 400 BC itself, Hippocrates mentioned air pollution. As
the years passed air pollution keeps on increasing.
65. What is the significance of black color moth in Europe during 19th century?
a) Indication of evolution
b) Indication of soil pollution
c) Indication of mutation
d) Indication of air pollution
Answer: d
Explanation: In Europe during 19th century, a black form of the peppered moth began appearing in
industrial areas. The normal pepper patterned moths were successful in surviving in clean non-industrial
areas, only black colored moths were successfully adopted themselves in industrial areas.
66. What is the main cause of increase in air pollution in the 20th century?
a) Development of the transport system
b) Development of infrastructures
c) Development of electricity
d) Development of water resources
Answer: a
Explanation: In 20th-century air pollution began to increase with the development of transportation systems
and the large scale use of petrol and diesel usage. Pollution due to auto exhaust is a serious environmental
69. Which is the colorless, odorless and toxic gas which produced when organic materials incompletely
a) Sulphur oxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Oxygen
d) Particulates
Answer: b
Explanation: Vehicular exhausts are the largest single source of carbon monoxide. It is a colorless,
odorless and toxic gas produced when organic materials like natural gas or wood are incompletely burnt.
73. What is called for the pollution that can be traced directly to industrial activity?
a) Soil pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Air pollution
d) Industrial pollution
Answer: d
Explanation: Industrial pollution is pollution which can be directly related to industry, in comparison to other
pollution sources. Due to it‟s and scope, industrial pollution is a serious problem for the entire planet.
74. Which of the following are the largest contributors to global pollution?
a) Soil pollution
b) Industrial pollution
c) Radioactive pollution
d) Water pollution
Answer: b
Explanation: Industrial waste which creates industrial pollution is the largest contributors to global pollution
which endangers the people and environment. Industrial pollution contaminates the environment.
77. Which one of the following is the prime factor towards soil pollution?
a) Soil erosion
b) Floods
c) Dumping of industrial wastes
d) Using land for irrigation
Answer: c
Explanation: Dumping of industrial wastes contain large amounts of various chemicals which get
accumulated on the top layer of soil, resulting in loss of fertility of the soil. Such loss of fertility ultimately
results in changes in the ecological balances.
78. Which one of the following industries produced Sulfur dioxide and flu ash as pollutants?
a) Textile industries
b) Cottage industries
c) Thermal industries
d) Coal industries
Answer: c
Explanation: Thermal industries produced sulfur dioxide and flu as ash as pollutants. Sulfur dioxide is a
colorless gas. In thermal industries a reduction in the atmosphere emissions of Sulfur dioxide produced by
fossil fuel combustion.
79. Which one of the following is a mechanical means of treating industrial effluents?
a) Oxidation
b) Chlorination
c) Recycling of waste
d) Sedimentation
Answer: d
Explanation: Sedimentation refers to the process during which particles suspended in water tend to settle
out. In another words sedimentation is the process of depositing sediment. Sedimentation is the building up
of layers of small particles like sand or mud.
83. Which one of the following is the main cause of air pollution?
a) Decrease in the factories
b) Increase in the factories
c) Increase in the seawater level
d) Increase in the modern technologies
Answer: b
Explanation: Industrial pollution is one of the main causes of air pollution. Increase in factories and
manufacturing processes both large and small scale, gaseous emissions have continued to compound.
This makes industrial pollution one of the main causes of air pollution.
85. Who appoints the chairman of the Central Pollution Control Board?
a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Governor of the State
d) President of India
Answer: a
Explanation: The Central Pollution Control Board is lead by its chairman, this chairman is appointed by the
Central Government. The current acting chairman is Shri S. P. Singh Parihar. This entire board comes
under Central Government.
86. Which one of the following is the apex organization in the country in the field of pollution control?
a) Water Pollution Control Board
b) State Pollution Control Board
c) Central Pollution Control Board
d) Air pollution Control Board
Answer: c
Explanation: The Central Pollution Control Board is the apex organization in the country in the field of
pollution control. It is a technical wing of Ministry of Environment and Forest. It comes under Government of
87. Where is the head office of the Central Pollution Control Board?
a) Mumbai
b) Raipur
c) Mysore
d) New Delhi
Answer: d
Explanation: The head office of the Central Pollution Control Board located in New Delhi. It consists of
seven zonal offices and five laboratories. Here the board conducts environmental assessments and
89. In how many tier programs the inland water quality monitoring network is operating?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: c
Explanation: The inland water quality monitoring network is operating under a three tier program. The three
tier programs are Global Environment Monitoring System, Monitoring of India National Aquatic Resources
System and Yamuna Action Plan.
92. Which of the following is the greatest volume of waste discharge to water?
a) Spillage from oil pipelines
b) Sewage
c) Nuclear waste
d) Spillage from tankers
Answer: b
Explanation: The greatest volume of waste discharged to water is sewage, which is primarily organic in
nature and is degraded by bacterial activity. Using the oxygen present in the water, these wastes are
broken down into stable inorganic compounds.
93. When does the rate of aerobic oxidation reduced in the sewage that is reduced to the water?
a) When oxygen concentration falls below 1.5 mg/l
b) When oxygen concentration falls below 2.5 mg/l
c) When oxygen concentration falls below 3.5 mg/l
d) When oxygen concentration falls below 4.5 mg/l
Answer: a
Explanation: When the oxygen concentration falls below 1.5 mg/l, the rate of aerobic oxidation is reduced
and replaced by anaerobic bacteria that can oxidizes the organic molecules without the use of oxygen.
94. Which of the following way is used to reduce the pollution load on marine water?
a) Manual cleaning of pollutants
b) Damping the pollutants during winter
c) Introducing sewage treatment plants
d) Ban the license of industries which are near to the sea
Answer: c
Explanation: One of the best ways of reducing the pollution load on marine waters is by introducing sewage
treatment plants. This will reduce the biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the final product before it is
discharged to water.
95. What is the reason that oil pollution attracts the greatest attention?
a) Because of the volume
b) Because of the density
c) Because of the mass
d) Because of the visibility
Answer: d
Explanation: Oil pollution of the sea normally attracts the greatest attention because of its visibility. They
visible to the greater range because the pollution spread to the longer distance within a few hours. This
pollution cause damaging to the marine ecosystems.
97. Wastewater from different sources like bathrooms, kitchens and wash basins is called
a) Sewage
b) Garbage
c) Sullage
d) Discharge
Answer: c
Explanation: Dry wastes such as dry leaves, paper and grass are called garbage. Discharge is the outflow
of water or wastewater. Sewage is the wastewater from various houses. Sullage is the wastewater from
bathroom, kitchen, wash basins, etc.
98. Which of the following conditions is not suitable for the disposal of excreta or sewage?
a) The waste does not pollute the ground surface
b) It is not exposed to the atmosphere
c) It should be accessible for children
d) It does not give odour nuisance
Answer: c
Explanation: The place and criteria for the disposal of waste play a major role. It should be off the sight of
the people so it doesn‟t cause displease for the vision and it must not be accessible for children and
household pets with respect to health aspects.
99. The system to collect night soil, garbage etc. in separate vessels or deposited in pools and pits is
a) Conservancy system
b) Waste allocation system
c) Waste deposition system
d) Waste pit
Answer: a
Explanation: Conservancy system is an old system in which various types of wastes such as night soil,
garbage, etc. are collected separately in vessels and deposited in pools or pits and then removed
periodically once in 24 hours.
100.In urban cities like Bangalore, which of the water carriage system is used?
a) Separate system
b) Combined system
c) Partially combined system
d) Partially separate system
Answer: a
Explanation: Urban cities have a large area and high population, therefore water usage is more and
sewage generated will also be more. Hence, a separate system to carry sewage and stormwater is
necessary. Whereas in rural areas, precipitation will be absorbed by the ground and infiltered. Therefore
only a little amount of precipitation forms storm. Hence the combined system is preferred.