Tegr 109 Syllabus - Dohinog

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College of Teacher Education, Arts, and Sciences

Villaba, Leyte, Philippines
Phone: +639102125001
Email: gavino.romerojr.@vsu.edu.ph
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph


TEGr 109
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

1. Vision of the University
A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental

2. Mission of the University

Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting edge scientific

knowledge, and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

3. VSU Quality Policy Statement

The Visayas State University (VSU), a globally competitive university of science

and technology and environmental conservation, is created by law to develop highly
competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

Toward this end, we, at the Visayas State University, commit to:

 Produce highly competent, quality and world-class manpower in science and

technology (S&T), especially for agriculture, environmental management and
industry who are proficient in communication skills, critical thinking and analytical
 Generate and disseminate relevant knowledge and technology that lead to
improved productivity, profitability and sustainability in agriculture, environment
and industry,
 Satisfy the needs of the industry, the community and government sector who are
in need of quality graduates and technology ready for commercialization through
the establishment, operation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a
Quality Management System which is aligned with the requirements of ISO

It shall be the policy of the university that the quality policies and procedures are
communicated to and understood by all faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders
and that the system shall be continually improved for its relevance and effectiveness

4. Quality Goals of the College of Teacher Education, Arts and Sciences

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v3 10-02-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

a. Provide quality training to prospective secondary and elementary school teachers

who are globally proficient in information and communication technology skills,
critical thinking, creativity and analytical abilities;
b. Conduct innovative researches in education to help augment the lives of the
people in the community; and
c. Disseminate relevant knowledge and technology in education that will lead to
improved productivity.

5. Quality Objectives of the Department of Teacher Education

a. Produce globally competent elementary and secondary school teachers proficient

in written and oral communications, imbued with high aesthetic, strong moral and
ethical values and utmost sensitivity in cultural diversity.
b. Develop among prospective elementary and secondary school teachers who are
extremely dedicated and committed to work with genuine love for teaching and
real concern for the welfare and development of young learners.
c. Produce graduates equipped with critical thinking skills and innovative teaching
approaches, methods, techniques and strategies.
d. Encourage, train and guide students in conducting productive research studies
and extension activities relevant to education and its allied fields.


1. Name of the Program Bachelor of Elementary Education

2. CHED CMO Reference CMO No. 74, s. 2017
3. BOR Approval BOR Resolution No. 68, s. 2018 dtd. July 5, 2018

4. Program Educational Objectives and Relationship to Institution Mission

Program Educational Objectives
a b c

1. Produce prospective teachers who are highly committed to develop √ √

diverse learners holistically.
2. Develop prospective teachers who possess a strong sense of √ √ √
3. Equip prospective teachers with skills necessary in conducting researches √ √ √
and community extension programs.
*a - development of a highly competitive human resource, b - cutting-edge scientific
knowledge, c - innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment


1. Course Code TEGr 109
2. Course Title Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1
3. Pre-requisite None
4. Co-requisite None
5. Credit 3
6. Semester Offered Second Semester
Page 2 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

7. Number of Hours 3 hour lecture/week

This course shall include pedagogical content knowledge and
skills in technology and livelihood education necessary in
teaching and learning in the elementary level. Selected topics in
8. Course Description
home economics, industrial arts, technology and livelihood
education shall form a major part of the course. Experiential
learning approach shall be focus of this course.

9. Program Outcomes (POs) and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives
Program Outcomes (POs) (PEOs)
1 2 3
A Articulate the rootedness of education in
philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,  
psychological, and political contexts
Demonstrate mastery of subject
B matter/discipline   

Facilitate learning using a wide range of

C teaching methodologies and delivery   
modes appropriate to specific learners
and theirinnovative
Develop environments
curricula, instructional
D plans, teaching approaches, and   
resources for diverse learners

Apply skills in the development and

E utilization of ICT to promote quality,   
relevant and sustainable educational
Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in
F planning, monitoring, assessing, and   
reporting learning processes and
G Practice professional and ethical teaching
standards sensitive to the local, national,   
and global realities

Pursue lifelong learning for personal and

H professional growth through varied   
experiential and field-based opportunities

10. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Program Outcomes (POs)

Page 3 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

After completing Program Outcomes Code

this course,
the students must a b c d e f
be able to perform g h
the following COs:
Analyze the nature,
structure, content,
and legal bases of
EPP/TLE in the K- I E I E I I I I
12 curriculum.

Apply the various
learning strategies E E I I E I I I
and assessment
techniques in
teaching EPP/TLE.

Demonstrate a D
lesson in EPP/TLE E D D D D D
using appropriate

Legend: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative

Each letter indicates the expected level of competency that each CO should provide for each

11. Course Content and Plan

Teaching and Learning

Week Topics Learning Teaching Learning
Outcomes Activities Activities
Class Orientation
1 OBE Course Oral
Syllabus Q & A for recitation
(including VSU clarification, (ungraded)
Vision Mission, setting of Brainstorming
and Quality expectations,
Policy and getting-to-
Statement) know-each other

Class Policies Class interaction

Page 4 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

Requirements Sharing of Ideas Study

Grading Feedbacks
System and

Guide /
Workbook /

Submission of

CO1: Analyze the nature, structure, content, and legal bases of EPP/TLE in the K-12 curriculum.
Chapter 1:
Content and the
Legal basis of
the K-12
Curriculum in
Teaching EPP
and TLE

Lesson 1.1: 1 Analyse the Lecture Independent Quiz 1

The Nature, nature, Discussion Study Conceptual
Structure, and structure, and framework
Content of EPP content of the Small Group Muddiest point
and TLE K-12 EPP/TLE discussion EPP
curriculum. Three-step Curriculum
Providing interviews Analysis
2 Differentiate Feedback
the goals and
domain of EPP
and TLE.
3 Lesson 1.2: 3 State the Independent Quiz 2 Essay
The Legal legal basis of Class Study
Basis and the teaching Discussion Written
Guiding EPP/TLE Fish bowl Report

Page 5 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

Principles in Cooperative
Teaching 4 Explain why Learning Posters & Concept map
EPP/TLE does RA gallery walk -flowchart
10647 Inquiry-guided -timeline
encourages instruction Reporting
enrollment in Rubrics

5 Discuss the
importance of
guidelines and
principles in
Chapter 2: The
Key Standards/
Components of

4-5 Lesson 2.1: 6 Explain the Lecture- Independent Quiz 3

Home importance of Discussion Study Making a
Economics home graphic
(Hand economics as Reciprocal Interactive organizer
Embroidery a component Questioning/ Learning - Venn
Stitches) in teaching Teaching diagram
EPP/TLE. Collaborative
Learning Creating
7 Explain the Hand
use of hand Embroidery
embroidery Stitches
stitches in our
everyday lives.
6-7 Lesson 2.2:
Industrial Arts 8 Discuss the Quiz 4 Essay
(Basic importance of Brainstorming Independent
Sketching, industrial arts Study Written
Basic Shading, in teaching Lecture- Report
and Outlining EPP/TLE. Discussion Interactive
Technique) Learning
9 Explain why Question Self-
elementary Generation Inquiry- Reflection
grades should Strategies Guided Drawing
learn about Instruction
basic Rubrics
sketching, Brainstorming
shading, and
outlining Providing
technique in feedback
industrial arts
components. Reporting

Page 6 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

8 Lesson 2.3: 10 Explain the Brainstorming Independent Quiz 5:

Information and integration of Study Essay
Communication information Lecture-
Technology and computer Discussion Interactive
(Communicatio technology in Learning Written
n and EPP/TLE. Question Report
Collaboration in Generation Inquiry-
Using ICT) 11 Discuss Strategies Guided Concept
how web- Instruction Mapping
technology is Brainstorming Rubrics
used in
communication Providing
. feedback


9 Midterm Examination April 2022

CO2: Apply the various learning strategies and assessment techniques in teaching EPP/TLE.
Chapter 3:
Strategies and
Techniques in
Lesson 3.1:
Strategies in 12 Give a Brainstorming Independent Quiz 6
Teaching classroom Study Descriptive
EPP/TLE situation or Lecture- Essay
activity for Discussion
each of the Game- Based Written
strategies used Question Learning Report
in teaching Generation
EPP/TLE. Strategies Problem-based
learning Rubrics
Teaching/ Providing
Questioning feedback


11 Lesson 3.2:
Assessment 13 Differentiate Brainstorming Independent Quiz 7:
and Evaluation the three Study Essay
Technique in assessment Lecture-
Teaching methods used Discussion Game- Based Written
EPP/TLE in EPP/TLE. Learning Report
14 Compare Generation Problem-based Concept map
and contrast Strategies learning -Venn
Page 7 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

the non-test Diagram

devices which Reciprocal Providing
are the Teaching/ feedback Rubrics
observational Questioning
devices, Reporting Chapter Test
forms, and
CO3: Demonstrate a lesson in EPP/TLE using appropriate tools/equipment.
Chapter 4:
Planning and
Lessons in

12-13 Lesson 4.1: 15 Determine Brainstorming Independent Quiz 8

Tools and instructional Study Written
Equipment for materials, Lecture- Report
Teaching Home tools, and Discussion Game- Based
Economics, equipment Learning Creating
Industrial Arts, appropriate in Question Miniature
and ICT teaching Generation Problem-based House
lessons in Strategies learning
EPP/TLE. Criteria
Reciprocal Providing
Teaching/ feedback

14-15 Lesson 4.2: 16 Design a Brainstorming

Lesson lesson plan in Quiz 9:
Planning in EPP/TLE. Lecture- Independent Lesson
EPP/TLE Discussion Study Planning

Reciprocal Three-step My Personal

Teaching/ interviews Learning’s on
Questioning the Model


16-17 Lesson 4.3: 17

Demonstration Demonstrate Brainstorming
Teaching in lesson plan in Independent Quiz 10:
EPP your chosen Lecture- Study Teaching
EPP Discussion Demonstratio
components. Minute paper n
Page 8 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

Teaching/ Rubrics

18 Final Examination June 2023

12. Life-long Learning Opportunities

This course will equip students with the necessary skills and processes, mastery of
knowledge and information, and the acquisition of right work values and life skills that they
can apply in their entire life.
13. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component (%)
General Education: 0%
Specialization: 100%
Professional Education: 0%

14. Textbooks and References

A. Textbooks/ E-Books

Bunga, J., Pilariza, C., & Serrano, E. (2016) Principles of teaching 2: Teaching
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)/Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE). Adriana Publishing Cor., Inc.
Corpuz, B., & Salandanan, G. (2015) Principles of teaching 2 with TLE: OBE and
K-12 based. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

B. Other References

Computer Basics: Basic Parts of a Computer (n.d)

Curriculum and instruction: The teaching of technology and livelihood education
Dressmaking Tools (n.d) https://www.whaleys-bradford.ltd.uk/blog/dressmaking-
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan: teaching guide on financial literacy.
Food & Nutrition_ A Handbook for Namibian Volunteer Leaders (n.d)
Functions of food and definitions (2016)
Granadozin, G., Dones, R., Almayda, M., & Diamano, M. (2015) Edukasyong
Page 9 of 13
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. TP-IMD-08
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V2 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. CS2021-02-

Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan: Patnubay ng guro.

K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education:
Learning Module (Agricultural Crop Production) (2016)
K-12 Curriculum Guide: Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) and
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). (2016)
Planting Ornamentals (n.d) https://extension.psu.edu/planting-ornamentals

15. Course Assessment and Evaluation

The performance of students will be assessed and evaluated based on the following:
50% Midterm + 50% Final Term = 100% (Overall Final)

No. of Times
Percentage in the Individual Task %
Assessment Tasks Contribution Semester Contribution
(1) (2) (1/2)

1 Attendance (A) 5% 50 2.5%/A

2 Quiz (Q) 25% 10 2.5%/AT
3 Project (P) 20% 2 0.4%/P
4 Term Examination (TE) 50% 2 25%/(TE)

Weight in Average for
COs Assessment Tasks Target and Standards
Percent Satisfactory
Attendance (1-17 School 2.5%
1 Quiz 1 2.5%
Quiz 2 2.5% At least 70% of the
Quiz 3 2.5% 60% students have at least
60% score.
Quiz 4 2.5%
Quiz 5 2.5%
Project 1 0.4%
At least 70% of the
Term Examination 1 25%
students have at least
60% score.

2 Attendance (18-25 Days) 2.5% At least 70% of the

Quiz 5 3% 60% students have at least
Quiz 6 4% 60% score.
Quiz 7 2.5%
Page 10 of
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 13
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-08
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V2 11-14-2022
No. CS2021-02-

Project 2 2.5%
3 Attendance (25-50 School 2.5%
Days) 60% At least 70% of the
Quiz 8 2.5% students have at least
Quiz 9 2.5% 60% score.
Quiz 10 2.5%

Term Examination 2 25%

At least 70% of the
60% students have at least
60% score.

2.5% At least 70% of the

students have at least
TOTAL 100%
60% score.

Grading System (% Passing: 60%)

Range Grade Range Grade
99-100 1.00 78-80 2.75
96-98 1.25 75-77 3.00
93-95 1.50 74-below 5.00
90-92 1.75
87-89 2.00
84-86 2.25
81-83 2.50

16. Course Policies

a. .Plagiarism

b. Student Honor Pledge

c. Student Ethical Behavior

d. If you have any inquiry/clarification, you may contact the course instructor during official
working hours, that is, Monday to Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
e. University policies are strictly followed. Please be guided accordingly.

This class policy serves as our written agreement for the whole semester. If there are any
changes to enhance the class learning opportunity within the semester, they will be
communicated accordingly.

17. Course Materials and Facilities Available

1. Learning Guide
2. Handouts
3. PowerPoint presentation

Page 11 of
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 13
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-08
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V2 11-14-2022
No. CS2021-02-

4. Whiteboard/whiteboard marker
5. Projector
18. Revision History

Revision Date of Date of Highlights of Revised By:

Number Revision Implementation Revision

1 3/14/2023 Second Semester Updated course

AY 2022-2023 content from Cindy O. Dohinog
modular to face-to-
face classes,
Updated Template
to TM-v2-11-14-
2022, Change of
Learning Strategies
and Teaching

19. Preparation

Name Signature Date Signed

Prepared by CINDY O. DOHINOG


1. Name of Instructor/Professor CINDY O. DOHINOG
2. Office and Department ARTS AND SCIENCES
3. Telephone/Mobile Numbers 09515113625
4. Email Address cindy.dohinog@vsu.edu.ph
5. Consultation Time Tuesday 8:00-5:00 PM

20. Department Instructional Materials Review Committee:

Committee Name Signature Date




Page 12 of
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 13
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-08
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V2 11-14-2022
No. CS2021-02-

Name Signature
College Dean
Validated by: JICA MAY S. ORONGAN
Head, OIMD
1/ Means of Verification: Ratings on individual evaluation sheets of the DIMRC members
2/ Means of Validation: Final action of the College Dean

1. The number of POs will depend on each degree program offered
2. COs and Relationship to POs
(I) - Introductory – an Introductory Course to an outcome
(E) - Enabling – an Enabling Course or a course that strengthens the outcome
(D) - Demonstrated – a Demonstrative Course or a course demonstrating an

Distribution of copies: OIMD, College, Department, Faculty and ODQA

Page 13 of
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 13
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-08
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V2 11-14-2022
No. CS2021-02-

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