Age Not Mantioned
Age Not Mantioned
Age Not Mantioned
1. Introduction 2
2. IIITG Students’ Gymkhana Council Constitution 2
i. Preamble 2
i. Appendix I: Rules and Procedures for conducting Students’
Gymkhana Council Elections 8
The Council shall strive to live up to the important role students have to play in the
development of the institute.
The Council shall endeavour to foster and promote academic, technical, cultural,
sports and welfare activities in the institute.
The Council shall endeavour to raise common grievances and demands of students
with competent authorities.
The Council shall promote and safeguard the genuine interests of the student
community and monitor the maintenance of infrastructure provided by the
In order to achieve the above mentioned aims and objectives, the Council will form
various clubs and other associations under it.
The Board shall consider all proposals from the Council regarding
funding, holding of events, changes in the constitution, and any other
matter and take decisions on them or make recommendations to the
competent authorities, as the case may require.
The election for all the posts would be conducted by two Returning Officers,
to be appointed by the Faculty Advisory Board. The announcement of elections,
acceptance of nomination papers, preparation of final list of candidates,
conducting the polls and announcement of results will be by the Returning
Officers. All decisions of the Returning Officers will be final and binding on
the students.
i. All voting will be by secret ballot. Every voter will have one vote for each
position being contested.
ii. All bonafide students of the Institute (including part-time students) will
be allowed to vote.
iii. There will be no provision for postal ballots.
iv. There will be a NOTA (none of the above) provision for each election. If
more than 50% of the valid votes are NOTA, the particular election will
be cancelled and fresh elections held with new nominations.
v. The candidate getting the highest number of votes will be declared the
winner in each election.
vi. Ballot papers: Names of the candidates will be in English in alphabetical
order, the first name of the candidate (not surname) appearing first.
vii. Voters will mark the ballot paper against the name of the candidates of
their choice.
viii. If there is only one candidate contesting for a position, then the
candidate will be declared elected unopposed.
This Code of Conduct (Code) applies to all students of the institute involved
in the conduct of elections or election campaigns held in respect of elections
for Students’ Council positions for Students Gymkhana Council.
The purpose of this Code is to promote fairness and preserve the integrity of
student elections and election campaigns. It also expects the candidates and
their supporters to maintain a character of friendly competition and respect
for the election process.
General Principles:
All campaign materials or activities must conform to this code of conduct and
must not contain images or language, or promote behaviour, that causes
offence or that are misleading or defamatory.
ii. The institute may also issue additional notifications regarding the size,
placement and distribution volume, if necessary.
iii. Canvassing time for the elections will be from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Each candidate shall not have more than 06 (six) bonafide students
while canvassing in the institute/campus.
In addition to any investigation by the Returning Officers under the
code of conduct or Students Gymkhana Constitution, any
allegations of breaches of this Code may also be investigated and
strict disciplinary actions will be taken.
Withdrawal of Nomination:
The President will chair the Institute General Body Meeting (IGBM). In
the absence of the President, the Vice-President and in the absence of
both, a Chairperson elected by the General Secretaries from among
themselves shall chair the meeting.
The Vice-President shall take the quorum and write the minutes and
in his/ her absence, one member elected from the General Secretary
will perform this task.
The Chairperson shall open the meeting and announce the items of the
agenda, which must be made public at the time of notification of the
All requests for addition of items to the agenda shall be given to the
Chair in writing and supported by 1/10 of the members of the general
body present at the opening of the meeting.
Such additions to the agenda shall be put to discussion after all the
items initially on the agenda have been resolved through common
consensus or voting. Any change in the priority of the agenda can be
moved by half the quorum of the meeting and passed by a simple
majority immediately after the opening of the meeting. All such motions
may be moved only once and discussed and voted upon
All points of order shall be raised with Chair in writing. The Chair shall
read out all points of order and give his/her ruling assigning reasons
for the same. The ruling of the chair shall be final and binding. Once a
point of order is ruled upon, it cannot be raised again.
It shall be left to the discretion of the Chair whether to immediately
stop the discussion and read out the point of order and give his or her
ruling or whether to do so after the speaker who is speaking at the
moment has finished. Once the meeting has been called to order by the
Chair, he or she shall decide and announce affixed time limit within
which all persons who wish to speak may submit their names in
writing. At the expiry of the specified time limit, the final list of speakers
will be announced and strictly adhered to.
Voting shall be either by voice vote, show of hands, count of heads or
secret ballot. The Council shall decide beforehand on the particular
mode to adopt. As regards voting, the Chairperson after taking the vote
with the help of the other members of students Council will declare the
result of the voting.
All objections and interjections may only be raised in writing with the
Chair and the Chair shall use its discretionary powers whether to read
out and further whether to disallow it or to put it to discussion
assigning reasons for the same.
The Students Council shall, using its discretionary powers, decide
upon the duration of the meeting and leave it to the Chair to announce
the time of voting.
Appendix III: