Contraction Mappings in B-Metric Spaces

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Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis

Stefan Czerwik
Contraction mappings in b-metric spaces

Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Vol. 1 (1993), No. 1, 5--11

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Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 1(1993)5-11

Contraction Mappings in b-metric Spaces


Abstract. Some generalizations of well known Banach's fixed point theorem in so-called
b-metric spaces are presented.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10

1. Some problems, particurarly the problem of the convergence of measurable

functions with respects to measure lead to a generalization of notion of metric.
Using this idea we shall present generalization of some fixed point theorems of
Banach type.
Lex X be a spece and let R+ denotes the set of all nonnegative numbers. A
function d : X x X —> R+ is said to be an b-metric iff for all x, y, z 6 X and all
r > 0 the following conditions are satisfacted:

d{x, y) = 0iffx = y (1)

d{x, y) = d{y, x) (2)

d{x, y) < r and d{x, z) < r imply d{y, z) < 2r. (3)
A pair {X, d) is called an b-metric space.
L e m m a 1. The condition (3) is equivalent to the following one:
d{x, y) < r and d{x, z) < r imply d{y, z) < 2r. (4)

for all x, y, z £ X and all r > 0.

Let us consider the following condition:
d{y, z) < 2d{x, y) -f 2d{x, z) for all x, y, z 6 X. (5)
Of course, the condition (5) is weaker then (3). In the sequel we will call a function
d : X x X —> R+ an b-metric iff the conditions (1) (2) and (5) are satisfied. For
T : X -> X we denote by Tn then n-th iterate of T.
2. Now we present following
T h e o r e m 1. Let {X, d) be e a complete b-metric space and let T : X —> X satisfy

d[T(x), T(y)} < <p[d(x, y)), x,y€X, (6)

where if : R+ —> R+ is increasing function such that lirnn-+coiPn{t) = 0 for each

fi.xed > 0. Then T has exactly one fixed point u and

limn-+00d[Tn{x), u] = 0
S. Czerwik

for each x G X.
PROOF: Take x G X and e > 0. Let n be a natural number such that (pn(e) < 4 " 1 .
Put F = Tn and z* = Fk(x) for k G N (the set of natural numbers). Then for
x, y 6 X and a = </?" we have

d[F(i), F(y)] < <pn[d(x, y)] = a[«f(x, y)]. (7)

Therefore, for fc G N
d(;Zjt+i, Xjt) —* 0 as k —> oo.
Let k be such that d(xk-\-], #*) < e * 4 - 1 . Then for every z G K(zjt, £) -= {y G A :
d(**> V) < ^} we get

d[F(*), F(xk)] < a[d(xk, z)] < a(e) = tpn(e) < e - 4 " 1 ,
d[F(xjt), a;*] = c?(xjt+i, Xjt) < e • 4 " 1

d[F(xh), Xk]<2(e.4~' +e.4-l)=e,
which means that F maps K(xk, e) into itself. Consequently

d(xm, xs) < 4e for m, s > k

and the sequence {xk} is a Cauchy sequnce, so there exists u £ A" such that Xk —> u
as k —> oo. Furthermore, by the continuity of F (see (7))

u = Zirajb—oo-cjfc+i = Kmjb—oo^x/t+i) = F(u),

i.e. u is a fixed point of F. Since a(t) = v?n(<) < t for any r > 0, it is clear that F
has exactly one fixed point. Moreover, by (6) T is continuous so we have

T(u) = Umk^ooT[Fk(x)] = liml-.00Fh[T{x)] = u

and u is fixed point of T as well. It is obviuos by (6) that such point is only one.
Since for every x G X and every r = 0, 1, . . . , n — 1

Tnk+r(x) = F*[Tr(z)] ->uas^oo,

so Tm(x) —> u as m —• oo for every x G Ar. This completes the proof of our
theorem. D
For ordinary metric spaces analogous result is contained in [3], p. 12,
T h e o r e m 2. Let Z be a topological space and let (X, d) be a complete b-metric
space. Let X x X be continuous and satisfy for each z G Z

d[T(x, z), T(y, z)] < ad(x, y) for all x, y G X, (8)

where 0 < a < 1. Then for each z G Z there exists an unique fixed point x(z) of
T, i.e. T[x(z), z] = x(z) and the function z —> x(z) is continuous on Z.
Contraction Mappings in b-metric Spaces 7


T 1 (x, z) = T(x, z), T n + 1 = T[T\x, z), z], n = 1 , 2 , . . .

Let us take n such that an < 2 " 1 . By Theorem 1 for every z G Z,Tn has exactly
one fixed point x(z). Since we have

T[x(z), z] = T[Tn(x(z), z), z] = Tn[T(x(z), z), z]

so T[x(z), z] is also fixed point of T n but in view of the uniqueness we get

T[x(z), z] = x(z),

i.e. x(z) is a fixed point of T. By (8) one can proof that T has only one fixed
point for every x G Z.
Now let e > 0 be given. The continuity of T implies that Tn is also continuous.
Let z2 G Z be arbitrarily fixed. Therefore exists a neighbourhood U of 22 such
d[Tn(z2), zx), Tn(x(z2), z2]<e- 2 ^ ( 1 - 2a")
for z\ € U. Consequently we have for z\ G U

d[x(z\), x(z2)] = d[Tn(x(z\), z\),Tn(x(z2), z2)] <

n n
< 2 • d[T (x(zx), z\), T (x(z2), z\)] + 2>d[Tn(x(z2), zx), Tn(x(z2), z2)] <
n n
< 2a d[x(z\), x(z2)] + e(l - 2 a ) .

Finally we get
d[x(z\), x(z2)] < e for z\ in U
which proves the continuity of x and completes the proof of the theorem. Q
Now we shall prove the following
T h e o r e m 3 . Let a : (0, oo) —> [0,2 _ 1 ) he decreasing function. Let (X, d) be a
complete b-metric space and let T : X —> X be a transformation such that

d[T(x), T(z)] < a[d(x, z)](d[x, T(x)] + d[z, T(z)]) (9)

for all x, z G X, x ^ z. If moreover, T is continuous or a is a constant function,

then T has a unique fixed point u G X and limn^OQd[Tn(x), u] = 0 for each
yn:=d[Tn(x),Tn+l(x)],n = l,2, ...,xeX.
We may assume that yn ^ 0- Then by (9) we get

un+i < a(yn)(yn + 2ln+i) < 2~ 1 (u n + yn+\)

yn+i <yn, n = 1, 2, . . .
S. Czerwik

So {y n } is a decreasing sequence. Let y = /zm n _ 0 0 t/ n . We shall prove that y = 0.

Suppose that y > 0. Then

2/n+i < a(y)(y n + y n +i)

and consequently y < 2a(y)y, which is impossible since a(y) < 2 " 1 . This proves
that y = 0. Now we will show that {y n } is a Cauchy sequence for every x £ X.
From (9) we get for m, n G N

d[Tn(x), Tm(x)} < \(d[Tn-l(x), Tn(x)} + d[Tm-\x), Tm(x))).

There exists an no such that for m, n > n0

d[Tn~\x), Tn(x)] < e and d[Tm-\x), Tm(x)).

and hence
d[Tn(x),Tm(x)}<±(e + e) = e

for all m, n > no. Thus {yn} is a Cauchy sequence and in view of completeness
of X there exists an u € X such that Tn(x) —• u. We can check that T(tt) = w.
Really, we have

d[u, T(u)) < 2d[u, Tn+\x)) + 2d[Tn+\x), T(u)}.

If T is continuous, then the right hand side of the inequality tends to zero as
n —* oo, which proves that T(tt) = u. On the other hand, if a = const., then

d[u, T(u)} < 2d[u, T n + 1 (x)] + 2a[d[Tn(x), T n + 1 (x)] + d[u, T(u)}) <
n l
< 2d[u, T + (x)} + 2ay n + 2ad[u, T(u))).

Letting u —* oo we get
d[u, T(u)) < ad[u, T(u)),

i.e. d[u, T(u)) = 0.

Finally, to prove the last part of the Theorem, let us assume that

T(tti) = Mi, T(w 2 ) = w2, tti 7- tt2, m , tt2 e X.

Therefore we may write

cf(tt 1 ,tt 2 ) = d[T(tt 1 ), T(tt 2 )]<
< a[d(uu u2))(d[uu T(ux)) + e*[tt2, T(tt 2 )]) = 0

which means that u\ = u2 and finishes the proof of the Theorem. •

For related problems in metric spaces see [5].

Contraction Mappings in b-rnetric Spaces


Г x = l M) '
\T(x) - T(z)\ < i ( | x - T(x)\ + \z - T(z)\)

for x, z G [0, 1], i.e. T satisfies the condition (9) but T is not continuous.
3. Let us consider complete b-metric space (Xi, di), i = 1, . . . , n. Let X :~
X\ x ... x Xn and let d : X x K —• 1?+ be the function defined as follows

cř(ж, 2) = ^ГidĄxi, ZІ), (10)


where x = (#;, . . . , xn), z = (z\, ..., z n ) G K and r,-, i = 1, . . . , n are given

nonnegative real numbers.
One can easily see that

d(x, z) = 0 iff x = z and d(;r, z) = d(z, x) for every a:, z 6 K.

Moreover, we have for x, y, z, G X

d(x, z) < ^2ri[di(xi, yi) + di(yi, Zi)] = 2d(x, y) + 2d(y, z),

which gives then inequality

d(x, z) < 2d(x, y) + 2d(y, z),

for all x, y, z, G X. This means that the the function d is an b-metric in X. If all
spaces (Xi, di), i = 1, . . . , n are complete then the space (X, d) is also complete
with respect to the b-metric d.
Using this idea we get the following theorem for system of transformations.

T h e o r e m 4. Let (Xi, di), i = 1, . . . , n be complete b-metric spaces. Let ai%k,

i, k = 1, . . . , n be nonnegative real numbers such that transformations Ti : X —•
Xi, i = 1, ..., n fulfill the inequalities
di[Ti(x), Ti(z)} <J^aijkdk(xk, zk) (11)

for all x = (x\, . . . , xn), z = (z\, ..., zn) EX. If, moreover, the absolute values
of the characteristic roots fo the matrix [aiik]™ k=z are less then one, then the system
of equations
Ti(x\, . . . , xn) = Xi, i = 1, . . . , n
10 S. Czerwik

has exactly one solution u = (u\, . . . , un) G X given by the formulas

Ui = Ums-*ooX9i, i = 1, . . . , n , (12)

x j + 1 = Ti(xf, . . . , x n ), t = 1, . . . , n, s = 0, 1, . . . , (13)
where x® 6 K», i = 1, . . . , n are arbitrarily fixed.
PROOF: From Perron's Theorem ([2], p. 354) we conclude that there exists positive
numbers r,, i = 1, . . . , n satisfying the system of inequalities
^ n a j , * < rfc, fc = l, . . . , n (14)

(see also [1] and [4]). Take

v := maxke{lf ...,„} I r^1 ^ na,, * < r* J ,

then (14) implies

0<v<l (15)
5^nai f Jb <rk < vrk, fc = 1, . . . , n. (16)
Let d be defined by formula (10). It has been mentioned that (X, d) is a complete
b-metric space. Now let us consider the mapping T : X —• X defined by T(x) =
(T\(x), , . . . , T n (x)) for x E X . We are able to check that T si a contraction map.
Indeed, in view of (10), (11) and (16) for x, z £ X we get
d[T(x), TOO] = E?=i n*[T<(*)f r,(*)] < E?=i n E L i *.*«**(**, **) =
= E , n = i ( E L i r .a., *)<**(**> **) = £ t n =i vrfca,-, *(**(:**, **) = vd(x, z)
Taking into account (15) and applying Theorem (1) for (p(t) = t; • t we obtain our
assertion. O

[1] Czerwik, S., Fixed point theorems and special solutions of functional equations, Prace
Nauk Univ. Slask. 428 (1980), 1-83.
[2] Gantmacher, F. R., Theory of matrix Russian, Moscow, 1966.
[3] Granas, A. and Dugundi, J., Fixed point theory, Moscow, 1982.
[4] Matkowski, J., Integrable solutions of functional equations, Disserationes Math. 127
(1975), 5-63.
[5] Zamfirescu, T., Fixpoint theorems in metric spaces, Arch, Math (Basel) 23 (1972),
Contraction Mappings in b-metric Spaces 11

Address: Stefan Czerwik, Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, ul.

Zwyciestwa 42, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland

(Received October 19, 1992)

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