Reharmonization 14
Reharmonization 14
Reharmonization 14
It's also possible to apply tritone substitution and/or modal interchange to Coltrane changes.
I A7 I F7 I Emaj7 I Cmaj7 I
All of these techniques may be applied to minor keys as well. It takes practice to become fluent at improvising and
comping over Coltrane changes, because they go by fast. There aren't many choices of good lines to go with them.
"Giant Steps" and "Countdown" provide good models. Effective improvisational strategies include arpeggios,
symmetric lines, pentatonic scales, and similar constructions.
"How" may be viewed as the Roman numeral formula for analyzing chord progressions. All one needs to remem-
ber is what goes where. "Why" requires an abstract understanding of the source of a given chord progression. An
understanding of why chords move as they do will facilitate remembering how they move.
While differences of opinion are bound to occur, harmonic motion can only be understood by explaining that
motion in clear and logical terms.
A V7 can also move to a chord of the subdominant family (ii or IV in major, iv, or in minor) by
A V7 can move to any other chord in the dominant family or any of their substitutes derived by diminished