3 3 4 Linear Integral Equations.: F. N. Cole
3 3 4 Linear Integral Equations.: F. N. Cole
3 3 4 Linear Integral Equations.: F. N. Cole
In 111° the infinite set (yi) is to be found, the infinite set (xi)
and the infinite matrix (&#) of coefficients being given; the
suffixes i, j have the range 1, 2, • • • . In IV° the unknown
function rj and the known function £ are functions of one
variable ranging over the interval a-b of the real number
system, while the known coefficient function or, in Hubert's
terminology, kernel K is a function of two variables ranging
independently over that interval. I t is plain that the theories
of 111°, IV° must involve convergence considerations.
Throughout, the numbers and the functional values of the
functions are real or complex numbers.
You are aware that the study of the algebraic system II n °,
initiated before 1678 by the genial intuition of the philosopher-
mathematician Leibniz, led to the development of the theory
of determinants—a theory which in the nineteenth century
came to permeate all branches of number theory, algebra,
analytic geometry, and pure and applied analysis, exerting
everywhere a profound influence not merely by its usefulness
but perhaps even more by the extreme elegance of its methods
and results.
(III) Xi = yi — zj^kijVj (i = 1, 2, • • •)
v(p) = %(p) + * I (P> Pi)£(Vi)dVi
•J a
nb r*b
+ z2 I I n(p, pi)K(ph P2)%(p2)dpidp2 +
with the nature of things logical: we must pay for the elaboration
of theory by the imposition of additional postulates and the cor-
responding restriction of scope of application»
(G) £ = if - zJitri,
with the meaning
(Ö) it(s) = rj(s)-zJtK(st)r,(t) (s),
which we designate as Fredholm's equation in general anal-
ysis. The kernel K, the parameter z, and the function £ being
given, the function TJ is to be determined as a solution of the
equation G.
The understanding is that (1) £ and rj are functions of an
argument p or s or t having a certain range ^3; (2) /c or ic(st)
is a function of two arguments ranging independently over ^5 ;
(3) J or Jt is a functional operation turning a product KTJ
or K(st)rj(t) into a function of the argument 5; and (4) the
equation G holds for every value of s on the range ^3.
For the general theory this range ^5 is simply a class of
elements p. These elements p are of any nature whatever,
e. g., numbers, sets of numbers, functions, points, curves; and
they are not necessarily all of the same nature. Thus, the
range ^5 is a general class of general elements. This " general "
is the true general, in the sense of arbitrarily special, that is,
capable of arbitrary specification—without the exclusion of
exceptional or singular cases.
Thus, for the general theory of the equation G the range $P
enters without the imposition of restrictive properties or
features, and it is this presence in the theory of a general class
which constitutes the theory a doctrine of the form of general
analysis which we are developing.
For the respective instances I I n , I I I , IV, the range ^3 is
*=1 ?=1 Ja
belongs to the class 9ft. The class 9ft*, the ^-extension of the
class 9ft, is the class (9ft/,) ^ that is, the extension as to 9ft of
the linear extension of 9ft. The class 9ft2 is the class of all
functions of the form /XIJU2 or fii(p)mip)> that is, of all products
of pairs of functions of the class 9ft, the arguments of the two
functions being the same.
In illustration of these definitions, if 9ft is the class 9ftIV of
all continuous functions on the finite linear interval 5)3IV, a~b,
we have
m = mL = mm=m* = 9ft2.
Further, if 9ft is the class 9ftni2 of all functions /* on $
6. The Bases S 2 , S 3 , S 4 .
With the aid of the notions and notations now at hand we
are able to proceed rapidly towards our goal. We recall that
the basis Si
Si = (21; $ ; m; ft; J ) ,
\h • • •' tn) '^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ 1 ' ' ' *' n ^
we define the Fredholm determinant FK(&) of the kernel K
and the parameter z, for the general theory of the adjoint
equations G9 G based on S6, as follows:
~( 1}
k h\ J«>»•>»>• ~«»*»**\tu ..., tv»)'
The initial terms (jk = 0) of the determinant and of the M i
minor are respectively
H 1 S h
i; (- I) K(* ' '"' \
X(rf)r- ' '
FA*) '
belonging to the class ^ and satisfying the equations
n(st) + \(st) = zJ(VW)K(sv)\(wt) — zJ(VW)\(sv)i<(wt) (st) ;
and the equations O, G have the solutions
^ = 1 - zJ\% v = % - zJ%\.
and for the system Gn1 ' '% n we have the solution
rf = £*' - 3 2 JjXijf' (i = 1, • • -, ri).
V = £ - * E J'ÏW (j = 1, • • •, n).
T 7 ^ Mixed Linear Equation.—Consider a basis S 6 with w
functional operations J i , • • •, Jn (instead of merely one) on
the class ^, and the corresponding mixed linear equation
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry.
By J. W. YOUNG. Prepared for publication with the co-
operation of W. W. DENTON, with a Note on the Growth of
Algebraic Symbolism by U. G. MITCHELL. New York,
The Macmillan Company, 1911. vii + 247 pp.
T H E book contains twenty-one lectures on the logical
foundations of algebra and geometry in substantially the same
form as delivered at the University of Illinois during the
summer of 1909, with an appended note on the growth of al-
gebraic symbolism. " T h e points of view developed and the
results reached are not directly of use in elementary teaching.
They are extremely abstract, and will be of interest only to
mature minds. They should serve to clarify the teacher's
ideas and thus indirectly serve to clarify the pupil's." " T h e
results nevertheless, have a direct bearing on some of the
pedagogical problems confronting the teacher." "Let the
teacher be vitally, enthusiastically interested in what he is
teaching, and it will be a dull pupil who does not catch the
infection. It is hoped these lectures may give a new impetus
to the enthusiasm of those teachers who have not as yet con-
sidered the logical foundations of mathematics." Such is the
purpose of the author.
The first five lectures, of 57 pages, form an introduction
which makes clear the nature of the problems to be discussed
and the point of view from which they are approached.
Euclid's Elements, a non-euclidian geometry, the history of
the parallel postulate, the logical significance of definitions,