Ndaramu Gitu Onesmus

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Declaration by the candidate

This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for conferment of a degree in any

University or for any other award.

Signature: ……………………………Date: ………………………………

Ndaramu, Gitu Onesmus


Declaration by the supervisors:

We confirm that the work reported in this thesis report was carried out by the candidate under

our supervision and has been submitted with our approval as university supervisors.

1. Signature: ………………………………. Date: …………………….

Prof. Richard Makopondo PhD, MIH

School of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Technical University of Kenya

2. Signature: ……………………. Date: ………………..

Dr. Mary Muchiri, PhD

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Karatina University

3. Signature: ……………………. Date: ………………..

Dr. Ann Kariuki PhD

Department of Business and Economics: School of Business- Karatina University


This study is dedicated to my parents; my mother, Faith Njeri and my father, Henry

Ndaramu, who gave me the foundation of something they never enjoyed in totality,

education. Through them, I appreciate reading and lifelong learning. To my Dad and Mum,

“thank you” for the support you gave me including hope and wisdom to carry on. Thank you

for consistently reminding me that “the roots of education are bitter but the fruits are sweet”.


I express special appreciation and gratitude to my supervisors Prof. Richard Makopondo ,Dr.

Ann Kariuki and Dr mary muchiri for their invaluable input into my research skills and

career through mentorship, encouragement and guidance while developing this report. I also

sincerely acknowledge and appreciate Prof. Huho, Dr. Gichuhi, Mr. A. Kamanda, Ms.

Regina, Robert K. Muraya, and Mr. Koech, who all have accorded me the much needed

scholarly guidance, instructive feedback and constructive criticisms. To my workmates and

colleagues at National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, I say thank you for the support

they accorded me during my study. I am highly indebted to my wife Leah, sister Peris and

my brother Cephas’ family for providing the necessary support. It may not be possible to

mention all individuals, but to all that contributed in one way or the other to this research

work, I say thank you. Finally yet importantly, I thank the Almighty God who gave me

strength and endurance to go all the way.


DECLARATION................................................................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION...................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. ix

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. x

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study ................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................. 7

1.5 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................... 8

1.6 Limitations of the Study................................................................................................... 9

1.7 Definition of key terms .................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................................ 12

LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................................. 12

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................................. 12

2.4 Empirical Review........................................................................................................... 20

2.5 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................. 24

2.11 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................ 25

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 27

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 27

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Research Design............................................................................................................. 27

3.3 Study Area ..................................................................................................................... 28

3.4 Target Population ........................................................................................................... 28

3.5 Research Instruments .................................................................................................... 29

3.6 Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 30

3.7 Validity .......................................................................................................................... 30

3.8 Reliability....................................................................................................................... 31

3.9 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 32

3.10 Ethical Considerations ................................................................................................. 33

CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................... 35


4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 35

4.2. Response Rate ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3 Background Information of Respondents ...................................................................... 35

4.4 Descriptive statistics ...................................................................................................... 38

4.4.2 Food Handling Practices ............................................................................................. 40

4.4.3 HACCP Principles ...................................................................................................... 42

4.5 Regression analysis ........................................................................................................ 44

4.9 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 48

CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................................ 51


5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 51

5.2 Summary of the Findings ............................................................................................... 51

5.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 53

5.4 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 54

5.5 Suggested Areas for Further Study ................................................................................ 55

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 56

APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................................................... 61

APPENDIX II: RESEARCH SCHEDULE (WORK PLAN) .......................................................... 66

APPENDIX III: RESEARCH BUDGET .......................................................................................... 67


APPENDIX V: RESEARCH PERMIT............................................................................................. 69


Table 3:1: Target Population ................................................................................................... 29

Table 4:1. Response Rate ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 4:2 Effects of Catering Policies on Food hygiene and safety ....................................... 39

Table 4:3 Food Handling Practices ........................................................................................ 41

Table 4:4 HACCP Principles ................................................................................................... 43

Table 4:5 Standard Operating Procedures and Food hygiene and safety Practices ................ 44

Table 4:6 Food Handling Practices and Food hygiene and safety Practices ........................... 45

Table 4:7 Model Summaries .................................................................................................... 46

Table 4:8 Model Summaries .................................................................................................... 46

Table 4:9 Regression Coefficients ........................................................................................... 47


Figure 2:1 Production/Cooking Procedure .............................................................................. 18

Figure 2:2. Conceptual Model ................................................................................................. 25

Figure 4:1 Age of Respondents................................................................................................ 36

Figure 4:2 Gender of the Respondent ...................................................................................... 37

Figure 4:3 Time Respondents have worked in Food Service .................................................. 38


ANSI: American National Standards Institute

CDC: Centre for Disease Control

CDCP: Centre for Disease Control and Prevention

F&B: Food and Beverage

FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization

HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

NACOSTI: National Commission of Science, Innovation and Technology

NYS: National Youth Service

SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures

WHO: World Health Organization

Successful implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) during food production
and service require full cooperation, commitment and training of food managers and
handlers. Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) in food
handling and safety practices have the benefits of preserving the quality of food, prevention
of contamination that could lead to food-borne illness and offers competitive advantage in the
global trade to the organization. The goal of the study was therefore to investigate
conformance of catering practices to the stipulated food hygiene and safety at National Youth
Service, (NYS) Gilgil. The specific objectives were; to determine the implementation of
standard operation procedures and catering policies on food hygiene and safety at NYS; to
investigate the influence of food-handling practices on food hygiene and safety; and to assess
the implementation of HACCP procedures. The study was anchored on the Theory of Food
Poisoning which proposes that food poisoning is 100 % preventable by ensuring stringent
adherence to hygienic food handling practices. A mixed methods research design was
adopted since both qualitative and quantitative data was utilized. The target population
comprised of 121 employees of catering department in National Youth Services using a
census approach. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and interview guide.
The data was analysed using descriptive, inferential statistics and themes for qualitative data.
The findings indicated that Standard Operating Procedures had a significant effect on food
hygiene and safety; food-handling practices had an effect on food hygiene and safety and;
there was significant but weak relationship between implementation of Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point principles and food hygiene and safety. Coefficient on Standard
Operating Procedures was β1=0. 227, p=0.007<0.05, Food Handling Practices was β2=0.227,
p=0.007<0.05 and HACCP principles was β3=0.235, p=0.039<0.05 and Catering and Food
hygiene and safety Practices. The R2 value is 78.4 % at confidence level 95 % and sig is
0.000<0.05. The study established that the implementation of this policy is supported by the
guidelines of various Standard Operating Procedures, (SOPs), which include appropriate
written codes of practice, and identify standards to be met for purchase, storage, preparation,
cooking/regeneration and service of food. The testing and recording of food temperatures
throughout the food chain - food receipt through to the point of service is an essential part of
the quality control of good, nutritious, safe food .A food control system HACCP system in
National Youth Service should be applied throughout the food chain from the primary
producer to the final consumer. Besides enhancing food hygiene and safety, other factors in
applying HACCP include more effective use of resources and more timely response to food
hygiene and safety problems. In addition, the application of the HACCP system aid
inspection by food controls regulatory authorities and increasing student’s confidence in food
hygiene and safety. The study recommends that all food hygiene and safety and hygiene
policies and procedures should be implemented by having in place, which includes a form of
risk assessment based upon the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or HACCP
system, all foods with the exception of unprepared and uncut fruit and vegetables, sugar,
wine salt, fresh bread must be date coded.



This chapter is a discussion of the background of the study regarding global, regional, and

local perspective of Influence on Conformance of catering practices to food hygiene and

safety: The chapter also discusses the overview of catering practices This chapter covers the

discussion on the statement of problem, research objectives, research questions, justification

of the study, scope of the study, and possible limitations of the study

1.1 Background of the Study

Due to the changes over the years in mode of food production, delivery and storage, concerns

have been raised on safety of consumed foods products and food-borne diseases (Yiannas,

2008). Aagaard (2016) reports that in earlier years food was simply done with little

processing, whilst today the food system has evolved into an increasingly complex network

interdependent on many businesses, sectors, and individuals In Kenya, where food business is

the order of the day with different stages of production, processing and distribution in the

entire value chain, adherence to satisfy relevant hygiene and regulations to maintain/control

and enhance safety before and upon consumption is highly necessary (Al Busaidi & Jukes,

2015). Food protection has 'public benefit' aspects which needs appropriate public funding.

Appropriate expenditure allocation for improvements in food protection needs county

governments to consider the current risks and benefits for Foodborne Disease (FBD)

enhanced public potential for risk assessment of food safety. However, owing to the restricted

accessibility of evidence attributing clinical issues to individual factors and general health

underreporting Hospital system grievances, welfare projections and foodborne (FBD)

economic costs in Kenya occur only at the national level. With regard to transition, the lack

of County-specific estimates is a barrier to the effective control policy FBD. - FBD. In this

report, we merge recent national health burden estimates Diarrhoeal rates for calculating the

health and economic burdens of FBD are calculated by FBD from the World Health

Organisation (WHO).Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (Hazard

Analysis and Critical Control Point, HACCP) principle in food production and service areas

is a requirement especially in global trade (Soon, 2019). Successful implementation of the

procedures based on the HACCP principles requires the full cooperation and commitment of

food handlers’ requiring employees to undergo training. According to Fone (2013), the

specific practices are not endeared, thus the reason for there being so much experiences of

food contaminations both internationally and locally.

Food-borne illness sometimes mis-labelled food-borne disease, food-borne infection," or

"food poisoning) is a common, costly and yet a preventable public health problem caused

through contamination of different disease-causing microbes (pathogens), poisonous

chemicals and other harmful substances. Other diseases such as poisoning are caused by

harmful toxins or chemicals that have contaminated the food, like poisonous mushrooms.

These different diseases have many different symptoms, so there is no one "syndrome" that is

food-borne illness. However, when the microbe or toxin enters the body through the

gastrointestinal tract, and often nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea are

common symptoms in many food-borne diseases (Shravani, 2012).

Food-borne diseases and surveillance systems are a major issue in African countries; food

being major factor in transmission of diarrheal diseases. A study by World Health

Organization (WHO, 2012) found that most African countries lack or have weak surveillance

system, thus investigation of food-borne disease causative factors and magnitude of exposure

are inadequate. Wagacha and Muthomi(2008) found that poor documentation can be

attributed to underreporting of food-borne illness. In developed countries, there are intricate

standards for food preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries the main issue is simply

the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item (WHO, 2010). ISO
22000 is the standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (IOS)

dealing with food hygiene and safety, specifying the requirements for a food hygiene and

safety management system that involves interactive communication, system management,

and prerequisite programs. American National Standards Institute (2016) found that if

HACCP principles were well put into practice, food handlers worldwide would improve food

hygiene and safety.

Centre for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that each year roughly 48 million people get sick

from a food-borne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. According to CDC (2015),

investigating the food processing chain could help stop potential outbreaks and illnesses.

They also play a key role in preventing food-borne diseases. During investigations new

pathogens, new food vehicles, and unsuspected gaps in the food hygiene and safety system

may be detected. They can improve scientific understanding of how the contamination

occurred at specific points in the food supply chain, of the chances that it may occur again,

and how it may be reduced or prevented. Often outbreak investigations raise questions that

lead to new research to better understand how contamination occurs and how it can be

prevented or reduced (Al Busaidi & Jukes, 2015).

In Kenya, Food hygiene and safety control agencies operate under the Ministries of health

and sanitation despite, the measures put in place to, the country lacks a defined and effective

policy on food hygiene and safety. The existing legal framework for food hygiene and safety

and quality research have not been effective resulting into sub-standard food products in the

Kenyan market (Olielo & Rombo, 2009). Cases of food poisoning have been reported in

institutions of learning for instance; Parents of Taraganya High School students who took

contaminated food want action taken against the school administration over negligence.

Nakuru: 25 students from Mama Ngina Secondary School in Rongai Sub County were rushed

to Langa Langa cholera treatment centre after they complained of severe abdominal pain and

diarrhoea, which was later, confirmed to be food poisoning (Standard Newspaper, 19,).

Recently, the outbreak of cholera was active in two counties, namely Garissa and Nairobi. As

of 17 July 2017, a total of 1216 suspected cases including 14 deaths (case fatality rate: 1.2%)

were reported since 1 January 2017(Disease Outbreak News, 2017).

Additionally, Motive (2017) reports that in the week ending 16 July 2017, a total of 38 cases

with no deaths were reported while in the month of September 2017 59 police officers

residing at the Multimedia University Hotel in Rongai were admitted to various hospitals in

Nairobi with cholera-like symptoms having reportedly taken meals at the Nairobi area Police

Canteen. All the incidents could be attributed to how hospitality departments in learning

institutions handle the issue of food and its safety upon consumption. Putting into

consideration that, hygiene practices culture is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that a

group learn, taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel. While

quality culture is, a prevailing attitudes and behaviors related to quality that is taught, directly

and indirectly, to new employees (Taylor, 2011). Food hygiene and safety can probably be

influenced by institutional culture. Yiannas (2008) opines that retail and food service

establishments, as well as food producers at all levels of the food production chain have a

growing responsibility to ensure that proper food hygiene and safety and sanitation practices

are followed, thereby safeguarding the health of their customers.

National Youth Service (NYS),

The National Youth Service (NYS) is an organisation under the Government of Kenya It was

established in 1964 to train young people in important national matters. In 2019, the

organization was transformed from a state department to a fully-fledged semi-autonomous

state corporation after enactment of NYS act, 2018 by the Kenyan parliament. The National

Youth Service has its headquarters in Gilgil town, a town in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Gilgil

Town in Kenya is located approximately 140 kilometres from Nairobi city in Kenya( Fatma,


The number of incidences or occurrences with regard to food hygiene and safety mentioned

or reported in our public institutions suggests the need for a study to conduct research on

either those that have failed or succeeded in maintaining safety within their establishment.

The current study is based in National Youth Service (NYS), large public/government

institutions (entire fraternity of about 15,000 individuals) that deal with a big number of food

consumers (management to service recruits) from their mess. It is mandatory for the service

recruits to get food from the messes, which make food hygiene to be all the more critical

Jabbar & Grace, (2012).

The institute was selected for research because of having an established catering practice, a

trend to food handling and safety practices. In spite of the institution dealing with a big

number of personnel of diverse socioeconomic background, no known incidences of food

poisoning have been reported formally and informally to date. Bearing in mind that

incidences of food borne illnesses have been reported in many public institutions in the

country lately, the study looked in depth into the practices and culture in the institution that

may possibly influence its safe handling and catering practices and to be specific in our

learning institutions in Kenya. Food poisoning is a challenge and measures need to be taken

and continually improved to avert this problem. Hence, there is a great need of this study that

targeted food handlers in National Youth Service Catering Brigade because they are directly

responsible for the hygiene of the food served.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Food poisoning and contamination has become a major issue in our public institutions, with

so many incidences being reported and some still in the hidden by food consumers. Hygiene

practices covers proper acquisition and storage of food items, maintenance of clean
environment during food preparation and serving, and assurance that all equipment and

serving dishes are clean/ free from pathogens and further contaminants (Lee et al, 2012).

Food hygiene and safety plays a significant role in the economic and health development of

Nations by safeguarding the nation‘s health, enhancing tourism, hospitality and international

trade, the production, distribution and consumption of safe food (Tansey & Worsley, 2014).

Numerous foods safety’s scares and emergencies have occurred over the past years in

learning institutions food supply and production chain. For example, in the September of

2017, with Improper heating of the food, such as undercooking, re-heating and waiting in the

heat, or improper cooling of the food account for 44% of the foodborne illnesses (WHO,

2017). Inadequate preparation and improper cooking practices, such as those involving cross-

contamination, insufficient processing, poor hygiene and the re-use of leftovers, are

responsible for causing 14% of these diseases. 59 police officers residing at the Multimedia

University Hotel in Rongai were admitted to various hospitals in Nairobi with cholera-like

symptoms having reportedly taken meals at the Nairobi area Police Canteen (Mutavi, 2017).

Studies by Todd & Bartleson, (2010) on Outbreaks where food workers have been

implicated in the spread of foodborne disease . the study established that Failure to protect the

safety of food leads to a decline in consumer confidence. Empericall Studies by AlYousuf &

Taylor(2015), Developing a Government Strategy to Meet International Standards of Food

hygiene and safety Across the Hospitality Industry established that gaps exist in terms of

unreported illnesses and on the extent to which HACCP principles are adhered to in these

institutions. None of the study focused on how catering practices influences food hygiene and

safety in a large public organization. The study did not discuss Conformance of Catering

Practices, which are very critical in preventing food borne disease. Hence, there for the study

will focus on the influence of conformance on catering practices to food hygiene and safety: a

case study of National Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The main objective of this study was to determine influence of conformance on catering

practices to food hygiene and safety: a case study of National Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives are to:

i. Determine the effect of Standard Operating Procedures on food hygiene and safety at

the National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya.

ii. Investigate the influence of food-handling practices on food hygiene and safety at the

National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya.

iii. Assess the effects of HACCP principles on food hygiene and safety at the National

Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya.

1.4 Research Questions

The study answered the following research questions:

i. What is the effect of Standard Operating Procedures on food hygiene and safety at the

National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya?

ii. How does a food-handling practice influence the food hygiene and safety at the

National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya?

Iii. To what extent does HACCP principles influences the food hygiene and safety at the

National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya?.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The finding of this study has added to the existing knowledge on well-developed catering

practices on food hygiene and safety and corporate image of food areas of our learning

Institutions. Catering practice is a fundamental issue that ought to be taken with much

seriousness to provide 100% prevention on food poisoning and contamination. This study is

of immense benefit to Educational managers, Food Handlers, students, privately and public

owned learning or training institution and public corporations. In addition, the findings could

inform the Government on areas of improvements to enhance food hygiene and safety

practices in large institutions, thus putting measures where necessary. Furthermore, this study

has documented empirical findings for reference by academicians and policy makers.

Food borne illness in Academic Institutions Kitchen is a thoughtful issue in Kenya. The

implementations of food hygiene and safety strategies that focus on procedures to prevent

food-borne illnesses are necessary. This is so because of the numerous incidences taking

place on day to day learning of our Institutions in regards to food-borne illness outbreaks.

This recognition of the important role the Academic kitchens and food handlers have in food

borne illness outbreaks has led to a realization that there is need to understand risk

factors leading to food borne diseases and to educate and train food handler. Therefore,

there was much need to carry out a research that would enable food handlers to have a culture

that embraces safety and hygiene concern thus irradiations of illness that are brought about by

food contaminations or bad practices.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The research covered 6 catering units’ kitchens at the National Youth Service Gilgil in

Nakuru County, which involved the catering brigade. The research focused on catering

services with consideration of issues that may influence food hygiene and safety through

practices or beliefs in the said area. This was done by exploring the type of catering practices

and services at the NYS catering units. NYS unlike any other public institute deals with a

large number of client surpassing 10,000 clients at one go. The research focused on NYS

because it is mandatory that all have to eat their meals from the catering units unlike probably

in our University where one can choose to have their meals elsewhere. The findings explain

the hygiene and safety practices of other Academic kitchens in Kenya. Gilgil is associated

with high temperature all the year thus high chances of food spoilage is high. The National

Youth Service (NYS) is the pride and backbone of our nation whose focus has been to help

the youth discover and develop their potential since 1964. Caution must be taken when to

generalize this information so as not misinterpretations the catering policies

1.6 Limitations of the Study

Several limitations were observed in the study. First, the study was limited in scope in that it

focused on food hygiene and safety at the National Youth Service and thus concentrated only

one institutions of learning. This leaves out institutions like high schools, primary schools

and universities. In addition, other catering units like food hotels were not studied. Secondly,

the study population was too small. Only 121 numbers of respondents were studied in only

one institution and thus results generalization to other learning/training institutions can only

be done with caution. A wider study in terms of scope that touches on many institutions that

are more public might give a clearer picture. The third limitation was the inherent bias with

cross-sectional survey. For instance, it is not easy to compare those institutions that have

good catering practices with those that neglect food hygiene and safety. In addition, the

reality of parameters variability across different institutions would mean that the data

collected is unique to the NYS catering units at Gilgil.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

Catering: is the business of providing food service at a remote site or a site such as a hotel,

hospital, pub, aircraft, cruise ship, park, filming site or studio, entertainment

site, or event venue.

Catering- This is the essence of providing food and beverages service to a set of people or an

individual in a site such as a hotel, public house (pub), an institute kitchen or

other location.

Culture- It is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned, taught to new

members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel. While Quality Culture

is, a prevailing attitude and behaviours related to quality that is taught, directly

and indirectly, to new employees.

Dress Code- A dress code is a set of rules, often written, with regards to clothing. Dress

codes are created out of social perceptions and norms, and vary based on

purpose, circumstances, and occasions

Standard Operating Procedures- Policy concerning how food is produced, processed,

distributed, purchased, or provided. Food policies are designed to influence

the operation of the food and agriculture system balanced with ensuring

human health needs

Food hygiene and safety culture- The aggregation of the prevailing, relatively constant,

learned, shared attitudes, values, and beliefs contributing to the hygiene

behaviours used within a particular food handling environment.

Food contamination- Happens when food are corrupted with another substance. It can

happen In the process of production, transportation, packaging, storage, sales

and cooking process. The contamination can be physical, chemical and


Food-borne illness- A disease that occurs or transmitted to people through food spoilage or


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - Is a systematic preventive approach to

food hygiene and safety from biological, chemical, physical hazards and more

recently radiological hazards in production processes that can cause the

finished product to be unsafe and designs measures to reduce these risks to a

safe level.

Hazard analysis- is defined as the process of collecting and interpreting information on

hazards and conditions leading to their presence to decide which are

significant for food hygiene and safety, and should be addressed in the

HACCP plan

Institutional culture- this is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which

govern how people behave in an institution, which has a strong influence on

the people in the institution on how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.

Safe food handling-. This includes safe procedures for each process such as receiving, re-

packing, food storage, preparation and cooking, cooling and re-heating,

displaying products, handling products when serving customers.

Safety culture- The product of individual and group values, attitudes and beliefs,

competencies and patterns of behaviours that determine the commitment to,

and the style and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety


Standard Operating Procedure- is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an

organization to help workers carry out routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve

efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while reducing

miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter presents critical review of empirical literature, theoretical framework, catering

practices, food hygiene and safety, policies, food handling practices, HACCP principles and

Conceptual framework. It also discusses identification of research gaps and recap of the

literature review.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on two theories; the theory of food poisoning, which is 100%

preventable, and; the behaviour-based food hygiene and safety-training model

2.2.1 Theory of Food Poisoning

Theory of food poisoning is 100% preventable as proposed by the WHO (1989),According to

WHO (1989), in theory food poisoning is 100% preventable, the theory has five principles of

food hygiene that have to be practiced in any food production area. These principles aid in

preventing contamination of food with pathogens spreading, separating raw and cooked

foods, cooking foods for the appropriate length of time and temperature, storing food at the

proper temperature and using safe water and raw materials. By implementing the five said

principles, any food handler is able to present a wholesome meal for consumption to the


This is indeed a very relevant theory to the current study as it aims at presenting a meal free

from contamination. This is against an increase public conscious of food hygiene being an

integral activity linked to the efficient production of safe, quality food that is fit for human

consumption. The food industry is increasingly subjected to scrutiny and testing to ensure

compliance with food hygiene and safety regulations and to protect public health. The theory

puts a responsibility on food handlers on the premise that it is possible to have zero food

poisoning as opposed to the current situation in Kenya where food poisoning is common

place. The study thus sought to determine what the food handlers were doing at the Gilgil

NYS catering units to ensure this level of food hygiene and safety is attained within the

precepts of the theory of food poisoning is 100% preventable.

2.2.2 Behaviour-Based Food Hygiene and Safety Training Model

The second theory anchored to this study is the behaviour-based food hygiene and safety

training model proposed by (Yiannas, 2008). According to Yiannas (2008) in his theory,

behavior-based food hygiene and safety training, presents five phases model and argues that

if practiced can lead to presentation of wholesome meal. These phases include; Phase 1:

Human influence on critical control points, Phase 2: Safe food handling fundamentals, Phase

3: Understanding current behaviors and the reasons for them, Phase 4: Interventions to bring

about change and Phase 5: Monitoring. This issues that were investigated in this study

included Standard Operating Procedures , food handling practices and the Hazard Analysis

Critical Control Points (HACCP) that are all be linked to the five phases. This model was

used as framework to understand numerous factors thought to influence behaviors and

behavioural change, specifically associated with education and training. This model supports

the contention that factors other than knowledge, education, and training influence safe food

handling behaviors or practices and ought to be considered more fully (Yiannas, 2008).

2.3.1 Food Hygiene and Safety

Food hygiene and safety has been defined as conditions and measures that are necessary

during production, processing, storage, distribution and preparation of food to ensure that it is

safe, sound, and wholesome and fit for human consumption (WHO, 2012). Yiannas(2008)

asserts that food handlers neglecting the basic rule of food preparation such as mishandling

and taking for granted hygiene practice contributed to the outbreaks of food poisoning.

According to Tansey and Worsley(2014) food hygiene and safety is a scientific discipline

describing handling, preparation, storage and presentation of food in ways that prevent food

borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially

severe health hazards. The tracks within this line of thought are safety between industry and

the market and then between the market and the consumer (Shravani, 2012).Considering

industry to market practices, food hygiene and safety considerations include the origins of

food including the practices relating to food labelling, food hygiene, food additives and

pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology, food guidelines for the management

of governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for foods.

Considering market to consumer practices, the usual thought is that food ought to be safe in

the market and the concern is safe delivery and preparation of the food for the consumer

Contamination of produce with harmful micro-organisms can occur at all stages of

production, processing, transportation, storage, preparation, and service. Al Yousuf, Taylor

and Taylor(2015) assert that to prevent food borne illness, fresh produce needs to be handled

with care at each step from farm to table. Auslan (2013) cautions practitioners to work with

lot of caution while purchasing and receiving food commodities by use of purchasing


These specifications include food hygiene and safety requirements, such as maintaining

produce at the proper temperature, maintaining clean and pest-free storage areas and delivery

vehicles and complying with food hygiene and safety laws and regulations. More so, to

ensure suppliers are getting produce from licensed, reputable sources and check storage and

handling practices of vendors are adhered to. There should also be established procedures for

inspecting, accepting or rejecting incoming deliveries. Cramer (2013) argues that procedures
should include checking the condition of fresh produce and the transportation vehicles to

make sure specifications are met.

2.3.2 Food Catering Polices

In a broader perspective, food hygiene and safety action plan draws the line for minimum

expected standards and the overall objectives of food hygiene and safety system of a country

(Nguz, 2007). Yiannas (2009) observed that systems and guidelines should be put in place to

enhance food hygiene and safety by all food handlers. It identifies the approach the nation

uses and the goals/targets the system aims to achieve. In Kenya, the nationwide food quality

and safety systems are legally controlled by various government agencies under different

ministries (WHO, 2010).

Food hygiene and safety regulation agencies work under the Ministries of Trade,

Industrialization, Public Health and Sanitation, Livestock, Fisheries and Agriculture. Such

agencies include the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Kenya Agricultural Research

Institute (KARI), Department of Public Health (DPH), and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate

Services (KEPHIS) among others (Nguz, 2007). These agencies aim at disseminating

information on the code of hygiene necessary to all food handlers. This is followed by

supervision and implementation of the mentioned practices. Food hygiene and safety is

dependent upon the significant roles played by food handlers along the food service system.

Food handlers may introduce pathogenic microbes to the food during the process of

preparation, distribution and serving (Yiannas, Food hygiene and safety Culture, 2009). This

is through inoculation of the food with infected excreta, pus, exhalations and other body


According to Huuhtanen and Laukkanen (2006), all food handlers should understand and

internalize that Personal hygiene begins at home, with the essential elements for good

hygiene being a clean body, clean hair and clean clothing. Hair in food can be a source of
both microbiological and physical contamination. Hairnets and beard covers should be worn

to assure food product integrity. Moreover, Hennessey (2012) observed that long-sleeved

smocks should be worn to cover arm hair. In addition, clean uniforms, aprons and other outer

garments that are put on after the employee gets to work can help minimize food

contamination. While working, clothing should be kept reasonably clean and in good repair

(Booty, 2009).

Food hygiene and safety does not happen by accident. To prepare safe food, you must follow

certain steps and procedures throughout the entire food preparation process. You have to

think, and you have to pay attention to how you prepare food to make sure it is safe. You do

this by developing a food hygiene and safety plan. A good food hygiene and safety plan will

make sure that anything that might make someone sick is under control (Foskett & Ceserani,

2007). Clear structure, rules and procedures on hygiene rules of workers on dress code and

covering, health requirements of workers and routines, stipulated procedures or manual on

food storage, refrigeration, leftover foods, cleanliness and serving temperatures should be put

in place (WHO, 2010).

2.3.3 Food Handling Practices

Good food hygiene is essential to all food handlers involved in food handling procedure. It is

very important for all catering brigade to understand good food hygiene is for it helps one to

reduce the risk of food poisoning among food consumers and protect business's reputation

(Schlosser, 2012). The following is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) at the NYS

Gilgil catering UnitFigure 2:1 shows the SOP process from start to end. It shows that the

main players are the chief messing officer, assistant messing officer, the messing officer and

the cooks. The process runs from the chief messing officer who starts the procedures with a

brief to the staff on the days’ menu and any other necessary information and liaises with the

assistant messing officer to prepare and approve the daily issue of order. Thereafter the
messing officer receives and issues the ingredients to the cooks who carry out production of

the menu and clearing and cleaning, then finally present the dishes for service and assist with

the replenishment throughout the service.

According to Chesworth (2012), good food hygiene is about controlling harmful bacteria,

which can cause illness and can occur in four main things to remember for good hygiene,

cross-contamination, cleaning, chilling and cooking. At each step in the flow of food through

a food service establishment, there are general food hygiene and safety procedures that

should be followed. This should help reduce the risk of contamination and mishandling that

could consequently lead to food-borne illness outbreaks. These are; procuring, storage,

preparation, actual production or cooking and food presentation (Al Busaidi & Jukes, 2015).

Additionally, no employee who is affected with, has been exposed to, or is a carrier of a

communicable disease, the flu or a respiratory problem, or any other potential source of

microbiological contamination shall work in any area where there is a reasonable possibility

that food or food ingredients can be contaminated (Chesworth, 2012).

Players Procedure

Brief the staff on the day’s menu and any other necessary
Chief/ Messing Critical points
Good health at work; clean attire; Use of gloves; Cover wounds;
Officer Taste food
Critical Points
Post hand washing signs or posters; Accessibility of hand washing
Prepare the Daily Issue Order
Assistant Messing Critical Points
Manufacturer’s instructions; Washing food contact surfaces; Manner of
Officer using sink
Critical Points
Good health at work; Clean attire; Use of gloves; Cover wounds; Taste

Approve the Order

Critical Points
Chief/ Messing Manufacturer’s instructions; Accessibility of food thermometer;
Cleaning food thermometer; Storing food thermometer
Critical Points
Food temperature; Holding units temperature

Receive and Issue Ingredients to the Cooks

Critical Points
Officer Manufacturer’s instructions; Washing fruits and vegetables;
Scrubbing surface for firm fruits; Storing fruits and
Carry out Production of the Menu and Carry out Clearing and
Critical Points
Manufacturer’s instruction; Washing food contact surfaces;
Manner of using sink

Present the Dishes for Service and Assist with the

Cooks Replenishment throughout the Service
Critical Points
Manufacturer’s instructions; Washing food contact surfaces;
Manner of using sink

Figure 2:1 Production/Cooking Procedure

2.3.4 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points Principles

HACCP is a management system in which food hygiene and safety is addressed through the

analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material

production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the

finished product. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a system that helps

food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to make sure

the food produced is safe to eat (CDC, 2012). Manley (2011) says that there should be

development of a range of food hygiene and safety management packs for different sectors of

the food industry to help food production operators manage their food hygiene and safety

management procedures.

The HACCP system can be used at all stages of a food chain, from production and

preparation processes including purchasing, preparation, cooking, packaging and presentation

(Troy& Kerry 2010). However, food hygiene and safety programs should be designed to help

food handlers identify and manage hazards to food hygiene and safety (CDC, 2012). All food

production and processing food handlers must develop own and implement a documented

food hygiene and safety program (FSP) for this will help curb food contamination issues

(Chesworth, 2012). According to Sun and Ockerman (2005), food hygiene and safety

programs that identify potential hazards that may occur in all food handling operations

carried out in the business should identify where these hazards can be controlled; monitor

these control methods, provide corrective actions when a hazard is found to be not under

control, establish, document and verify detailed pre-requisite programs; and regularly

reviewed for adequacy. This would be the most appropriate one to any given food production


Food handlers’ practitioners should keep record and retain copies of action taken

demonstrating compliance with the food hygiene and safety program and ensure it is audited

by a food hygiene and safety auditor (CDC, 2012). HACCP being a management system in

which food hygiene and safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological,

chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling,

manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. For successful

implementation of a HACCP plan, CDC, (2012), management must be strongly committed to

the HACCP concept and adhere to its implementation at all levels. Manley (2012) noted that

top management provides company employees with a sense of the importance of producing

safe food and thus should support implementation of HACCP.

2.4 Empirical Review

The empirical literature review can offer an efficient method of building a professional

knowledge base, understanding performance issues, identifying potential interventions and

measurement methods, providing a foundation for asking the right questions in a project, and

defining common practices in organizations (Kothari & Garg, 2011).

2.4.1 Standard Operating Procedures and Food Hygiene and Safety

Food hygiene and safety does not happen by accident. To prepare safe food, you must follow

certain steps and procedures throughout the entire food preparation process. You have to

think, and you have to pay attention to how you prepare food to make sure it is safe. You do

this by developing a food hygiene and safety plan. A good food hygiene and safety plan will

make sure that anything that might make someone sick is under control (Foskett & Ceserani,

2007). According toUniversity of Mississippi (2017) Food hygiene and safety Standard

Operating Procedures (SOPs) are written practices and procedures that are critical to

producing safe food. It is essential to have these SOPs in place and to train foodservice

employees to use them. Policies should ensure “Due Diligence” in respect of food hygiene

and safety, ensuring all food handlers is appropriately trained and all areas of food hygiene

and safety are risk assessed as well as ensuring compliance (Jabbar & Grace, 2012).

Aagaard (2016) revealed that there were deficiencies in attitudes, knowledge and practices in

safe food handling among food handlers. Therefore, the core knowledge of food handlers

may come from the root of the problem. Graduates who trained on food hygiene and

sanitation play a major role in determining the level of awareness among food handlers in the

industry. In Ghana, both public and private institutions (schools, research institutes, hospitals

and prisons) often have food service or catering units where meals are served to both staff

and clients (Greig, Todd, & Bartleson, 2007). To prevent outbreak of food-borne diseases in

these institutions, high standards of hygienic and safety practices by food-handlers are

essential parts of an overall food hygiene and safety program implemented by these


2.4.2 Food Handling Practices and Food Hygiene and Safety

According to Tansey and Worsley (2014) food hygiene and safety is a scientific discipline

describing food handling, preparation, storage and presentation in ways that prevent food

borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially

severe health hazards. The tracks within this line of thought are safety between industry and

the market and then between the market and the consumer (Shravani, 2012). The knowledge,

attitudes and practices of food-handlers play dominant role in food hygiene and safety with

regards to food service industry (Sharif & Al-Malki, 2010).

In Ghana, previous studies have evaluated the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food-

handlers in selected hotels in Accra (Annor & Baiden, 2011), and food hygiene practices by

street food vendors (Boateng, 2014). Lack of proper food hygiene and safety measures lead to

food poisoning, which occurs because of consuming food, contaminated with

microorganisms or their toxins, inadequate preservation methods, unhygienic handling

practices, cross-contamination from food contact surfaces, or from persons harbouring the

microorganisms (Ansari-Lari, Soodbakhsh& Lakzadeh, 2010). According to Fielding,

Aguirre and Palaiologos (2001) unhygienic practices during food preparation, handling and

storage creates the conditions that allows the proliferation and transmission of disease

causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses and other food-borne pathogens. Additionally,

many reported cases of food-borne viral diseases have been attributed to infected food-

handlers involved in catering services (Baş, Ersun, & Kıvanç, 2006).

2.4.3 HACCP Principles and Food Hygiene and Safety

HACCP is a management system in which food hygiene and safety is addressed through the

analysis and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards from raw material

production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the

finished product. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a system that helps

food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to make sure

the food produced is safe to eat (CDC, 2012). HACCP allows each business to focus on their

operation and its unique characteristics rather than having a standardized inspection process

that may not offer the flexibility to consider the uniqueness of each food production unit and

each food product. The focus of HACCP is not on having a standardized production process

but on having a monitoring process that is adequate to assure each food handler is producing

a safe product by minimizing the risk of a food hygiene and safety problem.

Charlotte and Robyn (2006) carried out a study that aimed at assessing the factors affecting

compliance with food hygiene and safety legislation within small and medium-sized

enterprises. The study found that in addition to the barriers identified within other research

that were present within food businesses (specifically time and money), there were also

several complex, underlying issues that prevented compliance with regulatory requirements

and which have implications for regulatory and enforcement policy. These barriers included

the lack of trust in food hygiene and safety legislation and enforcement officers; a lack of

motivation in dealing with food hygiene and safety legislation; and a lack of knowledge and


According to Taylor (2008b) there is no requirement for people working in catering services

to be aware of or to have any knowledge of HACCP in order to develop and implement the

system. However, FAO/WHO (2006) opines that in order to achieve the successful

implementation of HACCP, the concept must be understood first by the managers of the

establishments. Their understanding and involvement are essential to define responsibilities

and tasks for each staff member, and to provide specific training for each one of them.

Implementing HACCP is to help food companies increase their competitiveness. In the long

term, firms should not only implement HACCP principles but also achieve continuous

improvement, prevent foodborne illnesses and control food safety risk. To achieve these

goals, employing personnel with food safety knowledge, such as knowledge of food

pathogens, chemical hazards and food hygiene, is necessary.

Rebouças & de Castro Almeida,. (2017). stated that outbreaks of foodborne illnesses related

to restaurants, fast-food joints and takeaway joints are commonly engendered by the heating

of food along with subsequent time–temperature abuse, by cross contamination between raw

and cooked ingredients and by defective food preparation and hygiene protocols.

Accordingly, we hypothesized that food safety knowledge is related to HACCP


2.5 Conceptual Framework

The study proposes that Standard Operating Procedures has an influence on food hygiene and

safety. Based on extensive literature review, catering practices was measured by these

indicators; Standard Operating Procedures, food handling practices and HACCP principles as

the independent variables of the study. The dependent variable was food hygiene and safety.

Food hygiene and safety management practices in different institute determine the level of

food hygiene and safety. The relationship between the independent and dependent variables

is presented in the schematic diagram in Figure 2.2.

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Standard Operating Procedures

i. Dress code, and Hygiene rules
ii. Stipulated procedures on food
iii. Refrigeration, cooked foods,
cleanliness, serving temperatures

Food Hygiene and Safety

i. Cleanliness

Food Handling Practices ii. Freshness

i. Receiving
iii. Wholesome Food
ii. Storage
iii. Preparation, production, presentation

HACCP Principles
i. Hazard analysis, critical control points,
critical limits,
ii. Monitoring, corrective actions,
iii. Documentation and records

Figure 2:2. Conceptual Model

2.11 Chapter Summary

Undesirable food handling practices are often deeply rooted in the work environment and not

easily changed, even by the most imaginative quality policies. The researcher felt it is best

Practices as stated in the Theory of Catering Foskett and Ceserani (2007) to put into

consideration and practice the appropriate food product selection considering quality and

acceptance by consumers. This will lead into prevention of food contamination, spoilage and

food-borne illness and thus effective standardized food production and consumption of all

customers’ meals, snacks and special nourishments in their wholesome state. Staff schedules

timeframes for production with the aid of HACCP principles, including time and temperature

guidelines for food purchasing, preparation, holding, service and storage (Dawso Van Druff,

2012). Standardized food production guidelines, cleaning guidelines, schedules for

production, service and washing areas should be put in place. Additionally, equipment,

cleaning procedures and those for waste management should be adhered to at all time (WHO,

2007). However, knowledge about food hygiene and safety doesn’t automatically translate

into good hygienic practice. The management of a food processing unit needs to enforce good

hygiene practice not only by training and refresher courses for food handlers and providing

the necessary facilities but by actively encouraging and rewarding good practice. Thus the

need of the current study, assessment of catering practices on food hygiene and safety at

national youth service catering units in Gilgil.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter covers the various methods used to carry out this study. They include the

research design, target population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, description

of research instruments, data collection procedure, pilot testing, reliability and validity of the

instrument, and data analysis and presentation techniques while conducting the study.

Research methodology is intended to provide a roadmap for the data collection exercise.

3.2 Research Design

The study adopted a mixed research methodology. Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) describes

mixed methods research as a methodology for conducting research that involves collecting,

analyzing and integrating quantitative and qualitative research. According to Mugenda and

Mugenda (2012) quantitative data includes close-ended information such as that found to

measure attitudes, behaviors and performance instruments. The analysis of this type of data

consists of statistically analyzing scores collected on instruments such as questionnaires or

checklists to answer research questions.

Qualitative data consists of open-ended structured questions information, interview checklist

that the researcher gathered through interviews, focus groups and observations. The analysis

of the qualitative data (words, text or behaviours’) typically follows the path of aggregating it

into categories of information and presenting the diversity of ideas gathered during data

collection. The quantitative and qualitative approaches in combination provide a better

understanding of research problems than either approaches alone (Creswell & Plano Clark,

2011). Both qualitative and quantitative data collection were done concurrently in the study.

This was supported by use of tools that allowed both qualitative responses and quantitative

responses that could be analyzed using descriptive statistics that included a self-administered

questionnaire and an interview guide

3.3 Study Area

The scope of the study was limited to NYS Catering unit kitchens in Gilgil College. The

findings explain the hygiene and safety practices of other Academic kitchens in Kenya. Gilgil

is associated with high temperature all the year thus high chances of food spoilage is high.

The National Youth Service (NYS) is the pride and backbone of our nation whose focus has

been to help the youth discover and develop their potential since 1964. It is currently a

department in the Ministry of Public Service, Youth & Gender Affairs with 21 camps in the

Country. However, NYS Gilgil College in Nakuru County, in the older Naivasha District, is

the Mother Unit of all the units in Kenya and any one taking a course with NYS must

undergo a Paramilitary Training. NYS Gilgil College has Six (6) all operating under different

point (Angel, 2003).This is due to the Ranking and systems of National Youth Service. The

NYS is highly populated with more than 15, 000 population, which sources large quantity of

raw material from within Nakuru and Naivasha metropolitan.

3.4 Target Population

Target population is that population to which the researcher wants to generalize the results of

study on (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2012). This study adopted a census method; reason being

the total population was 121 as described by Cochran, (2007) census approach as the use of

the entire population. The cost considerations make census impossible for large populations,

hence only attractive for small population of 200 or less. Kothari (2004) points that census

approach eliminates sampling error and provides data on all the individuals in the population.

The whole population of 121 employees in NYS catering department were considered for the

study. Target populations of the study in the catering department consist of one hundred and
twenty one, (121) employees as presented in Table 3.1. Hence, a census study was more

appropriate for the current study since the population was small.

Table 3:1: Target Population

NYS catering department Target Population

Cooks (cooks and assistants) 105

Storekeepers 6

Cateress 6

Management (Chief messing Officer, Assistant Chief 4

messing officer, chief ratio Officer, NYS Health Officer)

Total 121

Researcher, 2019

3.5 Research Instruments

The study used structured questionnaire and interview guide as instruments of data collection.

According to Kothari, (2004) the most suitable research instrument for mixed method

research design is a questionnaire. A questionnaire was developed for the Messing/Catering

Officer, Cooks, Assistant cooks, Storekeepers. On the other hand, an interview guide was

developed for NYS Health Officer, Chief Messing Officer, Assistant Messing Officer and

Chief Ratio Officer. The questionnaire tool included both open and closed ended questions

for ease of analysis (appendix I). Questionnaires gave respondents freedom to express their

views or opinion and also to make suggestions while maintaining anonymity (Fowler, 2013).

Further, structured questionnaires are generally less expensive and do not consume a lot of

time in their administration (William, 2009), and therefore considered appropriate for this

study. Turner III (2010) describes an interview guide as a quantitative research method

commonly employed in survey research. The aim of this approach was to ensure that each

interviewer is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order. This ensures that

answers can be reliably aggregated and comparisons can be made with confidence between

sample subgroups or between different survey periods. The interview schedule is presented in

(Appendix III consisting of the interview guide).

3.6 Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest,

in an established systematic manner that enables one to answer stated research questions, test

hypotheses and evaluate outcomes (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2012). The researcher secured an

authorization letter from the Karatina University and then used it to obtain a research permit

from the National Commission of Science, Innovation and Technology, NACOSTI

(Appendix X). The researcher then obtained authorization to conduct the research from the

Nakuru County Director of Education. After that the researcher made a reconnaissance visit

to the targeted National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, for introduction and to obtain

consent from the respondents. This reconnaissance visit included explaining the intended

study, setting dates for data collection, and informant interviews. The questionnaires were

disseminated to the respondent through the help of their supervisors and collected from the

same individual in two weeks’ time. A follow up phone calls and electronic mail were sent to

respondents to remind them before the two weeks were over. The interviews were conducted

in the most appropriate manner as agreed with the respondents.

3.7 Validity

Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure (Colin, 2005).

There are three basic approaches to the validity of tests and measures. These include the

content validity that measures the degree to which the test items represent the domain or

universe of the trait or property being measured. Secondly, there is construct validity that

concerns the degree to which the test measures the construct it was designed to measure.

Third there is criterion-related validity that is concerned with detecting the presence or

absence of one or more criteria considered to represent traits or constructs of interest (Key,


A pilot study was conducted on 12 individuals at the Kenya Education Management institute.

The findings were not included in the actual study. The main purpose was to check on

suitability and the clarity of the questions on the instrument design, relevance of the

information being sort out, the language used and the content validity of the instruments from

the responses that were given. This helped in making necessary adjustment on the

instruments to enhance validity. The instrument was also shared with experts including my

supervisors for their opinion and recommendations. The researcher discussed the structure of

research instruments with the supervisor to improve their content and construct validity.

These competent persons examined the questionnaires individually and provided feedback to

the researcher. Content validity was employed in this study by examining if the instruments

answered the research questions. Those items that were found to be inadequate or vague were

edited to improve the quality of the research instrument, thus increasing validity.

3.8 Reliability

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results

after repeated tests (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). Reliability of the questionnaire was

evaluated using test and retest method and the interview guide. Scale used in the research

was evaluated using a test-retest method and aimed at establish the Cronbach after two tests

done at National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil within a span of two weeks.

Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ranges between 0 and 1 as cited by (Waiganjo, 2013). Higher

alpha coefficient values means that scales are more reliable. Cronbach’s alpha values of all

the variables above 0.7, implies that the instruments are sufficiently reliable for measurement

(Nunnally, 1978). A reliability of coefficient, of 0.73 was achieved and thus considered

adequate for the study. Credibility and trust worth were adhered to while collecting the data.

3.9 Data Analysis

Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. According to

Creswell and Plano (2007), data analysis in mixed methods research consists of analyzing the

quantitative data using quantitative methods and the qualitative data using qualitative

methods. The response from the quantitative data from the questionnaires were tabulated,

coded and processed by use of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Analysis of

quantitative data was accompanied with tabulations, graphs and percentages. Both descriptive

and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data

Food hygiene and safety at NYS catering units was regressed against the three study

objectives namely: Policies, food handling practices and HACCP principle. The equation was

expressed as follows:

Y = β0 +β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + Ɛ


Y=the dependent variable (food hygiene and safety)

β0 =the intercept, i.e. Y= β0, when X1, X2, X3 =O

Β1, β2 and β3 are the regression coefficients describing the size of contribution of the

representative independent variable (Policies, food handling practices and HACCP principle)

X1 = Standard Operating Procedures

X2= Food Handling Practices

X3= HACCP principle

Ɛ is the error term

Data from the open-ended items in all the categories of questionnaires were recorded for

qualitative data analysis. The analysis of the qualitative data (words, text or behaviours’)

typically follows the path of aggregating it into categories of information and presenting the

diversity of ideas gathered during data collection. Themes and categories for all types from

the interview guide and observation was generated using codes assigned by the use of SPSS

computer programme. The data was then evaluated and analysed for helpfulness in answering

research questions and for report writing. Thematic analysis was adopted for the qualitative

data through the process of coding in six phases to create established, meaningful patterns.

These phases are familiarization with data, generating initial codes, searching for themes

among codes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the final report

(Silver & Lewins, 2014).

3.10 Ethical Considerations

The researcher sought permission from the National Council of Science and Technology and

an introduction letter from Karatina University to conduct the study. In addition prior

arrangements were made with the Health Officer, National Youth Service, Gilgil, and other

relevant officers regarding the day and time of the visit to respective catering units. The

researcher visited each catering unit and established a rapport with the said officers before

administering the questionnaires. The filled-in questionnaires were collected at the agreed


The respondents were assured that strict confidentiality would be maintained in dealing with

their identities and they need not to indicate their names. The completed questionnaires and

schedules were collected immediately after they were filled. In this research, all the

respondents’ information and identity were kept confidential and information gathered only

used for the purposes of the study. The respondents were also given a free will to participate

and contribute voluntarily to the study. A copy of findings could also be made available to

any willing department on request. The researcher has also acknowledged all literature cited

in the study to avoid cases of plagiarism. All respondents were informed of their rights and

the confidentiality of the information related to their participation.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter interprets and analyses data gathered by the study, in line with the objectives of

the study. For the descriptive, data is presented in form of table and, charts. The section is

divided according to the three objectives of the study. The first part presents preliminary

findings on response rate and demographic information of the respondent. Information is

presented in form of percentage. The second part presents data on descriptive statistics for

Standard Operating Procedures, food handling practices and implementation of HACCP, in

addition to qualitative information. Out of 121-targeted respondents, 93 filled and returned

the questionnaires resulting to 76.9 percent response rate. According to Best and Khan

(2006), a response rate of 50 percent is considered adequate, 60 percent good and above 70

percent very good. Therefore, the response rate of 76.9 percent was considered very good and

exceeded the threshold postulated by Best and Khan. On the basis of this, the researcher went

ahead to analyze data as presented in the tables.

4.2 Demographic Information of Participants

4.2.1 Age of Respondents

In this study the frequencies, percentages, tables and pie charts were used to present

background data in the section that follows. Demographic information of participants sought

the determine age, gender, work experience, training and participation in decision. The study

obtained data on the age of the respondents. Age of the respondents was considered

important, as it determine the prevalent age of respondents. Age was measured in three

categories and the results are presented in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 shows that majority of the

respondents 65.6 percent were aged below 25 years, 21.5 percent were between 26-50 years

and above 50 years were 12.9 percent. This indicates that majority of the respondents were

youthful and implies that they can cope up with change.

Age of Respondents
Axis Title

25 years, 26-50 years above 50 years .


Figure 4:3 Age of Respondents

4.2.2 Gender of the Respondent

The study sought data on the gender of respondents. Gender was of concern to establish

whether the institution, being a public entity has adhered to Government affirmative rule of

1/3 gender rule on employment. The results are presented in Figure 4.2. The findings show

that most of the respondents 64.5 percent were female while 35.5 percent were male.

Although it is abiding by the state affirmative law of 1/3 gender rule, the gender of the

respondents is skewed towards female and thus most of staff working in the catering

department is made up of women.

Gender of the Respondent


Figure 4:4 Gender of the Respondent

4.2.3 Time Respondents have worked in Food Service

The study also sought to determine the length of time respondents have worked in any type of

food service. The length of service of respondents was important as it implies knowledge,

experience and familiarity with the organization. A length of service implies knowledge and

familiarity of the organization due to the accrued experience; it is an important factor to

reliability and validity of the responses. The results are presented in Figure 4.3. The findings

in Figure 4.3 show that most of the respondents 69.9 percent had experience of less than 5

years, 17.2 percent had experience between 5-10 years 7.5 percent had experience of over 20

years while 5.4 percent fall in the bracket of 10-20 years. This implies that majority of the

respondents have low number of years’ hence there for they understood that HACCP system

is capable of accommodating change, such as advances in equipment design, processing


Respondents have worked in Food Service
Axis Title

less than 5 5-10 years 10-20 over 20

years, Years years
Respondents have worked in Food

Figure 4:5 Time Respondents have worked in Food Service

4.3 Descriptive Statistics

4.3.1 Standard Operating Procedures

The first objective of the study aimed at determining the effects of catering policies on food

hygiene and safety. Standard Operating Procedures was measured by both open-ended

questions and closed ended question. Questions were used in the study and the results

obtained are presented in Table 4.2 Table 4.3 shows statistical mean and the standard that

gives insight about responses on the effects of catering policies on food hygiene and safety.

The study sought data from respondents on whether all the necessary information for

handling food safely is readily available to them. The study showed that more than half of the

respondents disagreed with a mean value of 3.44 and a SD of 1.14. The study showed that a

greater number of the respondents disagreed that management provides adequate training to

improve employees’ food hygiene and safety with a mean value of 3.24 and a SD of 1.04.

Majority of the respondents agreed that the management would not take even a small risk

when it comes to food hygiene and safety while a good number disagreed with a mean value

of 3.25 and a standard deviation of 1.37. A higher percentage of the respondents disagreed

that managers’ actions showed providing safe food to customers is a top priority though those

who agreed had a little difference with a mean value of 3.72 and a standard deviation of 1.30.

The respondents agreed with a mean value of 3.75 and a standard deviation of 1.05 that their

manager is actively involved in making sure safe food handling is practiced.

The findings in the Table 4.2 further show that an equerry higher number of the respondents

agreed with a mean value of 3.55 and standard deviation of 1.08 that food. Data on whether

there is good cooperation among departments to ensure that consumers receive prepared food

safely reported a mean value of 3.55 and a standard deviation of 1.05 the study reveals that

popular of the respondents disagreed with a mean value of 3.82 and a standard deviation of

1.14 that their food hygiene and safety policies and procedures help to ensure that safe food

handling practices are followed. This implies that a bigger number of respondents responded

were not of the view that food hygiene and safety policies and procedures help to ensure that

safe food handling practices are followed. The study findings concurred with those of

(AlBusaidi& Jukes, 2015). That Policies such as safety operating procedures aim at ensuring

that food service providers comply with food hygiene and safety legislation. In addition, the

policies ensure that people who use the services, staff and visitors are not at risk of food


Table 4:1 Effects of Catering Policies on Food Hygiene and Safety

Statement N Mean StD

Availability of all necessary information for handling food safely to 93 3.44 1.14
Management provides adequate training to improve employees’ food 93 3.24 1.04
hygiene and safety practices
Management will not take even a small risk when it comes to food 93 3.25 1.37

hygiene and safety
Managers’ actions show that providing safe food to customers is a top 93 3.72 1.30
Managers actively ensure practicing of safe food handling 93 3.72 1.05
Respondents follow and practice food hygiene and safety rules because 93 3.35 1.20
they know they are important
New employees and experienced employees work together to ensure food 93 3.52 0.90
hygiene and safety practices
Food hygiene and safety training/education provided by management 93 3.55 1.08
improves practices
Cooperation among Departments to Ensure Safe Food Preparation 93 3.55 1.05
Food hygiene and safety policies and procedures help to ensure 93 3.82 1.14
Adherence to safe food handling practices

4.3.2 Food Handling Practices

The second objective of the study aimed at investigating food handling practices on food

hygiene and safety. The respondents were requested to indicate the level of agreement the

study showed that a bigger number of the respondents disagreed with a mean value of 3.08

and a standard deviation of 1.08 that there were adequate supplies tools and materials such as

gloves and thermometers, which are readily available to perform safe food handling practices.

The study reveals that a higher percentage of the respondents agreed that equipment items

needed to prepare food safely such as hand washing sinks is readily available and accessible

while a good number disagreed with a mean value of 3.46 and a standard deviation of 1.02.

The respondents strongly indicated that they were are being provided with quality supplies

that make it easy for them to follow safe food handling practices, with a mean value of 3.41

and a standard deviation of 0.95. to a moderated extent the respondents agreed with a mean

value of 3.51 and a standard deviation of 1.03 that there are adequate resources, including

tools and equipment to prepare food safely, further reveals that a higher percentage of the

respondents agreed with a mean value of 3.04 and a standard deviation of 1.27 that facilities
such as freezer and warmer were of adequate quality to follow safe food handling practices.

The respondents to moderated extended agreed that the staff in NYS didn’t compromises

with safe practices are made when handling food which was supported by a mean of 4.20 and

standard deviation of 1.30, the study indicated that Organisation was Cutting corners with

food hygiene and safety to save costs when preparing food which was supported by a mean of

3.19 and standard deviation of 1.33. This implies that to significant extent facilities such as a

freezer and warmer at NYS catering units are of adequate quality and can thus support safe

food handling practices. The study findings concurred with those of Aagaard, (2016) that

food handling process should be capable of accommodating change, such as advances in

equipment design, processing procedures or technological developments.

Table 4:2 Food Handling Practices

Statement N Mean StD

Adequate supplies tools and materials readily available for safe food 93 3.08 1.08

handling practices

Equipment items needed to prepare food safely (e.g., hand washing sinks) 93 3.46 1.02

are readily available and accessible

Staff provided with quality supplies that makes it easy to follow safe food 93 3.41 0.95

handling practices

Adequacy of resources to prepare food safely 93 3.51 10.28

Adequacy of facilities quality in order to follow safe food handling 93 3.04 1.27


Fumigation done 93 3.24 0.43

Records kept for food temperature 93 3.30 0.46

Food handling practices are standardized and institutionalized 93 3.32 0.47

Measures on prevention on food contamination 93 4.05 0.43

No compromises with safe practices are made when handling food 93 4.20 1.30

Organisation Cutting corners with food hygiene and safety to save costs 93 3.19 1.33

when preparing food

4.3.3 HACCP Principles

The third objective of the study aimed at assessing the implementation of HACCP principles

and their effect on food hygiene and safety.the study revealed that majority of the

respondents agreed with a mean value of 3.49 and a standard deviation of 1.16. Food hygiene

and safety inspections by health inspectors ensure Adherence to safe food handling practices.

The study revealed that reveals that majority of the respondents agreed that food-hygiene

operating procedure had been documented while a good number disagreed with a mean value

of 3.34 and a standard deviation of 0.48. Most of the respondents disagreed with a mean

value of 3.81 and a standard deviation of 1.30 on whether employees are rewarded for

following safe food handling practices.

This implies that a greater number of the respondents were of the view that food-hygiene

operating procedure has been documented. On whether employees are rewarded for following

safe food handling practices, the study showed that most of the respondents disagreed with a

mean value of 4.01 and a standard deviation of 1.30. This implies that a good number of

respondents were of the opinion that employees are not rewarded for following safe food

handling practices. The respondents indicated that Adherence to food hygiene and safety

practices part of annual work performance evaluation with a mean value of 3.17 and a

standard deviation of 1.38. The respondent further agreed that establish the corrective action

to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control helped in

food handling which was supported by a mean of 3.91 and standard deviation of 0.72. This

implies food hygiene and safety practices as part of their annual work performance

evaluation. The study findings were in agreement with those of AlYousuf & Taylor,

(2015),that measures for safe food handling need strengthening as part of annual work

performance evaluation. The star concurred with those of that

Table 4:3 HACCP Principles

Statement N Mean Std

Food hygiene and safety inspections by health inspectors ensure 93 3.49 1.16

Adherence to safe food handling practices

Any documentation of food hygiene handling procedures 93 3.34 0.48

Employees are rewarded for following safe food handling practices 93 4.01 1.30

Adherence to food hygiene and safety practices part of annual work 93 3.17 1.38

performance evaluation

Establish procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as 93 3.67 0.38


Establish critical control point monitoring requirements 93 4.03 0.98

Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records 93 3.89 0.34

appropriate to these principles and their application.

Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a 93 3.91 0.72

particular CCP is not under control.

4.3.3 Food Hygiene and Safety

To majority, not all the necessary information for handling food safely is readily available.

Managers are actively involved in making sure safe food handling is practiced and in most of

situations, new employees and experienced employees work together to ensure food hygiene

and safety practices are in place while training/education on food hygiene and safety is

provided by management, which help improve practices. Most staffs don’t use food gloves

when preparing food items and don’t use detergent water when cleaning vegetables. Staffs go

for food handling medical check-ups, but most have not attended any in-service training.

Most uses menu and procedures for food production and do record what is received for

preparation in the kitchen. They also they do take temperature measurements and keep

records of all food temperature during service. The staffs think handling practices are

standardized and institutionalized across NYS catering units and there are measures put in

place to prevent food contamination and poisoning. Majority of staff have not heard about

HACCP or any other food hygiene and safety standards though they think there are

continuing education courses on HACCP and food hygiene for food-handlers. All the key

informants showed that there have never been incidences of food contamination or food

poisoning in NYS. This means there are low food poisoning incidences in the institution.

4.4 Regression Analysis

4.4.1 Standard Operating Procedures on Food Hygiene and Safety Practices

The study found in the table below, the R Square, which is the coefficient of determination,

was used to measure the dependent variable variations and their effect on the dependent

variables. As observed, The R Square value was 0.475; this value is between 0 and 1.

Analytically, this shows that 47.5 % of variations in the dependent variable can be explained

by the independent variables. That 47.5 % of variation in food hygiene and safety in National

Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya which is explained by Standard Operating Procedures, while

the remaining 52,5 % is associated with factors

Table 4:4 Standard Operating Procedures and Food Hygiene and Safety Practices

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .689a .475 .469 .530

a. Predictors: (Constant), Standard Operating Procedures

4.4.2 Food Handling Practices

The study found in the table below, the R Square, which is the coefficient of determination,

was used to measure the dependent variable variations and their effect on the dependent

variables. As observed, The R Square value was 0.451; this value is between 0 and 1.

Analytically, this shows that 45.1% of variations in the dependent variable can be explained

by the independent variables. That 45.1% of variation in Food Handling Practices in National

Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya which is explained by Standard Operating Procedures, while

the remaining 54,9 % is associated with factors

Table 4:5 Food Handling Practices and Food hygiene and safety Practices

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the


1 .672a .451 .445 .542

a. Predictors: (Constant), Food Handling Practices

4.4.3 HACCP Principles

The study found in the table below, the R Square, which is the coefficient of determination,

was used to measure the dependent variable variations and their effect on the dependent

variables. As observed, The R Square value was 0.557; this value is between 0 and 1.

Analytically, this shows that 55.7 % of variations in the dependent variable can be explained

by the independent variables. That 55.7 % of variation in HACCP Principles in National

Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya which is explained by Standard Operating Procedures, while

the remaining 44.3 % is associated with factors

Table 4:6 Model Summaries

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .756a .571 .557 .458

a. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation of HACCP Principles

4.5 Multiple Regressions

The study sought to determine the combine effect of all the variables through multiple

regressions and presented the results in the section below. The regression model in Table 4:8

shows the R and R2 value representing the simple correlation between the combined variables

and the dependent variable. The R value is 0.885 which indicates a fairly strong correlation.

The R2 value indicates how much of the dependent variable (Conformance on catering

practices), can be explained by the combined independent variables, (Standard Operating

Procedures, Food Handling Practices and HACCP Principles). In this case, 78.4 % in the

dependent variable can be explained by the independent variables. Which is fairly strong?

This therefore implies that there is a strong association between Conformance on catering

practices and Food hygiene and safety practices and the investigated variables.

Table 4:7 Model Summaries

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate
1 .885a .784 .777 .343

a. Predictors: (Constant), Food hygiene and safety

a. Predictors: HACCP Principles, Standard Operating Procedures Safety, Food Handling


4.6 Regression Coefficient

The study determined the strength of the relationship between the independent variables

(Standard Operating Procedures, Food Handling Practices and Implementation of HACCP

Principles) and Food hygiene and safety practices and results presented in Table 4.9. The

Table provides the information needed to predict Catering and Food hygiene and safety

practices at NYS from the independent variables in which the constant and the Standard

Operating Procedures variable are significant. The regression equation is presented as


Food hygiene and safety practices = 1.044 + 1.106 (Standard Operating Procedures)

+2.137(Food Handling Practices) + 1.142 (Implementation of HACCP Principles)The results

shows that food handling practices had highest influence on catering and food hygiene and

safety practices followed by Standard Operating Procedures and then implementation of

HACCP Principles.

Table 4:8 Regression Coefficients

Model 1 Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.

Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.044 .333 3.133 .002

Standard Operating
1.106 .125 .133 1.846 .000

Food Handling Practices 2.137 .104 .205 3.313 .001

HACCP Principles 1.042 .113 .039 1.372 .002

a. Dependent Variable: Food hygiene and safety

Y = β0 +β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + Ɛ


Y=the dependent variable (food hygiene and safety)

β0 =the intercept, i.e. Y= β0, when X1, X2, X3 =O

Β1, β2 and β3 are the regression coefficients describing the size of contribution of the

representative independent variable (Policies, food handling practices and HACCP principle)

X1 = Standard Operating Procedures

X2= Food Handling Practices

X3= HACCP principle

4.8 Discussion

4.8.1 Standard Operating Procedures on Food Hygiene and Safety

Findings established that majority agreed that food hygiene and safety policies and

procedures provided detailed guidance for practices although most believed that these

regulations are nothing more than cover-up in case there are legal issues. In addition, to

majority did not think that all the necessary information for handling food safely is readily

available including adequate training to the employees to improve food hygiene and safety

practices and quality. Evidence suggests that the management falls short of providing

adequate and timely information about current food hygiene and safety rules and regulations.

According to University of Mississippi (2017) food hygiene and safety standard operating

procedures (SOPs) are written practices and procedures that are critical to producing safe

food. It is essential to have these SOPs in place and to train food-service employees to use

them. In addition, policies should ensure “Due Diligence” in respect of food hygiene, safety,

ensuring all food handlers is appropriately trained, and all areas of food hygiene and safety

are risk assessed as well as ensuring compliance (Jabbar & Grace, 2012). There is inadequate

adequate training of personnel meant to improve food policies and food hygiene and safety.

This implies the catering department has a shortfall in providing adequate training to the staff

to improve employees’ food hygiene and safety practices.

According to FAO (2016)states that though consumers, governments and other stakeholders

play an important role in ensuring both food hygiene and safety and quality, in free-market

societies the ultimate responsibility for investing the physical and managerial resources

necessary for implementing appropriate controls correspond with food industry that

continuously oversees manufacture and processing of foods. The management in place

offering food service should therefore continuously offer leadership that ensures highest level

of food hygiene and safety. Additionally, six key informants commented that the policies in

place help in ensuring that workplace cleanness is maintained.

4.8.2 Handling Practices on Food Hygiene and Safety

From the analysis, a larger part of the respondents do not use food gloves when preparing

food items, hence the staff should be sensitized on the need to adopt usage of gloves as a way

of boosting safe food handling at the institution. All the key informants noted that tools are

provided and there have never been incidences of food contamination or food poisoning in

the institution. Food handling safety in the catering is fairly good although numerous

hindrances to safe handling practices were noted such as lack of cooperation among staff and

lack of water. This means there are low food poisoning incidences in the institution. A report

by WHO (2015) on estimates of the global burden of food-borne diseases that comprehensive

reported the impact of contaminated food on health and well-being of individuals estimated

that each year as many as 600 million, or almost 1 in 10 people in the world, fall ill after
consuming contaminated food out of which, 420 000 people die. The report further cited 31

agents of food-borne diseases that include bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and chemicals.

This report emphasizes the importance of ensuring zero incidences of food poisoning by

ensuring stringiest adherence to hygienic food handling.

4.8.3 HACCP Principles on Food Hygiene and Safety

A bigger percentage of the respondents have no information and knowledge on hazard

analysis and critical control points principles and their effect on food hygiene and safety,

because of inadequate training. Food-hygiene operating procedures had been documented

although the food hygiene and safety practices are hardly followed. Fundamental role of

health inspectors on food handling practices was highly noted by the respondents. A report by

WHO (2015) on Estimates of the Global Burden of Food-borne Diseases that comprehensive

reported the impact of contaminated food on health and well-being of individuals estimated

that each year as many as 600 million, or almost 1 in 10 people in the world, fall ill after

consuming contaminated food out of which, 420 000 people die. The report further cited 31

agents of food-borne diseases that include bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and chemicals.

This report emphasizes the importance of ensuring zero incidences of food poisoning by

ensuring stringiest adherence to hygienic food handling.



5.1 Introduction

In this chapter the researcher makes summary of the study then draws conclusion and gives

recommendations based on the research findings and analysis done in previous chapter. The

summary is a brief overview of the research process while conclusion is the report of the

crucial findings and the recommendations are suggestions and advice based on the research


5.2 Summary of the Findings

This study sought to determine influence of conformance on catering practices to food

hygiene and safety: a case study of National Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya the specific

objectives that guided that study included to find out conformance on catering practices to

food safety. SPSS version 23 was used to aid in data analysis. Data analysis results were

presented using charts and tables. Multiple linear regression results have shown that four

predictors can explain 75.2% of food hygiene and safety: a case study of National Youth

Service; Standard Operating Procedures, Food Handling Practices and HACCP Principles.

5.2.1 Standard Operating Procedures on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study objective was Determine the effect of Standard Operating Procedures on food

hygiene and safety at the National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya. The study

established that Standard Operating Procedures positive influence on food hygiene and safety

at. (β1= 1.106, p=0.000<0.05).The study established that The implementation of this policy is

supported by the guidelines of various Standard Operating Procedures, (SOPs), which include

appropriate written codes of practice, and identify standards to be met for purchase, storage,

preparation, cooking/regeneration and service of food. The testing and recording of food

temperatures throughout the food chain - food receipt through to the point of service is an

essential part of the quality control of good, nutritious, safe food .A food control system

ensures that foods conform to safety and quality requirements and are honestly and accurately

labelled, as required by law

5.2.2 Food Handling Practices on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study objective was Investigate the influence of food-handling practices on food hygiene

and safety at the National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya. The study

established that Standard Operating Procedures positive influence on food hygiene and safety

at. (β2=2.137 p=0.001<0.05).The study established that All foods, if handled properly, can be

safe handling, storage It is much better to prevent food hazards arising than it is to simply

monitor food at the point of sale or consumption. Sampling and analysing the final product

will provide adequate protection to the consumer. The introduction of preventive measures at

all stages of the food handling and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and

rejection at the final stage, also makes better economic sense, because unsuitable products

can be identified earlier along the chain

5.2.3 HACCP Principles on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study objective was Assess the implementation of HACCP principles and their effect on

food hygiene and safety at the National Youth Service Catering Units in Gilgil, Kenya. . The

study established that HACCP Principles positive influence on food hygiene and safety at.

(β3=1.142, p=0.002<0.05).The study established that The HACCP system can be applied

throughout the food chain from the primary producer to the final consumer. Besides

enhancing food hygiene and safety, other benefits in applying HACCP include more effective

use of resources and more timely response to food hygiene and safety problems. In addition,

the application of the HACCP system can aid inspection by food control regulatory

authorities and promote international trade by increasing buyer confidence in food hygiene

and safety.

5.3 Conclusion

5.3.1 Standard Operating Procedures on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study concluded that National Youth Service Kitchens are required to have a schedule of

cleaning in place. Responsibility for undertaking the cleaning activity and frequency will be

based on the national standards for cleanliness. It is important that the correct cleaning

method is specified and understood by the catering staff responsible for carrying out the task.

Similarly, the correct product to use and the correct time to do the job needs to be specified.

Such information must therefore be summarised in the form of a cleaning schedule. Cleaning

schedules provide a clear set of standards/frequencies and with the use of simple check lists,

enable the kitchen supervisor to monitor the standard of hygiene being maintained

5.3.2 Food Handling Practices on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study concluded that National Youth Service should enforce the handling guidelines and

accessing processes of food product in order to prevent and rescue them from all the

unwanted and unhealthy factors. Food-handling staff should be trained to a level

commensurate with their work activities and training records maintained to ensure

compliance with Trust-, department- and statutory requirements. National Youth Service

students and Staff be trained in the use of chemicals, Control of Substances Hazardous to

Health, (COSHH)), and with respect to personal hygiene, awareness of sickness reporting

procedures and infection control good practices.

5.3.3 HACCP Principles on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study recommends that The HACCP system in National Youth Service should be applied

throughout the food chain from the primary producer to the final consumer. Besides

enhancing food hygiene and safety, other factors in applying HACCP include more effective
use of resources and more timely response to food hygiene and safety problems. In addition,

the application of the HACCP system aid inspection by food controls regulatory authorities

and increasing student’s confidence in food hygiene and safety. Attention to high standards of

management of food services and good hygiene practices are essential with the current legal

obligations are to be met. The food hygiene and safety management system adopted by the

National Youth Service should be based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

(HACCP) principles.

5.4 Recommendations

5.4.1 Standard Operating Procedures on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study recommends that all food hygiene and safety and hygiene policies and procedures

should be implemented by having effective management of food hygiene and safety systems

in place, Having SOPs reduces miscommunications within facility because everything is

written down with written protocols exist, they are useful in training new employees. They

ensure no essential information is left out of training and ensure that new and old employees

receive the same, no contradictory information.

5.4.2 Food Handling Practices on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study recommends that there the importance of establishing a food hygiene and safety

culture in National Youth Service. This involves a commitment to continually operate in a

safe manner, being proactive at eliminating hazards, training employees, and establishing

consistent food hygiene and safety protocols. Internal food hygiene and safety checklists are

proactive measures to ensure food hygiene and safety standards are being met. Items that are

devised to support and encourage food hygiene and safety behaviors become should be

completed properly. Third party inspections by National Youth Service Hiring outside food

hygiene and safety inspectors which is a is worthwhile investment.

5.4.3 HACCP Principles on Food Hygiene and Safety

The study recommends that a successful application of HACCP require the full commitment

and involvement of management and the workforce. Where monitoring has established that

critical limits at a CCP have been exceeded, it’s essential that corrective action be taken to

ensure that the hazard does not become a problem. This might mean disposing of any items

that are not cooked properly, withdrawing from sale items that might have been

compromised, or taking any other action that prevents a hazardous item from being


5.5 Suggested Areas for Further Study

The study suggests a replica of the same study in other Government establishments such as

schools, colleges and universities. It also suggests a study on the influence of HACCP on

food sourcing and procurement and a conduct of a similar study in different private

establishments such as hotels. The study also suggests that a similar study should be

conducted using a larger sample so that generalization of results to other institutions can be

done with greater confidence. In addition, a longitudinal study should also be done to ensure

comparison of findings over a lengthy period. This would allow continuous and data based

improved of catering services at NYS catering units Gilgil.


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I’m a student at Karatina University pursuing a Postgraduate degree in Master of Hospitality

Management. I’m doing a research on ‘Investigation on Conformance of Catering Practices

to Food Hygiene and Safety of National Youth Service, Gilgil, Kenya, for my Master’s

Thesis. I am requesting you to answer the questions below, which will assist me in collecting

the data needed for my research. All information provided will be treated with total



1. What is your age in years?

a. Below 25 26-50 Above 50

2. What is your gender? a) Male b) Female

3. How long have worked in any type of food service?

Less than 5years b) 5-10 Years c) 10-20 Years d) Over 20 Years


4. Please read each of the following statement regarding catering policies on food safety

in your workplace and respond appropriately. How do you agree or disagree with the

following statements regarding catering policies on food safety? Use Strongly

disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4),Strongly agree (5)

NO STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5

1. Availability of all necessary information for handling food safely to


2. Management provides adequate training to improve employees’ food

hygiene and safety practices

3. Management will not take even a small risk when it comes to food

hygiene and safety

4. Managers’ actions show that providing safe food to customers is a top


5. Managers actively ensure practicing of safe food handling

6. Respondents follow and practice food hygiene and safety rules

because they know they are important

7. New employees and experienced employees work together to ensure

food hygiene and safety practices

8. Food hygiene and safety training/education provided by management

improves practices

9. Cooperation among Departments to Ensure Safe Food Preparation

10. Food hygiene and safety policies and procedures help to ensure

Adherence to safe food handling practices


5. Please read each of the following statement regarding food-handling practices on food

safety on food safety in your workplace and respond appropriately. How do you agree

or disagree with the following statements regarding catering policies on food safety?

Use strongly disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), strongly agree (5)

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Adequate supplies tools and materials readily available for safe food

handling practices

2. Equipment items needed to prepare food safely (e.g., hand washing

sinks) are readily available and accessible

3 Staff provided with quality supplies that makes it easy to follow safe

food handling practices

3 Adequacy of resources to prepare food safely

4 Adequacy of facilities quality in order to follow safe food handling


5. Fumigation done

6. Records kept for food temperature

7 Food handling practices are standardized and institutionalized

8 Measures on prevention on food contamination

9 No compromises with safe practices are made when handling food

10 Organisation Cutting corners with food hygiene and safety to save

costs when preparing food

7. How frequent do you clean the working services and equipment?

a) Four times a day b) Two times a day c) Once a day d) After every use

ii. Any other kindly indicate




8 What is your general view on food handling safety? -----------------------------------------------



9. Indicate which of the following food-hygiene practices are carried out in your catering

units (check all that apply)

a. Hazard analysis of food practices

b. Inspection of raw materials ____

c. Identification of critical points regarding food safety ____


10. Please read each of the following statement regarding HACCP principles on food safety

on food safety in your workplace and respond appropriately. How do you agree or disagree

with the following statements regarding catering policies on food safety? Use strongly

disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), strongly agree (5)

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Food hygiene and safety inspections by health inspectors ensure

Adherence to safe food handling practices

3. Any documentation of food hygiene handling procedures

4. Employees are rewarded for following safe food handling practices

5. Adherence to food hygiene and safety practices part of annual work

performance evaluation

6. Establish procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as


7. Establish critical control point monitoring requirements

8. Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records

appropriate to these principles and their application.

9 Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates

that a particular CCP is not under control.

10 Food hygiene and safety inspections by health inspectors ensure

Adherence to safe food handling practices

12. Have you ever heard of HACCP or any other food safety standards? a) Yes b) No

If yes, do you use Critical Control Points Tree? ______________

13 . Are continuing education courses on HACCP and food hygiene for food-handler been





June – April
January – May December May-August
Time Elapsed April 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020

Project Defence
Research Proposal Project
Coursework Critical Writing Defence Defence
Thesis Writing
Title & Abstract
Data Analysis
Access Sample
Gather Results
Research Project


Budget Item Sub-item Amount Sub- Justification

in KS. Total in
Reconnaissance Travel cost t 30000 To familiarize with the area
(Pre-visit) Accommodation 23000 of study, making initial
and food for two contacts and gather crucial
days preliminary data
Commuter cost 8000
between hotel and
the study area
Proposal Printing of full 3000 To seek approval to
Development proposal undertake the study from the
Printing of data 25000 project supervisor in good
collection time
Field Work Travel cost to 3000 For actual collection of data
Accommodation 4000 in the field
and Food for two
Commuter cost 8000
from hotel to Study
Personnel-Data 3000
Collection Assistant
Data Entry and Personnel-Research 20000 To assist in coding of
Analysis Assistant questionnaires, data entry,
data management and
analysis of data

Printing, Printing 2 copies 1600
Photocopying and Binding of
and Binding of Project Report
Project Report
Total Direct 22600
Miscellaneous 22600
(10% of total
direct expense)

Total Project 172,000.



Dear Respondent,

I’m a student at Karatina University pursuing a Master of Hospitality Management Degree.

My research is on ‘An Assessment Of Catering Practices On Food hygiene and safety

Investigation On Conformance Of Catering Practices To Food Hygiene And Safety At

National Youth Service Catering Units In Gilgil. I am requesting you to answer the

questions which will assist me in collecting the data/information needed for my research.

All information provided will be treated with total confidence Thank you for your support

and cooperation.

Yours Faithfully,

Ndaramu Gitu Onesmus :


Tel: 0721929389

Email: ndaramujunior@gmail.com




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