ST Matrthew The Apostle Parish Youth Ministry Bible Quiz
ST Matrthew The Apostle Parish Youth Ministry Bible Quiz
ST Matrthew The Apostle Parish Youth Ministry Bible Quiz
Answer: Akeldama
11. When the day of Pentecost came where were the believers? (2:1-13)
Answer: in the upper room
12. Each of them head the believers speak in his own language. (2:4) true or false
Answer: true
13. Where do we find the words, “ John baptized with water but you will be baptized
with the holy spirit.”
Answer: (1:5)
14. What is the meaning of akeldama?
Answer: field of blood (1:23)
15. Which apostle stood up to address the clouds in acts 2:14
Answer: peter
16. Which prophet is mentioned in acts 2:16
Answer: Joel
17. who said the words, “Silver and gold I do not have but I give you what I have in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk.” (3:6)
Answer: peter
18. Who sold his field and the brought the money to the apostles?
Answer: joseph called Barnabas (acts 4:36-37)
19. Who was the wife of Ananias who sold a field and kept some money? (acts 5:1)
Answer: sapphire
20. Who was gamaliel?
Answer: a Pharisee a teacher of the law
21. How many deacons where chosen in acts chapter 6
Answer: 7
22. Who was the witness to the death of Stephen?
Answer: young man called Saul (acts 7:58)
23. Give the chapter and verse, “I see heaven open and the son of man standing at
the right hand of God.”
Answer: acts 6:56
24. Who tried to destroy the church according to acts 8:3
Answer: Saul
25. Who told Phillip to Gaza? (8:26)
Answer: an angel of God
26. The Ethiopian official was reading from the book of ?
Answer: Isaiah
27. What was the name of Paul before his conversion?
Answer: Saul
28. How long was the blindness of Paul?
Answer: 3 days
29. Who was Cornelius? (10:1)
answer: captain
30. Who stared at the angel with fear? Acts(10:4)
Answer: Cornelius.