Ge Aa - Bsit FPSM - Course Syllabus
Ge Aa - Bsit FPSM - Course Syllabus
Ge Aa - Bsit FPSM - Course Syllabus
1. Pursue faculty and education excellence and strengthen the current viable curricular programs and develop curricular programs that are responsive
to the demands of the times both in the industry and the environment.
2. Promote quality research outputs that respond to the needs of the local and national communities.
Goals: 3. Develop communities through responsive extension programs.
4. Adopt efficient and profitable income generating projects/enterprise for self-sustainability.
5. Provide adequate, state-of-the-art and accessible infrastructure support facilities for quality education.
6. Promote efficient and effective good governance supportive of high quality education.
Core Values:
Institutional Graduate Attributes:
Leadership, Competence, Innovative and Service-Oriented professionals
Program Educational Objective (PEO):
1. To provide relevant curriculum in preparing competent food technologists;
2. To instill in the students a concern for innovation and social responsibility through research and community extension projects;
3. To develop productive, self-reliant and resourceful entrepreneurs;
4. To provide the necessary facilities, effective services and humane learning environment;
5. To inculcate the culture of excellence and instill personal values and professional ethics.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1. To acquire the vital foundation for the students development into quality industrial technologists who are endowed with good values and moral qualities as well as the
essential skill, knowledge and desirable work ethics.
PO2. Train students in the application of technology particularly in the solution of problems, related to industrial development and to prepare them to become professionals
in their field of specialization with entry levels competencies.
PO3. Apply research skills and engage in extension activities.
PO4. Develop appreciation in the students of the potentials of an industrial enterprise and instill in the students a concern for innovation and personal upliftment in
response to advances in technology.
CO11. Develop an appreciation of the local arts. I E E D
I – Introduced – An introductory course to an outcome; E – Enabled - A course that strengthens the outcome; D – Demonstrated – A course demonstrating an outcome
Teaching and
Course Outcome Learning Objectives Content/Course Matter Learning Assessment Tasks Remarks
CO1 understand the importance Chapter 1 Week 1- Lecture- THE VALUE OF ARTS: A
CO2 of Humanities and Art Humanities And Art 2 Discussion REFLECTION
CO3 Appreciation:
F-AQA-INS-002 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 5 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Magsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, Philippines
Office of the Director of Instruction
Balance I Integrity I Stewardship I Uprightness
Appreciation in every An Introduction Visual Directions: Write a reflective
individual’s life; presentation essay on the importance of
gain a general knowledge of 1. Meaning and Importance of Arts and try to capsulize your
Humanities understanding of the lesson.
the creation and functions of
2. Description of Art
arts; and Appreciation
recognize the certain 3. The Creation of Arts
purpose of art as well as its 4. Functions of Arts
classification and discuss 5. Purpose of Art
their characteristics 6. Classifications of Art
7. The Value of Arts in the
Educational System
explain the difference Chapter 2 Week 3- Lecture- PRESSED FLOWER CRAFT
between aesthetic arts Aesthetic Arts and 4 Discussion Directions: In this learning
and crafts; Crafts task, you need to collect
identify the types of arts Visual flowers available at home. Put
and crafts; 1. The Difference presentation them in a book for it to be
discuss the principles in between pressed. Paste the pressed
understanding artistic Aesthetic Arts flowers in a long bond paper
CO1 composition; and and Crafts and come up with your own
CO2 enumerate the motivated artwork. Consider in crafting
2. Types of Arts and
CO3 functions of art. your own artwork the insights
you have gained from lesson.
3. Principles of
In the bottom part of the
paper, write a short
Artistic Design and
explanation of your work. Also,
try to reflect on your
4. Motivated understanding of the lesson.
Functions of Art
CO1 describe the history of Art Chapter 3 Week 5- Lecture-
CO4 in Prehistoric Civilization; The Western Art History 6 Discussion PAPER MOSAIC
CO10 discuss the Medieval arts in Directions:
Europe; 1. Art in Prehistoric Visual Mosaics were traditionally
identify the famous artists Civilization presentation made with bits of tile or
in Western Europe; and
F-AQA-INS-002 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 6 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Magsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, Philippines
Office of the Director of Instruction
Balance I Integrity I Stewardship I Uprightness
analyse the most common 2. Stone Tools for Art glass, but it is possible to
Paintings in Classical Greek Making make simple ones using
3. Medieval Arts in paper. In this learning task,
Europe you need to get neon
papers/colored papers in
4. Famous Artists in
different colors. You need
Western Europe
to cut them according to
5. Most Common your desired tile size and
Paintings in shape. Come up with your
Classical Greek own design or shape using
those paper tiles. Below
your artwork, write you
own reflection on the
lesson and the activity.
understand the Pre- Chapter 4 Week 7- Lecture-
Colonial Art forms in the The Filipino Art and Crafts 8 Discussion PAPER WEAVNG
Archipelago; Directions: Filipinos are known
identify the famous 1. Pre-Colonial Art Visual for its weaving traditions. In this
indigenous musical forms in the presentation activity you are tasked to come
instruments in the Archipelago up with your own woven artwork
Philippines; 2. Famous Indigenous using neon/colored papers.
demonstrate knowledge Musical Instruments
CO1 about importance of in the Philippines
CO4 Philippine Artistic 3. Importance of
CO10 Handicrafts;
Philippine Artistic
CO11 determine the common
handicraft materials and
the traditional handiwork in 4. Traditional
the Philippines; and Handiwork in the
recognize the importance Philippines
of the Philippine GAMABA 5. Philippine GAMABA
Awards and its Awards
awardees 6. GAMABA Awardees
and Nominees
F-AQA-INS-002 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 7 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Magsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, Philippines
Office of the Director of Instruction
Balance I Integrity I Stewardship I Uprightness
identify the elements of Chapter 5 Week 9 Lecture-
Painting; Paintings Discussion COFFEE PAINTING
show the importance of the Directions:
color wheel; 1. Elements of Painting Visual Coffee painting is an
convey an idea about the 2. The Color presentation extremely easy and enjoyable
symbolism and meaning of Wheel and its process of expressing your
the colors; and Categories creativity on paper. Prepare
demonstrate knowledge 3. Symbolism and your coffee solutions and
CO2 about the mediums in Meaning of come up with your own
CO3 Painting and its Primary Colors artwork. Below your artwork,
CO5 characteristics 4. Mediums in Painting write your own reflection on
the activity by answering the
CO6 5. Classifications of
CO7 following questions:
Painting Styles
CO8 a. What is the subject
matter of the artwork?
b. What is the possible title
you will use in your
c. How did you come up
with this kind of artwork?
d. What is your realization
after doing this activity?
CO2 discuss the origin of Chapter 6 Week 11 Lecture-
CO3 sculpture; Sculpture Discussion SOAP SCULPTURE
CO5 recognize the Directions: Soap carving is a way
CO6 importance of 1. The Origin of Sculpture Visual to create sculptures from a bar of
CO7 sculpture; 2. Importance of presentation soap. As opposed to wood
CO8 demonstrate knowledge Sculpture carving, which is more dangerous
about the type, medium 3. Types of Sculptures and should only be done by
and technique of sculpture;
4. Medium and technique skilled individuals, anyone can
display an ability to make
F-AQA-INS-002 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 8 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Magsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, Philippines
Office of the Director of Instruction
Balance I Integrity I Stewardship I Uprightness
sculpture 5. Basic Sculpture Terms enjoy carving creations from
soap. Creatively make a soap
sculpture of your choice. Then,
on a long bond paper, reflect on
the importance and role of
sculpture as an art for self-
recognize the history and Chapter 7 Week Lecture-
importance of photography; Photography 12-13 Discussion PHOTO ESSAY
appreciate the “role of Directions: A photo-essay is a
1. The Origin of Visual set or series of photographs
third” in photography;
Photography presentation that are made to create series
discuss the types of
2. Importance of of emotions in the viewer. A
Photography photo essay will often show
3. The Digital Era of pictures in deep emotional
understanding of the Photography stages. Photo essays range from
CO2 essential components 4. Rule of Thirds purely photographic works to
CO3 and features of a Composition photographs with captions or
CO5 Camera; and 5. Types of Photography small comments to full text
CO6 display an ability to do essays illustrated with
CO8 photography photographs. Create a photo
essay that tells a significant steps
you have taken to cope with the
challenges brought by this
pandemic represented by
photographs. The article must
have a minimum of five and a
maximum of 10 pictures. Then,
connect the message depicted by
each photo by writing captions.
CO2 recognize the origin and Chapter 8 Music Week Lecture-
CO5 importance of Music; 14-15 Discussion SONG ANALYSIS
F-AQA-INS-002 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 9 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Magsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, Philippines
Office of the Director of Instruction
Balance I Integrity I Stewardship I Uprightness
appreciate the role of 1. The Origin and Directions: Think of a song
music in our lives; Importance of Music Visual that you like the most.
discuss the essentials in 2. What is the Role of presentation Analyze the song by
song writing; Music in Our Lives? answering the following
3. The Elements of Music questions:
4. The Essentials in Song a. What is the title of
CO6 writing song?
CO7 5. The Different Music b. What music genre
Genres the song belongs?
6. Classification of c. What is the message
Musical Instruments implied by the song?
d. Analyze the song
vis-à-vis the
elements of Music.
CO3 recognize the origin and Chapter 9 Drama Week Lecture- FILM REVIEW: ANINO
CO5 elements of a good 16-17 Discussion Directions: Visit the link
CO6 Drama; 1. The origin and below to watch in full the
CO7 demonstrate knowledge elements of a good Visual movie titled Anino. After
CO8 about the types of drama; Drama presentation watching the film, answer the
appreciate the benefits of 2. Other Dramatic following questions:
drama and the role of Elements
a. Provide a brief
3. Types of Drama summary of the film you
4. The drama of have watched.
Historical Interest b. To what extent did the
5. Benefits of Drama film engage you,
and the Role of Artist interest you, and
6. Drama Forms captivate you? Why?
c. What is the message of
the film?
d. What do you think are
the issues and conflicts
depicted in the films?
How is it related to our
real life?
e. What do you think is
the reason why it is
titled Anino?
Solmerano, E.T.M. (2019). Art Appreciation. First Edition. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City. ISBN 978-621- 409-122-5
n.n. (2018). Art appreciation book. Final publication. Retrieved last August 18, 2020 from:
Gildow, C. (2012). Art Appreciation. Retrieved last August 18, 2020 from
SBCTC & Lumen Learning. (n.d.) Art Appreciation. Retrieved last August 18, 2020 from
Art Class Curator. (2020). Art Appreciation. Retrieved last August 21, 2020 from design-
Integration of
Balance, Integrity, Stewardship, Uprightness
60% passing mark/transmutation of raw scores or cumulative related scores
Major Examination - 30 %
Grading System: Classworks (quizzes, class participation/ Assignments/other outputs/performances) - 40 %
Major Outcome-Based Projects (performance/practicum) - 30 %
TOTAL 100 %
Attendance (excerpt from Student Handbook)
Policy on Face-to-face and Virtual classes
Others (agreed by the students)