II. Answer any 2 questions (2X5=10) II. Answer any 2 questions (2X5=10)
16. Explain the structure of web document 16. Explain the structure of web document
17. What is frame? explain it. 17. What is frame? explain it.
18. Explain text Pseudo Classes. 18. Explain text Pseudo Classes.
19. Explain message boxes. 19. Explain message boxes.
20. Write a short note on javascript objects. 20. Write a short note on javascript objects.
III. Answer all the questions (5X10=50) III. Answer all the questions (5X10=50)
21.a) how will you add image audio and video in HTML 21.a) how will you add image audio and video in HTML
page? explain it detail. (OR) page? explain it detail. (OR)
b) Explain basic text formatting element b) Explain basic text formatting element
22 a) Explain table elements in detail. (OR) 22 a) Explain table elements in detail. (OR)
b) Explain form elements in detail. b) Explain form elements in detail.
23 a) What is CSS? Explain it in detail. (OR) 23 a) What is CSS? Explain it in detail. (OR)
b) Explain links list table outline and layout in detail. b) Explain links list table outline and layout in detail.
24 a) Write a detail note on decision making and 24 a) Write a detail note on decision making and
branching in JavaScript (OR) branching in JavaScript (OR)
b) Explain in detail about functions. b) Explain in detail about functions.
25 a) explain in detail about window objects. (OR) 25 a) explain in detail about window objects. (OR)
b) what is event handling in detail. b) what is event handling in detail.