Eng Pp1 Quick Revision Series Exams

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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60

1 |PageformarkingschemesinboxMrChepkwonyon 0 7 2 43 5 1 7 0 6
1. Imagine you are the secretary of the Peer Counselling Club in your school. You have been
asked to take the minutes of the proceedings of your meeting. During the meeting:
• Six members were present
• Two members sent their apologies
• The whereabouts of three members were unknown
• The guidance and Counselling Head of Department was present
• Two items were raised from the previous meeting
• There were two items in the main agenda
(i) Elections

(ii) Trip

2. Fill the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word. 10 marks

Working from home due to the covid-19 pandemic has slowed 1…… many activities more-so the
education sector here in Kenya. Most sectors have been 2…………. to embrace digitization. The shift
to online classes in the institutions of higher learning was 3……. But it is not 4…….. for, especially,
the older people as they don’t have the 5…………to use digital gadgets such as smartphones and
laptops 6……………… those who have been frustrated by the emerging apps and software. 7………
have embraced digitization and are eager to learn. But the lecturers have problems. 8 ………. Have
phones with poor cameras as they are alright with just calling and receiving texts. You’ll find a lecturer
asking if the students can 9………. Him or her. They mute the mic unknowingly and can’t unmute
10………… guide, which waste a lot of time.

3. a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
(Repentant by AD Amateshe)
Yesterday my emotions
Burst like a man
And flowed violently
Onto your innocent self
Today, deluge with
A deep sense of regret,
I hold onto my hands,
The galling of bitterness
Of that regrettable moment
When caused your pain
(Adapted from Boundless voices by Arthur Luvai (ed): EAEP)
(I) Indicate the rhyme scheme in the poem above (1 mark)

2 |PageformarkingschemesinboxMrChepkwonyon 0 7 2 43 5 1 7 0 6
(ii) Briefly comment on the significance of the above rhyme scheme (1 mark)
(ii) Which words would you stress in the first and the last lines? Give a reason.(2 marks)
b) Write another word pronounced as the one given below (4 marks)
(i) Prophet……………………………………………………………………………………….………
(ii) Metal………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) Nose……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) Sink…………………………………………………………………………………………………
c) Write two words for each in which the letter listed below is silent 3 marks
i) g…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) i…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) t…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d) Group the words below under the column containing the sound that the highlighted letter(s) bear.
An example has been done for you
Tissue Caucasian Division Passion Cautious Leisure Solution Vision Exposure Chef

Tissue Caucasian

e) Your mother who stays in the village wants to visit you in Nairobi. She has never visited you before.
Your house is not far from the stage.
(i) Mention two ways you would specify to her the distance from the stage to your house. 2 mks (ii)
Apart from specifying the distance, how else would you ensure she reaches the house when giving
her the direction? (3 marks)
f) You school is participating in a debate and the motion is:”parents should let children decide their
own destiny”.

3 |PageformarkingschemesinboxMrChepkwonyon 0 7 2 43 5 1 7 0 6
How would you ensure that your argument is convincing? (3 marks)
g) Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of NACADA in fighting drug abuse among the
Kenyan Youth.
Mention two non-verbal cues you would use to make your speech effective. Give suitable examples.
( 2 Marks)
h) Read the following conversation between two form four candidates and then answer the following
Judy: Mali, I am worried my performance in English is not encouraging.
Mali: Ah! I am happy with my performance in English. I got a clean A last term.
Judy : I really don’t know what to do about Mathematics, maybe….
Mali : I don’t like our Geography teacher. He thinks he is only one who owns a Prado. My dad told me
he will buy one soon.
Judy: (Trying to bring him back to the conversation) Tell me, Mali, how do you revise Mathematics?
Mali : Oh! Is that David? He has promised to bring me a Nigerian movie (calling) David! David! (Then
runs after him)
i) Identify the shortcomings in Mali’s listening and speaking skills 2marks
ii) Suggest three ways he can improve his listening and speaking skills 3marks

4 |PageformarkingschemesinboxMrChepkwonyon 0 7 2 43 5 1 7 0 6
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


1.You are the secretary of the Young Youths Farmers Club in your school. In consultation with the chair,
you called a meeting for 22nd, August 2021, at 3.00pm. Out of a total membership of fifteen, ten attended,
four absent with apologies, and one does not sent any apology. (20marks) The following are the agenda.
1. Preliminaries
2. Confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Matters arising
4. Negotiations with the bursar for the purchase of vegetables
5. Schedules for the harvesting of the vegetables
6. Formula for sharing the income
7. A.O.B
Record the minutes of the meeting, giving details of discussions and resolutions made.
2.Cloze test (10marks)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. (20marks)
Every year, the government 1 hundreds of millions of shillings in tax revenue . 2
___________smuggling. Dumpling of sub-standard goods 3 __________counterfeit products
poses another 4 threat 5 ____________the stability of the economy. Local traders say
smuggling 6 _______________further fuelled be economic growth registered in the last two years.
They attribute this 7 to rising demand for imported goods, especially electronic 8 cars and
petroleum products. And while import volumes 9 __________increased substantially in the past
two years, facilities and equipment 10 ____________the Kilindini harbour, Mombasa and
Kenyatta international Airport (JKIA) overstretched.
3. Oral skills (30marks)
a) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
The Seed Shop
Here in a quiet and dusty room they lie,
Faded as crumbled stone or shifting sand,
Forlorn as ashes, shriveled scentless dry,
Meadows and gardens running through my hand.

In this brown husk a dale of hawthorn dreams,

A cedar in this narrow cell is thrust,
That will drink deeply of century's streams,
These lilies shall make summer on my dust,

Here in their safe and simple house of death,

Sealed in their shells, a million roses leap,
Here I can blow a garden with my breath,
And in my hand a forest lie asleep.


i. Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above. (2 marks)
ii. What is the effect of the rhythm in the poem (1marks)
iii. How else has the poet achieved the effect in( ii) above?(4marks)
iv. Which words would you stress in the last line of stanza 1 and why?(3marks)
b) For each of the set of words below, underline the odd one out. (3marks)
i. Cough Bought Dough
ii. Think Thy Thigh
iii. Not Note Knot
c) Provide another word that is pronounced the same way for each of the words listed below.
(3marks) i. Bean -
ii. Wear -
iii. One -
d) For each of these words make two sentences to bring the differences in their meaning. (4marks) i.
ii. Produce
e) Read the conversation below between Judy and a Peer Counselor and then answer the
questions that follow. (6marks)
Peer counselor: (Mentioning her to a sit?). Hallo Judy. How are you getting on?
Please have a seat and don’t be anxious.
Judy: Don’t tell me it’s all over school now. I will kill you...
Peer Counselor: (Interrupting) Please relax. Well, you swore me into secrecy and I have kept my part
of the again. No cause of alarm.
Judy: So then, why do you want to see me? You mean it can show?
Peer Counselor: Calm down, you are just in early stages and please keep up appearances. The
school closes next month.
Judy: (Looking disturbed). One month and the whole world will know. I need to procure...
Peer Counselor: Don’t even go there.... will you be able to live with the guilt? Remember things
can also go wrong and you die.
Judy: (Visibly agitated) Then, tell me what to do.
Peer Counselor: Please calm down. All is not lost. You just tripped; You never fell. These days Judy,
girls are accepted back to school after giving birth so you need not worry. All will be fine. In the
meantime, just relax for your baby.
Judy: (Sighs) Thank you for being there for me. Remember not a word to a sou. Peer
Counselor: You can trust me Judy, Good day.
Judy: Good day.
i. How does the peer counselor establish good rapport with Judy? (2marks)
ii. What good conversational skills does the peer counselor portray? (2marks)
iii. Identify two shortcomings in Judy's speech (2marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


1 a) The Lions Football Team has won the just completed world cup competition. You are the coach.
Write a memo congratulating them and informing them on when/ how to collect their tokens. Remember
to have copies to the minister of sports. (12mks)
b) Write a thank you note to the minister of sports (8mks)

2. CLOZE TEST 10 marks

Fill the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
Working from home due to the covid-19 pandemic has slowed 1……………..many activities more-so
the education sector here in Kenya. Most sectors have been 2 ……………….. to embrace digitization.
The shift to online classes in the institutions of higher learning was
3…………….but it is not 4 …………...for, especially, the older people as they don’t have the
5………………… to use digital gadgets such as smartphones and laptops 6…………..…….. those who
have them are frustrated by the emerging apps and software. 7………….…….. have embraced
digitization and are eager to learn but the lecturers have problems. 8 …………..…….. have phones with
poor cameras as they are alright with just calling and receiving texts. You’ll find a lecturer asking if the
students can 9 …………….….. him or her. They mute the mic unknowingly and can’t unmute
10…………………..guide, which waste a lot of time.

3a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
(Repentant by AD Amateshe)
Yesterday my emotions
Burst like a man
And flowed violently
Onto your innocent self
Today, deluge with
A deep sense of regret,
I hold onto my hand,
The galling of bitterness
Of that regrettable moment
When caused your pain
{Adapted from Boundless Voices by Arthur Luvai (ed): EAEP}


(i) Indicate the rhyme scheme in the poem above (1mark)
(ii) Briefly comment on the significance of the above rhyme scheme (1mark)
(iii) Which words would you stress in the first and the last lines? Give a reason. (2marks)
b) Write another word pronounced as the ones given below (4 marks)
(i) Gait…………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) Wait…………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) Sew…………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) Grown………………………………………………………………………………
c) Underline silent letters in the following words (3 marks)
i) champagne ii)
parliament iii)
d) Group the words below under the column containing the sound that the highlighted letter(s)
bear. (4 marks)
An example has been done for you
Tissue, Caucasian ,Division ,Passion, Cautious ,Leisure ,Solution,Vision ,Exposure, Chef
/ᶴ/ /ᶾ/
Tissue Caucasian
e) A teacher of English was in class and after some time he realised that the learners had lost
concentration. What cues made him to arrive at this conclusion? (3 marks)
f) What should the above teacher do to regain the students’ concentration? (2 marks)
g) You school is participating in a debate and the motion is: “Parents should let children decide their own
destiny.” How would you ensure that your argument is convincing? (3 marks)
h) Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of NACADA in fighting drug abuse among the
Kenyan youth. Mention two non-verbal cues you would use to make your speech effective. Give
suitable examples. (2 marks)

i) Read the following conversation between two form four candidates and then answer the following
Judy: Mali, I am worried my performance in English is not encouraging.
Mali: Ah! I am happy with my performance in English. I got a clean A last term.


Judy: I really don’t know what to do about Mathematics, maybe….
Mali: I don’t like our Geography teacher. He thinks he is the only one who owns a Prado. My dad told
me he will buy one soon.
Judy: (Trying to bring him back to the conversation) Tell me, Mali, how do you revise Mathematics?
Mali: Oh! Is that David? He has promised to bring me a Nigerian movie (calling) David! David! (Then
runs after him)

i) Identify the shortcomings in Mali’s listening and speaking skills. (2marks) ii)
Suggest three ways how he can improve his listening and speaking skills. (3marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30



1. a) Your school drama club has produced The Samaritan, a play by John Lara. You wish to stage it for
public viewing at a nearby social hall. As the secretary of the club, write an email addressed to the hall
administrator enquiring about the conditions for being allowed to use the hall. Give reasons why you
think it’s important to stage the play. ( 13 marks)
b) Assuming that the hall administrator permitted your club to use the hall, write a NOTICE to the public
informing them of the planned performance. (7 marks)

Read the following passage and fill in the gaps with the most appropriate words.

The police frequently 1…………..………………….………..our slum village in search of hidden illicit

brews. It was one of 2……………….…………..……………raids that constable Amka Twende earned
himself unexpected honour 3……………………………..……………respect for his detective skills.
4……………………………………...…….chang’aa brewers in the village had devised several smart
ways of hiding their liquor in spots 5………………………………..…………..even the nosiest cops
would not dream of looking. A new favourite trick was to put the chang’aa
6…………………………………..………..twenty litre jerry cans, close them tightly tie strong sisal
ropes 7…………………………………………..…… the necks and dangle them down pit

This of course necessitated drilling extra opening at the back of the toilet’s structures for the jerry cans
to be let down before the holes were ingeniously covered and disguised
9……………………………………………….. Soil, refuse or even green grass. No policeman in his
right 10………………………………………………..was going to start looking for hidden chang’aa
down a toilet pit, surely.

3. ORAL SKILLS 30 marks

A) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-

Made for pure pleasure

Like buds two wonderful to name
Miracles unfold
And Catherine wheels begin to flame
Like a whirling marigold
Rockets and Roman candles make


An orchard of the sky
Whence magic trees their petals shake
Upon each gazing eye

i.Describe the rhyme scheme of this poem. (2marks)

ii.Using examples, explain how rhythm has been achieved in this poem. (2 Marks)

iii.What kind of facial expressions would you exhibit when reciting the poem? (2mks

iv.Which words would you stress in line one and why? (2 marks)

v.How would you say the last line of the poem? (2 marks)

B) Indicate the intonation in the following sentences. (3 Marks)

i) How often do you visit your mother?

ii) Have you lost your way? iii) She is writing her exams.

C) Indicate the silent letter(s) in the following words. (3 marks)

(i) Mortgage………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Subtle…………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) Paradigm ………..……………………………………………………………………………

D) Explain the meaning that comes out when the underlined words in the sentence below are stressed.
(3 marks)
(i) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.
(ii) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.
(iii) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.
E) Provide another word that will form minimal pairs for the following words. ( 3 marks)
(i) Not ………………………………………..
(ii) Play……………………………………….
(iii) Rips ……………………………………...


F) You are invited as a motivational speaker to give a talk to a group of people. State three
factors about the audience that you must consider before giving the speech. (3 marks)
G) Complete the conversation below between Pauline (Student) and the Secretary Pauline:
(Dialling) ring ring… ring ring.

Secretary: …………………………………………………………………………….(2 marks)

Pauline: Yes, this is Pauline Karanja a form two student calling. May I speak to the principal, please?

Secretary: I am afraid Ms Kaluma is not in the office at the moment. Would you like to leave a


Pauline: ……………………………………………………………………………... (1 mark)

Secretary: Sorry for that, I wish him quick recovery. I would give her the message as soon.

Pauline: …………………………………………………………………..………..………….. (1 mark)

Secretary: Welcome Pauline. Just ensure you report as stated here.

Pauline: I will. Have a nice day madam.

Secretary: …………………………………………….……………………………… (1 mark)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30



1. Students in your school have been complaining about food since schools opened this term. The
Principal has mandated the Students’ Welfare Committee where you serve as chairman to find out if
the students’ complaints are genuine. Write a report to the Principal suggesting ways of improving
the students’ diet. (20marks)
2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
When you turn on a computer, you (a)………………. the door to a world of information. You can use
(b)…………….information as you do (c)……………..
for reports or for your own interests. The internet (d)…………….. a series of computers linked together
across (e) ………………..world. A computer in this network can make information (f) …………..to any
user (g)………..logs on the internet. (h)……………………log on and access information you can use
(i)……………… computer with a Web browser and a (j)…………………. to the internet.
3.a. Read the tongue-twister below and then answer the questions that follow.
Sheila says she sells seashells on Seychelles seashore.
(i) Which two sounds would this tongue-twister aid to pronounce? (2marks)

(ii) Identify two words that have the same pronunciation in the tongue twister (1mark)

(iii) Identify two sound features in the tongue-twister (4marks)

(iv) Describe two possible ways the audience would react to the recitation of the tongue twister.

(v) What pace would you use to utter this tongue twister? (1mark)

(b) In the following groups of words one of the underlined sounds is different from the rest. Write the
word with a different sound (6marks)
(i) said paid laid………………………..
(ii) saw sort hot…………………………


(iii) audience haunt loud………………
(iv) catch march archaic……………….
(v) high honest harmful………………
(vi) them three thin…………………….
(c ) A guest speaker came to your school to address you on the ways of preventing the spread of
Covid19. At the end you concluded that the speech was well delivered. Suggest six reasons why you
concluded so. (6marks)
(c) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow

Nightsong City Sleep well, my love,

sleep well: the harbor lights glaze over restless
docks, police cars cockroach through the tunnel

from the shanties creaking iron sheets violence

like a bug-infested rag is tossed
and fear is immanent as sound in wind-swung bell;

the long day’s anger pants from sand and rocks;

but for this breathing night at least, my
land, my love, sleep well.
Dennis Brutus.

(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2marks)

(ii) Which words would you stress in the third line of the poem and why? (3marks)

(iii) (How would you say the last line of the poem? (3marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


You are the captain of your school. You have noticed that students are coming to school in clothing
that is not part of the school uniform. You need to inform them to desist from that behavior. Write an
internal memo reminding them of the prescribed uniform and the consequences of wearing illegal


Fill in each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.

In (1)…………………………….to pass examinations well, one needs to (2)………………...a good

foundation from the beginning. Revising (3)………………. for the examinations requires you to

actually study and (4)………………your facts rather than memorizing them. (5)………………of the

main problems that (6)………..…..students face is anxiety. A little bit of anxiety before examinations

is okay but too much (7)………………detrimental. Excess anxiety may come from

(8)…………………understanding the crucial points in a topic before moving (9)……………… to the

next. When students simply gloss (10)…………………facts, they fail to understand them and

therefore they get mixed up or confused before examinations.


a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought

I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought
And with the old woes new wail my dear time’s waste Then
can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
For previous friends hid in death’s dateless night,
And weep a fresh love’s long since cancelled woe,
And moan the expense of many a vanished sight.
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o’er.


The sad account of foregone-bemoaned moan, Which
I now pay as if not paid before .
But if the while I think of thee, dear friend, All
losses are restored and sorrows end.

William Shakespeare

(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above (2 marks)

(ii) Identify the most dominant sound devices in the poem (2 marks)
b) Read the oral literature item below and answer the questions that follow.

Slipperiness knows no king.

(i) Identify an element of musicality contained in the proverb above (2 marks)

(ii) Identify two occasions in which the above proverb can be used (4marks)

c) Identify the odd one out in each of the following sets by underlining according to the
pronunciation of bold part of the words. (4 marks)

(i) Enough staff dough graph

(ii) Deposit rapport report debutant

(iii) Hour honour heir heifer

(iv) Prison reason person season

d) For each of the following words, provide a word pronounced the same. (3 marks)

(i) What ………………………..

(ii) Quire ……………………….

(iii) Come ………………………….

e) You are having a group discussion with your colleagues on the set text “Blossoms of the
Savanna.” One of your group mates is contributing to the discussion but you are eager to chip
in with something. State any three cues that would tell you that it is your turn to make a


contribution. (3 marks)

f) Explain how you would greet a friend you meet on the road while taking a walk (3 marks)
g) Read the following dialogue between Portia and the Principal then answer the questions
that follow.

Principal: Welcome Portia, please have a seat.

Portia: (After sitting down) Sir, why did you call me?

Principal: I would like us to have a little chat about..................

Portia: I have not done anything wrong; you can even ask Jedidiah, the class prefect I
was with her the whole day yesterday.

Principal: Actually, the reason I called you is because...

Portia: Speak louder. I can’t hear you.

Principal : (In a louder voice). The reason why I sent for you is because I have just received
news from...

Portia: (Shouting). Jacky! I knew that fool could not be trusted with a secret. Okay, it’s
true that Elijah and I sneaked out of school yesterday but we were hungry, really
hungry. All we did was buy a loaf of bread and then came back to school.

Principal: Portia, I wish you could listen to me. The reason why I called you here is because
I have received news that you have won an award in the creative writing contest
that you entered last year. I have a cheque here for you. However, you have raised
a matter that I would love to attend to without further delay. Please go and call
Elijah. By the time you get back I will have decided on the best punishment for
you two.

(i) How does the principal establish rapport with the student? (2 marks)
Prove that Portia is a poor listener. (2 marks)
(ii) What evidence is there in the dialogue to suggest that Portia demonstrates lack of etiquette
in her speech? (3marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30



You are youth leader in your estate. write the speech you would read during one of the political rallies
on the role of the youth in maintaining peace during the campaign period(20 marks)
2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
(10 marks)
It is tough to be the only one who says” no” to peer pressure, but you can do it.
(1)……………………….attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can
help you stand firm, walk away and (2)……………………….doing something when you know better. It
can really help to have at least one other peer or friend who is (3)…………………………….. to say no
too. This takes a lot of power out of peer pressure and makes it much easier to resist. It is great to have
friends with values (4)………………………to yours who will back you
(5)………………………….when you don’t want to do something. You’ve probably heard a parent or
teacher (6)………………….you to ‘choose your friends wisely’. Peer pressure is a big reason why
they say this. Even if you are faced with peer pressure while you are alone, there are still things you
can do. You can (7)………………..stay away from peers who pressure you to do stuff you know is
(8)…………………….. You can tell them no and walk away.
Better yet, find other friends (9)…………………………….. Classmates to pal around with. If you
continue to face peer pressure and you are finding it difficult to (10)…………………,talk to someone
you trust.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30 Marks)

a) Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow. (8marks)
I want to write a poem, but I don't know where to start.
Should it be an ode to love and come straight from the heart?
Or should it wax lyrical of sky and moon and stars, or of
planets of our universe Pluto, Jupiter, or Mars?

It could be of the flora or fauna of this, our wonderful land, or of

walking barefoot on a lonely beach kicking up the sand. Of countries
and of places where the surroundings seem so strange, frozen lands,
dense jungles, valleys deep and of vast mountain's range.

Rivers long, the life blood of lands they pass along their way,
irrigating crops and refreshing thirsts continually night and day. Or of the
sheer beauty of Mother Nature we can experience all around, from the
gigantic right down to microscopic, many wondrous things abound.


Maybe of the sadness felt when the highest price is paid, be
it that of unselfish sacrifice of life or whenever it is made.

(i) Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem? (2 marks)

(ii) Using illustrations show how rhythm has been achieved in the poem. (3 marks)

(iii) Would you use a rising or falling intonation in reading line 3 in of this poem?
Give a reason. (1 mark)

(iv) How would you say the last line of the second last stanza? (2 marks)

b) Identify the odd one out from the following groups of words according to the pronunciation of
the underlined sounds. (2 marks)
(i) Respect religion referee.....................................................

(ii) Keys advise books...............................................

c) Molly has been invited by her friend to attend homecoming ceremony. She goes to the father to ask
for permission to attend the party. However, her father turns down her request. What advice can you
give her to improve on her negotiation skills? (3 marks)

d) Identify the silent letter(s) in the following words. (3 marks)

(i) Disciplinary ................................................................................................


(ii) Glisten ................................................................................................ (iii) Succumb
e) Read the short forms below and answer questions that follow.
I bought a boat because it was for sail
a) Classify the artefact above (1 Mark)

b) Write the homophones of the following words evident in the artefact above. (1 mark)
i) Boat
ii) ii) Sale
f) (i) Identify the two parts of the genre below. (2 marks)
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.

g) Explain the meaning that comes out when the underlined words in the
sentence below are stressed. (3 marks)

(i) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.
(ii) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.
(iii) The generous man gave the poor girl school fees.

h) After you delivered your points during a debate, everyone claped for you. How did you
deliver your points to earn their applause? (3 marks)

i) You are the Chairperson of a panel that is set to carry out an important interview.

(i) Explain briefly what you would do in preparation for this important occasion. (2 marks)

(ii) What would you consider in selecting the most suitable interviewee? (2 marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


A friend has written to say that he will be traveling to another country via Kenya. He hopes that you can
host him for a day in your house. However, something very important comes up the material day and you
have to be away. You leave the key to your house with a neighbour who will give it to your visitor. Write
a letter to that friend explaining the situation. Also assist him prepare dinner in your absence.


Fill in the blank space in the passage with the most appropriate word
The issue of birth certificates as a (1)____________________ for registration of candidates has
ignited a lot of concern for parents with students sitting for this year’s examinations. Whereas we are
concerned about the issue of foreigners in this country. This directive has (2)______________ many
parents and students alike unprepared. (3) ____________________instance, most students sitting in
this year’s K.C.S.E were born in the late 90s and if they happen not to have even birth certificates,
which is (4)_____________________ likely, it also means that they don’t have even their birth
notification cards. (5)______________________ birth certificates under these circumstances, and
within the given time frame, is (6)_________________ . The authorities (7)
________________________with the issuance of these documents (8)__________________process
them urgently. (9)_________________ is a serious matter. Candidates have been given a very short
time to (10) these documents.
I. Read the poem below and answer the question that follows.
Make me a grave where’er you will,
In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill,
Make it among earth’s humblest graves, But
not in a land where men are slaves.

I could not rest if around my grave,

I heard the steps of a trenching slave;
His shadow above my silent tomb,
Would make it a place of fearful gloom.

I could not rest if I heard the tread

Of a coffee going to the shambles led,
And the mother’s shriek of wild despair
Rise like a curse on the trembling air
(by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)


a) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above. (2marks)
b) Apart from rhyme, identify two other ways rhythm has been achieved. (4marks)
c) Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience is fully participating during the
recitation of the above poem. (2marks) d) How would you say the last line of the poem?
(2marks) II. Which intonation would you use to say each of the underlined words?
(4marks) Malusu: Omenda what time is the meeting tomorrow?............................
Omenda: (surprised) Tomorrow!...............................
Malisu: You didn’t forget, ……………….. did you?.............................
Omenda: I’m afraid I did. ………………………………
III. For each of the following words, write another word that is pronounced the same.
a) Male ………………………
b) Blue ……………………….
c) Hire ………………………
d) Ewe . ……………………..
IV. Identify the odd one out according to the highlighted vowel sound.
a) delete emperor religion …………………………
b) gone tone bone ……………………………
c) said paid laid ……………………………
d) food fool book …………………………….
V. Read the telephone conversation below and answer the questions that follows: ( A
Mr. Kamau calls wishing to speak to Mr. Onyango , the store-keeper, who is not in at the
time of the call. Mr. Mwema receives the call and record the message for Mr. Onyango.)
Miss Mwema: Good morning,Homebased Care for Youth Counselling,
How may I help you?
Mr Kamau: Good morning to you. May I speak to Mr Onyango please?
Miss Mwema: I ‘m afraid he is not in at the moment. May I take a message? for
Mr Kamau : Yes please.Tell that Mr Kamau of Graphic Designs Centre called to
Confirm the order for the display posters.
Miss Mwema : I will. May I have your contact please?
Mr Kamau: My telephone number is 0711200232
Miss Mwema : 0-7-1-1-2-0-0-2-3-2 ( As she writes down)
Mr Kamau : Yes, that is the number. Who am I speaking to?
Miss Mwema : Miss Mwema the receptionist.
Mr Kamau : Thank you Miss Mwema . Have a good day.
Miss Mwema: Have a good day too and thank you for calling.
a) Identify four telephone conversation skills that have been exhibited by the
speakers in the conversation above to make it successful.


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


Drama Club, for which you are a member, needs to raise a sum of Kshs 20,000/= to aid them on their
trip to Muranga for a Drama Contest. To yours and the other members astonishment, the school
Principal has offered to give you Kshs 15,000/=.

a. Write a memorandum to the other club members inviting them to a meeting to discuss this
development. (12 mks)
b. Write the Principal a note to sincerely thank him/her for their generosity.
2. Cloze Test (10mks)
Fill in each of the blank spaces in the following passage with the most appropriate word.

From the modest achievement of overcoming Maths and Science anxiety, some students at St. Alberts
Ulanda Girls High School (1)……………………… Migori County have launched a thriving water
bottling business and are now looking (2)………………………… to raking millions from the venture.

(3)………………. plant, operated strictly by students currently produces 3,600 half litre bottles
(4)……………………… month. They plan to expand its capacity to tap (5)………………. the
commercial market.

As the (6)……………….……..awaits certification by the Kenya Bureau of (7)…………………(

KEBS), the (8)…………………. water is internally sold to members of staff, administration and the
(9)…………………… than 2,400 students at the school.

The water is sourced from the nearby River Oyani (10)……………………… undergoing a series of
purification processes, after which it is released for consumption.

3. Oral skills (30mks)

a. Read the following oral poem and then answer the questions that follow.
Oh! It has dawned
Oh! It has dawned
You asking for a loin cloth to take where?

Ii ii ii It has dawned
You asking for a loin cloth to take where?

Uncircumcised man of Ngiro,

It has dawned
What do you need a loin cloth for?

Now only your mother can help you

Uncircumcised man of Ngiro What
do you need a loin cloth for?


Won’t you call your mother to plead for you? Oh!
It has dawned.

Ii ii ii it has dawned
What do you need a loin cloth for?

i. Identify three aspects of oral performance that make this oral poem easy to remember. (3 mks)
ii. In what ways would you make the performance of this oral poem effective? (3mks)
iii. If you were to perform this oral poem, what preparations would you make to ensure that the
performance is effective? (4mks)

b. A form one student is trying to compose a poem with alliteration. She has come up with the
following list of words. Advise by picking out from the list below five pairs that alliterate.

Few utensils cool

Cite utter chair
One soil mash
Own chef won
Kite shoe phloem

c. You are attending an interview after which if you are successful, you will get promotion. Give
four non-verbal cues that can earn you marks. (4mks)
d. List down five circumstances that may force one to interrupt a speaker. (5mks)
e. You are stranded at a bus stop. You decide to ring your Principal to report that you cannot arrive
in school in time for classes. Below is a part of the conversation. Fill in the missing part.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
School secretary: I’m sorry the Principal is in a meeting and cannot speak to you at the moment.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
School secretary: May I know your class teacher please?
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………. (1mk)
School secretary: I am sorry Mrs Mbau is already in class. Could you leave a message?
You: (1mk)
School secretary: Oh! Mrs Muli is your house mistress? Just hold on as I connect you to her. Mrs
Muli: Hello. What can I do for you?
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….(1mk)
Mrs Muli: Sorry, I’ll inform your class teacher about your predicament. Bye for now.
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….(1mk)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30


33 |PageformarkingschemesinboxMrChepkwonyon0724361706
1. Functional Writing.
You are the chairperson of your school’s Drama Club. There is a performance of the Literature set books
by Jetset Theatre Group in your school scheduled to be held in two weeks’ time. Write a letter to a
neighbouring school inviting their candidate class to attend the performance. In your letter briefly, describe
the directions to your school. (20 marks)

2. Close test. ( 10 marks )

Fill in the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an (i)…………………………… disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will (ii)………………… mild
to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those
with (iii)………………………………… medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop (iv)…………………………illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down (v)……………………………is to be well informed about the
COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. (vi)………………………… yourself and
others from infection by washing your hands or using an (vii)……………………… based rub
frequently and not touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily
(viii)…………………………… droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected
(ix)…………………………… coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also (x)……………………
respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow)
3. Oral Skills. (30 marks)

a) Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow.
The Foolish Hyena.

A long time ago, the Hare and the Hyena lived together as friends. The Hare was craftier than the Hyena.
On several occasions, the Hare tricked the Hyena and put him in problems. One day, they planned to go
on a journey and because the journey was long, they needed food. The Hare and the Hyena each had his
own food. They began the journey very early in the morning. They travelled until they came to a river. As
the Hyena was looking the other side, the Hare hurriedly hid his food and picked a stone. He then threw
that stone in the river and deceived the Hyena that he had thrown his food into the river. He told the hyena
to do the same. The Hyena foolishly got his food and threw it into the river. They continued with their


journey until they felt hungry. Therefore, when they came to the next river, the Hare went into the river
and washed his hands. When the hyena saw the Hare wash his hands, he also went in and washed his.
Then the Hare asked him, “you are washing hands, what do you want to eat? Then the Hyena also asked
the Hare, “you have also washed the hands, what do you want to eat? Then the Hare replied, “I want to
eat my food.” Then he got his food and began to eat. When the Hyena asked him for something to eat, the
Hare refused saying, “you threw your food into the river.”

The Hyena said, “So you hid your food and deceived me that you had thrown it into the river.” The
Hyena had to stay hungry until they reached where they were going.

i. What would you do in order to capture the audience’s attention before you begin to tell this
ii. Explain three ways in which you would know that your audience in this story is fully
participating in the performance of this narrative. (3 marks)
iii. How would you perform this line, “...what do you want to eat?” (2 marks)
b) Identify the silent letters in the words provided below. (4 marks)

i. Phlegm. ..................................................................
ii. Sandwich. ............................................................... iii. Debris.
iv. Sovereign. ...............................................................
v. Sovereign. ................................................................
c) You are listening to a speech on drug and substance abuse by your guidance and counselling
teacher. After the speech, the teacher calls you on stage to summarise what she has been talking about.
How would you ensure that your presentation is effective? (6 marks)

d) For each of the following sentences, indicate whether you would with a rising or a falling
intonation. (4 marks)
i. Why are you sleeping in class? .......................................................................................
ii. Take off your sweater. ...................................................................................................... iii.
What a shame to sleep during the lesson! .........................................................................
iv. Can I go take some water please? .....................................................................................


e) The underlined part indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Explain the meaning of each
sentence. (3marks )

i. You are being called by the teacher. ii.

You are being called by the teacher.
iii. You are being called by the teacher.
f) The following is a conversation between a father and his son. Read the conversation and answer the
questions that follow.

Son: (bangs the door) Dad, I want some money right now.

Father: (stretching his hand to greet the son) Good afternoon my son, how was your ...

Son: Dad, did you hear me! I said I want some money.

Father: (looking surprised) I heard you, but is that how you talk to your elders?

i. Identify the shortcomings in the son’s conversational skills. (3 marks) ii.

What should the son do to improve his conversational skills? (3 marks )


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date…………………………………


Paper 1

(Functional Skills)

2 hours

Instructions to Candidate.

a. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
b. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
c. Answer ALL questions in this questions paper.
d. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
e. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
For Examiner’s Use Only

Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score

1 20

2 10

3 30



You are a form four student at Tahidi High school. You have come across an advertisement in the
Daily Nation Newspaper on the courses offered at Horizon Computer College. You would like to
pursue a short term course in Computer Graphics, during the December holiday as you await the
KCSE results. Write a letter to the Director of the college inquiring about the duration of the
course, fee structure, admission requirements and any other relevant details. (20mks)

Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate words.

Wedding songs are songs sung at weddings or marriage (1)………………………They praise

the (2) ……………..and the groom. In the African contemporary society, these
(3)……………..poems are very common. They are (4)…………………referred to as nuptial
songs. When analyzing songs, it is imperative to look at their characteristics and (5)
………………Wedding songs educate on expectations of (6)……………………..The
newlyweds (7) ………………be patient with each other. They should love and respect
(8)……………….other. Wedding songs also praise the groom. For instance, a man is praised
for his (9) ………………..to take care of his wife and children. Lastly, wedding songs
express (10) ……………… for the bride leaving home.


(a) Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow. (11mks)

Why the bat flies by night

A bush rat called Oyot was a great friend of Emiong, the bat. They always fed
together, but the bat was jealous of the bush rat. When the bat cooked food, it was
always very good, and the bush rat said, “how is it that when you make the soup, it
is so tasty?”

The bat replied, “I always boil myself in the water, and the flesh is so sweet that the
soup is good. I’ll show you how it is done,”

So, he got a pot of warm water, which he told the bush rat was boiling water, and he
jumped into it, chumbyu! And very shortly afterwards came out again. When the
soup was brought, it was as strong and good as usual, as the bat had prepared it
beforehand. The bush rat then went home and said to his wife, “I’m going to make
good soup like the bat’s. Boil some water.” His wife did as instructed. Then when his
wife was not looking, he jumped into the pot, and was very soon dead.

When his wife looked into the pot and saw the dead body of her husband boiling,
she was very angry. She reported the matter to the king, who gave orders that the
bat should be made prisoner. Everyone turned out to catch the bat, but as he
expected trouble, he flew away into the bush and hid himself. All day long, the
people tried to catch him.

So, he had to change habits, and only came out to feed when it is dark, and that is
why you never see a bat in the daytime.

i. What would you do to draw the audience’s attention before telling this story?(2mks)


ii. Which facial expression would you wear when narrating the following words?

“How is it that when you make the soup, it is so tasty?” (2mks)


iii. Identify and illustrate a sound device from the story. (2mks)


iv. How would you narrate the following utterance? “Everyone turned out to catch the
bat, but as he expected trouble, he flew away into the bush and hid himself”. (2mks)


v. Identify a happening in the story that would make the audience gasp in shock. (1mk)


vi. Who is the most suitable audience for this narrative? Give a reason. (2mks)


(b) For each of the following words, provide another that is pronounced the same
way. (6mks)

i. Berry –

ii. Air –

iii. Blew –

iv. Ate –

v. Waist –

vi. Mail –

(c) Fill each of the blank spaces with the correctly stressed word from the choices
given. (4mks)

Karen : I am quite …………………….(‘upset,up’set) at the way this company runs.

Kyle : What do you mean? I have always thought you are full of
…………………..(‘content, con’tent)

Karen : Not really. The manager will always ……………….(‘project, pro’ject) at anybody
who questions his leadership style.

Kyle : Well, you have little choice then. You have to………………..(‘conduct, con’duct)
yourself well.

(d) For each of the following sentences indicate whether you would say it with a
falling or rising intonation. (4mks)

i. Which hospital does Khadija go to?

ii. Martin never liked people who told lies.

iii. They cook very good food in Bantu restaurant.

iv. Have you ever been to Naivasha?

(e) You have been invited to a job interview.

i. Explain briefly what you would need to do before the occasion to ensure that you look
presentable. (2mks)
ii. What else would you need to do before the interview to ensure success? (3mks)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number ……………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date……………………………………

Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Cloze Test and Oral Skills)
Instructions to students
• Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
• Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.
• Answer all questions in the spaces provided
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
• This paper consists of 7 printed pages.
• Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing
• Candidates must answer all questions in English

Question Maximum Student’s Examiner’s

Score Score Initials

1 20

2 10

3 30


1. Imagine you have cleared your KCSE examinations and have received your results. As you
wait to join university, you see an advertisement in the Daily Mail by Safaricom Company
for position of salespeople. The position will last for four months. Those to be recruited
✓ be 18 years and above
✓ have scored C+ and above with C+ in English and Mathematics
✓ be fluent in English and Kiswahili
✓ be computer literate.

a) Write the application letter for the above position.

The application letter should be addressed to:

The Human Resource Manager,

Safaricom Company Limited,
P. O. Box 66827 - 0000800,
Nairobi. (12 marks)

b) Write the Curriculum Vitae that will accompany your application letter. (8 marks)



Read the passage below and fill in each blank with an appropriate word.

Residents of Turkana County (i) .............................raised fears over (ii) ........................... even as
joint police and military operation to flush out bandits continue. Despite the (iii) ...........................
deployment of National Police Service (NPS) (iv) .................................... Kenya Defense Forces
(KDF) personnel, (v) ................................ of attacks are still on the (vi) ............................ . The
latest incident was the Sunday raid at Lomelo area in Turkana East (vii) ...........................
suspected bandits believed to have crossed (viii) ........................... from Tiaty in Baringo,
surrounded a village and (ix) ............................ fire at the residents and security officers
(x)............................ the Camp.


(a) Read the oral narrative below and answer the question that follow:

The chameleon and the Hare

Chameleon and the hare had always had misunderstandings. They always quarreled over
who between them could run faster than the other.

“Chameleon, you are the slowest animal on earth,” laughed the hare. “You cannot compete
in any race, even among the slowest animals, including snails.”

“My friend hare, please avoid blowing your own trumpet I am certain you cannot defeat me
in a race. I will finish the race and have enough time to take a meal and a nap before you
arrive”. And the great competition was set. Then the day came.

“On your marks, set, go!” the elephant started the race.

No sooner had the race started than the chameleon jumped on the hare’s tail. The hare ran
like he had never run before. At the finishing line he started celebrating but when he
attempted to sit down and wait for the chameleon, the chameleon shouted, “wooi!” please
do not sit on me! I arrived long enough to have a meal and a nap. You can never defeat me
in a race!”

(i) Explain three ways in which you would capture the attention of the audience before
you start performing this narrative. (3 marks)


(ii) Explain four ways in which you would know that you have captured and retained the
attention of the audience as the narrator. (4 marks)


(b) Provide another word pronounced the same as each of the following words: (3 marks)
(i) Genes - ...........................................
(ii) Flair - ...............................................
(iii) braid - ..............................................

(c) Study the conversation below between a taxi driver and a passage who is disturbed by loud
music playing in the vehicle.

Passenger: Excuse me sir, would you mind reducing the volume of the music please.
Taxi driver
(ignoring her): Hey, where should I drop you?
Passenger: Excuse me sir, did you hear me?
Taxi driver: What is it woman? The volume is okay.
Passenger: It’s just a request as I need to receive a call.
Taxi driver
(interrupting): Then you should buy your own car.
Passenger: I am sorry if I offended you but you have heard ...
Taxi driver: You have also heard my point.


(i) Identify three instances of lack of etiquette on the part of the taxi driver. (3 marks)
(ii) Identify two instances of etiquette characteristics of the passenger. (2 marks)

(d) What difference would there be in meaning of the sentence if stress falls on each of the
following words in the sentence below:

My sister went to the market

(i) My

(ii) sister
(iii) went
(iv) market
(e) Indicate the intonation in the following sentences. (4 marks)
(i) How do you write a good composition?
(ii) What a wonder!
(iii) Have you had your supper?
(iv) Wesa likes eating fruits after lunch.

(f) Underline the silent letters in the following words. (3 marks)

(i) plumber
(ii) raspberry
(iii) bouquet

(g) Imagine you are the chairperson of a group discussion in your class. How would you
ensure that the group discussion is successful? (4 marks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date……………………………………

Instructions to students
• Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided.

• Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.

• Answer all questions in the spaces provided

• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

• This paper consists of 7 printed pages.

• Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing

• Candidates must answer all questions in English.

Question Maximum Student’s Examiner’s

Score Score Initials

1 20

2 10

3 30


Imagine you are the sales manager of Wazuri Company. Your company has come up with a new
model of a phone.
a) Write an advertisement that is to appear in one of the dailies.

b)Assume that you run The Wasafi Electronics Shop in Turbo . You have read the advert and
you need Wazuri Company to supply you with the above phone. Write a letter of request. In the
letter, specify the number of phones, means of transportation and any other details you deem
relevant. (10mks)

Fill in the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word. (10 marks)
Four weeks to the Africities Summit, (i) ………………………….. host city of Kisumu is
bristling (ii) ……………………………………. excitement and anticipation, with good reason.
(iii) ………………………………….. 10,000 visitors are expected to converge on the lakeside
city, drawn (iv) …………………………. By a continental summit that happens one every three
(v) ………………………… About 5,000 of them will be foreign delegates keen to join in a
discourse that African cities and how they evolving into a truly unpredictable (vi)
…………………………… The other 4000 will be exhibitors at a gigantic exhibitions centre and
service providers to ensure that the (vii) ………………………………. do not lack anything.
Many have been skeptical (viii) ………………………….. Kisumu could handle such a large
influx of people even if it is the third largest city in the country. Well, the city is well-prepared in
all aspects. It has been for a while. Significant investments have been made in infrastructure and
(ix) ……………………………. is still going on to complete roads around and near the Mambolea
ASK Showground where the event will be held. The major streets are spruced up, as they have
been for many months, thanks to the work done (x) …………………………. the County
Government of Kisumu.


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket
of food to her grandmother. Finally the little did come along and she was carrying the basket of
food. “Are you carrying the basket to your grandmother?” Asked the wolf. The little girl
answered,”Yes I am.” So the wolf asked the girl where her grandmother lived. When the girl told
him, he disappeared to the woods.
When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother’s house, she noticed there was somebody
in bed with a night cap and a night gown. She realized that it was the wolf, so the little girl took a
gun from her basket and shot the wolf dead.

i) If you were narrating this story, how would you ensure your audience remains glued to
the story? (3 marks)


i) How would you say the words of the girl and the wolf in your narration? (2 marks)

ii) How would you prepare yourself to effectively tell the story? (3 marks)


b) Your class wants to put up a play. You have to decide which of the two plays among your
set books to perform. Your teacher has asked you to lead a group discussion to choose one.
What will you do to make sure the discussion remains calm and constructive?
(4 marks)


c) e. Mary cannot bear children

i) Identify the above genre.

ii) Give the two possible meanings of the above (2 marks)

iii) Give one function of the above genre. (1 marks)


d) For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same way but is
spelt differently and has a different meaning. (3 marks)
i) Know ………………………………..
ii) Gate ………………………………..
iii) Bare ………………………………..
e) Indicate the appropriate intonation at the end of each sentence. (4 marks)
i) Have all the students been registered? …………………………………...
ii) Stop wasting time. …………………………………….
iii) That was superb! …………………………………….
iv) There is hope for Cancer patients. …………………………………

f) Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.
Owuor : Before she died of liver cancer, my sister felt a lot of pain and lost a lot
of weight.
Chondo : Talking about pain, had a toothache last night. I tell you. I couldn’t
Owuor : Yes, so about my sister…….
Chondo : You remind me about my own sister. Infact she wrote to me last week
telling me about her son’s fees. She believes I have more money
than I need, and that I should give her some.
Owuor : Well, maybe you have a lot of money. But thank you for being such
good listener.
Chondo : What! Have I offended you?

i.] Point out three reasons that you think made Owuor decide to stop the conversation. [3mks]




(ii) How could Chondo have reacted to Owuor’s problems in a more acceptable manner? (2mks)



iii) List down five circumstances that may force one to interrupt a speaker. [2mks)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date…………………………………………………

Paper 1
(Functional skills, Cloze test and Oral skills)
Time 2 hours

1. Answer all questions in this question paper.

2. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.








1 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over


Your drama club is organizing to stage a performance of Henrik Ibsen’s play “In a Doll’s House”
in your school.

You are inviting neighboring schools to attend the performance. Each school will be required to
provide entry fee, transport, lunch and writing materials for the students.

a) Write a public notice. (12mks)


2 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over

b) In not more the 200 words, write a synopsis to accompany the notice. (8mks)

3 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over


4 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over


Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with most appropriate words. (10mks)
Increased internet penetration in Africa over the past (1) …………………………….has unlocked numerous
opportunities, helping economies to blossom and increasing (2)………..………..to learning and educational
But this digital take over isn’t without its (3)……………………….………… . Just as the adoption of digital
banking leads to more cybercrime (4)…………………………….……increased internet access leaves
children (5) ………………………………..…to online harm including sexual exploitation and abuse.
Online sexual exploitation and abuse of children (OSEAC) in Africa is much more
(6) ……………..………….than many imagine. Minors today find themselves exposed to lurking danger
every time they (7) …………………………..online whether it is to chat and catch up on social media, do
homework or play a (8)……………. …… .
A 2021 (9) ……………………………… in Kenya showed 5-13 percent of internet using children aged
12-17 experienced online child sexual exploitation and abuse; seven percent (350,000) had their sexual (10)
………………………... shared with others without their consent.


a.) Study the poem below and answer the question that follows. (8mks)


“Ah are you digging on my grave,

My loved one?-planting rue?’’
‘’No yesterday he went to wed.
One of the brightest wealth has bred.
‘It cannot hurt her now,’ he said,
‘That I should not be true,’
‘’Then who is digging on my grave,

My nearest dearest kin?’’

“Ah no: they sit and think,” what use!
What good will planting flowers produce?
No tendance of her mound can loose
Her spirit from Death’s gin’’
By Thomas Hardy

5 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over

i) Describe the rhyme scheme of stanza 2 (2mks)
ii.) Identify any instance of alliteration in stanza 1 (1mk)
iii) How would you say line two stanza 1 and why? (2mks)
iv) Supposing you were to perform this poem to your class how would you prepare? (3mks)
3.b) From the list below, identify any five pairs of words that are pronounced the same way. (5mks)
Lick blue pair much hill heel
Dear pear witch deer leak sin west
Whole blew hole waste seen which march

6 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over

3. c) State whether the following sentences have falling or rising intonation. (3mks)
i) Who do you think took my book? ..........................................................................................................
ii) Did he go to Kampala? ............................................................................................................................
iii) They have been revising hard for the coming examination......................................................................

3 d.) Read the following genre and answer the questions that follow.
Frightful frowns frustrate fresh friendships.
i) Identify the above genre. (1mk)
ii) What is lost when the above genre is translated. (2mks)
3.e. Rita was part of the audience listening to a speech on how to control the spread of HIV and AIDS
among the youth, after the speech, the teacher asked them to discuss in class what they had learnt.
Rita could not remember much, what do you think Rita failed to do during the speech? (4mks)
3.f) Imagine you are a speaker at a youth rally. Identify three speech enhancing cues you would employ
and for each, briefly explain how it would make speech more effective. (3mks)

7 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over

g) Read the dialogue below then answer question that follow.
Rehema: Good morning, Aisha
Aisha: Good morning.
Rehema: (Frowning) You don’t look happy. What’s the matter?
Aisha: I have just received a call from home and……...
Rehema: Ah, these fellows from home are always calling. My mother also called me.
Aisha: Well, in my case, it is bad news. My brother………..
Rehema: As I was saying, my mother called me, and all she wanted to tell me is that they’re fine.
(shaking her head absentmindedly)
Aisha: My brother was involved in a car accident. But you’re not listening…………
Rehema: What did you say?
Aisha: (despairingly) I give up.

i) Identify any three Rehema’s shortcomings in the above dialogue. (3mks)



8 ENGLISH 101/1 Turn Over

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date………………………………………

(a) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided
(c) Answer all the questions in this question paper.
(d) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided.
(e) This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
(f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates MUST answer the questions in English.
For Examiner’s Use Only

Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score

1 20
2 10
3 30
Total Score

Page 1 of 5
1. Imagine you are the Secretary of the Drama club in your school and you would wish to
participate in a three-day festival organized by the Kenya National Theatre. Your club has a
membership of fifty who would like to stage an enactment of A Doll’s House in the festival.
Write a letter to the manager of the theatre seeking information on:
i) Accommodation.
ii) Charges if any.
iii) Duration of performance.
iv) Dates. (20 Marks)

2. Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word. (10 marks)
More regulations and rules guiding gambling should be put in place to protect gamblers and our
economy. Betting has (a) ……………………….a way of life for many young people because of
unemployment. Gambling seems a (b) …………………………way for them to make money. It is
(c) …………………that 76 percent of young people in Kenya gamble, (d)……………………the
growing awareness of its drawbacks.
There is little regulation that offers (e) ……………………………………….to people from
gambling harm.(f)………………….., gambling is legal and is perceived a recreational activity but
there are no clear laws governing sports betting. The closest the (g)…………………… came to
regulating the industry was in September 2018 when a 20 percent tax on wins was introduced
(h)………………….the Finance Bill. Unfortunately, such moves may be too little too late for a
number of youths who now see gambling as part of their pathway out of (i)……………………
The government should move in (j)………………………….to contain the situation if we are to
overcome the consequences of gambling.

2. (a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.


Staring at me from the window
Down upon my head on the pillow.
This legendary round cheese
Smiling from the sky with ease
So beautiful, so bright.
Bathing me in such a mellow comforting light.

(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2mks)

(ii) If you were to recite the poem, what effect would the rhyme scheme described in (i) above
have? (2marks)

Page 2 of 5
(iii) Explain two non – verbal cues you would use to make the performance of the poem more
effective. (2 marks)

(b) You are giving a talk on the dangers of the HIV/AIDS pandemic to a group of young
people. Your talk centres around what you have seen in the village, the loss of relatives and
friends, orphaned children and the general impoverishment of the area. Describe any two
possible ways of ending the talk and explain the advantage of each one of them.
(c) For each of the following three words, provide another word that is pronounced the same.
a) fête …………………………………………….
b) barren …………………………………………
c) Suite …………………………………………..
(d) Study the words in each of the following groups, then indicate the odd one out in terms of
pronunciation. (3marks)
i) Chamois, chic, chef, char. ………………………………………………………
ii) Sugar, swell, sue, seal. …………………………………….……………………
iii) Phantom, psychic, fiddle, phoenix ……………………………………………
(e) What will be the meaning of the sentences below if the underlined words are stressed?
(2 marks)

Page 3 of 5
(i) The young boy played with a toy car.
(ii) The young boy played with a toy car.
(f) Underline the stressed syllable in the words in bold type. (2marks)
i) The a∙larm did not a∙larm anyone .
ii) We were forced to de∙sert our fertile land and now, here we are in a total de∙sert.
(g) Read the following conversation and then answer the questions that follow:-
Juma : I am so happy! (Jumps up) we finally did it! Seven sweet goals! The Reds vanquished
The Red Devils.
Shakii : No doubt about that victory! Riverfool…..
Collins: (interrupting) Shut up your pointed beak! It’s Liverpool not
Riverfool! Simply stated; The Reds.
Shakii : Accept my apology. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. For your
information Collins, Liverpool isn’t my team. That
notwithstanding, the fact remains that The Reds outran and
outfoxed The Red Devils. I watched the match myself.
Juma : Hold your peace, boy. Are you not aware of the adage that goes: he
who fights the truth, fights against God! Manchester United can beat any other team
in the English premier league but not Liverpool: that’s the truth, period!
Collins: Sure? Come to think of it, have you ever stopped to wonder why all the beautiful
women in this present world and probably the one that will come, prefer to associate
with Liverpool players and fans rather than those of Manchester United? Still
wondering? Answer is obvious: Manchester United players are not only short and
ugly but also daft morons!
Juma: To be honest, you could be saying the truth as far as your captain’s snatching of Wayne
Bridges’ girlfriend is concerned. However, don’t you think it’s a show case of
immorality, for a married man like him to engage in an extra-marital affair?
Ninema: Guys, let’s end the entire talk. I do not know much about football but why can’t we
talk about AFC Leopards, Sofa Paka, and Western Stima! Isn’t there any football
being played in Kenya? I am sure that if we support the Kenyan, or better still the
African teams as we faithfully support teams in The Bundesliga, UEFA Champions
League, UEFA Europa League or any other……
Collins : (interrupting) What can a woman tell us on football? I would listen to you if and only
if the topic was on soap………
Shakii : (interrupting) Sorry for interrupting you Collins. Please allow Ninema to give her
Juma : True.
Ninema: Thank you Shakii. What I…..mean is, who in England or even Europe talks about
Western Stima? Anyway, thanks for your company! (Walks away)

Page 4 of 5
i) Identify and illustrate any two things that show lack of courtesy on the part of Collins.

ii) From the above dialogue, identify any two features that demonstrate etiquette in conversation.
iii) With relevant illustrations from the above dialogue state any two features that characterize
natural speech. (2marks)

Page 5 of 5
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number ……………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date……………………………………






1. Write your name admission number and class in the spaces provided.
2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.
3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
4. Answer must be written in English


1. 20

2. 10

3. 30



Page 1 of 5
1. Imagine you are the secretary of the farmer`s club in your school. In consultation
with the chairperson, you call a meeting on 22nd June 2023 at 3:00pm . Out of the
total membership of 10, 7 attended , two are absent with apologies.
The club patron also attended the meeting.
The following issues were deliberated on during the meeting;
i. Negotiations with bursar for purchase of vegetables
ii. Schedule for the harvesting of the vegetables.
iii. Formula for sharing the income.
iv. A.O.B

Members revisited the issue of recruiting new members.

Write the minutes of the meeting.


Read the passage below and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word.

Addiction is an escape(1)……………………………………… reality and different people will

find different (2)………………………………………… to escape from the real world. They can
be addicted to food , water , power, work , gambling, love (3)………………………………. even
to destructive relationship . Do these belong in the same category(4)…………………………
alcohol or drugs ? And if so, does recovery from those ’people addictions’ work the same
way as with alcohol and drugs?

Addicts look for substitutes ; and (5)……………………………….. reason behind this is

always the same; to escape , to close one eye and not to (6) …………………………. the facts.

By becoming fat the overeater insulates himself from the world around. It is better to be
rejected (7) …………………………… the way they look , than for who they are as a person .
Thus, being fat becomes a way to avoid the risk of intimacy. There are people who are
(8)……………………………. to work. (9)……………………………. will go home late, just
avoid interaction with the family . Workaholism is a dysfunctional attempt to earn self-
esteem by (10)………………………. Productive.


3. A. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

When in disgrace with fortune and men`s eyes,

I all alone beweep my outcast state ,

And troubled deaf heaven with my bootless cries,

And look upon myself and curse my fate,

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,

Page 2 of 5
Featured like him , like him with friends possessed,

Desiring this man`s art and that man`s scope,

With what I most enjoy contended least,

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising;

Happily, I think on thee, and then my state ,

(Like to the lark at the break of day raising)

From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven’s gate,

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings,

That then I scorn to change my state with kings.


1. Identify the rhyme scheme in this poem (2mks)

2. Write two instances of alliteration in this poem (2mks)

3. Which words would you stress in the second line and why ? (2mks)

4. How would you perform the last line of this poem ? (2mks)

3. B. Provide another word pronounced the same as the following (4mks)

i. mere –
ii. Clime –
iii. Minor -
iv. Arms –

3.C. What intonation would you use in the following sentences . (4mks)

i. Did you see the summary?

Page 3 of 5
ii. Get out!

iii. The sun rises in the East, doesn`t it?

iv. English is the easiest subject to pass.

3.D.Basing on the pronunciation of the underlined sounds choose the odd one out.(4mks)

1. Respect Religion Referee Resist

2. Keys advise books raise

3. Kill Coil Count Cellage

4. Passed Watched Laughed Killed

3. E . Explain what you would do if you were, without prior notice, asked to pass a vote of
thanks during your school`s Prize Giving Day. (4mks)

3.F. Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.

Shellie: (Walking excitedly to her) Good afternoon , pet.

Pet: (Reading a newspaper. Looking up) Afternoon too, Shellie.

(Resumes reading)

Shellie: (Beaming) Yesterday , I watched the students of Mpesa Academy eulogize the late
Bob Collymore.

Pet: The one that was brought live on TV. ? I don’t like funerals since I lost my aunt.

Shellie: They were articulated and expressive in their show of emotions…...

Page 4 of 5
Pet: So that moved you ?

Shellie: It not only moved me . It made me admire the late Bob.

Pet: (Absent mindedly ) Even after being cremated ? I would rather burn in hell.

Shellie : (Insistent ) I think he was a wonderful man; he had time for even little people

Pet: (Dismissively) so?

Shellie: We can learn something from those who depart before us, pet. It is possible.

Pet: (Laughing as she walks away ) OK. Keep learning.

I hope you become a professor.

Shellie: Pet, I think something is the matter with you.

Pet: (Waving at her ) Bye; See you in school tomorrow.

i. Identify and illustrate any three shortcomings in Pet`s listening skills (3mks)

ii. Show evidence that Shellie is a good conversationalist. (3mks)

Page 5 of 5
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date…………………………………

PAPER 1 (101/1)
Time: 2 Hours

Instructions to the candidates

i. Write your name and admission number in the spaces above.
ii. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
iii. Check to ascertain that the paper has all questions.
iv. The paper has 7 printed pages.



1. Functional 20
2. Cloze Test 10

3. Oral Skills 30



Page 1 of 5
You are the secretary of the Wildlife Club in your school. The chairperson has requested you
send out a notice of the second meeting to plan for the forthcoming World Environmental
Day. During the meeting, you will need to appoint the coordinator of the event. Set the day
for tree planting day, decide on the T-shirts to buy for the event, and discuss the budget for
the event.
a) Write the notice of this meeting which you would send to members of the Wildlife
Club. 10 Marks.
b) Write the agenda that you would attach to the notice. 10 Marks




















Page 2 of 5
2. CLOZE TEST 10 Marks
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in each blank space with the most appropriate
Minutes are a record of the (1) _______________________at a meeting. Usually, Minutes
(2) _____________________written while the meeting is (3) _______________________
progress and the secretary must make an attempt to (4) ___________________________and
write at the same time without missing (5) ____________________________ on any
important point or jeopardizing the accuracy. Minutes are (6)
______________________________records for the sake of future reference (7)
_______________________________they are written in correct grammar. Usually they are
written in the (8) _____________________________voice so as to avoid mentioning (9)
__________________________________ names because the decisions made at the meeting
are (10) ________________________________ group decisions.


a) Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow. (7 Marks)
A long time ago, there was a child in a certain village who used to trouble his parents at night
by crying. The mother tried to stop him from crying but in vain.The mother warned the child
and said, “If you don’t stop crying, I will throw you out to the wizard!” But the child still
went on crying. When the mother could not stand it any longer,she stood up and threw the
child outside. Unfortunately, there was a wizard who was listening outside, and he picked the
child up and ran away with him singing.
Suddenly, the father realized that the child’s cries were dying away. He stood up, took his
panga and went after the wizard. When the wizard heard the footsteps following him, he
quickly placed the child in the fork of a nearby tree and ran away. From that day the child
never cried again.
(i) What would you do in order to capture the audience’s attention before narrating this
story? (2 marks)





(ii) If you were to perform this story, how would you say the words of the mother.(2 marks)

Page 3 of 5

(iii) How would you sustain the attention of the audience (3 marks)


b) Identify and underline the silent letters in each of the following words (4mks)
i) comb.
ii) Parliament
iii) Leopard
iv) Gnaw
c)The words in bold indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Briefly explain what
each sentence mean . (3mks)
i)The lady in a red dress lost her purse.


ii)The lady in a red dress lost her purse.



iii) The lady in a red dress lost her purse.




d) Using arrows indicate the type of intonation you would use in the following
sentences. (3 marks)
i)When were you born?
ii)Did you complete your work?
iii) What a beautiful car you have bought!

e) Read the genre below and answer the questions that follow. (6mks)

Page 4 of 5
The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.
i) Classify the above subgenre. (1mk)

ii) Identify two sound patterns used in the above genre. (4mks)



iii) State one functions of the above sub-genre. (1mk)


f. Read the telephone conversation below and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)
Maina: Hello, is Eric there?
Martha: Hello too, good afternoon to you, I am Martha, Eric’s cousin. May I ask who is
calling please?
Maina: Oh, this is Peter James, Eric’s classmate. I want to talk to him.
Martha: I am sorry; Erick just went out a few minutes ago. Would you like to leave a
message or call...
Maina: (clicking) Tell him he is such a disappointment, we were supposed to go to the
movies today.
Martha: Oh, I guess you will see him soon because he told me he’s running to meet his
Maina: Oh, okay.
Martha: Alright Peter, thank you for calling. Bye.(Maina hangs up the phone)
i. How has Martha portrayed good telephone etiquette in the above conversation? (3 marks)




ii. Identify three instances of Maina’s lack of telephone conversation etiquette in the above
conversation. ( 3 marks)

Page 5 of 5
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Name ………………………………………………… Admission number ………………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date……………………………………


(Functional Skills)
2 Hours

1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions
3. Candidates should check to ascertain that no questions are missing.
4. Candidates MUST answer the questions in English.

For Examiner’s Use Only

Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score
1 20
2 10
3 30
Total Score

1. Your friend living in the UK has sent you an e-mail requesting you send
her a book review of one of your compulsory set text. You have just
Page 1 of 4
finished reading the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole
Kulet. You found it very interesting and you want to entice your friend
into reading it. Send her the review through e-mail.

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
Page 2 of 4
(10 Marks)
When preparing for examinations, the use of the mind is encouraged rather (1) ________________
dull rotational learning, that is, memorizing facts. Thorough preparation for an examination (2)
_____________________ anxiety and helps in passing the examination. This can be achieved when
one lays a good (3) _____________________ at the outset. To ensure this, the learner (4)
_____________________ ascertain that essential points in a topic are understood before moving
(5) _____________________ another topic. One should guard (6) __________________ being left
behind, but should (7) _____________________ to cover the ground as the course progresses. The
learner should also develop a habit of making notes of what they learn (8)_____________________
reviewing these notes at intervals, starting with the simpler ones and then progressing to the hard
ones. The notes should be organized in such a way that points are (9)_____________________ to
other points, (10)_____________________ showing some coherence which is easier to follow.
3) a) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:-
A Minor Bird
I have wished a bird would fly away
And not sing by my house all day;
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.
The fault must have partly been in me
The bird was not to blame for his key.
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song. Robert Frost

i) Describe the rhyme scheme of this poem (2 Marks)

ii) Explain with illustrations how the poem achieves its rhythm. (4 Marks)

iii) Mention two things would you do as you perform lines 3 and 6 of this poem to make it
lively? (4 Marks)
b) Write another word which is pronounced the same as the following words. (3 Marks)
i) Bell
iii) Grisly
iv) Freeze
Page 3 of 4
c) Indicate the meaning of the sentence when the following words are stressed. (3 Marks)
The tall teacher punished the naughty boys.
The tall teacher punished the naughty boys.
The tall teacher punished the naughty boys.
d) Imagine that you have been requested to present a speech to form one students on the importance
of etiquette in speech. How would you ensure that your speech delivery is effective?
(6 Marks)

e) Underline the words with long vowel sounds (5 Marks)

Lot Loud Could
Farther Lord Card
Should Moan Sort
Showed More god
Father Shower

F) You are listening to Ngugi wa Thiong’o giving a talk on neo-colonialism. Explain what you
would do to ensure that you benefit from the talk. (3 Marks)

Page 4 of 4
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Name ………………………………………………… Admission number …………………
Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date…………………………………

Paper 101/1
(Functional Writing, Cloze Test and Oral Skills)
Time: 2 Hours

Instructions to students

❖ Answer ALL the questions in the paper.

❖ This paper has 7 printed pages. Ensure all the pages are there before you
begin answering the questions.

❖ Write legibly and neatly.



Page 1 of 6
The K.C.S.E results have just been released. You attained an A-. You see an advertisement on a
newspaper of an intake to join Kenyatta University for a degree programme in Actuarial Science.
Write a letter of inquiry to The Dean of Studies, inquire about the dates of the next intake, the
fees per semester and whether they offer accommodation. (20marks)

Page 2 of 6
Fill in the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
Not all work (1) ____________________ by children should be classified as child labour that is
to be targeted for elimination. The (2) ____________________of children or adolescents above
the minimum age for admission to employment in work that does not
(3) ___________________ their health and personal development or interfere
(4) ___________________their schooling is generally regarded as being something
(5) ___________________. This includes activities such as assisting in a family business or
(6) __________________ pocket money outside school hours and
(7) ___________________ school holidays. (8) _______________________kinds of activities
contribute to children’s (9) ____________________and to the welfare of their families; they
provide (10) _______________________ with skills and experience, and help to prepare them to
be productive members of society during their adult life.

a) Read the poem below and answer the question that follows. (10 marks)

I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day,
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seems as if I could bear no more.

The fault must have been in me.

The bird was not to blame for his key.
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song.

Page 3 of 6

i.) Identify and illustrate two sound patterns used in the poem. (4 marks)

ii.) Chart the rhyme scheme pattern of the poem. (2marks)

iii.) How would you perform the last line of the poem? 2 marks
iv.) For each of the following words used in the poem, provide another that is pronounced the
same way. (2marks)
a) Not- ___________________________________________
b) Course-__________________________________________

b.) Study the following genre and answer the questions that follow.
Shem showed Silla’s shining shoes shamelessly on Sheba’s shore.
i. Classify the above genre. (1mark)

ii. Explain what would be lost if this genre is translated into Swahili? (2marks)

Page 4 of 6
iii. State two functions of the genre identified above. (2 marks)

Imagine that your class is having a talk on career choices. The speaker keeps asking the students
to pay attention. Give five indicators that inform the speaker that his/her listeners are not
attentive. (5 marks)

Identify the intonation in the following sentences. (4marks)

i. Did you finish your homework? _____________________________________

ii. What a beautiful girl! _____________________________________________
iii. Get out of sight now. _____________________________________________
iv. You actually saw the pyramids? _____________________________________
a) Read the following conversation between Njoroge and the secretary of Walimu
Wema College and answer the questions that follow.
Njoroge: Hello.
Secretary: Hello. Who are you?
Njoroge: I am Njoroge Kamau. Is that Walimu Wema College?
Secretary: Yes, what do you want?
Njoroge: I would like to talk to the prin…
Secretary: The principal is not in.
Njoroge: I wanted to enquire the requirements for joining the college.
Secretary: There’s no room for more students.
Njoroge: Could you kindly tell me about the next intake?
Secretary: I don’t know. You will see the advert in the newspaper. (hangs up)

Page 5 of 6
i. Identify the shortcomings in the secretary’s responses. (3mks)

ii. Correct any three responses of the secretary to ensure that they adhere to
telephone etiquette. Write your responses in the table below: (3mks)

What she said. What she should have said.

Seral No.




Page 6 of 6

INDEX. NUMBER……………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………………

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams


1) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.

2) Answer all questions in this question paper.
3) All your answers should be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
4) Contains six printed pages.
5) All answers should be written in English.

Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score

1 20

2 10

3 30

Total 60

This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all
pages are printed as indicated and that no questions/pages are missing.

English Paper 1 – Form 4 Page 1


You are the chairperson of the Drama Club in your school. The club has staged a successful
dramatization of Ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savannah at the school. You now want to take the
performance to three other schools in your sub-county. The principal is offering the school bus but he/she
wants you to look for a sponsor who would pay for the fuel and other expenses. You then decide to
contact Daughters of Eve (NGO that advocates for protection of women against F.G.M). Write a letter to
the Director and ask the NGO to sponsor these performances. Briefly explain why you think Blossoms of
the Savannah presents a strong argument against F.G.M. Remember to write through the Principal.



Read the passage below and fill each blank space with an appropriate word
The National Health Insurance 1……………………once again in the eye of 2 ............................. storm
after it paid Kshs 336.3 million to a law 3… ............................. that had not been prequalified to bid
4…………………..tenders with health providers in the 5… ................... scandal unearthed by Auditor-

English Paper 1 – Form 4 Page 2

General, Nancy Gathungu. Curiously, the drafting fully paid for by the 6… ....................... was not part of
the NHIF approved 7… ......................... plan for 2018/2019- the period within
8………………………..the payment was done. This is 9…..................................to the Public
Procurement and Assets Disposal Act 2015. No money had been 10… ........................... to pay for legal
service and therefore, it went against Public Finance Management (PFM) Act.


a) Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow

One afternoon, a big wolf waited in the dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food.
Finally, the little girl did come along and she was carrying the basket of food. “Are you carrying thebasket
to your grandmother?” asked the wolf. The little girl answered, “Yes I am.” So the wolf asked the girl
where her grandmother lived. When the girl told him he disappeared to the woods. When the little girl
opened the door of her grandmother’s house, she noticed there was somebody in bed with a night cap and a
night gown.

She realized that it was the wolf, so the little girl took a dagger from her basket and stubbed the wolf


i.) If you were narrating this story, how would you ensure your audience remains glued to it?(2 marks)
ii) How would you say the words of the wolf in your narration? (2 marks)


iii.)How would you prepare yourself to tell the story effectively? (3 marks)

English Paper 1 – Form 4 Page 3

b.) Provide a word pronounced in the same way as each of the ones below (4 marks)

i) Bald –

ii) Manna –

iii) Colonel –

iv.) Liar –

c.) Insert the following words in the corresponding column to show whether it has a /θ/ /ʃ/ /Ʒ/
or /ð/ sound according to the underlined sound. Examples of words with those sounds have
been given. (4 marks)

Tenth, Sugar, Special, Father, Garage, Mathematics, Leisure, Themselves

/θ/ path /ʃ/ shirt /Ʒ/ pleasure /ð/ that

d.) A leader of a Theatre Group is visiting your school to arrange for the staging of Literature Sets
Books. You have been appointed by the class to negotiate for favorable entry fee for your class
and you are meeting the leader for the first time. Explain 4 negotiation skills that you would
employ to ensure successful negotiations. (4 marks)

e) Mary cannot bear children

i) Identify the above genre. (1 mark)


ii) Give the two possible meanings of the above (2 marks)

English Paper 1 – Form 4 Page 4
iii) Give one function of the above genre. (1 mark)

f.) Study the following situations and write down what you would say in each case.(3 marks)

i) When walking along the corridor, you accidentally bump into somebody out of your own

ii.) You are engaging in a conversation and you catch yourself interrupting the other person

iii) You want to introduce a point during a discussion which contradicts what the other person
has said.


g) Indicate the appropriate intonation at the end of each sentence. (4 marks)

i) Have all the students been registered? …………………………………...
ii) Stop wasting time. …………………………………….
iii) That was superb! …………………………………….
iv) There is hope for Cancer patients. …..…………………………………

English Paper 1 – Form 4 Page 5

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills)

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60

1. Functional Writing (20 marks)

You are the students’ environment captain in your school. You observe the students have started
littering the school environment, around the classes and in the classrooms. You are also concerned
about their walking on the grass and flower beds instead of using designated paths.

a) Write a memo to all class secretaries asking them to address the above concerns in their respective
class. Copy the memo to the deputy principal. (12 marks)

b) Write the notice that you will place on the school notice board asking students to take better care of
the environment. (8marks)

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
The house extensively debated the cancellation 1________________ secondary school
examination results for 2____________________schools in Garissa County, and to a lesser extent
other parts of Northern Kenya. Members of parliament from the region were 3_______________
satisfied with the explanations from Education Minister Sam Ongeri.
The minister explained how the suspect examination scripts were 4____________________ and
5_____________________ checked before the decision was made to cancel the results. He also told

the House that investigations have uncovered 6_____________________ organized criminal network
behind examination fraud some of the ringleaders have been arrested and charged in court.
We support the strongest possible action. Those 7______________________ the cartels must
face the full force of the law. Students who hope to 8______________________ ahead by cheating
must face the appropriate penalty: Cancellation of 9______________________ results. Parents and
teachers who collude to help their young charges to get ahead through crooked means must
10__________________________ be exposed, shamed, and punished.

3 a) Underline the silent letters in the following words (2marks )

i) Basically
ii) Coup
iii) Rue
iv) Comb
b) Arrange the following words in their appropriate columns (5marks)
gong, yam, money, jug, yes, throng, curse, cat, bag, nurse, nudge
d3 æ j 3:

c) Who and when would one do the following : (2marks)

i) Curtsy

ii) Bow

d) Read the following oral narrative and answer the questions after it
The crocodile asked the monkey to visit him. The monkey asked the crocodile, “How shall I reach
your home when I don’t know how to swim?” The crocodile told the monkey to jump on his back.
On the way, the crocodile felt hungry and asked monkey, “Can you give me your heart?
Because I am feeling hungry.” The monkey told the crocodile, “This is what we are going to do:
we are going to go back. Because when we become friendly to somebody we leave our hearts at
home.” Now the monkey told the crocodile, “You see, I am very weak. I cannot be eaten. So we
have to go back and I’ll get you my heart.”
The crocodile agreed that they should twin back. When they reached the shore, the monkey
climbed into the mango tree and picked a mango. He threw it and said to the crocodile, “There is
the heart,” But the mango got into the water. He picked another one, but when the monkey threw
this one the crocodile dived into the water.

i) The above narrative was presented to a live audience comprising nursery school children and their
parents during a prize giving day. The nursery school children have continued to tell the same
narrative to their friends at home. What techniques does the narrator use to make the story
memorable and interesting? (5marks)

ii) “we are going to go back.”

Identify the sound technique used in this (1mark)
… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

iii) At the end of the narrative, crocodile dives into the water. Explain why. (2marks)
e) i) Mention any three things you would do just before you attend an interview. (3marks)

ii) Mention any two things one should avoid when being interviewed. (2marks)

i) The following words have be more than one meaning. Use each word in 2 sentences to show
the different meanings ( 4marks)
a) Wound
b) Minute
f) You speak to a group of form ones about an issue of concern and you notice during the talk
that many of them are dozing, yawning, fidgeting and silting carelessly. What would
this mean to you? (4marks)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

101/1 Paper 1
(Functional Writing, Close Text and Oral Skills) -

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date ……………………………………

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to students
1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all questions in this question paper.
3. All you answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For Examiner’s use only.

Question Max. Score Student’s Score

1. 20

2. 10

3. 30

Total 60


You are the President of your School. It has come to your notice that some students make a lot of
noise during morning preps. Write a memorandum to the students warning the noise makers against
the habit. In your memorandum, remind the students of the importance of maintaining total
silence at this time and the punishment for those who will fail to adhere to this expectation.
Remember to send a copy of your memorandum to the principal.

2. CLOZE TEST (10 marks)

Olive oil is good for the bones, a two-year (1)... ............................. .has found. People who consume olive
oil have higher amounts of osteocalcin, a special (2)...................... ..that is found in bones which helps keep
(3)... .......................................... ...strong.
They also found that osteocalcin lowers the risk of osteoporosis a (4) ... ............... . in which bones lose
density and become fragile and more likely to fracture. In addition, osteocalcin was found to (5).............in
metabolic regulation. These
findings help explain (6)... .......................... ..people from the Mediterranean area of (7)... ........ ...are the least
prone to developing osteoporosis. These people consume a lot of olives and olive oil, along with 8...
...................................................................... ..and vegetables.
Other (9)............................................ ..of olive oils include reduced stroke and breast (10)... ............... .risk and
liver protection.

3 ORAL SKILLS (30mks)

(a) Read the Oral Narrative below and answer the questions that follow.

In the beginning, Ngai or the creator, made Gikuyu. He gave him wife called Mumbi. The two lived
in a cave under a Mugumo tree at a place called Mukurwe wa Gathanga in Murang‟a.
Ngai, the creator, lived on top of Kirinyaga from where he ruled the entire universe. One day, he
lifted up Gikuyu to the top of the mountain from where he beheld a panorama of the beautiful land
stretching from miles before him. He saw a land of Ravines, Rivers and ridges. It lay between the
mountains of Kirinyaga, Kiandarua, Kihanji nd Kiambiruiru. “Do you see all this beautiful land
sprawling before your eyes?” Ngai asked. Yes I do” Gikuyu answered.
“Well then. All that land I give you. It is land flowing with milk and hone (Uki na ngorono). It

belongs to you and to your descendants.”
But Ngai also told Gikuyu to worship him also facing Kirinyaga and occasionally offer sacrifices
of fat rams under the Mugumo tree. Gikuyu and his wife, Mumbi lived together quite happily. They
had nine daughters but no son. This worried Gikuyu so much as he didn‟t see how he could propagate
his house. And he sacrificed to Ngai and made his fear known. But Ngai told him not to worry for
he, Ngai would send him nine handsome young men who would marry Gikuyu‟s nine beautiful
And true to his word, Ngai sent him nine handsome young men who married Gikuyu‟s nine daughters.
They brought forth children and each daughter started her own clan.
These are:-
Acera (Njeri)
Agachiku (Wanjiku)
Airimu (Wairimu)
Ambui (Wambui)
Ethaga (Wagathigia)
Aithrandu (Waithera)
Angari (Wangari)

This myth explains the origin of the Agikuyu and how they came to have nine clans. It also explains
the link between the clans and the common female names found in the tribe.

(i) Before telling this story to the audience, list down three things the narrator must do to capture the
audience‟s attention. (3marks)

(ii) “Do you see all this beautiful land sprawling before your eyes?” Ngai asked. (Line 7)
“Yes I do,” Gikuyu answered (Line 8)How would you perform the words of Ngai? (2marks)

(iii) Which intonation would you use for Gikuyu‟s words? Explain your answer. (2marks)

(iv) At the end of the performance of this oral narrative, signs of inattentiveness were noticed from the
audience List down three such signs. (3marks)

(b) Underline stressed syllables in the following words:

(c) Identify the odd word out according to the pronunciation of the underlined sound. (2marks)
(i) Said Head Paid Red

(ii) Shepherd Philosophy Phase Surface

(d)(i) Grusha patiently waited for Simon Shashava to return from the war. Explain the meaning of the
sentence when the following words are stressed: (3marks)
The war

(ii) You have been called on to speak to the youth of your church on the dangers of drugs and
substance abuse. Introduce yourself to the audience. (2marks)

(iii) Assume that you are the principal of Excel High School where the Head of State makes a visit.
Introduce John Rashid (a medical doctor) who is a member of the Board of Management to the Head of
State. (2marks)

(e) Mike has been sent to a neighbouring school to participate in a group discussion. Suggest ways that
will make him benefit from the group discussion. (8marks)


NAME:……………………………………ADM NO…………………CLASS………


Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003
For answers and more post mock exams

• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All answers must be written in spaces provided
• Answer all questions in English.

Question Maximum score Candidate’s score

1.Functional writing 20
2Cloze Text 10
3Oral skills 30
Total score 60

This paper consists of 5 printed pages.

Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain all the pages are printed as indicated
And no questions are missing.


a) Imagine that you are the captain of your school. You fall sick and have to go home for three days to
seek medical attention. Write instructions to your assistant telling him or her six things you would like
done while you are away. (12 marks.)


b) Once you come back to school, you find all the instructions were followed to the latter. Write a thank
you note to your assistant. (8marks)

Fill in each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.

In (1)…………………………….to pass examinations well, one needs to (2)………………...a good

foundation from the beginning. Revising (3)………………. for the examinations requires you to

actually study and (4)………………your facts rather than memorizing them.(5)………………of the

main problems that (6)………..…..students face is anxiety. A little bit of anxiety before examinations

is okay but too much (7)………………detrimental .Excess anxiety may come from

(8)…………………understanding the crucial points in a topic before moving (9)……………… to

the next. When students simply gloss (10)…………………facts, they fail to understand them and

therefore they get mixed up or confused before examinations.

3 ORAL SKILLS (30marks)

(a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

I wonder by the edge

Of this desolate lake
Where wind cries in the sledge
Until the axle break
That keeps the stars in their round
And hands hurt in the deep
The banners of east and west
And the girdle of light is unbound,
Your breast will not lie by the breast
Of your beloved in sleep

(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2mks)

(ii) Identify and illustrate any two sound pattern used in the poem (4mks)


(iii) How would you say the last two lines of the poem? (2mks)

(iv) Give homophones for the following words used in the poem (2mks)

Wonder ……………………………………………………………………………………


(b) Underline the word that is said differently from the sets of words given below. (4mks)
(i) Fairy ferry furry

(ii) Floor flower flour

(iii)Pear pare peer

(iv) Canal kernel colonel

c)Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)
The short child shot a shot of his short white wash.

(i) Classify the genre. (2 marks)

(ii) Identify any sound pattern used in the genre above. (2 marks)


(iii) State two functions of the genre above. (2 marks)


NAME …………………………………..…. INDEX NO. ………..DATE…………….




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For answers and more post mock exams
1. Write your name and admission number in the space provided
2. Answer all the questions in the space provided.



1. 20
2. 10
3. 30


a) Write a book review of the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertiot Brecht. (10mks)

b) Your friend has invited you to a birthday party. The friend asks you for advice on the
best dish to prepare for the event. Write a recipe of the dish you would advise him/her to
prepare. (10mks)


Fill in each blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
Chilling reports about child abduction and molestation continue to 1._______________
headlines, sending terrified parents, the police and child 2._______________ organizations
on high alert. 3._________________ shocking are the profiles of the offenders, 4.
____________ can easily pass for ordinary law abiding citizens that parents feel they
5.____________ readily trust their children. 6._____________ include shopkeepers,
neighbours, school teachers, relatives and 7._________________ church leaders.
Although the abductions and molestations are cruel ties that have 8.___________ for a long
time, a 9.________________ solution is yet to be found. Many parents and guardians,
therefore, continue to live in fear, not knowing when or where the cradle snatcher will strike

3. (a) Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow (10mks)


Once upon a time, a tribe of Monkeys made their home in their pleasure garden of the king.
On a certain holiday when the drum was beaten to call the people together, the King’s
gardener, hearing the drum, said to himself, “Even though it is a holiday, the garden must be
watered. Accordingly I will ask the Monkeys to water the garden for me, so that I can be off
to enjoy myself and keep holiday with the rest.” So he called the Monkeys and asked them
to water the garden. When the Monkeys had promised to water all the young trees faithfully,
the gardener gave them water skins and the wooden pot with which to perform the task.

After the gardener had gone, the Monkeys took up the water skins and the watering pot and
began to water the young trees. But the leader of the monkeys stopped them. “Wait,” he
said, We must be careful not to waste water. Before you water them, you must first pull up
each tree and look at the size of the roots. Then you must give plenty of water to those which
have long, deep roots, but less to those with short roots. For when this water is finished, we
shall have work to get any more.

“To be sure,” said the other monkeys, “that is what we must do.” So they pulled up all the
trees just as their leader had told them to do and all the young trees died.



i. What feature of oral narratives would you use to prepare your audience to listen to the
above story? (2mks)

ii. What two devices of performance would you use in narrating this story effectively?

iii. Which four things would indicate to you that the audience is following the narration?

(b) Identify the silent letters in the following words (5mks)

i. Depot

ii. Debris

iii. Lesson

iv. Vehement

v. Psychology


(c) Your friend attended an interview but was not successful. Mention four things that he/she
may have failed to do before and during the interview. (4mks)

(d) Pick out the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently (4mks)

i. leisure measure pressure pleasure

ii. arch march search mornach

iii. trough dough tough cough

iv. empty free key quay

(e) Read the following conversation between a school captain and Jane that takes place outside a
class and then answer the questions on it.

Jane: (Speaking o a friend) let me tell you something about …………

Captain: (Interrupting) pardon me, please. May I have a word with you Jane?

Jane: Sure you on (facing captain) what can I do for you?

Captain: you know very well that it is against the school rules to come late to class.

Jane: Yes, I do.

Captain: May I know why you came late for prep? (looking at Jane with serious expression)

Jane: You are right. I actually came quite late but I had to rush to the nurse before prep.

Captain: I am sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?

Jane: I am feeling better now. Anyway, I had asked my deskmate to inform the class prefect
that I would come late but apparently, I have just learnt that he forgot. I’m sorry.

Captain: take it easy. You had a good reason to come late. I wish you a quick recovery.

Jane: Thank you, captain. Have a nice day.



i. State five significant conversation strengths applied by either or both the speakers

ii. Give one reason why the captain asked to be pardoned. (2mks)

iii. What are the most likely consequences of the captain’s initial interruption? (2mks)


NAME:………………………………………………………………………. STREAM……………….

ADM NO.…………………………………………………... DATE……………………………….….

INDEX NO: ………………………………………………... SCHOOL: …………………………….



Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exams
• Write your name, admission number, index number and the name of your school in the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above.
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.




This paper consists of 6 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated.
And that no questions are missing.

1 English 101/1 Turn over

1. A local non-governmental organization is looking for people to take up volunteer positions in disaster
prone areas. The programme will take place during the August Holidays. You are interested in one of
the positions. Write a letter inquiring the following: Age limit, level of education, identification
documents required, accommodation availability and whether or not they will pay any allowances.
Remember to write your letter through the principal addressed to;
The Director,
Linda Jamii NGO,
P.O. Box 150-00100,

2 English 101/1 Turn over


3 English 101/1 Turn over

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. (10 marks)
There is a growing (a) ……………………….that toxic masculinity, if not (b)…………..................,
will destroy many boys across the globe. Statistics of rape violence and murder crimes often (c)
………………….an accusing finger to men for their efforts to (d) …………………………….their
manhood. There is nothing in the genetic makeup of boys that gives them a bias for social wrongs.
The problem is nothing (e)…...........................the consequence of nurture. As such there is a
(f)……………….to correct this incongruity and guarantee our boys a stable fatherhood and a happy
family life in their later years.
This can only be done through a thorough scrutiny or the socialization
(g)…………………………..that boys under go. Boys (h)………………………be given life lessons
to (i)…………………………them with what is expected of a man and a father.
Somebody should also walk them (j)……………………………….the turbulence of adolescence.
3 (a) Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow (9marks)
Narrator: Catch a story
Audience: We catch it
Once upon a time, there was an ogre that had eaten many people. One day, some hunters decided to
hunt for this animal. It was found sleeping deeply after feeding on a man. When the ogre heard the
footsteps of the hunters, it woke up and ran as fast as its legs could carry it. When it reached a garden,
it found a woman digging. The ogre told the woman:
‘There are people who want to kill me for nothing, Pease help me.’ The woman hid the animal until
the hunters had gone far away. When they were gone, the woman told the ogre to go away. But when
the animal came out of the hiding place, it asked for food. The woman said:
‘You asked for protection from the hunters chase. Now you ask for food. There is no food.’
The ogre said:
‘If there is no food, you are going to be my food for today.’ The animal then ate the woman.
(From: The Oral Literature of the Kalenjin by C. Chesaina, Nairobi EAEP, 1991).
i) What is the function of the salutation at the beginning of this narrative? (1mark)

ii) Explain how you would deliver the first utterance of the ogre so as to bring the intended meaning

4 English 101/1 Turn over

iii) What specific gesture would you use to perform the 3rd sentence of the narrative? (2marks)

iv) Which tone of voice would you use to say the woman’s response when the ogre demanded for food?

v) As an audience listening to this story, how would you react to the last 2 lines of the narrative?

b) Provide homophones for each of the words in bold in the sentence below (5marks)
The lesson is taking place on the opposite side of the road and the venue is fully packed so you have
to wait in the visitor’s suite

c) Underline the stressed syllable in each of the following words. (5marks)

i) Promote
ii) Treatment
iii) Society
iv) Target
v) Contact

5 English 101/1 Turn over

d) You are the school captain and you have been requested to give a Speech during one of the Schools
annual general meeting. What challenges are you likely to face (5mark)

e) For each of the following situations below, write what you would say. (6marks)
i) You are in a discussion and you wish to interrupt
ii) The principal has pardoned you for the offence you committed

iii) You are in a debate and you strongly differ with our opponent

iv) You were unable to attend a meeting because your child was sick.

v) Would you mind a cup of coffee?



6 English 101/1 Turn over

7 English 101/1 Turn over
8 English 101/1 Turn over
101/1 - ENGLISH - PAPER 1



Name …………………………………………..………………………...Index Number….…………/..........


Candidate’s Signature…………………..……………….Date……………………………..……..…………..

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003
For answers and more post mock exams

Instructions to Candidates

a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
b) Answer all the questions in this paper
c) All answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
d) This paper consists of 6 printed pages
e) Candidates must answer answer the questions in English.



1 20

2 10

3 30


Page 1
You are the patron of the Drama Club in Fanikiwa High School. Following the recent meeting
that was held at the end of term 1, members of the club suggested to visit Nairobi National
Theatre where the famous Sultana play will be staged. The theatre coordinator, Mr. Juma Harris
says that the Club can visit them on 2nd August,2023. Write a memo to the principal reminding
him of the planned visit, the purpose of the visit and the need to arrange for the members’ meals
and means of transport before the scheduled date. Remember to send a copy to the bursar.



Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.

Page 2
Are leaders born or they are created out of circumstance and experience? The debate (1)
______________ this topic has gone on as the chicken- and -egg (2) ____________________.
There are strong points for (3) _______________ side. For our purpose, we will say that the
answer is a little bit of (4) ________________. Some individuals such as royalty are born and
bred to (5) ____________________ on leadership roles in later life. Other people develop into
leaders over a sustained (6) _____________ of time. This is the type of leader (7)
__________________ should all strive to become. All too (8) ____________________people
find themselves in awe of great leaders wondering where do beings like these come from? What
these same individuals fail to recognize is that (9) _____________________ personality and luck
can (10) __________________ to a leader’s success, those things are not the essence of what
makes an exceptional leader.

(Adapted from: Everything Leadership Book by Bob Adams)


a) Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.
This is the night mail crossing the border
Bringing the cheque and the postal order.
Letter for the rich, letter for the poor
The shop at the corner the right girl next door
Pulling out the beat lock a steady climb
The gradient’s against her”, but she’s on time
Past cotton grass and moorland boulder
Shoveling white steam over her shoulder
Snorting noisy, she passes
Silent miles of miles of wind-bent grass

i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2mks)

ii) Identify any 3 pairs of rhyming words in the poem. (3mks)


iii) Which words will you stress in line two of the poem and why? (2mks)

Page 3
iv) Which intonation will you use for the last line of the poem? why? (1mk)


b) Provide homophones for the following words (5mks)

i) Key ………………………………………………………………………………
ii) Kernel……………………………………………………………………………..
iii) Gate………………………………………………………………………………..
iv) Won…………………………………………………………………………………
v) Soot………………………………………………………………………………….

c) Underline the silent letters in the following words. (3mks)

i) Parliament

ii) Weapon

iii) Honour

d) Identify the odd one out according to the underlined sound. (3mks)
i) Visual Pleasure Passion

ii) Religion Respect Referee

iii) Gestures Games Jugs

e) Underline the stressed syllable in the following words. (3mks)

Page 4
i) Chal-lenge

ii) Ad-vice

iii) Dis-like

f) Your class had invited a former student, now employed by a top company to give a talk on
“Succeeding in the corporate world”. However, during the talk, you realized that most of
your classmates are not concentrating. List four things on the part of the speaker that
contributed to this. (4mks)
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………..

g) On your way home from school, you meet a lady who tells you that she is lost. She requests
you to give her directions to the nearest hospital. How would you ensure that the directions
you give enable her to reach her destination? (4mks)


Page 5
NAME:………………………………………… ADMISSION NO. ………………

CLASS: ……………………… SIGN:……………………………

(Functional Writing, Cloze TestAnd Oral Skills)



Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

Contact us on: 0724351706 or 0726960003

For answers and more post mock exam

• Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
• This paper consists of 6 printed pages.
• Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as
indicated and no questions are missing.

For Examiners Use Only

Question Maximum Score Candidates Score

1 20

2 10

3 30

Total Score 60


Diamond Trust Bank has advertised and wishes to recruit a qualified candidate to fill the post of a bank
teller. The suitable candidate must be a Kenyan citizen of 30 years and above, ambitious and self-motivated.
The candidate must have a minimum meangrade of B minus in KCSE with very good passes in Mathematics
and Business Studies. In addition, the candidate must have a degree in a businessrelated course from a
recognized university. Computer knowledge is mandatory. Interested candidates should send their
applications to:

The Human Resources Manager,

Diamond Trust Bank,

P.O Box 1234-00010,


Applications should be received on or before 20th May, 2023. Write a letter to apply for the post.





Fill in each gap in the passage below using the most appropriate word.

One of the 1………………………… challenging issues in Africa today is the availability of and use water.
While some argue that there is water scarcity in Africa,2…………………… say that there is adequate water
3……………the same is mismanaged. The latter group argues that Africa has enough water for the people
and that if this water is well utilized 4………….. agricultural production and domestic use, then Africa
should be able to produce 5……………..food to feed herself and even to export. If local authorities,
government 6……………………….. and local communities take care of water sources well and ensure that
they are used in an efficient and sustainable 7 ………………………….., Africa will not have to worry
about the availability and quality of water. There are places where water is unavailableespecially in the
deserts in the North and South of Africa, and in the semi-arid areas 8 ……………………..on the continent,
but these are oftensparsely populated areas. Indeed, most of them are 9 ………………. inhabited at all.
10………………. deserts experience irregular and inadequate rainfall, something encouraging is that there
are other life supporting conditions that attract settlement in some deserts. Mechanisms to tap the little rain
water that falls in these areas should be established in Africa to continue supporting human life.


a) Study the poem below and answer the questions after it.

Sundays too my father got up running

and put his clothes on in the black cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labour in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.

When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress-
fearing the chronic angers of the house,

Speaking so indifferently to him,

Who had driven out the deadly cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?
1. Write down two instances of alliteration in the poem. (2mks)
2. Identify four words in the poem that contain a diphthong. (2mks)
3. How would you perform the last two lines of the poem? (2mks)
4. How does the punctuation in the second stanza influence your reading of the poem? (2mks)
b) You performed an oral narrative in the ongoing national drama competitions. During the performance,
you realized that your audience shows signs of restlessness and are making noise. You also realized
that you are nervous. State three indicators of nervousness in you. For each indicator provide an
appropriate strategy that you need to adopt in order to manage this weakness. (6 marks)
c) Study the telephone conversation below then answer the questions after it.
Mercy: Hallo. My name is Mercy.
Tabby: This is Masai stores. What do you want?
Mercy: I am calling to confirm whether the maize supply to Light School
Which was to be done yesterday was done.
Tabby: It was not done and it will not be done soon. Come to the store
and follow up.
Mercy: I am sorry I may not be able to come over there because I will be
attending a meeting. Would you please find out for me and let me
Tabby: I already told you what to do. (Hanging up on her)
i. State one reason why the caller uses the word ‘ hallo’ then introduces herself. (1 mark)
ii. Identify three shortcomings that make this telephone conversation unsuccessful. (3 marks)

iii. Identify two markers of politeness in the conversation. (3 marks)

d) For each of the following words, underline the stressed part. (4 marks)
i. Col.league
ii. Re.gi.ster (Verb)
iii. Cle.ver
iv. Suit.case

e) You have been invited to attend a debating session in a different school. On your way to the school,
you get lost on the way after being properly directed by the host on how to arrive at the venue. State
three things you did not do when you were receiving the directions. (3 mks)
f) For each of the words below, supply a pair of homophones. (2marks)
i. Saw …………………………………………...
ii. Rite ……………………………………………

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