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Ge Switchgears Pricelist 03.01.2011

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Buy Log

effective from 3rd January, 2011

Solutions that make a difference

At GE Energy, Industrial Solutions, with an expanded focus on customer challenges, we are leading the future of
electrification by committing to technologies that will help create cleaner, smarter and more efficient global electrical

We have a lot to offer right from products to services, changing the way people live and work. Our comprehensive and
innovative solutions meet our customers’ challenges in Power, Protection & Distribution, addressing diverse segments that
include Core & Commercial Infrastructure, OEMs, Utilities or Industries.
Components Fuse Selection Chart A
Type II coordination - Fuse back-up
Selection Chart Type II coordination - Fuseless system (MPCBs) 1-3

Auxiliary Contactors
Power Contactors
Thermal Overload Relay

Electronic Overload Relay B
Variable Frequency Drives 4-13
Digital Soft Starters
Electronic Timers

LV HBC Fuselinks for Industrial Applications

HBC Fuselinks for protection of Semiconductor Devices
Fusegear High Voltage HBC Fuselinks
Moulded Fuse Holders and Fuse Bases 14-20
Fuse Distribution Boards

Wall mounting type combination

Fuse Switch Units
Switchgear Wall mounting type Switch Fuse Units / Fuse Switch Units D
Switch Disconnector Fuse Units in open execution 21-24
& in SS enclosures
On Load Changeover Switches

Moulded Case Circuit Breakers E

Circuit Breakers Air Circuit Breakers
Vacuum Circuit Breaker / MV Switchgear 25-39

Residential Miniature Circuit Breakers, MCB Distribution Boards F

Residual Current Circuit Breakers
Products Time Switches 40-42

Busway Systems G
Busways Accessories for Busways 43-44

MPP, APP & Mixed Dielectric G

LV Capacitors Automatic Power Factor Correction Relay 44

Part numbers listed are for internal purpose and are subjected to change.

Stock Items
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Fuselink Selection Chart

Current Rating














Type Reference & Rating


















Fuse Fittings

Independent Mounted Switches

CH CH200
SP SP160
Panel Mounted Cubicle Switches


Do not use fuselinks having higher current rating than the rating of the equipment

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 A1
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Motor Feeders 415V - DOL Starting - Type 2 coordination as per IS13947


KW HP FLC Type Rating Type Rating Type Rating Type Rating

(A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
0.37 0.5 1.1 SP32 32 EIT4 4 CL00 9 RT1G 1.0-1.5
0.55 0.75 1.5 SP32 32 EIT4 4 CL00 9 RT1G 1.0-1.5
0.75 1 2 SP32 32 EIT4 4 CL00 9 RT1J 1.8-2.7
1.1 1.5 2.5 SP32 32 EIT6 6 CL00 9 RT1K 2.5-4
1.5 2 3.4 SP32 32 EIT10 10 CL00 9 RT1K 2.5-4
2.2 3 4.5 SP32 32 EIT10 10 CL00 9 RT1L 4-6.3
3 4 6.2 SP32 32 EIT16 16 CL00 9 RT1M 5.5-8.5
3.7 5 7.3 SP32 32 EIT16 16 CL00 9 RT1N 8-12
5.5 7.5 11 SP32 32 EIT20 20 CL01 12 RT1P 10-16
7.5 10 14 SP32 32 EIT32 32 CL02 18 RT1P 10-16
9.3 12.5 19 SP63 63 EIT32 32 CL25 25 RT1T 17.5-22
11 15 21 SP63 63 EIT50 50 CL25 25 RT1U 21-26
15 20 28 SP63 63 EIT63 63 CL04 32 RT1V 25-32
18.5 25 35 SP100 100 TSD80 80 CL45 40 RT1W 30-40
22 30 40 SP100 100 TSD80 80 CL45 40 RT2E 30-43
30 40 55 SP03 125 TSDS100 100 CL07 65 RT2H 54-65
37 50 66 SP03 125 TSDS100 100 CL07 65 RT2J 64-82
45 60 80 SP160 160 TSFP160 160 CL08 80 RT2J 64-82
50 66 88 SP160 160 TSFP160 160 CL09 95 RT2L 78-97
55 75 100 SP05 250 TSF200 200 CL10 105 RT2M 90-110
75 100 135 SP05 250 TSF250 250 CL13 140 RT3E* 110-140
90 125 165 SP05 250 TSF250 250 CK08 185 RT3F* 140-190
110 150 200 SP06 315 TSK315 315 CK85 205 RT4P* 175-280
132 180 230 SP07 400 TSMS400 400 CK09 250 RT4LP* 175-280
160 215 285 SP07 400 TSMS400 400 CK95 309 RT4LR* 200-310
200 270 350 CMM 400 TSMS400 400 CK10 420 RT5LD* 315-500
250 335 437 CMM 630 TST500 500 CK11 550 RT5LD* 315-500
315 430 530 CMM 630 TST560 560 CK11 550 RT5LE* 430-700
355 480 600 CMM 630 TST630 630 CK12 700 RT5LE* 430-700
450 600 750 CMM 800 TST800 800 CK13 825 RT6LA* 500-850

Motor Feeders 415V - Star Delta Starting - Type 2 coordination as per IS13947
Line Phase Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating
KW HP (A) (A) Type (A) Type (A) Type (A) Type (A) Type (A)
2.2 3 4.8 2.8 SP32 32 EIT6 6 CL00 9 CL00 9 RT1K 2.5-4
3.7 5 7.8 4.5 SP32 32 EIT10 10 CL00 9 CL00 9 RT1L 4-6.3
5.5 7.5 11 6.5 SP32 32 EIT16 16 CL00 9 CL00 9 RT1M 5.5-8.5
7.5 10 14 8.1 SP32 32 EIT20 20 CL00 9 CL01 12 RT1N 8-12
9.3 12.5 18 10.4 SP32 32 EIT25 25 CL00 9 CL01 12 RT1P 10-16
11 15 21 12.1 SP32 32 EIT25 25 CL01 12 CL02 18 RT1P 10-16
15 20 28 16.1 SP32 32 EIT32 32 CL02 18 CL25 25 RT1S 14.5-18
18.5 25 35 20.2 SP63 63 EIT50 50 CL02 18 CL25 25 RT1T 17.5-22
22 30 40 23 SP63 63 EIT50 50 CL25 25 CL03 25 RT1U 21-26
30 40 53 30.6 SP63 63 EIT63 63 CL04 25 CL45 40 RT1W 30-40
37 50 66 37.5 SP100 100 TSD80 80 CL04 32 CL06 50 RT1W 30-40
45 60 78 45 SP03 125 TSDS100 100 CL04 32 CL06 50 RT2G 42-55
55 75 100 58 SP03 125 TSDS100 100 CL45 40 CL07 65 RT2H 54-65
75 100 135 78 SP160 160 TSFP160 160 CL06 50 CL08 80 RT2J 64-82
90 125 165 95 SP160 160 TSFP160 160 CL08 80 CL10 105 RT2M 90-110
110 150 200 115 SP05 250 TSF250 200 CL08 80 CL13 130 RT3D 90-120
132 180 240 139 SP05 250 TSF250 250 CL09 95 CK75C 150 RT3E* 110-140
160 215 271 156 SP06 315 TSK315 315 CL13 140 CK08C 185 RT3F* 140-190
200 270 340 196 SP07 400 TSMS355 355 CK75C 150 CK85B 205 RT4LP* 175-280
250 335 398 243 CMM 630 TSMS400 400 CK08C 185 CK95B 309 RT4LP* 175-280
315 430 530 328 CMM 630 TSL560 560 CK85B 205 CK10C 420 RT5LC* 250-400
355 480 600 360 CMM 630 TSL630 630 CK85B 205 CK10C 420 RT5LC* 250-400
400 536 673 404 CMM 800 TSL750 750 CK10C 420 CK10C 420 RT5LD* 315-500
450 600 756 438 CMM 800 TST800 800 CK10C 420 CK11C 550 RT5LE* 430-700

Above overload relay ratings recommendation is for load with normal starting time. For long starting time please contact our nearest sales office*

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 A2
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Type 2 coordination - DOL 415V (50kA) Type 2 coordination - Star Delta 415V (50kA)
Line Line Phase
Motor Surion MPCB Contactor Motor Surion MPCB Contactor
Current Current Current
Rating @415V Rating
Type Type Rating @415V @415V Rating
KW/HP (A) KW/HP Type (A) Type
(A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
0.55/0.75 1.5 GPS1BSAF 1.6 CL00 9 2.2/3 4.8 2.8 GPS1BSAJ 6.3 CL25 25
0.75/1 1.9 GPS1BSAG 2.0 CL00 9 3.7/5 7.7 4.5 GPS1BSAK 10 CL25 25
1.1/1.5 2.5 GPS1BSAH 4.0 CL00 9 5/5/7.5 11.6 6.7 GPS1BSAL 13 CL25 25
1.5/2 3.4 GPS1BSAH 4.0 CL25 25 7.5/10 14.4 8.4 GPS1BHAM 16 CL25 25
2.2/3 4.8 GPS1BSAJ 6.3 CL25 25 11/15 21.1 12.2 GPS1BHAP 25 CL25 25
3.7/5 7.7 GPS1BSAK 10 CL25 25 15/20 28 16.2 GPS2BHAR 32 CL04 32
5.5/7.5 11.6 GPS1BSAL 13 CL25 25 18.5/25 35 20.3 GPS2BHAS 40 CL04 32
7.5/10 14.4 GPS1BHAM 16 CL25 25 22/30 41 23.8 GPS2BHAT 50 CL06 50
11/15 21.1 GPS1BHAP 25 CL25 25 30/40 55 31.9 GPS2BHAU 63 CL06 50
15/20 28 GPS2BHAR 32 CL04 32 37/50 69 40 GPS3BHAV 100 CL08 80
18.5/25 35 GPS2BHAS 40 CL45 40 45/60 83 48.1 GPS3BHAW 200 CL09 95
22/30 41 GPS2BHAT 50 CL06 50 55/75 99 57.4 GPS3BHAW 200 CL10 105
30/40 55 GPS2BHAU 63 CL07 65 75/100 136 78.9 GPS3BHAW 200 CK75C 150
37/50 60 GPS3BHAV 100 CL10 105 90/125 162 94 GPS3BHAX 400 CK08C 185
45/60 83 GPS3BHAV 100 CL10 105 110/150 200 116 GPS3BHAX 400 CK09B 250
55/75 99 GPS3BHAW 200 CK75C 150 150/203 263 152.5 GPS3BHAX 400 CK95B 309
75/100 136 GPS3BHAW 200 CK75C 150 160/215 281 163 GPS3BHAX 400 CK95B 309
90/125 162 GPS3BHAW 200 CK08C 185 185/250 324 187.9 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420
110/150 200 GPS3BHAX 400 CK09B 250
132/180 231 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420
150/203 263 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420
160/215 281 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420
185/250 324 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420
200/270 354 GPS3BHAX 400 CK10C 420

Note: (GPS3)
The MPCB will trip only on short-circuits and on overloads, it gives a trip signal to the contactor through a NC contact
from an inbuilt relay.
The MPCB also gives the trip signal through NC contact from the inbuilt relay to the contactor for protection against
single phasing and phase reversal

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 A3

Auxiliary Contactors
• Series RL and its accessories
• Series M (Mini) and its accessories
• AC & DC control
• Contact Arrangement :
4NO, 3NO+1NC, 2NO+2NC, 4NC

Power Contactors
• Series CL 3P, AC 25A to 140A, AC3
• Series CK 3P, AC 250A to 1000A, AC3
• Series CL 3P, DC 12A to 110A, AC3
• Series CK 3P, DC 185A to 800A, AC3
• Series CL 4P, AC 25A to 200A, AC1
• Series CK 4P, AC 200A to 1250A, AC1
• Series CL 2NO + 2NC, AC, 110A
• Series CSC capacitor switching from 8KVAR to 73KVAR
• Contactors for DC application - Available on request

Accessories for Contactors

• Spares for contactors

Thermal Overload Relay

• Thermal overload protection against normal overloads
• Three pole differential protection (Three Phase unbalance protection)
• Front mounted test button
• Trip indication
• Independent auxiliary contacts (1NO+1NC)
• Function selector Manual / Auto reset
• RT1 - Direct/Separate Mounted Type Setting Range 0.16A(Min) - 40A(Max)
• RT2 - Direct/Separate Mounted Type Setting Range 11.5A(Min) - 110A(Max)
• RT3 - Direct/Separate Mounted Type Setting Range 55A(Min) - 190A(Max)
• RT4 - Direct/Separate Mounted Type Setting Range 120A(Min) - 310A(Max)
• RT5 - Separate Mounted Type Setting Range 120A(Min) - 700A(Max)


Electronic Overload Relay

• Self powered type RE
• Setting range 0.1A(min)-150A(max)
• Thermal memory
• Greater accuracy
• Phase unbalance protection
• Multiple trip class selection
• Manual / Auto reset
• Interchangable with thermal overload relay

Motor Protection Circuit Breaker and Accessories

• Rocker and rotary handle operator
• Standard and high breaking capacity upto 100 kA
• Clear identification of the operation (ON-OFF tripped)

GPS1B and GPS2B with Thermal Magnetic and Phase Failure Protection,
Trip Class 10 as per IEC60947
1. Rated current In AC3 (A) 0.1-32 1. Rated current In AC3 (A) 10-63
2. Rated power at 400V AC (KW) 0.02-15 2. Rated power at 400V AC (KW) 4-30
3. Overload release (Adjustable) 3. Overload release (Adjustable)
4. Magnetic release Ie max (A) x13 4. Magnetic release Ie max (A) x13

GPS1M and GPS2M with only Magnetic Protection

1. Rated current In AC3 (A) 0.1-32 1. Rated current In AC3 (A) 10-63
2. Magnetic release Ie max (A) x13 2. Magnetic release Ie max (A) x13

GPS 3 Electronic MPCB

• Rated current In AC (A) 50-400A

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B4

Variable Frequency Drives*

VAT20 - Micro AC variable speed drives
l or three-phase digital inverters fo controlling the speed of
three-phase induction AC motors from 0.2 to 2.2kW
Built-in keypad and display
IP20 or IP65 protection degree
Built-in EMC filter for industrial environment (class A)
DIN rail mountable by optional kit
Global standards CE and cUL

VAT200 - Mini AC variable speed drives

The VAT200 is a well performed, sensor less vector VSD for AC standard
motors available in the following ranges:
l From 0.4 to 2.2 kW at 200V, single phase power supply
l From 0.4 to 7.5 kW at 200V, three phase power supply
l From 0.75 to 55 kW at 400V, three phase power supply

Compact size

Built-in removable LED keypad


Optional Multilanguage LCD keypad


Sensorless vector control or V/f control, selectable


Built-in with ModBus RTU communications


Optional Field bus communication DeviceNet, ProfibusDP


Integrated EMC filters for U20...FS series


Built-in with dynamic braking up to 15kW


Performed with simple PLC and PID functions


Easy start-up & tuning by PC or keypad


Advanced programming and drive control by built-in PLC function


* For details, please contact our nearest sales office

VAT300 -Advanced Variable Speed Drives

The new drive, with smaller foot print than the former generation, covers the power ratings from 0.75kW to 475kW in normal duty, or up to

400kW in heavy duty.

High starting torque up to 200% or more, can be achieved even using standard induction motors.

VAT300 is able to drive, not only the standard induction motors, but also the new generation of permanent magnet motors. In both cases,

sensorless or close loop control are available.

As well as satisfying industry requirements, with its advanced and high performance functions, VAT300 is hailed a truly environmentally friendly

drive with dedicated energy saving functions and careful selection of components to meet environmental directives.
Multimode control - All in one single drive
V/f control for constant torque loads and quadratic loads

Vector control, both closed loop and sensorless


PM motor control, both closed loop and sensorless


Dynamic braking built-in the drive up to 22kW


Advanced features
User programmable built-in PLC

Configurable PID control


Multi-pump control

l ModBus, ProfibusDP, DeviceNet, CANopen, CC-Link
l Dedicated version drive for lift application – VAT300L

Environmentally friendly design

RoHS Directive compliant

High efficiency operation


Dioxin-free plastic cases


Global design
l Meet global standards UL, cUL, CE
l Multi-language interface
*For details, please contact our nearest sales office

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B5


Digital soft starters for 3Ph standard induction motors

GE´s new ASTAT XT solid state soft starter features, microprocessor control
digital technology.

Setup and adjustment is performed through a six-bottom keypad and

parameters or messages are displayed through a friendly LCD, multilanguage
interface with 2 rows, 16 alphanumeric characters each.

The design includes isolated I/O and high level of protection in their circuits to
minimize the disturbance effects while working in the hardest industrial

ASTAT XT soft starter offers reliable performance and smooth acceleration for a
variety of standard AC motors up to 1400A and up to 690V, reducing
mechanical shock to the driving system, resulting in extended component and
motor life.

ASTAT XT offers many traditional features such as motor overload function,

adjustable ramps, current limit, kick start, and other high end features like
inside-delta operation, torque control, pump control and a reliable motor and
unit set of protections.

Key Features
Ratings up to 1400Amps and up to 690VAC
Friendly multilanguage interface with 2 rows, 16 characters each
Built-in with three extra power terminals for external bypass
In-Line or Inside-Delta operation modes
Torque control and pump control advanced features
Motor protection according IEC 10, 20 and NEMA 10, 20, 30, even if ASTAT XT
is in bypass
Built-in communications RS485 port, and ModBus protocol as standard
Profibus-DP and DeviceNet optional interfaces for communications

* For details, please contact our nearest sales office

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B6

Auxiliary Contactors Power Contactors

Series RL- AC1 rating: 20 A Series CL - 3 Pole, AC Control
AC - Control
Contacts Code Buy Log/ AC3-Long Life Aux. Contact Code Buy
Max. 3Phase
Arrangement Reference Unit Reference Log/
Motor Output Arrangement
Rating Normal Long
Life Life
at 415V AC Unit
4NO RL4RA040T t 795
Amps Amps Amps KW HP NO NC
3NO+1NC RL4RA031T t 795
2NO+2NC RL4RA022T t 795 25 12 9 4 5.5 1 0 CL00A310T t675 §

4NC RL4RA004T t 795 25 12 9 4 5.5 0 1 CL00A301T t675 §

25 18 12 5.5 7.5 1 0 CL01A310T t755 §
DC - Control
25 18 12 5.5 7.5 0 1 CL01A301T t755 §
4NO RL4RD040T t 1195
3NO+1NC RL4RD031T t 1195 32 25 18 7.5 10 1 0 CL02A310T t850 §
32 25 18 7.5 10 0 1 CL02A301T t850 §
2NO+2NC RL4RD022T t 1195
45 32 25 11 15 1 0 1150 §
CL25A310T t
4NC RL4RD004T t 1195
45 32 25 11 15 0 1 CL25A301T t
60 40 32 16 20 1 0 2350 §
CL04A310M t
Series M (Mini) - AC1 rating: 16A
60 40 32 16 20 0 1 CL04A301M t
AC - Control
65 50 40 22 30 1 1 3500 §
CL45A311M t
Contacts Code Buy Log/
Arrangement Reference Unit 90 65 50 25 35 1 1 4450 §
CL06A311M t

4NO MCRA040AT t 780 110 80 65 37 50 1 1 5950 §

CL07A311M t

3NO+1NC MCRA031AT t 780 110 95 80 45 60 1 1 7600 §

CL08A311M t

2NO+2NC MCRA022AT t 780 140 105 95 50 68 1 1 8350 §

CL09A311M t

1NO+3NC MCRA013AT t 780 140 110 105 55 75 1 1 9450 §

CL10A311M t
4NC MCRA004AT t 780 160 130 125 65 85 1 1 CL12A311M t

DC - Control 200 140 130 70 95 1 1 12700 §

CL13A311M t

4NO MCRC040AT t 990

3NO+1NC MCRC031AT t 990 Series CK - 3 Pole, AC Control
2NO+2NC MCRC022AT t 990
AC1 AC3 AC3 Max. 3Phase Aux. Contact Code Buy
Rating Normal Long Motor Output
at 415V AC Arrangement
Reference Log/
Life Life Unit
Table 1. Coil Voltage Codes - AC/DC
Amps Amps Amps KW HP NO NC
t D G J N U W*
250 185 150 80 110 1 1 CK75CA311 t14400 §
AC/50Hz 24 48 110 220/230 380 415
250 205 185 100 135 1 1 CK08CA311 t17900 §
DC 24 48 110 220 - -
315 250 205 125 170 1 1 CK85BA311 t19100 §
*Note: In case of electronic coil module, please suffix 'U' for 380 / 415V.
315 300 250 132 180 1 1 CK09BE311 t23400 §
Table 2. Wide Band Coil Voltage AC 450 400 309 160 220 1 1 CK95BE311 t28500 §
600 475 420 230 315 1 1 CK10CE311 t34500 §
t 1 2 3 5 7 13 8
700 630 550 315 430 1 1 CK11CE311 t49000
AC50/60Hz 24 42 110V 220 240V 400V 440V
1000 800 700 400 545 1 1 CK12BE311 t90000
Note: 1250 1000 825 450 610 1 1 CK13BA311 t150000
1. To complete the ordering code reference replace the Note:
symbol (t
) with the code corresponding to the voltage, given in table 1 & 2 1. Special application contactors for steel plants available on request
2. For other coil voltages, please contact our nearest sales office 2. Please contact our nearest sales office

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B7

Power Contactors
Series CL - 3 Pole, DC Control Series CL - 4 Pole, AC Control
AC 3 AC 3 Long Life Buy Admissible Buy
Max. 3 Phase Aux. Cont Code AC1 Aux. Cont Code
Rating Rating Motor Reference Log/ Rating Power AC 1 Reference Log/
Output Arrangement Arrangement
Normal Life Long Life at 415 AC Unit at 415V Unit

Amps Amps KW HP NO NC Amps KW NO NC

12 9 4 5.5 1 0 CL00D310T t1050 25 18 0 0 CL01A400T t975 ¾
18 12 5.5 7.5 1 0 CL01D310T t1150 32 23 0 0 CL02A400T t1160 ¾
25 18 7.5 10 1 0 CL02D310T t1300 40 25 0 0 GCL25A400T t1750 ¾
32 25 11 15 1 0 CL25D310T t2400 45 32 0 0 CL03A400M t2150 ¾
32 25 11 15 1 0 CL03D310M t3200 60 43 0 0 CL04A400M t3700 ¾
40 32 16 20 1 0 CL04D310M t3600 90 57 0 0 CL05A400M t6600
50 40 22 30 1 1 CL45D311M t4500 110 79 0 0 CL07A400M t7950
65 50 25 35 1 1 CL06E311M t6600 140 100 0 0 CL09A400M t11500
80 65 37 50 1 1 CL07E311M t7100 160 110 0 0 CL12A400M t12900
95 80 45 60 1 1 CL08E311M t9000 200 143 0 0 CL13A400M t14900
105 95 50 68 1 1 CL09E311M 10700

110 105 55 75 1 1 CL10E311M 12100


Series CK - 3 Pole, DC Control Series CK - 4 Pole, AC Control

AC 3 AC 3 Long Life Buy AC1 Admissible Code Buy
Aux. Cont Code Aux. Cont
Rating Rating Max. 3 Phase Arrangement Reference Log/ Rating Power AC 1 Arrangement Reference Log/
Motor Output Unit Unit
Normal Life Long Life at 415 AC at 415V
Amps Amps KW HP NO NC Amps KW NO NC
185 150 80 110 1 1 CK75CE311 t16400 200 143 1 1 CK07BA411 t18200
205 185 100 135 1 1 CK08CE311 t21200 325 233 1 1 CK08BA411 t27000
250 205 125 170 1 1 CK85BE311 t22500 400 287 1 1 CK09BE411 t37500
300* 250 132 180 1 1 CK09BE311 t23400 500 359 1 1 CK95BE411 t44500
400* 309 160 220 1 1 CK95BE311 t28500 600 431 1 1 CK10CE411 t60500
475* 420 230 315 1 1 CK10CE311 t34500 700 503 1 1 CK11CE411 t65000
630* 550 315 430 1 1 CK11CE311 t49000 1000 719 1 1 CK12BE411 t102000
800* 700 400 545 1 1 CK12BE311 t90000 1250 898 1 1 CK13BA411 t235000
* This CK range fitted with Electronic Module can be used both for
AC and DC control
Capacitor Switching Contactors
Series CL - 4 Pole, AC Control with 2NO+2NC
Series CSC-3 Pole, AC Control Main Contacts (Without Aux. Contacts)
Ith Aux. Cont Code Buy Buy
kVAR Rating Rating Admissible Main Contact Code
Current at 415 V AC Arrangement Reference Log/ Log/
Unit AC1 at 415V Power AC-1 Arrangement Reference
Amps Unit
25 8 1 1 CSC08A311 t1600 25 18 2 2 CL01AB00T t1245
25 13 1 1 CSC12A311 t1700 n 32 23 2 2 CL02AB00T t1550
32 17 1 1 CSC16A311 t2250 45 17 2 2 CL03AB00M t3500
45 21 1 1 CSC20A321 t2550 45 32 2 2 CL04AB00M t4950
45 26 2 1 CSC25A321 t2950 n 60 43 2 2 CL05AB00M t8200
60 31 2 1 CSC30A321 t5700 90 64 2 2 CL07AB00M t8900
90 47 1 1 CSC45A311 t7500 110 79 2 2 CL08AB00M t9500
110 57 1 1 CSC55A311 t8800
140 73 1 1 CSC70A311 t13500 1. To complete the ordering code reference replace the symbol (t ) by the code
corresponding to the voltage, given in table 1 & 2, Page B6
2. For other coil voltages, please contact our nearest sales office
3. All current ratings are at 415V AC, 50HZ

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B8

Accessories for RL/CL/CK Contactors Accessories for RL/CL/CK Contactors

Pneumatic Timer Block Instantaneous and Timed Auxiliary Contact Block
Contact Buy Contact Buy
For use Code For use Mounting Arrange- Code Log/
Arrange- Type
Mounting Type Time Reference Log/ with Reference
ments Unit ment Unit
RL4R.. Frontal Delayed 1NO+1NC 0.1..30S BTLF30C 1NO Instantaneous BCLF10 90 n
ON 1NO+1NC 1..60S BTLF60C RL4R 1NC Instantaneous BCLF01 90 n
CL00.. 1450 CL00..CL13 Front
Frontal Delayed 1NO+1NC 0.1..30S BTLF30D 1NO Make early BCLF10G (3) 180
CL13 1NC Break late BCLF01G (3) 180
OFF 1NO+1NC 1..60S BTLF60D
(1) 1NO+1NC Instantaneous BCLL11 340
RL 4R.. Side 2NO Instantaneous BCLL20 340 n
Mechanical Latch Blocks
CL00..CL13 1NO+1NC Instantaneous BRLL11 340
Buy Log/ CK75..CK13 Side 2NO Instantaneous BRLL20 340
For use with Code Reference
(1). First side mounted block
RL4R..,CL00..CL13 RMLF t 2050 (2). Second side mounted block
(3). BCLF 10G and BCLF01G are ‘Make Before’ (NO) and ‘Break After’ (NC) auxiliary contacts
Accessories for RL/CL/CK Contactors Notes:
Mechanical Interlock a. Maximum number of auxiliary contacts is
l Four for RL4R , CL00 to CL25
Buy l Six for CL03 to CL13
For use with Code Log/ Eight for CL06 to CL13
Mounting l
Reference Unit l Eight for CK75 to CK13

RL4R..CL00..CL13 Side BELA 340

Side BELA02* 900 Accessories for Series M Contactors
CK07..CK12B Side BEKH 2000 Instantaneous Auxiliary Contact Block
CK75C..CK95B Vertical BEKVS 5900 Buy
For use Number of Contact Code
CK10..CK11..CK13 Vertical BEKVA 6500 Mounting Log/
with Contacts Arrangement Reference
CK13.. Vertical BEKV 12200 NO NC Unit
*Also with inbuilt 2NC contacts for Electrical Interlock 2 2 0 MARN220AT 340
MCRA.. 2 1 1 MARN211AT 340
Transient Voltage Supressor Block MCRC.. 2 0 2 MARN202AT 340
Directly connected parallel to the coil terminals A1-A2 MCOA.. Front 4 4 0 MARN440AT 400
MC1A.. 4 3 1 MARN431AT 400
Buy MCOC..
Control Code 4 2 2 MARN422AT 400
For use with Type Ue Log/ MC1C..
Circuit Reference 4 1 3 MARN413AT 400
4 0 4 MARN404AT 400
AC RL4R 12Vto48V BSLR2G 425
CL00..CL45 R/C 50Vto 127V BSLR2K 425 Electronic Timer Block
130Vto250V BSLR2R 425
Varistor 24Vto48V BSLV3G 440
For use Control Code
AC/DC CL00..CL13 50Vto127V BSLV3K 440 Type Time Reference Log/
with Circuit Unit
130Vto250V BSLV3R 440
277Vto500V BSLV3U 440 24-250v Delayed 0.5-60S
MCR.., MREBC10AC2 1290
Electronic Timer Module MC AC/DC Delayed 0.2-24S MREBE20AC2 1590
For use Control Code
Type Time Reference Log/
with Circuit Unit Transient Voltage Supressor Block
Delayed 0.1...2S BETL02C 1790 Directly connected parallel to the coil terminals A1-A2
RL4AR.. 24-250V ON 1.5..45S BETL45C 1790
CL00..CL13 AC/DC 0.1...2S BETL02D 1790 Code
Delayed Control Ue
For use with Type Reference Log/
OFF 1..60S BETL45D 1790 Circuit
MCRA.., AC R/C 12V to 60V MPOAAE1 425
Mechanical Interlock
MCOA.,MC1A 110V to 240V MPOAAE2 425
Kit comprising mechanical interlock and contactor MCRA..,
joining parts MCOC.,MC1C DC Varistor 6V to 250V DC MPOCAE3t425
For use Type Contact Code Notes:
Log/ 1. To complete the ordering code ref. replace the symbol (t ) by the code
with Arrangement Reference
Unit corresponding to the voltage, given in table 1 & 2, Page B6
MCR..,MCO.,MC1 Mechanical Nil MMHO 340

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B9

Spares for the Air Break Contactors

Contact Kits Spare Coils - AC & AC/DC
Buy Buy
No. of Code Type Code
For use with Type Log/ For use with Control Log/
Sets (1) Reference Circuit Reference Unit
CL00 3 NO V31200B 385 MCRA.. (Mini) AC Coil MB0A t390

CL01 3 NO V31201B 480 RL46..,CL00A to CL25A

CL02 3 NO V31202B 525 CSC12A.. to CSC25A AC Coil LB1A t425

CL25 3 NO V31225B 570 CL03A.. to CL45A..,CSC30A AC Coil LB3A t990

CL06A.. to CL13A..,
CL04 3 NO V31204B 875
CL45 3 NO V31245B 2030 CSC45A to CSC70A AC Coil LB4A t1420
CL06 3 NO V31206B 2320 CK75CA3.. to CK08CA3 AC Coil C12168 t2300
CL07 3 NO V31207B 2900 CK75CE3.., CK08CE3.. AC/DC Coil KB4E t2300
CL08 3 NO V31208B 3850 Electronic KM4E t4350
CL09 3 NO V31209B 4850 Module
CL10 3 NO V31210B 5450 CK85BA3..,CK07BA4 AC Coil C04255 t2550
CL12 3 NO V41200B 6250 CK08BA4 AC Coil C04787 t3250
CL13 3 NO V41201B 7250 CK85BE3..,CK09BE3.., AC/DC Coil KB5E t4350
CK07B.. 1 NO V1107BA 2310 CK95BE3 Electronic KM5E t5500
CK75C.. 1 NO V1175CA 2600 Module
CK08C.. 1 NO V1108CA 2950 CK10CE3..,CK11CE3, AC/DC Coil KB7E t6700
CK08B.. 1 NO V1108B4 3275 CK10CE4.. CK11CE4.. Electronic KM7E t5500
CK85B.. 1 NO V1185BA 3400 Module
CK09B.. 1 NO V1109BA 4100 CK12BE3..,CK09BE4.., AC/DC Coil KB6E t8250
CK95B.. 1 NO V1195BA 4850 CK95BE4 Electronic KM6E t5500
CK10C.. 1 NO V1110CE 6500 Module
CK11C.. 1 NO V1111CE 7920 CK13BA3 AC Coil C08998 t28600
CK12B.. 1 NO V1112BA 14000
CK13B.. 1 NO V1113BA 20900
1. To complete the ordering code reference replace the symbol ( t ) by the code
corresponding to the voltage, given in table 1 & 2, Page B6
1. One set consists of 2 fixed contacts, one moving contact and accessory parts
2. Coils KB4E, KB5E, KB6E, KB7E to be used with electronic module type KM4E,
KM5E, KM6E, KM7E respectively
Spare Coils - Pure DC 3. For other coil voltages, please contact our nearest sales office
Code Buy Log/
For use with Unit
MCRC..,MCOC..,MC1C MB0C t 600
RL4RD..,CL00D to CL25D LB1D t 950
CL03D.. to CL45D LB3D t 1650
CL06..to CL10EL LB4E t 3500

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B10

Thermal Overload Relays NE

Series RT1 RE Electronic Overload Relays

For use Setting Range Code Buy Log/ For use Setting Range Code Buy Log/
with A (Min) A (Max) Reference Unit with A (Min) A (Max) Reference Unit

0.16 0.26 RT1B 965 CL00.. 0.1 0.5 RE1D 3750

0.25 0.41 RT1C 965 CL45 0.4 2.0 RE1H 3750
0.4 0.65 RT1D 965 (Sold in 1.0 5.0 RE1K 3750
0.65 1.1 RT1F 965 n pack of 5) 1.6 8.0 RE1M 3750
1.0 1.5 RT1G 965 n 6.4 32 RE1S 3750
1.3 1.9 RT1H 965 n 9.0 45 RE1W 3750
1.8 2.7 RT1J 965 n CL05... 15 75 RE2H 5300
CL00. to CL45 2.5 4.0 RT1K 965 n CL10 22 110 RE2M 5300
4.0 6.3 RT1L 965 n CK75.. 30 150 RE3E 8250
5.5 8.5 RT1M 965 n CK08
8.0 12 RT1N 965 n
10.0 16 RT1P 995 n Accessories
14.5 18 RT1S 1250 n Buy
17.5 22 RT1T 1250 n Code
Description Log/
21.0 26 RT1U 1250 n Unit
25.0 32 RT1V 1675 n Separate mounting base for RT1 Relays RTXP 310 n
30.0 40 RT1W 1675 n Separate mounting base for RT2 Relays RT2XP 475
Setting range cover protection for RT range RTX3 220
Series RT2
Remote reset kit for RT range (cable length 0.5 Mtr.) RTXS 1500
11.5 15 RT2A 2200 Remote reset kit for RT range (cable length 1Mtr.) RTXSL 2300
14.5 19 RT2B 2200 Remote electrical reset kit for RT range RTXRRB 1900
18.5 25 RT2C 2200
Separate mounting kit for RE1 RE1XP 380
24.0 32 RT2D 2200
Separate mounting kit for RE2 RE2XP 780
CL06.,to 30.0 43 RT2E 2200 n
CL13., 42.0 55 RT2G 2200
54.0 65 RT2H 2990 Electronic Timers
64.0 82 RT2J 2990
78.0 97 RT2L 2990 Star Delta Timers
90.0 110 RT2M 2990 Code Buy Log/
Reference Unit
Series RT3
0 - 30 secs, 230V AC, 2 C/O HSDT2CON 1120 n
Setting Range Code Buy 0 - 30 secs, 415V AC, 2 C/O HSDT2COW 1120 n
For use with Reference Log/
A (Min.) A (Max.) Unit
55 80 RT3B 4500 On Delay Timer
63 90 RT3C 4500 Code Buy Log/
CK75.,CK08 90 120 RT3D 4500 Description
Reference Unit
110 140 RT3E 4500 Multirange /
140 190 RT3F 4500 Multivoltage timer,
2 C/O-3Secs/30Secs
Series RT4 3 mins / 30 mins, HODT2COZ 1270 n
120 190 RT4N 7100 24V to 240V AC/DC
CK95 175 280 RT4P 7100
200 310 RT4R 7100

Series RT5
120 190 RT5A 7450
175 280 RT5B 7450
CK10-CK12 250 400 RT5C 9350
315 500 RT5D 9350
430 700 RT5E 9350

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B11

Surion MPCB Standard Offer

Frame 1
Std. Thermomagnetic High Performance
Rating Rating Thermomagnetic
Code Buy Log/ Code Buy Log/
Reference Unit Reference Unit
0.1-0.16,100kA GPS1BSAA 2020 0.1-0.16,100kA GPS1BHAA 2700
0.16-0.25A,100kA GPS1BSAB 2020 0.16-0.25A100kA GPS1BHAB 2700
0.25-0.4A,100kA GPS1BSAC 2020 0.25-0.4A,100kA GPS1BHAC 2700
0.4-063A,100kA GPS1BSAD 2350 0.4-063A,100kA GPS1BHAD 2720
0.63-1A,100kA GPS1BSAE 2350 0.63-1A,100kA GPS1BHAE 2800
1-1.6A,100kA GPS1BSAF 2350 1-1.6A,100kA GPS1BHAF 2800
1.6-2.5A,100kA GPS1BSAG 2350 1.6-2.5A,100kA GPS1BHAG 2950
2.5-4A,100kA GPS1BSAH 2350 2.5-4A,100kA GPS1BHAH 2950
4-6.3A,100kA GPS1BSAJ 2350 4-6.3A,100kA GPS1BHAJ 2950
6.3-10A,100kA GPS1BSAK 2420 6.3-10A,100kA GPS1BHAK 3170
9-13A,50kA GPS1BSAL 2700 9-13A,100kA GPS1BHAL 3450
11-16A,25kA GPS1BSAM 2850 11-16A,50kA GPS1BHAM 3300
14-20A,25kA GPS1BSAN 3320 14-20A,50kA GPS1BHAN 3700
19-25A,25kA GPS1BSAP 3420 19-25A,50kA GPS1BHAP 3850
25-32A,25kA GPS1BSAR 5350 25-32A,50kA GPS1BHAR 5700

Frame 2
High Performance
Std. Thermomagnetic Thermomagnetic
Rating Rating
Code Buy Log/ Code Buy Log/
Reference Unit Reference Unit
6.3-10A,100kA GPS2BSAK 3900 6.3-10A,100kA GPS2BHAK 5400
9-13A,50kA GPS2BSAL 3900 9-13A,100kA GPS2BHAL 5600
11-16A,25kA GPS2BSAM 3900 11-16A,50kA GPS2BHAM 5600
14-20A,25kA GPS2BSAN 4400 14-20A,50kA GPS2BHAN 5950
19-25A,25kA GPS2BSAP 5400 19-25A,50kA GPS2BHAP 6150
24-32A,25kA GPS2BSAR 6500 24-32A,50kA GPS2BHAR 7000
28-40A,25kA GPS2BSAS 7200 28-40A,50kA GPS2BHAS 7800
35-50A,25kA GPS2BSAT 8200 35-50A,50kA GPS2BHAT 9300
45-63A,25kA GPS2BSAU 9000 45-63A,50kA GPS2BHAU 9800

Description Code Reference Buy Log/ Unit
Door drive operator IP55 (GPS 1 H) GPA1HAB 950
Door drive operator IP55 (GPS 2) GPA2HAB 950
Front auxiliary block 1NO/1NC x GPS 1/GPS2 GPAC10FBA 450
Side contact block left 1NO+1NC GPS1/GPS2 GPACXXLLA 475
Side contact block right 1NO+1NC GPS1/GPS2 GPACXXLRA 475
Alarm contact block frontal 1NO GPS1/GPS2 GPALXXFRA 475
Side aux. cont. block alarm + Aux GPS1/GPS2 GPADXXYYLL* 600
Shunt trip (right) GPS1/GPS2 GPASLRAA* 1150
Undervoltage relay (right) GPS1/GPS2 GPAULRAA* 1150
Enclosure (extern). IP41 + acces. x GPS1*S Surface Mounting GPES41A 500
Enclosure (extern). IP55 + acces. x GPS1*S Surface Mounting GPEES55A 600
Enclosure (inside). IP41 + acces. x GPS1*S Flush Mounting GPEF41A 500
Enclosure (inside) IP55 + acces. x GPS1*S Flush Mounting GPEF55A 600

1. For other accessories viz. lug busbar, 3 pole bar, conversion kit, etc., please contact our nearest sales office
2. *Please mention coil code: J-110V AC, N-220V AC, W-415 to 440V AC XXX & YY contact combination, 10-NO, 01-NC, 20-2NO

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B12

Frame 3*
(With continuously adjustable overload and short circuit motor protection)
Standard Performance High Performance
Rating (Amp ) Code Buy Log/Unit Rating (Amp ) Code Buy Log/Unit
Reference Reference
50, 35kA GPS3BSAT 13500 50, 35kA GPS3BHAT 16100
100, 35kA GPS3BSAV 13500 100, 35kA GPS3BHAV 16100
200, 35kA GPS3BSAW 21000 200, 35kA GPS3BHAW 23000
400, 35kA GPS3BSAX 26000 400, 35kA GPS3BHAX 29300

*Built in Protection
Overload eliminates need of external bimetal relay
Short Circuit, single phasing, phase reversal
Overload, single phasing and phase reversal sensing through
static release, motor feeder operating through contactor enhances MPCB’s Life

Accessories GPS3
Description Buy Log/ Unit
Door drive operator IP54 GPS3 (upto 100A) 1050
Door drive operator IP54 GPS3 (200A) 1250
Door drive operator IP54 GPS3 (400A) 1400
Auxiliary Contact Block 1NO 220
Auxiliary Contact Block 1NC 220
Shunt trip 220V ** 1650
Undervoltage 220V ** 1800

** For any other voltage and CAT number, please contact our nearest sales office

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 B13

HBC Fuselinks for Industrial Application

Low Voltage Fuselinks
tDIN type, 6A to 630A, 500V AC in sizes 000,00,1,2 & 3
tBS type, 2A to 800A, 415V/660V AC in ‘Bolted’ and ‘Clip-on’ versions
tOnly manufacturer of 660V Fuselinks

Salient features
tConforms to IS13703 - 1 & 2-1993/IEC269/BS88
tLow let through energy & low watt losses
tNon deteriorating-retain characteristics till the fuse operates on fault, irrespective of time
tPositive discrimination between upstream and downstream devices
tAlso available special fuses for signaling circuits in ferrule construction

HBC Fuselinks for Protection of Semiconductor devices

Type GS
tConforms to IS13703-4
tFast and super fast acting fuselinks for rectifier and thyristor protection
using silver elements of proven design
tWide voltage range from 240V to 1000V, current rating 5A to 1200A
tFor Fuse operation indication, trip indicator fuses can be used along with
micro switch mounting kits
tSingle & multibody construction

DIN Standard-with blade contacts

t 63A - 1400A, 660 to 1200V AC
t 63A - 1100A, 900 to 1200V AC
* For prices contact our nearest sales office

High Voltage HBC Fuselinks

t Conforms to IS9385/BS2692/IEC282-1
t High Voltage HBC Fuselinks for 11/6.6/3.3kV for backup protection
t Type K-KEBXO/KEMXO Fuselinks for 11kV circuits (max. service voltage
12kV rms for use in oil to protect distribution circuit) Ferrule type construction
having lengths 254/359 mm also suitable for use in 7.2kV system
t Type H2CAS/H3CAS Fuselinks with tag arrangement for use in air for
distribution and capacitor circuits of 11kV rating
tType K-3.3kV/6.6kV Fuselinks for use in air, for motor starting
applications (for max voltage 3.6/7.2kV) have single and double body
For 3.3kV,630A & for 6.6kV, 400/500/630A have double body construction
tType VTF for Voltage Transformer/PT protection - 6.6kV/11kV rating

Moulded Fuse Holders and Fuse Base for

415V AC Circuits
tType NS/SM Fuse holders - 20A to 125A (BS)
NSH/SM-H for front cable connection
NSB/SM-B for busbar/cable connection
NSP - for back stud connection
tType safe clip use holders - 20A to 63A (BS) fully shrouded
suitable for DIN rail mounting
tISG Fuse Bases for DIN Fuses/6A to 630A
tCompact 3 Phase Fuse Base ISG for DIN Fuses upto 160A

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C14

HBC Fuselinks for Industrial Application BS Fuselink Type SS/NS/ES

DIN Type Fuselinks (Blade Contacts) Type VS-500 V AC Clip-on Fuselinks with Staggered Tags-415 V AC
Size 000
Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/ Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
6 VSA6 SFD8500006 2 SS2 SFA8106002
10 VSA10 SFD8500010 4 SS4 SFA8106004
16 VSA16 SFD8500016 6 SS6 SFA8106006
20 VSA20 SFD8500020 10 SS10 SFA8106010 20 40 n
25 VSA25 SFD8500025 6 230 n 16 SS16 SFA8106016
32 VSA32 SFD8500032 20 SS20 SFA8106020
36 VSA36 SFD8500036 2 NS2 SFA9311002
50 VSA50 SFD8500050 4 NS4 SFA9311004
63 VSA63 SFD8500063 6 NS6 SFA9311006 20 43 n
10 NS10 SFA9311010
Size 00 16 NS16 SFA9311016
6 VSB6 SFD8310006 20 NS20 SFA9311020
8 VSB8 SFD8310008 25 NS25 SFA9311025 20 47 n
10 VSB10 SFD8310010 32 NS32 SFA9311032
16 VSB16 SFD8310016 2 ES2 SFA8121002
20 VSB20 SFD8310020 4 ES4 SFA8121004
6 ES6 SFA8121006
25 VSB25 SFD8310025 20 58 n
10 ES10 SFA8121010
32 VSB32 SFD8310032 6
330 n 16 ES16 SFA8121016
36 VSB36 SFD8310036
20 ES20 SFA8121020
50 VSB50 SFD8310050
25 ES25 SFA8121025
63 VSB63 SFD8310063
32 ES32 SFA8121032
80 VSB80 SFD8310080
36 ES36 SFA8121036 20 61 n
100 VSB100 SFD8310100
50 ES50 SFA8121050
125 VSB125 SFD8310125 6 375 n
63 ES63 SFA8121063
160 VSB160 SFD8310160 6 395 n

Size 1
36 VSF36 SFD8330036
Type EIT
50 VSF50 SFD8330050 Fuselink with Offset Tags (2 hole fixing-Bolted) - 415 V AC
63 VSF63 SFD8330063
80 VSF80 SFD8330080 2 EIT2 SFA8120002
3 540 n 4 EIT4 SFA8120004
100 VSF100 SFD8330100
6 EIT6 SFA8120006 20 61
125 VSF125 SFD8330125
160 VSF160 SFD8330160 10 EIT10 SFA8120010
200 VSF200 SFD8330200 3 540 n 16 EIT16 SFA8120016
250 VSF250 SFD8330250 3 610 n 20 EIT20 SFA8120020
25 EIT25 SFA8120025
20 72
32 EIT32 SFA8120032
Size 2 36 EIT36 SFA8120036
250 VSK250 SFD8340250 50 EIT50 SFA8120050 20 76
1 775 n
315 VSK315 SFD8340315 63 EIT63 SFA8120063
355 VSK355 SFD8340355
1 790 n
400 VSK400 SFD8340400

Size 3
315 VST315 SFD8350315
355 VST355 SFD8350355 1 1250 n
400 VST400 SFD8350400
500 VST500 SFD8350500
1 1300 n
630 VST630 SFD8350630

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C15

Type TS - 415 V AC Type T - 660 V AC

Offset Tags (2 hole fixing - Bolted) Offset Tags (2 hole fixing - Bolted)
Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/ Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
6 TSA6 SFB8316006 6 TIA6 SFB8116006
10 TSA10 SFB8316010 10 TIA10 SFB8116010
16 TSA16 SFB8316016 20 48 n 16 TIA16 SFB8116016
10 66 n
20 TSA20 SFB8316020 20 TIA20 SFB8116020
25 TSA25 SFB8316025 25 TIA25 SFB8116025
32 TSA32 SFB8316032 32 TIA32 SFB8116032
36 TSS36 SFB8323036 36 TIS36 SFB8124036
50 TSS50 SFB8323050 20 90 n 50 TIS50 SFB8124050 10 117 n
63 TSS63 SFB8323063 63 TIS63 SFB8124063
80 TSDS80 SFB8324080 80 TCP80 SFB8125080
6 245 n
100 TSDS100 SFB8324100 10 150 n 100 TCP100 SFB8125100
125 TSDS125 SFB8324125 10 196 n 125 TFP125 SFB8126125
80 TSD80 SFB8328080 160 TFP160 SFB8126160 3 410 n
10 160 n
100 TSD100 SFB8328100 200 TFP200 SFB8126200
125 TSD125 SFB8328125 10 196 n
125 TSFP125 SFB8327125
160 TSFP160 SFB8327160 10 250 n Central Tags (2 hole fixing - Bolted)
200 TSFP200 SFB8327200 80 TC80 SFB8135080
80 102TC80 SFB8136080
Central Tags (2 hole fixing - Bolted) 100 TC100 SFB8135100 6 250 n
100 102TC100 SFB8136100
80 TSDC80 SFB8337080
10 175 n 125 TF125 SFB8140125
100 TSDC100 SFB8337100
160 TF160 SFB8140160
125 TSF125 SFB8340125 10 220 n 3 375 n
200 TF200 SFB8140200
160 TSF160 SFB8340160
10 230 n 250 TF250 SFB8141250
200 TSF200 SFB8340200
250 TKF250 SFB8145250
250 TSF250 SFB8340250 10 305 n 1 545 n
315 TKF315 SFB8145315
250 TSK250 SFB8345250
10 340 n
315 TSK315 SFB8345315
355 TSMS355 SFB8361355 1 570 Central Tags (4 hole fixing - Bolted)
400 TSMS400 SFB8361400 1 670 n
355 TM355 SFB8160355
450 TSTS450 SFB8366450 1 1150
1 815 n 400 TM400 SFB8160400
500 TSTS500 SFB8366500
450 TTM450 SFB8165450
560 TSLS560 SFB8371560 1 1320 n
1 1160 n 500 TTM500 SFB8165500
630 TSLS630 SFB8371630
560 TTM560 SFB8165560
670 TSLS670 SFB8371670 1 1600 n
630 TTM630 SFB8165630
710 TSLS710 SFB8371710
1 1410 n 630 TLM630 SFB8170630
750 TSLS750 SFB8371750
670 TLM670 SFB8170670
800 TSLS800 SFB8371800
710 TLM710 SFB8170710 1 1915
750 TLM750 SFB8170750
Central Tags (4 hole fixing - Bolted) 800 TLM800 SFB8170800

355 TSM355 SFB8360355

400 TSM400 SFB8360400 1 910
450 TST450 SFB8365450
500 TST500 SFB8365500 1 925
560 TSL560 SFB8370560
630 TSL630 SFB8370630 1 1360 n
670 TSL670 SFB8370670
710 TSL710 SFB8370710
1 1535 n
750 TSL750 SFB8370750
800 TSL800 SFB8370800

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C16

Moulded Fuse Holder and Fuse Base for 415V AC Circuit

Type SC: Safe Clip
Rating Associated HBC Fuselink
List Code Connection Buy Log/ Carton
No. Reference Unit Quantity Clip on Bolted Blade
Volt. Amp Contact
20 SC20H SFF8510000 Front 95 n 10 SS
415V 20 SC20HD* SFF8512000 Front 102 10 SS
AC 32 SC32H* SFF8511000 Front 120 10 NS
63 SC63H SFF8530000 Front 210 n 10 ES
*Suitable for DIN rail mounting

BS Type Fuse Holder - Type NS & SM: Moulded Fuse Holder

32 NSH SFF8111000 Front 108 n NS
NSP SFF8111001 Back 115 n 10 (upto - - -
NSB SFF8111002 Busbar 115 n 32 A)
415V 32 SM32H SFF8215000 Front 175 n
AC SM32B SFF8215002 Busbar 195 n 10 - TIA TSA -
63 SM63H SFF8220000 Front 220 n 10 - TIA TSS -
SM63B SFF8220002 Busbar 260 n 10 - TIS - -
125 SM125H SFF8225000 Front 610 n
SM125B SFF8225002 Busbar 685 n 5 - TCP TSD -

DIN Type ISG Fuse Base

160 ISG160 SFF8410000 - 280 n 3 - - - VSB
660V 250 ISG250 SFF8431000 1 530 n 3 - - - VSF
AC 400 ISG400 SFF8441000 2 860 n 3 - - - VSK
630 ISG630 SFF8451000 3 1100 n 3 - - - VST

DIN Type ISG Fuse Base 3 Pole

500VAC 160 ISG160 SFF8461000 - 740 1 - - - VSB

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C17

HBC Fuselink for Protection of Semiconductor Devices

Type GSM ultra-fast acting multibody Fuselink for
Type GS Fuselink for Diode Protection Diode & Thyristor Protection
Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/ Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
5 GSA5 SFE8110005G 63 GSMJ63 SFE8340063 1 480
10 GSA10 SFE8110010G 120 GSMJ120 SFE8340120 1 1115
15 GSA15 SFE8110015G 10 140 n 180 GSMJ180 SFE8340180 1 1675
250V 20 GSA20 SFE8110020G 240 GSMJ240 SFE8340240 1 2160
AC 25 GSA25 SFE8111025G 300 GSMJ300 SFE8340300 1 2480
50 GSA50 SFE8111050G 350 GSMJ350 SFE8340350 1 3300
75 GSA75 SFE8111075G 10 268 n
800V 400 GSMJ400 SFE8340400 1 3880
100 GSA100 SFE8111100G AC 460 GSMJ460 SFE8340460 1 4230
150 GS450/150 SFE8120150G 6 460 520 GSMJ520 SFE8340520 1 4675
200 GS450/200 SFE8120200G 580 GSMJ580 SFE8340580 1 5650
250V 250 GS450/250 SFE8120250G 6 600 630 GSMJ630 SFE8340630 1 6295
AC 300 GS450/300* SFE8120300G 680 GSMJ680 SFE8340680 1 6570
6 910
400 GS450/400* SFE8120400G 800 GSMJ800 SFE8340800 1 8900
500 GS450/500* SFE8120500G 6 1250 1000 GSMJ1000 SFE8341100 1 11340
5 GSB5 SFE8130005G 1200 GSMJ1200 SFE8341120 1 12720
10 GSB10 SFE8130010G 63 GSMK63 SFE8350063 1 560
10 155
15 GSB15 SFE8130015G 120 GSMK120 SFE8350120 1 1170
20 GSB20 SFE8130020G 180 GSMK180 SFE8350180 1 1700
25 GSB25 SFE8130025G 240 GSMK240 SFE8350240 1 2440
45 GSB45 SFE8130045G 300 GSMK300 SFE8350300 1 2800
10 305
690V 50 GSB50 SFE8130050G 350 GSMK350 SFE8350350 1 3500
AC 75 GSB75 SFE8130075G 1000V 400 GSMK400 SFE8350400 1 4190
100 GS1000/100 SFE8131100G AC 460 GSMK460 SFE8350460 1 4670
6 575
150 GS1000/150 SFE8131150G 520 GSMK520 SFE8350520 1 5720
200 GS1000/200 SFE8131200G 580 GSMK580 SFE8350580 1 6100
6 720 n
250 GS1000/250 SFE8131250G 630 GSMK630 SFE8350630 1 6780
300 GS1000/300* SFE8131300G 6 1125 680 GSMK680 SFE8350680 1 7530
400 GS1000/400* SFE8131400G 800 GSMK800 SFE8350800 1 9430
6 1390
500 GS1000/500 SFE8131500G 1000 GSMK1000 SFE8351100 1 13670
800V 1200 GSMK1200 SFE8351120 1 14520
500 RGS500 SFE8140500 3 2300
Note: For special tags, please contact our nearest sales office

Type GSG fast acting Fuselink for Tyristor Protection Fuselink Trip Indicator
16 GSG1000/16* SFE8230016G List Code Carton Buy Log/
Volt / Amp Unit
25 GSG1000/25* SFE8230025G No. Reference Qty.
30 GSG1000/30* SFE8230030G
500/700 V AC è TI300 SFB9101300 20 180 n
35 GSG1000/35* SFE8230035G 10 360 n
707/1000 V AC èTI600 SFB9101600 20 235 n
40 GSG1000/40* SFE8230040G
800/1200 V AC èTI1200 SFB9102120 20 350
45 GSG1000/45* SFE8230045G
1414/2000 V AC è
TI2000 SFB9102200 20 385
55 GSG1000/55* SFE8230055G
660V 75 GSG1000/75* SFE8231075G è
RMS/Peak Voltage
AC 85 GSG1000/85* SFE8231085G 5 785 n GS 450, GS 1000 & GSG 1000 type fuses are also available with inbuilt trip
110 GSG1000/110* SFE8231110G indicator. Please contact our nearest sales office for product information
150 GSG1000/150* SFE8231150G
175 GSG1000/175 SFE8232175G
200 GSG1000/200 SFE8232200G
6 1240 n
235 GSG1000/235 SFE8232235G
300 GSG1000/300 SFE8232300G
325 GSG1000/325 SFE8232325G 3 1460
350 GSG1000/350 SFE8232350G 3 1495 n

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C18

Kits for Mounting Trip Indicator Fuselink Fuselink for Distribution/Motor Circuit
Buy Rating Buy
Description of Units Trip Kit Code Log/ List Code Carton Log/
requiring kits Indicator Reference Unit Volt Amp No. Reference Qty.
GSA25 to 100A TI300 SFE9000001 50 K81SVX50 SFK8230050 1 6870
GS450/150-500A TI300 SFE9000002 63 K81SVX63 SFK8230063 1 6870 n
GSB25-75A TI600 SFE9000003 80 K81SVX80 SFK8230080 1 7560 n
GSG100/25-150A/785E 250 100 K81SVX100 SFK8230100 1 7950 n
GSG 1000/75-150A TI600 SFE9000003 125 K81SVX125 SFK8230125 1 9180 n
GSG1000/100-500A TI600 SFE9000004 7.2kV 160 K81SVX160 SFK8230160 1 9180 n
GSG1000/175-350A/784E TI600 SFE9000004 AC 200 K81SVX200 SFK8230200 1 10500 n
Micro Switch with one 250 K81SVX250 SFK8230250 1 12800 n
changeover contact and 625 315 K81SRX315 SFK8230315 1 16200
adaptor for fixing trip 350 K81SRX350 SFK8230350 1 17300
indicator Fuselinks 400 K82SSX400 SFK8230400 1 29200
GSM63A TI1200 SFE9000011 500 K82SSX500 SFK8230500 1 32000
GSMJ120-1200A/954 GSMJ Ti1200 SFE9000008 630 K82SSX630 SFK8230630 1 34700
400-460A/955 GSMJ
GSMK63A TI2000 SFE9000011 Type KEBXO Fuselink for Distribution Circuits
GSMK120-1200A/954 GSMK (for use in Oil)
Ti2000 SFE9000008
400-460A/955 GSMK 520-680A
RGS500A TI1200 SFE9000010 Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
5 KEBXO5 SFK8110005 1
High Voltage HBC Fuselink 10 KEBXO10 SFK8110010 1
3.6 kV Fuselink for Distribution/Motor Circuit 16 KEBXO16 SFK8110016 1
Rating 20 KEBXO20 SFK8110020 1
List Code Carton Buy Log/
Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit 12kV 25 KEBXO25 SFK8110025 1
AC 36 KEBXO36 SFK8110036 1 3350 n
5 K3PGX5 SFK8210005 1
40 KEBXO40 SFK8110040 1
10 K3PGX10 SFK8210010 1
45 KEBXO45 SFK8110045 1
16 K3PGX16 SFK8210016 1
50 KEBXO50 SFK8110050 1
20 K3PGX20 SFK8210020 1
63 KEBXO63 SFK8110063 1
25 K3PGX25 SFK8210025 1 3250 n
80 KEBXO80 SFK8110080 1
32 K3PGX32 SFK8210032 1
40 K3PGX40 SFK8210040 1
50 K3PGX50 SFK8210050 1
Type KEMXO Fuselink for Distribution Circuits
AC 63 K3PGX63 SFK8210063 1 (for use in Oil)
80 K3PGX80 SFK8210080 1 Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
100 K81PEX100 SFK8220100 1 5550 n Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
160 K81PEX160 SFK8220160 1 6150 5 KEMXO5 SFK9211005 1
200 K81PEX200 SFK8220200 1 6700 10 KEMXO10 SFK9211010 1
250 K81PEX250 SFK8220250 1 7580 16 KEMXO16 SFK9211016 1
315 K81PEX315 SFK8220315 1 8750 20 KEMXO20 SFK9211020 1
350 K81PEX350 SFK8220350 1 9700 25 KEMXO25 SFK9211025 1
450 K81PRX450 SFK8220450 1 14600 36 KEMXO36 SFK9211036 1 4075
630 K81PFX630 SFK8220630 1 18700 AC 40 KEMXO40 SFK9211040 1
45 KEMXO45 SFK9211045 1
50 KEMXO50 SFK9211050 1
63 KEMXO63 SFK9211063 1
80 KEMXO80 SFK9211080 1
90 KEMXO90 SFK9211090 1 4260
100 KEMXO100 SFK9211100 1 4620
120 KEMXO120 SFK9211120 1 5190

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C19

High Voltage HBC Fuselink

Type H2CAS Fuselink for Distribution Circuit Type H3CAS Fuselink for Distribution Circuit
(for use in Air) (for use in Air)
Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/ Rating List Code Carton Buy Log/
Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit Volt Amp No. Reference Qty. Unit
5 H2CAS5 SFK8120005 1 5 H3CAS5 SFK8121005 1
6.3 H2CAS6.3 SFK8120006 1 6.3 H3CAS6.3 SFK8121006 1
10 H2CAS10 SFK8120010 1 10 H3CAS10 SFK8121010 1
16 H2CAS16 SFK8120016 1 16 HECAS16 SFK8121016 1
20 H2CAS20 SFK8120020 1 20 H3CAS20 SFK8121020 1
25 H2CAS25 SFK8120025 1 25 H3CAS25 SFK8121025 1
31 H2CAS31 SFK8120031 1 3100 n 31 H3CAS31 SFK8121031 1 3250
12kV 36 H2CAS36 SFK8120036 1 12kV 36 H3CAS36 SFK8121036 1
AC 40 H2CAS40 SFK8120040 1 AC 40 H3CAS40 SFK8121040 1
45 H2CAS45 SFK8120045 1 45 H3CAS45 SFK8121045 1
50 H2CAS50 SFK8120050 1 50 H3CAS50 SFK8121050 1
56 H2CAS56 SFK8120056 1 56 H3CAS56 SFK8121056 1
63 H2CAS63 SFK8120063 1 63 H3CAS63 SFK8121063 1
71 H2CAS71 SFK8120071 1 71 H3CAS71 SFK8121071 1
80 H2CAS80 SFK8120080 1
90 H2CAS90 SFK8120090 1 3100
100 H2CAS100 SFK8120100 1

Type VTF Voltage Transformer Fuselink

11 kV AC VTF11/3A SFB9103001 1 970 n
11 kV AC 5XVTF11/3A SFB9103002 1 1030 n
6.6 kV AC VTF 6.6/3A SFB9103005 1 920 n

Fuse Distribution Board

16A, 32A, 63A, & 100A 3 phase fuse distribution boards
4/8/12 way DB for 16/32/63A and 4/6/8 way DB for 100A
These use HBC fuses and fuse holders type NS/SM
Ample cable space
Dust protection gaskets, safety phase barriers and detachable end
plates at the top and bottom are standard features
Ref. Standard IS2675-1983

Buy Log/ Associated HBC Fuselinks

Rating Unit
No. of Code
List No. (excluding CLIP - Bolted
ways Reference
Volt Amp Fuselinks) ON T TS
4 N4TN SGV8511004 6300
16 8 N8TN SGV8511008 9500 NS - -
12 N12TN SGV8511012 13500
4 SM32TN4 SGV8615004 12300
415V 32 8 SM32TN8 SGV8615008 19800 n- TIA TSA
AC 12 SM32TN12 SGV8615012 28900 n
4 SM63TN4 SGV8620004 16500
63 8 SM63TN8 SGV8620008 26100 n- TIA, TIS TSA, TSS
12 SM63TN12 SGV8620012 36000
4 SM100TN4 SGV8625004 42000
100 6 SM100TN6 SGV8625006 54900 - TCP TSD
8 SM100TN8 SGV8625008 59500

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 C20

Wall Mounting & Panel Mounting Units

Wall Mounting Type Combination Fuse Switch Unit
Type CH in cast iron enclosures from 63A to 315A

Type CHD in sheet steel enclosures from 400A to 800A

Both CH and CHD available in 3 pole & 4 pole versions

Wall Mounting Type - Switch Fuse Unit

Sheet steel clad switch fuse unit type LP - 32A & 63A TP & N version
with SM fuse holders. These units have side operating handles.

Panel Mounting Type

Switch Disconnector Fuse Units / Fuse Switch Disconnector Units
Conforms to IS13947-3-1993

Range 32A to 800A, AC23A duty

Switch disconnectors and switch disconnector fuse units available in TP, TPN and
4 pole version

Compact dimensions

Different configuration to accommodate BS, DIN and clip-on fuselinks

Accessories - Auxiliary switches

Door Drive - FD kits complete with door interlock, defeat and pad locking facility


Reference IS13947-3-1993

125A to 800A (AC23A) in 2 basic frame sizes

Highest current carrying capacity in their class

The units have draw-out fuse carriage

Lowest down time required during fuse failure and maintenance

Ideal solution for process industries, where down time is very critical

Fixed and totally draw out type configuration

Robust and sturdy construction - best suited for Indian conditions

FSDUs with maintainable contact system available as spare

Type SPCO Onload Changeover Switches

Confirm to IS13947-3

4 Pole

Rating 63A tp 3150A

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 D21

Wall Mounting Type Combination Fuse Switch Unit

Type CH: Cast Iron Enclosure TPN
Rating Buy Log/Unit Associated HBC
List Code
(With type Fuselinks Bolted Type
Volt Amp No. Reference
TS Fuselinks) Type T Type TS
63 CH633N(U) PGH8156102 8550 TIA, TIS TSA, TSS
415V 100 CH1003N(U) PGH8160102 12850 TCP TSD, TSA
AC 200 CH2003N(U) PGH8166102 17200 TC, TF TSDC, TSF
315 CH3153N(U) PGH8170102 23200 TC, TF, TKF TSDC, TSF, TSK

Type CH: Four Pole Fuse Switch Units in Cast Iron Enclosure
Rating Buy Log/Unit Associated HBC
List Code
(With type Fuselinks Bolted Type
Volt Amp No. Reference
TS Fuselinks) Type T Type TS
100 CH1004P PGH8160142 17000 TCP TSD, TSA
200 CH2004P PGH8166142 23650 TC, TF TSDC, TSF
315 CH3004P PGH8170142 32200 TC, TF, TKF TSDC, TSF, TSK

Type CH: Four Pole Fuse Switch Units in Sheet Steel Enclosure
Rating Buy Log/Unit Associated HBC
List Code
(With type Fuselinks Bolted Type
Volt Amp No. Reference
TS Fuselinks) Type T Type TS
415V 500 CH5004P PGH8174142 66000 TTM TSM, TST
AC 750 CH7504P PGH8177142 81600 TTM, TLM TSM, TST, TSL

Type CHD: Sheet Steel Enclosure TPN

Rating Buy Log/Unit Associated HBC
List Code
(With type Fuselinks Bolted Type
Volt Amp No. Reference
TS Fuselinks) Type T Type TS
400 CHD400 PGH8172102 27500 - TSMS
500 CHD500 PGH8174102 42000 - TSMS, TSTS
630 CHD630 PGH8176102 45500 - TSMS,TSTS,TSLS
800 CHD800 PGH8178102 57000 - TSMS, TSTS, TSLS
800 CHD800* PGH9101003 38500 - -
* Chasis without fuses
Wall Mounting Type Switch Fuse Units
Type LP: TPN Switch Fuse Units in Sheet Steel Enclosure
Rating Buy Log/Unit Associated
List Code
(With type Fuselinks Bolted Type
Volt Amp No. Reference
TS Fuselinks) Type T Type TS
415V 32 LP303N SGG8150202 4850 n TIA TSA
AC 63 LP603N SGG8156202 6000 n TIA, TIS TSA, TSS

Spares for LP/CH/CHD Units

Rating TP Moving Contact Assembly TP Shrouded Base Assembly
Volt Amp No. Code Buy Log/ Code Buy Log/
Reference Unit Reference Unit
32 LP303N SGG9000001 800 SGG9000003 1450
63 LP603N SGG9000001 800 SGG9000004 1600
63 CH633(U) PGH9000001 2750 PGH9000012 3150
100 CH1003(U) PGH9000002 3500 PGH9000013 4450
200 CH2003(U) PGH9000003 4300 PGH9000014 6500
415V 315 CH3153N(U) PGH9000004 7000 PGH9000060 8200
AC 400 CHD400 PGH9000062 9200 PGH9000063 11300
500 CHD500 PGH9000064 14300 PGH9000065 28800
630 CHD630 PGH9000066 21000 PGH9000067 30900
800 CHD800 PGH9000068 22100 PGH9000069 33600
FP Moving Contact Assembly FP Shrouded Base Assembly
100 CH1004P PGH9000044 5350 PGH9000047 6600
200 CH2004P PGH9100045 6000 PGH9100048 7500
315 CH3154P PGH9100046 10500 PGH9000061 12800

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 D22

Panel Mounting Switch Disconnector/Switch Disconnector Fuse Units/

Fuse Switch Disconnector Units - Type SP Switch Disconnector Fuse Units
Rating Code TPN SDF’s in SS Enclosure
Code Reference Associated
Buy Buy
Reference Log/ (4 Pole) Log/ HBC
List No. Code Buy
Amp (TPN) Unit Switched Unit Log/ Fuselinks
Volt (AC 23A) Reference
Neutral Unit

SP32 EIT-BS BGG8359044 1440 n BGG8358034 2950 EIT

32 SP32NS-Clip-on BGG8359144 1490 4th Pole BGG8358134 2750 NS
SP63 EIT-BS BGG8361044 Switched BGG8360034 3650 EIT
660V 1980 n
Neutral available
AC 63 SP63D - DIN BGG8361344 2190 BGG8360334 3800 VSA
as accessory
SP63 ES-Clip-on BGG8361144 2100 BGG8360134 3700 ES
SP100-BS SGG8363044 4290 SGG8363043 5550 SGG8363034 5950 TSDS
SP100(D) - DIN SGG8363344 4600 SGG8363343 5750 SGG8363334 6250 VSA / VSB
SP03-BS SGG8362044 5300 SGG8362043 6600 BGG8362034 6900 TSDS
SP03 (D) - DIN SGG8362344 5550 SGG8362343 6800 BGG8362134 7300 VSB
SP160-BS SGG8365044 5550 SGG8365043 7500 SGG8365034 7700 TSFP
SP160(D) - DIN SGG8365344 6150 SGG8365343 7900 SGG8365334 7900 VSB
SP04-BS SGG8366044 6500 nSGG8366043 7800 BGG8364043 8500 TSF
SP04 (D) - DIN SGG8366344 6900 SGG8366343 8150 BGG8364343 8150 VSF
415V SP05-BS SGG8368044 8500 nSGG8368043 9450 BGG8368034 10900 TSF
AC 250
SP05 (D) - DIN SGG8368344 9100 SGG8368343 10300 BGG8368334 11300 VSF
SP06-BS SGG8369044 11000 SGG8369043 12700 SGG8369034 13100 TSK
SP06 - DIN SGG8369344 11600 SGG8369343 13700 SGG8372034 13700 VSK
SP07-BS SGG8372044 12900 nSGG8372043 14700 BGG8372034 15100 TSMS
SP07 (D) - DIN SGG8372344 13800 SGG8372343 15500 BGG8372334 15800 VSK
SP630-BS SGG8374044 21000 BGG8374043 22300 NA NA TSLS
SP630(D) - DIN SGG8374344 21600 BGG8374343 23400 NA NA VST
SP800-BS SGG8380044 24500 BGG8380043 26900 NA NA TSLS
SP800(D) - DIN SGG8380344 24900 BGG8380343 27800 NA NA -
Note : Buy Log excluding fuselinks

Type SP Switch Disconnector TPN Accessories for SDF Type SP

Code Code Buy Log/
Rating Buy Log/ For SP32/63
Reference Reference Unit
List No. Unit
Volt Amp (TPN) Switched Neutral BGG8900027 500
Auxiliary Kit (1NO+1NC) BGG8900029 390
32 SP32 BGG8459033 1400
690V Auxiliary Kit (1NO+1NC) only for SP63D BGG8900041 390
AC 63 SP63 BGG8461033 1950 n
Front Drive Kit for SDF/Switch (Black) BGG8900031 550
100 SP100 SGG9100004 4450 Front Drive for Safety Switches
125 SP03 SGG9100006 5300 (Red & Yellow) BGG8900032 590
AC 250 SP05 SGG9100013 8500 Code Buy Log/
For SP 100/03/160/04/05/06/07
Reference Unit
400 SP07 SGG9100018 12900
Auxiliary Contact 1 NO SGC8308027 190
630 SP630 SGG9100020 on Request Auxiliary Contact 1 NC SGC8308028 190
For other ratings and versions, please contact our nearest sales office Phase Barrier Kit (SP100/03/160) SGG8900006 150
Accessories for SDF Type SP Phase Barrier Kit (SP04/05)DIN SGG8900012 350
Phase Barrier Kit (SP04/05)BS SGG8900013 350
Code Buy Log/
For SP630/800 Phase Barrier Kit (SP06/SP07) SGG8900007 350
Reference Unit
FD Kit for SP 100/03/160 SGG8900041 650
Switched Neutral BGG8900035 4500
FD Kit for (SP04/05/06/07) SGG8900042 700
Switch handle with
*For product codes, please contact our nearest sales office
legend plate & gasket BGG8900036 2800
Tubular shaft BGG8900037 600
Coupler assembly BGG8900039 900
All the FD Kits will have Door Interlocking, Defeat & Pad Locking as standard features

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 D23

Type CMM - TPN Fixed Type FSDU Spares for CMM Units
Rating List Code Buy Log/ Associated Buy Log
Description Code Reference
Volt Amp No. Reference Unit HBC Fuselinks / Unit
125 CMM125 PGM8162000 7500 TC, TF TSDC, TSF Front Drive Kit CMM
200 CMM200 PGM8166000 9950 TC, TF TSDC, TSF CMM125 PGM0100070 2990
415V 250 CMM250 PGM8168000 12100 TC, TF TSDC, TSF, TSK CMM200 PGM0100071 2990
CMM250 PGM0100072 2990
AC 315 CMM315 PGM8170000 14500 - TSK
CMM315 PGM0100073 2990
400 CMM400 PGM8172000 18600 - TSMS CMM400 PGM0100074 3300
630 CMM630 PGM8176000 28800 TTM, TLM TSM, TST, TSL CMM630 PGM0100075 3300
800 CMM800 PGM8178000 31900 TTM, TLM TSM, TST CMM800 PGM0100076 3600
*Buy Log excluding fuselinks

TPN Withdrawable Type FSDU Moving Contact Carriage

CMM125 PGM0100033 5500
Rating List Code Buy Log/ Associated CMM200 PGM0100035 5500
Volt Amp No. Reference Unit HBC Fuselinks CMM250 PGM0100034 7200
200 CMM200D PGM8166400 11000 TC, TF TSDC, TSF CMM315 PGM0100036 7200
250 CMM250D PGM8168400 13800 TC, TF TSDC, TSF, TSK CMM400 PGM0100042 12300
CMM630 PGM0100043 17600
415V 315 CMM315D PGM8170400 16900 TC, TF TSDF, TSF, TSK CMM800 PGM0100044 19800
AC 400 CMM400D PGM8172400 21900 - TSMS
630 CMM630D PGM8176400 32900 TTM, TLM TSMSTSM, TST, TSL Caliper Contact Assembly
800 CMM800D PGM8178400 36800 TSM, TLM TSM, TST ( Each unit requires 6 sets)
CMM125 PGM0100077 550
*Buy Log excluding fuselinks
CMM200 PGM0100078 550
CMM250 PGM0100079 550
CMM315 PGM0100080 550
CMM400 PGM0100081 550
CMM630 PGM0100082 1050
CMM800 PGM0100083 1050
Addon 4-pole PGM8100068 5300

On Load Changeover Switch - 4 Pole


Conforms to IS13947 - 3 - 1993

Ratings 63A to 3150A, 4 Pole, 415V AC 23A duty
Compact in dimensions
High mechanical life
LOTO - safety feature allows padlocking and tag fixing
Accessories - Auxiliary contacts - upto 2NO + NC (on request)
Extendable shaft - 200mm

Voltage Rating List No. Code Reference Buy Log/Unit

63 SPCO 63 SGG 8601010 4400
125 SPCO 125 SGG 8601020 8300
200 SPCO 200 SGG 8601030 11100
250 SPCO 250 SGG 8601040 15800
320 SPCO 320 SGG 8601050 16500
400 SPCO 400 SGG 8601060 24000
630 SPCO 630 SGG 8601070 28700
415V AC 800 SPCO 800 SGG 8601080 41500
1000 SPCO 1000 SGG 8601090 68500
1250 SPCO 1250 SGG 8601100 95300
1600 SPCO 1600 SGG 8601110 133000
2000 SPCO 2000 SGG 8601120 164000
2500 SPCO 2500 SGG 8601130 218000
3150 SPCO 3150 SGG 8601140 297000

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 D24
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Moulded Case Circuit Breakers


Record Range
Conforms to IEC60947- 2 / IS13947-2
Double Break contact system - exceptional current limiting, low let thru energy & high contact life
Range - 16A to 1600A
3 Pole and 4 Pole versions
Thermal Magnetic & Micro Processor based interchageable trip units
Maximum Rated Operational Voltage - 690V AC
Load Line interchangeble
Suitable for isolation
Field fittable accessories:
Alarm / Auxiliary switches Shunt release
Front Drive kits UV release
Motor Operators, Plug in & Draw out versions, Mechanical Interlocking base plates, ATS Controllers
available for complete range

Spectra Range with Adjustable Trip Releases

• Conforms to IEC60947-2/ISI3947-2
• Spectra TME - 3/4pole 16A to 125A
Breaking Capacity - 18kA, 25kA
• Spectra TM - 3/4pole 16A to 200A
Breaking Capacity - 25kA, 36kA
• Spectra Plus - Micro Processor Release 20A-630A
Breaking Capacity - 36, 50kA
• Range of internal and external accessories
• Universal EFM Module upto 250A, 3pole/4pole

Type LM
- With continuously adjustable Electronic Release
- With Microprocessor Release
Conforms to IS13947-2
3 Pole and 4 Pole versions
Rated operational voltage - 415V AC
3 frame sizes from 3.2 to 800A
Breaking Capacities 25, 35, 50, 65kA
Field fittable accessories:
Alarm / Auxiliary switches Shunt release UV release
Earth fault module Front drive kits

Type Therm 100 with Thermal Magnetic Trip Release*

Conforms to IS13947-2
Range upto 100A, 10kA, 415V AC
1 Pole and 3 Pole versions
*For details, please contact our nearest sales office

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E25
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Record SL- Standard Line Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Thermal Magnetic Release
Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
16 LDB35TF016GF 3300 16 LDB435TF016GF 4600
20 LDB35TF020GF 3300 20 LDB435TF020GF 4600
25 LDB35TF025GF 3300 25 LDB435TF025GF 4600
32 LDB35TF032GF 3300 32 LDB435TF032GF 4600
40 LDB35TF040GF 3300 40 LDB435TF040GF 4600
16KA 50 LDB35TF050GF 3300 50 LDB435TF050GF 4600
63 LDB35TF063GF 3300 63 LDB435TF063GF 4600
80 LDB35TF080GF 3300 80 LDB435TF080GF 4600
100 LDB35TF100GF 3300 100 LDB435TF100GF 4600
125 LDB35TF125GF 4900 125 LDB435TF125GF 6200
LD 160 Frame, 160 LDB35TF160GF 6100 160 LDB435TF160GF 7300
O/L fix, S/C fix
16 LDE35TF016GF 3700 16 LDE435TF016GF 4900
20 LDE35TF020GF 3700 20 LDE435TF020GF 4900
25 LDE35TF025GF 3700 25 LDE435TF025GF 4900
32 LDE35TF032GF 3700 32 LDE435TF032GF 4900
40 LDE35TF040GF 3700 40 LDE435TF040GF 4900
25KA 50 LDE35TF050GF 3700 50 LDE435TF050GF 4900
63 LDE35TF063GF 3700 63 LDE435TF063GF 4900
80 LDE35TF080GF 3700 80 LDE435TF080GF 4900
100 LDE35TF100GF 3700 100 LDE435TF100GF 4900
125 LDE35TF125GF 5100 125 LDE435TF125GF 6700
160 LDE35TF160GF 6300 160 LDE435TF160GF 7800
125 LEB35TC125KF 5500 125 LEB435TC125KF 6900
160 LEB35TC160KF 6900 160 LEB435TC160KF 8300
200 LEB35TC200KF 8400 200 LEB435TC200KF 12000
LE 250 Frame, 250 LEB35TC250KF 10500 250 LEB435TC250KF 14800
O/L adj., S/C fix 125 LEE35TC125KF 5900 125 LEB435TC125KF 8200
160 LEE35TC160KF 7100 160 LEB435TC160KF 10500
200 LEE35TC200KF 9000 200 LEB435TC200KF 13300
250 LEE35TC250KF 11900 250 LEB435TC250KF 16500
500 LJV35TC500PF 22000 500 LJV435TC500PF 26500
LJ 800 Frame,
36KA 630 LJV35TC630PF 23000 630 LJV435TC630PF 28000
O/L adj., S/C adj.
800 LJV35TC800PF 28500 800 LJV435TC800PF 39000

Record SL Features
• Comprehensive range: 16 to 800A in 1P*, 3P, 4P
• Breaking capacities 16, 25, 36KA
• No line load biasing
• Available in fixed and adjustable overload settings
• Compact in size
• Suitable for isolation

# Adjustable from 350A-500A

* Single pole upto 160A available on request

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E26
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Record SL-Standard Line Range Accessories

Type Description Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
Extended Handle LD160 LDNRD 1200
Extended Handle LE250 LENRD 1500
Extended Handle LJ800 LJNRD 5800
Aux contact 1CO LD160 LDS11R 700
Aux contact 2CO LD160 LDS21R 1000
Aux contact 1CO LE250 LES11R 900
Aux contact 2CO LE250 LES21R 1300
Aux contact 1CO LJ800 LJS11R 1200
Aux contact 2CO LJ800 LJS21R 1800
Internal Bell Alarm LD160 LDBA11R 700
Accessories Bell Alarm LE250 LEBA11R 900
Shunt Release LD 220V AC LDSHT6 800
Shunt Release LE 220V AC LESHT6 1100
Shunt Release L J 220V AC L JSHT6 1600
Undervoltage Release LD 220V AC LDUVR6 1450
Undervoltage Release LE 220V AC LEUVR6 1600
Undervoltage Release LJ 220V AC LJUVR6 1800
Set of spreaders 1P LD160 Frame, 1 pc 5mm LDBSC1 120
Set of spreaders 3P LD160 Frame, 3 pcs 5mm LDBSC3 350
Set of spreaders 4P LD160 Frame, 4 pcs 5mm LDBSC4 500
Spreaders Set of spreaders 3P LE250 Frame,3 pcs 6mm LEBSC3 600
Set of spreaders 4P LE250 Frame,4 pcs 6mm LEBSC4 750
Set of Extenders 3P LJ800 Frame, 1side LJBSC3P 3100
Set of Extenders 4P LJ800 Frame,1side LJBSC4P 3800
phase seperators 2 side 3p. LD160 Frame LDJP3 95
phase seperators 2 side 4p. LD160 Frame LDJP4 140
Phase seperators 2 side 3p. LE250 Frame LEJP3 160
Seperators Phase seperators 2 side 4p. LE250 Frame LEJP4 240
Phase seperators 2 side 3p. LJ800 Frame LJJP3 300
Phase seperators 2 side 4p. LJ800 Frame LJJP4 400
External Earth Fault Universal microprocessor based earth fault module SGC8302061 7500
Module upto 250A (external)

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Record Plus Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
16A 433649 16A 433697
20A 433651 20A 433699
25A 433653 25A 433701
32A 433655 32A 433703
160 Frame
Thermo 40A 433657 5500 40A 433705 6900
Magnetic 25kA 50A 433659 50A 433707
OL (0.8-1) in 63A 433661 63A 433709
SC - Fixed
80A 433663 80A 433711
100A 433665 100A 433713
125A 433667 6900 125A 433715 8300
160A 433669 9100 160A 433717 10900

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole

Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
16A 430161 16A 430224
20A 430163 20A 430226
25A 430165 25A 430228
32A 430167 32A 430230
160 Frame
Thermo 40A 430169 6600 40A 430232 8500
Magnetic 36kA 50A 430178 50A 430241
OL (0.8-1) in 63A 432952 63A 432964
SC - Fixed
80A 432955 80A 432967
100A 432958 100A 432970
125A 432961 8300 125A 432973 9900
160A 433602 9900 160A 433604 12400

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Record Plus Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Type Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
16A 430100 16A 430131
20A 430101 20A 430132
25A 430102 25A 430133
32A 430103 32A 430134
160 Frame
Thermo 40A 430104 9200 40A 430135 11700
Magnetic 50kA 50A 430105 50A 430136
OL (0.8-1) in 63A 430106 63A 430137
SC - Fixed
80A 430630 80A 430752
100A 430633 100A 430755
125A 430636 10900 125A 430758 14000
160A 433572 14200 160A 433590 17100

Record Plus Accessories for FD Frame

Buy Log/
Type Description Code Reference Unit

Extended / Panel or Door Mounted Rotary Handle SGC9436476 1700

Rotory Handle through Door* 436474 1500
Flange 430829 400
Motor Mechanism 24V AC/DC 430926
Motor Mechanism 48V AC/DC 430929
Motor Mechanism 60V AC/DC 430932 13500
Motor Mechanism 110V AC/DC 430935
Motor Mechanism 220/250V AC/DC 430938
Motor Mechanism 400/440V AC 430920
3 Pole Spreader for FD - (set of 3) 430891 500
4 Pole Spreader for FD - (set of 4) 430892 700
Phase Barrier FD - (set of 12) 430957 700
FD - Plug-in System 3 Pole 430893 7000
FD - Plug-in System 4 Pole 430896 9500
RCD Bottom Mounted 3P 220/440V 431078 10300
RCD RCD Bottom Mounted 3P 400/690V 431076 10300
Modules RCD Bottom Mounted 4P 220/440V 431084 11400
RCD Bottom Mounted 4P 400/690V 431080 11400

* Door Flange FDFH to be ordered separately to use the door interlock options

Type Description Code Reference Buy Log/Unit

External Earth Fault Universal microprocessor based earth fault module SGC8302061 7500
Module upto 250A (External)

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Record Plus Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
FEV MCCB with Thermo Magnetic Release
250 Frame
Thermo 160A 436798 14500 160A 436817 17300
Magnetic 36kA 200A 431058 14500 200A 431094 17300
OL (0.8-1) In
SC -(5-10) In 250A 431061 16200 250A 431097 19100

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole

Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
MCCB with Thermo Magnetic Release
100A 431757 16900 100A 431955 21500
250 Frame 50kA
Thermo 125A 432962 16900 125A 433070 21500
Magnetic 160A 432976 17300 160A 433076 23100
OL (0.8-1) In
200A 432979 17300 200A 433079 23100
SC -(5-10) In
250A 432982 19000 250A 433082 23600

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole

Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit

FEN MCCB with Micro Processor Release SMR 1 w/o Rating Plug
250 Frame 125A 431920 20200 125A 431938 25300
Micro 50kA
160A 431706 20200 160A 431793 25300
SC -(2-13) Ir 250A 431709 22300 250A 431796 29100

3Pole 4Pole
Type Description
Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
Rating Plug for SMR1
Rating OL 125A 432192 1000 125A 432294 1200
Plug (0.625-1)In 160A 432195 1000 160A 432297 1200
FE 250
250A 432207 1000 250A 432309 1200
Rating Plug OL 250A
250A 432327 1200 432378 1600
FE 250 (0.4-1)In

Type Description Code Reference Buy Log/Unit

External Earth Fault Universal microprocessor based earth fault module SGC8302061 7500
Module upto 250A (External)

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Record Plus Accessories for FE Frame

Type Description Code Reference Buy Log/Unit
Extended / Panel or Door Mounted Rotary Handle SGC9436493 1900
Rotary Handle through Door* 436491 1700
Flange 430829 400
Motor Mech 24V AC/DC 432052
Motor Mech 48V AC/DC 432055
Electrical Motor Mech 60V AC/DC 432058
Operators 18200
Motor Mech 110/130V AC/DC 432061
Motor Mech 220/250V AC/DC 432064
Motor Mech 400/440 V AC 435812
3 Pole Spreader for FE-(set of 3) 432032 900
4 Pole Spreader for FE-(set of 4) 432033 1100
Phase Barrier set of 12 432085 950
Connection Plug in Unit 3P 432034 8000
Plug in Unit 4P 432037 10500
Draw out system 3P 432538 13800
Draw out system 4P 432544 16300
3P, 160A 220/440V AC-Bottom Mounted 431136 10500
3P, 160A 400/690V AC-Bottom Mounted 431118 10500
3P, 250A 220/440V AC-Bottom Mounted 431139 12000
RCD 3P, 250A 400/690V AC-Bottom Mounted 431124 12000
Module 4P, 160A 220/440V AC-Bottom Mounted 431159 10500
4P, 160A 400/690V AC-Bottom Mounted 431145 10500
4P, 250A 220/440V AC-Bottom Mounted 431161 12000
4P, 250A 400/690V AC-Bottom Mounted 431151 12000
* Door Flange FDFH to be ordered separately to use the door interlock options

Record Plus Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole Buy Log/
Capacity Rating(A) Code Reference Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Code Reference Unit
FGN MCCB with Micro Processor Release SMR1 w/o rating plug
Micro 400A 431455 32000 400A 431536 39800
50kA 630A
Processor 431461 33800 630A 431539 42800
Description Rating Plug for SMR1
Adjustable OL FG400-400A 433151 1000 FG400-400A 433187 1200
Rating Plug (0.625-1) In FG630-630A 433157 1000 FG630-630A 433193 1200
Switchable OL FG400-350A 435435 1200 FG400-350A 434537 1400
Rating Plug
(Motor/Line) (0.4-1) In FG630-500A 434512 1200 FG630-500A 434542 1400
MCCB with Micro Processor Release SMR2 w/o rating plug
FGN Frame 400A 436156 44000 400A 436160 52000
Micro 50kA
Processor 630A 436158 46500 630A 434092 55000
Description Rating Plug for SMR2
Adjustable FG400-400A 436721 1400 FG400-400A 434584 1600
(0.625-1) In
Rating Plug FG630-630A 436722 1400 FG630-630A 434532 1600
Manual Extended / Panel or Door Mounted Handle - FG 436506 3000
Operator Direct Mounted Rotary Handle - FG 436509 2500

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Record Plus Accessories for FG Frame

Type Description Buy Log/
Code Reference
Motor Operator 24V AC/DC 432817
Motor Operator 48V AC/DC 432820
FG Electrical Motor Operator 60V AC/DC 432823
Operator Motor Operator 110V AC/DC 432826
Motor Operator 220/250V AC/DC 432829
Motor Operator 400/440V AC 432811
3 Pole Spreader for FG-(set of 3) 431981 2400
4 Pole Spreader for FG-(set of 4) 431982 2900
Phase Separator (set of 12) 432852 1500
Plug in Unit 3P 430944 15500
Plug in Unit 4P 431064 19000
Draw out System 3P 432550 24000
Draw out System 4P 432556 27000
FG RCD 3P 400/630A 220/440V 430860 19000
RCD FG RCD 3P 400/630A 400/690V 430856 19000
Modules FG RCD 4P 400/630A 220/440V 430869 23000
FG RCD 4P 400/630A 400/690V 430865 23000

SMR2 optional modules

External contact module (4 contacts, 1A/400V) 434013 10500
Ammeter with 4 digit LCD display 436183 6000
Groundfault Alarm + Modbus communication 436185 9000
Groundfault Alarm + 2 channel load shedding device 436186 7000
Groundfault Alarm + fault type indicators 436187 7000
Add on
Groundfault Protection + Modbus communication 436188 9000
Groundfault Protection + 2 channel load shedding device 436189 7000
Groundfault Protection + fault type indicators 436190 7000
2 Channel load shedding device + Modbus communication 436192 9000
2 Channel load shedding device + fault type indicators 436197 7000
Fault type indicators + Modbus communication 436191 9000
Accessories common to FD / FE / FG
Aux. switch right mounted 1NO 430837
Aux. switch right mounted 1NC 430831
Aux. switch left mounted 1NO 430834
Aux. switch left mounted 1 NC 430828
Auxiliary Bell alarm electronic trip unit (FD/FE/FG) /Bell alarm RCD Device (FD/FE/FG) 1NO 430818
Alarm Bell alarm electronic trip unit (FD/FE/FG) /Bell alarm RCD Device (FD/FE/FG) 1NC 430815 450
Contact Bell alarm Thermal Magnetic trip unit (FE only) 1NO 430970
Bell alarm Thermal Magnetic trip unit (FE only) 1NC 430969
Bell alarm Mechanism - 1C / O contact (1NO + 1NC) - FD only (not for FDC & FDE) 430880
Bell alarm Mechanism (FE/FG) - 1NO 432003
Bell alarm Mechanism (FE/FG) - 1NC 432000
Shunt Release 12V DC 430840
Shunt Release 24V AC/DC 430843
Shunt Shunt Release 48V AC/DC 430846
Release Shunt Release 110/130V AC/DC 430849
Shunt Release 220/240V AC 250V DC 430852
Shunt Release 400/480V AC 430855
Under Voltage Release 24V AC/DC 430861
Under Voltage Release 48V AC/DC 430864
Under Voltage Release 110/130V AC/DC 430867 1980
UV Release
Under Voltage Release 220/240V AC 250V DC 430870
Under Voltage Release 400/480V AC 430873

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E32
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Record Plus Moulded Case Circuit Breakers & Accessories for FK Frame
Breaking Code Buy Log/
Poles Description
Capacity (Icu) Reference Unit
Thermo Magnetic Release
3 50kA 630A 435444
3 50kA 800A 435336
3 50kA 1000A 435550
3 50kA 1250A 435551
Micro Processor Release SMR
3 50kA 800A 435393
3 50kA 1000A 435396
3 50kA 1250A 435384
3 50kA 1600A 435387
4 50kA 800A 435447
4 50kA 1000A 435450
4 50kA 1250A 435438
4 50kA 1600A 435441
Thermo Magnetic Release

For details, please contact our nearest sales office

3 80kA 630A 435426
3 80kA 800A 435318
3 80kA 1000A 435553
3 80kA 1250A 435554
Micro Processor Release SMR
3 80kA 800A 435288
3 80kA 1000A 435276
3 80kA 1250A 435279
3 80kA 1600A 435285
4 80kA 800A 435339
4 80kA 1000A 435342
4 80kA 1250A 435330
4 80kA 1600A 435333
Motor Mechanism 24V AC/DC 435683
Motor Mechanism 48V AC/DC 435680
Motor Mechanism 110V AC/DC 435686
Motor Mechanism 230V AC/DC 436324
Ext. Rotary Handle 436519
Direct Rotary Handle 436522
Aux. Disconnects 435758
Bell alarm contact right mounted CO 435761
Aux. switch right mounted CO 436401
Shunt Release 380/440V AC/DC 435692
Shunt Release 24V AC/DC 435693
Shunt Release 48V AC/DC 435694
Shunt Release 110/130V AC/DC 435695
Shunt Release 220/240V AC 250V DC 435696
Delayed Under Voltage Release 230V AC 435697
Under Voltage Release 24 V AC 435698
Under Voltage Release 230 V AC 435699
Under Voltage Release 400 V AC 435700
Under Voltage Release 24 V DC 435701
Under Voltage Release 48 V DC 435702
Spreader for FK08 - FK12 3P 435708
Spreader for FK16 3P 435710
Spreader for FK08 - FK12 4P 435711
Spreader for FK16 4P 435712
Phase Barrier FK 435722

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E33
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Spectra Range of Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Thermal magnetic release (Adjustable Overload)
Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit
16 STC34TME016F 3850 16 STC44TME016F 5100
20 STC34TME020F 3850 20 STC44TME020F 5100
32 STC34TME032F 3850 32 STC44TME032F 5100
40 STC34TME040F 3850 40 STC44TME040F 5100
50 STC34TME050F 3850 50 STC44TME050F 4900
63 STC34TME063F 3850 63 STC44TME063F 5100
80 STC34TME080F 3850 80 STC44TME080F 5100
100 STC34TME100F 3850 100 STC44TME100F 5100
125 STC34TME125F 5200 125 STC44TME125F 6800
Spectra TME
16 STE34TME016F 4100 16 STE44TME016F 5700
20 STE34TME020F 4100 20 STE44TME020F 5700
32 STE34TME032F 4100 32 STE44TME032F 5700
40 STE34TME040F 4100 40 STE44TME040F 5700
50 STE34TME050F 4100 50 STE44TME050F 5700
63 STE34TME063F 4100 63 STE44TME063F 5700
80 STE34TME080F 4100 80 STE44TME080F 5700
100 STE34TME100F 4100 100 STE44TME100F 5700
125 STE34TME125F 5500 125 STE44TME125F 7400

Thermal magnetic release (Adjustable Overload)

Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Capacity Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit
16 STE34TM016F 5150 16 STE44TM016F 6700
20 STE34TM020F 5150 20 STE44TM020F 6700
32 STE34TM032F 5150 32 STE44TM032F 6700
40 STE34TM040F 5150 40 STE44TM040F 6700
50 STE34TM050F 5150 50 STE44TM050F 6700
25kA 63 STE34TM063F 5150 63 STE44TM063F 6700
80 STE34TM080F 5150 80 STE44TM080F 6700
100 STE34TM100F 5150 100 STE44TM100F 6700
125 STE34TM125F 6700 125 STE44TM125F 7900
160 STE34TM160F 9000 160 STE44TM160F 9950
Spectra TM 200 STE34TM200F 9700 200 STE44TM200F 13500
16 STS34TM016F 6500 16 STS44TM016F 7800
20 STS34TM020F 6500 20 STS44TM020F 7800
32 STS34TM032F 6500 32 STS44TM032F 7800
40 STS34TM040F 6500 40 STS44TM040F 7800
50 STS34TM050F 6500 50 STS44TM050F 7800
63 STS34TM063F 6500 63 STS44TM063F 7800
36kA 80 STS34TM080F 6500 80 STS44TM080F 7800
100 STS34TM100F 6500 100 STS44TM100F 7800
125 STS34TM125F 7500 125 STS44TM125F 9000
160 STS34TM160F 9600 160 STS44TM160F 11500
200 STS34TM200F 11500 200 STS44TM200F 14500

Spectra TME Accessories Spectra TM Accessories

Code Accessories Buy Log/Unit Code Accessories Buy Log/Unit
STMETA(1) Trip Alarm Contact 800 STMSR1 Shunt Release 110 - 415V 950
STMEAUX(2) Auxiliary Contact 1C/0 800 STMTA(1) Trip Alarm Contact 950
STMEROHD Rotary Handle (Door Mounted) 950 STMAUX(2) Auxiliary Contact 950
STMEPB1 Phase Barriers (Set of 2) 130 STMROHD Rotary Handle (Door Mounted) 1050
STMESPRD1 Spreaders ( Set of 3) 400 STMPB1 Phase Barriers (Set of 2) 130
Notes: STMSPRD1 Spreaders ( Set of 3) 500
1. STMTA4 for 4 pole MCCB STMSPRD2 Spreaders ( Set of 4) 675
* Factory fitted only

2. STMEAUX2CO Aux. contact 2C/0 - Buy Log 1200/- STMALAX* Alarm + Auxiliary Switch 1700
SGC8302061 Universal EFM suitable for 7500
Spectra TM / TME upto 250A

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E34
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Spectra Range of Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Microprocessor based release (Adjustable Overload, Adjustable Short Circuit)
Breaking 3Pole 4Pole
Type Capacity Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit Rating(A) Cat No. Buy Log/Unit
25 SES34ATO32F25 10500 25 SES44ATO32F25 14200
32 SES34ATO32F 10500 32 SES44ATO32F 14200
50 SES34ATO63F50 10500 50 SES44ATO63F50 14200
63 SES34ATO63F 10500 63 SES44ATO63F 14200
80 SES34AT100F80 10500 80 SES44AT100F80 14200
100 SES34AT100F 10500 100 SES44AT100F 14200
125 SES34AT160F125 12200 125 SES44AT160F125 15800
160 SES34AT160F 13500 160 SES44AT160F 17500
200 SFS34AT250F200 17000 200 SFS44AT250F200 21900
250 SFS34AT250F 18500 250 SFS44AT250F 23100
320 SGS34AT400F320 22500 320 SGS44AT400F320 30000
400 SGS34AT400F 22500 400 SGS44AT400F 30000
500 SGS34AT630F500 25900 500 SGS44AT630F500 35500
Spectra Plus 630 SGS34AT630F 25900 630 SGS44AT630F 35500
25 SEN34AT032F25 12500 25 SEN44AT032F25 15200
32 SEN34AT032F 12500 32 SEN44ATO32F 15200
50 SEN34ATO63F50 12500 50 SEN44ATO63F50 15200
63 SEN34ATO63F 12500 63 SEN44ATO63F 15200
80 SEN34AT100F80 12500 80 SEN44AT100F80 15200
100 SEN34AT100F 12500 100 SEN44AT100F 15200
125 SEN34AT160F125 13700 125 SEN44AT160F125 17900
160 SEN34AT160F 15500 160 SEN44AT160F 20100
200 SFN34AT250F200 18000 200 SFN44AT250F200 25900
250 SFN34AT250F 19700 250 SFN44AT250F 26500
320 SGN34AT400F320 23400 320 SGN44AT400F320 30500
400 SGN34AT400F 23400 400 SGN44AT400F 30500
500 SGN34AT630F500 26800 500 SGN44AT630F500 36000
630 SGN34AT630F 26800 630 SGN44AT630F 36000

Spectra Plus Accessories

Code Accessories Buy Log/Unit
SAAUX1 Spectra Plus Auxiliary Contact ‘S’ type 1 changeover 1470
SAAUX2 Spectra Plus Auxiliary Contact ‘S’ type 2 changeover 1925
SAST1 Spectra Plus Shunt 110 AC/DC 1925
SAST2 Spectra Plus Shunt 220 AC/DC 1925
SAST3 Spectra Plus Shunt 24 AC/DC 1925
SAST4 Spectra Plus Shunt 48 AC/DC 1925
SAUV1 Spectra Plus Undervoltage 110 AC/DC 1925
SAUV2 Spectra Plus Undervoltage 220 AC/DC 1925
SAUV3 Spectra Plus Undervoltage 24 AC/DC 1925
SAUV4 Spectra Plus Undervoltage 48 AC/DC 1925
SABAP1 Spectra Plus Bell Alarm Contact 1925
SAEFROH Spectra Plus Extended Handle SE 160/SF250 1470
SAEGROH Spectra Plus Extended Handle SG400/600 1925
SAESPRD3P 3Pole Spreaders for SE 160 - 160A (Set of 3) 470
SAESPRD4P 4Pole Spreaders for SE 160 - 160A (Set of 4) 625
SAFSPRD3P 3Pole Spreaders for SE 250 - 250A (Set of 3) 670
SAFSPRD4P 4Pole Spreaders for SE 250 - 250A (Set of 4) 900
SAGSPRD3P 3Pole Spreaders for SE 630 - 630A (Set of 3) 1400
SAGSPRD4P 4Pole Spreaders for SE 630 - 630A (Set of 4) 1800
SGC8302061 Universal EFM suitable for Spectra Plus upto 250A (external) 7500

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E35
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LM Moulded Case Circuit Breaker - 3 Pole and 4 Pole

(With continuously adjustable Electronic release) O/L (lr): 0.5-1 In, S/C: 2-10 lr
Breaking 3 Pole 4 Pole*
Capacity Rating
Ics (KA) Code Reference Buy Log/ Unit Code Reference Buy Log/ Unit

25 3.2 LM100C SGC8848050 8100 SGC8848041 11600

25 6.3 LM100C SGC8854050 8100 SGC8854041 11600
25 12.5 LM100C SGC8860050 8100 SGC8860041 11600
25 25 LM100C SGC8866050 8100 SGC8866041 11600
25 50 LM100C SGC8872050 8100 SGC8872041 11600
25 100 LM100C SGC8801050 8100 n SGC8801041 11600 n
25 125 LM125C SGC8890050 9500 n SGC8890041 13200
25 160 LM160C SGC8896050 10500 n SGC8896041 14900
25 200 LM200C SGC8188070 13100 n SGC8802041 17200 n
35 3.2 LM100R SGC8848030 8900 SGC8848021 11900
35 6.3 LM100R SGC8854030 8900 SGC8854021 11900
35 12.5 LM100R SGC8860030 8900 SGC8860021 11900
35 25 LM100R SGC8866030 8900 SGC8866021 11900
35 50 LM100R SGC8872030 8900 SGC8872021 11900
35 100 LM100R SGC8801030 8900 SGC8801021 11900
35 125 LM125R SGC8890030 9900 SGC8890021 14200
35 160 LM160R SGC8896030 11900 SGC8896021 15800
35 200 LM200R SGC8188060 13900 SGC8802021 19900
35 250 LM250R SGC8888090 17700 SGC8882001 22900
50 3.2 LM100 SGC8848010 10500 SGC8848001 12800
50 6.3 LM100 SGC8854010 10500 n SGC8854001 12800
50 12.5 LM100 SGC8860010 10500 SGC8860001 12800
50 25 LM100 SGC8866010 10500 n SGC8866001 12800
50 50 LM100 SGC8872010 10500 SGC8872001 12800
50 100 LM100 SGC8801010 10500 n SGC8801001 12800 n
50 125 LM125 SGC8890010 11900 SGC8890001 18900
50 200 LM200 SGC8188050 15900 n SGC8802001 24900 n
50 250 LM250B SGC8188090 19200 n SGC8888001 25500 n
50 400 LM400B SGC8804310 25500 SGC8804001 30600 n
50 630 LM630B SGC8806200 28500 SGC8806001 35000 n
50 800 LM800B SGC8808150 33900 SGC8808001 42000

LM Pro MCCBs - With Microprocessor Release

(with O/L Short circuit, Instantaneous, Earth fault, Distinct fault indication & Trip history)
50 400 LM400B SGC8804320 34500 SGC8804005 43000 n
50 630 LM630B SGC8806210 37000 SGC8806005 46000
50 800 LM800B SGC8808160 42000 SGC8808005 55000
* 4 Pole MCCB’s - Neutral 100% rated
Accessories for LM MCCB (3 Pole and 4 Pole) - Field Fittable
Rotary Controls 3 & 4 Pole EFM (Adj. Setting) UV Electronic #240/415V AC # The Electronic UV is not a no volt
Code reference Buy Log/Unit 3 Phase, 3 Wire systems Buy Log/ Unit coil, contact our nearest sales office
100/125/160A SGC8301073 1050 n 7200 for technical specifications
200/250A SGC8302055 1250 9500 NA External CBCT has tapping of 20%,
400/630/800A SGC8308041 1400 n 10200 NA 30% and 40%

Accessories for LM MCCB (3 Pole and 4 Pole) - Field Fittable Accessories

For use with Aux/Alarm Contact (1NO) Aux/Alarm Contact (1NC) UV Release Shunt Trip Release
Frame Code Buy Log/ Code Buy Log/ Voltage Code Buy Log/ Voltage Code Buy Log/
Reference Unit Reference Unit (AC) Reference Unit Reference Unit

240V 110-415V AC
110-220V DC SGC8301071
Factory fitted 1800
100A/125A/160A SGC8308027 220 SGC8308028 220 415V 24-48V AC/DC SGC8301072
SGC8302044 1800 110-415V AC 1650 n
240V SGC8302053* 1800 110-220V DC SGC8301071
200A/250A SGC8308027 220 SGC8308028 220 SGC8302043 1800 24-48V AC/DC
415V SGC8301072
SGC8302054* 1800
240V SGC8308035 1800 110-415V AC SGC8308039
SGC8304016* 1800 110-220V DC 1650 n
400A/630A/800ASGC8308027 220 SGC8308028 220 SGC8308034 1800
415V 24-48V AC/DC SGC8308040
SGC8304017* 1800
* UV release with delay, 200 + msec available on request, contact our nearest sales office for delivery. EFM 4p - Factory Fitted

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E36
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VCB (VB2-12)
• Conforms to IEC662271-100
• Rated voltage-12KV NE
• Rated current-630, 1250, 1600, 2500, 3150, 4000A
• Rated breaking current for short circuit-25, 31.5 & 40kA
• Rated short circuit withstand current for 4 Sec-25, 31.5 & 40kA
• Rated power frequency withstand voltage (1Min)-42kV
• Mechanical life-30000 times
• Horizonal draw out, horizonal isolation type
• 3 Pole, withdrawable type with manual & motor operation
• Accessories-closing & tripping coil, earthing switching and truck, break handling trolley etc.
• CPRI, KERI, KEMA and CCC tested W
MV Switchgear (PV2-12)
• Conforms to IEC62271-200
• Rated voltage & frequency - 3.6-12KV and 50 Hz
• Metal clad withdrawable & compartmentalized switchgear
• Degree of protection - IP4X
• Incomer, bus coupler and outgoing configuration with CTs, PTs, metering & protection based on specification

*For details, please contact our nearest sales office

Mpact MPro Air Circuit Breaker

Conforms to IEC60947 Part II

Full certification to ASTA / LOVAG / KEMA


Ratings 400A - 4,000A (5000A to 6300A on request)


t Compacted into 2 frame sizes (5000A to 6300A in frame 3)

t True RMS sensing, micro processor based protection releases type M-Pro 27/50
t 50 / 65 / 80 kA performance
t Built-in safety features offered as standard
Field fittable accessories

Rear or front access connections


Common dimensions for ease of installation


t Minimal clearance achieved reducing cubicle size

t Unique earth fault protection (unrestricted & restricted)
t Compatibility for simple upgrades
* For details, please contact our nearest sales office

Spectronic S Air Circuit Breaker

t New generation ACBs with most modern design with “Static" or
“Microprocessor based" protection releases, ensuring total discrimination
t Conforms to IEC60947-2/IS13947-2. Type tested at CPRI for IS13947-2
t Range 800A to 4000A
t High breaking capacities from 55kA to 75kA
t 3 pole and 4 pole versions, withdrawble and fixed type, manual or motor
t Tropicalised to Class I (standard) and Class II (optional)
t Static release LMZ - 7 with O/L, S/C, & E/F protection
t Microprocessor based protection release - RMS7, RMS9D, RMS10
(communication compatible - RMS releases on request)
t Flexible terminal options
t Highest electrical & mechanical endurance
t Most user friendly for handling

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E37
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Spectronic S ACB Withdrawable Version

Release Selection

LMZ7 Schedule ‘A’ lists prices of Air Circuit Schedule ‘B’ lists prices of Air Circuit
t Standard Protection - Overload, Breaker with the following accessories Breaker with the following accessories
Short Circuit IMS MWS
Option (Factory Fitted)
1 Independent manual spring closing 1 Motor-Wound spring charged
t With Earth Fault Protection mechanism closing with motor
t With Distinct Fault Indicator 1 Closing Coil
1 Static release LMZ-7 with 4 CTs
RMS 7 1 Shunt Trip Release
t Standard Protection - Overload,
1 Static release LMZ 7 with 4 CTs
Short Circuit & Instantaneous 1 Microprocessor (µP) release RMS 7
with 3* CTs of standard ratings or
Option (Site Fittable) 1 Microprocessor (µP) release RMS 7
1 Auxiliary Switches with 4NO + 4NC
t Earth Fault (EF) Protection with 3* CTs of standard ratings
t Distinct fault indicator (O/L, S/C & EF) 1 Auxiliary Switch with 4 NO + 4 NC
t Rating plug 4 Blocks of 6-Way sliding type LT contacts
RMS9 / RMS10 4 Blocks of 6-Way sliding type LT
tStandard Protection - Overload, 1 Rating Error prevention plug disconnectors
Short Circuit, Instantaneous & 1 Racking Handle 1 Rating Error prevention plug
Earth Fault
1 Set of Safety Shutter 1 Racking Handle
tCommunication port - (RMS releases on request)
1 Set of Safety Shutter
Options (Site Fittable)
t Rating plug
* If RMS 7 is ordered with EF module the ACB is supplied with 4 CTS. 4 Pole ACB is supplied with
t Voltage Conditioner (set of 3) - for 4 CTS. 4th CT for Neutral
all voltage based parameters
including power measurement
t Zone selective interlock
t Protective relay functions
t Load shedding
t Metering package

Spectronic SP ACB Fixed Version (IMS)

Fixed version with rear horizontal terminals
Two basic frame sizes covering from 800A to 1600A in frame 1 & 2000 and 2500A in
frame 2 (Height & Depth remains same through out the range)
Breaking Capacities from 55k - 60kA
3-pole and 4-pole configuration
Field fittable accessories like under voltage and shunt trip release
Manually operated
Accurate protection with static / micro processor based protection releases (LMZ7/RMS7/RMS10)

Retrofit Kit for Mpact with Mpact Mpro

Comprehensive Range 400A-4000 A
Ready to Plug-in Kit
Integrity of System is maintained as tested with enclosure
from CPRI
No Bus-Bar dismantling
No fabrication of panel sides / doors
Quick and fast Retrofit 2-3 hours time
Proper discrimination
All volt-metric releases accessible from front
Upgradation to microprocessor based releases and communication option

1. For details, please contact our nearest sales office
2. Price available on request

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E38
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Spectronics S Range 3Pole Draw-Out ACBs

Static Release LMZ7* Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS10
Rating (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C, E/F) (O/L,S/C,E/F, with display)
Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B
800 102000 135000 112000 145000 115500 148500 120500 153500
1000 107500 140500 117500 150500 121000 154000 126000 159000
1250 130000 163000 140000 173000 143500 176500 148500 181500
1600 145000 178000 155000 188000 158500 191500 163500 196500
2000 179000 212000 189000 222000 192500 225500 197500 230500
2500 210000 243000 220000 253000 223500 256500 228500 261500
3200 275000 308000 285000 318000 288500 321500 293500 326500
4000 358000 391000 368000 401000 371500 404500 376500 409500

Spectronics S Range 4Pole Draw-Out ACBs

Static Release LMZ7* Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS10
Rating (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C, E/F) (O/L,S/C,E/F, with display)
Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B
0800 132000 165000 142000 175000 146000 179000 151000 184000
1000 142000 175000 152000 185000 156000 189000 161000 194000
1250 168000 201000 178000 211000 182000 215000 187000 220000
1600 188000 221000 198000 231000 202000 235000 207000 240000
2000 232000 265000 242000 275000 246000 279000 251000 284000
2500 275000 308000 285000 318000 289000 322000 294000 327000
3200 338000 371000 348000 381000 352000 385000 357000 390000
4000 450000 483000 460000 493000 464000 497000 469000 502000

Spectronics SP Range Fixed ACBs (IMS)

Static Release LMZ7* Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS7 Microprocessor Release RMS10
Rating (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C) (O/L,S/C, E/F) (O/L,S/C,E/F, with display)
3Pole 4Pole 3Pole 4Pole 3Pole 4Pole 3Pole 4Pole
800 57100 79700 67100 89700 70600 93200 75600 98200
1000 59500 85800 69500 95800 73000 99300 78000 104300
1250 84500 111900 94500 121900 98000 125400 103000 130400
1600 86800 117800 96800 127800 100300 131300 105300 136300
2000 102400 141600 112400 151600 115900 155100 120900 160100
2500 117800 161900 - - - - - -
*Add Rs.4000/- for LMZ7 with EF protection

#Voltage Ratings Releases and Accessories

Shunt Trip Release 110/220/415V AC 24/110V DC Description Buy Log/
Undervoltage Release 220/415V AC
RMS releases with current parameters and
Closing Coil 110/220 AC 24/110/220V DC communication on request
Motor Mechanism 110/220 AC 110/220V DC RMS releases with current, voltage,
Note: power parameters and communication on request
1. Rear horizontal terminals are standard Reduction for LMZ release 5500
2. For other terminal options, please contact our nearest sales office Shunt release 2500
3. 3 pole ACB requires ‘6’ nos of terminals and 4 poles ACB requires Undervoltage release 2900
‘8’ nos of terminals for incoming and outgoing Castle Lock Kit (Single Letter-19mm) 2200
4. In case of combination of terminals, deduct the Buy Log of horizontal Castle Lock Kit (Single Letter - 37mm dia) 2200
terminals and add the Buy Log of selected terminal option for Castle Lock Kit (Double Letter - 37mm dia) 3400
incoming and outgoing separately
Ronnis Lock for OFF interlock 2200
5. For codes not available in the Buy Log, please contact our nearest
sales office
Ronnis Lock for Withdrawn / Connected position 2200
6. Local controls (ON/OFF Push Buttons) Interlocking is a standard
Auxilliary Contact 1NO+1NC 850
offering with Spectronic ACB (Pad Lock not supplied) 6Way LT Disconnects Block Fixed / Moving 1400
7. For 5000A/6300A ACBs, please contact our nearest sales office
3Way LT Disconnects Block Fixed / Moving 700
Microswitch for common fault indication 1200
Distinct fault indication for O/L,S/C, E/F in LMZ7 4500
RMS 10 protection release (GTU-D)
Distinct fault indication for O/L,S/C in RMS7 release 4900
- Wide range of O/L, S/C & EF settings Distinct fault indication for O/L,S/C,E/F in RMS7 release 5400
- Current metering with backlit display as standard Rating Plug for RMS7 without earth fault 3400
- RELT (optional)
Rating Plug for RMS7 with earth fault 6600
- Ease of settings with touch buttons
- Wide range of rating plugs
Motor for MWS Mechanism(V) 35700
- Last 10 trip data history Closing Coil(V) 7200
IMS to MWS Conversion Kit** 48500
**Motor, Closing Coil, Shunt Trip Release & MWS wiring harness

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 E39
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C Pro

Miniature Circuit Breaker

Guardline MCB
Ref. Standards - IS 8828 / IEC 898
0.5A-63A in SP, DP, TP, FP pole configuration
10kA breaking capacity for entire range
Current Limiting - Class 3
Tripping Curves: C & D for application specific selection
Wide range of field fittable accessories - Auxiliary Contacts,
Shunt Trip U/V coil, Padlock
80A-125A SP, DP, TP, FP on request
B type available on request
Guard Line DC MCB SP, DP available on request

Residual Current Circuit Breaker

Type AC - General Application
Type A - For Harmonic Rich Environment
6A - 63A, 2 pole & 4 pole, 240V/415V AC
Sensitivity 30mA, 100mA, 300mA
Can be used as Main Switch / Isolator

RCBO - RCCB with Overload Protection

6A - 63A in 2 pole and 4 pole
Sensitivity.. 30mA, 300mA C Curve
Breaking Capacity - 10kA Approved
Available on request

MCB Distribution Boards

Wide range designed to suit every application & ambience.
Liberal wiring space

Safeline Range Sheet Steel DBS

SPN & TPN DB in 4,8,12 ways in Single door & Double door configuration

Phase Segregated Compartmentalized DBS

Single door & Double door. 4,6,8 & 12 ways

Plug & Socket Distribution Boards

20 A SPN Plug & Socket DB
30 A SPN Plug & Socket DB

Time Switches
Auto switching device operating on real time
Wide range of switches for Day, Week, Day+Week, Year program
Synchronous, Quartz & Digital type with min. switching time of 1sec.
Profile matching with MCBs, DIN channel mounting, can be fitted in any DB
Easily programmable

Comfort Functions
Wide range of DIN channel mounting products
Profile matching with MCBs, can be fitted in any DB
• Modular switches 16A,32A • Push-buttons 16A • Mains disconnect switch 32A-100A
• Modular switches 63A-80A-100A • Day-night contactors • Modular contactors
• Impulse switches • Modular relays • Light sensitivity switch
• Staircase lighting time switch • Time relays • Bell transformers
• Socket-outlets measurement device - Analogue and digital • Net analyser
• Hour counters surge arresters • Thermostats • Tariff time switches

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 F40
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C Pro

Miniature Circuit Breakers - Guardline

MCBs Buy Log/ Unit Ordering Code

Configuration Rating while ordering please specify

6A-32A 158¾ the code as below.
SP ‘B’ Curve GLC_ _ _ _ _
40A 340 Curve*
0.5A-4A 250 (B, C, D) Current Rating
(0.5A-00, 1A-01, 2A-02, 63A-63)
6A-32A 170¾ No. of Poles
SP ‘C’ Curve
40A 350 (1 - SP, 2 - DP, 3 - TP, 4 - FP)
50A,63A 415 Example: 4P, 25A, C Curve Code: GLCFP25
0.5A - 4A 680
6A - 32A 530¾ * ‘B’ curve available in SP configuration 6A - 40A only
DP ‘C’ Curve
40A 780
50A, 63A 840
0.5A - 4A 1050
6A - 32A 810
TP ‘C’ Curve
40A 1180
50A, 63A 1240 Residual Current Circuit Breaker - RCCB
0.5A - 4A 1330 Rating
Poles Sensitivity Buy Log/
6A - 32A 1160 Unit
FP ‘C’ Curve Volt Amps (mA)
40A 1610
25 4 30 2550
50A, 63A 1660
40 4 30 2600 n
For ‘D’ curve and DC MCBs, please contact us 63 4 30 3025 n
240V/ 25 4 100 2650
Isolators 415V
40 4 100 2700 n
Configuration Rating/Description Buy Log/Unit 63 4 100 3150 n
Guardline Isolator 25 4 300 2650 n
DP 320 40 4 300 2700 n
Double Pole 40A
63 4 300 3150 n
Guardline Isolator
DP 415 25 2 30 1900 n
Double Pole 63A
Guardline Isolator 40 2 30 2250 n
TP 550 63 2 30 2650 n
Triple Pole 40A
Guardline Isolator 240V# 25 2 100 1995 n
TP 620 AC 40 2 100 2350 n
Triple Pole 63A
Guardline Isolator 63 2 100 2750
FP 710 25 2 300 2010
Four Pole 40A
Guardline Isolator 40 2 300 2350
FP 790
Four Pole 63A 63 2 300 2725
# All 2 pole RCCBs are in 4 module size

Distribution Boards
Sheet Steel (Safe Line - Single Door) Sheet Steel (Safe Line - Double Door)
Buy Log/ Buy Log/
Configuration Unit Configuration Unit
SPN 4 Way 730 SPN 4 Way 995
SPN 8 Way 850 SPN 8 Way 1175
SPN 12 Way 1020 SPN 12 Way 1450
TPN 4 Way 1825 TPN 4 Way 2400
TPN 8 Way 2650 TPN 8 Way 3450
TPN 12 Way 3650 TPN 12 Way 4800

Phase Segregated Sheet Steel DBs Phase Segregated Sheet Steel DBs Plug & Socket DB
(Single Door) (Double Door)
Configuration Buy Log/Unit Configuration Buy Log/Unit Configuration Buy Log/Unit
4 Way 4900 4 Way 6000 P & S SPN 20A 950
6 Way 5800 6 Way 6650 P & S TPN 20A 1850
8 Way 6200 8 Way 7500 P & S TPN 32A 2125
12 Way 7300 12 Way 9200
# The DB’s Buy Logs are inclusive of Neutral & Earth Bar

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 F41
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C Pro

Time Switches
Description Model Code Reference Buy Log/
Electro - Mechanical - Classic Unit
Day program w/o reserve 30min Talento 111 666112 2270
Day program with reserve 15min 72*72 CLS72Q41D 666178 2320
Day program with reserve 30min Talento 211 666104 2650
Week program with reserve 3 hrs Talento 271 666109 3150
1 Day. 1Week program with reserve 30min/3hrs Talento 202 666108 4480
2 Day program with reserve 30min/30min Talento 212 666103 3890
Digital - Galax
Day / Week program with reserve 30min Talento 371 686532 4700
Day / Week program with reserve 30min Talento 371mini 686530 7600
Day / Week program with reserve (2c/o) Talento 372 686533 8800

Surgeguard - Surge Arresters

Code Up Buy Log/
Description Imax Un
Reference (L-PE) Unit
CLASS 2 - Single Pole Plug-in- Plug & Base
666545 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 20S2 20kA 960V 230V 2850
666546 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 20S4 20kA 150V 400V 3100
666547 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 45S2 45kA 1000V 230V 3600
666548 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 45S4 45kA 2100V 400V 3800
666549 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 65S2 65kA 1200V 230V 6900
666551 SP Plug in type surge arrester, 65S4 65kA 1950V 400V 4900
666537 SP Plug in type surge arrester, with 1C/O, 45C2 45kA 1000V 230V 4200
666539 SP Plug in type surge arrester, with 1C/O, 45C4 45kA 2100V 400V 4200
666542 SP Plug in type surge arrester, with 1C/O, 65C2 65kA 1200V 230V 5900
666544 SP Plug in type surge arrester, with 1C/O, 65C4 65kA 1950V 400V 6300
CLASS 2 - Multi Pole monoblock
666525 DP (1+N) monoblock surge arrester, 20S2 20kA 960V 230V 4400
666526 FP (3+N) monoblock surge arrester, 20S4 20kA 960V 400V 5400
666527 DP (1+N) monoblock surge arrester, 45S2 45kA 1000V 230V 5600
666529 FP (3+N) monoblock surge arrester, 45S4 45kA 1000V 400V 8700
666530 FP (3+N) monoblock surge arrester, with 1C/O, 45C4 45kA 1000V 400V 10900
666533 FP (3+N) monoblock surge arrester, with 1C/O, 80C4 80kA 1200V 400V 26000
CLASS 2 - Replacement module (Cartridge only)
666534 Cartridge for 666545 20kA 960V 230V 2000
666535 Cartridge for 666546 20kA 150V 230V 2200
666536 Cartridge for 666547 45kA 1000V 230V 2400
666538 Cartridge for 666548 & 666539 45kA 2100V 400V 2400
666541 Cartridge for 666542 & 666549 65kA 1200V 230V 3800
666543 Cartridge for 666544 & 666551 65kA 1950V 400V 3800
666524 Sine Wave Tracker - - 6300
666532 Decoupling coil 40A - - 5300

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 F42

Overhead Busbars and Plug-In Box

Overhead Busbars (OHBB)
Type RR overhead busbar units offer highly flexible power distribution system to meet
complex shop layouts
200A to 400A OHBB, standard units of 3658mm and 2440mm long respectively
Busbars are supported by fire retardant phenolic moulds
Complete safety with fully shrouded plug-in points at specific intervals
Extended range of 200A to 800A in Copper & 630A to 800A in
Aluminuim OHBB also available on request

Plug-in Box
For direct plugging into OHBB
32A, 63A and 100A TPN plug in boxes with HBC fuselinks for
flexibility in power distribution (with MCCB/provision for MCB, on request)
Contacts reinforced by spring steel strips for proper contact with busbars
Two earth pins located at the ends engage first in the special earth
bushes before the main contacts make

Tap Off Box

Available in 63A to 630A with SDFUs/MCCBs. Please contact our nearest sales office
for detailed information
Incomer Housing with MCCB
Available in 400A and 630A as standard design. Please contact our nearest sales office
office for detailed information


WaveProTM Series Busway

(OHBBs & Rising Mains)
Highly flexible solution for complex power distribution requirements of medium to
large size commercial buildings and industries
Compact design, sandwich construction. KEMA certified, conforms to IEC standards
Housing made up of aluminium alloy. Available in plug-in & feeder versions
Range: 100A - 5000A, 3P4W, 3P5W, IP40 - IP65 configurations. Short circuit ratings
from 36kA - 100kA (for various ratings)
Standard length of the busway is 3mts. Non standard sections on request
Standard length plug-in busway can be provided with upto 8 plugs per length
(8 plugs standard offering)
Busway Plugs
Available with MCCBs - with rotary handle or crank handle
(metal handle on the sides)
Both the versions offer interlock, preventing the opening of the door when the
device is "ON", preventing pulling out of the plug when the device is "ON"
Three basic frame sizes, 125A (16A - 125A), 250A (160A - 250A), 630A (320A - 630A)
Busway Fittings
Complete range of accessories to suit site conditions
Elbows (Right, Left, Up, Down), Tees, Cable Tap Boxes (End, Center), Expansion Lengths,
End Boxes etc...

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 G43
sw ies
Bu ssor
c e

Overhead Busbar Plug-in Box

Rating Material Buy Log/ Unit Buy Log/ Associated HBC Fuselinks
Rating Con- Code Unit Bolted
200A Aluminium figuration List No.
Reference (excluding
400A Aluminium Volt Amp Fuselinks) T TS
630A Aluminium For details,
32 TPN RRF303N-4 PGT8215000 3500 TIA TSA
800A Aluminium please contact
our nearest 415 V 63 TPN RRF603N-4 PGT8220000 4200 TIA, TIS TSA, TSS
200A Copper AC
400A Copper sales office 100 TPN RRF1003N-4 PGT8225000 7000 TCP TSD
630A Copper Note:
800A Copper 1. Plug-in boxes with provision for MCBs available on request
2. Tap Off Boxes with SDFUs, MCCBs, and Feed Units / Incomer housings available on request


WaveProTM Series Busway

Overhead Busbar / Rising Mains Blank End Covers
Description Buy Log/Unit Code
Rating Buy Log/Unit
100A - 5000A Busbar System Reference
For details, please
(Plug-in & Feeder configurations) 200A GGT0100007 For details, please contact
contact our nearest
sales office 400A GGT0100008 our nearest sales office
Plug in Boxes with MCCB
Accessories: Elbows, Tees, Offsets,
End Tap Boxes, Center Tap Boxes etc.

LV tors

APP and Mixed Dielectric
Explosion proof safe design
Long life
Low watt loss

Type APP (Film Foil) - 3ø, 50Hz Type MD (Mixed Dielectric) - 3ø, 50Hz
APP 415 V Buy Log/ APP 440 V Buy Log/ MXD 415 V Buy Log/ MXD 440 V Buy Log/
Code Code Code Unit Code Unit
Reference Reference Reference Reference
5 APP051 3200 APP052 3050 7.5 MXD071 6000 MXD072 5760
7.5 APP071 4800 APP072 4520 8 MXD081 6350 MXD082 6120
8 APP081 5080 APP082 4868 10 MXD101 7600 MXD102 7530
10 APP101 6150 APP102 5900 12.5 MXD121 9600 MXD122 9460
12.5 APP121 7700 APP122 7350 15 MXD151 11600 MXD152 11300
15 APP151 9150 APP152 8800 20 MXD201 15450 MXD202 15050
20 APP201 12200 APP202 12000 25 MXD251 19350 MXD252 18800
25 APP251 15300 APP252 14700
30 APP301 18300 APP302 17900
AI 40 per KVAR
Notes : MPP / MPPH available on request CuI 50 per KVAR
Ge-Povar APFC Relay Note: Capacitor in other voltages, KVAR & frequency available on request

Model No. of Stages Code Reference Buy Log/Unit

PC06 6 PC0610 15400
PC08 8 PC0810 18900
PA12 12 PA1210 24900
PA14 14 PA1410 27800

Low Voltage Components - Buy Log effective from 03rd January, 2011 G44
Solutions that make a difference

At GE Energy, Industrial Solutions we are quite aware of this. With an expanded focus on customer challenges, we are leading
the future of electrification by committing to technologies that will help create cleaner, smarter and more efficient global
electrical infrastructure.

We have a lot to offer right from products to services, changing the way people live and work. Our comprehensive and
innovative solutions meet our customers’ challenges in Power, Protection & Distribution, addressing diverse segments that
include Core & Commercial Infrastructure, OEMs, Utilities or Industries.
Buy Log
effective from 3rd January, 2011

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