2720 6 1972 Reff2021
2720 6 1972 Reff2021
2720 6 1972 Reff2021
UDC 624·131'434
(Reaffirmed 2013)
(Reaffirmed 2012)
(Reaffirmed 2011)
(Reaffirmed 2010)
C Copyright 1972
Gr 3 July 1972
(Reaffirmed 2008)
(Reaffirmed 2007)
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Indian Standard
(First Revision)
Soil Engineering Sectional Committee, BDC 23
Chairman Reprlsenting
PROF DINESH MORAN Central Building Research Institute (CSIR),
SHRI D. R. NA'RAHARI (Alternate to
Prof Dinesh Mohan)
PROF ALA~I SING!! University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur
DR A. BANERJEE Cementation Co Ltd, Bombay
SRRI S G UPTA ( Alternate ;
SHRI B.B. L.BHATNAQAR Land Reclamation, Irrigation &. Power Research
Institute, Amritsar
SHRI K. N. DADINA In personal capacity (P-820, J'I'ew Alipore, Calcutta 53)
SHRI A. G. DASTIDAR Hindustan Construction Co Ltd . lIombay
SHit! R. L. DEWAN Bihar Institute of Hydraulic &. Allied Researcn,
Khagaul, Patna
nit G . S. DHILLON Indian Geotechnical Society, New Dt'lhi
PROF R . N . DOGR ..\ Indian Institute of Technology;·New Delhi
S HRI S. K . Gt:LHATI ( Alternate)
J or ~T DIRECTOR RES EARCH (FE), Railway Board (Ministry of Railways)
( Alternate )
SHRI S. S. J OSHI Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI S. V.ARADARAJ'A (Alternat. )
SHnI l. P. KAPILA Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Kew Delhi
SHill G. KUECKELlfANN Radio Foundation Engineering Ltd ; arid Hazarat &
Co, Bombay
SHltI A. H. DIVANJ'1 (A!ternatr )
SHRI O. P. :\1.. LHOTRA P"blic \\'orks nepartment, Government of Punjab
SHI! I :\1. A. l\[EH ·rA Concrete Association of India , Hombav
SIfRI T. M . l\fENON (Alternate) .
( Continued on page 2 )
Member.' Representing
SHRI R. S. M~:L':UTE Central Water & Power Commission, New Delhi
S'I'AT'''N) (Alternate)
SHRt T. K. NATARAJAN Central Road Research Institute (CSIR), New
SHRI RAVINDER LAL National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
RESEARCH OFFICER Buildings & Roads Research Laboratory, Public
Works Department, Government of Punjab
RESEARCH OFFICER Engineering Research Laboratory, Hyd:!rabad
DR SHAM8HER PRAKASH University of Roorkee, Roorkee
SHRI H. D. SHARMA Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee
SHRI S. N. SINHA Roads Wing ( Ministry of Shipping & Transport)
SRRI A. S. BISRNOI ( Alternate)
SUPERINTENDING ENG I NEE R Concrete & Soil Re,earch Laboratory, Public Works
(PLANNING AND DESIGN CIRCLE) Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
DIVISION) (Alternate)
SIIRI G. G. SWAMINATHAN Institution of Engineers (India ), Calcutta
SHRI H. C. VERMA All India Instruments Manufacturers & Dealers
Association, Bombay
SHRI S. R. T ALPADE (Alternate)
SHRI H. C. VERMA Public Works Department, Government of Uttar
SRRI D. C. CHATURVEDI ( Alternate)
SHRI D. AJITHA SUIHA, Director General, lSI (Ex-officio Afember)
Director ( Civ Engg )
Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ) , lSI
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Indian Standard
( First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part VI) ( First Revision) was adopted by
the Indian Standards Institution on 25 February 1972, after the draft
finalized by the Soil Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 With a view to establish uniform procedures for the determination of
different characteristics of soils and also for facilitating a comparative
study of the results, the Indian Standards Institution is bringing out
this' Indian Standard methods of test for soils' (IS: 2720) which is
being published in parts. Thirty-three parts of this series have bep.n
published so far.
0.3 This part, first published in 1964, deals with the methods of test for
the determination of shrinkage factors for soils. Factors, such as the
shrinkage limit, shrinkage ratio, shrinkage index and volumetric shrinkage
may be· ,etermined from the results of the test described. The method
for determining the value of linear shrinkage on the basis of results of test
conducted for obtaining the shrinkage limit has been found unsatisfactory
and a direct method for determining this property has been covered in
IS: 2720 (Part XX )-1966*. Hence reference to linear shrinkage has
been deleted from this revision. As weight measurements can be made
more accurately than volume measurements, the former method has been
specified in this revision for the determina tion of the volume of the soil
pat. The inside edge of the shrinkage dish has been rounded so that air
entrapped during the measurement of the volume of the pat is minimized.
Recently it has been recognized that shrinkage upon drying is also
indicative of the structure of the soil. The greater the shrinkage the
more dispersed the strcture. It is possible, therefore, to study the
shrinkage behaviour of undisturbed soil of na.tural or man-made deposits
and get an idea of its structure. In this revision the term shrinkage limit
(undisturbed soil) has been introduced to define this property and a
method included for its determination. Consequently, the term originally
known as shrinkage limit has beenre-designated as shrinkage limit
( remoulded soil ).
*Methods of test for soils: Part XX Determination of linear shrinkage.
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1.1 This standard ( Part VI ) lays down the method of test for obtaining
data from which the shrinkage factors, namely shrinkage limit
( remoulded soil), shrinkage limit (undisturbed soil), shrinkage ratio,
shrinkage index and volumetric shrinkage of soils may be calculated.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
For definitions of terms not given below, reference may be made to
IS : 2809-1972t.
2.1.1 Shrinkage Index (I,) - The numerical difference between the
plastic limit and shrinkage limit (remoulded soil ).
2.1.2 Shrinkage Limit ( Undisturbed Soil) (Wm) - The maximum water
content expressed as percentage of oven-dry weight at which any further
reduction in water content will not cause a decrease in volume of the
soil mass, the soil mass being initially of soil in its undisturbed state.
2.1.3 Shrinkage Limit (Remoulded Soil) (ws) - The maximum water
content expressed as percentage of oven-dry weight at which any further
reduction in water content will not cause a decrease in volume of the soil
mass, the soil mass being prepared initially from remoulded soil.
2.1.4 Shrinkage Ratio (R) - The ratio of a given volume change.
expressed as a percentage of the dry volume, to the corresponding change
in wafer content above the appropriate shrinkage limit, expressed as a
percentage of the weight of the oven-dried soil.
2.1.5 Volumetric Shrinkage ( Volumetric Change) ( Vs ) - The decrease in
volume, expressed as a percentage of the soil mass when dried, of a soil
mass when the water content is reduced from a given percentage to the
appropriate shrinkage limit.
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised).
tGlossary of terms and symbols rela ting to soil engineering (first reuision ).
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3.1 Evaporating Dish - two, porcelain, about 12 cm in diameter with
a. pour out and flat bottom, the diameter of flat bottom, being not less
than 55 mm or an enamel iron tray with pour out.
3.2 Spatula- flexible, with the blade about 8 cm long and 2 cm wide.
3.3 Shrinkage Dish-circulac, porcelain or non-corroding metal dish
inert to mercury having a flat bottom and 45 mm in diameter and 15 mm
height internally. The internal corner between the bottom and the
vertical sides shall be rounded into a smooth concave curve.
3.4 Straight Edge - steel, about 15 cm in length.
3.5 Glass Cup - 50 to 55 mm in diameter and 25 mm in height, the
top rim of which is ground smooth and level.
3.6 Glass Plates -- two, each 75 x 75 mm, 3 mm thick. One plate
shall be of plain glass and the other shall have three metal prongs inert
i0111ero1ry-t J1t Fig. -1-)___ _
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IS :2720 (PartVI)-1972
3.7 Oven - thermostatically controlled to maintain the temperature
between 105 and 110 0 e, with interior of non-corroding material.
3.8 Sieve - 425-micron IS Sieves.
3.9 Balances-sensitive to 0'1 g and 0'01 g (see IS: 1433-1965*).
3.10 Mercury - clean, sufficient to fill the glass cup to overflowing.
3.11 Desiccator - with any desiccating agent other than sulphuric acid.
4.1 For Shrinkage Limit (Remoulded Soil) Test (and Determi-
nation of Other Allied Properties) - Take a sample weighing about
100 g from the thoroughly mixed portion of the material p.ssing the 425-
micron IS Sieve which has been obtained in accordance with
IS: 2720 (Part I )-1972t.
4.2 Shrinkage Index (Undisturbed Soil) Test
4.2.1 Preserve the undisturbed soil sample received from the field in its
undisturbed state.
4.2.2 Trim from the undisturbed soil sample soil pats approximately
45 mm in diameter and 15 mm in height. Round off their edges to pre-
vent the entrapment of air during mercury displacement.
5.4 Weigh immediately the shrinkage dish as filled in 5.3 and record the
weight as the weight of the shrinkage dish and wet soil pat. Allow
the soil pat to dry in air until the colour of the pat turns frem dark to
light. Then oven-dry the pat in the shrinkage dish to constant weight
at 105 to 110°C, cool in a desiccator and weigh immediately after removal
from the desiccator. Record the weight as the weight of shrinkage dish
and dry soil.
5.5 Volume of the Dry Soil Pat - Determine the volume of the dry
soil pat by removing the pat from the shrinkage dish and immersing it in
the glass cup full of mercury in the manner given in 5.5.1.
5.5.1 Fill the glass cup to overflowing with mercury and remove the
excess mercury by pressing the glass plate with the three prongs (see Fig. 1 )
firmly over the top of the cup, collecting the excess mercury in a suitable
container. Carefully wipe off any mercury which may be adhering
to the outside of the cup. Place the cup, filled thus with mercury, in
the evaporating dish taking care r,ot to spill any mercury from the
glass cup, and place the oven-dried soil pat on the surface of the mercury
in the cup. Then carefully force the pat under the mercury by means of
the glass plate with the same prongs (see Fig. I) and press the plate
firmly over the top of the cup, the displaced mercury being collected in
the evaporating dish without spilling out of it. Care shall be taken to
ensure that no air is trapped under the soil pat. \Veigh the mercury
so displaced by the dry soil pat to an accuracy of 0'1 g and determine its
volume by dividing this weight by the unit weight of mercury. Record
this volume as the volume of the oven-dry soil pat, Va.
air-dry it. Then dry the specimen in the dish to constant weight in an oven
at 105 to 110°C. Remove the specimen from the oven and smoothen the
edges by sand papering. Brush off the soil dust from the specimen by a
soft paint brush. Place the specimen again in the cleaned dish and dry it
in an oveu to constant weight. Cool the oven-dry specimen in a
desiccator and weigh it with the dish. Determine the oven-dr;, weight of
the specimen, Il·us •
6.2 Determ ;ne the volume Vu , of the oven-dry specimen of6.1 as described
in 5.5.1.
6.3 Determine the specific gravity of the soil in accordance with
IS: 2720 ( Part III )-l%{*.
7.1 Moisture Content (IV) - Calculate the moisture content of wet
soil pat ( see 5 ) as a percentage of the dry weight of the soil as follows:
w=~- Wo X 100
w = moisture content of the pat (see 5).
W = weight of wet soil pat obtained by subtracting the weight
of the shrinkage dish from the weight of the dish and wet
pat, and
IVa = weight of dry soil pat obtained by subtracting the weight
of the shrinkage dish from the weight of the dish and dry
7.2 Shrinkage Limit (Remoulded Soil) (WB) - Calculate the
shrinkage limit using the following formula:
w. = W -
(V - Va)
---w:;;- 100
w, = shrinkage limit in percent,
w= moisture content of wet soil pat (see 7.1 ) in percen .,
V= volume of wet soil pat in ml,
Vo = volume of dry soil pat in mI, and
Wo = weight of oven-dry soil pat in g.
NOTE - When the specific gravity of the soil is known the shrinkage limit may also
*I\Ieth ods of test for soils: Part III Determination of specific gravity.
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Ws = (~ _ ~) 100
W. shrinka~ limit in percent,
Wo = weight of oven-dry pat in g, and
Vo = volume of oven-dry soil pat in ml.
7.5 Volumetric Shrinkage ( Volumetric Change) ( V.) - Calculate
the volumetric shrinkage using the following formula:
Vs = ( WI - Ws ) R
WI = given moisture content in percent,
w. = shrinkage limit (see 7.2 ), and
R = shrinkage ratio ( see 7.4 ).
( Clause 8.1 )
I. Determination No.
2. Shrinkage dish No.
3. Weight of shrinkage dish in g
4. Weight of shrinkage dish + wet
soil pat in g
5. Weight. of shrinkage dish + dry
soil pat in g
6. Weight of oven-dry soil pat
(W o ) in g
7. Weip;ht of water in e;
8. Moisture content (w ) of soil
pa t , percent
9. E'·apnrating rlish No. (rlish into
which mercury filling shrinkage
dish is transferred for weighing) in g
10. W .. ight of mer cur v filling Shrinkage
dish + weight of evap<)rating dish
~I. Weip;h~_of e"apo·:a=-t:.:.in:.:.g
~ d-,-
is-,-h,--_ __ ___--,-_ _ __ -,-_ _ _ _--"-_ _ __
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w. = ( w- V ;':0) 100
I. Determination No.
2. Dish No.
3. Weight of dish + oven-dry
soil specimen in g
4. Weight of dish in g
5. Weight of oven-dry soil
specimen Wos in g
6. Evaporating dish No.
7. Weight of mercury displaced
by the oven-dry specimen +
weight of evaporating dish in g
8. Weight of evaporating dish in g
9. Weight of mercury displaced by the
oven-dry soil specimen in g
10. Volume of the oven-dry soil
specimen V OB in ml
W o•
12. Specific gravity of the soil of
the specimen G
13. l/G
14. Shrinkage limit ( undisturbed soil)
w." = ( ~; - +-)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ . _ - - - - - _ . __ .'-_.-----
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to CIVIBIT LAB LLP - Chhatrapati
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