I. Objectives
I. Objectives
I. Objectives
3. Illustrate the importance of each service through examples and practical applications.
II. Content
Basic services of LGUs as mandated by the Local Government Code of the Philippines.
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts, projector (optional), copies of the Local Government
Code excerpts.
o Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local Government Code of the Philippines.
IV. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings and Prayer: Start with a simple greeting and a short prayer (if applicable).
2. Review of Previous Lesson: Recap the previous lesson on the structure of the Philippine
government and the role of LGUs.
3. Motivation:
o Show a short video or present a quick real-life scenario where LGUs are involved in
community work, such as disaster response or health programs.
o Ask: “Have you seen our local government unit provide services in our community?
What are some of those services?”
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity: Brainstorming
o Group Students: Divide the students into small groups of 4-5.
o Task: Each group lists as many LGU services they know that help improve the community
(e.g., healthcare, waste management, education programs).
o Discussion: Allow each group to share their answers. Write responses on the board.
o Define LGU Services: Explain that LGUs have specific roles in ensuring the welfare of the
community by providing basic services.
Social Welfare Services: Livelihood programs, assistance for the elderly, housing
o Emphasis on Relevance: For each category, explain how these services impact the
everyday lives of community members.
o Case Study Presentation: Provide students with a scenario where an LGU must respond
to a situation (e.g., a typhoon has hit the community, or a health crisis has emerged).
o Group Task: Each group discusses and prepares a plan on how the LGU can respond
based on the services they provide.
o Presentation: Groups present their plans and discuss how these services are vital to
community recovery and support.
C. Generalization
Emphasize that these services are essential for public welfare and are the responsibility of the
LGU to deliver as part of their mandate.
D. Evaluation
1. Quiz:
o Multiple choice and short answer questions about LGU services.
o Example questions:
What type of service is the LGU providing when it builds new health clinics?
2. Reflection: Have students write a short paragraph on why they think it is important for the
community to know about LGU services.
V. Assignment
Research and report on one current LGU project or program in your locality. Include its purpose,
beneficiaries, and how it contributes to the community's welfare.