MEC 310 - Dynamics-Part-5
MEC 310 - Dynamics-Part-5
MEC 310 - Dynamics-Part-5
Rdt u vA
Pdt vA u
Period of restitution: m Au Rdt m AvA 0 e 1
v u
A similar analysis of particle B yields e B
u vB
Combining the relations leads to the v v ev v
desired second relation between the
final velocities.
Perfectly elastic impact, e = 1:
No tangential impulse
component; tangential
component of momentum for
each particle is conserved.
v A t vA t v B t vB t
Normal component of total Final velocities are unknown in
momentum of the two particles magnitude and direction. Four
is conserved. equations are required.
m A v A n mB v B n m A vA n mB vB n
Normal components of relative
velocities before and after
impact are related by the
coefficient of restitution. v v
B n A n ev A n v B n
Oblique Central Impact (Cont’d)
Select the method best suited for the problem or part of a problem
under consideration.
Example 10
o Resolve ball velocity into components normal and tangential
to wall.
o Impulse exerted by the wall is normal to the wall.
Component of ball momentum tangential to wall is
o Assume that the wall has infinite mass so that wall velocity
before and after impact is zero. Apply coefficient of
restitution relation to find change in normal relative velocity
between wall and ball, i.e., the normal ball velocity.
Example 10 (Cont’d)
Resolve ball velocity into components parallel and
perpendicular to wall.
vn v cos 30 0.866v vt v sin 30 0.500v
Component of ball momentum tangential to wall is
vt vt 0.500v
• Resolve the ball velocities into components
normal and tangential to the contact plane.
v A n v A cos 30 26.0 ft s v A t v A sin 30 15.0 ft s
v A 17.7t 15.0n
vA 23.2 ft s tan 1 40.3
vB 23.7t 34.6n
vB 41.9 ft s tan 1 55.6
23. 7
Example 12
• Determine orientation of impact line of action. r
sin 0 .5
• The momentum component of ball A tangential 2r
to the contact plane is conserved. 30
mv A Ft mv A
mv0 sin 30 0 mvA t
vA t 0.5v0
• The total horizontal (x component)
momentum of the two ball system is
mv A Tt mv A mvB
0 mvA t cos 30 mvA n sin 30 mvB
0 0.5v0 cos 30 vA n sin 30 vB
0.5vA n vB 0.433v0
Example 12 (Cont’d)
v A 0.5v0t 0.520v0n
tan 1
vA 0.721v0 46.1
0 .5
46.1 30 16.1
vB 0.693v0
Example 13
Apply principle of conservation of energy to
determine velocity of the block at instant of
T1 0 V1 WA y 309.812 588 J
T2 12 m A v A 22 12 30v A 22 V2 0
T1 V1 T2 V2
0 588 J 12 30v A 22 0 v A 2 6.26 m s
Determine velocity after impact from
requirement that total momentum of the
block and pan is conserved.
m A v A 2 mB vB 2 m A mB v3
306.26 0 30 10v3 v3 4.70 m s
Example 13 (Cont’d)
0 1 kx 2
2 3
20 10 4.91 10
3 3 2
0.241 J
T4 0 T3 V3 T4 V4
V4 Vg Ve W A WB h 12 kx42
442 0.241 0 392 x4 4.91 103 12 20 103 x42
392 x4 x3 12 20 103 x42 x4 0.230 m
392x4 4.91 103 12 20 103 x42
Example 13 (Cont’d)
T3 V3 T4 V4
442 0.241 0 392 x4 4.91 103 12 20 103 x42
x4 0.230 m