Cylinder Within Cylinder
Cylinder Within Cylinder
Cylinder Within Cylinder
Vessel mass 90,000 tons Input Input the mass of the ship
KF Core percent 95.00% Input Input the percentage of the ship that will be taken up by the KF
KF core mass 85,500 tons B2 (Mass of the ship) multiplied by B3 (the percent of the ship t
rest mass 4,500 tons B2 (Mass of the ship) minus B3 (the KF Core mass)
Core density 25 tons/m^3 Input Input whatever density you think the core has
rest density 0.001 tons/m^3 Input Input whatever density you think the rest of the ship has
KF Ratio 40 Length:width Input Input whatever number you want to get when you divide the KF
Ship Ratio 10 Length:width Input Input whatever number you want to get when you divide the sh
Width 4.774839132 meters Takes in B10 (KF Core Volume) and B14 (ratio of KF length to
Length 190.9935653 meters B18 (width of the KF Core) multiplied by B14 (KF ratio)
Verify 3,420 cubic meters (This was to take the numbers from B18 and B19 to calculate th
Difference 0 (If this is zero then my equation in B18 is good)
Total volume
Width 83.07764752 meters Take the whole volume of the ship from B12 and the ratio from
Length 830.7764752 meters Take the width in B26, multiply it by the ratio is B15, and this gi
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B7 (density of core)
d by B8 (density of rest of the ship)
nd B11 ('rest' volume)
ant to get when you divide the KF Core's length by the KF Core's width
ant to get when you divide the ship's length by the ship's width
e) and B14 (ratio of KF length to width) and outputs the Width of the KF Core
ultiplied by B14 (KF ratio)
s from B18 and B19 to calculate the volume and verify my equations were good)
n in B18 is good)
ship from B12 and the ratio from B15, then calculate the width of a cylinder that fits that criteria
y it by the ratio is B15, and this gives the length of the whole ship
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