Chapter-5 - Notes (SPORTS AND NUTRITION)
Chapter-5 - Notes (SPORTS AND NUTRITION)
Chapter-5 - Notes (SPORTS AND NUTRITION)
(A)Deficiency of
calcium (B)Deficiency
vitamin A
(C) Lack of water during dieting
(D)Deficiency iron
A. Blood
B. Large intestine
C. Both A and B
D. Cells
5.The KVS Regional football team started the practice for Foot Ball KVS
National Meet. One day the school Principal visited the playground and
watched the practice session. He felt that the players were weak. Coach
informed that most of players are having habit of eating junk food. Principal
arranged a Nutritionist to take care of players’ requirements.
i) Which food Item has carbohydrates and fats? Answer -A
(a)Bread & Butter
(b)Rice & Pulse
(c) Potato & tomato
(d) Tomato & Almond.
6.Every cell in the human body contains proteins. The basic structure of
protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your
body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth
and development in children, teens, and pregnant women
Protein has many roles in your body. It helps repair and build your body's
tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates bodily functions.
In addition to providing your body with a structural framework, proteins also
maintain proper pH and fluid balance.
i) How much protein a working woman must intake per a day Answer -A
a) between 50 and 60 grams
b) between 25 and 30 grams
c) between 100 and 150 grams
d) between 150 and 200 grams
ii) From the Items given below which food helps you gain muscle mass. Answer - A
a) Soya beans
b) Vegetables
c) Fruits
d) All of the above
iii) Side effects of excessive protein intake Answer -A
a) Dehydration
b) Excessive urination
c) Sweating
d) Obesity
7.Most people get the amount of minerals they need by eating a wide
variety of foods. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a mineral
supplement. People who have certain health problems or under medication
may need to avoid one of the minerals. For example, people with chronic
kidney disease need to limit foods that are high in potassium.
i)How many types of essential minerals are there Answer -A
a) 16
b) 24
c) 17
d) 15
ii) Why body need minerals Answer -A
a) They help carry out metabolic reactions
b) They give the body energy
c) They insulate the body organs
d) They withdraw heat from the body
iii) Which are essential minerals required for the human body. Answer -A
a) calcium, phosphorus, potassium
b) riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid
c) methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,
d) alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA).
8.Misconception of dieting, many think skipping a few meals will decrease
total calorie intake, it usually leads to overeating at next meal or increased
snacking throughout the day. “Skipping meals can slow down one’s
metabolism, which is the opposite of what we are striving for with weight loss,”
i) What is the meaning of the term pitfall of dieting Answer -B
a) Importance
b) Draw backs
c) Need
d) Outcome
ii) What is advisable for control of weight Answer -B
a) Skipping of Meals
b) Exercising
c) Taking more carbohydrates
d) Fat diet
iii) Disadvantage of pitfall of dieting Answer -A
a) Acne and skin infection
b) Good health
c) Weight control
d) Good metabolism
9. There are seven main classes of nutrients that the body needs. These are
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. It is important
that everyone consumes these seven nutrients on a daily basis to help them build
their bodies and maintain their health.
i) Which of the following contains all ingredients of a balanced diet Answer -A
a) Meat
b) Butter
c) Lemon
d) Fish
ii) Which is non-nutritive
component of diet Answer -D
a) Fats
b) Carbohydrates
c) Proteins
d) Water
iii) Roughage is a component
of food which has Answer -B
a) Nutritive Value
b) No Nutritive Value
c) More Nutritive value
d) 50% Nutritive value
10. Vitamins are an essential part of our diet. Without an adequate amount
of vitamins, a deficiency will occur. Vitamins are naturally found in the foods
that we consume and are also found in supplements. A well-balanced diet is
often enough to meet the vitamin needs
of healthy individuals. When supplementation is needed, it is important to
know how much you need to take and the best way to take it.
i) Vitamin D deficiency can lead to Answer -B
a) Heart Attack
b) Loss of bone density
c) Kidney failure
d) Diabetics
1. 2. 3. 4.
A) a b C d
B) c d A b
C) b d C a
D) c b A d
1. 2. 3. 4.
A) a b c d
B) b a d c
C) c a b d
D) b c d a
Answer :- (C)
1. 2. 3. 4.
A) a b c d
B) b a d c
C) c d a b
D) d c b a
Answer :- (D)
6. What is Vitamin K?
Ans. Naturally produced by the bacteria in the intestine, vitamin K is very important for
normal blood clotting. It also promotes health of the bones. Its deficiency lead to excessive
bleeding. Generally blood continues to flow for longer time. The requirement of this vitamin
is more for pregnant ladies. Its deficiency also causes anemia. This vitamin is mainly found
in cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, tomato, potato, green vegetables, wheat, egg and meat etc.
(i) Essential proteins : There are 9 amino acids which are taken from food and they
are not made in body. They source of essential proteins are pulses, milk, dairy
products, soyabeans, meat, egg etc.
(ii) Non-essential proteins : There are more than 13 essential proteins. Body requires
them in very less quantity as help in the synthesis of essential proteins. The source
of non-essential proteins are grains, dry-fruits, Vegetables.
Function of Proteins
(i) It builds muscles, tissues and organs.
(ii) It is essential for growth, maintenance and repair of all cells.
(iii) It produces antibodies, improves immune system.
(iv) Transports the nutrients and oxygen in blood.
(v) Improves metabolism and digestion.
(vi) It is responsible for health of hair, nails, freshness of skin and strength of bones.
9. Explain fat soluble vitamins and their sources and water soluble vitamins and
their sources.
Vitamin B Group
Fat Soluble Vitamin C
Vitamin A: Vitamin A is found in Cod liver Oils/animal Liver, York, Milk, & Milk
Vitamin D : Vitamin is founding milk, fish, Liver oils?
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is founding Green leafy Vegetables, Pulses, Liver
eggs, cereals.
Vitamin K: In tomatoes, Potatoes, Spinach, cabbage, soya bean, fish, cauliflower
wheat, eggs, meat, we can find vitamin K.
Water Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B: Vitamin B - Sources include peas, perk Liver, Legumes
B2 -- We can find in liver, eggs, dark green vegetables, legumes, whole and
enriched grain produced milk.
B3 -- Liver Fish, poultry meat, peanuts, whole & enriched
grain products.
B5 -- Pork, meats whole grains, cereals legumes, green
leafy vegetables.
B6 -- Cereals, grains, legumes, vegetables, milk, cheese,
eggs, fish liver, meat, flour.
B12 -- Fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, eggs.
Importance :
(i) Energy Resource :- It gives sufficient energy to body for various
(ii) For optimum growth & Development :- It helps individual to grow and
to achieve the aim of all round development.
(iii)Proper function of Organs :- By help of balanced diet every organ
functions well and properly.
(iv) Faster Recovery :- It helps to repair and replace the worn out tissues
thus faster recovery.
(v) Strong immune system :- It make better resistance power to body to make
good immune system.
(vi) Improves fitness level :- It improves over all health states and resulting in
fitness of body by preventing diseases.
(vii) Metabolism :- Quality of metabolizing and thus efficient release of energy.
(viii) Prevents Deficiency Diseases :- It gives all necessary nutrients to body
so deficiency diseases cannot takes place.
(ix) Maintaining body weight :- It helps individual to maintain proper body
(x) Overall efficiency improves :- It improves all physiological systems of
body then more of efficiency level of individual. In this way balanced diet
is useful for as.
Components of Diet
Macro Nutrients :-
Carbohydrates : They are main source of energy for almost all activates.
They give quickly energy and less amount of carbohydrate in diet causes
under nutrition and weight loss. Excess amount stored in livers and tissues
from there they release the energy when in need.
Fats : Fats are emergency sources of energy and stored in body. Fats carry
Vitamin, A,D,E,K. They are sources for energy for large activities. In
proper functionary of glands and internal organs against the blood clotting,
maintains the skin and important of proper functionary of glands and
internals organs and it helps on blood clotting, maintains the skin and hair.
Our diet should consist of 10% of fat more intake more risk of obesity and
many heart diseases so this Nutrients and in highly proportion of diet and
should be taken in proper amount according to need.
6. What do you mean by ‘Healthy weight’? Explain the methods to control healthy body
weight to lead healthy-living.
ANS. A healthy weight, or normal weight, means that your Body Mass
Index falls within a weight range that is not associated with an
increased risk for weight- related diseases and health issues. Body
Mass Index is determined by your height and your weight.
1. Set an Appropriate Goal: For losing body weight, you should set an appropriate goal, i.e.,
how much weight you want to shed or lose. While setting the goal, you should know about
your capacities and limitations. Your goal should be achievable. You may set your goal for
one month. Take a pledge that you will lose 1 kg per month depending on how much
excess weight you have. After that you can further set your goal for weight control.
2. Lay Stress on Health Not on Weight: It is a well-known fact that losing weight for health
rather than appearance can make it easier to set reasonable goals. From the point of view of
health, you should make efforts to achieve or maintain a body mass index between the range
of 18.5 and 24.9. If your BMI or waist measures beyond these limits you may be at a risk of
contracting various diseases. So, from the point of view of health try to maintain these
limits. 3.Cut Your Calories: Keep a plan ready to get back on the track if your body
weight begins to exceed the required level. It is a simple plan to follow . Just cut or subtract
only 100 calories a day. In this way, you can return t goal. Your set
4. Active Lifestyle: An active dynamic lifestyle plays a pertinent role in
controlling weight. School children should prefer to walk to school instead of going by car or
motorbike. Instead of elevators, they should take stairs. If they want to switch off the TV, they
should not use a remote control but should do this physically. They should not watch TV for
more hours. Instead of watching TV for more hours they should play outdoor games. In this
way, they can lead an active lifestyle, which will be beneficial in their weight control.
5. Bring Out Support: No doubt, you can lose or maintain your weight without anybody’s
support, but if you get support from other people it makes the process of losing weight easier
and more pleasant. Tell people who are close to you about your intention that you are serious
and committed to losing weight. Tell them that you would appreciate e their support. In fact,
having a support of a partner really works wonders for many persons. Promising to meet a
partner for the regularly scheduled gym time is a great way to stick to a workout routine. Such
type of support can be sought for lifetime. It will help you in maintaining your weight.
6. Yogic Exercise : Yogic exercises can help in controlling as well as maintaining proper
weight. For example, pranayama and yogic asana, are helpful in controlling weight. As a
matter of fact, research studies have proved that stress and tension tend to increase weight.
Meditative asana are beneficial in relieving stress and tension. Therefore, yogic exercises can
also be used for keeping a good control on weight.