Activated Sludge Clarifier Design Improvements
Activated Sludge Clarifier Design Improvements
Activated Sludge Clarifier Design Improvements
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One of the principal factors affecting the efficiency of draulic sludge removal devices for plants designed for
activated sludge treatment is the performance of sec carbonaceous oxygen demand reduction.
ondary clarifiers. Failure of the final clarification step The effects of these and other criteria are widespread.
may affect the effluent suspended solids content as well Today, hydraulic sludge collection is used almost exclu
as reduce the suspended solids concentration of the re sively in activated sludge clarifiers to quickly remove
turn and waste sludge streams from the clarifier. To settled sludge and return it to the process. Inboard laun
minimize the possibility of clarifier failure and to im ders are widely used on activated sludge clarifiers to
prove the performance of secondary clarifiers, several maintain weir overflow rates within suggested guide
changes have been implemented in the design of sec lines. Difficulties with secondary clarifiers following ac
ondary clarifiers over a period of years. These changes tivated sludge processes have led to clarifiers being sized
include the use of conventional sludge scraping equip on the basis of conservative SOR and sludge loading
ment instead of hydraulic sludge collection systems, floc rates. Yet, even using conservative design parameters,
culating clarifiers for secondary clarification, baffled, sin secondary clarifier performance has not been entirely
gle peripheral weirs rather than inboard launders, and satisfactory.
the development of a positive scum removal device for
large diameter final clarifiers. The following paragraphs SECONDARY CLARIFIER
present the results of these changes as determined fromDEFICIENCIES
operating wastewater treatment plants.
The principal problem with secondary clarifiers is loss
CURRENT DESIGN PARAMETERS of solids to the effluent. Secondary clarifiers, to a large
extent, determine the quality of effluent from an acti
Clarifiers following the activated sludge process serve vated sludge plant. Today's stringent effluent quality
a dual purpose by providing a clarified effluent and a standards demand efficient and consistent solids re
source of concentrated return sludge for process control. moval by secondary clarifiers at variable hydraulic and
Design criteria for secondary clarifiers address both of solids loading rates. All too frequently, effluent quality
these functions, surface overflow rate (SOR) and weir deteriorates as a result of the sludge blanket within the
loading rate for solids removal, and solids loading and clarifier rising and carrying over the effluent launder, or
clarifier depth for sludge concentration. However, these sludge floating to the clarifier surface and flowing out
criteria are interrelated and each affects both functions
of the basin. Dilute return sludge and waste sludge
of the clarifier.
streams are another source of trouble. Dilute sludge re
Criteria for secondary clarifiers following activated quires a high sludge recycle rate to return solids to the
sludge processes, as given by the U. S. Environmental activated sludge process. In addition, dilute sludge has
Protection Agency (EPA) are shown in Table 1. Some an adverse effect on solids handling facilities because of
what different parameters were established by the Great the hydraulic loading on thickening and digestion pro
Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary cesses.
Engineers (GLUMRB), as shown in Table 2.2 The
GLUMRB also recommends that clarifier inlets be de
signed to dissipate the velocity of the incoming flow and
to distribute the flow, that wiers be located to optimize Despite the 70-year history of the activated
actual hydraulic detention and to minimize short cir sludge process, several misconceptions about
cuiting, and that sludge collection and withdrawal fa clarifier design need to be overcome.
cilities be designed to assure rapid removal of sludge.
The GLUMRB further states that hydraulic sludge with
drawal should be provided for activated sludge plants A third serious problem with activated sludge clari
designed for nitrification, and encourages the use of hy fiers is floating sludge solids. The sludge is generally
floated as a result of denitrification in the clarifier. Thick centerwells to reduce costs. The result of cost cutting
blankets of sludge may form on the clarifier, causing has been poorer secondary clarifier performance, par
obnoxious odors and general unsightliness. This prob ticularly at peak hydraulic loading conditions.
lem is often accompanied by significant deterioration As a result of the findings of Anderson,3 designers
of the clarifier effluent. The problem of floating solids have attempted to reduce the velocity of the upward
has been particularly acute in recent years at a number flow at the wall by moving the effluent weirs from the
of new activated sludge plants that have been built in wall of the clarifier to an inboard position. Double-sided
response to PL 92-500. launders were placed inboard from the walls, which ef
fectively minimized the velocity of upward flow in
CAUSES OF CLARIFIER smaller clarifiers. Concurrently, maximum weir over
OPERATING PROBLEMS flow rates were established that often required double
sided launders, or even a double-sided launder plus a
Design philosophy for secondary clarifiers assumes an weir, to satisfy the criteria. However, as increasingly
ideal sedimentation basin, with ideal inlet and outlet larger final clarifiers were constructed, and efforts were
conditions. In actual practice, clarifiers are far from made to reduce construction costs, inboard launders
ideal. In the ideal circular basin, the flow is assumed to were moved closer to the walls and were no longer ef
follow the pattern indicated on Figure 1. Anderson3 fective. Robinson,5 studying a model of 34.1-m square
found that the actual flow patterns were somewhat dif final clarifier equipped with an inboard launder, ob
ferent in the 38.4-m diameter basin he studied, as in served the flow pattern in the model to be as indicated
dicated on Figure 2. Also shown on the figure are the on Figure 3. This design produces a relatively high ve
concentrations of solids in the basin at the time the locity up the wall, which is often manifested by solids
measurements were made. The clarifier was operated at carryover on the outer side of the launder, while rela
a SOR of 2.04 m3/m2 h and a solids loading rate of 112 tively clear effluent flows over the inner side. This prob
kg/m2 d. The velocity measurements clearly show the lem is aggravated by increased hydraulic loading on the
high velocity of flow across the top of the sludge blanket clarifier, particularly when there is a deep sludge blanket
from the centerwell to the wall and the return flow from in the unit.
the wall to the centerwell below the liquid surface. An Hydraulic sludge collection equipment to quickly
upward hydraulic current at the wall is indicated by the move activated sludge from the final clarifier to the aer
solids contours near the weir. The same flow pattern was ation basin was developed in the 1940s. With the in
reported more recently by Mazurczyk et al.A It is unlikely creasing use of the activated sludge process for secondary
that centerwell design will ever eliminate the circulation treatment, operating problems became evident with
flow pattern in clarifiers, but the design of the centerwell both rectangular and circular sedimentation basins
is critical to uniform distribution of flow along the clar equipped with conventional sludge scraping mecha
ifier floor, as well as minimizing the velocity of recir nisms. This was particularly true with high active, ni
culating flow. Unfortunately, the trend in recent years trifying activated sludge. In addition, it was believed that
has been to minimize the diameter and depth of clarifier hydraulic sludge collection mechanisms removed sludge
from final basins more quickly, thereby assuring the happens, it is not uncommon to experience denitrifi
viability of the organisms in the sludge. cation somewhere in the plant, generally in the final
Experience indicates that although there were good clarifiers. Moreover, hydraulic sludge removal is not a
reasons for developing hydraulic sludge removal equip guarantee against this problem. In many instances de
ment, today's devices generally are no more effective nitrification occurs in the inlet well of the clarifier, mak
than the conventional scraper-collector mechanisms. In ing the method of sludge removal a moot point. Un
fact, as the clarifiers are often operated, hydraulic sludge fortunately, scum removal mechanisms on final clari
collection may be less effective than the conventional fiers cannot effectively deal with large quantities of
approach. Data presented in Table 3, as reported by floating solids due to short scum beaches and generally
Katz and Geinopolos,6 indicate that higher return sludge ineffective skimming blades. The key to control of this
concentrations are obtained with conventional sludge problem is effective removal of floating solids rather than
collection systems than with hydraulic systems. There the type of sludge removal mechanism.
is a tendency on the part of plant operators to return
a high percentage of flow with hydraulic sludge collectors CLARIFIER DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS
to lower the clarifier sludge blanket depth or minimize
floating solids caused by denitrification. The net effect Like the current design philosophy for secondary clar
is dilute sludge. An explanation of this phenomenon is ifiers, which has developed over a period of years, a
that the hydraulic return system creates a current in the departure from the traditional design philosophy also
clarifier, moving from the inlet well to the sludge col took place gradually. Over a period of approximately 7
lection arm, so that the sludge does not have time to years, one or two changes in final clarifier design were
concentrate greatly before it is removed from the basin. incorporated in the design of various wastewater treat
Because the sludge does not thicken appreciably, the ment plants (WWTP). Simultaneously, model studies
clarifier is usually full of sludge. Any increase in hy were conducted at the University of Kansas5 7 to inves
draulic loading generally results in a loss of solids to the tigate currents in secondary clarifiers and means to re
clarifier effluent. duce them. Findings from full-scale applications and the
The number of activated sludge plants brought into model studies were all applied to one clarifier design for
service in recent years has called attention to an old the first time at the Lincoln, Neb., Northeast WWTP.
problem?floating sludge on final clarifiers. Many of Conventional sludge removal equipment. The transi
these new plants are operating at a fraction of their de tion from conventional design theory began with the
sign flow, making the loading on the plant such that Lucas WWTP in Shreveport, La., where conventional
partial nitrification of the wastewater occurs. When this sludge removal equipment was used in the final clarifiers
Center-feed circular?scraper
9 8.0 24.4 2.7 1.6 2 448 12 800 43 1.9
10 2.0 38.4 3.4 1.4 3 720 14 250 67 0.7
11 2.0 38.4 3.4 1.4 3 720 11 710 67 0.7
12 4.3 25.9 3.0 2.1 4 243 11 790 106 0.2
Jan. 0.71 2 590 54 51 10120 67 10 21
Feb. 0.92 3 280 66 58 10000 114 22 21
Mar. 0.80 3 335 65 68 9 620 106 16 29
Apr. 0.92 2 620 56 60 8 870 92 20 26
May 0.80 2 945 59 8 445 14 22
June 0.75 2 705 67 38 7 515 67 13 18
July 0.73 3 160 102 86 8 680 104 25 21
Aug. 0.68 3 445 58 43 8 955 80 8 7
Sept. 0.63 2 940 80 44 7 430 64 10 10
Oct. 0.63 3 200 51 50 7 595 73 23 19
Nov. 0.66 3 820 47 41 9 450 85 22 20
Dec. 0.71 5 010 48 42 10 720 121 31 24
Jan. 0.80 3 725 50 43 10 855 102 27 29
Feb. 0.81 3 885 67 61 11375 122 25 22
Mar. 0.85 3 960 56 33 10110 108 23 22
Apr. 0.87 4 075 44 35 8 990 113 20 19
May 0.83 2 880 39 32 8 715 77 21 23
June 0.66 2 995 42 46 7 555 69 16 20
July 0.58 2 970 48 49 6 740 61 17 16
Aug. 0.56 2 805 43 52 6 615 58 20 14
Sept. 0.59 2 990 45 50 7 215 63 17 15
Oct. 0.58 2 970 45 104 7 040 83 18 18
Nov. 0.58 3 390 46 97 7 880 93 25 23
Dec. 0.65 2 735 46 87 7 275 79 35 35
Flow overflow rate MLSS Solids loading Return sludge SS Effluent SS
Date (m3/s) (m3/m2h) (mg/l) <kg/m2d) (mg/1) (mg/1)
Jan. 0.18 0.66 1220 26 17
Feb. 0.20 0.73 2 950 70 6 200 16
Mar. 0.19 0.71 3140 77 6 840 8
Apr. 0.19 0.71 2 400 56 5 410 6
May 0.19 0.81 1890 42 4 060 8
May8 0.20 1.48 1 530 71 3 400
June8 0.20 1.46 1310 62 3130
7 mg/1. The maximum day effluent SS concentration and flow distribution. In the clarification of activated
was only 18 mg/1. sludge, improved inlet conditions are reflected in better
Plant operating personnel reported that during effluent op quality, particularly during periods of peak flow
eration of the single clarifier, the sludge blanket was through
150 the clarifier. Moreover, operating experience at
to 230 mm deep at 0.13-m3/s influent flow and 300 several to wastewater treatment plants has indicated that
450 mm deep at a 0.26-m3/s flow rate. In the opinion settling of poorly flocculated mixed liquor is enhanced
by gentle flocculation, thereby improving the clarifier
of the operators, a clarifier of conventional design would
have been losing solids over the weir during the higher effluent quality.
daytime flows. Further, it was believed that the floe well The use of inboard launders to provide the weir length
inlet design improved the clarifier performance, as did required by current design standards has adversely af
operation of the flocculators at low speed. fected secondary clarifier performance. Solids loss is
commonly observed in the flow over the outboard weir
CONCLUSIONS between the launder and the clarifier wall. Model studies
have verified that there is a current established in sec
The commonly observed performance of secondary ondary clarifiers that moves across the basin floor, up
clarifiers indicates that some problems still exist with the
the wall, and into the launder. Experience and the model
current design philosophy, even though activated sludge studies have indicated that an improved clarifier design
plants have been in operation for over 70 years. Severalshould use a single peripheral effluent weir, baffled to
problems and myths related to secondary clarifier design
were successively addressed in the design of a number
of full-scale clarifiers. Operating experience to date has SURFACE OVERFLOW RATE
demonstrated the validity of the improvements in sec CM
prevent the flow moving up the clarifier wall from pass and Veatch Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, Mo.
ing directly over the weir. Operating results from the Correspondence should be addressed to John R. Stu
first installation indicate that this design is superior to kenberg, Black & Veatch Cons. Engrs., Box 8405, Kan
the conventional inboard launder design, and that weir sas City, MO 64114.
length is not critical to performance. Excellent effluent
quality resulted, even though the average clarifier SOR
was approximately 25% greater than the conventional
design value.
1. "Process Design Manual for Suspended Solids Removal."
Surface skimming of secondary clarifiers has been U. S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Office of Technol. Transfer,
virtually neglected through the years. Experience has Washington, D. C, EPA 625/l-75-003a (1975).
proven that hydraulic sludge removal does not prevent 2. "Recommended Standards for Sewage Works." Great
floating solids on secondary clarifiers, and that currently Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanit. Eng.
available scum removal equipment is woefully inade (1978).
quate. A positive scum removal device, developed in 3. Anderson, N. E., "Design of Final Settling Tanks for Ac
cooperation with equipment manufacturers, is currently tivated Sludge." Sew. Works J, 17, 50 (1945).
in service in two separate clarifier installations. The de 4. Mazurczyk, A. L., et al, "Methodology for assessing clar
ifier operation as demonstrated at Pruskow, Poland." Pa
vice, which has performed quite successfully, is suitable
per presented at the 53rd Annual Conf. of the Water Pol
for both small and large diameter circular clarifiers and
lut. Control Fed., Las Vegas, Nev. (1980).
has been retrofitted to existing clarifiers.
5. Robinson, John H., Jr., "A Study of Density Currents in
Final Sedimentation Basins." M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Kan
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sas, Lawrence (1974).
6. Katz, W. J., and Geinopolos, A., "Discussion." Adv. in
Credits. The authors gratefully acknowledge the co
Water Poll. Res., 2, 366 (1964).
operation and assistance of E. Rawlins Collerain, 7. Mohart, James L., "Model Dye Tracer Studies of Currents
Shreveport, La.; Max M. Grimes, Fort Collins, Colo.; in Final Sedimentation Basins." Special Problem Report,
Earle W. Schweiger, Grand Island, Nebr.; and Steven Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence (Nov. 1978).
C. Lamborn, Lincoln, Nebr. 8. Parker, D. S., et al, "Physical conditioning of activated
Authors. John R. Stukenberg, Leonard C. Rodman, sludge floe." J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 43, 1817
and James E. Touslee are consulting engineers, Black (1971).