The Dynamical Viability of An Extended Jupiter Ring System: Stephen R. Kane Zhexing Li
The Dynamical Viability of An Extended Jupiter Ring System: Stephen R. Kane Zhexing Li
The Dynamical Viability of An Extended Jupiter Ring System: Stephen R. Kane Zhexing Li
Planetary rings are often speculated as being a relatively common attribute of giant planets, partly
based on their prevalence within the Solar System. However, their formation and sustainability remain
a topic of open discussion, and the most massive planet within our planetary system harbors a very
modest ring system. Here, we present the results of a N-body simulation that explores dynamical
constraints on the presence of substantial ring material for Jupiter. Our simulations extend from
within the rigid satellite Roche limit to 10% of the Jupiter Hill radius, and include outcomes from 106
and 107 year integrations. The results show possible regions of a sustained dense ring material presence
around Jupiter that may comprise the foundation for moon formation. The results largely demonstrate
the truncation of stable orbits imposed by the Galilean satellites, and dynamical desiccation of dense
ring material within the range ∼3–29 Jupiter radii. We discuss the implications of these results for
exoplanets, and the complex relationship between the simultaneous presence of rings and massive moon
Keywords: planetary systems – planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability – planets and
satellites: individual (Jupiter)
Moreover, the dynamical evolution of Jupiter’s rings tems in terms of their formation and architectures
can have complicated explanations, partially with in- (Kane et al. 2013; Makarov et al. 2018; Dobos et al.
teractions between ions and the Jovian magnetosphere 2019; Batygin & Morbidelli 2020). Regular moons are
(Horányi & Cravens 1996) and the incorporation of dis- particularly notable in that they likely formed with the
sipation effects (Greenberg 1983). The formation and planet, as evidenced by their equatorial prograde orbits,
dynamical evolution of Jupiter’s rings have important and are often large enough to exhibit hydrostatic equilib-
consequences regarding the prevalence of rings of giant rium, resulting in a near-round morphology. For exam-
exoplanets. Exoplanetary rings can be a source of con- ple, the four Galilean moons likely formed from the pro-
fusion when evaluating the true nature of the planet toplanetary disk surrounding Jupiter (Ogihara & Ida
and its properties (Piro 2018; Piro & Vissapragada 2012; Heller et al. 2015), possibly catalyzed by migra-
2020) and their successful detection may reveal impor- tion of Saturn (Ronnet et al. 2018), and now contain
tant information regarding the formation of the planet ∼99.997% of the total mass orbiting the planet. The
and its local environment (Arnold & Schneider 2004; mass contained within the regular moons will therefore
Zuluaga et al. 2015; Sucerquia et al. 2020). The Jupiter have a significant influence on the dynamics of ring for-
and Saturn systems demonstrate that the presence and mation and sustainability.
sustainability of rings may be an intricate function of Figure 1 provides a scaled view of the Jupiter and
the architecture of planetary moons, as well as the in- Saturn systems, where the separation from the plane-
trinsic properties of the planet itself. The discoveries tary centers, located at zero, are provided in units of
and/or limits on exoplanet rings and moons will pro- the respective host planet radius. The regular moons
vide crucial statistical data to further understand how are shown as blue circles, where their sizes are relative
rings may have formed and evolved in our Solar System to each other rather than in units of planetary radii,
(Kenworthy & Mamajek 2015). and the names of the major moons are provided. It is
In this work, we provide the results of an extensive worth noting that all of Jupiter’s regular moons, includ-
dynamical simulation that tests regions of long-term ing the Galilean moons, have semi-major axes that are
dynamical stability for ring systems near the plane of within 1/25 of the Jupiter Hill radius, possibly a result
the Jovian equator, and in the presence of the Galilean of the mass distribution of the circumplanetary disk and
moons. In Section 2, we describe the architectures of the moon migration processes that may have occurred. The
Jupiter and Saturn systems, specifically the structure of extent of the rings in units of the planetary radii are
their rings with respect to the orbits of their respective shown as gray regions, and the vertical red dashed lines
moons. Section 3 provides the methodology and results indicate the location of the fluid satellite Roche limit for
for our dynamical simulation of stable orbits at locations each planet. The depiction of Jupiter’s rings include the
that extend from within the rigid satellite Roche limit Halo to Thebe gossamer rings, which span a distance of
to 10% of the Jupiter Hill radius. The implications of 1.29–3.16 Jupiter radii. Similarly, the depiction of Sat-
our simulation results are discussed in Section 4, both urn’s rings include rings D–E, which extend a distance
in terms of the potential for past/future Jovian ring sys- of 1.11–7.96 Saturn radii. The fluid satellite Roche lim-
tems and within the context of giant exoplanets. Con- its are 2.76 and 2.22 planet radii for Jupiter and Sat-
cluding remarks and suggestions for observational tests urn, respectively. Note that the rings depicted in Fig-
are provided in Section 5. ure 1 contain both “dense” and “tenuous” rings, both
of which have different sources of material and phys-
ical processes acting upon them (Daisaka et al. 2001).
For example, Saturn’s E ring originates mainly from the
At the time of writing, the Solar System is known to cryovolcanic plumes of Enceladus, and is considerably
contain over 200 moons, with Jupiter and Saturn har- more tenuous than the main ring (Horányi et al. 2009;
boring at least 79 and 82 moons, respectively1 . The Cuzzi et al. 2010).
prevalence of moons within the Solar System has been Figure 1 highlights the differences in the distribu-
a primary motivator behind the study of and search tion of moon mass with respect to the rings for each
for exomoons (e.g., Hinkel & Kane 2013; Kipping et al. of the planets. In particular, the rings of Saturn con-
2013; Heller et al. 2014; Hill et al. 2018). It has fur- tain numerous small moons, whose presence can both
ther been suggested that Solar System regular moons feed the rings with new material, and also “shep-
may serve as analogs of compact exoplanetary sys- herd” the rings through their gravitational influence
(Petit & Henon 1988; Charnoz et al. 2011; Cuzzi et al.
1 2014; Nakajima et al. 2020). Indeed, moons can ac-
The Dynamical Viability of an Extended Jupiter Ring System 3
Figure 1. The regular moons and rings of the Jupiter and Saturn systems, where the relative sizes of the moons are shown,
and their semi-major axes are provided in units of the host planet radii. The extent of the current ring systems, including dense
and tenuous rings, are shown as gray regions, and the vertical red dashed lines are the fluid satellite Roche limit for each planet.
crete relatively rapidly from ring material beyond the system, partially depending on the location of the rings
Roche limit, and such rings are thought to have been relative to the Roche limits. The simulations described
a source of numerous moons within the present Sat- in this paper consider only dense rings for a range of
urn architecture (Charnoz et al. 2010; Crida & Charnoz semi-major axes. The physical processes acting upon
2012; Salmon & Canup 2017). Gaps in Saturn’s rings the rings are described further in Section 4.1.
form through several processes, among them orbital res-
onances with moons, such as the relationship between 3. DYNAMICAL SIMULATIONS
the Cassini Division and Mimas (Goldreich & Tremaine This section describes the dynamical simulations, in-
1978a; Iess et al. 2019; Noyelles et al. 2019). Titan is cluding their configuration, results for the Galilean
relatively far from the main ring structure, but its moons, and injection of ring particles.
presence does result in a ringlet within the inner C
ring through the effect of orbital resonance (Porco et al. 3.1. Dynamics of the Galilean Moons
1984). However, there is evidence to suggest that Titan As discussed in Section 2, an important factor in the
has experienced an outward migration through tidal dis- formation and evolution of planetary rings is the moons
sipation (Lainey et al. 2020). This is somewhat in con- present in the system. In this context, the Galilean
trast to the effects of the more massive Galilean moons moons are by far the largest gravitational influence on
on the dynamical environment around Jupiter, particu- the presence of rings within the inner part of the Jupiter
larly as Io, Europa, and Ganymede are located in a 4:2:1 system. Thus, the dynamical evolution of the Galilean
Laplace resonance (Malhotra 1991; Peale & Lee 2002). moons is a crucial component of evaluating potential
Their orbital configuration is interpreted as strong evi- ring sustainability. There are substantial data that con-
dence that the moons migrated inward either during for- tribute toward accurate ephemerides of the moons, and
mation or soon thereafter (Greenberg 1987; Peale & Lee their dynamics have previously been studied in detail
2002; Sasaki et al. 2010; Ogihara & Ida 2012). This may (Lieske 1980; Greenberg 1987; Lainey et al. 2004; Lari
have resulted in a significant gravitational truncation of 2018). However, the vast majority of these studies focus
a potential massive ring system for Jupiter, such as that on the short-term (∼100 year) dynamics of the moons,
seen for Saturn, depending on the formation and migra- whereas this study is concentrated on timescales related
tion timescales of the Galilean moons. Overall, there are to the sustainability of planetary rings (1–10 million
significant differences between the ways in which dense years).
and tenuous rings interact with the planet and satellite The simulations carried out for this work were con-
ducted within the dynamical simulation package RE-
4 Stephen R. Kane & Zhexing Li
Figure 2. Eccentricity as a function of time for the Galilean satellites: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The eccentricity
variations were recorded every 100 years during a 106 year simulation, as described in Section 3.
BOUND (Rein & Liu 2012) with the symplectic inte- bination of the resonance configuration and tidal dissi-
grator WHFast (Rein & Tamayo 2015). The initial con- pation present in the Galilean system ensures that the
ditions of the system were constructed to reproduce the moons have exceptionally stable orbits through time and
configuration of the Galilean moon system, incorporat- that they remain largely circular. Note that tidal dis-
ing the current orbital elements extracted from the Hori- sipation was not included in our dynamical simulation.
zons DE431 ephemerides (Folkner et al. 2014), and in- Figure 2 shows that the eccentricities remain below 2%,
cluding the effects of Jupiter’s oblateness (Tamayo et al. 3%, 1%, and 1% for Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto,
2020). The dynamical simulation presented in this work respectively. The short-term analyses of the Galilean
provides an independent assessment for the eccentricity moon eccentricities, such as the semi-analytical model
evolution of the Galilean moons, the results of which are provided by Lari (2018), reveal a transfer of angular mo-
shown in Figure 2 for a duration of 106 years. The com- mentum within the Laplace resonance of the three inner
The Dynamical Viability of an Extended Jupiter Ring System 5
moons with a period in the range 400-500 days. The fering a collision with one of the large system bodies
long-term eccentricity evolution represented in Figure 2 during the entire simulation.
does not reveal periodic behavior at significantly longer The primary results of our simulations that include
timescales, but does demonstrate that angular momen- particle injections are shown in the top two panels of
tum transfer results in higher eccentricity variations for Figure 3, and are represented as the percentage of the
the less massive inner two moons than the more massive total simulation survived by particles for each separa-
outer two moons. The slightly higher eccentricity vari- tion location. The simulation durations of 106 years
ations for Io and Europa increases regions of dynamical and 107 years are shown in the top and bottom panels,
instability in their vicinity, and thus has consequences respectively, and the location of the Galilean moons are
for long-term ring stability close to Jupiter. indicated by vertical dotted lines. The vertical dashed
lines indicate the location of both the rigid and fluid
3.2. Particle Injection and Ring Stability body Roche limits. The top panel shows that, even for
106 years, the region surrounding the Laplace resonance
To explore the gravitational constraints that the
of Io, Europa, and Ganymede is rendered unstable, ex-
Galilean moons impose upon potential ring particles
acerbated by the slight eccentricity variations of Io and
orbiting Jupiter, we conducted a suite of dynamical
Europa described in Section 3.1. The inner limits of dy-
simulations for the system based upon the architecture
namical stability are located at ∼3.55 Jupiter radii and
framework described in Section 3.1. The stability of an
∼3.12 Jupiter radii for the 106 year and 107 year simula-
extensive ring system and possible moon forming mate-
tions, respectively. The current Jupiter ring system, de-
rial around Jupiter was tested by introducing a series of
picted in Figure 1, extends to ∼3.16 Jupiter radii, indi-
test particles to the Galilean moon system and evaluat-
cating that the ring is young (< 107 years) and/or is be-
ing their survivability at different locations within the
ing sustained with additional material to the Thebe ex-
system. The test particles were assumed to have a den-
tension (Borisov & Krüger 2021). The structure of the
sity of water ice (0.917 g/cm3 ), the value for which is
dynamical stability beyond the orbit of Callisto is a com-
representative of most of the materials in Saturn’s ring
plicated result of Ganymede and Callisto resonance lo-
system, and a spherical shape with radius of ∼1 me-
cations. For example, the dynamical instability located
ter, yielding a total particle mass of ∼3841 kg. Thus,
at ∼31.2 Jupiter radii, partially present at 106 years
we are considering only dense ring material and the
and significantly more pronounced at 107 years, is the
gravitational perturbations acting upon them (see Sec-
1:3 resonance location with Ganymede. Furthermore,
tion 4.1). The particle orbits were set to be circular
there is an island of stability located at ∼41.8 Jupiter
with an inclination of ∼0◦ with respect to the Jupiter
radii, which is not evident in the 106 year results but
equator (coplanar with the Galilean moons). The test
becomes apparent at 107 years, which is a result of a
particles were placed at different locations from Jupiter,
1:2 resonance with Callisto. The effect of resonances
extending from inside the rigid satellite Roche limit (see
is further emphasized in the bottom panel of Figure 3,
Figure 1) to 1/10 of the Jupiter Hill radius. This region
which shows the change in eccentricity, δe, that occurs
was sampled with 1000 evenly spaced locations, result-
during the course of the 107 year simulations. It is
ing in a location step size of ∼4963 km. The simulations
worth noting that, although the bottom panel of Fig-
were carried out with both 106 year and 107 year inte-
ure 3 implies that particles close to the Roche lim-
gration times for each of the separation cases, which
its are predominantly scattered into high eccentricity
translates to 4.6 × 106 and 4.6 × 107 orbits at the outer
orbits, stable low-eccentricity orbits can exist within
edge of our sample space, respectively. For each simu-
that region. For example, the inner Jovian moons of
lation, the time step was set to be 0.05 of Io’s orbital
Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea, and Thebe have semmi-
period (2.1 hours), except for cases where the test parti-
major axes that lie within the range 1.8–3.2 Jupiter
cle locations were inside Io’s orbit, where the time step
radii and are known to have eccentricities that are be-
was adjusted to 0.05 of the orbital period at each parti-
low 0.02 (Cooper et al. 2006; Borisov & Krüger 2020),
cle location. This ensured an adequate time resolution
although dynamical interactions with Io have inflated
to properly sample the dynamical interactions between
the eccentricity of Thebe (Burns et al. 2004). We con-
test particles and the Galilean moons. The orbital prop-
ducted additional simulations for the specific cases of
erties of the particles and Galilean moons were output
those four inner moons where, as for the Galilean moons,
every 100 years during the simulation and the survival
current orbital elements were extracted from the Hori-
rates of the test particle were calculated at each orbital
zons DE431 ephemerides. The results of these simula-
separation. Test particle survival was based upon the
tions show that their mean eccentricities remained small
elapsed time to be either ejected from the system or suf-
6 Stephen R. Kane & Zhexing Li
Figure 3. Results of particle injection and survival for the 106 year (top panel) and 107 year (middle panel) dynamical
simulations. The horizontal axis is the separation from Jupiter in planetary radii, and the vertical axis shows the percentage
of the total dynamical simulation that particles survived at that location, represented by the green line. The vertical dotted
lines represent the semi-major axes of the Galilean moons, and the vertical dashed lines represent the locations of the rigid and
fluid Roche limits. The bottom panel shows the change in eccentricity that occurs for each particle as a function of their initial
semi-major axis during the course of the 107 year simulations.
The Dynamical Viability of an Extended Jupiter Ring System 7
suggested by Canup & Ward (2006) that disk migration timescale reduction would result from the rapid forma-
may limit the maximum size of moons, beyond which tion of large moons, whose gravitational presence would,
the moons may migrate through the circumplanetary in turn, either eject the remaining ring material or excite
disk and into the planet. The implication is that Saturn their eccentricities resulting in further enhancement of
may possibly represent a “sweet spot” of ring formation moon formation (see Section 3.2). The size of the box
in terms of mass, Hill radius, and moon-forming capac- shown in Figure 5 is empirical in nature and requires
ity, although this is quite difficult to gauge fully without further investigation of the various competing factors to-
more complete knowledge of the Jupiter and Saturn ar- ward ring formation and sustainability, but may serve as
chitecture evolutions. Moreover, careful consideration a useful guide for testing models regarding how the pres-
must be given to the various processes acting upon ring ence of substantial moons could potentially influence the
formation and dessication, described in Section 4.1. In long-term presence of rings around giant planets.
particular, there are numerous non-gravitational forces
acting upon ring material within or close to the Roche 5. CONCLUSIONS
limit that can have a dominating effect on ring evolution
Planetary rings and moons are very important fea-
(see Section 4.1). It is also worth noting that these im-
tures of our Solar System, both in their intrinsic geo-
plied correlations between planet mass and ring/moon
logic and dynamical properties, and as crucial signposts
prevalence are based upon the limited inventory of giant
of planetary formation and evolution. Understanding
planets present in the Solar System, for which exoplanet
the complex interactions between moons and rings, and
studies will provide a much needed statistical validation.
how these vary with planetary mass, composition, Hill
However, if indeed the presence of relatively massive
radius, and time, remains one of the most intricate re-
moon systems is correlated with planet mass and Hill
search topics in planetary science. The dynamical evo-
radius, then the prevalence of ring systems may be like-
lution of giant planet systems is one of the primary ways
wise rare amongst many of the discovered giant exoplan-
in which tracing of rings systems and their ages may be
ets. Shown in Figure 5 are planetary masses (Jupiter
masses) and calculated Hill radii (planetary radii) for
The results of our dynamical simulations demonstrate
known exoplanets with relavant data available. The
that the presence of massive moons, especially sys-
data were extracted from the NASA Exoplanet Archive
tems that have migrated into resonance traps as for the
(Akeson et al. 2013) and are current as of 2021 Decem-
Galilean moons, can create significant dynamical con-
ber 18 (NASA Exoplanet Archive 2021). For compar-
straints on ring systems comprised of dense material.
ison, the locations of Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn are
This indicates that, although Jupiter may have had in-
also marked on the diagram. The gray box provides a
termittent periods of substantial rings systems, their
rough guide for what may be considered an optimiza-
long-term sustainability may be severely truncated by
tion region where the harboring of substantial plane-
the presence of the Galilean moons and associated res-
tary rings could be favorable. The planet mass range
onances. Ring material beyond the Roche limit that
of the gray box is 10 Earth masses to 1 Jupiter mass
remain in stable orbits may also experience eccentricity
to approximately capture planets within the ice/gas
excitation that enhances moonlet coalescence. Further-
giant regime (Weiss et al. 2013; Lammer et al. 2014;
more, we have shown that the outer edge of the present
Lopez & Fortney 2014; Rogers 2015; Chen & Kipping
ring system must be relatively young (< 107 years) in
2017) whilst limiting the potential for substantial moon
order to have survived dynamical scattering processes.
formation. The Hill radius range is for all Hill radii
The balance between planet mass, the formation of mas-
beyond 50 planetary radii since small Hill radii trun-
sive moons, and the sustainability of significant ring
cates both the extent of the circumplanetary disk
mass, means that Saturn may be near the optimal region
(Shabram & Boley 2013) and the dynamical viability
for the formation and long-term survival of substantial
of moons (Barnes & O’Brien 2002; Hinkel & Kane 2013;
rings. A useful extension to this work could thus include
Kane 2017). Saturn is deeply embedded within the gray
longer timescale simulations combined with migration
region, whilst Uranus and Neptune (also fulfilling the
effects that fully explore the interaction between moons
planet mass criteria) are located at Hill radii of 2613 and
and rings during periods of formation, as well as moon
4644 planetary radii, respectively. As described above,
formation from ring material and the inclusion of non-
planets more massive than Jupiter, with larger mass
gravitational forces near the Roche limit.
proto-satellite disks and a larger Hill radius in which
Although the inventory of Solar System giant planets
to engage in moon formation, may experience signifi-
and their associated rings and moons is limited, they
cantly reduced timescale of ring sustainability. Such a
yet provide the best clues to the formation and evo-
10 Stephen R. Kane & Zhexing Li
lution of such systems (Horner et al. 2020; Kane et al. The authors thank Paul Dalba and the anonymous
2021), as well as a guide toward detecting their exo- referees for useful feedback on the manuscript. This re-
planet analogs (Dalba et al. 2015; Mayorga et al. 2016, search has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive,
2020; Wakeford & Dalba 2020). The detailed data avail- which is operated by the California Institute of Tech-
able for local giant planet systems must necessarily be nology, under contract with the National Aeronautics
balanced by the statistical knowledge that will be gained and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Explo-
through the discovery of exomoons and exorings. Such ration Program. The results reported herein benefited
discoveries will provide the means to fully explore the from collaborations and/or information exchange within
above described potential correlation of moons and ring NASA’s Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS)
properties with those of their host planet. research coordination network sponsored by NASA’s
Science Mission Directorate.
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