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All inone code

October 30, 2024

[8]: # SIR -- Deterministic model

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def SIR_model(S, I, R, beta, gamma, N):

The simple SIR model :
S = Susceptible
I = Infected
R = Recovered
N = total population
beta, gamma = infection rate, recovery rate respectively
dSdt = -beta*S*I / N
dIdt = beta*S*I / N - gamma*I
dRdt = gamma*I
return dSdt, dIdt, dRdt

# Runge kutta method for simple SIR model.

def rk4(SIR_model, S_values, I_values, R_values, t0, tf, dt, beta, gamma, N):
steps = int((tf - t0) / dt) + 1

t = np.linspace(t0, tf, steps)

S = np.zeros(steps)
I = np.zeros(steps)
R = np.zeros(steps)

for i in range(1,steps):
k1S,k1I,k1R = SIR_model(S[i-1],I[i-1],R[i-1], beta, gamma, N)
k2S,k2I,k2R = SIR_model(S[i-1] + 0.5 * dt * k1S, I[i-1] + 0.5 * dt *␣
↪k1I, R[i-1] + 0.5 * dt * k1R, beta, gamma,N)

k3S,k3I,k3R = SIR_model(S[i-1] + 0.5 * dt * k2S, I[i-1] + 0.5 * dt *␣

↪k2I, R[i-1] + 0.5 * dt * k2R, beta, gamma,N)

k4S,k4I,k4R = SIR_model(S[i-1] + dt * k3S, I[i-1] + dt * k3I, R[i-1] +␣
↪dt * k3R, beta, gamma,N)

S[i] = S[i-1] + (dt / 6) * (k1S + 2 * k2S + 2 * k3S + k4S)

I[i] = I[i-1] + (dt / 6) * (k1I + 2 * k2I + 2 * k3I + k4I)
R[i] = R[i-1] + (dt / 6) * (k1R + 2 * k2R + 2 * k3R + k4R)
return t,S,I,R

S_values = 198 # 90% susceptible

I_values = 2 # 10% infected
R_values = 0 # initially - 0 recovery
N = S_values+I_values

# Time parameters
tf = 365
t0 = 0
dt = 1

#Model parameters
beta = 0.1
gamma = 1/22

t,S,I,R = rk4(SIR_model, S_values, I_values, R_values, t0, tf, dt, beta, gamma,␣

plt.plot(t, S, "blue", label="Susceptible")

plt.plot(t, I, "red", label="Infected")
plt.plot(t, R, "green", label="Recovered")

plt.legend() # This will display the legend
plt.title("SIR Model Dynamics") # Optional: Add a title for clarity
plt.grid(True) # Optional: Add a grid for better readability

[9]: # SIR -- Stochastic model I

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

# Model Parameters
CITY_RADIUS = 2.0 # Radius of the circular city
INFECTION_RADIUS = 0.1 # Infection radius
SIGMA = 0.03 # Standard deviation for Gaussian displacement
ALPHA = 0.5 # Probability of S -> I upon contact
BETA = 0.007 # Probability of I -> R
GAMMA = 0.0 # Probability of R -> S (0 means immunity is␣

# Simulation Parameters
NUM_AGENTS = 200 # Total number of agents
TIME_STEPS = 1000 # Total number of days to simulate
S0, I0, R0 = 198, 2, 0 # Initial counts of S, I, R

# State Encoding

def initialize_agents(num_agents, city_radius, S0, I0, R0):

Initialize agents uniformly within the circular city and assign initial␣

# Generate uniform distribution within a circle
r = city_radius * np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_agents))
theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, num_agents)
x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)
positions = np.array((x, y)).T

# Assign states
states = np.array([SUSCEPTIBLE]*S0 + [INFECTED]*I0 + [RECOVERED]*R0)
np.random.shuffle(states) # Shuffle to randomize initial infected
return positions, states

def move_agents(positions, sigma, city_radius):

# Gaussian displacement
displacements = np.random.normal(0, sigma, positions.shape)
new_positions = positions + displacements

# Compute distances from center

distances = np.linalg.norm(new_positions, axis=1)

# Find agents outside the city

outside = distances > city_radius
num_outside = np.sum(outside)
if num_outside > 0:
# Teleport outside agents to random positions inside the city
r = city_radius * np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_outside))
theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, num_outside)
new_x = r * np.cos(theta)
new_y = r * np.sin(theta)
new_positions[outside] = np.array((new_x, new_y)).T

return new_positions

def update_states(positions, states, alpha, beta, gamma, infection_radius):

# Separate indices by state
susceptible_indices = np.where(states == SUSCEPTIBLE)[0]
infected_indices = np.where(states == INFECTED)[0]

recovered_indices = np.where(states == RECOVERED)[0]

# Build KDTree for efficient neighbor search

if len(infected_indices) > 0 and len(susceptible_indices) > 0:
tree = KDTree(positions[infected_indices])
# For each susceptible agent, find if any infected agent is within␣

neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(positions[susceptible_indices],␣

# Determine which susceptible agents have at least one neighbor

potentially_infected = np.array([len(n) > 0 for n in neighbors])
# Susceptible agents that are close to at least one infected agent
susceptible_close = susceptible_indices[potentially_infected]
# Determine which of these become infected based on probability alpha
new_infections = susceptible_close[np.random.uniform(0, 1,␣
↪len(susceptible_close)) < alpha]

# Update states
states[new_infections] = INFECTED

# Infected agents recover with probability beta

if len(infected_indices) > 0:
recoveries = infected_indices[np.random.uniform(0, 1,␣
↪len(infected_indices)) < beta]

states[recoveries] = RECOVERED

# Recovered agents lose immunity with probability gamma

if gamma > 0 and len(recovered_indices) > 0:
lose_immunity = recovered_indices[ np.random.uniform(0, 1,␣
↪len(recovered_indices)) < gamma]

states[lose_immunity] = SUSCEPTIBLE

return states

def simulate():
# Initialize agents
positions, states = initialize_agents(NUM_AGENTS, CITY_RADIUS, S0, I0, R0)

# Lists to record daily counts

S_counts = []
I_counts = []
R_counts = []

for t in range(TIME_STEPS):
# Move agents
positions = move_agents(positions, SIGMA, CITY_RADIUS)

# Update states based on interactions and transitions

states = update_states(positions, states, ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA,␣

# counts
S_counts.append(np.sum(states == SUSCEPTIBLE))
I_counts.append(np.sum(states == INFECTED))
R_counts.append(np.sum(states == RECOVERED))

# Plot
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(S_counts, label='Susceptible', color='blue')
plt.plot(I_counts, label='Infected', color='red')
plt.plot(R_counts, label='Recovered', color='green')
plt.ylabel('Number of Agents')
plt.title('SIR Model Simulation with Random Movement in a Circular City')

if __name__ == "__main__":

[11]: # SIR model -- Stochastic model II

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def simulate_epidemic(N, T, alpha, beta, gamma, initial_state=None):
Simulate epidemic spread using probabilistic model

N: number of agents
T: time steps
alpha: probability of S->I transition
beta: probability of I->R transition
gamma: probability of R->S transition
initial_state: initial state distribution (optional)

# Define transition probability matrix

P = np.array([
[1-alpha, alpha, 0], # S -> S, I, R
[0, 1-beta, beta], # I -> S, I, R
[gamma, 0, 1-gamma] # R -> S, I, R

# Initialize states (0=S, 1=I, 2=R)

states = np.zeros((N, T), dtype=int)

# Set initial states randomly if not provided

if initial_state is None:
states[:, 0] = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2], size=N)
states[:, 0] = initial_state

# Simulate for each time step

for t in range(1, T):
for agent in range(N):
current_state = states[agent, t-1]
# Sample next state based on transition probabilities
states[agent, t] = np.random.choice(3, p=P[current_state])

# Calculate proportions for each time step

S_prop = np.mean(states == 0, axis=0)
I_prop = np.mean(states == 1, axis=0)
R_prop = np.mean(states == 2, axis=0)

return S_prop, I_prop, R_prop

# Set parameters
N = 1000 # number of agents
T = 500 # time steps

alpha = 0.05 # infection probability
beta = 0.01 # recovery probability
gamma = 0.001 # immunity loss probability

# Run simulation
S, I, R = simulate_epidemic(N, T, alpha, beta, gamma)

# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(S, label='Susceptible', color='blue')
plt.plot(I, label='Infected', color='red')
plt.plot(R, label='Recovered', color='green')
plt.ylabel('Estimated Probability')
plt.title(f'Probabilistic SIR Model (alpha={alpha}, Beta={beta}, gamma={gamma},␣


# Calculate theoretical steady state values

denominator = (1/gamma + 1/beta + 1/alpha)
a = (1/alpha) / denominator # Susceptible
b = (1/beta) / denominator # Infected
c = (1/gamma) / denominator # Recovered

print("\nTheoretical steady state values:")

print(f"Susceptible (a): {a:.3f}")
print(f"Infected (b): {b:.3f}")
print(f"Recovered (c): {c:.3f}")

# Computing proportions ------------------------------------################
Pt+1(S) = gamma*Pt(R) + (1 - alpha)*Pt(S)
Pt+1(I) = alpha*Pt(S) + (1 - Beta)*Pt(I)
Pt+1(R) = beta*Pt(I) + (1 - gamma)*Pt(R)
Try interpreting these equations in terms of proportions instead of

def simulate_sir_proportions(N, T, alpha, beta, gamma,␣


Simulate the SIR model in terms of proportions.

N: total population (not used directly in proportions calculation)
T: number of time steps
alpha: probability of S -> I transition
beta: probability of I -> R transition
gamma: probability of R -> S transition
initial_proportions: initial proportions of S, I, R (optional)

Proportions of S, I, R over time.

# Initialize proportions
if initial_proportions is None:
a = 0.99 # Initial proportion of Susceptible
b = 0.01 # Initial proportion of Infected
c = 0.0 # Initial proportion of Recovered
a, b, c = initial_proportions

# Arrays to store proportions over time

S_proportions = np.zeros(T)
I_proportions = np.zeros(T)
R_proportions = np.zeros(T)

# Set initial proportions

S_proportions[0] = a
I_proportions[0] = b
R_proportions[0] = c

# Simulate over T time steps

for t in range(1, T):
a = gamma * R_proportions[t-1] + (1 - alpha) * S_proportions[t-1]
b = alpha * S_proportions[t-1] + (1 - beta) * I_proportions[t-1]
c = beta * I_proportions[t-1] + (1 - gamma) * R_proportions[t-1]

S_proportions[t] = a
I_proportions[t] = b
R_proportions[t] = c

return S_proportions, I_proportions, R_proportions

# Set parameters
N = 1000 # Total population (not directly used)
T = 500 # Number of time steps
alpha = 0.05 # Infection probability

beta = 0.01 # Recovery probability
gamma = 0.001 # Immunity loss probability

# Run simulation
S, I, R = simulate_sir_proportions(N, T, alpha, beta, gamma)

# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(S, label='Susceptible', color='blue')
plt.plot(I, label='Infected', color='red')
plt.plot(R, label='Recovered', color='green')
plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
plt.ylabel('Proportion of Population')
plt.title(f'Probabilistic SIR Model (alpha={alpha}, Beta={beta},␣

plt.ylim(0, 1)

Theoretical steady state values:

Susceptible (a): 0.018
Infected (b): 0.089

Recovered (c): 0.893

[ ]:


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