WAP KhanAcademy
WAP KhanAcademy
WAP KhanAcademy
I. Profile
Title of PD Programs Math Mastery with Khan Academy Date of Delivery December 2024
PD Program Doña Rosario High School – Math Dept.
Name of Immediate LUZVIMINDA E. VALDEZ Office and Position Head Teacher III – Math Department
Mathematical proficiency among learners involves the development of confidence and competence in different aspects of mathematics
and includes becoming increasingly aware of the value and usefulness of mathematics. The Philippines has consistently faced challenges in
different assessment like PISA indicating a need for improvement in math skills.
Doña Rosario High School-Math Department in support with the DepEd collaboration with Khan Academy Philippines take its
initiative to implement a program entitled “Math Mastery with Khan Academy” aiming to enhance math skills and improve numeracy level
among Rosarians.
● Elevate the math proficiency among students across all grade levels at Doña Rosario High School.
● Drive collaborative action in strengthening the foundational math skills of students across all grade levels.
● address the appropriate indicators in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST indicators 1.5.2 and 1.5.3), the Philippine
Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH indicator 3.2.2), and the Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS
indicator 3.1.2).
Professional solid base for future
Standards for School learning and development.
Heads (PPSSH
indicator 3.2.2), and ● To provide teachers with ● Introduce Khan Academy
the Philippine valuable resources and Philippines to teachers in the
Professional trainings to enhance their department through LAC
Standards for teaching practices and Session.
Supervisors (PPSS effective integrate Khan
indicator 3.1.2). Academy Philippines into
their classrooms. ● Create a class schedule with
Khan Academy integration.
IV. Implementation Plan [the WAP must be implemented within 6 months after the training]
Incorporate the SOLO framework in enhancing the learners’ cognitive level and in providing learning opportunities for them to
develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS)
provide learning opportunities to
develop HOTS)
Monitoring and Monitor the status Every end of the quarter Students Proficiency Level Department Head,
Evaluation of the program by Report Numeracy Coordinator,
having LAC
Session every
Math Teachers
Annabelle A. Edoloverio
Teacher II
Luzviminda E. Valdez
Head Teacher III – Math Dept.
*for proficient teacher: reviewed by the master teacher or immediate supervisor and **approved by the school head/head teacher/OIC for schools without school
*for master teacher: reviewed and **approved by the school head or immediate supervisor