The Wall Street Journal - 13 November 2024
The Wall Street Journal - 13 November 2024
The Wall Street Journal - 13 November 2024
DJIA 43910.98 g 382.15 0.86% NASDAQ 19281.40 g 0.1% STOXX 600 502.23 g 2.0% 10-YR. TREAS. g 1 , yield 4.430% OIL $68.12 À $0.08 GOLD $2,600.00 g $11.20 EURO $1.0624 YEN 154.62
Classified-Documents Leaker Gets 15 Years FAA
BY VICTORIA ALBERT sparking diplomatic tension ment Tuesday. mation that weren’t related to rial he obtained and with
Flights to Haiti
AND JOSEPH PISANI with some U.S. partners and Teixeira, who is from Digh- his work, the office said, and whom he shared it by destroy- Will Be Banned
raising concern about under- ton, Mass., served with a mili- repeatedly removed classified ing his devices, deleting his The Federal Aviation Ad-
Jack Teixeira, a former mining Ukraine’s fight against tary-intelligence unit at a base information from the facility online accounts and asking ministration has banned U.S.
Massachusetts Air National Russia. in Cape Cod until his arrest. where he worked. online acquaintances to do the airlines from flying to Haiti
Guardsman, was sentenced Jodi Cohen, special agent in He had been with the Massa- Teixeira was first arrested same. after multiple planes were hit
Tuesday to 15 years in prison charge of Boston’s Federal Bu- chusetts Air National Guard and charged in April 2023. He Prosecutors also said he by suspected gunfire.
over an extraordinary leak of reau of Investigation office, since 2019. was indicted that June by a had several weapons and The FAA said Tuesday that
highly classified intelligence called Teixeira one of the most Teixeira was responsible federal grand jury in Boston talked often about violence. the ban will last 30 days and
documents that sent the U.S. prolific leakers of classified for maintaining classified on six counts of willful reten- FBI agents found a gun locker is due to safety risks and
government rushing to protect information in U.S. history. workstations, according to the tion and transmission of na- full of weapons when they “ongoing security instability”
its secrets. “His actions compromised U.S. Attorney’s Office for the tional defense information. searched two homes he used in Haiti. U.S. aircraft can fly
Teixeira, 22 years old, was military plans, sources and District of Massachusetts. Prosecutors alleged that in April 2023, according to through Haiti’s airspace as
accused of exposing details of methods,” Cohen said after Teixeira, who was given a top- Teixeira started sharing mate- court filings. long as they are above
American surveillance of ad- the sentencing. secret security clearance in rial online in 2022. Teixeira pleaded guilty in 10,000 feet, the FAA said.
versaries and allies on the so- A lawyer for Teixeira didn’t 2021, conducted hundreds of They said that he worked to March 2024, after previously Three airlines—Spirit Air-
cial-media platform Discord, respond to a request for com- searches for classified infor- conceal the scope of the mate- pleading not guilty. lines, American Airlines, and
JetBlue Airways—said their
planes appeared to be dam-
aged by gunfire Monday after
flying through the country.
The Spirit flight, which was
trying to land in Haiti’s capital
Port-au-Prince, was diverted
Murder Suspect
Waives Jury Trial
A man on Tuesday waived
his right to a jury trial in the
killing of a Georgia nursing
student, a case that became
a flashpoint in the national
immigration debate.
Jose Ibarra was charged in
the February killing of Laken
Hope Riley, whose body was
found on the University of
fornia could run and win the Yet, California launched ballot measure to increase pen- tory, Newsom is calling for a new efforts.
presidency after what we just more than 120 lawsuits chal- alties for shoplifting and drug special session in early Decem- “We have put in place many
saw happen.” lenging actions taken by possession with 69% in favor ber to provide additional fund- protections for our immigrants
In many ways this should be Trump’s administration. even as Newsom and other ing for legal battles against and we are dusting off those
Newsom’s moment. During Trump, meanwhile, has un- Democratic leaders opposed it. Trump. Newsom has raised important laws,” said Bonta,
Trump’s first term, the telege- leashed hundreds of salvos at The shift hit local races. alarms about a potential roll- the attorney general. “Remem-
Justice Samuel Alito nic governor was a leading the state. At a recent Southern George Gascón, a leader in the back of clean-energy rules, ber, we did this before.”
tary personnel with the power structure federal agencies. lion in support of Trump dur-
to review three- and four-star Trump said in a statement ing the presidential election.
officers and to recommend re- Tuesday night that Ramas- The billionaire has become
moval of any deemed unfit for wamy and Musk—the wealthi- one of the president-elect’s
leadership. est person in the world, who closest advisers, according to
If President-elect Donald oversees six companies— people with knowledge of the
Trump approves the order, it would lead what the presi- matter, sitting in on transition
could fast-track the removal of One potential target of Donald Trump’s threatened purge could be Air Force Gen. CQ Brown Jr. dent-elect called the Depart- meetings, offering input on
generals and admirals found ment of Government personnel picks and spending
to be “lacking in requisite present to show if they meet The establishment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according Efficiency, or DOGE. The one-on-one time with Trump
leadership qualities,” accord- those standards. The draft or- board would be in line with to two defense officials. Dur- group’s mandate is to stream- at his Mar-a-Lago club.
ing to a draft of the order re- der originated with one of Trump’s calls for purging ing the 2020 George Floyd line government bureaucracy, The acronym for the new
viewed by The Wall Street several outside policy groups what he views as failed gener- protests, Brown spoke about Trump said. group, DOGE, echoes the name
Journal. But it could also cre- collaborating with the transi- als, including those involved the impact that movement DOGE will operate outside of dogecoin, the cryptocur-
ate a chilling effect on top tion team, and it is one of nu- in the chaotic 2021 with- had on him and what it was of the federal government, rency Musk has frequently
military officers, given the merous executive orders un- drawal from Afghanistan, ac- like to rise through the mili- Trump said, and will work with promoted online.
president-elect’s past vow to der review by Trump’s team, a cording to people familiar tary ranks as a Black fighter the White House Office of Man- Trump and his advisers
fire “woke generals,” referring transition official said. with the policy discussions. pilot. agement and Budget to imple- have promised to revive and
to officers seen as promoting The warrior board would be Trump has said he would ask The executive order, which ment its recommendations. expand measures the then-
diversity in the ranks at the made up of retired generals all generals involved in the has been reviewed by the Musk isn’t expected to be- president put in place in his
expense of military readiness. and noncommissioned officers, withdrawal to resign by “noon president-elect’s transition come an official government first term to cut red tape and
As commander in chief, who would send their recom- on Inauguration Day.” team, may be presented to employee, meaning he likely make it easier to fire federal
Trump can fire any officer at mendations to the president. The president-elect pre- Trump when he takes office, wouldn’t be required to divest employees.
will, but an outside board Those identified for removal viewed the move during a and its implementation de- from his business empire. In 2020, shortly before
whose members he appoints would be retired at their cur- campaign event in October, pends on whether he chooses Trump gave Musk and Ra- leaving office, Trump issued
would bypass the Pentagon’s rent rank within 30 days. telling an audience that he to sign it in its current form, maswamy a deadline of July 4, an executive order that ex-
regular promotion system, sig- Karoline Leavitt, the would create a task force to according to a person familiar 2026—amid the nation’s empted some positions across
naling across the military that Trump-Vance transition monitor the “woke generals” with its drafting. semiquincentennial celebra- the federal workforce from
he intends to purge a number spokeswoman, declined to and get rid of diversity train- On Tuesday, Trump an- tions, and just months before competitive hiring procedures
of generals and admirals. comment on this draft execu- ing in the military. nounced his intention to nomi- the midterm elections—to and civil-service protections.
The draft order says it aims tive order but said, “The “They’re gone,” Trump said nate Pete Hegseth, a veteran complete their work. “A Biden, upon taking office,
to establish a review that fo- American people re-elected of those generals, without and Fox News host, to be his smaller government, with more undid the executive order.
cuses “on leadership capabil- President Trump by a re- naming specific officers. next Secretary of Defense. If efficiency and less bureau- Trump’s advisers say he will
ity, strategic readiness, and sounding margin giving him a One feared potential target confirmed by the Senate, Heg- cracy, will be the perfect gift to impose a potentially more ex-
commitment to military excel- mandate to implement the of Trump’s threatened purge seth could be key in imple- America on the 250th anniver- pansive version of it.
lence.” The draft doesn’t spec- promises he made on the cam- could be Air Force Gen. CQ menting the findings of the sary of the Declaration of Inde- —Dana Mattioli
ify what officers need to do or paign trail. He will deliver.” Brown Jr., chairman of the Warrior Board’s review. pendence,” he said. “I am con- contributed to this article.
Among those picked are, clockwise from left, John Ratcliffe for the CIA; Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense; Mike Huckabee for ambassador to Israel; and Kristi Noem for homeland security.
be forced to turn to some can- matter. Noem, a Trump ally strong supporter of U.S. assis- said he would end U.S. involve-
didates who are at odds with previously considered to be tance to Ukraine, and Nikki Ha- ment in overseas wars, erect
him in important respects. his running mate, is slated to ley, Trump’s top presidential new trade barriers and force
Disagreements between agen- play a crucial role implement- rival and former envoy to the allies in Europe and Asia to
cies and members of his team ing his border policies, along- U.N. who broke with him over share more in defense costs.
were rife in his first term and side Homan and Miller. support for the North Atlantic During his first term, his advis-
are likely to reappear, current His choice as White House Treaty Organization. ers often pushed back against
and former officials said. chief of staff, Susie Wiles, is “I very much enjoyed and his more ambitious policies, oc-
Greg Ip, chief economics commentator, says Trump has also said he known for delivering candid appreciated working with them casionally convincing him to
voters were angry about high prices. Aaron would nominate Rep. Elise advice but isn’t confronta- previously, and would like to back off and other times slow-
Zitner, polling specialist, says social issues Stefanik (R., N.Y.), the first tional and doesn’t seek the thank them for their service to rolling his orders.
such as crime and transgender rights played lawmaker to endorse his re- spotlight—traits that have our Country,” Trump said Sat- —Alex Leary
the bigger role. Scan this code for their debate. election bid, as ambassador to gotten other Trump insiders urday in a social-media post, and Brian Schwartz
the United Nations and former in trouble. The discipline she referring to Pompeo and Haley. contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | A5
President-elect Donald
Trump has told allies that he
wants his former U.S. trade
representative, Robert Light-
hizer, as the administration’s
trade czar, according to peo-
ple familiar with the matter.
Lighthizer is a key adviser
to Trump and helped imple-
Paulson Won’t Seek Treasury Job This work is part of our exhibition
Dreaming in Color: Chagall & His Circle
Veteran investor John time,” Paulson said in the Tenn.) is also seen as a con- Now open - January 4, 2025
Paulson is dropping out of statement. “However, I in- tender.
the running to become tend to remain actively in- Paulson’s assets could
President-elect Donald volved with the President’s have come under scrutiny if
Trump’s Treasury secretary, economic team and helping he were to have a cabinet
he said in a statement to in the implementation of role. As a hedge-fund man-
The Wall Street Journal. President Trump’s out- ager, he made an estimated
“Although various media standing policy proposals.” $3 billion to $4 billion during
outlets have mentioned me His decision essentially the 2008 financial crisis, the
as a candidate for Secre- clears a lane for fellow in- Journal has reported, after
tary of the Treasury, my vestor Scott Bessent to he bet against the housing 622 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 877-677-2801 • •
complex financial obliga- land the post. Bessent in market. He later converted
tions would prevent me recent days has become the hedge fund into a family Since 1912, M.S. Rau has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
from holding an official po- the favorite to get the job, office and stopped managing Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
sition in President Trump’s several Trump allies have money for outside clients.
administration at this said. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R., —Brian Schwartz
A6 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Nasr didn’t respond to a re- months, two other top execu- project—have yet to material- as he frequently yelled and be-
quest for comment. tives at the project have left: ize despite numerous attempts littled staff in meetings. “I
The crown prince has Wayne Borg, who ran the to attract outside cash. drive everybody like a slave,”
project’s media division, and Around 100,000 workers Nasr said in one meeting, the
Antoni Vives, who helped lead live in a pop-up city in Neom, Journal previously reported.
development of the Line, ac- where excavation teams have Saudi officials have said the
cording to several people fa- dug the footprint of the Line country is delaying some proj-
Order by miliar with the departures. and a set of train tracks ects and canceling others, al-
12/20 Both executives were the sub- Nadhmi Al-Nasr, seen at a 2019 conference in Las Vegas, left meant to run beneath it, leav- though it didn’t announce de-
ject of a Wall Street Journal his role as CEO of Neom, Saudi Arabia’s planned city. ing a more than 60-mile-long tails. The country’s Public
article in September that gash in the desert. Investment Fund has about $1
highlighted the checkered across the country. When economy have rapidly Nasr came to the job as an trillion in assets, but most of
pasts and inappropriate Neom was announced in 2017, changed the kingdom as a accomplished builder. In the that is tied up in investments
workplace behavior of some Saudi officials viewed the proj- whole, with a huge increase in 1990s, he expanded a massive that would be difficult to un-
Neom executives. ect as a way to initiate change women joining the labor force oil field for Saudi oil company load quickly, including 16% of
Borg and Vives didn’t re- in the once-conservative Is- and an influx of foreign inves- Aramco, then led construc- Aramco, a Saudi telecom com-
Your Legacy spond to requests for comment. lamic kingdom without moving tors setting up offices in the tion of a university complex pany and numerous stakes in
Brought to Life The departure of senior ex- too quickly in the biggest cit- capital. Some Neom employ- on the edge of the Red Sea in private-equity funds.
888.646.6466 ecutives could signal a shift in ies, Riyadh and Jeddah. ees now argue that there is the 2000s. —Stephen Kalin
JOHN - CHRISTIAN.COM focus by Saudi officials from Since then, Prince Moham- little need for a separate part The challenge of Neom was and Summer Said
Neom to other investments med’s moves to liberalize his of the country with its own far greater. When it was an- contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * NY Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | A7
Beijing Shows Off Stealth Fighter SUV Plows
Into Crowd
Weapons debut as
U.S. worries about
These displays “will cer-
tainly accelerate views in the
U.S. and the region that China
pared the J-35A to the U.S.
F-35 in terms of their roles
and capabilities. While the
In China,
China expanding its
military power
is outpacing rival militaries in
air-power capabilities,” said
Lyle Morris, a senior fellow at
Chinese fighter bears some
physical resemblance to the
American jet, there are nota-
Killing 35
the Asia Society Policy Insti- ble differences—such as the
BY CHUN HAN WONG tute. “For the incoming Trump J-35A’s twin-engine configu- BY JASON DOUGLAS
administration, it’s another ration, compared with the sin- AND CLARENCE LEONG
China’s air force showcased reminder of the formidable ca- gle-engine F-35.
new armaments this week, in- pabilities of the PLA Air Force China has been churning Thirty-five people were killed
cluding a stealth fighter and that the U.S. will have to con- out more advanced military and dozens injured when a man
an attack drone, demonstrat- tend with for years.” hardware, but “how well most plowed a car into a crowd at a
ing its advancing ability to Xi has directed an ambitious of these new pieces of equip- sports stadium in southern
challenge the U.S. military modernization program for the ment function on an actual China, police said Tuesday. It is
presence in the Asia Pacific. PLA, aimed at transforming the battlefield is another matter,” the latest in a string of violent
The public debut of the Soviet-style military into a said James Char, an assistant acts that prompted leader Xi
J-35A stealth fighter and 21st-century fighting force. Bei- professor at Singapore’s Nan- Jinping to publicly urge author-
other weapons systems at jing has demonstrated progress yang Technological Univer- ities to get “conflicts and dis-
China’s premier airshow, through increasingly complex sity, who studies the Chinese putes” under control.
which started Tuesday, repre- combat drills and more fre- military. In a rare public response,
sent the centerpiece in the quent deployments that reach Other air show debutants Xi called for severe punish-
Chinese air force’s celebra- beyond China’s periphery. included the “Jiu Tian” recon- ment of the perpetrator in
tions of its 75th anniversary— U.S. officials have raised naissance and attack drone, what he described as a vicious
a milestone in leader Xi Jin- concerns about how Beijing’s which Chinese analysts de- act, and asked authorities na-
ping’s sweeping campaign to burgeoning military strength scribed as a next-generation tionwide to “strictly prevent
modernize the could affect weapons platform, and the extreme incidents” and ensure
People’s Libera- Washington’s HQ-19 surface-to-air missile social stability, said the state-
tion Army. ability to main- system, which state media run Xinhua News Agency.
Xi aims to move
A single tain an effec- said is capable of intercepting The attack, which occurred
J-35A soared from a Soviet- tive security conventional ballistic missiles Monday night in Zhuhai, in
over crowds of presence in the and hypersonic projectiles. Guangdong province, is the
spectators in a style military Asia Pacific. China’s navy, meanwhile, deadliest of several incidents
brief flypast on “China is not showcased a new variant of that have shaken China in the
the opening
into a 21st- a future threat. its J-15 fighter that can be past six months, as the country
day of Airshow century force. China is a launched off aircraft carriers grapples with a sluggish econ-
China in the threat today,” The J-35A stealth fighter was among the weapons systems using a catapult system. omy, high youth unemploy-
southern city of U.S. Secretary that made their public debut at China’s top airshow Tuesday. Known as the J-15T, this vari- ment and a property crunch.
Zhuhai, making of the Air Force ant can carry more weapons The incident took place
a steep climb with afterburn- Frank Kendall said in Septem- makes China the second coun- The Chinese military had and fuel than baseline models shortly before 8 p.m. Monday,
ers before rolling away and ber. “The Chinese Communist try—after the U.S.—to operate set higher technical require- that take off under their own when a 62-year-old man in an
streaking out of view, state TV Party continues to invest heav- two models of stealth fighters. ments for the J-35A’s stealth power using ski jumps. SUV forced his way through
showed. ily in capabilities, organiza- The PLA already uses the J-20 capabilities, and manufactur- Some Western analysts say the gates of the sports center
Other new weapons—in- tions and operational concepts stealth fighter, a larger war- ers needed to develop new that Beijing’s advances in air- and drove into a crowd exer-
cluding the “Jiu Tian” recon- designed specifically to defeat plane designed primarily as technology to meet these tar- craft technology, while signifi- cising, according to authori-
naissance and attack drone the ability of the United States an air-superiority platform, gets, according to Wang cant, don’t worry American ties. Police detained the man,
and the HQ-19 anti-ballistic- and its allies to project power which some analysts consider Yongqing, the chief expert at war planners as much as the who was identified with his
missile system—also were in the Western Pacific.” China’s rough equivalent to an aircraft-design institute af- threat that Chinese missiles surname, Fan. He was found
prominent in ground displays Moscow’s close military the U.S. F-22. filiated with the Aviation In- pose to U.S. air bases in the harming himself with a knife
at the airshow, as examples of ties with Beijing also are on Beijing hasn’t said when dustry Corp. of China, a state- Asia Pacific. in the vehicle, resulting in se-
the PLA’s growing prowess in display at Zhuhai, with Rus- the J-35A would become oper- owned defense conglomerate. “For the United States, we vere injuries, they said. He
aerial warfare and air defense. sia’s most advanced jet ational, nor has it disclosed In an interview with state are still less concerned about was unconscious when he was
Much remains unclear fighter, the Su-57, flying its much of its technical capabili- media, Wang likened the air-to-air combat with China, sent to a hospital for treat-
about these systems and their first aerial moves abroad. Rus- ties. In development for more J-35A’s role to that of a point than we are about the ability ment, police said.
capabilities. Even so, Chinese sian Security Council Secre- than a decade, the J-35A has guard in basketball. “It not of our own aircraft to get off In a preliminary assess-
officials and state media say tary Sergei Shoigu, visiting been described as a multipur- only has a strong point-scor- the ground,” with many air- ment, police said the incident
the new armaments reflect the China this week, met Chinese pose stealth fighter capable of ing ability of its own, it also fields in the region vulnerable stemmed from Fan’s dissatis-
significant advances that Bei- Foreign Minister Wang Yi in air-to-air and surface attack must assess the situation on to Chinese missile attack, said faction with how property was
jing has made in developing Beijing on Tuesday. missions. The ‘A’ designation the court clearly,” and orga- Oriana Skylar Mastro, an as- split after a divorce, it added.
its air power and enhancing State media has cast the refers to land-based models, nize friendly assets to fight sistant professor at Stanford The police have opened a
its ability to defend China’s J-35A as the headline act at with a naval variant set to fol- more effectively, he said. University and an expert on criminal investigation into
strategic interests. Zhuhai, noting that its debut low, Chinese experts say. Some analysts have com- the Chinese military. Fan.
Saturday, November 16
Sunday, November 17
Monday, November 18
212-427-4141 ext 341
A8 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
lysts alike say its simplicity is complete ensemble, then take a her from wasting money on mind- a girl’s notes app.”
illions of people share what has made Notes a cultural photo. They copy and paste the less shopping. Daëlle Coriolan, a recent eco-
publicly on social me- touchstone since its 2007 debut. photos into a page in Notes, creat- Rilee Smith, a 34-year-old nomics and social-studies gradu-
dia. But where do peo- Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and ing a scrollable record of their travel content creator in Detroit, ate from Wesleyan University, has
ple’s more personal, other celebrities use it to express wardrobes. creates a separate used Notes since high school. The
private thoughts go? their feelings in a relatable way— Sadie Sullivan, a note for each trip 22-year-old in Hamden, Conn., is
Apple’s Notes app. so do the keepers of world-famous social-media man- she’s planning. To planning her Friendsgiving using
Along with the usual to-do hippos, like Haggis, the baby ager in Minneapolis, Its simplicity has help her pack, she the app. The shared note has
lists, costume ideas and vacation pygmy hippo in Scotland. dubs these images made the app subdivides the note about 15 people on it and includes
itineraries, Rebecca Rranza jots Apple doesn’t say how many “mini me’s.” Sulli- with headers and a dress code (“no sweats or ath- TAKUTO DOMEKI, ISTOCK (4), SHUTTERSTOCK, EVERETT COLLECTION
down what she calls “manic people use Notes, though it’s pre- van, 28, catalogs her a cultural different fonts to letic wear”) and a grid detailing
thoughts”—dream summaries and installed on most of the 2.2 billion outfits based on detail the daily what each person is bringing.
cryptic reminders. One from Sep- Apple devices active globally. events like weddings
touchstone since weather, her activi- Coriolan is making lasagna and
tember? “John Wilkes Booth.” Goodnotes, Notion and other simi- and weather. In the its 2007 debut. ties and her outfits. cornbread.
“I can say stuff but it’s very lar services with more features— “60- to 70-degree” For a trip to Mexico Many of her notes are years old
safe,” says the 27-year-old school and broader compatibility with category, her mini last year, her Satur- at this point, and she goes through
librarian, who lives in Detroit. “No Android and Windows—have each me wears jeans, day section was an them to reminisce. “It’s so funny
one is going to find my phone and been downloaded around 50 mil- skirts and shorts. Sweaters and “adventure day/beach picnic” seeing the different things that
go through my Notes app.” lion times from 2021 to October layers appear in the cooler “40- to (pink swimsuit, shorts and slip-on you cared about,” Coriolan says.
For lots of people, the Notes 2024, according to market-intelli- 60-degree” range. shoes) and a blue-themed night One from 2020 says she needs
app has become an extension of gence firm Sensor Tower. Tracking fashion trends while (sandals, small purse and, of to stop going to sleep so late be-
their brains. Its popularity has On social media, people are us- remembering what you already course, a blue dress). cause “I keep having VIVIDLY
spurred Apple to introduce richer ing Notes to live out their “Clue- own “can take up a lot of brain ca- “I really need to have a high- weird dreams.” Another from 2019
features like document scanning less” virtual-closet dreams. pacity,” she says. Not only has this level overview of what’s actually says “gotta go my own way.” She
and checklists with check boxes. They lay their clothes out on approach helped her refine her in my suitcase,” Smith says. doesn’t recall where she was going.
’ve always been a car nut, and original design by Marcello Gandini,
when I was growing up, my fam- who is a legend and who died ear-
ily was pretty into muscle cars. I lier this year. Many regard the Dia-
trace my love for the Lamborghini blo as the first regular-series pro-
Diablo back to videogames and duction car that could top 200
movies. The Diablo was a featured mph. [According to its website,
car in the “Need for Speed” video- Lamborghini made 2,903 Diablos
game, and the movie “Dumb and from 1990 to 2001.]
Dumber” had a Diablo in it. I But this specific car was also
thought it was the craziest car I listed as an SV “Monterey Edition,”
had ever seen. which would make it extremely sion for the U.S. market, made for Lamborghini made only 2,903 Monterey Editions in 1998, and he
I was 23 when I started looking rare—if this listing was true. The the 1998 Monterey Car Week. Diablos from 1990 to 2001. sent me pictures. I also got help
for one, and a buddy found this car Monterey Edition was a special ver- These cars got special paint jobs, from a Lamborghini dealership in
some interior bits, special chrome When my buddy and I looked Florida. A company called Azaël
wheels and a 530-horsepower 5.7 closely at this Monterey Edition on Motorsport in Miami did a majority
liter V-12 engine. Only 20 were sold. Craigslist, however, something of the work.
There is a cool video on YouTube looked funky. The car clearly had After four and a half years, the
that shows a rally led by Mario An- the wrong wing and the wrong car finally arrived in Park City
dretti of Monterey Edition cars, on front end. about 45 days before the photos
route to Monterey in 1998. Using the vehicle identification for this story were taken. And, in
number and a number of sources, I fact, it arrived just in time for a
Jake Wolf bought his 1998 was able to comfortably confirm rally for Diablos and other vintage
Lamborghini Diablo for $140,000. that this was a Monterey Edition. supercars that started in Park City
So I bought this and headed up to Jackson, Wyo.
rare car for On the day it arrived, I had only
$140,000, had it driven this car around the block.
shipped from Illi- Then I got to drive it in anger all
nois to Miami over Utah and Wyoming. The car
where I was liv- also arrived in time for a couple
ing, and began end-of-the-season drives that my
to figure out business, Warehouse, put together
an Australian fast-casual chain
ew York City used to that opened in April in New York
be the epicenter of the City’s NoHo neighborhood.
white-tablecloth, two-
martini power lunch.
Now, we have bowl like McDonald’s or take clients out
lunches instead. somewhere nice that they could
Scarfing down a bowl of veg- expense. The proliferation of
gies, grains and protein between chains like Chipotle and Einstein
meetings has become such a fix- Bros Bagels across the country
ture of corporate life that it’s changed that, according to Dan
spawned memes. Some have re- Frommer, the founder and editor
ferred to these hastily consumed of the New Consumer news site.
lunches as “slop bowls” and their These new options offered conve-
purveyors as “slop bowl facto- nience, affordability and nutri-
ries”—an evolution of the “sad tional value.
desk salad.” Chipotle’s IPO in 2006 changed
A trio of Australian fast-casual the game, says Frommer. On open-
founders wants to change the way ing day, the chain doubled its ini-
we think about these meals. tial public offering price to $44
Nathan Dalah, Casper Ettelson from $22. It proved that it was
and Nicolas Pestalozzi opened the possible and profitable to be“a
first U.S. location of Thisbowl in stand-alone public company with a
April, in New York’s NoHo neigh- single concept.” Now, these places
borhood. The restaurant serves are everywhere, to the point of be-
Asian-influenced cuisine with pro- ing a meme.
teins like five-spice braised beef Sweetgreen co-founder Nicolas
and white miso glazed salmon; Jammet offered a positive spin on
dressings that include tamari the slop-bowl joke. “I take it as re-
ponzu and roasted sesame; and ferring to this idea that you can
toppings like sansho scallion put whatever you want in the
crunch. Every day, there’s a line bowl, whatever makes sense for
out the door and down the block. you,” he said. He said the com-
Its popularity can be chalked pany, which opened in 2007 and
up to its quality of ingredients, now has around 240 locations, had
convenience and price; most items expanded its menu for more per-
on the menu cost between $15 and sonalization and added protein
$17. But it also comes from an in- plates to its menu
tangible cool factor. last year to give
Ariana Squillacciotti, an Aus- customers heartier
tralian native and co-founder of a options. Thisbowl like paid social media ads and
PR firm, was thrilled to learn Thisbowl— founders (from other traditional forms of adver-
Thisbowl was opening in New founded in 2016 as left) Casper tising. During an interview at pri-
York, but she has been there only Fishbowl—has Ettelson, Nathan vate members’ club Zero Bond, a
three times so far because of the found impressive Dalah and Nicolas stone’s throw from the NoHo loca-
line. “I need the Sky Priority lane,” success in Austra- Pestalozzi aim to tion, Dalah said he looked to In-N-
she said. lia, a country that change how we Out as inspiration: “You can spend
“The atmosphere in there was doesn’t typically think about lunch all this time, energy, effort and
kind of clubby,” said Ella Kahan, a embrace chains. bowls. money reminding people that you
New York City food influencer who Starbucks, for ex- exist, or you can just keep people
runs the account @chewyorkcity. ample, opened in coming back and talking about it.”
Kahan posted about her trip to the country in watching Ameri- Ahead of the NoHo opening, the
Thisbowl on TikTok; the video has 2000 and by 2008 cans post about founders went door to door to
been viewed over 140,000 times. had shut down their bowls. All of neighboring stores and businesses,
Though the founders, who are 70% of its loca- the founders inviting the people who worked
all in their 30s, say they never pay tions there. (To- laughed the article there to try Thisbowl, Dalah said.
influencers to come in, they invite day, the company off. “Australians The company is currently
some of them, including Kahan, to has grown to more are [generally] planning its next two locations
visit via direct messages on social than 70 stores in very proud when for 2025, one in Nomad and the
media. Kahan described the envi- Australia, accord- other Australians other, the founders hope, in
ronment: “Loud music, fun [art], ing to a Starbucks spokesperson.) firm that’s invested in high-end are doing well,” said Ettelson. Williamsburg.
very well-dressed, stylish people Fishbowl, which has 50 Austra- grocer Erewhon, fashion brand Now, the three founders are Dalah said the company was
inside for something that normally lian locations, had around $75 mil- Khaite and film studio A24. trying to re-create the magic staying away from Midtown for
sounds like a drag: grabbing a lion in revenue in its 2024 finan- A Daily Mail headline from May they’ve made in their home coun- now, in favor of areas more
desk salad.” cial year and is on track to hit claimed that Australians’ love for try, in the city that’s arguably the aligned with the founders’ inter-
The desk salad is a relatively $100 million in its 2025 financial the chain was so strong that many bowl capital of the world. Dalah ests and lifestyles. (They also
new phenomenon. Until the late year, according to its founders. were “NOT happy” about Thisbowl said that the NoHo location served wanted to make sure they could
1990s and early 2000s, workers Thisbowl and Fishbowl recently opening in the U.S., with one an average of 1,000 bowls a day. handle the lunch rush.) “We
would bring sandwiches into the closed a funding round that in- source saying, “It’s OURS,” and The Thisbowl founders don’t wanted to feel like a place you
office, grab traditional fast food cluded Stripes, a growth-equity another saying she felt “rage” spend very much on marketing would go for a cheap date.”
To FeelBetter,Donate
Charities are pushing the Netflix eler Number.
model: They ask you to sign up for 1. Check out airport parking op-
recurring donations. Such subscrip- tions stat and make a reservation. 5. If you don’t have TSA Pre-
tions may be good for fundraising, Airport garages and lots have Check or Clear, see if your airport
ext time you’re feeling Here’s the formula to getting the Give time day of your flight.
stressed, try giving some best return on giving: While cash donations have clear
money away. benefits, volunteering your time
Generosity is a powerful drug Give a damn can do even more for your health,
even in small doses. Donations to a Generosity works best when you well-being and relationships than
worthy cause or acts of kindness to mean it. You won’t feel the same money.
friends give your mind and body a high if you were guilted into giving Two hours of weekly volunteer
boost. by your Aunt Linda. You’ll feel 10% work is enough to lower your
Yes, the side effects of a charita- more satisfied giving a voluntary stress, a study led by the sociology
ble act may include a better mood, donation than when it is an obliga- department at Georgia State Uni-
lower blood pressure and a longer tion, a 2007 study from the Univer- versity found. It is also enough to
life, according to studies from brain sity of Oregon found. provide a greater sense of purpose.
scientists and economists. You When you’re genuinely excited “Volunteering can build resil-
might experience a spike in sero- about the gift, the good feelings ience, helping people feel more in
tonin and dopamine, hormones as- linger. A study by the University of control and less reactive to daily
sociated with happiness, and a drop Chicago Booth School of Business stresses,” Aknin says.
in cortisol, researchers say. (You found that the joy of making a $5 When it comes to giving, if it is
also get some tax benefits.) gift lasted five days, while the ef- from the heart, you’ll feel the
Before you start using your fect of the more self-serving “retail difference. Air travel this holiday season is expected to hit record highs.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | A13
Disco Highs
The band’s new album is at its best on songs
with slinky ’70s grooves and lush arrangements
cotland’s Primal Scream, The first track, “Ready to Go
a constantly shifting unit Home,” is a call to arms that
led by singer Bobby Gil- seems addressed to longtime fans
lespie, alternately wal- of the project. It begins with
lows in and reacts massed gospel voices and then
against rock history. folds in a disco beat and glittery
Since gaining notice after Mr. Gil- strings that could have come from
lespie left the influential noise-pop a studio session from 1976. The al-
band the Jesus and Mary Chain in bum was produced by Irish DJ and
the mid-1980s, Primal Scream has film composer David Holmes, a
dabbled in jangly indie, scuzzy previous collaborator of Mr. Gilles-
blues, swirling psychedelia and pie’s, and the frequent presence of
sample-drunk club music. Though classic disco grooves reflects his
there are consistent threads run- influence.
ning through each of these The following “Love Insurrec-
modes—an obsession with Ameri- tion” is a slinky funk number thick
can black music and the rallying with voices and instrumentation.
power of the dance floor—the array We hear a chorus of background
of influences means the relevance voices, breakbeats, wah-wah gui-
of Primal Scream to the present tars and horns bleating some-
moment has always been in flux. where in the distance as Mr. Gil-
Sometimes—especially with lespie sings of what ails the world
1991’s “Screamadelica,” a crucial and what he sees as the deterio-
document of U.K. acid-house’s in- rating political situation. “Man-
fluence on the rock scene, and ichaean times, have you heard the
2000’s “XTRMNTR,” which incor- rumors of war?” is a scene-setting
porated abrasive electronics into line in the song, and the ultra-
groovy arrange-
ment suggests
that communal
release through
music might be
our only way out.
The album is at
its best in this
mode, which pos-
its that partying
might be the best
hope against the
apocalypse. “Inno-
cent Money” is
another track
powered by lush
strings, and it has
the opulence of of a carnival barker or an MC than Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream; chance of breaking through. He
Herb Alpert or a a vocal stylist, and time has given the Scottish band’s new record, harnesses the spirit and style of
Marvin Hamlisch his singing a buzzing, insectile ‘Come Ahead,’ is out now. his band’s past in a way that is co-
score from the quality when heard in isolation. herent, but ultimately unlikely to
late ’70s. It’s also The arrangement is otherwise make much of an impact beyond
a track that strong, with a rumbling saxophone feeling that your government is ly- those who have been devoted to
thrives on a solo and a pretty guitar coda. ing to you. “Like my fathers before this group for years. But that’s
song-based music at a moment dense, busy sound, including a gos- “Love Ain’t Enough” is another so- me, I would’ve worked down the OK—you always got the sense Mr.
when Radiohead was working in pel choir. And “Circus of Life” calls so tune in the rock vein, though it mines,” Mr. Gillespie sings. “But Gillespie was following his own
similar territory—Primal Scream back to the Latin-inflected circular has an appealing surf guitar out in the war against the Unions, de- muse, doing what felt right in the
was near the center of the zeit- rhythms of rave-era Primal Scream, front, and the thudding midtempo stroyed our communion.” Another moment, hoping for an audience
geist. But middling roots-rock al- with an explosive horn section add- “Deep Dark Waters” is bereft of track in the overtly political vein, but secure in the fact that he’s
bums like 1994’s “Give Out but ing to the celebratory mood. melody. the closing “Settlers Blues,” is a making the music he wants to
Don’t Give Up” and 2006’s “Riot The album loses steam when it The strongest track outside of seemingly endless dirge about colo- hear. Though this isn’t a great al-
City Blues” were perfunctory and steers toward ballads and proper the dance numbers is “False Flags,” nialism that is far less successful. bum, there’s still something inspir-
forgettable. The band’s 12th album, rock. “Melancholy Man” is a spare which has the dark atmosphere of a Mr. Gillespie’s natural instinct ing about this project’s journey.
“Come Ahead” (BMG), out now, midtempo number that puts Mr. David Bowie and Brian Eno collabo- is to aim broadly and write an-
takes a familiar mix of influences Gillespie’s voice in the foreground, ration and is rich in closing-time- thems that will energize the Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
and adds a pinch of wisdom that which does not play to his at-the-pub melancholy. It’s a song masses, but sometimes, as on rock and pop music critic. Follow
comes from age. strengths. He’s always been more about fading opportunities and the “Come Ahead,” his music has little him on X @MarkRichardson.
ttention to process is an un- TELEVISION REVIEW | JOHN ANDERSON
finance the most elaborate schemes which Bianca (Lashana Lynch) has down? She will do anything it takes, of the Jackal” is so relentlessly
and escapes. The Munich murder al- inserted herself. She may be an irri- including neglecting her husband good, with the exception of the mu- Mr. Anderson is the Journal’s TV
luded to above—which brings MI6 tation, but her questions are so in- and daughter—and blackmailing an sic, that you really don’t want to critic.
A14 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Duke Star Is Basketball’s Next Big Thing
Cooper Flagg is just starting his college career at Duke. He’s already proven his mettle against the world’s best players.
BY ROBERT O’CONNELL than they do themselves. Above
AND RACHEL BACHMAN everything else, he wins: in Flagg’s
senior season, Montverde went
hen Team USA touched undefeated and claimed the na-
down in Las Vegas this tional championship.
summer to prepare for Not long ago, American super-
the upcoming Olympics, the floor prospects like Durant all made
was teeming with some of the obligatory stops in the NCAA,
greatest basketball talent ever as- however brief, on their way to
sembled in one place. NBA glory. But with an increasing
But in one of the Americans’ number of NBA All-Stars and
scrimmages before jetting off to MVPs coming from the interna-
Paris, the player who left the en- tional ranks, and as the European
tire gym slack-jawed wasn’t Le- model for talent development has
Bron James, Anthony Davis or any started to outpace the American
of the other all-timers on the one, the star wattage in college
floor. It was a skinny guy on the basketball has dimmed. The play-
other team who had never drawn ers that win NCAA championships
a single NBA paycheck. aren’t the same as the wunder-
Cooper Flagg, a 17-year-old who kinds like Victor Wembanyama
was brought in to put the Olympi- who go on to change the game at
ans through some gentle paces, the professional level.
turned the afternoon into his per- In his short college career be-
sonal highlight reel. The kid from fore he joins those ranks, Flagg
Maine, barely out of high school, will represent Duke’s best chance
hammered down a slam dunk on a to add to its championship total
defending Olympic champion. He for the first time since the retire-
swished 3-pointers over All-Stars. ment of legendary coach Mike
He broke up a pass, sprinted the Krzyzewski—bookmakers have al-
length of the floor, and soared for ready made the Blue Devils favor-
a put-back tip-in while several ites to cut down the nets after
hundred million dollars’ worth of March Madness. Flagg also repre-
NBA superstars could only watch sents a throwback to the glory
in awe. days of the men’s game, when—
Kevin Durant, looking on from love ‘em or hate ‘em—everyone
the sideline, delivered the verdict: had their eyes on Duke and its
“He looks like a hell of a player.” newest star.
After that camp, James, Durant Those numbers include NBA
and Co. went off to win Olympic legends like Kevin Garnett, who
gold in France and then returned delivered his own tasteful ap-
to their day jobs as the NBA’s resi- praisal of the youngster’s game.
dent gods. As for the “hell of a “We ain’t had no bad-ass, cold-ass
player” they’d seen that day in Ve- white boy like this in a long time,”
gas? He just signed up for classes Garnett said recently.
in his first semester at Duke. Flagg has the NBA world so
Which means that he’s about to Cooper Flagg is the most anticipated college player since Zion Williamson suited up for Duke in 2018. captivated it can be hard to re-
unleash what he did to some of member that he still has a college
the world’s best basketball players grace the stage of men’s college Academy in Florida, purely to Fraschilla. “Offensively, defen- season to complete before he
on a bunch of unsuspecting col- basketball in years is all but cer- graduate to a bigger stage and sively, physically, the IQ, the com- starts playing with the pros full-
lege kids. And the rest of college tain to be the No. 1 pick in June’s fast-track his eligibility for the petitiveness.” time. Meanwhile, he figures to
basketball should be completely NBA draft. Flagg is a do-every- draft. He won’t even turn 18 until Flagg grew up in Newport, warp college basketball as much
terrified. “Prodigies come along thing athlete who can influence a December, but already, NBA teams Maine, but transferred to basket- as a NASA engineer would bust
37 38 39 34 Wood for
archery bows
40 41 42 43 35 Those soon to
leave H.S.
44 45 46
36 Spoke
47 48 49 50 about one’s Nick Bosa interrupted a postgame interview with 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy on Oct. 27.
23 •Soup variety some E N AM E L K A G A N against Trump during the fi- sage scrawled on his eye- new kickoff rule.
46 Ouzo flavoring nal days of the presidential black, he was fined in a mat- “Maybe we can get the
that inspired R E N S I D E J O B C D S
7 ___ buco race, even though wearing a ter of days. (It read: “Open NFL to drop that ridiculous
a character 47 •$20 gold L I M I T G A L O O T
in “Alice’s coin minted 8 Words before
N O V A O A H U G E L E E message in support of Vice f—ing always.”) kickoff,” Trump said at a
Adventures in from 1849 a name on a R E L U N C U T A D A
President Kamala Harris When it came to fining rally in Pennsylvania. “I
Wonderland” to 1933 check S A C H E T S R E P A P E R would also have been Bosa, however, the NFL watched a game the other
E R R A T I C P R A I S E D against the rules. faced an entirely different day and said, ‘What the hell
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at MO D E L S I N G E R In the past, it hasn’t calculation given how any happened?’”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | A15
Let’s Make a Deep State Peace Deal BOOKSHELF | By David P. Barash
Another big
loser in last
efforts late in the election.
These are words by people
Trump has been freer than
most in expressing his con-
Organization and Article 5,
those magical words, is a lot
Beasts and
The Big Sleep
week’s elec- who fail at journalism, the flicting impulses, especially less important today than
tion, besides basic job of which is to de- where allies are concerned. the syllables “rearmament.”
D e m o c ra t s scribe reality accurately. In two years, he could be an That’s true for Ukraine,
and the me- The only flood is the bil- 80-year-old LBJ or Truman, which needs to be able to re-
dia, was the lions of click-hithers Russians in a shooting war he wanted pel and deter Russian forces
intelligence have to compete with to get to avoid. This outcome, don’t regardless of any formal
community. their driblets noticed. That’s kid yourself, MSNBC-style guarantees it receives in a
Playing Possum
By Holman W.
And yes, this why 100% of Russia’s purpose hysteria isn’t helping to pre- cease-fire deal. By Susana Monsó
Jenkins, Jr.
subject is isn’t the hopeless one of se- vent. Unfortunately, MSNBC It’s true of NATO itself. Its Princeton, 264 pages, $29.95
still impor- cretly swaying U.S. voters. In doesn’t pay Ms. Maddow $30 guiding ethos needs to be-
tant. one of its noisy indictments million to develop a deeper come rearmament, with Eu- orrying about death is a troublesome consequence
Donald Trump during the timed for the election, the Bi- understanding of events than ropean countries relying less of our big brains and active imaginations, a bur-
campaign gave himself un- den administration cites a the one that keeps her target on U.S. nuclear threats than den that other animals are supposedly spared. But
mistakable marching orders Russian $10 million fake- audience coming back. on their own military capac- are they?
to resolve the Ukraine war. It news budget. Notice that this ity to fight Russia, as In “Playing Possum: How Animals Understand Death,”
won’t be easy and it will be figure is a third the reported Ukraine has done for the Susana Monsó, a professor of philosophy at the National
less easy if U.S. intelligence salary of a single U.S. jour- U.S. intelligence past two years. Distance Education University in Madrid, argues that alth-
veterans and cable TV an- nalist, Rachel Maddow of The election may have ough humans are unique in our elaborate death-related
chors are shouting that he’s a MSNBC, whose 11-minute on- won’t be able to fight been a repudiation of infla- rituals and the extent of our theological and philosophical
Kremlin agent. air rant about “Russian influ- Trump and Russia tion, but America was going concerns, many other animals understand death, albeit to
I don’t say it’s impossible. ence” is perhaps a thousand to get a new Ukraine policy different degrees.
He got this far despite their times as valuable to Russia at the same time. no matter who won. My read- What does it mean for animals to understand death? Ms.
opposition. But he’s good at on a per viewer basis as any ing of the exit polls is that Monsó acknowledges it is unlikely that they try to come to
politics, and not so good at of its own homemade videos. almost any other Republican, terms with such concepts as unending nothingness or an
governing. This time, too, his Not all the signs are un- To get the active support such as Nikki Haley, would afterlife. They do endeavor to keep themselves alive, and
voters have made it clear propitious for Ukraine. Its from U.S. intelligence agen- likely have gotten the same some work hard to kill other animals, though neither of
that after the Biden chaos, cheerleaders and supporters cies necessary for a success- voting result only bigger. these efforts requires a deep
they want stabilization, not have gotten more realistic ful Ukraine negotiation, Mr. Trump shouldn’t over- awareness of death. The
disruption. about Mr. Trump. The Biden somehow relations will need interpret his mandate; his author’s reasonable conclu-
In one of America’s more administration was offering to be repaired. Strangely, the opponents should refrain sion is that some species
disgraceful episodes, the U.S. only drift toward disaster; best of the Biden cases from resurrecting their disin- almost certainly recognize
intelligence community de- Mr. Trump is at least speak- against Mr. Trump, on intel- genuous and reckless rhetoric that death happens and that it
cided to greet Mr. Trump’s ing of an endgame. ligence handling, would also about Mr. Trump and the involves “irreversible non-
2016 election by punishing Mr. Putin, meanwhile, is have been a chance for Mr. Kremlin. During the eight functionality.”
Americans for how they spending troops like there’s Trump to argue, with good years they practiced such “Playing Possum” identifies
voted. A transcript has sur- no tomorrow, which suggests evidence, that U.S. intelli- rhetoric, they might notice, it a new discipline: comparative
faced of President Obama, in he’s positioning himself for a gence agencies misused their only strengthened Mr. Trump thanatology, the study of “how
his final days in office, stir- negotiation. authority to sabotage his with the U.S. electorate and animals react to individuals
ring up progressive journal- Very bad scenarios are presidency, a story that oth- discredited themselves. who are dead or close to dying,
ists about Mr. Trump’s al- also lurking. Our moment re- erwise will never be aired Now he’s back at a pivotal the physiological processes that
leged Russia ties. You only calls 1950, when China, Rus- for the U.S. media-consum- moment in history and they underlie their reactions, and
have to turn on MSNBC to sia and North Korea put ing public. get a second chance to do what these behaviors tell us
see the agenda being resur- aside their rivalries to chal- It helps also that Mr. what they should have done about the minds of animals.” Ms.
rected. Or read the dominant lenge the postwar order of Trump has been right about after his first election: help Monsó notes that there is “a growing scientific trend that
press about a “flood,” a “tor- the U.S. and its allies. This one thing, or at least verging him use his undeniable politi- addresses the extent to which animals possess capacities
rent,” a “deluge” of pro- would be a lot for any presi- on right. The emphasis on cal talents to get important traditionally believed to be solely human.” These include
Trump Russian propaganda dent to figure out, and Mr. the North Atlantic Treaty things done. forms of rationality, complex cognition, cultural transmis-
sion, even language and morality. The gravamen of “Playing
Possum” is that we are not unique when it comes to having
Donald Trump and the College Degree Divide at least some understanding of death.
We learn about necrophoresis: “When an ant perishes
inside the colony, the rest identify it and will diligently pro-
As Donald among every nonwhite group Biden’s by 6 points, in part Asian-Americans will continue ceed to extract the corpse from the nest.” No awareness of
Trump con- large enough to measure. because the Trump campaign to move along the classic im- death required, merely a response to a chemical stimulus,
tinues to President-elect Trump also made a sustained appeal to migrant path of upward mo- in this case the oleic acid given off by the ant’s corpse.
build a multi- did well among 18- to 29-year- men (especially young men). bility and cultural adjustment Even here, however, the response is nuanced: A putrefying
ethnic work- olds, improving his share in The widening political gap while retaining their distinc- corpse encountered at some distance from the nest is
ing-class Re- that age range from 36% in between white voters with tive customs. These groups ignored. Rats will bury dead rats that give off the chemicals
POLITICS p u b l i c a n 2020 to 46% this year, accord- and without college degrees is have experienced difficulties cadaverine and putrescine, but a rodent’s behavior is less
Party, the im- ing to AP VoteCast. This is re- long established. In 2020, 57% along the way, but most no stereotyped. Whereas ants will engage in necrophoresis
portance of markable considering immi- of white voters with a college longer think of themselves as even with another live, leg-waving ant who has been
By William
race and eth- gration is rendering each degree voted for Mr. Biden, oppressed minorities as blacks dabbed with oleic acid, rats will not automatically bury one
A. Galston
nicity to vot- election’s tranche of young while only 33% of white voters and Native Americans are another after detecting cadaverine and putrescine: The vic-
ers’ choices is Americans more racially and more likely to do. tim must also be anesthetized.
declining. The key division in ethnically diverse than the Relatedly, it’s time for Animals avoid things that might kill them; this doesn’t
this emerging coalition is edu- previous one. Mr. Trump’s Education level is a Democrats to bury the hope mean that they understand death. Ditto for predators that
cation. Voters without college gains among young people that demographic change will kill. Ms. Monsó accordingly develops the idea of a “mini-
degrees tilt far more Republi- provide additional evidence strong indicator of work to their advantage. mal concept of death,” in which an animal “will understand
can than those with them. Un- for the declining role of race which party a voter Young people and some mi- that dead individuals don’t do the things that she under-
fortunately for Democrats, and ethnicity in shaping vot- nority groups are trending stands as characteristic of living beings, which might
voters without a bachelor’s ing patterns. is more likely to back. away from the left. The include, for example, moving, vocalizing, eating, playing, or
degree outnumber those with After the Supreme Court party’s remaining demo- mating.” The author shows that many species have this
one in the electorate by 57% overturned Roe v. Wade, Dem- graphic base—largely com- minimal concept.
to 43%. ocrats performed well in the without a college degree did prised of blacks and college- When one animal kills another, it is rarely clear that
According to AP VoteCast, 2022 midterm elections, and so. A similar trend appeared educated white voters—isn’t the perpetrator intended the outcome. Similarly, when
a survey of the American elec- they followed up with success- among Hispanics, with 69% of big enough to sustain a na- animals behave in ways that cause their own death, it is
torate, Mr. Trump doubled his ful pro-abortion ballot mea- college-educated Hispanics tional majority. Nor is the cur- unlikely that they knowingly pursued suicide. It is also
share of the black vote from sures in blue and red states voting for Mr. Biden, but only rent geographic base, which unclear whether any animal comprehends its own demise,
8% in 2020 to 16% this year, alike. Many Democratic opera- 55% of those without college relies on cities and suburbs to even if the evidence marshaled by Ms. Monsó points
mainly because 24% of black tives concluded that the issue degrees voting for him. counterbalance Republicans’ strongly toward some species having a concept of
men supported him. He in- would be equally powerful Among white voters, educa- huge margins in rural and another’s death.
creased his share of the La- this year. The Harris campaign tion trumps sex as an indica- small-town America.
tino vote from 35% in 2020 to focused on abortion to mobi- tor of which way a person will Democrats were once the
42% this year. And according lize women. vote. This year, as in 2020, party of the factory floor; After her newborn calf died, an orca balanced
to CNN exit polls and Pew Re- Those who had counseled white women without college they’ve become the party of the body on her snout and traveled with it for
search’s validated-voter analy- this strategy must be shocked degrees voted more in line the faculty club. This shift has
sis, he improved his showing and disappointed. Ms. Harris with white men without de- separated the national party miles. What was the mother experiencing?
among Asian voters from 28% expanded the share of women grees than they did with white from much of the country’s
in 2020 to 39% this year. Ka- in the electorate by only 1 per- college-educated women. mainstream and makes it hard
mala Harris, meanwhile, got centage point, and her share These preliminary findings for even battle-tested Demo- Especially relevant here are well-documented cases of
only 54% of the Asian vote, far of the women’s vote, at 53%, from the 2024 election chal- crats such as Jon Tester and animals carrying around deceased infants for extended
short of Joe Biden’s 72% four fell short of the 55% Joe Biden lenge two pillars of Demo- Sherrod Brown to survive. periods of time and of animals persistently gathering
years ago. By contrast, Ms. had won in 2020. According cratic orthodoxy. First, it’s It’s time for Democrats to around a deceased member of their group. Both situations
Harris came close to equaling to AP VoteCast, she received time to discard the term “peo- undertake again the hard task look like the human version of grief. Consider the case of
Mr. Biden’s 43% showing only 57% support among sub- ple of color,” which assumes of reflection and reform that Tahlequah, a female orca who seemed unable to accept the
among white voters. Mr. urban women, down from uniformity of outlook and be- led them from three devastat- death of her newborn calf. “She was seen carrying the
Trump did better than in President Biden’s 59%. Mean- havior among nonwhite ing defeats in the 1980s to baby’s body while she swam, balancing it on her snout to
2020 largely because he while, Ms. Harris’s perfor- groups. There’s good reason wins in four of the next six prevent it from sinking,” Ms. Monsó writes. “This behavior,
boosted his performance mance among men trailed Mr. to believe that Hispanics and presidential elections. which could patently be interpreted as a display of grief,
lasted an astounding seventeen days, during which Tahl-
equah followed her family across more than a thousand
Healthcare Concepts for a GOP Congress miles, her dead offspring always with her.”
Ms. Monsó is tender-hearted in her empathic descrip-
tions but hard-headed when it comes to interpreting what
By Chris Jacobs prevent a future administra- matching funds for those administration offered a tax- an animal might be experiencing. Her key concept, irre-
tion from reversing course. health practitioners, a maneu- payer-funded inducement for versible non-functionality, emphasizes that “processing the
emocrats laughed at Second, repeal Section ver Joe Biden reportedly a red state to accept Medicaid irreversibility of death . . . doesn’t require a capacity to
Donald Trump when he 9814 of the American Rescue dubbed a “scam.” expansion. The Biden admin- reason about the future, but rather the ability to abandon
said he had “concepts Plan Act of 2021, Democrats’ The financial burden of istration continued the pat- one expectation in favor of another one.” Moreover, “dead
of a plan” for healthcare. Covid spending blowout. The this scam rose roughly ten- tern by offering temporary individuals don’t just stop doing the things they did when
Here’s a specific idea: Con- provision provides a tempo- fold between 2010 and 2022, subsidies to insurers offering they were alive; they also start doing new things—the
gress can let a Biden-era in- rary increase in the federal according to analyses by the Medicare prescription-drug things that dead individuals do. They start to smell in a
crease in ObamaCare subsi- Medicaid match rate if any of National Committee on Fiscal coverage, which the CBO says strong and characteristic way, they bloat, they putrefy,
dies expire as scheduled at the 10 states that originally Responsibility and the Con- will increase federal spending they get covered in maggots, or they mummify and slowly
the end of 2025. That would gressional Budget Office. This by $5 billion in 2025. Elimi- dry up and disintegrate.” So, if various species behave
eliminate a major source of is in part because the pro- nating these types of give- characteristically toward dead individuals, they needn’t
fraud by reducing the number Out with taxes and gressive healthcare nonprofit aways would restore lawmak- have a deep comprehension of death in order to have, well,
of people who qualify for regulations, in with Families USA and other medi- ers’ power of the purse. a concept of it.
zero-premium insurance cov- cal associations have recom- Depending on the final size The title of “Playing Possum” is especially resonant.
erage. As they look set to win fiscal responsibility. mended this funding gimmick of their House majority, Re- Opossums engage in “thanatosis,” death-mimicking, during
unified control in Washing- as a means for states to fi- publicans may be able to pur- which their “vital functions and body temperature are
ton, Republicans can pursue nance their 10% share of the sue work requirements and reduced to a minimum” and their “bodily and facial expres-
at least four further health- declined ObamaCare’s Medic- costs of Medicaid expansion. Medicaid block grants. They sions imitate those of a carcass.” This elaborate display
care changes as part of a bud- aid expansion change their An end to new provider taxes could also alter ObamaCare strongly suggests that the concept of death is widespread
get-reconciliation process. mind. That’s a $13.1 billion in- would at minimum prevent insurance regulations that in nature, “not because the opossum herself understands
First, undo Biden adminis- ducement for states to spend this legalized legerdemain hiked individual market pre- that she’s playing dead or does it on purpose, but rather
tration regulations that ex- more on healthcare in expan- from expanding further. miums by 105% between 2013 because in order to explain the evolution of thanatosis we
tend ObamaCare subsidies to sions that would primarily fa- Finally, require healthcare and 2017, the four years after need to postulate a concept of death in the deceived preda-
certain dependents and De- vor able-bodied adults. demonstration projects, which the law’s main provisions tors.” Hognose snakes also do an effective imitation of
ferred Action for Childhood Third, impose a morato- pilot new ways to deliver took effect. The concept of being dead, inhibiting their breathing, not moving even if
Arrivals recipients. These ex- rium on Medicaid provider health services, to remain these plans—fiscal responsi- handled and lying belly up. Their only blunder is that if
tensions came thanks to uni- taxes, which are levied on budget-neutral. In 2014, the bility—would provide a wel- placed belly down, they quickly flip themselves over—in a
lateral Biden regulatory health practitioners to fund Government Accountability come change to Washington. vain attempt to look more dead.
changes and cost billions of state Medicaid programs. Ac- Office found that federal offi-
taxpayer dollars. Reversing cording to Politico, these lev- cials authorized about $778 Mr. Jacobs is founder and Mr. Barash is an evolutionary biologist and emeritus pro-
these provisions via law ies are “a tax no one really million in excess spending for CEO of Juniper Research fessor of psychology at the University of Washington. His
rather than regulation would pays.” States use the revenue an Arkansas Medicaid waiver. Group and author of “The most recent book is “Oops! The Worst Blunders of All Time,
repeal them more quickly and to generate more federal In other words, the Obama Case Against Single Payer.” from Pandora’s Box to Putin’s War.”
A16 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Biden Leaves Trump a Ukraine Mess Economists Out of Touch With the Economy
Regarding Joseph Sternberg’s “The that cause the most constant and im-
resident Biden hosts Donald Trump at mount. But Mr. Biden shouldn’t be able to get
the White House on Wednesday, and away with claiming success. In any case the 2024 Election’s Other Loser: Econo- mediate angst for consumers. Until
mists” (Political Economics, Nov. 8): the economists share with us their
word is that he’ll urge the former Presi- mess will soon be Mr. Trump’s.
Inflation, especially as reflected in special imperviousness to starving or
dent to keep supporting He has said he’ll settle the the continuing high prices for grocer- freezing, I will remain skeptical of the
Ukraine. The implication of His limits on Kyiv’s war by the time he is sworn in, ies, had a huge effect on my decision entire enterprise.
the White House leaks is that defenses mean settling Putin and last week he spoke to Mr. to vote for Donald Trump. The Biden JOHN NINOMIYA
Mr. Trump might abandon Mr. and Ukrainian President administration tried to convince me Sedona, Ariz.
Biden’s stalwart policy, but the war won’t be easy. Volodymyr Zelensky. A leak that inflation is “under control,” but
the truth is that the President from the Trump camp says he my trips to the grocery store, over I retired as a professor of econom-
is leaving Ukraine and Mr. told Mr. Putin not to escalate the past year and even now, give the ics in 2000, and I agree with Mr.
Trump in a bad place. in Ukraine, but Mr. Putin’s troops keep advanc- lie to that claim. Sternberg that economists were
i i i ing and massing for more. That sure sounds like I feel angry every time I see my among the losers of the 2024 elec-
Ukraine isn’t losing the war, but thanks in escalation. preferred brand of bacon selling for tion. Left-wingers who escaped fight-
$11 a pound. And $9 for a 12-pack of ing in Vietnam by obtaining doctoral
part to Mr. Biden’s limits on its defenses Kyiv This leaves Mr. Trump with hard choices. If
Coke? You’ve got to be kidding me. degrees changed all fields by becom-
isn’t winning either. The war has devolved into Mr. Putin won’t negotiate a peace that Ukraine BARBARA POWELL ing college professors.
a bloody stalemate with horrific casualties on can live with, Mr. Trump will have to increase Champaign, Ill. CAROLE E. SCOTT
both sides. Russia is making slow territorial U.S. and Ukrainian military leverage to assist Carrollton, Ga.
gains in Ukraine’s east at high cost. Ukraine has diplomacy. Thanks to Mr. Sternberg for show-
held its salient in Russia’s Kursk region, but the That would mean supporting another aid ing how economists have made them- As a lifetime WSJ editorial reader
Kremlin is massing for an assault to repel the package in Congress and removing limits on selves irrelevant to our understanding (age 79), I greatly appreciate the de-
Ukrainians with the help of some 10,000 North Ukraine’s use of weapons. It would also require of how most Americans experience tailed, thoughtful and insightful anal-
Korean troops. putting pressure on Iran, perhaps with Israel’s the economy. For me, the most obvi- ysis. With a wink and nod to Winston
Mr. Biden’s Ukraine policy isn’t the triumph help, to stop its drone and missile exports to ous example of this is their preferred Churchill’s gem about John Foster
measure of inflation, the “core Per- Dulles, I can only add the following to
that he and the press advertise. At every stage Russia. Economic pressure would also have to
sonal Consumption Expenditure.” Mr. Sternberg’s critique of econo-
of the war he has limited the military aid the increase, including on Western Europe to stop This measure is deemed “core” by mists: Blind, Blinder, Blindest.
U.S. would provide and how it was used. Artil- using Russian energy. virtue of its exclusion of food and en- DAVE NEILSON
lery, Patriot air defenses, tanks, F-16s and long- Mr. Trump would no doubt prefer not to ergy prices, the two types of prices Royal Oak, Mich.
range missiles: the Pentagon has delayed pro- spend political capital in this way. The podcast
viding advanced weapons for fear that Vladimir isolationists in his coalition would be unhappy.
Putin might escalate the conflict. But he may not have a choice, unless he wants
The limits have hurt Ukraine’s ability to go a rout in Ukraine on his watch.
on offense against Kremlin forces, including key If he fails to support new aid for Ukraine in
The Electoral College Is Not Above Criticism
nodes of supply, communications and weapons this scenario, he will set up Kyiv for slow de- Matthew Hennessey asserts, “With- with only 23% of the national popular
stores inside Russia. Mr. Putin’s forces have un- feat. That would be a disaster for Western in- out the founding compromises embed- vote. Though unlikely, what would
ded in the Constitution, including but the founders say?
til recently had a sanctuary inside Russia to at- terests, as the rest of the world calculated the
not limited to the Electoral College, Fortunately, we can turn to James
tack Ukraine without fear of being hit. Even limits of U.S. support against China and Iran. the U.S. as we understand it today Madison for an answer. The Electoral
now the U.S. restricts Ukraine from long-range Depending on the nature of Ukraine’s defeat, wouldn’t exist” (“The Electoral College College was created for two reasons.
missile strikes on Russian territory. The U.S. it might go down as Mr. Trump’s version of Mr. Embodies America,” op-ed, Nov. 7). One, as Mr. Hennessey writes, was to
learned the hard way in Vietnam and Afghani- Biden’s Afghanistan retreat. U.S. alliances Those compromises, he explains, were avoid giving too much power to the
stan that you can’t win a war when your enemy would teeter, as American credibility further necessary to get southern states to more populous states. Another was to
has a safe haven. collapsed. ratify the proposed Constitution. But mitigate the problems of slow-moving
Jake Sullivan, Mr. Biden’s national-security i i i he goes from that true premise to the and low-quality information. The
adviser, said Sunday on “Face the Nation” that This isn’t the outcome Mr. Trump wants, and conclusion that criticisms of the Elec- founders reasoned that it is easy to
the Administration plans to give Ukraine all of it isn’t the foreign policy he pursued in his first toral College today “are—and I mean stand in front of a massive crowd of
the military aid that Congress passed this year term. Mr. Trump looked to achieve peace this literally—anti-American.” people and present oneself as endear-
Southern states also wouldn’t have ing, charismatic and qualified. It is
by the time it leaves office on Jan. 20. This through strength, which he demonstrated
ratified the Constitution had it not more difficult to do so when the
means Mr. Trump will become President with against Iran and Russia’s Wagner Group merce- protected slavery though Article I, crowd is smaller and the meetings
Ukraine exhausting its weapons supply, not- naries in Syria. Section 9, and Article IV, Section 2. more intimate.
withstanding its impressive and valiant effort The challenge he has now is that the world Does this mean later criticism of slav- The rise of the internet has elimi-
to start arming itself on the fly. has changed for the worse since he left office. ery was anti-American and ignorant? nated the problem of slow-moving in-
Mr. Biden and Western leaders have also Mr. Biden’s weakness has failed to deter adver- Several of the expedient compro- formation. But has it improved qual-
failed to stanch Mr. Putin’s income from oil and saries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia-Pa- mises included in the Constitution ity? The evidence is mixed. Thus, the
gas sales. Europe still imports Russian natural cific. Restoring U.S. deterrence against those have been subsequently amended. We Electoral College remains an impor-
gas, incredibly enough, and the G-7 oil price cap adversaries won’t be as easy as sending a drone are no less the United States of tant institution that should be pro-
has largely failed. China helps Russia with eco- to kill an Iranian general or bombing Islamic America because of them. I don’t sup- tected. But by allowing parties, not
port abolishing the Electoral College, the people, to choose the electors,
nomic aid and dual-use technology, and the U.S. State out of its Syrian sanctuary.
but it isn’t above criticism and abol- the states have crippled the Electoral
hasn’t been able to stop Iran from supplying The potential rewards in a more peaceful ishing it wouldn’t undermine state College’s ability to do its job: to serve
Russia with missiles and drones. world will be great if Mr. Trump can re-estab- sovereignty in the least. as an effective safeguard against low-
This is the Ukraine war that Mr. Trump will lish deterrence. But a settlement and exit with- JOSH KAPLAN quality information.
inherit, and it isn’t a counsel of defeat. Mr. Pu- out honor from Ukraine would set the stage for Granger, Ind. The Electoral College is necessary,
tin faces pressures of his own as his casualties a far uglier second term. but so too is reform. It’s time for the
Mr. Hennessey’s defense of the states to return the power to choose
epublicans performed well in Arizona’s publicans, she’d be slightly ahead. Instead she
electoral votes. With this, it is possi- American Inst. for Economic Research
2024 elections, with a glaring exception has 1,528,546 votes. The same thing happened
ble to secure enough electoral votes Grand Rapids, Mich.
that proves again how much candidate two years ago, when Ms. Lake ran for Governor.
quality matters. The U.S. Senate race was called She lost while being outpolled by other Republi-
Monday night, confirming another defeat for
Kari Lake. The Democratic victor, Rep. Ruben
cans, including the GOP state treasurer by more
than 100,000 votes.
The National Archives Can’t Rewrite History
Gallego, is well to the left of most Arizona vot- This is no big mystery: Ms. Lake was an ar- The Archivist of the United States the right to rewrite history. The U.S.,
ers, and it was the GOP’s race to lose, but Ms. dent “stop the steal” theorist after 2020. She has a very serious and important re- along with other countries, has em-
Lake pulled it off. insulted McCain Republicans in 2022. She sponsibility to educate the public barrassing moments in its history. We
The unofficial results show Donald Trump forced the resignation of the state GOP chair- (“Archivist Recasts America’s Past,” learn, we grow and we evolve.
winning Arizona by more than five points, rack- man this year, after a secret tape of their con- Page One, Oct. 31). The National Ar- RUI COELHO
ing up 1,693,733 votes. Across the state’s nine versations leaked. She has alienated many Re- chives’ mission says, “Equitable access Belmont, Mass.
to government records strengthens
U.S. House districts, the GOP has 1,609,714 publicans, and the exit polls show Mr. Gallego
democracy by allowing all Americans An exhibit should present thorny
votes. Rep. David Schweikert was re-elected in getting more split-ticket voters. of all backgrounds to claim their aspects of our history, but the article
a tossup race in northeast Maricopa County. Mr. Gallego has sponsored Medicare for All rights of citizenship, hold their gov- suggests that thorns are more repre-
Rep. Juan Ciscomani narrowly leads a second legislation. He has called to “reform” the Senate ernment accountable, and understand sentative of a rose tree than its beau-
tossup in a border seat around Tucson. filibuster. Now Democrats will have an easier their history so they can participate tiful flowers. Such a tone is all too
Mr. Gallego’s current total is 1,601,312 votes, time retaking the Senate in 2026 or 2028 to do more effectively in their government.” common in the U.S. history profes-
so if Ms. Lake had kept up with her fellow Re- it, thanks to Ms. Lake’s latest implosion. Congress doesn’t allocate funds to sion and would be unworthy of the
the National Archives to make the National Archives.
public “feel welcome.” As Lyndon PROF. MARC LANDY
Signs of Impending COP-ocalypse Johnson said at the dedication of his
presidential library in 1971, “It’s all
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, Mass.
here, the story of our time, with the
h by the way, a global climate confer- The real joke of these summits is that so bark off. . . . This library will show the
ence opened this week (yes, really) in many people still take them seriously. Whatever facts, not just the joy and the tri- Why Did Doctors Sign Off?
Baku, Azerbaijan. We hope the skies one thinks of the arguments surrounding cli- umphs, but the sorrows and the fail-
aren’t too clouded by the ex- mate change, there won’t be a In “A Landslide Against the Media”
ures, too.” Americans are smart
haust from all of the private Too bad this year’s material reduction in global enough to draw their own conclusions,
(Potomac Watch, Nov. 8), Kimberley
Strassel critiques the four-year press
jets flying in. global climate confab carbon emissions until China, as long as they have all the facts.
reassurance that President Biden was
Called COP29—the 29th India and other developing SUSAN COOPER
sharp as a tack. I find it interesting
annual edition of the Confer- won’t be the last. countries—such as, say, Azer- Washington
that several doctors even declared
ence of the Parties to the baijan—agree to sacrifice Ms. Cooper is a former spokesper-
him fit for duty, as late as February.
United Nations’ climate agree- their economic growth on the son for the National Archives.
Yet on Feb. 8, special counsel Robert
ment—the summit is supposed to be an oppor- altar of Western green fixations. This isn’t hap- Hur announced that Mr. Biden was
How can we learn from our mis-
tunity to take stock of current efforts to curtail pening in practice, and Mr. Aliyev’s comments takes of the past if we hide them
too impaired to stand trial.
climate change and agree to new measures. Pre- suggest leaders of those countries feel less JOHN E. POARCH, M.D.
from future generations? In a free
vious editions brought the Paris Agreement at pressure to pretend. Edmond, Okla.
and transparent country, no one has
COP21 in 2015 and an attempt to mobilize tril- That hasn’t stopped thousands of delegates
lions of dollars of capital for the energy transi- from wasting enormous quantities of aviation
tion at COP26 in Scotland in 2021. This year del- fuel jetting to Baku, where they hope to sign an Noonan Rejects False Choice Pepper ...
egates hope to create a new global emissions- emissions agreement the world’s largest econo- Virginia Butterworth (Letters, Nov. And Salt
trading system. mies will ignore. Climate activists and staffers 9) portrays Peggy Noonan as unable
If their host doesn’t scuttle the summit first, at institutions like the United Nations and to make a “tough choice” in her pres- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
that is. Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s president, World Bank, hundreds of whom are enjoying idential voting. Another explanation
told delegates Tuesday that fossil fuels are a junkets to the Caspian Sea, often get a bad rap is that Ms. Noonan is unwilling to
“gift of God,” and he criticized the “double stan- for having tin ears, but this is next level. participate in the false choice offered
dards, a habit to lecture other countries and po- Back in reality, political support for net zero by the two major parties. My Texas
litical hypocrisy” of developed countries on cli- is collapsing. Donald Trump is set to reverse his ballot displayed 10 presidential possi-
mate matters. The “Western fake news media” predecessor’s green subsidies and hostile regu- bilities—four party choices accompa-
nied by six write-in choices. At pres-
got a special mention in his speech. latory acts against fossil fuels. He withdrew
ent count, more than 2,200,000
The head of the Azerbaijan organizing com- from the Paris Agreement once and is likely to citizens cast their votes beyond the
mittee used his position to pitch investors on do so again. Germany’s governing coalition im- two major-party candidates.
oil and gas drilling in the fossil-fuel-rich coun- ploded last week because Berlin can no longer BLAINE MCCORMICK
try, the BBC reported last week. The surprise afford its net-zero transition. Other European Waco, Texas
is that embarrassments like this didn’t happen countries are likely to abandon their climate
last year when COP28 was held in that noted targets as the costs become clear to voters.
Letters intended for publication should
opponent of oil drilling . . . the United Arab China builds coal power plants apace even as be emailed to Please
Emirates. We’d say the global climate brigades its leaders mouth climate pieties. include your city, state and telephone
were playing with fire hosting the conference It makes you wonder if COP29 may be the number. All letters are subject to
in these places, but they don’t believe in burn- last time anyone tries to organize a spectacle editing, and unpublished letters cannot “I need you to listen
be acknowledged.
ing things. like this. The world should be so lucky. to what I’m not saying.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | A17
olitical scientists will de-
bate the forces that
volvement in applied research cen-
ters and community colleges and as
tailoring place-based aid are more
Save Europe
shaped Donald Trump’s effective approaches than Washing-
victory, but one thing is ton diktats. Programs need to be By Liz Truss
clear: Americans yearn held accountable for results, not
for a change in economic policy. simply allocated money. onald Trump’s re-election is a
Voters have rejected the interven- This economic-policy awakening victory for conservatism over
tionist policies that brought infla- requires a clear-eyed assessment of wokeism, for the people over
tion and high deficits. They want an budget trade-offs. Profligate spend- the elite, and for the American eco-
economic awakening, a new way ing with little regard for debt and nomic model over the European. The
forward that uses traditional eco- inflation—à la the American Rescue U.S. economy has eclipsed Europe’s,
nomic policies to achieve Mr. Plan—contributed to Mr. Trump’s including the U.K.’s. In the 2000s,
Trump’s goal of more jobs for victory. It is possible to accomplish Britons briefly had a higher gross do-
Americans whose fortunes have the steps above in a fiscally respon- mestic product per capita than
been harmed by technological sible way by offsetting spending Americans—today, we are $34,000 a
change and globalization. and tax changes. head poorer. France and Germany
Any economic path to a success- Organizing for the policy awak- have fallen similarly behind.
ful awakening begins with growth: ening’s success will be essential. Most European nations consigned
the engine that powers individual Lack of communication among cabi- themselves to the economic dol-
income and our collective ability to net agencies can stymie creative drums through heavy taxes and regu-
support the nation’s defense, econ- ideas for expanding the economic lation. They’ve suffered high energy
omy, education and healthcare in- pie for American workers. Like the costs and stagnation as a result.
dustry. To pursue this growth, the grant colleges of the 19th century, in the U.S. This can magnify oppor- president’s Working Group on Fi- Even though the U.K. left the Euro-
new administration should consider these centers would generate and tunities for Americans, all without nancial Markets, created by Ronald pean Union, we have yet to remove
at least three measures: distribute knowledge, improving lo- having to rely on costly tariffs. Reagan in 1988 to convene dispa- many stifling regulations we were
cal capabilities in manufacturing Working a job doesn’t merely rate agencies, the new administra- bound to impose during our mem-
and services. generate income; it also promotes tion would benefit from a senior
Traditional policies like Opportunity is also a pillar of human dignity. Enlisting more executive team that can coordinate
tax cuts, targeted aid and the awakening. Community colleges people into the workforce is thus economic ideas and learn from Taxes, regulation and ‘the
are an underfunded source of skill- another element of the economic- leaders in business, labor and social
responsible spending can building and mobility. As Austan policy awakening. While growth services. Such a body, unlike the blob’ caused Europe and
deliver stronger growth. Goolsbee, Amy Ganz and I proposed and opportunity policies can boost National Economic Council, could the U.K. to stagnate. He
in a 2019 report, a modest federal labor-force participation, more adeptly cut across silos re-
block grant to support community strengthening the earned-income lated to tax, trade, regulatory and shows us the way out.
colleges on the supply side—rather tax credit to boost the incomes of industrial policy.
First, by working with Congress, than a demand-side emphasis on fi- childless workers can help attract Voters have signaled they’re
it should build on the successes of nancial aid—can help these schools younger people to the workforce. ready for an economic awakening. bership in it. Worse, the U.K. doubled
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 push more Americans toward bet- Maintaining the child tax credit The president-elect, equipped with down on net zero, ruining our indus-
to make permanent the expensing ter jobs by working with local em- can also provide parents with eas- a new playbook and vision, should trial base and pushing our energy
of business investment. Second, it ployers on skill needs and curricu- ier pathways toward economic seize the opportunity. prices to the highest in the devel-
should increase support for science lum development. Targeted aid to participation. oped world. The country’s largest
and defense research, which would places with depressed economic ac- These ideas share several impor- Mr. Hubbard is a professor of fi- steelworks closed this fall. We’re im-
have significant spillover to the tivity can help distribute opportu- tant themes with Mr. Trump’s cam- nance and economics at Columbia porting most of our gas rather than
commercial sector, particularly in nity to communities better than paign and the traditional conserva- University. He served as chairman fracking it.
space exploration. Third, it should one-size-fits-all Washington-di- tive playbook. They emphasize that of the Council of Economic Advisers Mr. Trump’s strategy is the oppo-
build on this research by construct- rected programs. policy ideas should be practical and under President George W. Bush site. In his first term, he cut taxes
ing applied research centers around Corporate tax reform can play a workable, not merely rhetorical. and is author of “The Wall and the and rolled back regulation, bringing
the country, linked to regional uni- role, too, by improving incentives Each makes use of America’s feder- Bridge: Fear and Opportunity in prosperity to the middle class. The
versity and city hubs. Like the land- for companies to settle and invest alist system and innovative ethos. Disruption’s Wake.” Biden administration’s European-
style policies—heavy on taxes, regu-
lation and net-zero goals—jeopar-
Trump Might Have Won the First Postracial Election dized this prosperity. Americans
responded by voting for Mr. Trump.
His second term promises even
When Barack Obama by bringing new voters to the polls. trend continued in a presidential their economic well-being, not fear more prosperity. As the Growth Com-
won the White This year he won by taking votes election with a woman of black and that Mr. Trump is a raging bigot mission—a nonpartisan group of in-
House in 2008, it from the other team. Democrats Indian heritage at the top of the who threatens democracy. ternational economists I convened—
was the first time used to carry people who made less Democratic ticket is even more re- The Biden administration’s big- outlines in its new Growth
since 1992 that a than $50,000 and who lacked a col- markable. Mr. Trump won more gest mistake with minority voters Presidency Memo, Mr. Trump can ex-
Democratic presi- lege degree. Republicans now win than 20% of black men and more was almost certainly the neglect of tend America’s global economic lead.
dent’s party also ran both groups, and they have cut the than half of Hispanic men, accord- the border, which it assumed voters By letting the energy industry “drill,
Congress. Demo- Democratic advantage among voters ing to exit polls. If this wasn’t the would write off as a Fox News ob- baby, drill,” repealing regulation, and
crats were giddy in under 30 in half since the Obama country’s first postracial election, session. Those who study the eco- further cutting taxes, he will turbo-
By Jason L.
anticipation of a po- presidency. To woo more female voters took a big step in that direc- nomics of immigration, however, charge the U.S. economy. The Growth
litical realignment voters, Democrats elevated the tion. know that migrants are far more Commission recommends extending
reminiscent of abortion issue this year, but the re- likely to compete with one another many elements of the 2017 Tax Cuts
Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 or Ronald sult was disappointing. than with the native population for and Jobs Act set to expire in 2025,
Reagan in 1980, but it never “Harris performed much worse Black and Hispanic voters jobs, wages and housing. Millions of and endorses cutting the corporate
emerged. Republicans took the than Biden among voters who said unvetted foreign nationals flooded tax rate to 15%.
House in 2010 and the Senate in they thought abortion should be le- defect from Democrats, the country in the past four years, Mr. Trump has also vowed to fin-
2014. Then came Donald Trump. gal in most cases—even though the who have long relied on and the lion’s share settled in mi- ish off the deep state—what we in
Republicans ran the table last Supreme Court reversed Roe v. grant communities, where they Britain call “the blob.” Elon Musk will
week, though this recent history Wade in between the two elections,” identity-politics appeals. caused the most disruption. gut the federal bureaucracy in the
might serve as a cautionary tale for CNN reported. “Four years ago, 26% It’s no surprise that Latinos re- same way he sorted out X. In doing
reading too much into the results. of the electorate held that opinion, sponded in frustration. When East- so, the Trump administration will
What’s clear is that Mr. Trump’s and Biden won them by 38 points. For liberals this is a terrifying ern European Jews began migrat- protect the Constitution. Too much
popularity has grown since he left This year, 33% held that opinion, thought, because so much of the ing to the U.S. in large numbers in power has been delegated to unac-
office, to the astonishment of lib- and Harris won them by just 3 Democratic Party’s infrastructure is the 1800s, they met resistance countable bureaucrats. Undoing this
eral journalists, who refuse to let points.” The media hammered away built around appeals to racial and from German Jews who had come is necessary to restore American
facts interfere with their world- at the supposed threat to reproduc- ethnic identity. Have you noticed decades earlier and put down greatness—but fraught with risk. The
view. Democrats thought they tive rights, but polling consistently how the left is trying to turn “col- roots. And when rural blacks began unelected elite are powerful and fight
could use the courts to keep the showed that the issue was never as orblind” into a dirty word? If eco- migrating out of the South by the dirty.
former president off the ballot, big a concern as the economy, infla- nomic status and cultural sensibili- millions in the first part of the I saw this for myself as prime
bankrupt him and possibly put him tion and border security. ties are replacing race and 20th century and transforming minister when I tried to implement
in prison. Those efforts not only Much is rightly being made of ethnicity as the more reliable lens Northern cities both economically tax cuts and supply side reforms such
failed but were counterproductive. Mr. Trump’s appeal to nonwhite for discerning voter preferences, and culturally, Northern blacks re- as fracking deregulation. These plans
Voters saw Mr. Trump as the vic- voters and his ability to diversify the left has its work cut out. What sented the newcomers. Mr. Trump would have put Britain on a path to
tim of partisan prosecutions. the GOP coalition. According to Mr. Trump understood and Demo- turned Hispanics into swing voters growth. They were undermined by
Worse for Democrats, they also NBC News, since 2012 there has crats didn’t is that what distin- for the first time in decades, but he the Bank of England and others who
saw him as the answer to four been a 15-point shift toward Repub- guishes black and Hispanic voters got a lot of help from Democrats. If wanted to maintain the status quo of
years of Joe Biden and Kamala licans among black voters, a 32- in 2024 is their working-class sta- black voters are headed in the uncontrolled immigration, net-zero
Harris. point shift among Asians, and a 38- tus more so than their skin color. same direction, it’s another wel- orthodoxy and big government. I see
In 2016, Mr. Trump won in part point shift among Latinos. That this And what determined their vote is come political trend. the same forces at work in the U.S.
To succeed, Mr. Trump will need a
committed administration and back-
U.S. Transition Makes Iran Especially Dangerous ing from the conservative movement.
A free-trade deal with the U.K.
would benefit both countries. The
By Danny Danon strategic military locations. Any fur- itarily. This threat can’t be appeased penalties should apply to those pro- deal would let Britons avoid tariffs.
ther escalation will be met by an Is- as past American administrations viding support for terrorist groups In exchange, the U.K. would increase
United Nations raeli response that is more rapid have tried to do. that threaten the U.S., Israel and defense spending, abandon net-zero
onald Trump will become and painful. Yet Supreme Leader Ali Israel is a nation of peace, com- their regional partners. targets and take a firmer line on
president in January. The Khamenei shows no interest in mitted to security and stability in Third, increase the number of China—the West’s greatest threat.
world will be watching peace. Concerned with a second the Middle East. That was evident IRGC terrorist designations to crip- In 2019, when I was international-
closely during the 2½-month transi- Trump term, he sent Iranian agents during Mr. Trump’s first term, ple the regime further. trade secretary, Mr. Trump was keen
tion period. Bad actors, including to assassinate the former president when we forged the Abraham Ac- Fourth, pursue “snapbacks,” or to make a deal. It was kiboshed by
Iran, may take the opportunity to on the campaign trail. Last month, cords with our Arab neighbors. We revive U.N. sanctions imposed on the my party’s Conservatives in name
sow global instability. The Islamic federal prosecutors charged an Is- look forward to strengthening Islamic Republic before the 2015 nu- only. Now, with Britain struggling un-
Republic’s goal is to destroy Israel lamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of- those bonds in the near future. For clear deal. Doing so would resurrect der Keir Starmer’s socialist policies,
and upend the region by financing, ficial with plotting to kill Iranian- the Islamic Republic, regional peace a deal is even more compelling. It
arming and directing terror proxies. American journalist and activist is a nightmare scenario. The could be the only way Britain escapes
Both Israel and the U.S. must remain Masih Alinejad in her Brooklyn Hamas-led terror attacks on Oct. 7, Tehran could try to sow a rerun of the economic ruination of
on high alert. home. 2023, were timed to disrupt the the 1970s. Without change, we are
Israel countered Iran’s October The free world should be willing normalization of ties between Is- chaos before Trump takes headed for blackouts and a financial
ballistic-missile attack on its popula- to confront the evil of the Islamic rael and Saudi Arabia, along with office. Here are six steps crisis.
tion centers with a precise strike on Republic both economically and mil- other Arab countries. Mr. Trump can help Europe help
Mr. Trump showed in his first that could prevent it. itself. When negotiating trade agree-
term that he understood strength ments, he can refuse carbon border
and deterrence, the only language taxes—tariffs based on greenhouse-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY the Iranian government speaks. As a resolutions designed to prohibit gas levels emitted during production.
Lachlan Murdoch diplomat, I know firsthand that en- countries from supplying or selling Also on the chopping block should be
Executive Chairman, News Corp gagement and negotiation are pref- arms to Iran while also banning Iran the Organization for Economic Coop-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Chairman Emeritus, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp erable to confrontation and war. But from exporting weapons abroad. eration and Development’s disastrous
Emma Tucker Almar Latour heavy-handed aggression is the only Fifth, seize commercial vessels il- minimum-tax agreement, which im-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher form of engagement Tehran has re- legally transporting Iran’s sanc- poses a tax floor of 15% on multina-
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: sponded to since 1979. tioned oil to buyers worldwide. tional corporations.
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, EVP, General Manager, To create a more peaceful Middle Finally, crack down on Tehran’s il- Mr. Trump can do more than end
Elena Cherney, Senior Editor; David Crow, Leadership; David Cho, Barron’s Editor in Chief;
Executive Editor; Chip Cummins, Newswires; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel, Chief
East, the West must take six steps licit supply of weapons in different wokeism and kickstart the American
Taneth Evans, Digital; Brent Jones, Culture, Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, Chief People against the continuing threats from warzones such as Ukraine. economy. He can also export Amer-
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Officer; Jared DiPalma, Chief Financial Officer; the Islamic Republic: Each of these measures will re- ica’s economic model to Europe and
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Artem Fishman, Chief Technology Officer;
First, enforce current sanctions quire broad international coopera- give us our confidence back. In short,
Prabha Natarajan, Professional Products; David Martin, Chief Revenue Officer, Business
Bruce Orwall, Enterprise; Philana Patterson, Intelligence; Dan Shar, EVP, General Manager, while continuing to target IRGC en- tion, which is always hard to engi- as well as saving America, he can
Audio; Amanda Wills, Video Wealth & Investing; Ashok Sinha, Chief tities and hostile actors active in im- neer. But success will help bring save the West. It’s a big task, but if
Communications Officer; Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & portant sectors of Iran’s economy. about a more peaceful, safe and anyone can do it, he can.
Paul A. Gigot Chief Revenue Officer, WSJ | Barron’s Group;
Editor of the Editorial Page Sherry Weiss, Chief Marketing Officer
Second, expand sanctions on indi- thriving Middle East.
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
viduals and groups supporting the Ms. Truss served as Britain’s
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 Islamic Republic’s missile- and nu- Mr. Danon is Israel’s ambassador prime minister in 2022 and is author
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES clear-development programs. These to the U.N. of “Ten Years to Save the West.”
A18 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
$1%5,000 100
Going to war is now a ratio- 100,000
nal economic choice in Rus-
the gates. time when the leaders of Eu- Pakistani President Asif Ali Tuesday’s protest in Auril-
The mass killing is bound to rope’s biggest economy have Zardari asked rescuers to ex- lac, in southern France, was
agitate Ecuador’s presidential been grappling with ways to pedite efforts to find missing the start of a fresh wave ex-
race, where the incumbent, revive Germany’s anemic eco- passengers. pected to spread among the
Daniel Noboa, has made im- nomic growth. Road accidents are com- European agricultural com-
proving security, including in- On Tuesday, Scholz said it mon in Pakistan due to poor munity amid concern that the
side detention facilities, a top was “no problem” for him to infrastructure and disregard deal could be finalized at the
priority in his bid to seek re- call for the confidence vote for traffic laws and safety G-20 summit in Brazil on
Justin Welby stepped down as head of the Church of England, election. before Christmas. standards. Nov. 18-19.
which counts more than 85 million members worldwide. —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved.
S&P IT À 0.45%
DJ TRANS g 1.04% WSJ $ IDX À 0.43%
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | B1
2–YR. TREAS. yield 4.342% NIKKEI (Midday) 38953.44 g 1.07% See more at
to Honeywell’s board, Elliott
said “uneven execution, incon-
sistent financial results and
its portfolio. In October, Hon-
eywell announced a plan to
spin off an advanced-materials
CEO Iger
Activist investor Elliott In- mation businesses. Honeywell an underperforming share business valued at about $10
vestment Management has shares rose 3.9% to $233.95 20 price” have reduced the com- billion. Disney is exploring fresh
amassed a $5 billion stake in Tuesday. pany’s ability to create value Kapur, a longtime executive candidates in its search for a
Honeywell International and Honeywell makes every- 10 Honeywell for shareholders. who took over in June 2023, successor to Bob Iger, includ-
is calling on the company to thing from home thermostats Elliott has often over the has laid out a plan to simplify ing some from outside its cas-
break itself apart, seeking to to aircraft-landing gears. It 0 years sought to break up com- the company’s business tle walls, as the board and its
dismantle one of the few re- has long justified its diversifi- panies to be more focused, around its three core trends of newly named chairman move
maining industrial conglom- cation even as the structure –10 from tech giants like EMC and aviation, automation and the to bring order to a closely
erates. has fallen out of favor and the Western Digital to energy energy transition. He has watched succession process.
For years, Honeywell has company has talked recently –20 companies like Hess. It has talked about getting rid of
avoided the fate of some of its about streamlining some of its 2023 ’24 also waged recent campaigns noncore parts of the sprawling By Robbie Whelan,
peers such as General Electric portfolio. It gets about 40% of Source: FactSet for change at Starbucks and business but stopped short of Emily Glazer and
and Dow Chemical, which its annual revenue from the Southwest Airlines. the types of changes Elliott is Jessica Toonkel
were broken up under investor aerospace business, which tion units have dented earn- A Honeywell spokesperson pushing.
pressure. Honeywell fended makes engines and cockpit ings despite strong demand in said the company appreciates Last December, Honeywell Names that have surfaced
off another activist’s cam- systems for Boeing and others. aerospace and defense. Honey- all shareholder perspectives struck a roughly $5 billion in Disney’s deliberations in re-
paign to break apart back in Lagging results in the in- well last month slashed its and looks forward to engaging deal to buy Carrier Global’s cent months include external
2017. dustrial and building automa- full-year forecast for sales af- with Elliott and obtaining security business. candidates, such as Andrew
Wilson, chief executive officer
of game company Electronic
INSIDE Meta Bows to Europe Regulators on Ads struggles with mounting losses
and looming debt maturities. A
bankruptcy filing is expected
to happen within weeks, the
BY SAM SCHECHNER Performance, year to date Meta’s advertising revenue by geography people said.
AND KIM MACKRAEL 80% Spirit had also been in dis-
$40 billion
Rest of cussions with rival Frontier in
Meta Platforms plans to world hopes that the two carriers
Meta Platforms
give European users of Insta- could revive earlier plans to
gram and Facebook the option %0 30 Asia- join forces, likely as part of a
of receiving what it says are Pacific broader restructuring in bank-
“less-personalized ads,” a con- ruptcy. Frontier decided not to
cession to regulators that risks move forward with such a
hitting the company’s revenue 40 Europe merger at this time, the people
BUSINESS NEWS in one of its largest markets. said.
Nissan shares jump The social-media company Frontier declined to com-
plans in coming days to begin S&P 500 ment.
after an activist builds prompting users in Europe Spirit said late Tuesday that
a stake in the with the choice of the new ad
20 10 U.S. &
it was in constructive discus-
carmaker. B3 format, without paying a fee, sions with a supermajority of
according to people briefed on bondholders to restructure
the plans. debt due in 2025 and 2026. An
0 0
The less-personalized for- agreement through a “statu-
mat will show European users Jan. 22024 Nov. 2022 ’23 ’24 tory restructuring,” if reached,
what Meta calls contextual ads Sources: FactSet (performance); the company (revenue) will wipe out existing share-
based on content that a user holders, the company said. If
sees during a given browsing ers should have access to a it gathers about its users, in- enue in its latest financial re- no agreement is reached, the
session, rather than a user’s free version of the company’s cluding which posts they share port. carrier said it would consider
broader activity history, like apps with less-personalized and which videos they watch. Meta said Tuesday that it is all alternatives.
the ads most users now see ads. It is unclear if the new The financial consequences introducing less-personalized The company said the re-
peppered into their feeds and concession will satisfy EU reg- of the move aren’t clear and ads to comply with demands structuring isn’t expected to
stories on Meta’s apps. Some ulators. partly depend on how many from EU regulators—and that impair general unsecured
of the new ads—which will Meta has long resisted giv- users change their ad prefer- the changes could harm small creditors, employees, custom-
HEARD ON THE also be targeted based on age, ing users a no-fee way to avoid ences. Meta has told European businesses. “If EU regulation ers and vendors among others.
STREET gender and location—will having their in-app digital ac- regulators that it expects the makes digital advertising less Spirit shares fell 62% to
cover the whole screen and be tivity used for advertising pur- less-personalized ads option to efficient, the entire European $1.21 in after-hours trading.
Surging defense stocks unskippable for a few seconds. poses because it risks canni- have a negative impact on its business community suffers,” The company also warned
are Asia’s Trump Meta’s new ad option comes balizing the company’s main business. The greater Europe Meta said. Tuesday that its quarterly fil-
trade. B12 amid pressure from European source of revenue: highly tar- region that includes the EU ac- The new ad format is the ing with the Securities and Ex-
Union regulators who say us- geted ads selected using data counted for 23% of Meta’s rev- Please turn to page B4 Please turn to page B5
B2 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Amedisys.......................................B6 H S
Hanwha Aerospace............B12 Sensor Tower..........................A10
Archer Daniels Midland...B5
Heidrick & Struggles Shell...................................................B6
Arm Holdings............................B4
International............................B1 Shopify............................................B4 BY PATRICK THOMAS Tyson Foods chicken segment Tyson shares soared 6.6%
B Home Depot...............................B3 SoftBank........................................B4 operating profit/loss Tuesday. The stock is up about
Bayer.................................................B5 Honda Motor.............................B3 Spirit AeroSystems Shares of Tyson Foods 31% over the past 12 months.
Boeing..............................................B3 Honeywell International...B1 $409M
Holdings......................................B3 surged Tuesday as lower costs $%00 million Meatpackers are hoping
Bristol-Myers Squibb.......B12 Hyundai Rotem.....................B12 Spirit Airlines..............................B1 and steady demand helped the better chicken sales can offset BY MARK MAREMONT
C I T largest U.S. meatpacker pull their struggling beef busi-
Chegg................................................B4 Infineon...........................................B4 T-Mobile US................................B4 off a turnaround in its chicken nesses. The cost of livestock The insurance entrepreneur
J 200
Citigroup.........................................B2 Toyota Motor.............................B3 business. has risen sharply over the past Greg Lindberg pleaded guilty
Cleveland-Cliffs.........................B1 Just Eat Tyson Foods...............................B2 Falling grain prices are two years, as ranchers have Tuesday to federal criminal
Corteva............................................B5 U making it cheaper for chicken sold off herds in response to charges stemming from a $2
LHC Group...................................B6 U.S. Steel........................................B1 companies to feed their birds, 0 drought and low profit mar- billion scheme to defraud thou-
D Live Nation Entertainment Uber Technologies.................B3 boosting corporate earnings. gins. sands of policyholders in insur-
DiDi Global...................................B4 B12 UnitedHealth Group............B6 For its 2024 fiscal year, Tyson Tyson’s beef division, its ance companies he controlled,
Disney...............................................B1 M W said feed costs declined $895 –200
largest by revenue, posted a in part to finance his lavish
E Meta Platforms........................B1 Walmart.........................................B3 million from the prior year. $71 million quarterly operating lifestyle.
Electronic Arts...........................B1 Mitsubishi Heavy WeWork.........................................B4 Tyson has spent years try- loss, down from a $17 million Lindberg entered guilty
ing to cut costs in its poultry adjusted profit a year earlier. pleas in U.S. District Court in
business while boosting the –%00 Overall profit came in at $1 Charlotte, N.C., to two of the 13
INDEX TO PEOPLE market share of its precooked,
company-branded chicken
FY2022 ’23 ’2%
Note: Latest fiscal quarter ended Sept. 28
a share for the quarter. Strip-
ping out one-time expenses,
counts he had faced—conspir-
acy and money-laundering con-
nuggets and tenders. The com- Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company adjusted profit was 92 cents a spiracy—according to court re-
A K Raghavan, Vis...........................B2 pany closed or sold more than share, above Wall Street esti- cords. He also agreed to help
Aiman al-Mudaifer................A1 Kapur, Vimal................................B1 Ryan, Devin.................................B2 half a dozen poultry plants carry higher profit margins. mates. the government recover what
L S since the start of 2023 that it Poultry income swung to a Sales rose nearly 2% to his attorneys said could be bil-
said weren’t profitable and $409 million profit in the lat- $13.57 billion, also above ana- lions of dollars in assets to re-
Bergman, Alan..........................B2 Lindberg, Greg..........................B2 Sarandos, Ted............................B2
opened a new facility in Vir- est quarter from a $267 mil- lyst expectations. pay insurance policyholders
C Lore, Marc....................................B3 Schultz, Nathan.......................B4
ginia in the past year for its lion loss a year earlier. For fiscal 2025, the com- and other entities entitled to
Smith, Rilee..............................A10
Cox, Kevin.....................................B2 M more profitable precooked “We have a fundamentally pany expects an operating loss restitution.
Squillacciotti, Ariana.........A12
D Mangla, Achintya...................B2 products. different and better chicken from its beef division of be- Lindberg was taken into fed-
Stoeckle, Mark........................B11 While overall sales volumes business than we had even a tween $200 million and $400 eral custody after the plea
D'Amaro, Josh...........................B2 McCall, Dave................................B1
Musk, Elon...................................A4
Sullivan, Sadie........................A10 declined slightly in its fourth year ago,” said Chief Executive million. It projects a profit of hearing, court documents
F W quarter, Tyson said it had Donnie King on the call with more than $1 billion from its show.
Finkelstein, Harley................B4
N stronger sales of products that analysts. chicken business. The guilty plea comes after
Walden, Dana............................B2
Fraser, Jane.................................B2 Nadhmi al-Nasr........................A1
Welby, Justin...........................A18 Lindberg’s conviction earlier
G P Wilson, Andrew........................B1
this year on federal charges
that he attempted to bribe
Gorman, James.........................B1 Paulson, John............................A5 Wolf, Jake..................................A10
North Carolina’s insurance
I Peters, Greg................................B2 Y commissioner, who oversaw
Iger, Bob..........................................B1 R Yasukochi, Colin.......................B6 many of Lindberg’s companies.
While details of the plea
agreement were still restricted
viewed for the top job at ESPN theatrical business as movie- investigative articles in The
before it went to current chief going habits change. Josh Wall Street Journal. The arti-
Jimmy Pitaro. Then, during D’Amaro, the head of theme cles reported that insurers con-
Bob Chapek’s tenure as Disney parks and experiences such as trolled by Lindberg had lent
CEO, Wilson had talks about cruises and resort vacations, is more than $2 billion to affili-
potentially selling EA to Dis- working to ensure that Dis- Vis Raghavan aims to lift Citi’s slice of the investment-banking fee pie above 5% by late 2025. ated companies owned by the
ney, but the negotiations ney’s main profit engine keeps entrepreneur, using opaque en-
didn’t lead to a deal, according
to people familiar with the
talks. Puck earlier reported
that Wilson had interviewed
humming in the face of slow-
ing parks attendance, while
ESPN boss Pitaro is busy help-
ing the sports giant transition
Citigroup Turns to Outsider tities as middlemen, and that
he paid dozens of operatives to
spy on women from whom he
sought personal relationships
and discussed potentially sell-
ing the company to Disney.
As Disney explored options
to a streaming future.
Iger has vowed to step
down when his contract ex-
To Restore Dealmaking Glory or other services.
A federal grand jury indict-
ment in early 2023 alleged that
over the past year for a strate- pires at the end of 2026 and Lindberg, now 54 years old,
gic partner for ESPN, the com- has himself explored ideas for BY JUSTIN BAER ing creates huge fees. In many of debt that fuels private-equity “skimmed” off insurance com-
pany talked to Wilson about a how to fill the top job, includ- years, private-equity deals ac- deals. Its market share stood at pany funds for his own use, in-
partnership between EA and ing by appointing two CEOs to The man charged with re- count for 40% or more of the 3.3%, its lowest in two decades, cluding for the lease of a pri-
ESPN, according to people fa- share it. Some company ob- viving Citigroup’s reputation total volume of mergers and according to data from LSEG. vate jet and to help fund his
miliar with the matter. Those servers have pointed out that as an investment bank is set- acquisitions, said Devin Ryan, Before the financial crisis, Citi surveillance of women, and
talks didn’t result in a deal. Walden and D’Amaro have ting his sights on the buyout an analyst with Citizens JMP routinely financed more than used money originating with
Disney has said videogames complementary skill sets—she kings. Securities. “Sponsors are the 10% of U.S. leveraged loans. an insurer to help him buy a
represent an as a TV execu- Vis Raghavan, Citi’s new top payers to the Street, and Raghavan has made a hand- Raleigh, N.C., home for his
important tive who works banking head, wants his deal- that’s only accelerated in the ful of key hires, including then-girlfriend.
growth area for closely with makers to advise on and fi- last decade,” Ryan said. Achintya Mangla, his deputy at Throughout a legal odyssey,
the company, The company is studio talent nance more private-equity That volume is expected to JPMorgan who joined in Sep- Lindberg had insisted on his in-
and earlier this scheduled to and he as an deals, bringing in more fees to a pick up. Interest-rate cuts, the tember to lead investment- nocence, saying he had been
year announced operational ex- group that has punched below U.S. economy’s soft landing and banking financing. Raghavan entrapped in the bribery
an expanded report its pert with fi- its weight for more than a de- Donald Trump’s return to the kept Kevin Cox as interim head scheme, had invested more
partnership nance chops— cade. If they succeed, the busi- White House have all lifted ex- of M&A, leaving the impression than $500 million in his insur-
with Fortnite
earnings on and might work ness should be taking a bigger pectations that KKR, Black- he is looking for another out- ers and never took any divi-
maker Epic Thursday. well as co- slice of the pie that companies stone and other buyout firms sider, Citi employees said. dends from them.
Games. CEOs. and investors pay to Wall Street are on the cusp of an acquisi-
Gorman, who Iger called each year. Hitting his even tion spree. Private-equity exec-
describes him- Netflix co-CEO modest growth targets could utives are happy to keep the
self as an aficionado of the Ted Sarandos earlier this year bring in some $400 million in banks competing against each
chief-executive role and shep- asking if the streaming giant’s additional fees a year. Citi other and say they are open to
herded Morgan Stanley dual CEO setup worked. He earned $2.7 billion in invest- paying other banks. The more
through a relatively drama- wanted to know how the ar- ment-banking fees last year. competitors vying for their
free succession process, is fo- rangement was going and if Sa- Chief Executive Jane Fraser business, the more deals they
cused on finding the right can- randos thought it could work at hired Raghavan, who ran JP- will see and the better terms
didate to help Disney move Disney, according to people fa- Morgan’s dealmakers, earlier they are likely to receive.
past its reliance on its larger- miliar with the conversation. this year. The bank is betting Raghavan said he is aiming
than-life CEO. Sarandos said the structure the decision to bring in a lead- to boost Citi’s slice of the in-
The former Wall Street ex- worked well at Netflix largely ing competitor will send a vestment-banking-fee pie
ecutive was named incoming because of the company’s cul- clear signal to clients—and its above 5% by late 2025, up
chairman last month, succeed- ture, which encourages candor own bankers—that Citi is back from about 4.6% today. From
ing former Nike CEO Mark and transparency. He shared in the game. In a recent meet- there, the bank will target
Parker, who will leave the the top job for years with co- ing with one firm, Citi bankers 0.5% to 1% over the next sev-
board on Jan. 2. Gorman has founder Reed Hastings, and said, “We’re embarrassed by eral years, he said. There are
been chair of the Disney now splits it with former head how little we’ve done, for a usually about $80 billion in
board’s CEO succession-plan- of product Greg Peters. long period of time.” banking fees up for grabs each
ning committee since August. Iger and the board’s efforts The challenge is steep. Citi year, so every half percentage
It is still early days for the to name a successor aren’t just was once a leader in private point in market share is worth
Disney succession race, and it crucial for the future of Dis- equity but because of regula- $400 million in fees.
is unclear who may ultimately ney, the decision will also help tion and wider problems at For the plan to work,
be elevated to the top job. Dis- define the star CEO’s legacy. the bank, it grew reluctant to Raghavan said, Citi’s bankers
ney is scheduled to report its Gorman called Iger a “rare make the loans those clients will need to bring lots of deal
financial performance for the combination of extraordinarily expect. It lost the confidence ideas and insights to clients.
September quarter Thursday. good creative instincts with of buyout firms and stumbled Then the bank needs to be
Before Gorman’s ascent, great business judgment” dur- in the league tables, where comfortable lending to them.
four Disney executives were ing a mid-October event for competition remains stiff. Last year, Citi ranked seventh
viewed inside the company as trade group the National Asso- UBS and Jefferies are both in U.S. leveraged loans, the type
front-runners. Each of them is ciation of Corporate Directors. trying a similar approach to
in the throes of efforts to turn —Erich Schwartzel contrib- strengthen their dealmakers Citi’s share of the market
around the fortunes of Disney, uted to this article. by counting on private-equity for U.S. leveraged loans
firms, pitting them directly in 12%
competition with Citi. And
Wall Street’s established play-
ers, from JPMorgan and Bank 10
of America to Goldman Sachs,
aren’t backing down, either. '
Raghavan says his meetings
with clients have given him &
confidence they want to work
with Citi and are even rooting %
back up its words by taking
more lending risks and “Show,
don’t tell” before he succeeds. 0
Citi, and most of its rivals, 2005 ’10 ’15 ’20 ’2%
covet private-equity firms be- Note: 2024 as of Nov. 4
Andrew Wilson, left, and incoming Disney Chair James Gorman. cause their frequent dealmak- Source: LSEG
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | B3
Home Depot
Lifts Outlook
For the Year
Home-improvement capitalization, behind Ama-
Sarah Nassauer lions of dollars in losses over from customers. Spirit said it
the last four years. was considering seeking addi-
A deal for Grubhub could The advanced payments tional customer advances and
be finalized imminently, as- should also help Spirit as it could also issue securities or
suming the talks don’t fall faces high costs to keep facto- debt.
apart, the people said. Am- ries running at their current The beleaguered Arlington,
sterdam-based Just Eat rates, along with lingering im- Va.-based Boeing has had a
bought Grubhub in 2021 in a The automaker has been struggling with weak sales in recent months, especially in China. pacts from a recent strike by tough year, too, following a se-
deal valued at over $7 billion. Boeing machinists. The eight- ries of mishaps and quarterly
In Memoriam
For more information:
Wonder was last valued at
simo held stakes.
A representative for Effis- Lower rates.
around $3.85 billion in a 2022
financing round, according to
simo confirmed its investment
in Nissan but declined to com-
Up to $7,200 cash back*.
PitchBook. The startup also
owns meal-kit provider Blue
ment further.
A Nissan spokesman said it
Act now.
Apron, another once-highfly-
ing startup that struggled in
is engaging with investors and
analysts and that it appreci-
IN Max Selit
BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Max Selit 1/26/35-
more recent years. ates “all existing and new
11/1/24 Born in Bensonhurst to parents
Lore joined as CEO in 2021 shareholders that support and Honor your loved one’s life in Henry and Regina Selitzky. Exceptional,
after leaving his role as chief believe in the future potential The Wall Street Journal husband to Linda for 64yrs, father to Amy
of U.S. e-commerce operations of Nissan.” Share your loved one’s story with an and Howard, grandfather to Jennifer and
for Walmart. The stock’s jump followed announcement in the pages of The Wall Justin, brother to Pearl. Brothers Morris
Grubhub, which was selloffs since late last week af- Street Journal, either in our national or
and Robert, predeceased. Educated Lin-
regional editions. Our In Memoriam notices
founded in 2004, pioneered ter the company announced provide a dignified way for friends, family coln HS, Baruch College, NYU Law School.
online ordering in the U.S. But disappointing second-quarter and colleagues to pay tribute. Member NY Bar. US Army Ready Reserve,
it came under pressure as it results and a restructuring To learn more, visit active duty Berlin Crisis. Will be loved
warded off competition from plan that includes cutting © 2024. Anywhere Real Estate. All rights reserved. Program terms and conditions
and missed by those he left behind, both
newer entrants such as Door- 9,000 jobs globally and reduc- © 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
family and friends. Rest In Peace.
subject to change. Visit for terms and conditions.
Dash and Uber Eats. ing its global production ca- All Rights Reserved.
B4 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Shopify Shares
Soar as Revenue
Beats Estimates
BY ADRIANO MARCHESE Shopify’s quarterly gross
merchandise volume
Shopify logged higher-than- 3Q 2024
$80 billion
expected sales for the third $69.7B
quarter, boosted by an increase +24%*
in consumer spending and the
addition of more merchants to 60
its e-commerce platform.
The Ottawa-based company
on Tuesday said third-quarter
sales rose 26%, with gross 40
merchandise volume, a key
Infineon Technologies is
expecting lower sales in its
new fiscal year as demand for
It’s time for chips in cars and industrial
equipment remains weak.
The German chip maker
said revenue in the year to the
end of September 2025 would
Bayer Cuts Earnings Target, Posts Union Boss man, in an interview. Trump’s
plans to use tariffs aggressively
during his next administration
B6 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Carbon-Emissions Ruling
LHC Group. antitrust laws.” centers and some locations
Un i te d -
draw tough The Justice owned by Optum, according to
Health also scrutiny. Department an Amedisys disclosure in
owns the coun- filed its com- June.
try’s largest plaint in Mary- VitalCaring is unlikely to
health insurer, land federal replace the competition that BY JENNY STRASBURG ineffective. Shell shares declined less
UnitedHealthcare, and its Op- court, joined by the state at- would be lost from the AND CHRISTIAN MOESS LAURSEN Milieudefensie called the ap- than 1% in London.
tum arm includes a sprawling torneys general of Maryland, merger, the department wrote peals court decision a shocking Legal and climate experts
network of physician groups, Illinois, New Jersey and New in its legal complaint. Vital- Shell won its appeal against setback, but said that it pointed to important nuances
clinics and a large pharmacy- York. Caring has struggled finan- a 2021 landmark decision that showed companies are under in the judgment, including the
benefit manager, among other Amedisys agreed to the cially and faces “potentially said it was partially responsible pressure to reduce carbon ruling that Shell does have an
assets. If the deal goes UnitedHealth takeover in June catastrophic legal exposure” for climate change and must emissions, even if targets aren’t obligation to society to reduce
through, Amedisys would be- 2023 after the healthcare gi- over a lawsuit tied to its chief sharply cut its carbon emis- legally binding. carbon emissions. But unre-
come part of Optum. ant made an unsolicited bid executive officer’s former sions, delivering a major court “Large polluters are power- solved questions about what
“Unless this $3.3 billion that topped the value of a business, according to the victory to the oil giant in a ful. But united, we as people measures should apply—and
transaction is stopped, Unit- prior deal for the home-health government. closely watched case. have the power to change how to enforce such rules on
The ruling in a Dutch court them,” said Donald Pols, the any single company—leave a
is a setback for efforts by non- nonprofit’s director. lot of room for court battles.
profits and other groups to The group didn’t immedi- “I do think it’s a legal obli-
Metal & Petroleum Futures Jan'25 68.04 68.97 67.65 67.97 0.05 277,347 Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'25 110-045 110-100 109-145 109-180 –16.0 37,207
Feb 67.88 68.75 67.49 67.77 0.02 144,434 Dec 345.25 350.00 338.25 345.00 –.75 1,944 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Contract Open March'25 359.25 361.25 351.25 358.25 1.25 2,054 Dec 106-260 106-285 106-135 106-160 –7.7 6,343,778
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest March 67.73 68.56 67.35 67.61 … 139,637
June 67.37 68.14 67.03 67.24 –0.06 158,176 Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'25 107-015 107-032 106-197 106-225 –8.0 35,550
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Dec 66.55 67.13 66.14 66.33 –0.09 159,874 Nov 1011.75 1011.75 998.75 1003.50 –8.25 288 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Nov 4.1655 4.1655 4.1175 4.1195 –0.0915 770 Jan'25 1023.75 1027.50 1003.75 1010.50 –11.75 337,111 Dec 102-224 102-230 102-176 102-191 –2.2 4,527,766
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
Dec 4.2465 4.2595 4.1320 4.1365 –0.0920 93,529
Dec 2.1989 2.2357 2.1879 2.2108 .0132 114,517
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. March'25 102-297 102-301 102-241 102-256 –2.6 16,718
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 295.30 296.90 t 291.30 292.90 –2.20 169,704 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Nov 2605.50 2606.70 2592.80 2600.00 –11.20 722 Jan'25 2.2047 2.2440 2.1979 2.2194 .0124 80,056
Jan'25 297.30 298.80 t 293.80 295.20 –1.90 145,154 Nov 95.3625 95.3625 95.3600 95.3600 .0000 500,382
Dec 2625.70 2633.40 2595.70 2606.30 –11.40 299,211 Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Jan'25 95.5950 95.6000 95.5650 95.5800 –.0100 318,223
Jan'25 2640.00 2644.90 t 2610.70 2618.60 –11.30 307 Dec 1.9606 1.9934 1.9491 1.9643 .0073 104,120
Dec 48.14 48.26 45.82 46.23 –1.91 144,158 Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Feb 2650.20 2656.90 2619.90 2630.30 –11.40 171,148 Jan'25 1.9391 1.9637 1.9258 1.9359 .0020 106,383 Jan'25 48.24 48.35 45.95 46.34 –1.90 160,525 Aug 95.0050 95.0025 95.0025 95.0000 –.0025 9,493
April 2671.30 2676.00 2641.40 2650.60 –11.30 35,176 Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Sept 95.2325 95.2325 95.2300 95.2325 .0000 1,268,974
June 2695.00 2697.00 2662.70 2671.50 –11.50 22,036 Dec 2.952 3.013 2.855 2.907 –.013 203,433 Nov 14.73 14.82 14.73 14.81 .26 22
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan'25 3.155 3.216 3.081 3.133 .007 348,243 Jan'25 14.65 14.94 14.65 14.85 .26 10,803 Currency Futures
Nov 1151.50 1154.50 1151.50 938.30 –41.10 6 Feb 3.035 3.089 2.968 3.016 .006 142,020 Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Dec 980.50 987.00 937.00 940.90 –41.40 12,268 March 2.790 2.836 2.727 2.779 .004 260,451 Dec 564.75 568.75 549.00 552.25 –13.25 154,704 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. April 2.749 2.792 2.698 2.739 –.003 107,340 March'25 580.50 583.50 564.50 567.00 –13.50 153,381 Nov .6510 .6523 t .6460 .6467 –.0042 711
Nov 979.80 979.80 979.80 942.90 –21.40 7 Oct 3.256 3.280 3.208 3.239 –.011 104,849 Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec .6534 .6547 .6483 .6490 –.0042 248,980
Jan'25 972.20 972.20 945.50 948.20 –21.30 78,347 Dec 559.50 561.00 544.25 546.50 –13.00 92,834 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Agriculture Futures March'25 573.00 574.75 558.00 560.75 –12.25 101,372 Nov .7168 .7187
t .7162 .7172 –.0011 263
Nov 30.310 30.565 30.310 30.686 0.146 74 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .7188 .7193
t .7167 .7178 –.0011 331,211
Dec 30.775 30.930 30.280 30.759 0.146 85,763 Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Nov 246.450 247.250 246.200 246.825 .675 5,209 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Dec 429.75 433.50 426.75 428.50 –1.50 543,747 Jan'25 242.250 243.950 241.700 243.575 1.325 24,089 Nov 1.2866 1.2873 t 1.2720 1.2737 –.0125 272
Dec 68.15 69.13 67.75 68.12 0.08 197,298 March'25 442.50 445.50 438.75 440.25 –2.50 531,025 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 1.2870 1.2873 1.2718 1.2736 –.0125 206,959
Dec 184.000 184.875 183.325 184.400 .700 104,792 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Feb'25 185.600 186.525 184.775 186.125 .750 107,110 Dec 1.1395 1.1402 1.1359 1.1374 –.0021 76,860
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
New Highs and Lows Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
Dec 81.950 83.425 81.950 82.350 .575 97,465
March'25 1.1520 1.1520 1.1477 1.1492 –.0022
Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Feb'25 86.075 86.900 s 85.350 86.325 .400 102,303 Nov .6577 .6582 .6515 .6532 –.0037 244
GeneralMotors GM
GEN 30.56 0.5 KratosDefense KTOS 27.70
Kyndryl KD 28.80
Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Dec .6576 .6584 .6516 .6534 –.0037 169,709
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE 58.29 -0.4
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low GeniusSports GENI 9.86 17.2 LenzTherap LENZ 37.51 4.2 Nov 568.00 576.00 566.50 574.50 6.50 198 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. GenworthFin GNW 7.42 2.2 LSI Inds LYTS 21.17 -0.2 Jan'25 602.00 614.00 602.00 611.00 10.00 6,007 Nov .04920 .04900 .04834 .04828 –.00060 6
GlblBusTravel GBTG 8.89 0.7 LTC Properties LTC 39.89 -0.3 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec .04884 .04886 .04801 .04805 –.00060 136,369
Global-EOnline GLBE 42.99 5.8 LandmarkBncp LARK 22.58 1.7
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 Leidos LDOS 202.90 -0.1
Nov 19.95 20.04 19.93 20.02 .05 3,655 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
GoDaddy GDDY 187.55 2.2
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % GooseheadIns GSHD 121.34 -0.2 LendingClub LC 15.84 1.2 Dec 19.00 19.15 18.98 19.01 .06 5,419 Nov 1.0665 1.0666 t 1.0598 1.0616 –.0038 2,807
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg GrabWt GRABW 0.54 31.6 LeonardoDRS DRS 37.99 -2.1 Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Dec 1.0671 1.0678 t 1.0609 1.0627 –.0039 607,294
Grab GRAB 4.93 11.6 LibertyLiveC LLYVK 68.57 7.5 Dec 7,346 7,956 7,325 7,867 569 10,295
BlueOceanWt BOCNW 0.04 -2.0 CommvaultSys CVLT 175.00 -2.0 Greif B GEF.B LibertyLiveA LLYVA 66.42 8.7
75.54 -1.6
March'25 7,208 7,725 7,182 7,641 467 56,651
Conduent CNDT
ConstructionPtrs ROAD 97.26
4.38 -0.5
GridDynamics GDYN 19.86 -2.5 Life360 LIF 48.90 -0.2
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
Index Futures
GrindrWt GRND.WS 4.90 -3.2 LiquiditySvcs LQDT 25.53 1.2
Amerisafe AMSF 60.24 0.2
A10Networks ATEN 16.81 0.4
CCRD 17.95
CRVL 367.84
Group1Auto GPI 417.98 -1.7 LiveNationEnt LYV 130.76 4.7 Dec 256.75 266.40 256.70 263.55 7.35 37,608 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
GulfportEnergy GPOR 166.48 -0.8 MGE Energy MGEE 107.77 0.6
A2ZCust2Mate AZ 6.59 12.6 BrightSphere BSIG 30.49 0.1 CovenantLogist CVLG 61.11 0.7 Magnite MGNI 16.31 3.0
March'25 256.35 266.00 256.35 263.10 7.25 90,045 Dec 44438 44556 44039 44074 –367 87,744
AdamsRscs AE 37.90 35.6 BrightSpring BTSG 20.25 -2.5 CrescentEnergy CRGY 14.18 -1.0 HNI HNI
-0.2 MagnoliaOil MGY 27.96 -1.4 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'25 44828 44983 44484 44514 –360 1,540
AffirmA AFRM 57.93 ... BrinkerIntl EAT 120.49 1.2 DPCapAcqnIA DPCS 14.50 12.7 March 21.36 21.63 21.20 21.35 –.01 349,068
Agilysys AGYS 125.96 0.7 BrixmorProp BRX 29.20 -0.8 DailyJournal DJCO 602.00 -0.7
HackettGroup HCKT 32.09 1.3 Marriott
MAR 287.00
MNOV 2.55
Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Agric&NatSolnsA ANSC 10.43 0.3 HamiltonLane HLNE 203.72 -2.3 May 19.99 20.13 19.78 19.93 –.02 172,648 Dec 6029.25 6036.50 5986.75 6013.00 –18.75 2,195,542
BroadridgeFinl BR 228.75 0.3 Dave DAVE 64.50 6.0 MercurityFintech MFH 3.77 44.4
Airgain AIRG 10.34 3.3 BrookfieldAsset BAM 58.53 -1.5 DeltaAir DAL 64.11 0.8
HancockWhitney HWC 61.13 -0.2
MercurySystems MRCY 44.47 -0.6 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'25 6091.50 6102.00 6053.00 6079.00 –18.25 41,208
HanoverIns THG 164.54 0.9
AlgonquinNt2079 AQNB 25.79 0.2 BrookfldBRP7.25Nt BEPJ 26.40 -0.2 DescartesSystems DSGX 116.73 -0.4 MeritMedical MMSI 105.46 0.1 Jan 38.84 38.84 38.84 38.84 … 1,685
AmerSports AS 20.68 -3.0 BrookfldBRP4.875Nt BEPI 18.24 -2.1 DesignTherap DSGN 6.95 4.5
HealthEquity HQY 101.17 -0.1
MicroStrategy MSTR 360.89 4.9 March 38.70 38.70 38.70 38.70 … 2,657
Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
HinghamSvg HIFS 300.00 -2.9
Ameren AEE 92.77 -0.3 BrookfieldFinNts BNJ DocuSign DOCU 82.97 Dec 3337.70 3343.30 3296.10 3306.60 –35.00 40,744
AmericanFin AFG 143.70 0.9 BrookfieldFinNts BNH
-1.1 DoorDash DASH 177.30
Honest HNST 5.04 -1.2
MillerIndustries MLR
MirumPharm MIRM 45.81
78.25 -0.3
Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
AmerSupercond AMSC 37.40 -2.0 Honeywell HON 242.77 3.8 Dec 69.88 70.02 68.72 68.77 –.92 64,152 March'25 3361.80 3374.60 3333.10 3339.70 –35.00 2
BrookfieldNts2081 BIPH 20.38 ... DoubleDown DDI 18.21 -4.7 NCS Multistage NCSM 23.34 1.4
Ametek AME 194.27 1.3 BrookfieldNts2084 BIPJ 25.90 -0.2 EQT EQT 44.28 -0.5
HorizonBancorp HBNC 18.86 -1.0
Nathan's NATH 94.97 -2.7 March'25 72.46 72.50 71.05 71.07 –1.13 105,521 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
AmnealPharm AMRX HoulihanLokey HLI 190.66 -1.8
9.48 0.5 BrooklineBncp BRKL 12.94 0.1 EasternBankshares EBC 19.15 -0.2 NaturalGrocers NGVC 34.76 0.8 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 21221.00 21251.75 21054.75 21189.50 –28.25 268,759
Amrep AXR 36.18 2.8 HubSpot HUBS 702.81 3.0
BurTechAcqnA BRKH 11.41 0.1 Eaton ETN 373.49 -0.8 NeoVolta NEOV 5.53 8.3 March'25 21451.75 21501.75 21309.00 21442.50 –26.75 2,303
AndrettiAcqnIIA POLE 10.96 ... BusFirstBcshs BFST 30.30 -1.1 ElbitSystems ESLT 241.30 2.6
Hyliion HYLN 2.90 2.1
Netflix NFLX 820.37 1.7
Jan 474.25 481.65 472.25 478.75 5.60 7,657
AppliedIndlTechs AIT 276.15 -0.5 BylineBancorp BY 32.49 -0.2 ElectronicArts EA 163.00 2.2
IDACORP IDA 119.26 1.2
NewYorkMtgPfdE NYMTM 25.04 ... March 458.70 466.25 458.70 463.75 5.50 1,768 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
AppliedOptoelec AAOI 28.94 0.9 IDT IDT 51.87 -0.4
CNO Financial CNO 40.29 -1.0 EmersonElec EMR 130.30 -0.6
IES Holdings IESC 297.07 -4.4
NewtekNts2029 NEWTG 25.84 0.5 Dec 2447.50 2449.70 2396.30 2405.10 –43.40 480,696
Arcellx ACLX 107.37 -5.7
Archrock AROC 24.71 2.6
CNX Resources CNX
CSW Industrials CSWI
3.3 IndepBankMI IBCP 39.52 -1.2
NewtekOne8.625%Nts NEWTH 25.74
NexPointRealEst NREF 17.27
Interest Rate Futures March'25 2471.00 2474.60 2421.50 2430.20 –43.30 1,814
ArisWater ARIS 26.34 -0.6 CVB Fin CVBF 23.43 -0.3 EnergySvsofAmerica ESOA 14.35 2.3 IngersollRand IR 105.63 -0.5 NextNav NN 15.30 -1.1 June 2462.50 2485.00 s 2485.00 2445.20 –44.60 1
AtlUnionPfdA AUBpA 25.81 0.2 Cactus WHD 70.01 -2.4 EquityBcshs EQBK 48.61 -1.3 Innodata INOD 49.72 0.2 NextNavWt NNAVW 6.99 0.2
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
AtlasNts2027 ATCOL 25.26 0.8 CantorEqPtrs CEP 10.17 0.2 EsquireFinancial ESQ 76.91 0.3 Innoviva INVA 21.28 1.0 NicoletBankshares NIC 115.22 -0.4 Dec 125-090 125-220 123-020 123-080 –1-23.0 1,755,433
AtmosEnergy ATO 148.39 0.5 CardinalHealth CAH 125.41 1.5 Evergy EVRG 64.07 0.6 InpointCmclREPfdA ICRpA 22.50 1.9 NortheastCmBncp NECB 31.18 2.7 March'25 125-180 125-230 123-050 123-100 –1-24.0 44,579
Dec 3302.50 3310.30 3284.40 3298.90 –10.10 5,875
ADP ADP 309.21 0.4 Carecloud CCLD 3.88 21.5 ExcelerateEner EE 28.60 0.2 Intapp INTA 60.89 -1.5 NorthfieldBanc NFBK 14.28 -2.6 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
AvalonHoldings AWX 3.29 2.5 CarecloudPfdB CCLDO 16.98 33.6 ExlService EXLS 47.32 -0.2 IntegerHoldings ITGR 140.91 -1.9 NorthrimBanCorp NRIM 79.23 3.3
InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 181.21 ... Dec 117-270 118-050 116-040 116-100 –1-11.0 1,844,508 Dec 105.41 106.10 s 105.40 105.95 .49 33,859
AveannaHealth AVAH 6.19 -2.4 CarGurus CARG 37.94 2.7 FB Bancorp FBLA 12.43 1.3 NorthwestNat NWN 42.56 0.5
AvePointWt AVPTW 5.34 1.7 Carnival CCL 24.78 ... FNB FNB 16.91 -0.4 InterDigital IDCC 189.51 0.7 NorwegCruise NCLH 28.00 0.2 March'25 118-030 118-100 116-090 116-150 –1-12.0 64,102 March'25 105.18 105.74 s 105.18 105.60 .49 724
AvePoint AVPT 15.95 1.0 Carnival CUK 22.38 ... FoxoTech FOXO 1.30 35.3 Interface
NuHoldings NU 16.15 -0.3 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
AxsomeTherap AXSM 101.51 9.4 CarterBkshrs CARE 20.40 -1.4 FTAI Aviation FTAI 166.00 -2.0 NuScalePower SMR 26.55 -1.1
BILL BILL 90.16 3.6 Intuit INTU 703.88 0.3 NuScalePowerWt SMR.WS 14.99 -1.3
Dec 110-000 110-045 109-100 109-135 –15.5 4,565,873 Source: FactSet
Cencora COR 251.56 -0.1 FairIsaac FICO 2369.05 -0.1
BIPBermudaNts BIPI 19.84 -0.7 CentessaPharm CNTA 17.79 1.6 FarmersBancp FMAO 33.42 -0.1 IntuitiveMachineWt LUNRW 3.81 -2.2 OGE Energy OGE 44.09 -1.0
BKV BKV 21.15 0.3 CentralPacFin CPF 32.21 -1.5 FifthDistrBncp FDSB 12.58 2.9 Investar ISTR 24.04 -0.5 ONE Gas OGS 76.34 0.4
BTC Digital BTCT 17.00 316.7 CentralPuerto CEPU 12.44 5.1 FirstAdvantage FA 20.79 0.1 InvestorsTitle ITIC 272.92 4.4 ONEOK OKE 109.21 -1.1
BTC Digital Wt BTCTW
BakerHughes BKR
0.13 192.4
4.41 53.2
44.50 -1.0
CenturionAcqn ALFUU
ChainBridgeBncp CBNA
ChainBridgeIA CBRG
FirstBusFinSvcs FBIZ
FirstFinBkshs FFIN
IronHorseAcqnsRt IROHR
JanusHenderson JHG
JerashHldgs JRSH
DECEMBER 4, 2024
iShRuss2000 IWM 237.46 –1.75 18.3
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 124.32 –1.54 14.8
CommSvsSPDR XLC 97.16 0.45 33.7 iShS&P500Grw IVW 101.08 0.06 34.6
CnsmrDiscSel XLY 216.53 –1.34 21.1 iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 131.55 –0.45 25.0
iShS&P500Value IVE 201.06 –0.76 15.6
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 35.93 –0.53 22.9 iShCoreS&PUSGrw IUSG 139.09 –0.06 33.6
iShSelectDiv DVY 138.15 –0.68 17.9
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 93.78 –0.53 11.9 iShCoreS&PUSVal IUSV 97.55 –0.78 15.7
iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 93.35 –0.63 –3.2
iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 45.56 –0.59 –1.1
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 49.74 –0.30 32.3 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 90.66 –1.50 –8.3
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 97.71 –0.58 –1.6
XLV –1.39
HealthCrSelSect 147.22 7.9 iShUSTech IYW 160.85 0.36 31.0
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 93.14 –0.21 19.4
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 141.96 –0.86 24.5 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.61 –0.51 –1.9
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 184.07 –0.10 25.1
iShGoldTr IAU 49.08 –0.87 25.7 iSh0-3MTreaBd
JPM EqPrem
InvscS&P500EW RSP 183.61 –0.76 16.4
–1.9 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.43 –0.04 0.4 & RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT
iShBitcoin IBIT 51.05 2.99 ... iShMSCIACWI ACWI 120.55 –0.74 18.5 PacerUSCashCows COWZ 59.70 –0.93 14.8
iShBrdUSDHYCpBd USHY 37.22 –0.43 2.4 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 77.71 –1.86 3.1 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 82.15 –0.54 62.0
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 63.70 –0.76 18.4 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 53.76 –1.90 3.2 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.58 0.01 0.2
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 72.48 –1.82 3.0 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 107.07 –0.28 –1.2 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 439.39 –0.82 16.6
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 54.44 –1.73 7.6 iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.78 –0.25 1.0 SPDR Gold GLD 240.05 –0.86 25.6
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 68.33 –1.67 5.2 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.93 –0.10 –0.1 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 35.23 –1.62 3.6
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 599.75 –0.31 25.6 iShRussMC IWR 92.81 –0.77 19.4 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 53.92 –0.75 15.6
SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 70.22 –0.28 25.6
SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 87.50 0.02 34.5
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 596.90 –0.31 25.6
Key Interest Rates SchwabIntEquity SCHF
19.24 –1.69 4.1
SchwabUS BrdMkt 23.21 –0.43 25.1
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, SchwabUS Div SCHD 28.91 –0.86 13.9
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are SchwabUS LC
SchwabUS LC Grw
23.65 –0.30
25.8 List Your
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve 27.79 34.0
release H.15.
Property Today
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week TechSelectSector XLK 236.15 0.13 22.7 Built in 2019 and occupied by Target, a new Wintrust
Nov 8 Nov 1 High Low Nov 8 Nov 1 High Low UtilitiesSelect XLU 78.49 –1.15 23.9 (800) 366-3975 Bank branch and an actively marketed third retail space, the
6-month 4.40 4.44 5.46 4.37
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 4.29 4.28 5.35 3.91
VangdSC Val
17.4 28,669 sq. ft. commercial property includes a below-grade
4.83 4.83 5.33 4.83 2-year 4.22 4.15 4.97 3.55 VangdExtMkt VXF 199.19 –1.12 21.1
3-year 4.14 4.12 4.81 3.46 VangdDivApp VIG 201.59 –0.59 18.3 For more information visit: parking component with 59 retail parking stalls. The property
Commercial paper
5-year 4.19 4.15 4.66 3.45 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 59.22 –1.69 5.5 is located in a densely populated area adjacent to Loyola
7-year 4.27 4.22 4.66 3.55 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 49.41 –1.63 3.2
1-month 4.64 4.74 5.34 4.64 10-year 4.32 4.30 4.65 3.67 VangdFTSE EM VWO 45.73 –1.70 11.3 University campus and the intersection of North Sheridan
2-month 4.60 4.67 5.36 4.60
3-month 4.57 4.65 5.37 4.57
20-year 4.61 4.62 4.93 4.05 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 65.13 –2.03 1.0 Rd. and West Devon Ave., with approximately 46,000 daily
VangdGrowth VUG 408.80 0.07 31.5
Financial Treasury yields (secondary market) VangdHiDiv VYM 131.75 –0.79 18.0 vehicle traffic and heavy pedestrian use. Long-term leases.
1-month 4.69 4.71 5.39 4.69 VangdInfoTech VGT 623.01 0.18 28.7 Gross scheduled income approaching $1,500,000 annually.
2-month 4.62 4.72 5.42 4.62 1-month 4.52 4.63 5.30 4.52
VangdIntermBd BIV 75.28 –0.58 –1.4
3-month 4.56 4.66 5.45 4.56 3-month 4.43 4.46 5.28 4.43
VCIT NET income is soon to be just under $1,000,000 annually.
VangdIntrCorpBd 81.01 –0.59 –0.3
6-month 4.28 4.32 5.26 4.24 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.23 –0.39 –1.8
Discount window primary credit
4.75 5.00 5.50 4.75
Previously Valued Well in Excess of $20,000,000
5-year 1.81 1.79 2.28 1.47
Treasury yields at constant
Suggested Opening Bid $14,500,000
1-month 4.71 4.83 5.56 4.71 20-year 2.14 2.13 2.32 1.75 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 102.62 –0.01 31.5 On-site inspections from noon to 2pm on Nov. 7, 12
3-month 4.64 4.66 5.54 4.64 Long-term avg 2.19 2.19 2.41 1.86 VangdS&P500ETF
VangdST Bond
and 21 and by appointment.
Notes on data: VangdSTCpBd VCSH 78.13 –0.23 1.0
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates VangdShortTrea VGSH 58.14 –0.10 –0.3
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by VangdSC VB 253.20 –1.19 18.7 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal
–1.4 Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. | since 1991
312.440.2000 |
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; VangdTotIntlBd 49.82 –0.22 0.9
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 60.95 –1.65 5.2 © 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; VangdTotalStk VTI 296.37 –0.39 24.9 All Rights Reserved.
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, VangdTotWrldStk VT 120.58 –0.80 17.2 BROKER CO-OP INVITED
please see, VangdValue VTV 177.77 –0.78 18.9
B8 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
43910.98 t 382.15, or 0.86% Trailing P/E ratio 27.68 25.45 5983.99 t 17.36, or 0.29% Trailing P/E ratio * 25.37 19.69 19281.40 t 17.36, or 0.09% Trailing P/E ratio *† 33.07 30.37
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 22.32 18.72 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 24.57 19.72 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 30.68 26.43
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.79 2.09 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.24 1.70 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.75 0.84
All-time high 44293.13, 11/11/24 All-time high 6001.35, 11/11/24 All-time high: 19298.76, 11/11/24
Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
38300 4800 16000
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index
U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 469.26 0.3 Germany 2.370 2.020 2.770
1832.30 2.7 U.S Agency 4.620 3.960 5.190 271.01 -2.9 Japan 1.460 0.960 1.490
1623.91 3.0 10-20 years 4.590 3.920 5.190 511.06 0.4 Netherlands 2.610 2.260 3.000
3448.68 -0.1 20-plus years 4.970 4.240 5.310 787.24 -3.1 U.K. 4.650 3.790 4.750
2806.02 2.9 Yankee 5.040 4.380 5.690 n.a. n.a. Emerging Markets ** n.a. n.a. n.a. mortgage REIT
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT Newmark (“Newmark”), on behalf of DC Franklin Lender LLC, as assignee of G4 18228,
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
Return LLC (the “Secured Party”) will offer for sale at public auction (“Sale”) 100% of the limited liability company membership
interests (the “Interests”) held by Bahram Benaresh (the “Pledgor”) in Franklin 175 LLC, a New York limited liability
TAX EFFICIENCY company (the “Pledged Entity”) as set forth in that certain Ownership Interests Pledge and Security Agreement dated
April 13, 2022 (the “Pledge Agreement”), together with certain rights and property representing, relating to, or arising
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields REAL ESTATE SECURED from the Interests (collectively, the “Collateral”).
The Sale will take place on December 10, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time in compliance with New York Uniform
GROWTH / INCOME Commercial Code Section 9-610 (i) in person at the offices of Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP, 1407 Broadway, 39th Floor
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in New York, NY 10018 and (ii) virtually via online video conference. The URL address and password for the online video
SEEKING RIA’S & conference will be provided to all registered participants.
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
ACCREDITED INVESTORS The Sale is being made in connection with the foreclosure on a pledge of the Collateral to the Secured Party by
Pledgor under the Pledge Agreement, pursuant to which Pledgor has granted to Secured Party a first priority lien on the
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points Collateral as collateral for the loan in the original principal amount of $11,200,000.00 (the “Loan”) from Secured Party
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago to Pledged Entity. The Loan was made pursuant to (a) that certain Consolidated, Amended and Restated Mortgage,
4.125 U.S. 2 4.342 s l 4.253 3.940 5.060 Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement covering the premises located at 175 Franklin Street, New
ALLIANCE MORTGAGE FUND York, New York 10013 (the “Property”), (b) an Amended and Restated Secured Promissory Note and (c) Conditional
4.250 10 4.430 s l 4.307 4.072 4.627 120 Vantis Dr., Ste. 515 • Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Guaranty executed by Pledgor in favor of Secured Party, each dated as of April 13, 2022 (together with the Pledge Agreement and any other documents executed attendant to the Loan, the “Loan Documents”). It is the understanding of
0.500 Australia 2 4.114 s l 4.110 3.843 4.306 -23.5 -15.4 -72.7 RE Broker • CA DRE • 02066955 Broker License ID
Secured Party (but without representation or warranty of any kind by Secured Party as to the accuracy of the following)
that the Loan is in default.
3.500 10 4.573 t l 4.589 4.214 4.635 13.9 27.9 1.3 Based upon information provided by Pledgor, it is the understanding of Secured Party (but without representation or
warranty of any kind by Secured Party as to the accuracy of the following) that (i) Pledgor owns the Interests, (ii) the
2.500 France 2 2.366 s l 2.358 2.459 3.404 -198.3 -190.6 -162.9 Farmland FSBO 1,034.34 acres Interests constitute an asset of the Pledgor, (iii) the Pledged Entity is the owner of the Property, (iv) the principal assets
of the Pledged Entity are the Property and certain related rights, and (v) the Property is encumbered by a mortgage lien
3.000 10 3.126 s l 3.079 3.053 3.297 -130.8 -123.1 -132.5 outside of Winnsboro, Louisiana. granted by the Pledged Entity as further security for the Loan.
Fully irrigated and leveled, comes with a An online datasite for the Sale (the “Datasite”) is available at the following link:
2.000 Germany 2 2.154 s l 2.140 2.234 3.068 -219.5 -212.5 -196.5 great farm lease with a yearly The Datasite will include certain relevant information that Secured Party possesses concerning the Pledgor, the Pledged
cash income of $227,554.80 dollars. Entity, the Property, the Loan (collectively, the “Disclosed Materials”) as well as the Terms of Sale for Public Auction
2.600 10 2.368 s l 2.328 2.267 2.719 -206.6 -198.2 -190.3 relating to the Sale of the Collateral (the “Terms of Sale”). Access to such information will be conditioned upon execution
For more info call owner at 870-622-7644. of a confidentiality agreement which can be found on the Datasite. To participate in the auction, prospective bidders
3.100 Italy 2 2.682 s l 2.681 2.748 3.780 -166.8 -158.3 -125.3 Farmland is a great diversified investment. must confirm their ability to satisfy the Requirements in the manner described in the Terms of Sale, and following such
confirmation, such qualified participants will be provided a URL and password enabling access to the video conference
3.850 10 3.632 s l 3.591 3.561 4.567 -80.2 -71.9 -5.6 Asking $6,568,059 for the Sale. No information provided, whether in the Datasite or otherwise, shall constitute a representation or
warranty of any kind with respect to such information, the Collateral or the Sale. Participants are encouraged to review
0.500 Japan 2 0.503 s l 0.498 0.415 0.113 -384.6 -376.6 -492.0 all Disclosed Materials and perform such due diligence as they deem necessary in advance of the Sale.
0.900 10 1.009 s l 1.001 0.952 0.857 -342.5 -330.9 -376.5 The Interests will be offered in a single lot. The Interests are being sold strictly on an “AS IS AND WHERE IS”
4.125 U.K. 2 4.526 s l 4.417 4.174 4.676 17.7 15.3 -35.7 Earn 25% Commission PERSON ACTING FOR OR ON BEHALF OF THE SECURED PARTY). Without limiting the foregoing, any purchaser must
purchase the Interests subject to the terms of the Relevant Documents (defined in the Terms of Sale) and the governing
4.250 10 4.511 s 4.427 4.207 4.332 11.7 -29.0 documents of the Pledged Entity (including its operating agreement).
l 7.7 Help Raise funds for a respected charity and There are specific requirements for any potential bidder in connection with obtaining information, bidding on the
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb FTSE U.S. Treasury Close earn 25% commission on donations. Make a Collateral and purchasing the Collateral (collectively, the “Requirements”), including without limitation complying with:
(1) the Pledged Entity’s governing documents, and (2) the Terms of Sale.
difference while earning extra income! The Secured Party reserves the right to require a showing of financial ability from prospective bidders prior to the date
Corporate Debt of the Sale. If a prospective bidder is a special purpose entity or an entity with creditworthiness that is, in the Secured
Party’s reasonable judgment, insufficient to support the requirements herein, the Secured Party reserves the right to
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific 661-208-9908 require additional credit support in the form of a guaranty by a creditworthy affiliate of such prospective bidder or other
appropriate credit support.
expectations The Collateral includes unregistered securities under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”),
and Secured Party reserves the right to restrict participation in the Sale to prospective bidders that represent that the
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most… Collateral will not be sold, assigned, pledged, disposed of, hypothecated or otherwise transferred without the prior
Spread*, in basis points registration in accordance with the Securities Act and the securities laws of all other applicable jurisdictions, unless an
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week exemption from such registration is available.
Secured Party may, prior to the Sale described herein, assign all of its right, title and interest in and to the Loan to
Eni USA … 7.300 4.50 Nov. 15, ’27 23 –48 n.a. an affiliate, and in the case of such assignment the assignee shall be considered the “Secured Party” for all purposes
hereunder. Secured Party reserves the right to credit bid, set a minimum reserve price, reject all bids and terminate
Royal Bank of Canada RY 3.625 4.51 May 4, ’27 23 –12 43 or adjourn the sale to another time. Interested bidders must complete a bidder registration form and satisfy other
qualifying conditions (as more fully set forth in the Terms of Sale) by no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on December
Marathon Oil MRO 6.800 5.06 March 15, ’32 67 –11 n.a. 5, 2024. All bids (other than credit bids of Secured Party) must be for cash with no financing conditions and the
–7 successful bidder must deliver immediately available good funds (1) for the Required Deposit (as defined in the Terms
American Honda Finance … 4.400 4.81 Sept. 5, ’29 49 64 of Sale) on the date of the Sale, and (2) for the balance of the purchase price for the Collateral on the closing date
prescribed by the Terms of Sale. The winning bidder must pay all transfer taxes, recording fees, stamp duties and similar
Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij … 2.150 4.62 March 11, ’31 26 –7 31 taxes as may be required to be paid under applicable law in connection with the purchase of the Collateral.
Shell International Finance* … 6.375 5.17 Dec. 15, ’38 81 –5 96 ADVERTISE TODAY Questions may be directed to Brock Cannon at +1 646-315-4785 or
Historic TW … 8.300 7.57 Jan. 15, ’36 319 –5 n.a.
Baltimore Gas and Electric … 6.350 5.28 Oct. 1, ’36 85 –4 n.a.
Deregulation Hopes Give
Crypto’s ETF Push a Lift
The Gaze of Stock Investors 4.6
The Journal Collection is a marketing product, which is separate from The Wall Street Journal news staff. ©2024 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
B12 | Wednesday, November 13, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Defense Stocks
Are Asia’s
What the NFL Draft Can Teach Live Nation Pins Hopes
Investors About Big Pharma On Friendlier Regulation
Few would think professional
sports leagues and the drug-devel- Lots of companies and indus- ter demand overwhelmed the
opment industry have much in com- tries are expecting a friendlier Ticketmaster system.
mon. When it comes to building up regulatory environment under the Donald Trump’s victory in last
a pipeline, though, there is a strik- new Trump administration. Live week’s election raised hopes that
ing similarity with valuable insights Nation Entertainment might the new administration will be
for executives on the prowl for have the most riding on it. more apt to deal.
deals. The parent company of Ticket- In Live Nation’s earnings call
On Monday, shares of AbbVie, master saw its shares rise nearly Monday night, Chief Financial Of-
the maker of arthritis drug Humira, 5% on Tuesday after reporting ficer Joe Berchtold stressed that
plunged 13%, the most in five years, better-than-expected revenue and it is still early in the transition
after its schizophrenia drug failed in operating earnings for the third process.
a pair of studies. The news sent quarter. The company pointed to “But absolutely we are hopeful
Bristol-Myers Squibb, which re- a strong pipeline of big concerts that we’ll see a return to the
cently won approval for a rival for next year—countering con- more traditional antitrust ap-
schizophrenia treatment, surging cerns that the post-Covid burst proach where the agencies have
10.5%. seen last year created a peak that generally tried to find ways to
By big pharma standards, these would be hard to match going solve problems they see with tar-
were massive moves that in one fell forward. Wall Street expects Live geted remedies, that minimize
swoop crowned Bristol-Myers the Nation’s total reve- government inter-
runaway leader in a nascent field of AbbVie shares plunged after its schizophrenia drug failed in a pair of studies. nue to rise only 4% vention in the mar-
antipsychotics targeting the musca- this year but pick up ketplace,” Berchtold
rinic pathway. Seen one way, it was Share-price performance In a widely cited paper, econo- to 13% growth next There’s hope of said.
an epic failure for AbbVie. The drug mists Cade Massey and Richard year, according to Many analysts
was the crown jewel of its $8.7 bil-
Thaler showed that sports teams FactSet estimates. ‘a return to the agree. “We believe
lion purchase of Cerevel, an invest- Bristol-Myers Squibb tended to overvalue higher-round But the more more traditional the new Republican
ment that Wall Street now seems to draft picks. Every team wants to pressing matter at administration will
consider lost given the more than
pick the buzzy prospects that are hand is the federal antitrust take a fresh look at
$35 billion that was wiped off the
pharma company’s market value. In
expected to get selected early, but
their analysis showed that the mar-
government’s con-
tinuing effort to
approach.’ the DOJ suit, with a
higher likelihood of
any other industry, a multibillion- ket tends to place too high a value break the company settling and extend-
dollar bet with potentially no return on those picks. They were on aver- up. The Justice De- ing the consent de-
would be seen as a disaster for –5 age overpaid relative to their even- partment sued Live Nation this cree,” wrote Jed Kelly of Oppen-
management, causing executives to tual NFL performance, while lower year, accusing the company of an- heimer.
become gun-shy in terms of deal- picks tended to be better bargains. ticompetitive behavior in how it Curry Baker of Guggenheim
making. –10 In the world of drugs, big pharma runs its ticketing business with said in his note to clients that
But Jared Holz, a health strate- companies naturally also want the its concert promotion arm that “we believe there is the chance of
gist at Mizuho, suggests the analogy AbbVie best possible assets. But executives owns many large venues. Wall a rational settlement being
to sports drafts is helpful in temper- –15 have to weigh the chances of failure Street analysts thought a full reached under new DOJ leader-
ing both pessimism for AbbVie and, against the expectations already breakup was unlikely, but the un- ship,” while Peter Supino of Wolfe
Nov. 6 7 8 11 12
by extension, enthusiasm for Bris- priced into the stock. An early draft certainty cast a further pall on Research in his report said that
tol. Source: FactSet pick still has much higher odds of Live Nation’s stock that was suf- the risk of a break-up “should be
Big pharma companies, whose making a contribution to the team fering from Covid-era concert lower under a Trump administra-
blockbuster drugs eventually face a certain element of luck. The key, compared with a late one. Likewise, shutdowns and an embarrassing tion.”
generic competition, are unique in says Holz, is being prepared for bets a drug in midstage clinical trials debacle in late 2022, when Taylor Live Nation’s stock is now up
the business world in having to con- to fail. with some promising early data Swift had to cancel ticket sales to 10% since last week’s election.
stantly acquire biotech companies “Every year the Giants have such as the one AbbVie bet on has her then upcoming Eras tour af- —Dan Gallagher
to replenish their drug pipelines. In seven picks, and maybe one of those far better chances of reaching mar-
addition to in-house research and guys winds up being good. The ket than one in preclinical trials. Share-price and index performance, past three years
development, they simply can’t af- other six you never hear from There is no shame in AbbVie get-
Taylor Swift WSJ reports
ford to stop doing deals year after again,” says Holz. “But the fan bases ting it wrong. The difference is that %0% cancels ticket sale DOJ will sue
year. Due to the binary nature of are usually forgiving because a year a mistake at this stage hurts a lot
clinical trials, some of those bets later you get to do it again. You more. Holding out for even more 20
turn into blockbusters while others have to keep going.” certainty—the equivalent of going to
fail miserably. The last thing any management the free agent market—ups the 10
It is a game of probabilities that team should do is take their foot off price: Bristol spent $14 billion for a
S&P 500
mirrors the draft-picking process in the pedal—but that doesn’t mean company with a similar drug that 0
sports leagues like the National there aren’t lessons to be learned. had already made it through clinical
Football League and the National Given the uncertainty of draft picks testing. –10
Basketball Association. Every year and biotech investments, leadership But as in sports, big pharma
teams have an opportunity to build teams have to balance two key ele- bosses should be careful not to let –20
up their pipelines of new talent as ments: price and probability of suc- buzz influence their decision about
Live Nation
older players retire or get traded. In cess. The higher the price, the more what is worth investing in. Some- –%0
both C-suites and front offices, ex- certainty a sports team or a pharma times, an earlier-stage drug that
ecutives do their best to predict— executive should demand of the isn’t yet hyped up holds more value. –40
based on data and management’s choice they are making. At a lower After all, superstar Tom Brady was
2022 ’2% ’24
gut instincts—what is going to be price point, less certainty is accept- famously the 199th pick in the 2000
successful in the future. But there is able. draft. —David Wainer Source: FactSet