Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Act CH 49.02

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49 of 1979
Amended by
36 of 1985
*26 of 1987
11 of 1990
**6 of 1991
28 of 1993
*See Note on page 2

**See Note on page 2

Current Authorised Pages

Pages Authorised
(inclusive) by L.R.O.
1– 48 ..

L.R.O. 1/1983

2 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Index of Subsidiary Legislation

Designation of Airports Notification (69/1978) … … … … 31
†Airports (Restricted Areas) Order (82/1978) … … … … 34
Airports Regulations (56/1987) … … … … … 36

*Note on Act No. 26 of 1987

(New Title and Validation)
The former title of this Act (i.e., the Airports Authority) was changed to its present title (i.e.,
the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Act) by Act No. 26 of 1987, and all acts and
things done, purported to be done or omitted to be done by any person under or in pursuance
of the powers conferred by the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Act were validated
by the said Act No. 26 of 1987.

**Note on Act No. 6 of 1991

(re section 15(f) of this Act)
Section 3 of Act No. 6 of 1991 provides as follows:
“Retention of 3. Notwithstanding that an Order has not been made under section 15(f)
taxes. of the Act, the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, in its capacity as a
Ch. 77:01. Tax Authority under the Miscellaneous Taxes Act, is allowed to retain—
(a) the sum of 8.7 million dollars for the year commencing
1st January
, 1990; and
(b) the sum of 7.472 million dollars for the year commencing
1st January
, 1991,
and sums not exceeding those respective amounts that have been so retained
for those years are deemed to have been validly retained and no legal proceedings
or other action of any kind shall be entertained in respect of or in consequence
of such retention.”.

†Note on Legal Notice No. 82/1978

Airports (Protected Areas) Order deemed to be made under section 31
Section 31 of the Act has been repealed and replaced by a new section 31 (see Act No. 28
of 1993) which empowered the Minister to make an Order declaring a part of an airport
to be a “restricted area”. In accordance with the new section 31, this Order has been
amended accordingly.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 3




1. Short title.


2. Interpretation.



3. Establishment, incorporation, and constitution of Authority.
4. Establishment and constitution of Security Committee.
5. Functions of the Security Committee.
6. Custody and use of Seal.
7. Meetings.
8. Power to appoint and train.
9. Transfer and secondment of officers.
9A. Transfer of staff to joint venture or other.
10. Establishment of Pension Scheme.
11. Content of the Pension Scheme.
12. Functions of the Authority.
12A. Powers of the Authority.
13. Power to delegate.


14. Financial year.
15. Funds and resources of the Authority.
16. Vesting.


4 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago



17. Borrowing powers.

18. (Repealed by Act No. 28 of 1993).
19. Accounts and records of the Authority.
20. Examination and audit by Auditor General.
21. Annual report.
22. Budget.
23. Bad debts.


24. Destroying, damaging or endangering safety of aircraft.
25. Other acts endangering or likely to endanger safety of aircraft.
26. Inducing or assisting commission of offences under sections 24 and 25.
27. Penalties and proceedings.
28. Extradition.



29. Police Service responsible for airport security.
30. Right of access of police officer.
31. Declaration of restricted areas.
32. Provisions relating to restricted areas.
33. Taking firearms, explosives, etc., on aircraft.
34. Search of persons, baggage and cargo.
35. Search of persons declining to allow search.
36. Evidence of offences.
37. General powers of arrest.
38. Inspection of aircraft and airports.
39. Additional powers of police in cargo area.
40. Powers conferred on police.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 5


41. Offences and penalties.

42. Purposes to which Part V applies.


43. Regulations.


6 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago




49 of 1979. An Act to provide for the establishment, incorporation and

management of an Airports Authority of Trinidad and
Tobago, so as to ensure the provision of efficient, secure
and safe aviation services.

Commencement. [4TH FEBRUARY 1980]


Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Airports Authority of Trinidad
[26 of 1987].
and Tobago Act.


Interpretation. 2. (1) In this Act—
[28 of 1993].
“aircraft operating in Trinidad and Tobago” means any aircraft
which is for the time being allocated for use on flights that
(otherwise than in exceptional circumstances) include take
off from or landing at an airport in Trinidad and Tobago;
“air navigation installation” means any building, facility, works,
apparatus or equipment or place used wholly or mainly for
the purpose of assisting air traffic control or as an aid to air
navigation together with land contiguous or adjacent to such
building, facility, works, apparatus or equipment and used
wholly or mainly for purposes connected therewith;
“airport” means any defined area of land or water intended or
designated to be used either wholly or partly for purposes
of the landing, departure, movement and servicing of
aircraft; and includes any buildings, installations and
equipment on or adjacent to such area and used for such
or related purposes;
“Authority” means the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
established under section 3;

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 7

“ammunition” has the meaning assigned to it by section 2 of the

Firearms Act, and includes anything declared by Order of Ch. 16:01.

the Minister to be ammunition ;

“Defence Force” means the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force
established by section 5 of the Defence Act; Ch. 14:01.

“explosive” has the meaning assigned to it by section 2 of the

Explosives Act and includes anything declared by Order of Ch. 16:02.

the Minister to be an explosive;

“firearm” has the meaning assigned to it by section 2 of the
Firearms Act, and includes anything declared by Order of
the Minister to be a firearm;
“former Authority” means the Airports Authority of Trinidad
and Tobago established under section 22 of the Aviation 4 of 1978.

Security and Airports Management Act 1978 (repealed

by this Act);
“military service” includes a naval or airforce service;
“Minister” means, subject to section 3(1), the Minister responsible
for Civil Aviation;
“operator” in relation to an aircraft means the person for the time
being having the management of an aircraft;
“person” includes an individual, an incorporated and
unincorporated body;
“police officer” has the meaning assigned to it by section 3(2) of
the Police Service Act and includes— Ch. 15:01.

(a) a member of the Special Reserve Police

established by the Special Reserve Police Act; and Ch. 15:03.

(b) any person to whom a precept has been issued

under the Supplemental Police Act; Ch. 15:02.

“property” includes land, building installations or works, any

aircraft or vehicle and any baggage, cargo or other article of
any description;
“restricted area” means an area declared by the Minister, by Order,
under section 31 to be a restricted area.


8 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

(2) For the purposes of this Act—

(a) the period during which an aircraft is in flight is
deemed to include—
(i) any period from the moment when all its
external doors are closed following
embarkation until the moment when any of
such doors is opened for disembarkation; and
(ii) in the case of a forced landing, the period
that elapses between such landing and the
assumption by the competent authorities of
responsibility for the aircraft and for the
persons and property on board; and
(b) the period during which an aircraft is in service
shall be deemed to include—
(i) the period which begins with the pre-flight
preparation of the aircraft by ground
personnel or by the aircraft’s crew for a
flight and ends eight hours after the aircraft
lands having completed that flight; and
(ii) the period during which the aircraft is in flight,
and anything done on board an aircraft while in flight over any
part of Trinidad and Tobago shall be treated as having been done
in Trinidad and Tobago.
(3) For the purposes of this Act the territorial sea adjacent
to any part of Trinidad and Tobago is to be treated as included in
that part of Trinidad and Tobago.
Ch. 3:01. (4) Subject to section 62 of the Interpretation Act, sections
24 to 26 inclusive of this Act are not to be construed as—
(a) conferring a right of action in any civil
proceedings in respect of any contravention of
this Act; or
(b) derogating from any right of action whether civil or
criminal or other remedy arising out of proceedings
instituted otherwise than under this Act.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 9



3. (1) There is hereby established a body corporate to be Establishment,
known as the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago consisting and constitution
of Authority.
of the following members appointed by the President:
(a) a Chairman;
(b) not less than two and not more than three persons
appointed on the advice of the Minister;
(c) a person appointed on the advice of the member
of the Cabinet responsible for National Security;
(d) the Commissioner of Police;
(e) the Director of Civil Aviation;
(f) the Comptroller of Customs and Excise;
(g) the Chief Immigration Officer; and
(h) a Medical Officer appointed by the Minister
of Health.
(2) A member of the Authority other than an ex officio
member shall hold office for such period as is specified in his
instrument of appointment and shall be eligible for reappointment.
(3) The Authority at its first meeting shall select from among
its members, other than ex officio members a Deputy Chairman
whose name shall be submitted to the Minister for his approval.
(4) A member of the Authority may at any time resign his
office by instrument in writing addressed to the Chairman who
shall forthwith cause it to be forwarded to the Minister; and the
Chairman may resign his office by instrument in writing addressed
to the Minister.
(5) The names of the members comprising the Authority
as constituted under this Act and every change in the membership
thereof shall be published in the Gazette.
(6) For the purposes of this Part ex officio members mean
the public officers referred to in section 3(1)(d) to (h).


10 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

and constitution 4. There is hereby established a Security Committee which
of Security
shall consist of the following members:
(a) a Chairman to be appointed by the Chairman of
the National Security Council;
(b) the Chairman of the Authority;
(c) the Chief of Defence Staff;
(d) the Commanding Officer of the Regiment;
(e) the Commissioner of Police;
(f) the Chief Fire Officer; and
(g) a senior officer appointed by the Chairman of the
National Security Council.
Functions of the
5. (1) The Security Committee is responsible for the
Committee. maintenance of security at all airports.
(2) The Security Committee is accountable directly to the
Prime Minister and in his absence to the Minister responsible for
National Security.

Custody and use 6. (1) The Seal of the Authority shall be kept in the custody
of Seal.
of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman or the Secretary, as the
Authority may determine, and may be affixed to instruments in
the presence of the Chairman, or in his absence the Deputy
Chairman, and of the Secretary, pursuant to its Standing Orders or
to a resolution by the Authority.
(2) The Seal of the Authority shall be attested by the
signatures of the Chairman, or in his absence the Deputy Chairman,
and the Secretary.
(3) All documents, other than those required by law to be
under seal, made by, and all decisions of, the Authority may be
signified under the hand of the Chairman or in his absence the
Deputy Chairman or the Secretary.
(4) Service upon the Authority of any notice, order or
other document shall be effected by delivering the same, or by
sending it by registered post addressed to the Secretary, at the office
of the Authority.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 11

7. (1) The Authority shall meet at least once in each month Meetings.

and at such other times, and at such place, as may be necessary for
the efficient performance of its functions.
(2) The Chairman may at any time call a special meeting
of the Authority and shall call such a meeting within seven days of
the receipt of a requisition for that purpose addressed to him and
signed by any three members.
(3) The Chairman, or in his absence the Deputy Chairman,
shall preside at all meetings of the Authority and where both the
Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are for any reason unable to
preside at a meeting, the members present may appoint a member
other than an ex officio member to preside at that meeting.
(4) The quorum of the Authority shall consist of five
members including at least one member who is not an
ex officio member.
(5) Decisions of the Authority shall be adopted by a
majority of the votes and in a case in which the voting is equal, the
person presiding at the meeting shall in addition to his original
vote have a casting vote.
(6) Subject to this section, the Authority may by Standing
Orders regulate its own proceedings.

8. (1) The Authority may appoint, at such remuneration Power to

appoint and
and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, a General train.
[28 of 1993].
Manager, a Secretary and such other officers and employees as
it considers necessary or appropriate for the efficient
performance of its functions.
(2) An annual salary in a sum equal to or in excess of one
hundred and thirty thousand dollars, shall not be assigned to any
post in the Authority without the approval of the Minister.
(3) The Authority may provide out of its funds and make
such arrangements for the training of any of its officers or
employees as it may consider expedient for the efficient conduct
of its business.


12 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Transfer and
secondment of
9. (1) An officer in the public service may, with the approval
officers. of the Minister, be transferred to the service of the Authority, and
upon such transfer shall become a member of the Pension Scheme
referred to in section 10, and, where such officer’s transfer becomes
effective before the establishment of such Scheme, he shall become
a member of the Scheme within one year of its establishment; and
an officer in the service of the Authority may be transferred to the
public service.
(2) A transfer described in subsection (1) shall be on such
terms as may be acceptable to the President, the Authority and the
officer concerned and the pension or superannuation rights accruing
to the officer at the time of his transfer shall be preserved.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), the Minister may, with the
approval of the appropriate Service Commission, the Authority
and the officer concerned, make appropriate arrangements for the
transfer on secondment of any officer in the public service to the
Authority or from the service of the Authority to the public service.
(4) Where a transfer on secondment contemplated by
subsection (3) is effected, the President or the Authority, as the
case may require, shall make such arrangements as may be
necessary to preserve the rights of the officer so transferred to any
pension, gratuity, or other allowance for which he would have been
eligible had he remained in the public service or in the service of
the Authority, as the case may be.
Transfer of staff
to joint venture
9A. (1) Where in accordance with this Act, the Authority holds
or other. shares in any company, or enters into agreement with a company
[28 of 1993].
for the execution of any part of its functions, the Authority may
invite any of its officers or employees to transfer voluntarily to
such a company, on terms and conditions that are no less favourable
than those that the officer or employee enjoyed with the Authority.
(2) An officer or employee to whom subsection (1)
applies, shall be deemed to have transferred his services to the
company voluntarily, unless within three months of the invitation
to do so, he gives notice in writing of his intention not to transfer
from the service of the Authority.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 13

(3) Where an officer or employee has transferred

voluntarily or is deemed to have transferred voluntarily under
subsection (2), service with the Authority shall so far as any
agreement between it and the company allows, be treated as
service under the new company for the purposes of determining
his right to, or eligibility for pension, gratuity, leave, severance
or other benefits.
(4) Where the service of an officer or employee with
the Authority cannot be treated as continuous for the purpose
of subsection (3), the net benefits due and owing to the officer
or employee at the time of deployment shall be paid to him by
the Authority.

10. The Authority shall, within a period of three years of the Establishment
of Pension
commencement of this Act, with the approval of the Minister, Scheme.
provide for and establish a Pension Scheme for the benefit of its
officers and employees.

11. Without prejudice to the generality of section 10, the Content of the
Pension Scheme may enable the Authority to— Scheme.
(a) grant gratuities, pensions or superannuation
allowances to, or to the widows, families or
dependants of, its officers and employees;
(b) establish contributory superannuation schemes,
and establish and contribute to superannuation
funds for the benefit of its officers and employees;
(c) enter into and carry into effect agreements with
any insurance company or other association or
company for securing to any such officer or
employee, or his widow, family or dependant such
gratuities, pensions or allowances as are by this
section authorised to be granted;
(d) give donations or subscriptions to charitable
institutions, sick funds, benevolent funds and
other objects calculated to benefit its officers
and employees.


14 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Functions of the
12. (1) The main function of the Authority is to develop and
[28 of 1993]. manage the business of the airports, including the development,
maintenance or improvement of their facilities in a cost effective
manner, so as to ensure the availability of efficient, secure and
safe aviation services to the public at all times as well as to ensure
commercial viability.
(2) Notwithstanding section 13, the Authority may with
the approval of the Minister, and for the purpose of facilitating the
proper discharge of its functions, enter into contract with any
person, hold shares in any company or form a joint venture
company, save however, that with respect to—
(a) safety and security at airports; or
(b) supervision and administration of passenger
terminal buildings,
the Authority shall be a majority shareholder in such company, or
joint venture company undertaking those functions, and the financial
statements of such companies shall be audited by the Auditor General
or by a qualified auditor appointed by the Auditor General.
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the Authority
may, with the approval of the Minister—
(a) engage in any other business, or hold shares in
any company undertaking any other business,
where in either case the business is situated on
land that is in the possession of the Authority or
is related to the functions of the Authority;
(b) invest in marketable securities and such other
investment as may be in the best interest of
the Authority or is related to the functions of
the Authority,
and may also—
(c) sell any related professional Services to any
person in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere;
(d) establish or operate at its option an efficient bus
service, or where feasible, grant a contract for the
operation of a bus service to and from an airport;

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 15

(e) carry on all other activities the carrying on of

which appear to it to be requisite, advantageous
or convenient for or in connection with the
discharge of its function.
(4) Where in pursuance of this section, the Authority is
required to appoint directors in a company in which it holds shares,
the directors shall be appointed by the Authority with the approval
of the Minister.

12A. (1) For the purpose of performing its functions under this Powers of the
Act, the Authority— [28 of 1993].

(a) may impose as it thinks fit, dues, charges and fees

for the use of airport facilities; and
(b) shall, notwithstanding section 108 of the Motor Ch. 48:50.

Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, be responsible for

the control of traffic on all roads within any area
defined as an airport under this Act.
(2) In the performance of its functions and in the exercise
of its powers, the Authority shall be guided by any general policy
directions set out by the Minister.

13. (1) The Authority may delegate to any of its members Power to
or employees the power and authority to carry out on its behalf
such functions and to exercise such powers as the Authority
may determine.
(2) A delegation under this section shall be revocable at
will and shall not preclude the Authority from carrying out the
functions and exercising the powers so delegated.


14. The financial year of the Authority is from the 1st day of Financial year.

January to the 31st day of December.


16 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Funds and 15. The funds and resources of the Authority are—
resources of the
Authority. (a) such sums of money as may from time to time
[11 of 1990].
be appropriated by Parliament for the use of
the Authority;
(b) sums from time to time received by or falling due
to the Authority in respect of repayment of any
loan made by the Authority;
(c) investments made by the Authority and the
income accruing therefrom;
(d) sums borrowed by the Authority for the purpose
of meeting any of its obligations or discharging
any of its functions;
(e) dues, charges and fees collectable by the
Authority in accordance with this Act and the
Regulations; and
**(f) such sums as the Minister with responsibility for
finance may by Order, subject to affirmative
resolution of Parliament, allow the Authority in
its capacity as a Tax Authority under the
Ch. 77:01. Miscellaneous Taxes Act, to retain; and
(g) all other property to which the Authority may
become entitled.
Vesting. 16. (1) Upon the commencement of this Act all the rights,
privileges and advantages, and all the liabilities and obligations that
immediately before the commencement of this Act the former
Authority, was entitled or subject to, are transferred to, and conferred
or imposed upon the Authority for the purposes of this Act.
(2) A reference in any deed, contract, bond or security or
other document to the former Authority shall, upon the commencement
of this Act, be construed as a reference to the Authority.
(3) Legal proceedings pending immediately before the
commencement of this Act by or against the former Authority may
be continued on and after that day by or against the Authority as
the party to the proceedings instead of the former Authority.

**See Note on Act No. 6 of 1991 at page 2.


Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 17

17. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may borrow Borrowing
money required by it for the efficient exercise of its functions and
for meeting its obligations.
(2) Borrowing may be effected only with the approval of
the Minister as to the amount, the sources of borrowing and the
terms and conditions of the loan.
(3) Approval of the Minister under subsection (2) may
be either general or limited to a particular transaction and may be
either unconditional or subject to conditions.

18. (Repealed by Act No. 28 of 1993).

19. (1) The Authority shall cause to be kept proper accounts Accounts and
records of the
and records of its transactions and affairs and shall ensure that all Authority.
payments out of its funds are properly authorised and correctly
made and that adequate control is maintained over the incurring
of expenditure.
(2) Accounts of the Authority shall be kept in accordance
with accounting standards established by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Trinidad and Tobago.

20. (1) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited annually Examination
and audit by
by the Auditor General, or by a qualified auditor, appointed by the Auditor
Auditor General. [28 of 1993].

(2) In addition to the annual audit, the Auditor General

may at any time audit the accounts and examine the records of
financial transactions of the Authority and shall forthwith draw to
the attention of the Minister any irregularity disclosed by such
audit and examination, which, in the opinion of the Auditor General,
is of sufficient importance to be reported to the Minister.
(3) The Authority shall provide the Auditor General or
other qualified auditor with all necessary and appropriate facilities
for the examination of the accounts and records.
(4) The Auditor General or such other qualified auditor
may make copies of or take extracts from accounts, books or other
financial records of the Authority.


18 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Annual report. 21. (1) The Authority shall, not later than the 30th day of June
in each year submit to the Minister a report of its operations during
the previous financial year, together with financial statements in
respect of that year and the Auditor General’s report on
those statements.
(2) The report shall give particulars of any directions
of the Minister given to the Board with respect to the exercise
of its functions.
(3) Before submitting the financial statements to the
Minister, the Authority shall submit them to the Auditor General
who shall report thereon, indicating—
(a) whether the statements are based on proper
accounts and records;
(b) whether the statements are in agreement with such
accounts and records and fairly show the financial
transactions and state of affairs of the Authority;
(c) whether the receipt, expenditure and investment
of moneys, and the acquisition and disposal of
assets, by the Authority during the year have been
in accordance with this Act; and
(d) any other matters arising out of the financial
statements as, in his opinion, ought to be reported
to the Minister.
(4) As soon as practicable after the report and financial
statements of the Authority, together with the report of the Auditor
General are received by him, the Minister shall cause them to be
laid before the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Budget. 22. (1) The Authority shall, not later than the first day of July
in each year, prepare and submit to the Minister the estimates of
revenue and expenditure of the Authority for the next financial year.
(2) Estimates shall be prepared in such form as the
Minister may direct.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 19

23. The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, write Bad debts.

off bad debts.



24. (1) Subject to subsection (4), it is an offence for any Destroying,
damaging or
person unlawfully and intentionally— endangering
safety of
(a) to destroy an aircraft in service or so to damage aircraft.
such aircraft as to render it incapable of flight or
as to be likely to endanger its safety in flight; or
(b) to commit on board an aircraft in flight any act
of violence which is likely to endanger the safety
of the aircraft.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), it is an offence for any
person unlawfully and intentionally to place, or cause to be placed,
on an aircraft in service any device or substance that is likely to
destroy the aircraft, or is likely so to damage it as to render it
incapable of flight or as to be likely to endanger its safety in flight.
(3) Except as provided by subsection (4), subsections (1)
and (2) apply whether any such act as is therein mentioned is
committed in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere, whatever the
nationality of the person committing the act and whatever the State
in which the aircraft is registered.
(4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to an act
committed in relation to an aircraft used in military, Customs or
police service unless—
(a) the act is committed in Trinidad and Tobago; or
(b) where the act is committed outside Trinidad and
Tobago, the person committing it is a citizen of
Trinidad and Tobago.
(5) In this Part “unlawfully” means contrary to the law
of Trinidad and Tobago whether or not the act was committed in
Trinidad and Tobago.
(6) In this section “act of violence” means—
(a) an act done in Trinidad and Tobago that
constitutes the offence of murder, manslaughter,


20 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

culpable homicide or assault or an offence under

section 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, or 23 of the
Ch. 11:08. Offences Against the Person Act;
(b) an act done outside Trinidad and Tobago which,
if done in Trinidad and Tobago, would constitute
one of the offences referred to in paragraph (a).
Other acts
endangering or
25. (1) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), it is an offence for
likely to any person unlawfully and intentionally to destroy or damage
endanger safety
of aircraft. property to which this subsection applies, or to interfere with the
operation of such property, where the destruction, damage or
interference is likely to endanger the safety of aircraft in flight.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to property used for the
provision of air navigation facilities, including any land, building
or ship so used, and including also any apparatus or equipment so
used, whether it is on board an aircraft or elsewhere.
(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), it is an offence for
any person intentionally to communicate information which is false,
misleading or deceptive in a material particular, where the
communication of the information endangers or is likely to
endanger the safety of an aircraft in flight.
(4) It is a defence for a person charged with an offence
under subsection (3) to prove—
(a) that he believed, and had reasonable grounds for
believing, that the information was true; or
(b) that, when he communicated the information, he
was lawfully employed to perform duties which
consisted of or included the communication of
information and that he communicated the
information in good faith in the performance of
those duties.
(5) Subsections (1) and (3) do not apply to the commission
of any act unless either the act is committed in Trinidad and Tobago,
or, where it is committed outside Trinidad and Tobago—
(a) the person committing it is a person who is a
citizen of Trinidad and Tobago;
(b) the commission of the act endangers or is likely

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 21

to endanger the safety in flight of an aircraft

registered in Trinidad and Tobago or chartered
by demise to a lessee whose principal place of
business, or (if he has no place of business) whose
permanent residence, is in Trinidad and Tobago
whether or not the act is committed on board a
civil aircraft which is so registered or so chartered;
(c) the act is committed on board a civil aircraft which
lands in Trinidad and Tobago with the person who
committed the act still on board.
(6) Subsection (1) does not apply to an act committed
outside Trinidad and Tobago and so committed in relation to
property which is situated outside Trinidad and Tobago and is not
used for the provision of air navigation facilities in connection
with international air navigation, unless the person committing the
act is a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.
(7) In this section “civil aircraft” means any aircraft other
than aircraft used in military, Customs or police service.

26. (1) It is an offence for any person in Trinidad and Tobago Inducing or
to induce, or assist in the commission outside Trinidad and Tobago commission of
offences under
of any act which would— sections 24
and 25.
(a) but for section 24(4), be an offence under that
section; or
(b) but for section 25(5) or (6), be an offence under
that section.
(2) Subsection (1) has effect without prejudice to the
provisions of section 2 of the Accessories and Abettors Act in Ch. 10:02.
relation to any offence under section 24 or 25.

27. (1) A person who commits an offence under this Part is Penalties and
liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.
(2) Proceedings for an offence under this Part shall not
be instituted except by or with the consent of the Director of Public
Prosecutions; but nothing in this section shall prevent the arrest,


22 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

or the issue of a warrant for the arrest, of a person in respect of an

offence, or the remanding in custody or on bail of a person charged
with an offence.

Extradition. 28. (1) There shall be deemed to be included in the list of

[36 of 1985].
extraditable offences contained in the First Schedule to the
Ch. 12:04. Extradition (Commonwealth and Foreign Territories) Act all
offences under this Part.
(2) Where no such treaty as is mentioned in section 4
of the said Extradition (Commonwealth and Foreign Territories)
Act has been made with a State which is a party to the
Convention, such treaty shall be deemed to exist with that State;
but where that Act is so applied it shall have effect as if the
only extraditable offences within the meaning of that Act were
offences under this Part.
(3) For the purposes of the said Extradition
(Commonwealth and Foreign Territories) Act, any act, wherever
committed, which—
(a) is an offence under this Part or would be such an
offence but for section 24(4) or section 25(5) or
(6); and
(b) is an offence against the law of any State in the
case where that Act has been applied by an Order
under section 4 thereof,
shall be deemed to be an offence committed within the jurisdiction
of that State.
(4) In this section “the Convention” means the Convention
for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil
Aviation signed at Montreal on 23rd September, 1971.


Police Service 29. The prevention of the commission of offences against this
responsible for
airport security. Act, the Civil Aviation (Tokyo Convention) Act and the Hijacking
Ch. 11:21.
Ch. 11:22. Act, and the protection of persons and property from dangers arising

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 23

from the commission of such offences, is the responsibility of the

Police Service.

30. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a police officer on duty may Right of access
of police officer.
at any time, by force if necessary, enter an airport or air navigation
installation, or an aircraft, vehicle, building or place in an airport
or air navigation installation, for the purpose of performing his
functions under this Act or any other written law.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an aircraft or vehicle
not being used for commercial purposes unless the police officer
believes on reasonable grounds that there is in that vehicle or aircraft
a person or thing likely to endanger the airport or air navigation
installation or another person.

31. The Minister responsible for National Security may for Declaration of
restricted area.
the purpose of ensuring security at any airport declare by Order— [28 of 1993].

(a) on the advice of the Security Committee, any part

of an airport or air navigation installation to be a
restricted area; or
(b) an airport to be a restricted area.

32. (1) No person other than a police officer on duty may Provisions
relating to
enter or remain in a restricted area unless authorised by restricted areas.
the Authority
(2) Every person in a restricted area shall, on the request
of a police officer on duty, state his name and address, and produce
satisfactory evidence of its correctness, and of the purpose of his
presence in such area and his authority to enter it.
(3) A person who fails or refuses to give satisfactory
evidence of his name and address when requested to do so in
accordance with subsection (2) may be ordered to leave the
restricted area by a police officer.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3)
commits an offence against this section.
(5) A person who fails to comply with an order to leave a


24 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

restricted area may be removed from that area with such force as
may be reasonably necessary in the circumstances of the case, by
the police officer and any person he may call upon to assist him.
(6) A person who, except with the permission of the
Authority, uses a camera or other photographic apparatus or
material while he is in or passing through a restricted area commits
an offence against this section.
(7) A person who commits an offence against this section,
and, after being warned that he may be arrested, persists in its
commission, may be arrested without warrant by a police officer.
(8) A passenger embarking or disembarking in an airport
directly through a gateway or thoroughfare approved for that
purpose by the Authority is deemed to be authorised to pass through
any restricted area forming part of those gateways or thoroughfares.

Taking firearms, 33. A person who, without lawful authority or excuse, takes
explosives, etc.,
on aircraft. or attempts to take on board an aircraft—
(a) a firearm;
(b) any other dangerous or offensive weapon or
instrument of any kind;
(c) ammunition; or
(d) an explosive or other injurious substance or
device of any kind that could be used to endanger
the safety of the aircraft or of persons on board
the aircraft,
is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for five years.

Search of 34. (1) A police officer, a Customs officer, or an employee or

baggage and agent of the carrier authorised by the carrier for the purpose may,
cargo. with the consent of the passenger, search that passenger and his
baggage before such passenger boards an aircraft.
(2) With respect to any search made pursuant to
subsection (1)—
(a) a passenger shall not be required to remove any

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 25

article of clothing (other than a coat or similar

article), for the purpose of being searched; and
(b) except where the search is made by means of a
mechanical or electrical or electronic or other
similar device, no person shall be searched except
by another person of the same sex.
(3) An employee or agent of the carrier authorised by the
carrier for the purpose, or a police officer, may in the presence of
a passenger examine his baggage before it is loaded onto an aircraft
for the purpose of being transported by air.

35. (1) Where under section 34(1) a person has refused Search of
consent to the search of himself or his baggage and a police officer declining to
allow search.
has reasonable grounds to suspect that an offence—
(a) under the Hijacking Act; Ch. 11:22.

(b) under the Civil Aviation (Tokyo Convention) Ch. 11:21.

Act; or
(c) under this Act,
in relation to an aircraft on which that person was to be carried has
been, is being, or is likely to be committed, whether by that person
or by another person, such police officer may, without warrant,
search that person who has declined to allow himself or his baggage
to be searched, and may detain him for the purposes of that search,
and may take possession of any article referred to in section 33
found in the course of that search.
(2) The refusal of a person to allow himself or his baggage
to be searched under section 34 shall not of itself constitute grounds
for suspecting that an offence in relation to an aircraft has been, is
being, or is likely to be committed.
(3) A police officer in the exercise of the power of search
conferred by subsection (1) shall identify himself to the person to
be searched, and shall also inform him that the search is being
made under this section, and if the police officer is not in uniform
he shall also produce evidence that he is a police officer.

36. Nothing found in the course of a search or examination Evidence of

made under section 34 or 35 is admissible as evidence in criminal


26 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

proceedings against the person who, or whose baggage, has been

searched, or, as the case may be, the consignor of cargo that has
been examined, other than proceedings in respect of—
Ch. 11:21. (a) an offence under the Hijacking Act;
(b) an offence under the Civil Aviation (Tokyo
Convention) Act;
(c) an offence under this Act;
(d) a crime punishable by death, imprisonment for
life or a term of three years or more;
Ch. 16:01. (e) an offence under Part I of the Firearms Act; or
27 of 1961. (f) an offence against the Narcotic Control Ordinance.
General powers 37. (1) A police officer may without warrant arrest a person
of arrest.
within an airport where he has reasonable cause to believe that that
person has contravened a provision of this Act or the Regulations and
he does not know and cannot ascertain that person’s name and address.
(2) A police officer may arrest without warrant a person
who is in the vicinity of a restricted area if such officer has
reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has been or is being
committed by that person—
Ch. 11:22.
(a) under the Hijacking Act;
(b) under section 33 of this Act; or
Ch. 16:01. (c) under Part I of the Firearms Act.
(3) A person who, when called upon to do so by a police
officer, in good faith assists him in arresting another, is not
guilty of an offence and not liable to civil proceedings in respect
of the arrest.
Inspection of
aircraft and 38. (1) The Commissioner of Police or anyone authorised
by him in writing (in this section referred to as an “authorised
person”), shall have power, on production, if required, of his
credentials, to inspect—
(a) aircraft registered or operating in Trinidad
and Tobago while such aircraft is in Trinidad
and Tobago;

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 27

(b) restricted areas; or

(c) air navigation installations.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), an authorised person may
enter an airport, aircraft or air navigation installation for the purpose
of inspection and may take all steps as are necessary for the proper
execution of the inspection.
(3) An authorised person may not use force in exercise
of the powers vested in him by subsection (2).
(4) A person who obstructs or attempts to obstruct an
authorised person in the exercise of his powers and functions under
this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine of two
thousand dollars and to imprisonment for twelve months.

39. (1) A police officer may— Additional

powers of police
(a) stop any person who is leaving a cargo area and in cargo area.
inspect goods carried by that person;
(b) stop and search any vehicle or aircraft which is
leaving such cargo area and inspect the vehicle
and the goods carried on or in it; and
(c) detain in the cargo area—
(i) such goods for which there is not produced
a document authorising their removal from
the cargo area, signed by a person
authorised in that behalf; and
(ii) such vehicle or aircraft where there are
on or in it goods liable to detention under
this paragraph.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as
conferring a power to search a person.
(3) In this section, “cargo area” means any area in an
airport that appears to the Commissioner of Police to be used
wholly or mainly for the storage or handling of cargo and is so
designated by him.
(4) The Commissioner of Police may by Order designate
cargo areas.


28 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

conferred on 40. The powers conferred by this Act on a police officer
police. are without prejudice to any powers vested in him by any other
written law.
Offences and
41. A person who commits an offence under this Part for which
no other penalty is specifically provided is liable on summary
conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars and to imprisonment
for twelve months.

Purposes to 42. (1) The purposes to which this Part applies are the
which Part V
applies. protection against acts of violence—
(a) of aircraft, and of persons or property on
board aircraft;
(b) of airports, and of such persons or property as (in
the case of persons) are at any time present at an
airport or (in the case of property) form part of
an airport or is at any time (whether permanently
or temporarily) in the airport; and
(c) of air navigation installations that do not form
part of an airport.
(2) In this Part, “act of violence” means any act (whether
actual or potential, and whether done or to be done in Trinidad and
Tobago or elsewhere) which—
(a) being an act done in Trinidad and Tobago,
constitutes; or
(b) if done in Trinidad and Tobago would constitute,
the offence of murder, manslaughter, culpable homicide or assault,
or an offence under section 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22 or 23 of the
Ch. 11:08. Offences Against the Person Act.


[28 of 1993]. 43. (1) The Minister may make Regulations generally to give
effect to the provisions of this Act and may by such Regulations
provide for the following:
(a) minimising or preventing interference with the

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 29

use or effectiveness of apparatus used in

connection with air traffic or air navigation,
and for prohibiting or regulating the use of any
such apparatus;
(b) securing the safety, efficiency and regularity of
air traffic and the safety of aircraft and of persons
and property carried therein or likely to be
affected thereby, and for the detention of aircraft
for any purpose specified in this paragraph;
(c) regulating or controlling the use of airports by
aircraft, whether civil or otherwise, and regulating
or controlling the use of airports, and
appurtenances thereto, by the general public;
(d) preventing obstruction within an airport;
(e) regulating vehicular traffic within an airport;
(f) prohibiting waiting by taxis except in areas
appointed by the Authority, and for designating
parking places for motor vehicles;
(g) prohibiting or restricting admission to an airport;
(h) preserving order within an airport and preventing
damage to property therein;
(i) regulating or restricting advertising within an
(j) requiring a person, if so requested by a police
officer on duty at the airport, to leave the airport;
(k) regulating the issue of permits and conditions to
be observed by the holder of such permits;
(l) defining the functions of the Authority; and
(m) providing for such matters as are contemplated
by or necessary for giving full effect to the
provisions of this Act and for the
administration thereof.
(2) Regulations under this section may provide for the
imposition of penalties not exceeding a fine of two thousand dollars
and imprisonment for twelve months.


30 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

(3) Regulations under this section may confer on any

person power to issue, in such manner as may be prescribed,
instructions or orders for the purpose of ensuring the safety
of aircraft.
(4) Regulations made under this section shall be subject
to negative resolution of Parliament.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 31



*deemed to be made under section 2

1. This Notification may be cited as the Designation of Citation.

Airports Notification.

2. In this Notification “the Authority” means the Airports Interpretation.

Authority of Trinidad and Tobago established under section 3 of

the Act.

3. The Piarco International Airport as described in the First Designation of

Schedule and the Crown Point Airport as described in the Second International
and Crown
Schedule are hereby designated as airports under the management Point Airports.
and control of the Authority.

Commencing at the 2.14 mile point on the existing Golden Grove Road
which is at its junction with the northern side of the abandoned Golden Grove
Road and proceeding in a more or less south-easterly direction along the northern
side of the abandoned road for approximately 4,100 links to a monument; thence
on a bearing at 35° 21' for 303 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 125°
21' for 303 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 215° 21' for 303 links to
a monument; thence along the northern side of the Old Golden Grove Road for
approximately 990 links to the north-western corner of a proposed access road
50 links wide; then along the northern side of this proposed access road on a
bearing of 82° 24' for 2,553.2 links to a point; thence on a bearing of 359° 54'
for 638.3 links to a point; thence on a bearing of 89° 54' for 2,113.6 links to a
point; thence on a bearing of 179° 54' for 1,606.1 links to a monument; thence
on a bearing of 89° 54' for 1,503.8 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of
77° 04' for approximately 1,650 links to a point on the western boundary of
Maloney Lands; thence on a bearing 181° 55' along the western boundary of

*This Notification was made under section 22(2) of the Aviation Security and Airports Management
Act 1978 (Act No. 4 of 1978) (now repealed) and continues in force by virtue of section 29(3) of
the Interpretation Act (Ch. 3:01).


32 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Designation of Airports Notification

Maloney’s land for approximately 1,332 links to a point; thence on a bearing

181° 51' for approximately 1,665 links to the southern side of the Caroni North
Bank Road; thence in a westerly direction along the southern side of the Caroni
North Bank Road for approximately 3,500 links to a point; thence on a bearing
of 189° 25' for 1,528.5 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 279° 25' for
3,074.1 links to a point on the eastern side of Golden Grove Road; thence along
the eastern side of Golden Grove Road in a north-easterly direction for
approximately 440 links to a point; thence on a bearing of 269° 55' for
approximately 1,350 links to a point; thence on a bearing of 242° 55' for 151.5
links to a point; thence on a bearing of 332° 55' for 303 links to a point; thence
on a bearing of 242° 55' for approximately 202 links to a point on the western
side of Golden Grove Road; thence along the western side of Golden Grove
Road in a south-easterly direction for approximately 200 links to a point; thence
on a bearing of 255° 55' for 151.5 links to a point; thence on a bearing of 151°
30' for 125.3 links to a point on the southern side of the New Golden Grove
Road l00 feet West of its junction with the Golden Grove Road; thence along
the southern side of this new road in a more or less north-westerly direction to
the north-eastern corner of lands now or formerly of Francis Joseph; thence
westerly on a bearing 272° 45' for 229.5 links to a monument; thence on a
bearing of 3° 16' for 3,178.3 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 89°
55' for 4,213 links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 286° 42' for 637.1
links to a monument; thence on a bearing of 16° 42' for 681.8 links to a
monument; thence on a bearing of 106° 42' for 784 links approximately to a
point on the eastern side of the Golden Grove Road; thence northerly along the
eastern side of Golden Grove Road for approximately 1,600 links to the point
of commencement.

By a line starting at the point of intersection of the southern side of a
road reserve with the Sea Coast thence running in a more or less easterly
direction along the southern side of the road reserve to a point opposite the
south-western corner of State land thence in a more or less northerly direction
across the road reserve and along the eastern boundary of lands now or
formerly owned by William Charles George Rowe, William Romeo Charles
Scott and James Romeo. To the north-westerly corner of the said State land
thence to a more or less easterly direction along the southern boundaries of
lands now or formerly owned by Peter Chapman, George Thomas, D.
Alexander, Margaret Williams, Trotman, M. Crooks, crossing the road to
airport, George Chapman, George James, W. McKay, John Chapman to the

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 33

Designation of Airports Notification [Subsidiary]

north-eastern corner of the said State lands thence in a more or less southerly
direction along the western boundary of lands now or formerly owned by
John Chapman, Egbert Trim. To the south-easterly corner of the said State
land and continuing across the road reserve to a point on the southern side of
the road reserve opposite the south-eastern corner of the said State land and
continuing in an easterly direction along the southern side of the road reserve
to the north-eastern corner of Crown Point Estate now State land. Thence in a
southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the said Crown Point Estate
now State land to a point opposite the south-western corner of land now or
formerly owned by Bertram Waldron, thence in an easterly direction across a
road reserve and along the southern boundaries of lands now or formerly
owned by Bertram Waldron, Alex, Ernest, Joseph, Prince Wills, William Lovell,
Peter Chapman, Heirs of Henry Blake, David Melville, Samuel Percy, Prince
Wills, Ezekiel Joseph, Pat George, John Scipio, Catherine George, and Rebecca
Young, thence in a southerly direction along the western boundary of lands
now or formerly owned by Rebecca Young to its intersection with the Sea
Coast. Thence in a south-westerly direction along the Sea Coast to where it
intersects the north-eastern boundary of lands of Edwin Harold Bowhill
Crooks, thence in a north-westerly direction along the north-east boundary of
the said lands of Edwin Harold Bowhill Crooks to its intersection with a road
reserve then in a northerly direction along the eastern side of the said road
reserve to a point opposite the south-eastern corner of Crown Point Estate
now State land, thence in a westerly direction across the road reserve and
along the northern side of a road reserve to where it touches the northern
boundary of Crown Point Estate now owned by Ann Crooks and continuing
in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the said Estate to its
intersection with the Sea Coast, thence along the Sea Coast in a north-westerly
direction to the starting point.


34 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago



[28 of 1993].

*deemed to be made under section 31

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Airports (Restricted

Areas) Order.
Interpretation. 2. In this Order—
“Crown Point Airport” means the Crown Point Airport as
Sub. Lleg. described in the Designation of Airports Notification;
Ch. 49:02.
“Piarco International Airport” means the Piarco International
Airport as described in the Designation of Airports
Declaration of 3. (1) All those parts of the Piarco International Airport
restricted areas
First Schedule. specified in the First Schedule are hereby declared to be restricted
areas for the purposes of the Act.
(2) All those parts of the Crown Point Airport specified
Second in the Second Schedule are hereby declared to be restricted areas
for the purposes of the Act.
Third Schedule. (3) The installations specified in the Third Schedule being
air navigation installations used mainly for the purpose of assisting
air traffic control or as an aid to air navigation and the areas on the
ground adjacent to the said installations designated by notices signed
by the Commissioner in reasonably bold and large characters are
hereby declared to be restricted areas for the purpose of the Act.


All that parcel of land situate in the Ward of Tacarigua in the County of
St. George in the Island of Trinidad, forming part of the Piarco International
Airport containing inter alia: (the aerodrome landing area, the runways, the
hangars and the Air Terminal Building), and bounded by a line running along

*This Order which was originally entitled as a “Notice” was made under section 11 of the Aviation
Security and Airports Management Act 1978 (Act 4 of 1978) (now repealed) and continues in
force by virtue of section 29(3) of the Interpretation Act (Ch. 3:01).

†See Note on page 2.


Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 35

Airports (Restricted Areas) Order [Subsidiary]

the whole of the fence commonly called “the perimeter fence” and wholly
enclosing the said parcel of land except in that part thereof that is South of the
Air Terminal Building where the said line proceeds in more or less an east-west
direction along the said fence on the northern side of the Caroni North Bank
Road and to the northern side of the Golden Grove Road and across any gaps in
the said fence but excepting—
(a) the following parts of the Air Terminal Building:
(i) the waiting lounge;
(ii) the premises now occupied by the National Commercial
Bank situate to the south-west of the waiting lounge; and
(iii) the restaurant situate on the upper floor to the North of
the waiting lounge and to the East of and adjacent to the
waving gallery; and
(b) the following parts of the Piarco International Airport:
(i) the public car parks to the South and south-east of the Air
Terminal Building;
(ii) the access roads leading to and from the said public car
parks; and
(iii) the paths designated by signs leading from and to the said
access roads and car parks to and from the waiting lounge
in the Air Terminal Building.

All that parcel of land situate in the Parish of St. Patrick in the Island of
Tobago, forming part of the Crown Point Airport containing, inter alia: (aerodrome
landing area, the runways, and the Air Terminal Building), and bounded by a line
running along the whole of the perimeter fence, but excepting—
(a) the public car parks;
(b) the access roads leading from and to the public car parks to and
from the Air Terminal Building; and
(c) Dee-Gees Restaurant.

(a) the radio installations at Cumberland Hill in the Ward of Diego
Martin in the County of St. George, in the Island of Trinidad;
(b) the radio station situate to the South of the Caroni North Bank
Road, in the County of St. George, in the Island of Trinidad;
(c) the radio station situate to the South of the Golden Grove Road
in the County of St. George, in the Island of Trinidad;
(d) the air navigation installation situate at Carlsen Field, in the Ward
of Chaguanas in the County of Caroni, in the Island of Trinidad.


36 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago





1. Citation.
2. Interpretation.


3. Application.
4. Carrying on trade or business.
5. Soliciting.
6. Advertising.
7. Restrictions on entry into certain areas.
8. Photography.
9. Radio operation at airport.
10. Radio operation in aircraft.
11. Use of roads.


12. Direction of traffic at airport.
13. Operation of vehicles and ground handling equipment.
14. Motor vehicle stops.
15. General.
16. Operation of motorised equipment.
17. Operation of vehicle under the influence of alcohol, etc., prohibited.
18. Accident reporting.


19. Disorderly conduct and narcotic drugs.
20. Gambling.
21. Sanitation.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 37

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]


22. Preservation of property.

23. Tampering with airport and equipment.
24. Tampering with aircraft, cargo, baggage, etc.
25. Firearms, ammunition and inflammable materials.
26. Possession of offensive weapons.
27. Smoking and exposure of naked flames.
28. Dogs.

29. Disposal of lost or mislaid article.
30. Parking and removal of aircraft.
31. Running of engines.
32. Repair and testing.

33. Throwing articles over fence.
34. Sleeping and loitering.
35. Obligations of tenants.
36. Penalties.


38 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago



made under section 43

Citation. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Airports

Interpretation. 2. In these Regulations—
“aerodrome” means a defined area on land or in water (including
any building, installation and equipment) intended to be used
either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft;
“airside” means the manoeuvring and movement areas of an
airport, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof,
access to which is controlled;
“apron” means that part of an airport used—
(a) for the purpose of enabling passengers to board
or disembark from an aircraft;
(b) for loading cargo onto or unloading cargo from
an aircraft; or
(c) for refuelling and parking of aircraft;
“Authority” means the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
established under section 3 of the Act;
“Clearway” means a defined rectangular area on the ground or
in the sea under the control of the Authority selected or
prepared as a suitable area over which a departing aircraft
may make a portion of its initial climb to a specific height;
“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Police;
“Crown Point Airport” means the Crown Point Airport described
(Sub. Leg—
in the Designation of Airports Notification;
Ch. 49:02). “Customs Area” has the meaning assigned to that expression in
Ch. 78:01. the Customs Act;
“finger” means that part of an airport which protrudes from the
main terminal building by which passengers enter on arrival
or departure;
“landside” means that area of an airport and buildings to which
the non-travelling public has free access;

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 39

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]

“manoeuvring area” means that part of an aerodrome used for the

take-off and landing of aircraft and for the surface movement
of aircraft associated with take-off and landing, but does not
include an apron;
“movement area” means that part of an aerodrome used for take-
off and landing of aircraft and for surface movement of
aircraft and includes an apron;
“offensive weapon” means any article made or adapted for use
for causing injury to or incapacitating a person or intended
by the person having it with him for such use;
“Piarco International Airport” means the Piarco International 69/1978.
(Sub. Leg.—
Airport described in the Designation of Airports Notification; Ch. 49:02).
“police officer” has the meaning assigned to that expression by
section 2 of the Police Service Act and includes— Ch. 15:01.

(a) a member of the Special Reserve Police

established by the Special Reserve Police Act; Ch. 15:03.

(b) a person to whom a precept has been issued under

the Supplemental Police Act; Ch. 15:02.

“restricted area” means an area declared by the Minister, by Order,

under section 31 of the Act to be a restricted area.


3. (1) All persons who are at any time on any part of an Application.
airport to which these Regulations apply shall be governed by these
Regulations and by any general or particular orders or directions
of the Authority.
(2) These Regulations apply to the Piarco International
Airport and the Crown Point Airport.

4. (1) No person shall carry on any trade or business at an Carrying on

trade or
airport except with the approval of the Authority and under such business.
terms and conditions as the Authority may determine.
(2) Nothing in this regulation shall require the discharge
of a contract existing at the date of the coming into operation of
these Regulations.


40 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Airports Regulations

Soliciting. 5. No person shall solicit for any purposes whatever within

an airport without the approval of the Authority which approval
shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Authority
may determine.

Advertising. 6. No person shall post, distribute or display any signs,

advertisements, circulars, placards, printed, painted or written
matter at an airport without the permission of the Authority and
then only in such manner as the Authority may determine.
Restrictions on 7. No person shall enter—
entry into certain
areas. (a) a Customs area except with the general or specific
written permission of the Authority or
Comptroller of Customs; or
(b) a restricted area except with the general or specific
written permission of the Authority,

and subject to such conditions as may be attached to the grant of

such permission.
Photography. 8. No person shall—
(a) for any purpose, take any still, motion or sound
pictures in or of a Customs area or restricted area
of an airport; or
(b) for commercial purposes, take any still, motion
or sound pictures in or of any area of an airport,

without the written permission of the Authority to which permission

shall be attached such conditions as the Authority may determine.

Radio operation 9. (1) Subject to subparagraph (2) no person other than—

at airport.
(a) pilots of aircraft;
(b) authorised personnel of the Civil Aviation
(c) police officers and Customs Officers of the
Customs and Excise Department;
(d) fire service officers and members of the Defence
(e) authorised members of the staff of airlines,
aircraft operators or their agents; or

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 41

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]

(f) authorised personnel of the Meteorological

Services Division, the Immigration Department
and the Authority,

shall operate a radio or radio equipment or wireless transmitting

or receiving apparatus at an airport without the permission of the
Authority, which permission shall be subject to such conditions as
the Authority may determine.
(2) The entitlement of each person referred to in
subregulation (1) to operate equipment or apparatus at an airport
is contingent upon his being on duty at the time of his operating
the equipment or apparatus.

10. No person shall operate any radio equipment in an aircraft Radio operation
in aircraft.
while the aircraft is in a hangar nor contrary to any
telecommunication orders or any other enactment in force without
the approval of the Director of Civil Aviation.

11. No person shall— Use of roads.

(a) travel on any airport other than on the roads, paths

or places provided for the particular class
of traffic;
(b) occupy the roads or paths in a manner to obstruct
their proper use;
(c) operate any type of motor vehicle for any
purpose whatever without the approval of the
Authority and in accordance with the orders of
the Authority or the direction of a police officer
on duty at the airport.


12. (1) No vehicular traffic shall operate— Direction of
traffic at airport.
(a) on the landside, except in strict compliance with
the directions of any police officer on duty;
(b) on the airside, except with the approval of and in
accordance with specific instructions from the Air
Traffic Controller on duty at the Control Tower.


42 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Airports Regulations

(2) No motor vehicle shall be driven, parked, used or

operated on the apron, taxiways or runways at an airport without
the approval and the specific instructions of the Air Traffic
Controller on duty at the Control Tower.

Operation of 13. (1) No person shall operate for hire or rental any motor
vehicles and
ground handling vehicle whatsoever within an airport without the approval of the
equipment. Authority and except in accordance with the orders of the Authority
or the direction of a police officer on duty at the airport.
(2) No person shall park unattended on the apron any
ground handling equipment except in areas designated for the
parking of such equipment.
Motor vehicle 14. (1) No motor vehicle shall stop at any place in an airport
for the purpose of allowing passengers to alight from or to board it
or to load or unload the baggage of passengers unless such stop is
made at such places as may be designated by the Authority for
the purpose.
(2) In this regulation “stop” means to remain stationary
for as long as may be reasonably necessary to allow passengers to
get on or off the motor vehicles or to load or unload the baggage
of passengers.

General. 15. (1) No person shall operate any motor vehicle within an
Ch. 48:50. airport otherwise than in accordance with the Motor Vehicles and
Road Traffic Act except in cases of emergency which in the opinion
of the Authority or a police officer on duty involves danger to life
or property.
(2) The Commissioner may place, erect or display or
cause to be placed, erected or displayed at an airport such signs
for the direction of traffic as he may consider necessary for the
proper control and regulation of vehicular traffic at that airport.
(3) All traffic signs placed, erected or displayed at an
airport shall be deemed to have been placed, erected or displayed
in pursuance of subparagraph (2).
(4) No person shall at an airport operate a motor vehicle
or cause a motor vehicle to be operated contrary to the directions
of any police officer or contrary to the direction of a traffic sign.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 43

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]

(5) Pedestrians at an airport who are within pedestrian

lane markings have the right of way over vehicular traffic.
(6) No person shall park, load or unload any goods vehicle
at an airport other than at such place as may be designated for such
purpose by the Authority.

16. No person other than a person assigned to duty for the Operation of
purpose shall operate any motorised equipment on the taxi tracks, equipment.
aprons or aircraft landing areas at an airport except—
(a) with the approval of the Authority; and
(b) with the approval of and on the directions of the
Air Traffic Controller on duty at the Control

17. No person shall, while under the influence of any Operation of

vehicle under
intoxicating or narcotic drug or liquor, operate or be in control of influence of
a motor vehicle, motorised equipment or aircraft of any kind at alcohol, etc.,
an airport.

18. (1) Every person involved in any accident on the landside Accident
of an airport and every witness thereto shall report the occurrence
without delay to a police officer on duty at the airport and that
police officer shall immediately inform the Authority thereof.
(2) Every person involved in any accident on the airside
of an airport and every witness thereto shall report the occurrence
without delay to the Air Traffic Controller on duty at the Control
Tower and to the Authority.


19. (1) No person shall be at an airport while he is under the Disorderly
influence of any intoxicating or narcotic drug or liquor. conduct and
narcotic drugs.
(2) No person shall commit any disorderly, obscene or
indecent act or cause any nuisance or disturbance at an airport.
(3) No person shall, without reasonable excuse, have a
narcotic drug in his possession at an airport.

20. (1) No person shall engage in any form of gambling at Gambling.

an airport.


44 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Airports Regulations

(2) No person shall at any place at an airport operate or

cause to be operated any gambling or gaming device.
(3) No person shall, at any place at an airport, be in any
way involved in the operation of any gambling or gaming device.
Sanitation. 21. No person shall—
(a) deposit or dispose of any litter, garbage, papers,
refuse or other material at an airport except in
the receptacles provided for that purpose;
(b) use any sanitary convenience otherwise than in a
clean, tidy and sanitary manner;
(c) deposit or dispose of cigarette butts, cigarettes,
cigars, cigar butts, waste matches or any smoking
material other than in the receptacles specifically
provided for that purpose.

Preservation of 22. (1) No person shall wilfully destroy, damage, injure or

deface any building, sign, marker or other structure at an airport.
(2) No person may without the permission of the
(a) remove or disturb in any way whatever any
building, sign, fence, pipe, hose, coupling, post,
gate, equipment, marker or other structure, or
attempt to procure any other person to erect, alter,
remove, paint, distemper or replace any building
at the airport;
(b) lay any wire, cable, fence, pipe, line, net or any
other material, or dig, excavate or bore or lay any
road, track or path at an airport.
Tampering with
airport and
23. No person shall interfere or tamper with, or damage any
equipment. part of an airport or any equipment, machinery, motor vehicle or
appliance at an airport.
Tampering with 24. (1) No person shall, except with the permission of the
aircraft, cargo,
baggage, etc. Authority—
(a) place anything in or take anything out of an
aircraft ; or

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 45

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]

(b) in any way whatever, interfere or tamper with any

aircraft, or any cargo, baggage, equipment, or
other goods on an aircraft or unloaded from an
aircraft, or any cargo, baggage, equipment or other
goods at an airport intended to be put on board
an aircraft.
(2) Subregulation (1) does not apply to a person assigned
to duty at an airport and acting in the execution of his duty.

25. (1) Subject to subregulation (2), no person, other than a Firearms,

ammunition and
police officer or a member of the Defence Force on duty at an inflammable
airport, shall carry or have in his possession or in his baggage any materials.

side arms, firearms, ammunition, explosives or inflammable

material at an airport without the written permission of the
(2) Where police officers or members of the Defence
Force who have obtained the necessary permission under this
regulation, desire to carry explosives or inflammable materials to
an airport, they shall first inform the Authority who shall make
such arrangements for the carriage of the explosives or inflammable
material as they may consider proper.
(3) Every person other than a police officer, a member of
the Defence Force on duty at an airport and any other person
specifically excepted in writing, shall declare and surrender all
objects specified in subregulation (1) in their possession forthwith
on their arrival at the airport to the police at the airport.
(4) Where the person declaring and surrendering the
objects is a passenger and he produces a lawfully issued export
permit, a police officer appointed by the Commissioner for the
purpose shall record the name, address, flight number, airline and
destination of such passenger and cause the objects with the
particulars of the passenger to be handed over to the custody and
safekeeping of the captain of the aircraft by which the passenger is
due to depart, to be delivered to the passenger or handed over to
the authorities at the passenger’s destination to be dealt with
according to the legal requirements of that country.
(5) No person shall import or bring into Trinidad and


46 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Airports Regulations

Tobago by air, any firearm, ammunition or explosives unless there

is at the time of arrival in Trinidad and Tobago, in respect of such
firearm, ammunition or explosives, a lawfully issued import permit.
(6) No person shall export by air any firearm, ammunition
or explosives unless such person is in possession of a lawfully
issued export permit.
Possession of
26. No person without lawful authority or reasonable excuse,
weapon. shall have with him in an airport any offensive weapon.
Smoking and 27. (1) No person shall smoke on any of the following areas
exposure of
naked flames. at an airport:
(a) the apron;
(b) the finger;
(c) any fuel storage or refuelling area;
(d) Customs and Airline Cargo Bonds, storage areas
or warehouses;
(e) on board any aircraft whilst such aircraft is parked
anywhere at an airport;
(f) all airport movement areas;
(g) any other place at an airport indicated by a “No
Smoking” sign.
(2) No person shall expose a naked flame in any of the
areas listed in subregulation (1) unless he has the permission of
the Authority to do so.
Dogs. 28. (1) No person shall bring into an airport a dog or other
animal unless such dog or other animal has arrived by air or is
intended for despatch by air or is a guard dog in the custody of a
blind person or is a police dog being handled by a police officer
on duty at the airport and such dog or other animal is restrained by
leash or confined in such other manner as to be fully under control.
(2) The owner or person in control of or responsible for a
dog or other animal which shall be found at large or unrestrained
contrary to subregulation (1) is guilty of an offence and in addition
to any penalty imposed, the dog or other animal may be seized by
any police officer, Customs officer, member of the Defence Force
or other person employed at the airport and shall be disposed of in
such manner as the Authority may determine.

Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Ch. 49:02 47

Airports Regulations [Subsidiary]

29. (1) A person who finds a lost or misplaced article or an Disposal of lost
or mislaid
article which is not the property of the finder shall forthwith deliver article.
up such article to a police officer on duty at the airport, who shall
take the name and address of the finder.
(2) Where the article was found on the airside, the police
officer shall deliver it to a senior Customs officer on duty at the
airport for a determination as to whether the article is dutiable and
for disposal as provided under the Customs Act. Ch. 78:01.

(3) Where the article was found on the landside, the police
officer shall deliver it to the nearest Police Station to be dealt with
according to law.

30. (1) No person shall park an aircraft in any area at an airport Parking and
removal of
other than that determined by and with the consent of the Airport aircraft.
Manager or his duly authorised representative and the Air Traffic
Controller on duty at the Control Tower.
(2) No person shall remove an aircraft from its parked
position on an airport other than with the consent of the Airport
Manager or his authorised representative and the Air Traffic
Controller on duty at the Control Tower.

31. No person shall start or run an engine in an aircraft unless Running of

a competent person duly authorised by the owner of such aircraft
or his authorised representative is in the aircraft attending the
controls. Before starting the engine or engines in an aircraft, the
wheels shall be adequately chocked.

32. (1) No aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or other Repair and

equipment or appliance thereof, shall be repaired in any part of an
airport other than that specifically designated by the Airport
Manager or his duly authorised representative and the Air Traffic
Controller on duty at the Control Tower.
(2) Except with the permission of the Airport Manager or
his duly authorised representative and the Air Traffic Controller
on duty at the Control Tower, no person shall repair an aircraft or
run up an aircraft engine for test purposes on the parking apron.


48 Ch. 49:02 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

[Subsidiary] Airports Regulations

(3) No person shall test radar equipment on the parking

apron without the permission of the Airport Manager or his duly
authorised representative and the Air Traffic Controller on duty at
the Control Tower.

articles over
33. No person shall throw an article or substance of any kind
fence. over a fence at an airport.
Sleeping and
34. No person shall by day or by night—
(a) sleep on the floor of an airport;
(b) loiter within fifty feet of the fence of an airport.
Obligations of
35. (1) The lessees of hangars at an airport shall maintain
bulletin boards in a conspicuous place for the purpose of posting
all notices issued by the Authority, the Airport Manager or his
duly authorised representative.
(2) All tenants, lessees of hangars and lessees of shop
facilities at an airport shall—
(a) keep the area under his control clean and free from
fire hazards;
(b) provide in such hangars or shops accessible first-
aid kits and fire appliances, approved by the
(3) No tenant, lessee of any hangar, or lessee of any
facility on an airport shall store or stock material or equipment in
such manner as to constitute a hazard to personnel or property.

Penalties. 36. (1) A person who contravenes these Regulations or any

order or instruction issued by the Authority may be removed or
ejected from the airport by a police officer on the instructions of
the Authority and may be deprived of the further use of the airport
and its facilities for such time as may be necessary to ensure the
safety of the airport and the public.
(2) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with
any of these Regulations is liable on summary conviction to a fine
of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term of
twelve months.

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