Module Preparation - English NM 1-Word File

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Head of the Team
Chief Educational Officer
Samagra Shiksha, Salem District

Module Supervision
Asst. Project Officer
Samagra Shiksha, Salem District

Asst. District Project Coordinator
Samagra Shiksha, Salem District

District Coordinator (Quality)
Samagra Shiksha, Salem District

M. Hema N. Maheswari
BRTE (English) BRTE (English)
BRC Edappadi BRC Salem Rural

P. Sivakumar Sr.Lilly Pushpamary

BT. English SGT
PUMS Chandrapillai valasu. St. Patrick’s Girls Primary School.

Data Entry Operator,
BRC Kadayampatti.

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages
open every door along the way”. -Frank Smith
I Week : (Alphabets) Letter sound Relationship

II & III  Letter Differentiation.

Week :  Consonant letter and sounds -CVC Words – Blending of

IV Week : Consonant Clusters

V Week : Consonant Digraphs.

VI Week : Vowel Digraphs.

VII Week : Four Letter Words

(Recalling two letter words, three letter words)

VIII Week : Five Letter Words.

(Recalling 2, 3, 4, 5 letter words)

Textbook- content words.

Sentence Reading.
Textbook- Content- Reading Practise

“Language is the blood of the soul into which, thoughts run

and out of which they grow”. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the

instrument of domination and liberation”. -Angela Carter


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

1. Activity: Write the Missing Letters.

a b ___ d e __ g ___ i j ___ ___ m n ___ p __ r ___ t ___ v w

___ y ___

2. Activity: Write the following Alphabets (Capital) in reverse.

Z ____ X ______ V ______ T ______ R ______ P ______ ______ M ______

K ______ I H ______ F ______ D C ______ A.

3. Activity: Letter Recognition

1.Place the flash cards of alphabets in the box.

2.The teacher says an alphabet .
3.The student (she points out) has to take the alphabet and show it to the
teacher, (if not, the teacher repeatedly says the same alphabet till the student takes the
correct one.)
4.The same activity is practiced for all the students.


a - m /ϰ/
e - v /e/
i - Ï /i/
o - M /a/
u - m /^/

1. Activity: Match the following vowel letters with its sounds.
a - Ï /i/
e - M /a/
i - m /^/
o - v /e/
u - m /ϰ/

2. Activity: Match the following vowel sounds with the appropriate word

a - on

e - up

i - at

o - egg

u - ill

3. Activity: The teacher shows the letter and the students utter the sound.

eg: Teacher shows the letter Students utter the sound

a m
e v
i Ï


b - ¥
c - ¡
d - £
f - ~¥
g - ¡
h - À
j - #
k - ¡
l - š
m - «
n - ‹
p - ¥
r - ®
s - °
t - £
v - ›
w - ›
y - Œ
x - ¡°
z - #
ch - ¢
sh - Z
th - ¤
ck - ¡
ng - §
ph - ~¥

1. Activity: Say the suitable sounds for the following consonants

1.The teacher shows a consonant card to the students and they utter the


2.Repeat the practice for all the students.

1. b - ____________
2. h - ____________
3. k - ____________
4. m - ____________
5. r - ____________
6. t - ____________
7. y - ____________
8. n - ____________
9. s - ____________
10. w - ____________

2. Activity: Word chart

Con, air, King, Two, Of, hit, eat fin, go, bed, new, blue,big,
out, bat, one, top, cat, hop, help, did, ,last, jump, work, who,
yes, ball, on, monk, nit, table, rat, sun, don, key, eight, nest,

 The teacher displays the word chart on the board.
 She says a word from the chart.
 She asks the student to show the exact consonant sounds in the word.

Letter jäœ c¢rç¥ò Phonetic Sounds Words
C/c ¡ (unstressed) /k/ Cock, Clock
G/g ¡ (stressed) /g/ Goat, God
T/t £ (unstressed) /t/ Tea, Tiger
D/d £ (stressed) /d/ Deer, Deep
P/p ¥ (unstressed) /p/ Pot, pen
B/b ¥ (stressed) /b/ Boat, Beat
S/s ° (unstressed) /s/ South, Supper
Z/z ° (stressed) /z/ Zip, Zero
F/f ~¥ /f/ Frog, Feed
V/v › /v/ Vase, Very
H/h À /h/ Hot, Hope
J/j { /dz/ Joy, Jealous
K/k ¡ (unstressed) /k/ King, Kind
L/l š /l/ Lore, Lotus
M/m « /m/ Mars, Monkey
N/n ‹ /n/ Neat, Night
Q/q ¡ /q/ Queen, quick
R/r ® /r/ Red, Remember
W/w › /w/ Win, Water
X/x ¡° /ks/ x-mas, x-ray
Y/y Œ /j/ Yesterday, yam, yaught

 Set the class into two groups -Group – 1 and Group -2
 The teacher gives the alphabet card to group 1 and sound cards to group 2.
 When the teacher says a sound, group-1 shows the corresponding letter and group
-2 shows and utters its sound.
Example :
C/c - ¡ (unstressed) G/g - ¡ (stressed)
P/p - ¥ B/b - ¥
S/s - ° Z/z - °
T/t - £ D/d - £

 Set the class into two groups -Group – 1 and Group -2
 The teacher gives the alphabet cards to group 1 and Sound cards to group 2.
 When the teacher says a sound ,group 1 shows the corresponding letter and group
-2 shows and utters its sound
 Repeat the process till all the sounds are practised.
Example : One group Other group
V/v ›
N/n ‹
X/x ¡°
J/j {
R/r ®

Two Letter Words

am do it to be by

an go me or in if

as he my so of we

at is no up us on

The two lettered sight words chart has to be displayed in the

classroom and taught to the students every day.

CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) WORDS

1.The teacher shows the vowel “a” and articulates its sound.

2.The teacher shows consonant(one by one) and articulates its sound.

3.The teacher articulates the words.

4. The teacher repeats the practice for all the words given below in the
word family.

Flash cards of sounds and words. – Ex.

a + t at
The teacher has to prepare flash cards for all sounds and words.

‘a’ family
‘a’ ‘ab’ ‘ad’ ‘ag’
a + t = at c+ab = cab b+ad=bad b+ag=bag

a + m = am d+ab=dab d=ad=dad g+ag=gag

a + n = an f+ab=fab f+ad=fad h+ag=hag

a +p = ap g+ab=gab h+ad=had l+ag=lag

a + b= ab l+ab=lab l+ad=lad n+ag=nag

a + g =ag n+ab=nab m+ad=mad r+ag=rag

a + d =ad t+ab=tab p+ad=pad s+ag=sag

c+ad=cad t+ag=tag


‘at’ ‘am’ ‘an’
c+at=cat b+am=bam b+an=ban

b+at=bat d+am=dam c+an=can

r+at=rat h+am=ham f+an=fan

m+at=mat j+am=jam m+an=man

s+at=sat p+am=pam p+an=pan

p+at=pat r+am=ram r+an=ran

e+at=eat y+am=yam t+an=tan

s+am=sam v+an=van

z+am=zam z+an=zan

ab ag at ab am an
cab bag cat cab bam ban

dab gag bat dab dam can

fab hag rat fab jam fan

gab lag mat gab pam man

jab nag sat jab ram pan

lab rag pat lab yam ran

nab sag eat nab sam tan

tab tag fat tab zam van

‘e’ family
‘e’ ‘ed’ ‘eg’ ‘en’ ‘et’
e+d=ed b+ed=bed b+eg=beg d+en=den b+et=bet

e+g=eg f+ed=fed l+eg=leg h+en=hen g+et=get

e+n=en l+ed=led p+eg=peg m+en=men j+et=jet

e+t=et r+ed=red m+eg=meg p+en=pen l+et=let

w+ed=wed b+eg=beg t+en=ten m+et=met

T+ed=Ted k+eg=keg y+en=yen n+et=net

t+eg=teg z+en=zen p+et=pet

b+en=ben s+et=set

k+en=ken v+et=vet



ed en et eg
bed den bet beg
fed hen get leg
led men let peg
red pen met meg
wed ten net beg
ted yen pet keg
hed zen set teg
ped ben wet veg
ned ken yet reg

‘i’ family

‘i’ ‘id’ ‘im’ ‘in’

i+b=ib b=id=bid d+im=dim b+in=bin

i+d=id d+id=did h+im=him f+in=fin
i+g=ig h+id=hid r+im=rim k+in=kin
k+id=kid k+im=kim p+in=pin
l+id=lid j+im=jim s+in=sin
r+id=rid g+im=gim t+in=tin
w+id=wid n+in=nin


‘ip’ ‘it’ ‘ib’ ‘ig’

d+ip=dip b+it=bit b+ib=bib b+ig=big

h+ip=hip f+it=fit f+ib=fib d+ig=dig

l+ip=lip h+it=hit j+ib=jib f+ig=fig

n+ip=nip k+it=kit r+ib=rib g+ig=gig

p+ip=pip l+it=lit n+ib=nib j+ig=jig

r+ip=rip p+it=pit h+ib=hib p+ig=pig

s+ip=sip s+it=sit r+ig=rig

t+ip=tip w+it=wit


ib id ig im in ip it
bib bid big dim bin dip bit

fib did dig him fin hip fit

jib hid fig rim kin lip hit

gib kid gig kim pin nip kit

rib lid jig jim sin rip pit

nib rid pig gim tin tip sit

hib wid rig mim gin zip wit

‘o’ family
‘o’ ‘ob’ ‘od’ ‘og’ ‘om’

o+b=ob b+ob=bob c+od=cod b+og=bog m+om=mom

o+d=od c+ob=cob g+od=god c+og=cog p+om=pom

o+g=og t+ob=tob m+od=mod d+og=dog t+om=tom

o+m=om j+ob=job n+od=nod f+og=fog b+om=bom

o+n=on l+ob=lob p+od=pod h+og=hog w+om=wom

o+p=op m+ob=mob r+od=rod j+og=jog d+om=dom

o+t=ot r+ob=rob s+od=sod l+og=log c+om=com


‘on’ ‘op’ ‘ot’

c+on=con b+op=bop c+ot=cot

d+on=don c+op=cop d+ot=dot

r+on=ron h+op=hop g+ot=got

s+on=son l+op=lop h+ot=hot

g+on=gon m+op=mop j+ot=jot

j+on=jon p+op=pop l+ot=lot

t+on=ton s+op=sop n+ot=not

w+on=won t+op=top p+ot=pot



ob od og om on op ot
bob cod bog mom con bop cot

cob god cog pom don cop dot

tob mod dog tom ron hop got

job nod fog bom son lop hot

lob pod hog wom gon mop lot

mob rod jog dom jon pop not

rob sod log com ton sop pot

sob lod mog hom won top rot

‘u’ family
‘u’ ‘un’ ‘up’ ‘ug’ ‘ut’

u+t=ut b+un=bun c+up=cup b+ug=bug p+ut=put

u+n=un f+un=fun d+up=dup d+ug=dug c+ut=cut

u+p=up g+un=gun l+up=lup h+ug=hug b+ut=but

u+g=ug n+un=nun p+up=pup j+ug=jug g+ut=gut

r+un=run r+up=rup m+ug=mug h+ut=hut

s+un=sun s+up=sup t+ug=tug n+ut=nut

t+up=tup o+ut=out

ut un Up ug
put bun cup bug
cut fun dup dug
but gun lup hug
gut nun pup jug
hut run rup mug
nut sun sup tug
out dun tup gug

‘a’ family

c __________
b m ______________

e ______________

d __________


l b __________


m s

ab ____________


f ______________

t v

c _____________
g l

n m

j _________________

s _________________

y __________

am __________
r s

‘e’ family-FORM THE WORD

T b

ed ___________
f l

w r

l __________

p eg __________

v t

b m ___________


s et w ___________

g ___________

h d

en _____________
p m

t b _____________


r __________

j s
ob __________

g l
t 23

j f ___________

og ___________

l h


n ___________

r g

p m

d T



c ___________
on ___________

g d

h t
l ___________

op ___________
m ___________

s ___________

d ___________

c ___________
h l ___________
‘u’ family
P h n

o c b


b g s

r n f


c p r

t s d


j h b

t m f


‘i’ family FORM THE WORD

h b f
s w k
f n r
h j l

j h d
g k r

f n r
h j l

g b s
k p t

d w b
h l k

Consonant Cluster

The teacher shows the Consonant Cluster flash cards , practice the
sounds and words.

ply, play, plant, place

1. pl /pl/
apple, split, reply, ample
pro, pray, price, print, press
2. pr /pr/
spray, apron, april, spread, spirit, sprain, spring
blog, blob, blank, blink, black
3. bl /bl/
able, table, cable, noble
brew, brat, brad, bran, brick, bride, brand
4. br /br/
cobra, zebra, debris
tray, trim, troy, tyre, track, trend
5. tr /tr/ litre, entry, intro, metre, metro, strap, straw, stray,
drag, drap, drop, drum, draft, dream, dress, drill,
6. dr /dr/ drink
hydro, mudra, cadre
clay, clap, club, clue
7. cl /kl/
uncle, cycle, circle
cry, crop, crow, crore, crump, crook, crack, cross,
8. cr /kr/ crime, crisis
acre, scrub, scrap, scroll, screen, across
glad, glow, glim, glide, glass, glory
9. gl /gl/
ugly, anglo, eagle, angle, mingle, jungle
grab, grin, grid, grow, grey, groom, grape, grown,
10. gr /gr/ greedy, grandpa, grammar
agro, angry, degree, hungry, migrant, engross
fly, flu, flip, flow, flat, flap, flood, floor, flesh,
11. fl /fl/ flower, flight
rifle, reflect, inflict
fry, frog, fro, free, front, fresh, fruit, friend, frying
12. fr /fr/
afraid, refrain
three, throw, throat, thrust
13. thr /θr/
enthral, bathroom
shred, shrub, shrink
14. shr /shr/
mushroom, washroom
sky, skin, skill, skirt, skinny
15. sk /sk/
ask, risk, brisk, tusk, desk, mask
scry, scrub, script, scroll, scratch
16. scr /skr/
describe, subscribe
sly, slot, slow, slap, slip, slate, sleep, slope, slight
17. sl /sl/
asleep, grisly
18. sm /sm/ smog, small, smart, smile, smooth
19. Sn /sn/ snow, snap, snail, snack, snake, snatch
spy, spot, spin, split, spoon, spade, space, speak,
20. sp /sp/ spread
wasp, grasp, crisp, aspect, airspace
split, splay, splash
21. spl /spl/
display, misplace, displace

spry, spray, sprit, sprain, spread

22. spr /spr/
bedspread, disprove, offspring

sty, step, stop, stay, study, steam, staff, strong, start

23. st /st/ latest, sister, honest, trust, worst, taste, tasty, joystick,
straw, stray, stream, strong, street, strike
24. str /str/
nostril, destroy, ostrich

25. sw /sw/ swab, swim, swan, swap, sweep, swing, sweat

26. tw /tw/ two, twin, twig, tweet, twist, twenty

27. dw /dw/ dwarf, dwell

quiz, quit, queue, quest, quiet, quote, quick

28. qu /kw/
aqua, squat, squad, cheque, squire, square, enquire

29. squ /skw/ squat, squad, square, squeeze

Note : The teacher shows the Consonant Cluster flash cards and ask the
students to say the words that has the initial sound of the consonant
cluster given below:
Letter Sound Practice
pl /pl/ play
pr /pr/
bl /bl/
br /br/
tr /tr/
dr /dr/
el /kl/
cr /cr/
gl /gl/
gr /gr/
fl /fl/
fr /fr/
thr /or/
shr /shr/
sk /sk/
scr /skr/
sl /sl/
sm /sm/
sn /sn/
spl /spl/
spr /spr/
st /st/
str /str/
sw /w/
tw /tw/
dw /dw/
qu /kw/
squ /skw/


ot ____________

an ____________
us ____________

ead ____________

og ____________

ee ____________
y ____________

ank ____________


Note The teacher shows the Consonant Cluster flash cards and ask the
students to say the words that has the final sound of the consonant
cluster given below.

Letter Sound Practice

ft /ft/ soft
ct /kt/
lt /lt/
ld /ld/
lk /lk/
lp /lp/
lb /lb/
lf /lf/
lv /lv/
lch /lch/
lge /lj/
lm /lm/
ls /ls/
mp /mp/
mph /mf/
nt /nt/
nd /nd/
nch /nch/
nge /nj/
ns /ns/
nk /nk/
ng /ng/
ps /ps/
pt /pt/
sk /sk/
sp /sp/
st /st/


dru ____________

Three letter Words -

and for you had was his are one
bee bit big bug bin let may bud
but our she has yes beg him out
get not who all did ago age aim
dot ear dry end due egg eat ego
arm ask art bed ass bag bad bar
fry get gap hen god had gum hay
bus ray rat cot buy car cap cat
led lie boy bow lid man mad map
cow cut how dog cup day dad did
men new met oil mix nut far off
ran can but run hit rid red row
fan few not rub fat fit fin for
old out one pay our pad owl pat
sad say sat got saw sea see set
hip cry raw ink hot tag hug ice
its jar jam lay joy key jug law
sin son sit ten six tap sun tea
tie top ton use too try toy two
urn vim van way vid war veg wax
web won wet yet zen why win zoo
you yap yah zee yam zip yar zap
shy now fox dig hut bun bid eye

The three lettered sight words chart has to be displayed in the

classroom and taught to the students everyday



The teacher shows the Consonant Diagraphs flash cards , practice the
sounds and words.

/k/ Occur, Accuse, Account

1 cc
/ks/ Accept, Access, Success

Chat, Chop, Chin, Change, Chicken

/ch/ Teacher, Kitchen

2 ch Much, Rich, Bench, Switch

/k/ School, Scheme, Anchor

Itch, Match, Ditch, Switch

3 tch /ch/
Patchy, Matched, Butcher
Back, Lock, Pick, Duck, Neck, Track, Black,
4 ck /k/ Attack, Unlock
Pocket, Sticky, Buckle

Edge, Judge, Badge, Fridge, Bridge

5 dge /j/
Budget, Ledger, Judged

/g/ Ghost, Ghee, Ghostly

/f/ Tough, Laugh, Cough, Rough, Enough
6 gh High, Thigh, Weigh, Though, Plough
Night, Tight, Fight, Right, Highly, Highway

/g/ Tongue, Rogue, Vague, League

7 gu /gw Language, Bilingual
Phone, Photo, Phase, Phrase, Phonic
8 ph /f/
Graph, Ralph

She, Shy, Shop, Ship, Share, Shrink, Shadow

9 sh /sh/ Ash, Fish, Wash, Harsh, Finish, Polish

Washer, Bishop

Queen, Quiz, Quad, Quick, Quest

10 qu Squad, Aqua, Require, Request

/k/ Cheque, Plaque, Unique

Scent, Scene, Scenic, Science, Sceneray

11 sc /s Descent, Muscle
/sk/ School, Scheme, Scholar
12 sch
/sh/ Schedule

The, Thy, That, Then, These, Third, Throw,

Thirty, Threat,Theatre, Thunder

13 th /th/ With, Path, Month, Birth, Growth, Smooth

Rather, Anthem, Either, Without, Healthy

/w/ Why, What, When, Which, Where, Whistle

14 wh
/h/ Who, Whom, Whose, Whole

15 xh /ks/ Exhale, Exhibit

16 ti /sh/ Action, Station, Section, Portion, Nation, Option


Left, Soft, Gift, Haft, Shift, Aircraft

1 ft /ft/
Hefty, Sifted, Crafted

Act, Fact, Duct, Elect, React, Direct, Reject,

2 ct /kt/ Select
Victor, Victim, Factory

Belt, Bolt, Salt, Tilt, Built, Result, Consult

3 lt /lt/
Jolty, Ultra, Alter, Sultry

Old, Gold, Bald, Wild, Child, Scold, Build

4 ld /ld/
Elder, Older, Baldy, Golden

Elk, Milk, Bulk, Sick

5 lk /lk/
Milky, Silken

Help, Pulp, Gulp, Scalp

6 lp /lp/
Pulpy, Helpful, Culprit

7 lb /lb/
Elbow, Album, Toolbar, Mailbox

Elf, Self, Calf, Half, Shelf, Behalf, Yourself
8 lf /lf/
Sulfur, Selfish, Skillful, Fulfill

9 lv /lv/ Solve, Silver, Twelve, Velvet

10 lch /lch/ Belch, Mulch

Bulge, Indulge
11 lge /lj/

Elm, Film, Helm

12 lm /lm/
Almost, Helmet, Almond

Balls, Cells, Mills

13 ls /ls/
Pulsar, Holster, Falsify

Amp, Camp, Lamp, Jump, Stamp

14 mp /mp/
Ample, Empty, Pimple

Lymph, Nymph, Triumph

15 mph /mf/

Ant, Vent, Dent, Want, Sent, Print, Count

16 nt /nt/
Into, Aunty, Inter, Entry, Hunter, Plenty

And, End, Land, Kind, Spend, Round,

17 nd /nd/ Legend
Windy, Handy, Under

Inch, Lunch, Bunch, Punch, Branch

18 nch /nch/

Range, Hinge, Orange, Change, Arrange

19 nge /nj/
Angel, Stranger

Lens, Sins, Nuns

20 ns /ns/, /nz/
Sense, Dense, Tense, Onset, Unsure

Ink, Bank, Tank, Pink, Blank, Drunk, Shrink

21 nk /nk/
Anklet, Unkind, Donkey, Blanket

Tong, Dung, Long, Sing, Along, Swing,

22 ng /ŋg/ Living
Mango, Bingo, Fungal, Hunger
Cops, Tips, Oops
23 ps /ps/
Gypsy, Upset, Corpse
Apt, Kept, Adopt, Slept, Accept, Except
24 pt /pt/
Optic, Empty, Laptop, Chapter
Ask, Mask, Desk, Flask

25 sk /sk/ Risky, Husky, Asking, Basket

Wasp, Grasp, Crisp

26 sp /sp/
Crispy, Aspect, Display, Respect
Post, Past, Best, Cost, Beast, Worst, Waist,
27 st /st/ Honest
Misty, Taste, Piston, Pistol

Practice the letters,sounds & words given below.

S. No. Letter Sound Practice

/ks/ access
1 cc
/k/ occur
/ch/ bench
2 ch /tch/ bitch
/k/ Chorus
3 ck /k/ check

4 dge /j/ lodge

5 gh /f/
/g/ guest
6 gu
/gw/ language
7 ng /n/ sung

8 ph /f/ phone

9 sh /sh/ shop
/kw/ quality
10 qu
/k/ quick
/s/ scene
11 sc
/sk/ scold
/sk/ school
12 sch
/sh/ shrew
13 th /θ/ thin

/ð/ the
/w/ when
14 wh
/h/ who
/ks/ Oxgeon
15 xh /ks/ + /h/ exhale
/g/ + /z/ exhibit


/k/ - Occur

1.Access, Occur

Eg : I hope it will not occur in my access.

2. ch – /ch/ - bench

/tch/ - bitch

/k / - chorus

Bench, bitch, chorus

Eg ; The bitch sat on a bench and the other shouted in chorus.

3. ck - /k/ - check


Eg; I check the note book.

4. age - /j/ - lodge

eg. He went to a lodge.

5. gh - /g/ - ghost

/f/ - laugh

Eg : Kala saw a ghost and laughed.

6. gu - /g/ - guest

/gw/ - language

Eg. My guest speaks two languages.

7. ng - /n/ - Sung

Eg : I sung a song nicely

8. ph - /f/ - phone

Eg: Sita has an apple phone.

9. sh - /sh/ -- shop

Eg : they go to shop to buy a toy.

10. qu - / kw/ - Quality

/k/ - quick

Eg. Mala has a quality to do the work quickly.

11. sc - /s/ - scene

/sk/ - scold

Eg : On seeing the scene my father scolded me.

12. sch - /sk/ - School

/sh/ - shrew

Eg. Raja is a shrew in our school.

13. th - /θ/ - thin

/ð/ - the

Eg. The man is very thin

14. wh - /w/ -- when

/h/ - who

Eg. When he walked on the road he met one who helped him
15. xh - /ks/ - Oxide

- /ks/ + /h/ - exhale

- /g/ + /z/ - exhibit

Eg; Ravi exhales Oxygen and exhibits before the doctor.


The teacher helps the students to find the words with Consonant
digraphs in the given passage and make them to write.

Anbu likes going to the beach. He enjoys splashing in the water

and walking along the shore collecting sea shells. When he has done filling
her bucket with shells, he likes to chill in his beach chair and chew gum.
He watches the shoreline for ships and tries to guess where they are going.
One time she saw shark chasing a fish right in the shallow area .







Aim, Aid
1 ai /ei/
Said, Rain, Wait

May, Play, Today

2 ay /ei/
Payout, Wayside

Saw, Law, Draw, Straw

3 aw /Ɔ:/
Dawn, Lawn, Crawl, Lawful

Aunt, Auto, Aunty, August

4 au /Ɔ:/
Haul, Cause, Fraud

Eat, East, Each, Eagle

5 ea /i:/ Beat, Team, Heat, Speak

Sea, Tea, Plea

6 ea /Ɛ/
Head, Great, Bread

7 ee /i:/ Been, Jeep, Week, Beech, Needle

See, Bee, Fee, Tree, Saree, Coffee

Eight, Either, Eighty

8 ei /eɪ/
Vein, Veil, Deity, Weight, Height
9 eu /ju:/
Feud, Reuse, Neutron

10 New, View
ew /ju:/

11 ie /i:/ Field, Piece, Niece, Diesel

Oat, Oar
/oʊ/, /ʌ/,
12 oa
/Ɔ:/, etc. Boat, Soap, Board, Throat

Oil, Oinment
13 oi /Ɔɪ/
Join, Coin, Point, Avoid, Poison


14 oy /Ɔɪ/ Boy, Joy, Troy, Enjoy

Loyal, Joyful, Boyish

Boo, Zoo, Igloo
15 oo /u:/
Soon, Boot, Groom, School,
16 oo /ʊ/ Book, Foot, Cook, Good, Blood,
Out, Ounce, Outside, Outline
17 ou /aʊ/
Foul, Noun, Sound, Proud

Owl, Cow, Now

18 ow /aʊ/
Down, Towel, Drowsy


Practice the following correct sounds of the letters in the words below.

S. No. Letter Sound Practice

ai Daily
1. /ei/
ay May
au Auto
2. /Ɔ:/
aw Raw
/i:/ Bean
1. ea
/e/ Bread
2. ee /i:/
3. ei /ei/
4. /ju:/ Few
1. ie /i:/
/ou/ Boil
1. oi
/Ɔɪ/ Boy
2. oo Book
3. /au/ Brown

VOWEL DIGRAPHS – Read aloud - /ei/ - daily
ay - may
Eg. I read news paper daily in the month of may
2. au – / Ɔ:/ - auto
aw - raw
Eg. sheela went to shop by auto to buy raw banana
3. ea - /i:/ - bean
/ ɛ/ - bread
Eg: Malar bought bean and bread for dinner
4. ee - /i:/ - bee
Eg. Bee is an insect
ei - /ei/ - eight
Eg: leela is eight years old
5. eu - /ju/ - eulogy
ew - - few
Eg. Few students gave eulogy about their principal in their annual day function
6. ie - /i:/ - believe
Eg. They believe god always
7. oa - /ou/ - boast
oi- /Ɔi/ - boil
oy - - boy ,
Eg. The boy boiled the egg and boasted himself
8. oo – /u:/ - food
/u/ - book
Eg. Pavi had lot of food so she was very tired of reading the book
9. ou - /au/ - doubt
ow - /au/ - brown
Eg: I have a big doubt whether his hair is black or brown
See the picture,guess the word & fill in the blank with correct sound .

oa, oo, ay, ai, ee

1. b _____ 7. scr_____n

2. t____th 8. m_____n

3. m______ 9. thr____t

4. R____d 10. sh____t

5. t_____l 11. br____n

6. gr____n 12. b____t


The teacher gives the sentence cards to the students and ask
them to underline and say the two letter words.
1. A man ran to the van
2. A fan is in the van
3. He will be ok
4. Don’t be sad
5. Be kind to old people
6. A mat is by the bus
7. Don’t play with fire
8. I will be back at four
9. You can do it
10.I have no brothers
11.She is a teacher
12.Show me an example
13.Where do you go ?
14.Talk to me
15.Can you help me ?
16.He is my best friend
17.Is that a car?
18.Take as many as you want
19.It is an old paper
20.Look at me
21.You can go if you want
22.I am sure of it.
23.I love my country
24.Go to your mom or dad
25.We are happy
26.It is my pencil
27.He lives in Salem
28.Don’t be sad
29. Come with us

Three Letters Words :
The teacher writes the words on the board and ask the students to say the
word she points out..

1.The teacher writes five sentences (given below).

2.The teacher practice the students to memorise three lettered words in the

3.The teacher gives dictation .

1. The ant is red

2. The box is open
3. The car is on the road
4. The fan is silver
5. I see a big bird
6. We can to the cinema
7. You can use a computer
8. The ground was too hard
9. Let’s sit in the front row
10.The boy lay down on the bed
11.She can go far
12.I am wet and sad
13.That map is very long
14.It is a long quiz but fun
15.Do you like to eat fish
16.The ball is blue
17.I go to school in bus
18.They had colourful balloons
19.Come and play with us
20. These are nice bag.

Four letter Words
like ship this look lawn
here come does very auto
kind know want long look
walk even four from give
many find gate move some
good also slip spot calm
word bell word draw east
more most good tree ghee
some work hand vein play
move give both tray risk
clam head near grow frog
high come your club skin
free away word crop clip
they year fish quiz name
some quit stop swan game
edge gate view risk book
blow prey town pear done
pile gift meat hire snow
sack wind ride earn king
zoom drag trip know hold
pure burn curd nose army
wash grid grab pond none
lazy bond swim belt seed
wipe poor food tray wish
sand base bark tent live
feet chew time pair wasp

The teacher displays the four lettered words chart in the classroom for practice.
ACTIVITY 1 : Odd Man Out
What is different?
Circle the word that is different from the rest in each row.

1. step step step stop

2. clam clap clam clam

3. gate goat gate gate

4. ship ship shop ship

5. drag drag brag drag

6. slip slip slap slip

7. tree free tree tree

8. plot spot plot plot

Activity 2 :
Match the following:
Fill in the blanks and match with correct picture.

Dictation is an effective teaching technique that improves students’ listening


I am see a can

we in the and go

to like said you is

it here come up this

my look at me on


a could is on to

pup do kind one too

about pig know only two

big lip large other very

air earth learn our walk

all even light cap want

along hen long put was

also eye look right water

sat gum many said were

every find might saw what

any four more school when

are from most should where

around give mother some who

away good move lap word

dub great my the work

been have near their world

both head night there would

carry here of they year

change high off gum you

come I often fun your


CVC Word practice .

The teacher dictates the following sentences and make the students to write.

1. Pam sat on it.

2. Nan can mop it up.

3. The cat sat in the pan.

4. The cap is in the bag.

5. Pam sat on the big mat.

6. The hen ran in the pen.

7. The man fed the pig.

8. The vet had a red van.

9. The kid had gum on his lip.

10. The cat sat on his lap.

11.Dad dug a pit in the mud.

12.The pup had fun in the tub.

13.The bug hid in the hat.

14.Liz had a fund red wig.

15.Red jam is on the rug.


are easy listen second they

answer enough make since thing

above first made sometimes usually

another found more said use

about float many saw very

after friends new sure with

again favorite nice school went

before girl one small won

because have our thank won’t

best how other those where

being hear off that’s were

body house often talking wanted

beautiful however outside them who

brothers heard people to wrong

could its phone two when

can’t into pretty too what

city idea piece tell will

clock joke quit there write

crash jump question they watch

caught junk ride their why

children knew right thought was

don’t kicked rain through whole

didn’t low really than we

drink line sister then young

eating little stage ground garden



a dress live snow

about each lived so

add eat long something

after eggs look sometimes

again every lot soon

all eye love started

along father made stay

always feet make store

am fell man story

an find many street

and fine me summer

animals fire men sure

another first milk table

any fish miss take

apple five more teacher

are flowers morning tell

around food mother thank

as for father that

ask found much the

at four my their

ate friend name them

aunt from named then

away fun never there

baby game new they

back gave night thing

ball get no think

be getting not this

because girl now thought

bed give 7o’clock three

been glad of time

before go off to

best going old today

better good on told

big got once too

bird grade one took

black great or town

blue green other toys

boat ground our train

book had out tree

box hand over two

boy happy pair under

bring has paper up

brother have party upon

brought he people us

brown head pet used

but help picture very

by her play want

call here played wanted

came him playing was

can his please water

candy home put way

car hope rabbit we

cat house rain week

children horse ran well

Christmas how read were

close I red what

cold ice ride when

come if right where

coming ill room while

could am run white

cow in said who

daddy into saw why

day is say will

dear it school winter

did jump see wish

didn’t just sent with

dinner keep set wood

do know she work

does last shoes would

dog let should write

doll letter show year

don’t light sick yesterday

door liked sister you

down little sleep your


act feature prank

additional finicky primary

adopt flutter process

advice foul promote

amazing fright rate

ambition frustrate recreation

arctic govern regret

arouse gradual rely

arrange graduate resident

attitude grasp respect

attract gulf responsible

auction gust reverse

average habit rig

bold haste risk

border hinge rod

cable hint scar

calendar individual scatter

carnival infection schedule

cathedral influence series

cell injure shaft

chasm intelligent signal

coast interval snuggle

cocoon jet solution

confess jogged span

contain landmark spine

continent launch starve

convey league steer

court limit stress

credit malice structure

crew marine suitable

crumple marsh surrender

cunning memorize survey

current mental tackle

cylinder method talent

dangle milestone tentacles

deed misery theory

defend moist thrill

device mystify thrive

diagram nation timber

digest nectar tournament

division novel trail

doze nursery transparent

drift opposite urge

elect ordeal vacant

enable outcome vanish

event pastime version

examine pattern vessel

experience pause vigorous

fan plateau vision

fatal positive volunteer


active exceed persuade

affect expose pessimist

alter famished phase

approach flexible prepare

astound forbid project

attempt forecast quaint

attend glimpse recall

benefit grace recite

burrow grove recommend

calculate hail reduce

cease hibernate reject

cherish impose remark

climate instant represent

column keen resist

complete lack respond

confuse limb revise

contempt limp scorch

contract mammoth scurry

decay master seize

destructive mature sensitive

develop migrate severe

dismay mock shallow

distribute modest sufficient

drowsy nestle surround

eager observe tower

ease parallel utter

eject paralyze venture

embrace patriot victim


abdicate equivalent painstaking

abolish erode pardon

absurd erupt pasture

accelerate escalate patient

access establish pedestrian

accommodate evade penetrate

accomplish evident perish

accurate exasperate petrify

accustom excavate pledge

afflict exert population

aggressive expand portrait

agony expel predict

alert experiment prelude

altitude export premature

ample extinct preserve

ancestor extract previous

animated exult prey

anxious famine primitive

approximate fascinate proceed

aroma feeble proclaim

ascend ferocious prohibit

assemble fertile prone

assign flail prosper

associate flee protrude

assume flimsy provide

available foolhardy provoke

avalanche formal puny

banquet former purchase

barren fracture pursue

bask frigid reassure

betray frivolous rebel

beverage fume refuge

bland gale reign

blizzard gigantic reluctant

boisterous gorge remote

bondage grim require

brace guardian resemble

brilliant hangar restrict

brittle harbor resume

budge harsh retain

bungle harvest retire

burden heroic revert

burly hew revive

carcass hilarious ridicule

cargo hoist rigid

carnivore horizon riot

cask hostile ripple

catapult huddle rouse

celebrate idle route

challenge illuminate saunter

character immense scald

cluster indignant seldom

colony inflict sensation

combine intense sever

companion intercept significant

compassion introduce slither

compatible investigate sluggish

compensate jest snout

comply jostle soar

comprehend jubilation solitary

conceal jubilee solo

concept kin somber

confident liberate sparse

conquer likeness spectator

consist loathe stall

consume lumber steadfast

contact lurch stimulate

convalesce lure stupendous

convince major subsequent

course makeshift substantial

crave maximum suffocate

crevice meager summit

cultivate meddle superior

cumbersome methodical survive

decade mimic suspend

decline minor taper

decrease mirth task

dedicate mischief taunt

delicate molten teem

denounce monstrous tempest

dense moral terminate

depart morsel terse

deposit navigation thwart

despair negotiate tolerant

desperate nonchalant topple

destination nostalgia transform

deteriorate notable translate

dictate numerous tremor

disaster oasis tropical

distract obedient unwieldy

distress obscure upbringing

dominate obsolete urban

donate obstacle vertical

dormant occasion visible

drought oppose vow

duration optimist voyage

edible option waddle

elegant outskirts wilderness

employ overdue wither

encounter overthrow yearn

Content Words (TEXTUAL WORDS)


Strong Watch Smart Rack Zest Greeting

Excited Humanoid Surprised Shocked Amazing Plead

Refuge Pleasant Decided Understand Differentiate

Passage Sequence Application Recite Rhyming Achieve

Respond Mechanical Searching Safety Phrases

Paper Common Competition Declare Consent Function

Singular Plural Ladies Catch Be Along

Numbers Pictures Arrange Share Frozen Looked

Robots Answer Question Following Audio Anything

Price Again Change Complete Situation Peacock

Planet Gardening Hobby Pictionary Edge

Earthworm Angling Yourself Introduce Cycling Swimming

Clothes Neatly Sew Always Cleaning Creaks

Grains Stitching Cutting Chopping Discharge Slicing

Correct Build Hare Happened Confused Spelling

Different Few Pair Pear Different Desert

Meat White Waste Wind Happy Sad

Learn Mars Space Picture Car Glante

History Zoom Discover Mystery Soule Crime

Bicycle Lovely Mermaid Know Present Participle

Sentence Engineer Carpenter Football Habitual Actions

General Market Unchanging Planned Examination Suitable

Circle Flies Lesson Loudly Instruction Rewrite

Brackets Office Regularly Minute Curd Please

Vegetables Enough Should Much Share Structures

Encourage During Lunch Supper Butterfly Talented

Earthworm Puffed Groundnut Floating Little Seed

Herself Grid Lazy Replied Noisy Qualities

Animals Selfish Sleepy Suffering Pose Outcome

Dialogue Characters Truckling Enjoy Portable Canvas

Attached Ground Poles Impression Foot Substance

Sand Culture River Stream Dropping Higher

Point Lower Robinson Crusoe Brave Adventures

Great Managed Reached Island Tried Storm

Alone Explored Broken Wooden Tent Frightened

Cherishing Terrible Twice Human Cannibals Stayed

Captain Killing Adventure Tent Carnivals Robot

Frightened Afraid Protest Authority Racial Ethnical

Searches Story Syllable Divided Consonants Rob

Bit Voyage Country Sailed Manner Decided

Columbus Sudden Blow Gate Fainted Spite

Weather Wonderful Found Done Hire Tremble

Thunder Examples Popcorn Swallow Print Shut

Drag Hold Chew Imitate Shake Drive

Grab Ride Worry Taught Conduct Express

Headache Adventure Cousin Never Everywhere

Meanwhile Started Waterfall Informing Myself Guava

Without Nothing Towards Returned Mistake Informing

Nearby Wished Shadow Scene Truck

Juicy Pants Candle Title Interaction Recite

Designed Enable Engaging Approach Plenty Variety

Activities Structure Vocabulary Retention Management Drafted

Themes Enrichment Focus Relatable Attractive Savings

Dictionary Exposes Pictorial Attractive Preface Language

Context Associated Scope Inductively Accordingly Opportunity

Develops Donation Contextually Ability Values

Familiarizing Affection Bond Natural Resources Wisely

Sowings Moment Pride Assessment Diagnostic Successful

Every one Rotate Wipe Tumbled Scream Tray

Receded Preparing Massive Whiled Fainted

Blankly Banged Receded Disaster Official Studied

Below Punctuation Capital Completed Beautiful Favorite

Spoilt Ahead Shoot Deeds Stays Relationship

Nature Wealth Important Behind Between Prepositions

Imagine Destroy Variation Special Customer Leave

Change Childhood Sometimes Lesson Someone Looked

Shook Stopped Raised Annoyed Louder Forehead

Exclaimed Answered Sharing Thought Screamed Caught

Surprise Rubber Morning Straight Grabbed Pestered

Alright Dullness Dictation Upset Frog

Dealer Education Paragraphs Narrative Biography Base

Deeds Wealth Always Pocket Sponge Grains

Piggy bank Ladder Burrow Granary Creative Digging

Earthworms Traps Paralyze Burrow Yelled Leafcutter

Dropped Weight Sap Fungus Granaries Forest

Future Generations Tightly Resources Digging Switched

Walked Arrange Unwanted Unfortunate Repaint Tricks

Familiar Preschool View Honest Approve Prefix

Moles Tunnels Worms Crocodiles Countries Pantries

Squirrels Reserve Leopard Farmers Harvest Granary

Cannery Packed Gave Prey Laborer Pile

Needed Written Soldier Computer Patient Students

Grabbed Verbs Snow Lose Continue Meet

Reach Happen Earn Travel Above Serve

Anticipate Accounts Deposit Minimum Income Exemption

Scheme Insurance Provident Counter Native Announced

Purposefully Seriously Siblings Festival Fullest Available

Poisoning Managed Nearest Stationary Urgently Flute

Although Everyone Eagerly Clicking Fuel

Brain Desolated Beyond Universe Space Trip

Grandparents Village Nation Patriotism Legend Pride

Moment Explore Native Milky way Earth

Solar system Destroyed Capsule Colonies Sighed Reminded

Unpolluted Fertilizer Fuels Laughed Chemical Survival

Adapting Continued Cylinder Spacesuit Oxygen Longer

Scientist Terra form Celebrate Martian Climate Suitable

Expert Planet Burning Magic Beyond

Amidst Countless Saturn Crossed Uranus Fuse

Neptune Marveled Giant Further Galaxy Magnificent

Milky Hurdling Bought Army Choice Happiness

Abstract Wisdom Pride Freedom Kindness Superfast

Platform Please Thoroughly Shuttle Pulling Towards

Shattered Problem Capsules Grains Vocation Eager

Pleasant Numerous Delighted Abundant Threshing Enchanting

Tastiest Introduces Balancing Summer Piling Pond

Climbing Experts Riverbed Pebbles Neither Tourism

Realized Swim Bullock Plough Scarecrow Change

Vowels Radios Reward Agriculture Chemicals Around

Pleasant Parallel Cooking Auxiliary Travelling Holiday

Getting Involved Delicious Uniform Freshen Daughter

Distribute Bullocks Equally Millet Harvest

Wisely Cleverly Understood Feeds Community Service

Ceremony Intervened Serving Guarding Infected

Anniversary Harmful Protect Goldfish sky blue Burger

Patriotism Boundaries Core Foreign Integrity Proud

Honored Summer Spring Autumn Junction Legendary

Velour Regroup Battalion Interrogation Tribe

Surrounded Attack Beggar Something Luxurious Shrank

Feeble Dropping Irritated Nobody Knocked Denied

Shabby Hungry Persuaded Reluctant Adverse Hesitant

Convinced Colorful Combination Suffix Hospitality Strangers

Guest Forgotten Pigeons Gripped Brave Wondered

Passion Inspiration Astonished Emotion Stimulated Surprise

Opposites Swimmer Finishing Reaches Winner Strokes

Talent Ability Event Perfect wretched home

dazzling Wish morning impatient trees treasure

tattered village greener pocket poor relished

suburbs excitement festive count happy embraced

gaily excited brighter dressed bark descended

gift toy town wood fruit run

sack army house elephant across mount

other horse rich paisa stores watch

wings camel garden fun sweet distance

reach attack stall ahead vendors three

mountains round side except pile treasure

turn scan kind occur heaps miserable

gaped done king iron carrier tongue

smack ride water burn wash pleased

lips time expensive away women finger

row anything lawyer afraid men pile

smack break colour scream buy hot

relish music hungry contrary smash leave

longs sings sesame shoulder precious none

Students who have learnt words now prepare themselves to learn

sentences with SIMPLE grammar.

Noun - A noun is the name of a person, place, thing or on idea.

Pronoun - A pronoun is a substitute for a noun.

Verb - A verb is an action word.

Adjective - An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun.

Adverb - An adverb describes a verb

Preposition - A preposition describes the relationship between a noun

or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.

Conjunction - A conjunction joins words or phrases in a sentence.

Interjection - An Interjection is a word or phrase that expresses

strong feeling or emotion.

Simple Sentences to practice

1. I want to be a doctor.
2. We like to paint a tree.
3. I can run fast.
4. I am not sure about the event.
5. I lost my watch.
6. No one will come after me.
7. She went fishing after school.
8. You are very lazy.
9. I don’t teach you.
10. She would like to help me.
11. Raja will get new book.
12. I will not take it from you.
13. He is my best friend.
14. They worked hard in the field.
15. Rama killed Ravana.
16. My mom likes me.
17. They live in a beautiful house.
18. I really need something.
19. I cannot come home early today.
20. She is wiser than her sister.
21. This is for you.
22. The book is on the table.
23. Tiger is the national animal of India.
24. She cooks for you.
25. Dam! I cannot find the picture.
26. She is my sister.
27. We will come.
28. Sita is a good girl.
29. You are very kind.
30. The sun rises in the sky.
31. He is a fast driver.
32. I am happy to be here.
33. She never tells a lie.
34. Oh! that is a surprise.
35. They are playing in the garden.
36. She does not have a phone.
37. They do not have any pets.
38. A big square blue box.
39. Do you have brothers?
40. I have plenty of pencils.
41. Go and sleep.
42. My sister always comes late.
43. The glass is breakable.
44. Wow! that’s a big spider.
45. What are you doing now.
46. Kannan came by bus.
47. Wash your face.
48. I did not write the exam well.
49. You may fall down.
50. My birthday is on August.
51. Hello! it’s nice to meet you.
52. You are almost late.
53. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
54. I go to school every day.
55. Where is my friend?
56. Maha and Sheela are good friends.
57. She is really good at English.
58. Cut your nails.
59. Ouch! she is hurting me.
60. Luckily he succeeded.
61. Bind the Shoe laces.
62. Sheela will go to London next month.
63. The old man walks slowly.
64. Close the book.
65. Wow! you look so beautiful.
66. I am hungry but there is no food.
67. Put off the stove.
68. Maha is poor but she is kind.
69. My two cousins are going to movie tomorrow.
70. Geetha went to Chennai.
71. Clean your nose.
72. Get up early.
73. You have got good marks, congratulations!.
74. I cannot fall asleep unless it’s quiet.
75. Oops! sorry. It was my fault.
76. My best friend lives in Salem.
77. Comb your hair.
78. He went to clinic last week.
79. The cat is on the table.
80. Mary enjoys cooking.
81. Hurrah! India won the match.
82. I run four miles every morning.
83. You have some school work to do.
84. Mala brushes her teeth twice a day.
85. The train leaves every morning at eight.
86. Oh my God!.
87. A baby lion is called cub.
88. My mom cooks well.
89. I cannot help you.
90. When he saw the thief, he ran away.
91. Pavi cannot go to the park.
92. Teacher will check the homework.
93. This is the big store.
94. Put the cloth on the chair.
95. I hope, I will do my best.
96. You don’t listen to me.
97. Mathi runs to the party.
98. Radha loves her new pets.
99. The train leaves in ten minutes.
100. It’s very hot today.

Underline the verbs:

1. I can run fast.

2. Mala brushes her teeth twice a day.
3. Close the book.
4. They worked hard in the field.
5. You may fall down

Pick the Noun and write .

1. Raja will get a new book. ______________

2. Rama killed Ravana. ______________
3. The book is on the table. ______________
4. Tiger is the national animal of India. ______________
5. Sita is a good girl. ______________

Encircle the Adjectives in the following sentences.

1. They live in a beautiful house.

2. The glass is breakable.
3. A big square blue box.
4. He is a fast driver.
5. She is wiser than her sister.

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. The old man walks slowly.

2. She never tells a lie.
3. My sister always comes late.
4. Luckily he succeeded.
5. He went to a clinic last week.

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:

in, on at, by, to

1. My best friend lives _________ Salem.

2. Geetha went __________ Chennai.
3. She is really good ___________ English.
4. Kannan came _________ bus.
5. The cat is _______ the table.

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction:

1. I am very hungry _____________ (and / but) there is no food.

2. Do you prefer coffee ________ (but / or) tea.
3. I cannot fall asleep ___________ (or / unless) it’s quiet.
4. I did not write the exam well ____________ (or / because) of you.
5. Maha ___________ Sheela (and / or ) are good friends.

Pick the correct interjection and change the sentences below to make sense.

Wow! Ouch! Congratulations!



1. ____________ Sorry. It was my fault.

2. You have got good marks _____________.
3. ______________ you look so beautiful.
4. _______________ India won the match.
5. _______________ she is hurting me.

"Attempt" "Practice" "Develop"


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