Esquema Ingles2
Esquema Ingles2
Esquema Ingles2
The firm
We are a law firm that offers a personalized and multidisciplinary attention, answering
to the needs of our clients in agile and efficient way in every moment, such as growth and
expansion, or in difficult situations of redefinition of business.
Also in V&A we offer a personalized and direct attention to our clients, in order to
know the specific individual problematic of your business.
The common effort, the teamwork, the global analysis of all the juridical specialities,
the comprehension of business and its diferents realities allow us to optimize the results
towards an effective and complete case resolution.
We offer our services to numerous local and foreign enterprises of varied importance
and to businessmen and investors, with active participation in industry, product marketing,
services and commodities, agro and construction, and other business lines.
Corporate Law
V&A ´s lawyers are experts in corporate law. This expertise enables us to deal with all
types of cases, from the simple, routine ones to complex transactions and litigation within
our areas of specialization. Our services include, for example:
Bunkruptcy. Insolvency.
Our firm has a strong mergers and acquisition practice. We have counseled buyers and
sellers in a wide variety of M&A transactions. Throughout the process, we focus on our
client's critical objectives, whether they are maximizing the value of their assets,
minimizing potential liabilities, or simple getting the deal done.
Our attorneys regularly counsel and advise numerous employers, on all aspects of labor
and employment relations. Much of our work and advice is preventive in nature, conducted
with the goal of minimizing or eliminating the employer's exposure to liability and costly
litigation. Once an issue has arisen or an action is filed, we can handle all phases of dispute
Tax Law
At V&A we provide general corporate tax advice to our clients. Our tax practice covers
national and local taxes and includes the following services: tax planning, advice, and
representation of our clients in administrative and/or judicial procedures and/or actions.
In cooperative mode with the litigation department, we provide general advice and we
represent our clients in tax-related claims, motions, controversies and/or litigations before
tax authorities and federal and local courts.
Our litigation attorneys have gained extensive experience in all type of proceedings
(ordinary, executive, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings), acting either for
plaintiffs and defendants. Furthermore, the solid academic background of our litigation
attorneys together with the interdisciplinary work with the other members of this law firm,
add a special value to our litigation attorneys. We represent clients in courts in a wide range
of cases such as:
V&A advises domestic and foreign clients in negotiating agency, distribution, franchise
and licensing agreements of all types. Our firm also represents licensors in overseeing
performance of licensee obligations and advises them with respect to early termination of
licensing agreements.
V&A has developed a very strong practice in these fields, which complements its long-
standing expertise in antitrust compliance audits of marketing strategies, joint ventures,
distribution, licensing and franchising agreements, as well as in the representation of clients
in all kinds of administrative and judicial proceedings relating to antitrust and consumer
law matters.
Also, we act as counsel in many large and complex cases involving allegations of
personal injury, property damage or economic loss resulting from product defects or
exposure to toxic substances, patents and copyright.
Our lawyers have advised on matters ranking from commercial or syndicated loans to
capital market transactions, direct investments, mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations,
collections, debt-to-equity conversions, financial leasing, trade financing, and letters of
We have a vast experience in this area as a result of the representation of several local
and international transactions. We are deeply involved in the vast uses, alternatives and
developments of trust structures which are relatively recent in Argentine legislation.
At V&A we provide to foreign clients that wish to invest in the Argentina with a wide
range of legal services. We assist foreign clients in designing suitable corporate structures
to run their operations in the country, including forming corporations, partnerships,
branches, subsidiaries, representations, licensed operations, joint ventures and corporate
agreements and in the drafting and negotiation of contracts in connection with international
business transactions and transfers of technology. Also, we represent clients in the
international sale and purchase of goods and services, exports and imports, financing and
leasing, international arbitration and antidumping.
Real Estate Transactions
V&A has established a Corporate Criminal Law Department that offers to all of its
clients a detailed counselling on the subject. The lawyers of this Law Department have vast
judicial and professional experience in this Area. The Corporate profile of the Firm, is the
foundation of the creation of a Corporate Criminal Law focused and specialized in the
corporate service. The Department seeks to achieve a corporate criminal counselling that
brings assisstance both for the internal control mechanisms of the institutions (aiming to
prevent different kinds of fraud and/or ilicits that the commercial organizations may be
object of) and for the legal defenses before imputations from the pertaining judicial
Antonio Alberto Vila
Juan Gerónimo Cortes Funes
Daniel Ravinovich
Damián Alberto Vila
Fernando Martín Vila
Hernán Mariano Domínguez
Axel Norman Tomada
Lorena Mayor
(Nota: Los CV en castellano e inglés de cada uno los tenes. (Falta el de Ravinovich y
Analia que te lo estoy enviando por mail)
(Nota: Poner en Construcción, la idea es que podamos subir “pdf” de publicación que
vayamos haciendo)
(Que puedan enviar un mail al estudio)