ANALYSIS of NORMAL URINE - Writing Material For Notebook
ANALYSIS of NORMAL URINE - Writing Material For Notebook
ANALYSIS of NORMAL URINE - Writing Material For Notebook
• Urine is an excretory product of the body and presence of certain substances in the urine reflects
the metabolic state of the body.
• Since it can be easily collected and examined, routine and microscopic examination of urine is
an important preliminary step in the diagnosis of various pathological conditions.
Like all biological specimens, urine has to be collected and adequately preserved to prevent
contamination and bacterial overgrowth since it is a very good culture medium.
The following methods can be used to collect a urine specimen:
• Clean catch midstream urine sample: External genitalia are cleaned, and first 10 ml of urine is
voided. The midstream portion of the urine is collected in a sterile container for testing. This
sample is best for bacteriological study of the bladder and kidney.
• Catheter specimen of urine: A catheter is a thin rubber tube that's inserted through the urethra
into the bladder. It is used for microbiological examination in critically ill patients or in urinary
tract obstruction, only.
• Suprapubic aspiration: The urine is aspirated from the bladder using a 22-gauge needle
following aseptic technique. This technique is used to collect a sterile urine sample in infants
and as an alternative to catheterization.
The first voided morning urine, which is the most concentrated, is best for routine urinalysis
Depending on the analyte to be tested the timing of urine specimen collection can vary as:
1. Random sample: The sample is collected on the spot at any time of the day. It has limited utility
and is used for detection of glucose, ketone bodies and proteins.
2. Timed sample:
• Early morning/ mid streamed morning sample: Specimen is most concentrated and preferred
for microscopic examination for bacteria and for detection of abnormal amounts of constituents
• 24-hour urine sample: For certain analytes such as steroid hormones which show diurnal
• The patient is asked to discard the first voided urine and start collection of all the urine samples
voided subsequently till the first urine sample of the next morning in a sterile container.
1) Colour 1) Cells
A. Normal constituents: 2) Crystals
2) Appearance Inorganic & Organic
3) Odour 3) Casts
B. Abnormal
4) Specific gravity constituents
5) Volume 1) Proteins
6) pH 2) Glucose
3) Ketone Bodies
4) Blood
5) Bilirubin
6) Urobilinogen
(Write this content of box below on ruled page of your file)
1. pH
2. Volume
3. Appearance
4. Colour
5. Odor
6. Specific Gravity
White precipitate is
2. Test for inorganic sulphate
Sulphate is present
1ml of sample + 1ml 10% BaCl2
2. Test for uric acid Pinkish coloured solution is Uric acid is present
0.5ml uric acid reagent+10
microlitre diluted alkaline
urine sample
In the provided urine sample, organic constituents such as Urea, Uric acid and creatinine is present &
inorganic constituents’ chloride, sulphate & calcium are also present.