was never intended to be enforced in the first place. • A void contract is a formal agreement that is effectively illegitimate (not authorized by the law) and unenforceable from the moment it is created. • Void contracts can include ones that involve an illegal subject in the contract or a contract that is so unfair and unconscionable to public policy.
• In such instances, void contracts (also referred
to as "void agreements"), involve agreements that are either illegal in nature or inviolation of fairness or public policy. • A void contract is a formal agreement that is effectively illegitimate and unenforceable from the moment it is created. • Any contract agreement created between two parties for illegal actions is also considered a void contract.
• A void contract is no longer considered a
contract at all. Since it has lost its status as a contract, it is unenforceable and has no binding legal effect.
• For example, a contract between an illegal
drug supplier and a drug dealer is unenforceable from the onset due to the illegal nature of the agreed-upon activity • Examples of void contracts could include prostitution or gambling. Voidable Contract
A voidable contract is one that was initially
deemed lawful by the parties but is later deemed unenforceable against one of the parties due to valid legal grounds.
Voidable Contract is the contract which can be
enforceable only at the option of one of the two parties to the contract. In this type of contract, one party is legally authorized to make a decision to perform or not to perform his part. The aggrieved party is independent to choose the action. The right may arise because the consent of the concerned party is influenced by coercion, undue influence, fraud or misrepresentation, etc. The contract becomes valid until the aggrieved party does not cancel it. Moreover, the aggrieved party has the right to claim damages from the other party. Normally, following reasons make any contract as a voidable:
Failure by one or both parties to disclose a
material fact A mistake, misrepresentation, or fraud Undue influence or duress One party's legal incapacity to enter a contract (Example... a minor) One or more terms that are unconscionable (not right or reasonable) A breach of contract
For example,
X says to Y, that he should sell his new
bungalow to him at a nominal price otherwise, he will damage his property and Y enters into a contract due to fear. In this situation, the contract voidable as the consent of Y is not free, so he has the right to avoid the performance of his part. As well as he can claim for any damages caused to him.
Discharge of a Contract
The discharge of a contract means that the
obligations of the contract come to an end. When discharge occurs, all duties which arose under the contract are terminated.
The discharge of a contract is characterized as the
end of an agreement or an arrangement made by a couple of parties, which results in the failure in performing or playing out the obligations referenced at the hour of making a contract with the acknowledgment of all the parties with free consent. Subsequently, the commitments might be legal or contractual or performance, or even operational.
Different Methods: Discharge of contract
Discharge of contract by breach of
contract: Breach of contract is concerned with the termination of the original contract due to the failure of performing obligations by either or all of the parties, which discourages each of the other parties. It relates to void or terminating the original contract completely. These breaches of contracts may be either anticipatory or actual.
Discharge of contract by accord and
Accord is an executor contract that helps to
perform the existing duties at present to avoid the contractual discharge. On the other hand, based on the performance of the accord, the satisfaction of a contract will be considered, and one doesn’t want to void the entire contract.
Discharge of contract by the impossibility of
In this case, the discharge of the contract happens
without any interference from both of the parties. Despite the fact that everything is acceptable at the place of pain, certain unexpected and undetermined issues might occur, which decreases the chance of playing out or performing a contract. This includes a downturn for the market, catastrophic events, absence of legitimate reason, unfortunate episodes, and so on. In the Indian Contract Act, segment 59 plainly clarifies that assuming any of the reasons might prompt the difficulty of execution, and it is prudent to break the agreement.
Discharge of contract by lapse of time:
It is indicated that in case if the agreement can’t be
performed within the predetermined period, it might influence the other party and lead to the abrogation of the whole agreement. Then, at that point, it is treated as a contractual discharge of the agreement by a time-lapse. Discharge of contract by agreement:
If both of the individuals or parties in the
agreement aren’t willing to proceed with the agreement till the due date, then it is changed over to the next party, whether or not they might acknowledge the discharge of the agreement or contract by the understanding will occur. However, it happens in different circumstances. They are as follows:
A: Waiver: Waiver refers to the abandonment
of right. In case any of the parties surrender their rights from the contract, which affects the other party, then it leads to thedischarge of the contract by substitute agreement. B: Alteration: It is another situation where the particulars of the agreement or contract will be changed either partially or totally with the assent of the two parties. Be that as it may, the parties will not change, and they can appreciate new advantages, possibly they may less or more than the old agreement or contract.
C: Rescission: Here, both the parties agreed to
modify certain rules and regulations in the contract with mutual understanding. It may lead to the cancellation of all the rulesor may cancel partially.
D: Novation: Specifying the substitution of
either a new contract in the place of the original contract or new members in the place of the old one, whether it may be a singleperson or both the parties, is known as novation, which is a part of the contractual discharge by substitution of agreement.
The major differences between void contract and
voidable contract are:
A contract which lacks enforceability is Void
A contract which lacks the free will of one of the
parties to the contract is known as Voidable Contract.
A void contract was valid at the time when it is
created, but later on, it becomes invalid. Conversely, the voidable contract is valid until the aggrieved party does not revoke it within stipulated time. When it is impossible, for an act to be performed by the parties, it becomes void, as it ceases its enforceability.
When the consent of the parties to the contract
is not free, the contractbecomes voidable at the option of the party whose consent is not free. In void contract, no party can claim any damages for the non-performance of the contract.