Cutting Clause 2
Cutting Clause 2
Cutting Clause 2
It is hereby understood and agreed that loss by breakage shall be made good in the following
manner :
In case there remains a minimum length of three meters from the socket end after cutting off
damaged part of cracked or broken pipes, a claim payable shall be for the cut-off part only,
the cost of cutting of to be borne by the Assured, while the damaged part cut off shall be the
property of the Assured.
The payment of the above claim shall be made in such proportion as the weight of the
damaged part cut-off bears to the weight of one complete pipe.
In case of damage at a point shorter than three meters from the socket end or of damage to
the socket end or of damage to such an extent as to lose the original form, the insured
amount of each of the pipes so damaged shall be paid, and the Underwriters shall get the
ownership of such damaged pipes
In respect of damage to special castings, the insured amount of each piece shall be paid,
and the Underwriters shall get the ownership of such damaged special castings.