Ffiilffiry: The Is 6 Is
Ffiilffiry: The Is 6 Is
Ffiilffiry: The Is 6 Is
C = Concentration of Calibrator
KIT CONTENTS : 4. Before the assay begins, bring all the reagents to room temperature.
Pack size : (60m1) CODE No. BILDO1
Reagent 1: 1 x 48 ml
Reagent?: 1 x 12ml 5. Do not freeze or expose the reagents to high temperature and
protect from direct sunlight as it will affect the performance of the kit.
Pack size : (480m1) CODE No. B|LDO2
Reagent 1 : 4 x96 ml
Reagent2 : 2 x48 ml 6. Programmes for specific autoanalysers are available on request.
Pack size : (LW120ml) CODE No. BILDLWO1 8. For accuracy of results, the assay procedure, reagent preparation
Reagent 1: 6 x16 ml Reagent2 : 2 x 12 ml and storage has to be meticulously followed.
SAMPLES : 9. As with all the diagnostic procedures, the physician should evaluate data
obtained by the use of this kit in light of other clinical information.
Serum or heparinised plasma
(Bilirubin is very light sensitive, therefore carefully protect
Performance Datia 1SZoCl :
from light)
\Mthin - run reproducibility Between - run reproducibility
Mean SD SD
For the calibration of
automated analyzers Greiner mg/dl mg/dl
mg/dl mg/dl %
Multicalibrator Unical is recommended, for quality control Sample 1 0.36 0.01 312 Sample 1 0.35 0.01 3.34
use Greiner GmbH normal and abnormal control, Unitrol I Sarnple 2 076 0.01 1.46 Sample 2 0.75 0.01 1.00
Sample 3 2.07 0.03 1.30 Sample 3 2.13 0.02 0.71
and Unitrol ll.
The following analyze were tested up to the levets indicated The linearity limit of the standard serum procedure is up to an direct Bilirubin
and found not to interfere with activity of 10 mg/dl and detection limit 0.1mg/dl.
- Ascorbic Acid: up to 30 mg/dL At higher concentration activities the sample has to be diluted 1 + 4 with
- Hemoglobin: no interferences up to 50 mg/dl normal saline, the result multiplied by 5.
- Triglycerides: no interference up to 1000 mgldl
Cuvette : 1 cm light path 3. Rard RN, di Pasqua A. A new diazo method for thedetermination of bilirubin. Clin Chem
Read against Reagent Blank (RB) 1962;6:570€.