Siraj Mts
Siraj Mts
Siraj Mts
उम्मीदवार द्वारा चुनी गई भाषा/Language प्रतिपूरक समय के लिए पात्रता / Eligible for
अनुक्रमांक सं / Roll No. : 8003010265
Chosen by the Candidate: English Compensatory Time : No
(यूजर आई डी के रूप में प्रयोग करें) (To be used as User ID)
परीक्षा के लिए पासवर्ड/Password for Exam.:31082001 पहचान के निशान/Identification Mark:A MOLE BACK OF THE RIGHT EAR
परीक्षा तिथि/Exam Date: 30-10-2024 उपस्थित होने का समय/Reporting Time: प्रवेश बंद होने का समय/Entry Closing Time: 08:30
07:45 AM AM
उम्मीदवार का नाम/Candidate's Name : SHAIK SIRAJ Scanned Photograph of the Candidate
लिंग/Gender : Male
श्रेणी/Category : UR
जन्म तिथि/Date of Birth : 31/08/2001
1. Candidate must carry an original photo identity card having the same Date of Birth (including Date, Month & Year) as printed on the Admission Certificate.
2. If photo identity card does not have the same Date of Birth (including Date, Month & Year) as mentioned in the admit card then the candidate must carry an
additional certificate (in original) as proof of his/her Date of Birth.
3. In case of mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/the certificate brought in support of Date of Birth, the candidate
will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
4. Admit card must be kept safely till final result. Roll Numbers cannot be given again if lost.