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ISSN: 2583-7354


Dr. Vishal Singh Bhadauriya1*, Dr. Keshav Mishra2

1Independent researcher, Department of History, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

2Professor, Department of History, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
*Corresponding Author: vishal1996@bhu.ac.in

Article Info: - Received : 14 November 2023 Accepted : 26 November 2023 Published : 30 November 2023

In the contemporary world of massive military power, security dilemma is a common problem
among the countries and effective deployment of soft power plays a major role in facilitating a positive
collaboration between nations. As Joseph Nye who is credited with the coining of the term said, ‘The soft
power of a country rests mainly on three resources- Culture, its Political Values, and Foreign Policy.’
Geographically India is being constrained on the majority of its borderlands due to the effective
presence of China and Pakistan but on the other hand it is the hub of multiculturalism and its image in
the global order is conjured up on various bases for example- Religious-Cultural ties, Bollywood and
Cuisines. This paper tries to explore how Mekong-Ganga Cooperation can be a glaring example of how countries can
strengthen their ties through the soft power initiative. The Mekong-Ganga cooperation between India and the other
five ASEAN countries has the potential to maintain the equilibrium in the South Asian and East Asian regions. As the
lower Mekong countries put more trust in India than in China due to the ominous threat to life on the Mekong River
posed by China's giant dams thus India plays a significant role in the sub region in order to ensure cooperation
among MGC countries. The Mekong Ganga initiative has a major role in strengthening the ties between both sides in
present times, keeping in view the growing Chinese influence which often acts as a barrier to their friendship. I
would try to identify the nature and consequences of Chinese strategic and economic calculus in the Mekong sub-
region and to examine the changing pattern of Indian diplomacy regarding that. Further, the purpose of this paper is
to deduce how India’s soft power can ensure its friendship with the Mekong countries through the various
multidimensional engagements in the sub-region.

Keywords: Soft Power, Geographical Constraint, India-China Diplomacy, Act East Policy, Mekong Ganga Sub-
2583-7354/© 2023. Dr. Vishal Singh Bhadauriya, and Dr. Keshav Mishra., This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if
changes were made.

© 2023, IJEKS Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | November-2023 Page 600

ISSN: 2583-7354
1. INTRODUCTION India has been able to strengthen its
partnerships with Southeast Asian nations because to
1.1. Background and Context of India's soft power its long history and cultural affinity with the area. This
diplomacy is especially true in the field of people-to-people
In recent years, India has put more emphasis exchanges. India has participated in the East Asia
on using its soft power to achieve its foreign policy Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum, and it has also
objectives. To attract and convince people to join one's been working closely with the Mekong nations on a
cause without resorting to force or economic number of economic and strategic projects, such as the
incentives is an example of a country's "soft power," as Mekong-Ganga Cooperation initiative. This has helped
defined by Nye (2004). In the late '80s, Nye was the India advance its interests, image, and ideals, which has
first to establish the idea of soft power, distinguishing increased its clout in the area (Tharoor, 2012).
it from military and economic might (Nye, 1990). Furthermore, India's foreign policy credibility
India has shaped its global image well and has been bolstered in the region thanks to the
improved its connections with other nations using country's long history of promoting regional
existing soft power resources, especially in the Mekong cooperation through groups like the South Asian
sub-region. To attract and influence other nations Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the
without using force or coercion, a country might rely Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical
on its soft power resources, which include its culture, and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) (Nandy &
politics, and foreign policy. Bollywood films, Indian Naha, 2022). India's foreign policy relies heavily on
food, and yoga are just a few examples of India's soft power diplomacy since the advent of China as a
cultural exports that have helped the country gain global power has increased geopolitical rivalry in the
international recognition and visibility (Wagner, Mekong sub-region (Hwang, 2008).
2010). Furthermore, India's image as a responsible India has been more assertive in its
global player that supports human rights and involvement with Southeast Asian countries as a result
democratic ideals has been bolstered by the country's of rising geopolitical concerns caused by China's
democratic values and diverse society (Mol et al., expanding influence in the area. India's use of soft
2021). power diplomacy has increased as a means of
India's "Look East" strategy was implemented balancing China's assertiveness and advancing Indian
in the wake of the Cold War's end as a way to forge interests in the area. India's soft power diplomacy,
closer strategic links with East Asia and prevent the shown by its promotion of Buddhism and other
country from being economically and strategically cultural exchanges, has a solid base in the country's
isolated in the South Asian area. Despite the long and deep historical and cultural ties to Southeast
possibilities, this strategy has run against roadblocks Asia. India has strengthened its reputation as a
like China's rising might and India's remoteness from responsible global actor by emphasizing non-
major economic centers. Given the region's complexity, interference in the internal affairs of other nations and
the policy stresses the necessity for India to strike a by supporting democracy and human rights (Wang,
balance between its strategic aims and its ties with its 2019). As a democratic country with shared cultural
neighbors. India's "Act East" policy is meant to and historical ties, India can offer an alternative to
strengthen the country's links to East Asia, but it can China's growing influence in the region.
only be successful if it is guided by caution and realism India's inclination toward the Mekong sub-
(Sikri, 2009). region is motivated by a number of significant factors.
The Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Initiative and First, India acknowledges Southeast Asia, and the
other Indian development aid projects have increased Mekong sub-region in particular, as a rising economic
trust and paved the way for deeper ties between India and strategic force behind development and expansion
and the Mekong nations (Singh, 2022). India has been worldwide (Yhome, 2023). The region offers
able to shape its global image and enhance its significant investment opportunities in fields including
partnerships with other nations, notably in the Mekong infrastructure, renewable energy, and digital
sub-region, India has been able to develop its technology. It is a major export market for Indian
connections with countries like Myanmar, Thailand, goods, particularly in the pharmaceutical, automotive,
Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam by using its soft power and textile industries.
assets. Examples include scholarships for students Second, the area is seen as being crucial to
from these countries to study in India and training India's strategic objectives in containing China's
programs for government officials. India has also expanding influence there. India sees an opportunity to
established cultural centres in these countries to counteract China's expanding economic and political
increase public knowledge of its extensive cultural weight by extending its own economic and geopolitical
history and traditions.

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ISSN: 2583-7354
involvement with the Mekong sub-region as the Belt wildlife are just some of the GMS's many natural
and Road Initiative spreads into that area. resources that have aided in the region's economic and
Thirdly, India's soft power diplomacy has a social growth. The fisheries industry, for instance,
solid base because of its historical and cultural ties to provides a significant portion of the Mekong region's
the Mekong sub-region. The heritage of Indian income and jobs. In addition, hydropower in particular
dynasties like the Gupta and the Chola, as well as offers tremendous potential for renewable energy in
India's historical effect on the area via the introduction the region, which can be used to meet the region's
of Buddhism and Hinduism, continue to affect the increasing energy needs (Yu, 2003).
region's cultural environment. India's involvement in With its plentiful resources, developing
regional organizations like the ASEAN-India Free Trade markets, and potential for cooperation on numerous
Area and the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation strengthens fronts, the Mekong sub-region, which includes
its soft power diplomacy in the area. With a goal of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the
strengthening its economic, geopolitical, and cultural Yunnan Province of China, represents a significant
relations with important partners in the area, India's economic opportunity for India.
Act East strategy and its focus on the Mekong sub- There are numerous opportunities for
region represent a broader movement in India's economic cooperation between India and Southeast
foreign policy toward increased involvement with the Asian nations in the Mekong sub-region. The region's
larger Indo-Pacific region (Kesavan, 2020). GDP has grown steadily, there are more than 240
The Mekong Ganga Cooperation was founded in million people living there, and it exports a lot of goods.
2000 to facilitate cooperation between India and the Natural resources abound in the region as well,
Mekong nations in the fields of tourism, culture, including fertile farmland, mineral deposits, and ample
education, and commerce. The Mekong Growth potential for hydroelectricity generation (Breezy,
Corridor (MGC) is an integral part of India's efforts to 2023). Established in 2000 (Six Nations three Decades,
influence the Mekong region's economy and politics. One Vision 2023), the Mekong Ganga Cooperation
India hopes to increase its clout in the shifting (2023) serves as a meeting ground for commercial
geopolitical landscape of the Mekong region by exchange between India and the countries of the
strengthening its connections with the nations in the Mekong River Basin. To improve regional connectivity
area and making use of its substantial soft power assets and trade, key areas of cooperation include agriculture,
and long-standing linkages to the region (Mekong- energy, and infrastructure projects like road networks,
Ganga Cooperation (MGC) background - ministry of ports, and railways (CIL.NUS.EDU.SGG, 2016).
external affairs). By establishing ties with the Mekong sub-
region through the MGC, India can expand its exports
1.2. Importance of the Mekong sub-region in India's to the region, find new sources of foreign investment,
foreign policy and work with its Mekong neighbors to build
India's foreign policy toward the Mekong sub- infrastructure that will benefit both economies.
region has been influenced by a variety of factors, such India's Act East Policy, initiated in 2014, seeks
as the country's historical and cultural ties to the area, to balance China's growing influence in the region by
economic prospects, and geopolitical concerns. Closer strengthening ties with Southeast Asian countries,
ties between India and the subcontinent were made particularly those sharing the Mekong River. India has
possible by the Chola and Gupta empires' extensive ties invested in several infrastructure projects, such as the
to the region, particularly through the spread of India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and the
Buddhism and Hinduism (Rao, 2001). Exports of Mekong-India Economic Corridor, to improve regional
pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and textiles from India connectivity, trade, and people-to-people ties, in
all perform well in the Mekong region (Das et al., response to China's Belt and Road Initiative's (BRI)
2013), and the country sees the area as a rising significant expansion of China's economic and strategic
economic powerhouse with plenty of room for presence in the Mekong sub-region.
investment in areas like green energy, infrastructure, The Mekong sub-region has vast natural
and ICT. The Mekong sub-region holds a high strategic resources, including abundant agriculture, mineral and
value in India's Act East strategy, which aims to energy resources, as well as a young and growing
strengthen economic and strategic ties with Southeast workforce, which can benefit India's labor-intensive
Asia (Bajpaee, 2022). industries and outsourcing services. The region has a
The Greater Mekong Sub-region's (GMS) wealth combined population of over 240 million, providing a
of natural resources makes it a promising economic sizable market for Indian goods and services, with a
hub. Since ancient times, agriculture, hydropower, and strong potential for trading. Moreover,
transportation have all relied heavily on the Mekong India's involvement in the Mekong region offers
River, which flows through six countries in the region. a counterbalance to China's expansionist policies and
Forests, fisheries, minerals, energy, tourism, and

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ISSN: 2583-7354
contributes to the region's overall security and soft power resources (Kugiel, 2017). Film, food, yoga,
stability. India has shown its dedication to fostering and spirituality are all examples of India's soft power
strong diplomatic ties and promoting a rules-based resources (Jaishankar, 2022). India is a country with
order and multilateralism in the region through its rich cultural and religious traditions.
participation in regional forums, joint military As the man who first used the term "soft
exercises, and defense dialogues with Mekong power" in the late 1980s (Nye, 2004), Joseph Nye has
countries (Horam, 2022), (Runde et al., 2022). been at the forefront of highlighting the concept's
significance in the realm of international relations.
2. OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH PAPER Culture, political values, and foreign policy are the
The primary objective of this research paper is three pillars on which Nye says a country's soft power
to explore and analyze India's soft power diplomacy in rests. A country's diplomatic efforts and ability to
the Mekong sub-region, focusing on the role of the Act advance its strategic interests can both benefit from
East policy and the Mekong Ganga Cooperation (MGC) the use of these assets (Nye, 2004).
in fostering closer relations with the countries in the Through the Mekong Ganga Cooperation and
region. The study aims to provide insights into the other forms of soft power, India has been able to
significance of soft power in international relations and increase its cultural, economic, and technological ties
how it can be used to further India's foreign policy to the countries in the Mekong sub-region. By taking
objectives in the Mekong sub-region. these steps, India has helped keep the balance between
the South Asian and East Asian regions despite China's
growing influence in the area (Levesque, 2022).
The research methodology for this paper will
However, the effectiveness of soft power in
involve a combination of qualitative approaches,
achieving foreign policy objectives remains a matter of
drawing from various sources such as scholarly
debate. Some academics contend that a country's
articles, books, government reports, and news articles.
economic and military might are necessary for its soft
3.1 Literature review: The literature on India's soft power to be effective (Nye, 2011). Soft power may be
power diplomacy, the Act East policy, Mekong Ganga ineffective in political or security contexts, according to
Cooperation, and the geopolitical context of the some.
Mekong sub-region will be thoroughly reviewed. In However, soft power has become widely
addition to providing a theoretical foundation for the acknowledged as an important instrument in
research, this review will help identify gaps in the international relations, especially in encouraging
existing body of knowledge. cooperation and bolstering diplomacy between
nations. As a rising global power, India has been
3.2. Content analysis: A content analysis of official actively engaged in utilizing its soft power resources to
government documents, policy statements, and enhance its foreign policy objectives. India's soft power
speeches will be performed to understand the evolving diplomacy in the Mekong sub-region has helped
pattern of Indian diplomacy in the Mekong sub-region strengthen ties and maintain a balance of power
and its response to China's growing influence. The against China's growing influence.
research methodology will ensure a comprehensive The establishment of Indian cultural centers
and rigorous analysis of India's soft power diplomacy and the holding of cultural festivals, among other
in the Mekong sub-region, enabling a deeper cultural outreach programs by India, have been crucial
understanding of the role of soft power in shaping in promoting cross-cultural interactions and
India's foreign policy objectives in the region. interpersonal relationships with the Mekong nations.
These soft power resources and initiatives have
4. LITERATURE REVIEW assisted India in enhancing its strategic position in the
4.1. Soft power and diplomacy in international area, promoting stability and security there. In general,
relations India's soft power diplomacy in the Mekong sub-region
As states look for alternative ways to influence serves as a useful example for other nations seeking to
others and accomplish foreign policy goals (Nye, increase their influence in the area and develop closer
2004), the concept of soft power has become diplomatic ties.
increasingly popular in the field of international
relations. More effective than hard power in achieving 4.2. India's Act East strategy and its objectives
strategic goals is a country's ability to attract and The Act East policy is an important part of
persuade others through the use of its cultural, India's foreign policy because it seeks to deepen the
political, and social values (Shakleina, 2023). country's ties to East Asia. The primary goal of India's
India has been bolstering its image and 2014-introduced Act East policy is to fortify the
influence in the international order, especially in the country's diplomatic, trade, and cultural ties to the East
South Asian and East Asian regions, with the help of its

© 2023, IJEKS Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | November-2023 Page 603

ISSN: 2583-7354
Asian region (Act East Policy 2015), (Ngaibiakching The values and principles of a nation can be
& Pande, 2019). seen in its foreign policy, which can affect how other
India's Look East policy, initiated in the 1990s, sought nations view that nation. A nation that actively fosters
to strengthen ties between India and the Association of peaceful coexistence and cooperation, for instance, is
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This policy laid the more likely to be viewed favorably by and have an
groundwork for the current Act East initiative. India's impact on other nations that also value these
renewed focus on the East Asian region is reflected in principles. The term "soft power" refers to the use of
its new Act East policy, which seeks to foster peace and non-violent means to exert influence on the
prosperity there. Improving India's commercial ties to international stage. It emphasizes how a nation's image
the East Asian region is a top priority for the Act East and influence in the world are shaped by its culture,
policy. values, and foreign policy.
One of the goals of the Act East policy is to
increase India's strategic involvement in the East Asian 5.2. India's Soft Power Resources and Their Role
region. The policy's overarching goals are to strengthen in the Mekong Sub-Region
regional alliances, improve maritime and land-based 5.2.1. Cultural diplomacy: Bollywood, traditional
security, and increase cooperation between countries arts, and shared historical ties
in the region. Cultural triumphs in the arts, sciences, and
India's Act East policy reflects the country's sports, as well as respectable democratic norms and
growing interest in and dedication to fostering peace, authoritative media channels, are all examples of what
prosperity, and regional integration in East Asia. The Joseph Nye calls "soft power," which may be more
policy aims to increase economic, strategic, and convincing than military or financial strength alone.
cultural ties between India and the region. The policy's According to him, multinational endeavors are more
primary objective is to fortify Indian participation in likely to be successful if people have a positive
regional multilateral forums like the ASEAN Regional impression of a country as a whole. Examples include
Forum and the East Asia Summit. Additionally, the the BBC's role in establishing and projecting soft power
policy places significant emphasis on cultural and Hollywood films' recognition for fostering a
engagement, with the aim of promoting cultural consensus-based approach to international affairs and
exchanges, enhancing people-to-people contacts, and democracy. Nye opposes the conventionally pessimistic
projecting India's image as a cultural power. perspective of cultural imperialism by arguing that
The Act East policy provides an overarching transnational communication via soft power is
structure for India to deepen its ties to the East Asian frequently superior to other foreign policy weapons.
region and advance its strategic goals through Instead, according to Nye (Boyd-Barrett, 2014;
diplomatic soft power. Tomlinson, 2002), soft power may be an efficient tool
for fostering global growth and development.
5. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK There are concerns about the possibility of
5.1. Concept of soft power by Joseph Nye cultural dominance and the exploitation of cultural
The concept of soft power was coined by Joseph resources for political gain when soft power is used for
Nye, an American political scientist, in the late 1980s. political purposes, even though larger countries like
According to Nye's definition (Nye, 1990), soft power China and India have a natural advantage in projecting
is a country's ability to affect the behavior of other their cultures globally due to economies of scale and
countries through allure and persuasion rather than demographic and commercial presence. While both
force. Nye argues that a nation's cultural resources, India and China have been vocal detractors of "cultural
political values, and foreign policy are the pillars upon imperialism," in recent years they have been ardent
which soft power is built. The cultural influence of a supporters of the notion of "soft power" (Straubhaar,
nation can be substantial, especially if that nation's 2010). Some have argued that this is a sort of cultural
culture is widely admired and respected. Countries imperialism on the part of both countries (Bamzai,
with widespread cultural influence, such as the United 2006). Therefore, when a country seeks to project its
States, Japan, and India, wield considerable soft power influence through the use of soft power, especially
resources. through the exploitation of cultural resources, it is vital
Political values are another important source of to critically evaluate the motives and ramifications of
soft power. Strong democracies and countries that such an endeavor.
value human rights are attractive to and influential on Even though Joseph Nye has used Bollywood
other democracies and human rights advocates. For movies as an example of soft power, not everyone
instance, the United States' support for global agrees with him. Bollywood, according to some
democracy and human rights gives it considerable soft academics, has less of an impact on popular culture
power resources. The use of foreign policy as a tool of than Hollywood movies do since it caters to a smaller
soft power is also crucial. demographic. Bollywood films have been more popular

© 2023, IJEKS Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | November-2023 Page 604

ISSN: 2583-7354
in various regions of the globe, yet they have also been disparities and past events could potentially influence
criticized for reaffirming harmful stereotypes and sex the way in which India's soft power is perceived within
roles. So, although it's true that some people see the Mekong Ganga region. Some people see Bollywood
Bollywood as a type of soft power for India, the movies as postmodern interpretations of India's
industry isn't without its flaws and criticisms cultural significance, while others may find them
(Diwakar, 2006; Nye, 2005). strange and foreign.
India has been using its soft power resources Therefore, evaluating the efficacy of India's soft
actively to improve relations with countries in the power assets in this context requires a deep familiarity
Mekong Sub-Region. India, for instance, has been with the cultural nuances of the Mekong Sub-Region.
actively promoting Bollywood in the region through Indian and Mekong-Ganga countries could benefit from
initiatives like film festivals and collaborations with better cultural understanding and communication if
domestic studios. India has also been establishing the impact of Bollywood and other Indian cultural
cultural centers and holding cultural events as a means exports on viewership in those countries were
of cultural diplomacy and traditional arts to strengthen thoroughly studied. Cultural diplomacy has the
ties with the region. India's longstanding ties to the potential to foster regional cooperation and
nations of the Mekong Sub-Region have facilitated the development, and this fact must be acknowledged.
development of mutual understanding and cooperative
diplomatic relations. The Observer Research 5.2.2. Political values: Democracy, rule of law, and
Foundation claims that India has been able to counter human rights
China's rising influence in the Mekong Sub-Region Governments and organizations in the Western
thanks to the country's extensive network of "soft world are significant actors in the promotion of
power" resources. This exemplifies the value of soft democracy, expending substantial amounts of funding
power diplomacy in fostering cooperation and annually (Carothers, 2004 p. 11). India has been
fortifying cultural ties between nations in the context working closely with nations in the Mekong area to
of international relations. (Singh et al., 2018) advance freedom of expression and other human
The assessment of India's employment of its rights. India has been helping these nations improve
soft power assets, including Bollywood and customary their democratic institutions and procedures by giving
arts, for the purpose of augmenting its influence in the them both financial and technical aid.
Mekong Sub-Region is of utmost importance. The For instance, to improve the conduct of
efficacy of India's portrayal as a progressive and elections in Myanmar and Cambodia, India has been
evolving society in fostering diplomatic and economic offering training to election officials in those nations
ties with the Mekong Ganga nations is yet to be (Pulipaka, 2010;Roy, 2012). India's involvement in
determined. regional journalism and civil society group capacity-
The current government, led by Prime Minister building projects has helped increase government
Narendra Modi, has been actively promoting cultural openness and accountability. Additionally, India has
diplomacy through various forms of popular and been working with other nations like Japan and the
classical culture, and this can be attributed to the use of United States to advance regional advancement
soft power discourse by previous and current through fostering stability and economic growth in the
administrations. In 2015, for instance, he helped fund Mekong sub-region. India's involvement in the Mekong
"World Yoga Day," an event that promoted the benefits region has been crucial in changing the political and
of the ancient Indian practice of yoga and brought economic environment there because of the country's
attention to it around the world. (Tandon, 2016). This dedication to advancing democratic ideals and human
is a part of a broader effort to project India as a rights.
modernizing and dynamic society that is deeply rooted Over the years, the five countries that make up
in its cultural traditions. Additionally, his close alliance the Mekong sub-region—Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar,
with the tech industry in Silicon Valley has also helped Thailand, and Vietnam—have struggled with political
shape India's image as a rising player in the global instability, poor leadership, and violations of human
information technology economy (Athique, rights. Both Myanmar and Laos have been under fire
Parthasarathi and Srinivas, 2018a, 2018b). recently; the former for its treatment of the Rohingya
India's investments in soft power have been ethnic minority, and the latter for its alleged
bolstered by its economic might, making for a potent suppression of free expression. Vietnam and Cambodia
mix of "smart power" that cannot be divorced from the have both been criticized for their crackdowns on civil
successes of India's "new economy" sectors. society, abuse of human rights, and political dissent,
Despite India's relatively larger population and and both have experienced crackdowns on political
inherent potential for disseminating its cultural opposition and the media. Political freedoms in
influence on a global level, it is plausible that cultural Thailand have been severely curtailed as a result of a
string of military coups. (Petchwattana, 2022)

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ISSN: 2583-7354
The promotion of democratic values, the rule of capacity-building initiatives, and support for
law, and human rights in the region has been greatly democratic processes and institutions.
aided by India's engagement with these countries,
especially through soft power resources. To spread 5.2.3. Foreign policy: Development Assistance,
awareness of Indian art, history, and culture, the Regional Cooperation and Connectivity
country has opened 19 cultural centers in other India's foreign policy goals have shifted over
countries. It also hosts events like the World Hindi the last two decades to place a greater emphasis on the
Conference and provides Hindi instruction to spread Mekong area. As part of its "Act East" strategy, which
the language internationally. India Perspectives, a prioritizes development aid, capacity building, and
publication of the Indian government's public regional cooperation, India has increased its
diplomacy division, is translated into 162 languages "engagement with the Mekong Ganga Cooperation
and distributed in 17 countries. Brand India and INDIA (MGC) sub-region" in recent years (Scott, 2015
Future of Change are two such initiatives aimed at P.140,160,161).
boosting exports and showcasing India's cultural and Considerable discourse has been generated
artistic treasures to the world. After joining the UN regarding India's involvement in regional multilateral
Democracy Fund in 2005 (Blarel , 2012) India's soft forums such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and
power increased. Global admiration and respect for the East Asia Summit (EAS). India's dedication and
India's democratic credentials is high (Economic engagement in the advancement and prosperity of
Times, 2011). Mekong nations have been reinforced through its
According to (Mekong-Ganga Policy's Brief, active participation in these forums, resulting in an
2022), through its digitization efforts, infrastructure enhanced level of India's involvement with the Mekong
projects, water supply programs, and bilateral and region. India has provided assistance to the Mekong
global engagements, India has shown its commitment region through a diverse array of initiatives and
to supporting democratic principles and human rights. schemes aimed at enhancing regional capacity,
Since its inception in 2000, India has been an active developing infrastructure, and fostering collaborative
participant in the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC), a efforts. In 2000, India established the Mekong-Ganga
regional conference with the goal of fostering closer Cooperation (MGC) framework with the aim of
connections between India and the five Mekong enhancing economic and cultural exchange with
nations that share the river with it: Cambodia, Laos, neighboring countries situated along the Mekong and
Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. The MGC Ganges rivers. The India-CLMV Business Conclave is a
Information Technology Center, MGC Cultural Festival, significant platform for trade and investment between
and MGC Traditional Medicine Center are just a few of India and the Mekong Nations, established based on
the development initiatives India has sponsored via the India's proposal. The aforementioned endeavors have
MGC to encourage increased cooperation and played a pivotal role in augmenting India's dominion
collaboration among the member nations. India has and persuasive capabilities in the Mekong vicinity
also provided financial and technical aid to the area to (Devi & Raju, 2012).
aid in the expansion of transportation networks, the While expanding its sphere of influence in the
training of local workforces, and the easing of process. India's foreign policy priorities in the Mekong
commerce between countries. region center on its development assistance programs.
India has put a lot of effort into strengthening India has helped fund and advise development projects
institutions and increasing their capacity. The Indian in the Mekong region that improve infrastructure,
Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) program communications, power generation, and agricultural
has provided training for Mekong region officials in output. By constructing a network of roads and
areas such as election management, legislative drafting, railways, the Mekong-India Economic Corridor (MIEC)
and financial management (Ministry of External project aims to improve travel and business between
Affairs, 2021). This has helped to improve the region's the Mekong countries and India (Mekong India
capacity for governance, rule of law, and human rights. Economic Corridor Development 2019).
India has also been instrumental in the Mekong region Lines of Credit (LOCs) given by the Indian
by helping to strengthen democratic institutions and government have made a number of development
practices. projects in the Mekong region feasible. The Indian
The political landscape in the Mekong region Ministry of External Affairs has claimed that the LOCs
has been significantly influenced by India's soft power have been crucial in enabling the construction of a
resources, especially its political values of democracy, transmission line in Cambodia and a solar power
rule of law, and human rights. India has helped to facility in Vietnam (Ministry of External Affairs,
promote and strengthen these values in the region Government of India, 2018).
through bilateral and multilateral engagements, India's LOCs have sponsored many projects in
the Mekong region, including the expansion of

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electricity networks in Myanmar and the construction trade, investment, technology, transport and
of a hydropower plant in Laos, according to a 2019 communications, energy, tourism, and fisheries. The
study by the International Development Finance Club alliance is engaged in efforts to enhance physical
(India's wide-ranging ties with ASEAN to boost Indo- connectivity among its member states through various
Pacific Vision at Thursday's summit 2020). initiatives such as the Kaladan multimodal transit
A recent study by the Asian Development Bank system project, marine connectivity with Myanmar,
(ADB) also highlighted India's role in the Mekong and the Asian Highway Network (Wadhwa, 2014).
region's economic expansion thanks to its LOCs. The The aforementioned measures not only facilitate the
study (ADB, 2021) cites a few examples of the kinds of enhancement of diplomatic ties among countries in the
projects that have benefited from India's LOCs, such as region, but also present an opportunity for India to
irrigation infrastructure in Cambodia and a power bolster economic relations with the peninsular
transmission network in Myanmar (Toppo, 2016 p.42, members of ASEAN and promote the development of
44). its own northeastern regions. The establishment of
There has been considerable discourse physical connectivity is deemed imperative for the
regarding the potential linkage of the Mekong region purpose of regional integration and economic growth.
with India through the establishment of the Mekong- India's distinctive strategy towards BIMSTEC involves
India Economic Corridor (MIEC). The Mekong-India fostering collaborative efforts with member countries
Economic Corridor (MIEC) plays a pivotal role in and other stakeholders to reinforce the
enhancing regional cooperation and trade by aforementioned objective. The establishment of the
connecting the Ganga and Brahmaputra river basins to secretariat, the appointment of a secretary-general,
the Mekong River valley and delta. According to and the creation of supplementary centers are
Banerjee, the economic corridor connecting the expected to facilitate further advancements in
Chennai port to Bangkok via the Dawei port in BIMSTEC's objectives (Wadhwa, 2014).
Myanmar is a constituent of the Mekong-India India has also been collaborating with various
Economic Corridor (MIEC), which was among the sub-regional groups to enhance regional connectivity.
initial corridors identified by the Asian Development The aforementioned collectives comprise the South
Bank (ADB). The Mekong Industrial and Economic Asian Growth Quadrangle (SAGQ), Cambodia, Laos,
Corridor (MIEC) has received support from the Bay of Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV), South Asia
Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC),
Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and the Trilateral Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal (BBIN), India,
Highway Initiative involving India, Myanmar, and Bangladesh, and Myanmar (IBM-SRC), Bangladesh,
Thailand (Banerjee, 2013). China, India, and Myanmar (BCIM), and India,
Furthermore, there has been an invitation for Japanese Myanmar, and Thailand (IMT-GT). The proximity-
corporations to contribute to the establishment of a based alliances have bolstered India's ties with its
novel harbor in Chennai, thereby enhancing the neighboring countries, leading to increased economic
connectivity of India's seafaring pathways and interdependence between India and its neighbors as
inaugurating a fresh maritime course that originates in well as the wider region.
Chennai and culminates in the Dawei port located in The pursuit of enhanced regional connectivity
the Tanintharyi region of Myanmar. The objective of has been driven by India's geopolitical and economic
this infrastructure development is to enhance goals. India comprehends the significance of economic
connectivity and strengthen the relationship between integration and collaboration towards fostering peace
Southeast Asian countries and the industrialized and prosperity throughout the entire region. India has
regions situated in the southern and western parts of been investing funds in diverse infrastructure
India. (Banerjee) initiatives such as highways, railways, seaports, and
According to Banerjee, the compound annual transmission lines to enhance connectivity with
growth rate (CAGR) of the annual commerce value neighboring countries and the wider region.
between India and the Mekong area has exceeded 25%. India has made significant progress in
This has resulted in a significant increase from the enhancing regional connectivity, however, there
recorded value of US$17.4 billion in 2012-2013. India's remain certain impediments and limitations that need
engagement in the region has been strengthened, to be addressed. The lack of appropriate physical
resulting in significant benefits for the development infrastructure has been a significant hindrance to the
and growth of the Mekong nations, primarily smooth flow of goods and services. The deployment of
attributable to these collaborative endeavors and the connection project has experienced setbacks due to
alliances. (Banerjee). bureaucratic and regulatory obstacles, as well as
The BIMSTEC members have the potential to security apprehensions.
enhance their collaboration in various sectors such as

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Despite facing setbacks, India's efforts to concerns among certain neighboring countries of China
enhance regional connectivity have yielded positive that the implementation of these initiatives may lead to
outcomes. The formation of various sub-regional an escalation of China's strategic influence and pose a
groupings has facilitated increased collaboration and threat to their autonomy (Rana & Ji, 2020; Kuik,
cooperation among member nations, resulting in the 2021). Therefore, countries such as India have been
strengthening of trust and confidence among them. formulating their own economic policies and forging
Continued efforts are necessary to identify resolutions strategic partnerships to counterbalance China's
for the current issues and ensure the prompt and hegemony in the region.
efficient implementation of connectivity projects. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism
If we put succinctly the argument, India's has played a significant role in China's diplomatic
endeavors to enhance regional connectivity via various endeavors to establish stronger ties with nations in the
organizations such as SAGQ, CLMV, SASEC, BBIN, IBM- Mekong sub-region. The program aims to foster
SRC, BCIM, and IMT-GT have played a pivotal role in collaboration in various domains, such as
facilitating stronger ties with its neighboring countries infrastructure, commerce, and tourism. China has
and promoting economic integration with the broader exercised its veto authority at the United Nations
region. In order to facilitate the efficacious Security Council to safeguard the welfare of its
implementation of connectivity endeavors, it is neighboring countries, particularly Myanmar, against
imperative to surmount the existing hindrances. censure from the global community (Busbarat, 2018;
Thongnoi, 2019).
5.3. Geopolitical Context and Challenges in the The Mekong sub-region has been significantly
Mekong Sub-Region impacted by China's involvement in the form of
extensive infrastructure projects, particularly the
5.3.1. China's Grip on the Mekong: A Regional construction of dams and hydroelectric facilities on the
Power Play Mekong River. This has been noted as a significant
China and India, two emerging global powers, feature of China's participation in the region, as
have both set their sights on the Mekong sub-region, highlighted by (Writer, 2019; Stromseth, 2022). The
which includes Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, initiatives in question have sparked significant
and Vietnam. By investing heavily in infrastructure discourse surrounding their environmental, social, and
projects and providing developmental assistance to geopolitical implications. The hydrological dynamics of
countries in the Mekong sub-region, China and India the river have been altered due to China's dam-
have been battling for regional influence, according to a building efforts, resulting in significant impacts on
study released by the Council on Foreign Relations downstream nations' agriculture, fisheries, and overall
(Chheang, 2017). livelihoods (Yeophantong, 2020, 2020 p.90).
China's foreign policy has encompassed the China's increasing dependence on debt has
utilization of diplomatic, economic, and military raised concerns regarding the high interest rates and
measures to advance Chinese strategic objectives in the strict repayment conditions that often accompany the
Mekong region. Over time, China has experienced an loans provided to fund infrastructure projects in the
increase in its influence and dominance within the Mekong sub-region. There exists apprehension
region, alongside advancements in the sophistication regarding the potential scenario wherein borrowing
and development of the tools mentioned (Eisenman & nations default on their debts, thereby leading to an
Heginbotham, 2018). increase in China's sway over their respective
The Chinese government's engagement in the economies and governments. As a result of these
Mekong region can be understood as part of its broader apprehensions, there has been a call for a more
foreign policy objectives, which aim to expand Chinese prudent and meticulous strategy towards China's
influence and advance Chinese interests on a global involvement in the Mekong sub-region. Analysts have
scale. This approach is commonly referred to as the expressed apprehensions regarding the potential
"China Dream" or "Asian Dream" (Yunling, 2016, p. impact of Chinese loans and investments in
839; Cahillan, 2016). infrastructure projects on the sovereignty of certain
The strategy being suggested entails China's Mekong nations, as well as their vulnerability to
promotion of economic expansion, regional unification, Chinese influence. The stakeholders advocate for
and strategic partnerships with Asian countries to greater engagement from other global actors to ensure
enhance its sway and standing both regionally and that initiatives are equitable and sustainable for all
globally. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has enabled stakeholders (Laungaramsri, 2019).
China to extend its sphere of influence in the Mekong China's foreign policy objectives are manifested
sub-region by investing in extensive infrastructure through its diplomatic, economic, and military
projects such as dams, trains, and ports. There are strategies aimed at safeguarding its strategic interests

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in the Mekong region. The increasing involvement of as the United States, Japan, and the European Union.
China in the Mekong sub-region presents several The involvement of major nations in the area is
obstacles to regional stability and development. The influenced by their global goals and strategic interests.
involvement of regional actors in extensive The inclusion of these countries has the potential to
infrastructure initiatives, economic involvement, and improve relations between India and China, which
military presence has raised concerns. The promotion would have a positive impact on regional security.
of dialogue, cooperation, and sustainable development c) Multilateralism: Multilateral initiatives such
by regional actors and external stakeholders is crucial as MGC, LMI, and ACMECS may serve as facilitators for
in addressing the geopolitical challenges that exist in regional players such as India and China to engage in
the Mekong sub-region. India's involvement in the area cooperation. The efficacy of these programs is
has the potential to serve as a counterbalance to contingent upon the extent to which participating
China's influence. nations prioritize regional security over their
individual strategic objectives.
5.3.2. Finding the Equilibrium: The Search for a Balancing power in the Mekong Sub-Region is
Balancing Power in the Mekong Sub-Region difficult because of the conflicting interests of many
India's involvement in the Mekong Sub-Region parties and the difficulties of enforcing international
can be interpreted as a response to China's growing conventions. To achieve a middle ground, all parties
influence (Grare, 2017). The nation's endeavors to involved must be fully invested in making regional
enhance regional interconnectivity, reinforce security peace and prosperity their highest priorities. India, as
alliances, and finance development projects are all an emerging force in Asia, can play a significant role in
commendable. India's capacity to respond to China is fostering peace and prosperity in the Mekong region.
limited by its comparatively inferior economic and India can counter China's rising influence in the area
military power in relation to China. The participation of and help establish a more just and fair world order if it
India in the event has raised concerns regarding uses its soft power and takes a cooperative stance.
potential competition and rivalry between the two India, as a rising state, must maintain its commitment
nations, as it may be interpreted as a means to further to becoming a responsible global actor by forging
India's strategic objectives. closer ties with its neighbors in the Mekong region and
China's investments in the infrastructure and beyond (Goswami, 2016).
economy of the Mekong Sub-Region have the potential
to enhance connectivity and promote economic growth 5.3.3. India's Act East Strategies Objective and
(Chheang, 2017) However, these investments also Initiative in the Mekong - sub Region
pose the risk of engendering dependence and The Act East policy of India places emphasis not
disrupting the region's equilibrium of power. The only on economic integration but also on political,
administration of the Mekong River by China affords security, and strategic cooperation with the Mekong
the nation significant influence over downstream sub-region and the wider Indo-Pacific region.
countries (Frauke & Giuseppina, 2017). This (Rajendram, 2014) The dynamic character of India's
situation raises doubts about China's adherence to policy reflects its growing ambitions and responsible
international principles such as upholding the rights of role in the region. India has strategically positioned
countries through which rivers flow and promoting itself as a significant stakeholder in shaping the future
sustainable development (Beeson, 2014). of the Indo-Pacific region through proactive
The need for a balancing power in the Mekong Sub- engagement with neighboring countries and promoting
Region is apparent, and various actors and mechanisms cooperation on diverse issues (Goswami, 2016).
can help achieve this goal. The shifting geopolitical environment and
However, there are obstacles to think about: India's expanding interests in the area have resulted in
a) ASEAN: The emphasis on consensus- an expansion of India's Act East strategy over time
building and non-interference by the Association of (Mayilvaganan, 2022). Given the ongoing economic
Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN) may help ease liberalization and reform process in India, the first
tensions, but the organization's authority is limited by emphasis on economic engagement and integration
its consensus-based decision-making process and the with Southeast Asian nations was a natural beginning
different interests of its member countries. As a result point for the program. As the region's strategic
of these internal dynamics, ASEAN is less likely to be significance grew, however, so did India's aspirations
able to present a cohesive front and act as a balancing to become a regional force, necessitating an extension
factor (Jetschke, 2012). of the strategy into political, strategic, and security
b) External Powers: India and China's elements in subsequent years.
respective sway over the Mekong Sub-Region might be With Prime Minister Modi at the helm, the Act
mitigated with the participation of other countries such East plan has taken a more aggressive and proactive
stance toward regional involvement and alliances.

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India's intention to play a more prominent role in the people-to-people contacts are the primary goals of the
Indo-Pacific region is seen in the country's recent strategy, it is important to recognize India's security
efforts to improve infrastructural connectivity, marine cooperation in the area as well. Infrastructure
security, and capacity development while also development, non-tariff obstacles to trade, and
increasing its participation with sub-regional bolstering India's soft power in the area are all issues
organizations like the MGC. However, given the that need to be addressed for the program to be
conflicting interests and influence of other major successful. By doing so, India can deepen its ties to
countries like China and the United States, India's Southeast Asia and help promote stability and growth
capacity to fulfill its aims and properly balance its in the area.
many interests in the area remains dubious. India's
capacity to properly execute and maintain its regional 6. CONCLUSION
efforts over the long term may also be hampered by the India's foreign policy towards the Mekong
country's limited economic and resource potential. sub-region has evolved over the years, with a shift
Economic integration, increased regional towards a more refined approach that prioritizes soft
connectivity, increased cultural and people-to-people power and regional cooperation. This comes after a
contacts, and to a lesser level security cooperation are period of nuclear testing and military displays
at the heart of the Act East policy's primary aims and involving the Smiling Buddha. The aforementioned
activities in the Mekong sub-region. The fundamental alteration exemplifies India's dedication to engaging
goal of the strategy is to encourage commerce and in cooperative efforts with neighboring countries and
investment, and it has been effective in this regard, underscores the strategic importance it accords to
having led to the signing of various accords such as the the Mekong region.
ASEAN-India Free commerce Area, the India-Thailand India's soft power initiatives in the Mekong
Free Trade Agreement, and the India-Vietnam sub-region have focused on three key areas:
Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement. educational and cultural exchanges, infrastructure
Several projects, such as the India-Myanmar-Thailand development and connectivity projects, and technical
Trilateral Highway and the Kaladan Multi-Modal assistance and capacity building programs. These
Transit Transport Project, have been initiated to realize initiatives have contributed to the growth of trade and
this goal of improving regional connectivity through investment, the expansion of people-to-people
improved transportation infrastructure, as emphasized exchanges, and deeper political and strategic ties
by the policy. The Mekong Ganga Cooperation Project between India and the Mekong countries, promoting
has encouraged cultural exchanges and cooperation in regional development and cooperation. The Act East
sectors including tourism, education, and capacity policy has emphasized the importance of engaging with
development, illustrating the policy's focus on cultural the region proactively and forging closer ties with the
and people-to-people contacts. Mekong countries, while the Mekong Ganga
It is nevertheless important to note that Cooperation has served as a sub-regional platform for
security cooperation in the Mekong sub-region is not promoting regional dialogue and cooperation.
listed as a primary goal of the Act East program. Even India's soft power diplomacy has had a
yet, India has been taking part in a number of security- significant impact on the Mekong sub-region, resulting
related bilateral and regional conversations and in strengthened bilateral and multilateral ties,
military exercises with the nations of the Mekong River promoting regional development and cooperation,
(Baruah, 2020). countering Chinese influence, and maintaining regional
India's expanded security presence may be balance. India's focus on enhancing connectivity in the
seen by other regional nations as an effort to counter Mekong sub-region can be a key strategy to counter
China's rising influence in the area, which might raise China's growing influence in the region. By investing in
worries among these states. There are also issues with infrastructure development projects such as road and
infrastructure development and non-tariff barriers to rail networks, digital connectivity, and air connectivity,
trade that need to be addressed, even if the policy India can reduce the transportation cost of goods and
measures have concentrated on boosting economic services in the region, leading to greater trade and
integration. While the policy's emphasis on cultural investment opportunities. This can help India regain its
diplomacy and showcasing India's rich cultural legacy control in the region and forge closer ties with the
are both important, they need more attention than they Mekong countries. In this regard, collaborating with the
now get. Mekong countries to promote the development of the
The Act East policy's initiative in Mekong sub- East-West Economic Corridor can be a game-changer in
regional efforts helps India deepen its ties to Southeast connecting the Mekong sub-region to India's
Asia. While increasing economic integration, improving northeastern region, creating a seamless trade and
regional connectivity, and encouraging cultural and investment corridor that could foster greater economic
cooperation and reduce China's growing influence in

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