MODULE 5 Recruitment Selection
MODULE 5 Recruitment Selection
MODULE 5 Recruitment Selection
5-1 Explain the importance
of preliminary screening
5-2 Explain the use of
employment interviews
Preliminary Screening &
Employment Interview
In employee selection, a review to eliminate those who obviously do not meet the
position's requirements.
It is important to eliminate early on unqualified applicants.
the person doing the screening may steer the applicant to a better suitable role if
But as you have learned before, interviews can also be misleading in a sense that
applicants tend to present themselves to appear better than their actual work performance.
Interview Planning
Interview planning is essential to effective employment interviews. A primary consideration
should be the speed in which the process occurs. Many studies have demonstrated that the
top candidates for nearly any job are hired and off the job market within anywhere from 1 to
10 days.
Often, you will see on job boards how long organizations process applications. It is very
much tempting to apply to companies who have low turn-around times because it cuts
down the worrying phase.
Content of the interview. After establishing rapport with the applicant, the interviewer
seeks additional job-related information to complement data provided by other selection
1. Occupational experience - candidate's knowledge, skills abilities, and willingness to
handle responsibility
2. Academic achievement - if there are no significant work experience, academic record is
of great importance
3. Interpersonal skills - equally important to technical skills
4. Personal qualities - physical appearance, verbal skills, adaptability, assertiveness that
are considered if relevant to the job
Preliminary Screening &
Employment Interview
Candidate's roles and expectations:
Candidates are expected to come into an interview prepared. Therefore when they show
up for an interview, they should have studied the job description, conducted background
check on the companies to know their values and if they're financially stable, and to
present information that could help the company. Remember that companies are hiring
because they need employees to grow their business so it is important to know exactly
how you can be beneficial to them.
It is important the candidates prepare for interviews and one way to ask friends or
colleagues to do a mock interview with them.
Methods of interviewing
1. One-on-one interview
2. Group interview
3. Board (or panel) interview - several representatives from the company interview just
one applicant
4. Multiple interviews
5. Stress interview - this method of interview usually subjects the applicant to stress and
anxiety which is necessary to know if they're fit for the job
6. Realistic job preview - conveys both positive and negative job information to the
applicant in an unbiased manner
Preliminary Screening &
Employment Interview
Potential Interviewing problems
1. Inappropriate questions. "Ask only job-related questions."
2. Permitting non-job related information. The interviewer should steer conversations
back to job-related information when necessary.
3. Interview bias. This happens when interviewer already has misconceptions about the
applicant even before the interview begins, and can influence hiring decisions.
Stereotyping bias
Positive halo bias
Contrast errors
Premature judgment bias
4. Interviewer domination. Interviewers must be good listeners and provider of
information, rather than being the only one speaking and providing information.
5. Lack of training. Each interviewer must be skilled enough to know the importance of
each question asked in interviews to make successful selection decisions.
6. Nonverbal communication. Interviewers should make a conscious effort to view
themselves as applicants do to avoid sending inappropriate or unintended nonverbal
End of Module
1. Why is it important to do
preliminary screening?
2. What can be problematic when
interviewers are untrained?