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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed Mustapha on 15 October 2022.
INFORMATION Indiscriminate agricultural waste disposal especially fruits peels can cause
environmental pollution with increased public health risk. This study deals with
Submitted 12 May, 2021 managing banana and pineapple peel waste as organic fertilizers towards
Revised 10 September, 2021 promoting sustainable environmental sanitation and agriculture production.
Accepted 18 September, 2021
Waste of banana and pineapple peels were separately collected in households,
dumpsites and markets, the collected fruits peels were cleaned, sun dried for
Keywords: 33 days and grounded into powdered form. Three different formulations of
Environmental Sanitation organic fertilizers were made from the sun dried and finely grounded fruit
Chemical Fertilizers peels of banana and pineapple, namely; formulation A containing 100g of
Organic Agriculture banana peels powder; formulation B containing 100g of pineapple peels
Banana peels powder and formulation C containing 100g of a mixture of banana and
Pineapple peels pineapple peels powder. Four different containers were used to collect 10kg of
soil each, three of which were treated with the three formulations and named
sample A, B, C and an additional sample D which is control. After 30 days of
treating the soil with the different formulations. The result of laboratory soil
analysis showed that; Sample A contains 14% Nitrogen, 37% Phosphorus, 7%
Potassium, 40% Calcium and 2% Magnesium. Sample B contains 11%
Nitrogen, 39% Phosphorus, 8% Potassium, 39% Calcium and % Magnesium.
Sample C contains 17% Nitrogen, 35% Phosphorus, 4% Potassium, 43%
Calcium and 1% Magnesium. Sample D (Controlled Soil Sample) contains 1%
Nitrogen, 17% Phosphorus, 4% Potassium, 45% Calcium and 33%
Magnesium. It was revealed that the fruit peel powder formulations can
increase the soil fertility which serves as alternative replacement for chemical
fertilizers towards sustainable agriculture and the environment. It is
recommended that the farmers and general public should make beneficial use
of fruits waste as organic fertilizers and not to be discarded indiscriminately.
© 2021 Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. All rights reserved.
1.0 Introduction
Maximum agricultural productivity often requires application of artificial nutrients known as
fertilizer to augment soil nutrients and increase soil fertility (Savci, 2012). However, achieving
this based on inorganic fertilizer (such as NPK and Urea), is found to be detrimental to the
ecosystem (Savci, 2012), especially on long term basis (Dubey et al., 2012), thus damaging the
ecosystem. It often leads to decline in soil organic matter content, soil acidification and soil
physical degradation leading to increase soil erosion, and toxification of the physical
environment particularly its water resources contents (Morakinyo et al., 2013). Inorganic
fertilizers are potential water pollution sources of nitrate, potassium, phosphate and various
strains of heavy metals such as Arsenic (Ar), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr),
Lead (Pb) that are generally harmful to the human health system (Sönmez et al., 2007;
Morakinyo et al., 2013, Sharma and Singhvi, 2017), Furthermore, inorganic fertilizers are
expensive, thus beyond the reach of resource-poor farmers because of high cost and uncertain
accessibility and organic inputs, which are often proposed as alternative to inorganic fertilizer
composition and high labour requirement (Law-Ogbomo et al., 2011). It is therefore imperative
Corresponding author’s e-mail address: mohammedmusty@unimaid.edu.ng 569
Mustapha et al: Study on the Use of Banana and Pineapple Peel Waste as Biofertilizers: Enhancing soil fertility, Promoting Sustainable
Agriculture and Environmental Sanitation. AZOJETE 17(4):569-574. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818, www.azojete.com.ng
to adopt eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices for efficient food production
through organic farming.
Recently, the need for clean environment for healthy habitation has attracted the integration of
vegetables and fruits peels waste into farms, as an alternative to synthetic plant growth
nutrient, and as part of measures towards efficient nutrient management and recycling of
wastes; Although animal manures are also being incorporated into organic farming, however,
they sometimes present some sort of public health and environmental water pollution issues in
nearby farms if not well managed; it leads to pathogenic bacterial contamination, ammonia
pollution and depletion of dissolved oxygen in water bodies which is especially unconducive for
aquatic livelihood. However, a wide range of agricultural fruit waste such as banana peel,
orange peel, pineapple, egg shell, tea waste, potato peel waste, generated from especially
households and fruit vendors were mostly discarded without subjecting to any form of
commercial value, and at large environmental expense and quality of life of people (Harir et al.,
2015).However, numerous scientific studies showed that various quantities of minerals and
natural bioactive phytochemicals are contained in fruits peels, which are essentially needed by
plant for optimum growth and development (Rudra et al., 2015; Bakry et al., 2016; Khattak and
Rahman, 2017; Pathak et al., 2017, Sagar et al., 2018; Vasanthi and Ramadas, 2019), such as
calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, potassium and phosphorus which are
potential sources of plant nutrient. Hence utilizing these wastes as plant fertilizers undoubtedly
may lead to increase in soil plant nutrients and sustainable plant growth and environment.
Banana and pineapple peel are some common fruits consumed globally, Hence, with the
increasing banana and pineapple fruits production and consumption, banana and pineapple
waste are also proportionally increasing, thus waste disposal present a serious environmental
challenge, as the rich nutrients packed in these wastes make them vulnerable to microbial
spoilage. The objectives of this research are to demonstrate the efficacy of the use of peels of
Banana and pineapple on soil fertility for maximum agricultural production.
2. Methodology
2.1. Collection and Preparation of soil
Clay soil samples were collected in a barren land and were filled in four different containers
(made up of rubber), and named sample A, B, C and D (control), each weighing 2kg, the soil
was sampled, air-dried in an oven and collected in a sterile polythene bags and sent to
Laboratory for analysis of macro elements (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium), micro
elements (Calcium and Magnesium), and tested for Electrical conductivity and pH, as initial
nutrient content of the soil sample before treatment
2.2. Extraction of fruit peel waste
Waste of banana and pineapple peels waste were separately collected in households, dumpsites
and markets, the collected fruits peels were rinsed adequately in running tap water of debris,
sand and foreign materials, the cleaned peels were cut into small pieces (1-5cm) and sun dried
for 33 days, which were then ground into powdered form, sieved and stored at room
temperature, each of pineapple and banana extract were prepared Separately and an additional
preparation containing a mixture of pineapple and banana. Figures 1 and 2 show the banana
peel and Pineapple peel powders.
Figure 1: Grounded Banana Peel Powder Figure 2: Grounded Pineapple Peel Powder
Corresponding author’s e-mail address: mohammedmusty@unimaid.edu.ng 570
Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, December, 2021; Vol. 17(4) 569-574. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-
5818; www.azojete.com.ng
30 Ph
25 EC
20 N
0 Ca
Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D Mg
(Banana Peel (Pineapple Peel (Banana Peel Controlled (Plain
with Soil with Soil and Pineapple Soil Sample)
Sample) Sample) Peel with Soil
Figure 3: Bar Chart showing the amount of each parameter in the various samples
Corresponding author’s e-mail address: mohammedmusty@unimaid.edu.ng 571
Mustapha et al: Study on the Use of Banana and Pineapple Peel Waste as Biofertilizers: Enhancing soil fertility, Promoting Sustainable
Agriculture and Environmental Sanitation. AZOJETE 17(4):569-574. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818, www.azojete.com.ng
3.7 Soil pH
This result shows that Sample A (Banana Peel with Soil Sample) has the highest pH value with
8.1 which corresponds with the findings by Khairnar and Nair, 2019, whereas Sample D
(Controlled) has the lowest pH value with 6.2 which differed significantly. However, the pH
values of the different soil samples; sample A, sample B and sample C were above 7 which
signify the samples are base/alkaline. Depending on the chemical characteristics, different fruits
peels exhibit different pH level (Khairnar and Nair, 2019), most plants grow best in soil with a
pH between 6 and 7.The results shows that fruits waste can be used to regulate soil pH for
enhanced agricultural productivity (Panwar, 2015). Soil pH is an indicator of the soil’s acidity
which is a primary factor controlling nutrient availability, microbial processes, and plant growth
(Allen, 2013). When soil pH is maintained at the proper level, plant nutrient availability is
optimized, solubility of toxic elements is minimized, and beneficial soil organisms are most
active, the alkalinity of the treated samples was due to the fact that banana and pineapple were
both alkaline fruits, hence can be essential in regulating soil PH for optimum growth and
development as different plants perform best at a particular PH (Adrija and Navni, 2018).
3.8 Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC)
This result shows that Sample D (Controlled) has the highest amount with 430μs/cm and
Sample B (Pineapple Peel with Soil Sample) has the lowest amount with 330μs/cm which
differed significantly. The High EC in the untreated sample (sample D) is an indication that
fertilizer application is essential for altering soil EC and replenishing soil nutrients for maximum
production. The Soil electrical conductivity (EC) is a measurement that correlates with soil
properties that affect crop productivity, including soil texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC),
drainage conditions, organic matter level, salinity, and subsoil characteristics. Electrical
conductivity (EC) is the most common measure of soil salinity and is indicative of the ability of
an aqueous solution to carry an electric current. Plants are detrimentally affected, both
physically and chemically (Mun), by excess salts in some soils and by high levels of exchangeable
sodium in others. Excess salts hinder plant growth by affecting the soil-water balance (Sheldon
et al., 2004). Soils containing excess salts occur naturally in arid and semiarid climate.
4. Conclusion
Comparative study on the utilization of Banana and Pineapple fruit peel as organic fertilizer was
carried out to know soil fertility, towards promoting both sustainable agricultural and
environmental sanitation. From the study, it is found that Banana and Pineapple peel waste are
substantially rich in soil micro and macro nutrients to enhance soil fertility and increase plant
yield, thus sanitizing the environment and reducing the negative impacts of inorganic fertilizers.
It is therefore recommended that public and farmers should make beneficial use of fruits waste
as organic fertilizers and not discarded indiscriminately causing pollution of the environment.
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