Proc-572-Period-Of-Limitation-For-Submission 22

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r It.:"r-* J' ~.r..&."'e "llfDh&.I\J''e 6"Jl1t\.h

~~lrlA ~;J6T ;JltllJ


Oh. ,"'r-A',f' J..,t'u/""'P. ~"l"h/"Q,f''P. tT-ol\,h 14thYear No. 24

h.,~,t,"t,'f';;: '}OIJ.1' c#I'I'C lJ'!j
fill 1,.,1 .t'fI)tlr-~f Sl"hc 0."" mtJ+.'l'''' flnnl "
h.Jlfl Mill u7.,('1' ,f H flitu '}.9" ADDIS ABABA 22nd April, 2008

°7aJ'firiJ. CONTENTS

"d. <h'J'C
hfJI,£." --COee...:
(;X~.J.u.rJ Proclamation No. 572/2008

Period of Limitation for Submission of Restitution Claims and the

hhCP~ OJ,6',' ("f'w(l?" 'H1l.,.:r,') (l"'lfl{/D/\'Ij' hn,'I:;J'$P:r, Repossession of Public Properties Taken Through Unlawful
('{/D4>n.f '1.'1. 'J~'n {/DO,(l;;:«r l,/\h"/Il11 (l'bD(l?', (l{/D'}"/p..1, Restitutions Proclamation page 4055
')ofll'Y.:-",,} "'}~'J«r "'IfI{/Di\'Ij'l,CP~ ... 'J~' !ji1.Y?;

J\CP~ cfI1'C ~ft:fl/fitu 'J.~ PROCLAMATION NO. 572/2008.



WHEREAS, it has become necessary to prescribe a

() OJ:)'
"t- (I~ {/D'},? p"'" hh tp ~,b (.I-t(Dt"~. period of limitation for submission of restitution claims
'),nt.1":Y"} ()htp~ <h'l'C lixI/Iilxil'% {/DIPt.:" pursuant to Proclamation No. 110/1995 regarding properties
ft01Jfa{/Dl\fa (.IOIJ.~C()' hlt":;J'sP1"} f{/D~(),(.I f'l.tI, unlawfulIy expropriated by the defunct Military Regime;
{/DOJ(t'}'i. (f~u (){/D'rf":l

() ~ fIA (f~. OJY,9" ..It(t-t~: ()(f~. 0fJfat."~pJl' WHEREAS, it is necessary to investigate cases of
restitutions and thereby repossess public properties taken
1\h {/DA ...¥:y. h '}J;.{/D1\(t. f -t "t. 'J. f {/D'}'? .I» .} through unlawful restitutions based on insufficient or false
'}'IIt..y'1"} halC'" h'}",C; OfJfa{/Dl\fa()OfJfat.I\'I-l evidences;

no.. :"r-*.(.I toYut-l'aCf J;.LJUht-f\.(.ICf tT'OI\.h NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (I)
. .."111{/D'}"/p"} h'}~K' :t?; /li/ {/DIJ't.:" fOlJ.h-t of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
1\0)' ;J'O)' ~.A:: Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

1. Short Title
i. ~
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Period of
« h i\ tp ~ OJ'bl.b f-t OJ (t ~. ') 'Ot. .y.~...,
I, IJ h tp »: .
Limitation for Submission of Restitution Claims and
fOfJfa{/D1\i"a' h It'I:;J' sP:y. f {/D~ (),(.I 'UI, ,n
"" the Repossession of Public Properties Taken
{/DOJ(t;;:C; hl\h'?fI,n f-tOJ(t~. f{/D'},?p"}
Through Unlawful Restitutions Proclamation No.
'} 'Ol.,. 1-1 h '} , C; 0fJfa{/D1\"li h tp ~ <I:'I'C 572/2008" ,
l;xG-l/fitlJ» .t,O"" 1\.t11~fa.e1'l'aAu
.,.?~,} .?,..n, ,"."'."', iiitii
,f')~ 'f'.~ Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
Unit Price
I..F.lrA '1;16'''' ...,u.", "''''C ~i tItf.f""f 1! Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 24 22nd April, 2008 ... . page 4056
""J litu 'f."
1~ V.i'S.:l1

I.~ 2. Definitions
In this Proclamation:
(JU.U h'P~ OJ'{)T

~I 1'1..1:'}ft. " "'1/\ :,. fT t. ,e it ;J' ,e,I, 'Ii'} e; 1/ "Agency" means the Privatization and Publi«
fOO'}"lp':"fA"'I:" f:C~"'":(' ~cf."I"lt Enterpris~s Supervising Agency;
1..1:'}ft. ~oJ' r

~I " (aOJ' " "'1/\''''' f.,. 4.Tc- (aOJ' (JJ,e,. (J,n "I 2/ "Person" means a nat~ral or juridical person.
f(aOJ'~:" 00'0:" f.,.(amw' httA ~oJo::

r. 3. P ion

hh'P~ OJ.61.b f"'(JJ(a~. '}'Ol.,.":("} ~".,{)oo/\{) Claims qf restitutions to be submitted to the

(Jh'P~ -hTC AfI/n!fil'~ oP,pl:" /\1..1:'} Agency p*suant to Proclamation No. 110/1995
ft.OJ' f"t+CO- hl1'I:;J'P'''''-' ,eU htp~ f,1~e; shall be barred by a period of limitation at the
(I..,.. ""} expiry of three months after the effective dat~ of
~:9°C' h"{):" OJC a:\1\ o,eC;J
,e;J'1~/\.:: this Proclamation.

Q. fla. 1 tJJe pA"l1'i "'"lI1C 4. Powers and Duties of the A~enev

. :

The Agency shall have the ppwers and duties to:

1..1:'}ft.OJ' f"th'''/\,,}- p'AaJ'}e; .,.;'l1c-:'(,.

\.m~ 1/ review Jiestitution cases hal1tiled pursuant to

~.°1 (J" T JI:.--I:mc ,,,... / Hivii'7,'
.-. . bv''' 'f- f ;J 'r.
n .~ OO'Pl.."l.. Proclamation No. 110/1995 and decide on the
~~~~1 h1~1e; h"lC'" a~ I)A~~ repossession of public properties taken by
aJy,,. (llh(a.,.~: "'I{)l7{P'":(' I\y, .,.oop' claimants through unlawful restitutions J>ased
(:--f .r t\h"ll).n t\hOOA tl¥""-' f,,,oo/\(a. on insufficient or false evidenc~s;
'}.nl'Y':}""} (JJ~oo'}"/p':" h'}.ltoo/\(a.

II hh'P~ f.t(JJ(a~. '}'Ol.,.""'.,} /\"711 2/ dispose all restitution claims pending before
oo/\{) r+lO-t\:"'} hl1'I:;J'''":(' (J'/\,. it;
00 c:,. e: he; OJ{)~ f"'l (n e;.,.:,. r
3/ coordinate its functions with the Police Force
j:1 f htnt.I'lt (a~1'.":("} ..,.hh/\ ~~,.,. (J"'I"lt. in examining the veracity of doubtful
..,..e; fOO'}"1 p,..,.. '}.nl.y, ""'.') Oil." 11'}+~
, documents and in repossessing public
'}o.{) h'}-"",' IAI OD'~'l')' 'l,}~1C; O"'l{) properties under Sub-Article( 1) of this
oot\{) l1.f: h7't\.{) ,'JC "'"'li)!o''' Article.

foP P' t..).::

t. .f/\11 "11111 ()/\.,.oo /\(). 111l+ 'f 5. Propelities Invol,vin~ U~Ia,wful Restitutions

AI .r/\l,"/I)'O h'}Jloo/\{) f"'~l' f,OO~ t.r 1/ In case of unlawful restitution involving a

aJ,eIJD {-'.f.'C~''''I1'''''I residential or busine$s house;

a) the house shall be returned back to public

01 (Jl,tIA {-'''t 1~h~~ /\V'{):,.~: aJ")
(J' (JOJ.c:{)r O{){n;J' aJ,e,. ownership wher~ it physically exists,
(Ji\.1\ IJ.),:J. f.f'I\/\4. {l~'}" h '}b. irrespective of the fact that it has been
oo,}.., p,...,.. transferred to a third party by way of sale,
aJ~ Y,lf;J'~~'" h '}Jloo/\II
inheritance, donation or otherwise;
f,F.l:JA 1
1..,./..11. ~.~/.'1- :J/I,n/ "''J'e: X!i "'I,"'" :!!i Federal Negaril Gazela No. 24 22"d April. 2008 .., . page 4057
1A" p.lf.Y~ ""J lito 'U"

1\/ ~.C(a 1l;J'm. I\h.~fa °J'}I];J' aJ.l\o tnr~ b) the value of the house and the lease value of
the land /shall be paid to the relevant
f ~.l()m' (1...,.. "?, ,..e; fll;J'"aJ' f l\. 11
tp.? l\"tool\h-taJ' fOO')"?p'~ hl)A
governmem body where- the house is
demolished and the land is utilized for a new
"')~h~.A ~F..l,?Au construction.

1/ ,Pl\h"?I]'fl ~')~ool\fa f-t~l" f') "?1: 21 In case of unlawful restitution involving an

I:C~'''''I enterprise:

11/ nh 1)/.\ f"t.,~ tnr~ 1\V'fa""r,: tp"') a) the enterprise shall be returned back to public
n'n J'III'"T nOJ'Cfa T Ofa'f):J' tp~'" . ownership where it physically exists,
ot\.~ ,,').;J' ..f'''~I\~.')W"')b. irrespective of the fact that it has been
(J)~ OO')"?01"'"''''~II:J'''''''' "ir~ool\fa transferred to a third party by way of sale,
~~l:JA T inheritance. donation or otherwise;

1\/ f'''''.? a)~'" l\.~(IltIlA 00lJ~ 1'A b) the value of the assets registered at the time of
.,.).;J' ht\.~ ')'fll~ :JC f-t~~~1\ restitution, including interest thereon, shall be
har~ OchhO, (J)~""" f~Olm' '),fl paid to the government where the enterprise
l~ ..,, ,.. h~o)I\.4. 1\00')"?p'~ has been dissolved or inseparably
amalgamated with other assets.
"')~h~.A ~~l,?A::

'1/ Oil," h')eNt ')O.fa h')~'"

I. 1/1\/ OOJ~'l''''' 31 the interest to be paid pursuant to Sub-Article 2(b)
f"th~.l\aJ' 0)1\1: f"t;J'()Om. Y:C~'I: of this Article shall be calculated starting from the
,pl\h"'I],n h-tool\()O,"" ~') 1.,..c:e; date of the unlawful restitution and on the basis of
(JI)')h fOlJO~t,P (J)I\.~' -too') OOlPl~ bank lending interest rates.

I. J'AA.,q ' l+ fa~faooA,,"t'lsP'f 6. Persons who haveUnlawfuliv Repossessed

('II.., htp~ h')~'" ?; 1.:'),?~sP1' "')~'J-tnOch Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 5 of this
ar~aJ.T f,h()''''' OIJfal1{ OOlJ:"l,n ')'nl~ Proclamation,anypersonwhohas unlawfullyrepossessed'
upon presentation of false evidence or any accomplice
1',faOO/.\(af.,..,'f w~'" f J'.'C'I.": ""l)l]t far~ thereof or anyone who has facilitated or decided on
O)~,.. .pl\h"?I),n ')'fll~ 1.')~OOl\fa ,Pfa~l" unlawful restitution shall:
"e; f (l)() ~ ()aJ' I

~/ f(l)')1.A hI! "')-'tOOlPl"""O''''' ~~l:JA T II be subjected to crimin~1 proceedings;

1/ Ow')~I\, hfa 'I'4-.-t~ arc; f\ .,~,.. hw')

1.1\. :"flJT O-t{.lJ,OIJt OO')"?P'T J'''~ f~ 2/ upon conviction, be made liable to pay compens-
Olm") 'I'~'" OOlJflJ": f,,..4T I)..., "')~ ation for the loss of income sustained by the
government in addition to the criminal penalty.
h~A ~~l,?Au

I. fOD1:!l{IC'"~:Jw 7. Dutv to cooperate

A/ 7"I\.fI (J()~p.~'.,)"""hhl\r,:~..,.OOlJl:J"'I'e;
foo')"? ph"" '}'fll.y.1"} "') ~.,e; 1\000faoo II The Police Force shall have the duty to provide the
assistance r~quired in ascertaining the veracity of
I\fa f'''()m. m'''').sP1''} OOlJfa~.K'" l.,y: documents and in the enforcement of decisions to
OIl.U htp~ h')~'" 1i/1:/ oo,pl~ f"tmf repossess public properties pursuant to the
~OJ.') hfa~.~'I. ,~"..?~ fooflm~ "?Y..;J" provisions of Article 4(3) of this Proclamation.

1/ OIJc;:faJ'''' ()m. I\".u htp~ h~.'CK'" 21 Any person shall have the duty to cooperate in the
foo-tI)OC "?Y..;J' hl\O~u implementation of this Proclamation.

.,~ mr.~;.; ~.'.I..A 'I:J/.'')-.'J/I,n, "''I'e ~~!i"'.,.", l!i ""J Mitu ,.~' Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 24 22nd April. 2008 page 4058

,. :,. III :,. 8. Penaltv

Any person who hampers the implementation of

.eu h'P~ I1P'&' ~.e "'}~.ea)'A .f()C;hj\ this Proclamation or violates its provisions shall f II.U'} h 'P~ I."} ,"J~SDi. f ,,..~j\.(. be subject to criminal penalty in .accordance with
II'/'}~a)'r ()aJ' h"?fJ'() fJj\aJ. ih"? ODIP/':'"
the relevant law.
I1w'}J:A .e+~"A::

i1.~ 9. Effective Date

.eu h'P~ 11.(..J!..t.A ~,"Jt:'" ,?lI.fIJ ;1""''''' This Proclamation shall enter into force up on
hw~"I1:'" +'} J:r(~ fOe; .eI1'C;Au Publicatio':1in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 2~lnd day of Apri~ 2008

It hflll "'I.J'1IJ' III +, litu '.9"


f'A.:"r-* J' d..t'.t.~! -\ 'l"'! PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL


i1C'I')c; ""~ "+«7.1 f:C1:.:" I


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